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diff --git a/src/__phutil_library_map__.php b/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
--- a/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
+++ b/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
@@ -566,6 +566,7 @@
'DoorkeeperRemarkupRuleJIRA' => 'applications/doorkeeper/remarkup/DoorkeeperRemarkupRuleJIRA.php',
'DoorkeeperTagView' => 'applications/doorkeeper/view/DoorkeeperTagView.php',
'DoorkeeperTagsController' => 'applications/doorkeeper/controller/DoorkeeperTagsController.php',
+ 'DrydockAllocationContext' => 'applications/drydock/util/DrydockAllocationContext.php',
'DrydockAllocatorWorker' => 'applications/drydock/worker/DrydockAllocatorWorker.php',
'DrydockApacheWebrootInterface' => 'applications/drydock/interface/webroot/DrydockApacheWebrootInterface.php',
'DrydockBlueprint' => 'applications/drydock/storage/DrydockBlueprint.php',
@@ -616,6 +617,7 @@
'DrydockManagementLeaseWorkflow' => 'applications/drydock/management/DrydockManagementLeaseWorkflow.php',
'DrydockManagementReleaseWorkflow' => 'applications/drydock/management/DrydockManagementReleaseWorkflow.php',
'DrydockManagementWorkflow' => 'applications/drydock/management/DrydockManagementWorkflow.php',
+ 'DrydockMinMaxTestBlueprintImplementation' => 'applications/drydock/blueprint/DrydockMinMaxTestBlueprintImplementation.php',
'DrydockPreallocatedHostBlueprintImplementation' => 'applications/drydock/blueprint/DrydockPreallocatedHostBlueprintImplementation.php',
'DrydockQuery' => 'applications/drydock/query/DrydockQuery.php',
'DrydockResource' => 'applications/drydock/storage/DrydockResource.php',
@@ -3311,6 +3313,7 @@
'DoorkeeperRemarkupRuleJIRA' => 'DoorkeeperRemarkupRule',
'DoorkeeperTagView' => 'AphrontView',
'DoorkeeperTagsController' => 'PhabricatorController',
+ 'DrydockAllocationContext' => 'Phobject',
'DrydockAllocatorWorker' => 'PhabricatorWorker',
'DrydockApacheWebrootInterface' => 'DrydockWebrootInterface',
'DrydockBlueprint' => array(
@@ -3370,6 +3373,7 @@
'DrydockManagementLeaseWorkflow' => 'DrydockManagementWorkflow',
'DrydockManagementReleaseWorkflow' => 'DrydockManagementWorkflow',
'DrydockManagementWorkflow' => 'PhabricatorManagementWorkflow',
+ 'DrydockMinMaxTestBlueprintImplementation' => 'DrydockBlueprintImplementation',
'DrydockPreallocatedHostBlueprintImplementation' => 'DrydockBlueprintImplementation',
'DrydockQuery' => 'PhabricatorCursorPagedPolicyAwareQuery',
'DrydockResource' => array(
diff --git a/src/applications/drydock/blueprint/DrydockBlueprintImplementation.php b/src/applications/drydock/blueprint/DrydockBlueprintImplementation.php
--- a/src/applications/drydock/blueprint/DrydockBlueprintImplementation.php
+++ b/src/applications/drydock/blueprint/DrydockBlueprintImplementation.php
@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@
abstract public function isEnabled();
+ public function isTest() {
+ return false;
+ }
abstract public function getBlueprintName();
abstract public function getDescription();
@@ -42,7 +46,7 @@
return $lease;
- protected function getInstance() {
+ public function getInstance() {
if (!$this->instance) {
throw new Exception(
'Attach the blueprint instance to the implementation.');
@@ -127,6 +131,11 @@
$allocated = false;
$allocation_exception = null;
+ $context = new DrydockAllocationContext(
+ $this->getInstance(),
+ $resource,
+ $lease);
@@ -142,9 +151,9 @@
try {
$allocated = $this->shouldAllocateLease(
+ $context,
- $ephemeral_lease,
- $other_leases);
+ $ephemeral_lease);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$allocation_exception = $ex;
@@ -197,19 +206,15 @@
* better implemented in @{method:canAllocateLease}, which serves as a
* cheap filter before lock acquisition.
