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Oct 20 2014, 12:49 PM
983 B
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Phabricator projects are like tags, milestones, and components all rolled into one. It’s sort of like a Unix ‘everything is a file’ deal. Each project has it’s own card based workboard. Workboard states are light-weight ad-hoc things (like trello) as opposed to being tied directly to ticket states (like tracboard). There are a few common workflows for teams:
* [kanban] Everything in one project. Just put everything in one big project. Use a backlog column for the backlog and other columns as needed.
* [scrum] One project for backlog, and one of the current sprint. Move tickets to ‘current’ during sprint planning and then work on them. Multiple board states might be used (waiting on info, dong, ready_for_review) to capture intermediary steps.
* [scrum] One project for the backlog, and one for each sprint. This is somewhat more bookkeeping but retains more historical information and allows sprint X+1 planning to being while X is still in progres

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sample_workflows (983 B)

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