+ * @param DrydockAllocationContext Relevant contextual information.
* @param DrydockResource Candidate resource to allocate the lease on.
* @param DrydockLease Pending lease that wants to allocate here.
- * @param list<DrydockLease> Other allocated and acquired leases on the
- * resource. The implementation can inspect them
- * to verify it can safely add the new lease.
- * @return bool True to allocate the lease on the resource;
- * false to reject it.
* @task lease
abstract protected function shouldAllocateLease(
+ DrydockAllocationContext $context,
DrydockResource $resource,
- DrydockLease $lease,
- array $other_leases);
+ DrydockLease $lease);
@@ -265,10 +270,25 @@
DrydockLease $lease);
+ /**
+ * Release an allocated lease, performing any desired cleanup.
+ *
+ * After this method executes, the lease status is moved to `RELEASED`.
+ *
+ * If release fails, throw an exception.
+ *
+ * @param DrydockResource Resource to release the lease from.
+ * @param DrydockLease Lease to release.
+ * @return void
+ */
+ abstract protected function executeReleaseLease(
+ DrydockResource $resource,
+ DrydockLease $lease);
final public function releaseLease(
DrydockResource $resource,
- DrydockLease $lease) {
+ DrydockLease $lease,
+ $caused_by_closing_resource = false) {
$scope = $this->pushActiveScope(null, $lease);
$released = false;
@@ -278,6 +298,9 @@
if ($lease->getStatus() == DrydockLeaseStatus::STATUS_ACTIVE) {
+ $this->executeReleaseLease($resource, $lease);
$released = true;
@@ -290,6 +313,24 @@
throw new Exception('Unable to release lease: lease not active!');
+ if (!$caused_by_closing_resource) {
+ // Check to see if the resource has no more leases, and if so, ask the
+ // blueprint as to whether this resource should be closed.
+ $context = new DrydockAllocationContext(
+ $this->getInstance(),
+ $resource,
+ $lease);
+ if ($context->getCurrentResourceLeaseCount() === 0) {
+ if ($this->shouldCloseUnleasedResource($context, $resource)) {
+ DrydockBlueprintImplementation::writeLog(
+ $resource,
+ null,
+ pht('Closing resource because it has no more active leases'));
+ $this->closeResource($resource);
+ }
+ }
+ }
@@ -301,10 +342,79 @@
return true;
- abstract protected function executeAllocateResource(DrydockLease $lease);
+ abstract protected function executeAllocateResource(
+ DrydockResource $resource,
+ DrydockLease $lease);
+ /**
+ * Closes a previously allocated resource, performing any desired
+ * cleanup.
+ *
+ * After this method executes, the release status is moved to `CLOSED`.
+ *
+ * If release fails, throw an exception.
+ *
+ * @param DrydockResource Resource to close.
+ * @return void
+ */
+ abstract protected function executeCloseResource(
+ DrydockResource $resource);
+ /**
+ * Return whether or not a resource that now has no leases on it
+ * should be automatically closed.
+ *
+ * @param DrydockAllocationContext Relevant contextual information.
+ * @param DrydockResource The resource that has no more leases on it.
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ abstract protected function shouldCloseUnleasedResource(
+ DrydockAllocationContext $context,
+ DrydockResource $resource);
+ final public function closeResource(DrydockResource $resource) {
+ $resource->openTransaction();
+ $resource->setStatus(DrydockResourceStatus::STATUS_CLOSING);
+ $resource->save();
+ $statuses = array(
+ DrydockLeaseStatus::STATUS_PENDING,
+ DrydockLeaseStatus::STATUS_ACTIVE,
+ );
+ $leases = id(new DrydockLeaseQuery())
+ ->setViewer(PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser())
+ ->withResourceIDs(array($resource->getID()))
+ ->withStatuses($statuses)
+ ->execute();
+ foreach ($leases as $lease) {
+ switch ($lease->getStatus()) {
+ case DrydockLeaseStatus::STATUS_PENDING:
+ $message = pht('Breaking pending lease (resource closing).');;
+ $lease->setStatus(DrydockLeaseStatus::STATUS_BROKEN);
+ break;
+ case DrydockLeaseStatus::STATUS_ACTIVE:
+ $message = pht('Releasing active lease (resource closing).');
+ $this->releaseLease($resource, $lease, true);
+ $lease->setStatus(DrydockLeaseStatus::STATUS_RELEASED);
+ break;
+ }
+ DrydockBlueprintImplementation::writeLog($resource, $lease, $message);
+ $lease->save();
+ }
+ $this->executeCloseResource($resource);
+ $resource->setStatus(DrydockResourceStatus::STATUS_CLOSED);
+ $resource->save();
+ $resource->saveTransaction();
+ }
+ final public function allocateResource(
+ DrydockResource $resource,
+ DrydockLease $lease) {
- final public function allocateResource(DrydockLease $lease) {
$scope = $this->pushActiveScope(null, $lease);
@@ -314,7 +424,7 @@
try {
- $resource = $this->executeAllocateResource($lease);
+ $this->executeAllocateResource($resource, $lease);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
@@ -401,25 +511,6 @@
return idx(self::getAllBlueprintImplementations(), $class);
- protected function newResourceTemplate($name) {
- $resource = id(new DrydockResource())
- ->setBlueprintPHID($this->getInstance()->getPHID())
- ->setBlueprintClass($this->getBlueprintClass())
- ->setType($this->getType())
- ->setStatus(DrydockResourceStatus::STATUS_PENDING)
- ->setName($name)
- ->save();
- $this->activeResource = $resource;
- $this->log(
- pht(
- "Blueprint '%s': Created New Template",
- $this->getBlueprintClass()));
- return $resource;
- }
* Sanity checks that the blueprint is implemented properly.
diff --git a/src/applications/drydock/blueprint/DrydockMinMaxTestBlueprintImplementation.php b/src/applications/drydock/blueprint/DrydockMinMaxTestBlueprintImplementation.php
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/applications/drydock/blueprint/DrydockMinMaxTestBlueprintImplementation.php
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+final class DrydockMinMaxTestBlueprintImplementation
+ extends DrydockBlueprintImplementation {
+ public function isEnabled() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function isTest() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function getBlueprintName() {
+ return pht('Min / Max Count Test');
+ }
+ public function getDescription() {
+ return pht('Used to test min / max counts.');
+ }
+ public function canAllocateMoreResources(array $pool) {
+ $max_count = $this->getDetail('max-count');
+ return count($pool) < $max_count;
+ }
+ protected function executeAllocateResource(
+ DrydockResource $resource,
+ DrydockLease $lease) {
+ $path = '/srv/alloctest/'.$resource->getID();
+ $resource
+ ->setName($path)
+ ->setStatus(DrydockResourceStatus::STATUS_PENDING)
+ ->setAttributes(array(
+ 'path' => $path))
+ ->save();
+ mkdir($path);
+ sleep(10);
+ $resource->setStatus(DrydockResourceStatus::STATUS_OPEN);
+ $resource->save();
+ }
+ protected function canAllocateLease(
+ DrydockResource $resource,
+ DrydockLease $lease) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ protected function shouldAllocateLease(
+ DrydockAllocationContext $context,
+ DrydockResource $resource,
+ DrydockLease $lease) {
+ // If the current resource can allocate a lease, allow it.
+ if ($context->getCurrentResourceLeaseCount() <
+ $this->getDetail('leases-per-resource')) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // We don't have enough room under the `leases-per-instance` limit, but
+ // this limit can be bypassed if we've allocated all of the resources
+ // we allow.
+ $open_count = $context->getBlueprintOpenResourceCount();
+ if ($open_count < $this->getDetail('max-count')) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Find the resource that has the least leases.
+ $all_lease_counts_grouped = $context->getResourceLeaseCounts();
+ $minimum_lease_count = $all_lease_counts_grouped[$resource->getID()];
+ $minimum_lease_resource_id = $resource->getID();
+ foreach ($all_lease_counts_grouped as $resource_id => $lease_count) {
+ if ($minimum_lease_count > $lease_count) {
+ $minimum_lease_count = $lease_count;
+ $minimum_lease_resource_id = $resource_id;
+ }
+ }
+ // If we are that resource, then allow it, otherwise let the other
+ // less-leased resource run through this logic and allocate the lease.
+ return $minimum_lease_resource_id === $resource->getID();
+ }
+ protected function executeAcquireLease(
+ DrydockResource $resource,
+ DrydockLease $lease) {
+ while ($resource->getStatus() == DrydockResourceStatus::STATUS_PENDING) {
+ // This resource is still being set up by another allocator, wait until
+ // it is set to open.
+ sleep(5);
+ $resource->reload();
+ }
+ $path = $resource->getAttribute('path').'/'.$lease->getID();
+ mkdir($path);
+ sleep(10);
+ $lease->setAttribute('path', $path);
+ }
+ public function getType() {
+ return 'storage';
+ }
+ public function getInterface(
+ DrydockResource $resource,
+ DrydockLease $lease,
+ $type) {
+ throw new Exception("No interface of type '{$type}'.");
+ }
+ protected function executeReleaseLease(
+ DrydockResource $resource,
+ DrydockLease $lease) {
+ execx('rm -R %s', $lease->getAttribute('path'));
+ }
+ protected function shouldCloseUnleasedResource(
+ DrydockAllocationContext $context,
+ DrydockResource $resource) {
+ return $context->getBlueprintOpenResourceCount() >
+ $this->getDetail('min-count');
+ }
+ protected function executeCloseResource(DrydockResource $resource) {
+ execx('rm -R %s', $resource->getAttribute('path'));
+ }
+ public function getFieldSpecifications() {
+ return array(
+ 'min-count' => array(
+ 'name' => pht('Minimum Resources'),
+ 'type' => 'int',
+ 'required' => true,
+ 'caption' => pht(
+ 'The minimum number of resources to keep open in '.
+ 'this pool at all times.')
+ ),
+ 'max-count' => array(
+ 'name' => pht('Maximum Resources'),
+ 'type' => 'int',
+ 'caption' => pht(
+ 'The maximum number of resources to allow open at any time. '.
+ 'If the number of resources currently open are equal to '.
+ '`max-count` and another lease is requested, Drydock will place '.
+ 'leases on existing resources and thus exceeding '.
+ '`leases-per-resource`. If this parameter is left blank, then '.
+ 'this blueprint has no limit on the number of resources it '.
+ 'can allocate.')
+ ),
+ 'leases-per-resource' => array(
+ 'name' => pht('Maximum Leases Per Resource'),
+ 'type' => 'int',
+ 'required' => true,
+ 'caption' => pht(
+ 'The soft limit on the number of leases to allocate to an '.
+ 'individual resource in the pool. Drydock will choose the '.
+ 'resource with the lowest number of leases when selecting a '.
+ 'resource to lease on. If all current resources have '.
+ '`leases-per-resource` leases on them, then Drydock will allocate '.
+ 'another resource providing `max-count` would not be exceeded.'.
+ ' If `max-count` would be exceeded, Drydock will instead '.
+ 'overallocate the lease to an existing resource and '.
+ 'exceed the limit specified here.')
+ ),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/src/applications/drydock/blueprint/DrydockPreallocatedHostBlueprintImplementation.php b/src/applications/drydock/blueprint/DrydockPreallocatedHostBlueprintImplementation.php
--- a/src/applications/drydock/blueprint/DrydockPreallocatedHostBlueprintImplementation.php
+++ b/src/applications/drydock/blueprint/DrydockPreallocatedHostBlueprintImplementation.php
@@ -19,7 +19,10 @@
return false;
- protected function executeAllocateResource(DrydockLease $lease) {
+ protected function executeAllocateResource(
+ DrydockResource $resource,
+ DrydockLease $lease) {
throw new Exception("Preallocated hosts can't be dynamically allocated.");
@@ -31,9 +34,9 @@
protected function shouldAllocateLease(
+ DrydockAllocationContext $context,
DrydockResource $resource,
- DrydockLease $lease,
- array $other_leases) {
+ DrydockLease $lease) {
return true;
@@ -120,4 +123,22 @@
throw new Exception("No interface of type '{$type}'.");
+ protected function executeReleaseLease(
+ DrydockResource $resource,
+ DrydockLease $lease) {
+ // TODO: Remove leased directory
+ }
+ protected function shouldCloseUnleasedResource(
+ DrydockAllocationContext $context,
+ DrydockResource $resource) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ protected function executeCloseResource(DrydockResource $resource) {
+ }
diff --git a/src/applications/drydock/blueprint/DrydockWorkingCopyBlueprintImplementation.php b/src/applications/drydock/blueprint/DrydockWorkingCopyBlueprintImplementation.php
--- a/src/applications/drydock/blueprint/DrydockWorkingCopyBlueprintImplementation.php
+++ b/src/applications/drydock/blueprint/DrydockWorkingCopyBlueprintImplementation.php
@@ -26,14 +26,17 @@
protected function shouldAllocateLease(
+ DrydockAllocationContext $context,
DrydockResource $resource,
- DrydockLease $lease,
- array $other_leases) {
+ DrydockLease $lease) {
- return !$other_leases;
+ return $context->getCurrentResourceLeaseCount() === 0;
- protected function executeAllocateResource(DrydockLease $lease) {
+ protected function executeAllocateResource(
+ DrydockResource $resource,
+ DrydockLease $lease) {
$repository_id = $lease->getAttribute('repositoryID');
if (!$repository_id) {
throw new Exception(
@@ -74,13 +77,13 @@
- $resource = $this->newResourceTemplate(
- 'Working Copy ('.$repository->getCallsign().')');
- $resource->setStatus(DrydockResourceStatus::STATUS_OPEN);
- $resource->setAttribute('', $host_lease->getID());
- $resource->setAttribute('path', $path);
- $resource->setAttribute('repositoryID', $repository->getID());
- $resource->save();
+ $resource
+ ->setName('Working Copy ('.$repository->getCallsign().')')
+ ->setStatus(DrydockResourceStatus::STATUS_OPEN)
+ ->setAttribute('', $host_lease->getID())
+ ->setAttribute('path', $path)
+ ->setAttribute('repositoryID', $repository->getID())
+ ->save();
return $resource;
@@ -110,4 +113,20 @@
throw new Exception("No interface of type '{$type}'.");
+ protected function executeReleaseLease(
+ DrydockResource $resource,
+ DrydockLease $lease) {
+ }
+ protected function shouldCloseUnleasedResource(
+ DrydockAllocationContext $context,
+ DrydockResource $resource) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ protected function executeCloseResource(DrydockResource $resource) {
+ // TODO: Remove leased directory
+ }
diff --git a/src/applications/drydock/constants/DrydockResourceStatus.php b/src/applications/drydock/constants/DrydockResourceStatus.php
--- a/src/applications/drydock/constants/DrydockResourceStatus.php
+++ b/src/applications/drydock/constants/DrydockResourceStatus.php
@@ -7,12 +7,16 @@
const STATUS_CLOSED = 2;
const STATUS_BROKEN = 3;
+ const STATUS_CLOSING = 5;
public static function getNameForStatus($status) {
$map = array(
self::STATUS_PENDING => pht('Pending'),
+ self::STATUS_ALLOCATING => pht('Allocating'),
self::STATUS_OPEN => pht('Open'),
self::STATUS_CLOSED => pht('Closed'),
+ self::STATUS_CLOSING => pht('Closing'),
self::STATUS_BROKEN => pht('Broken'),
self::STATUS_DESTROYED => pht('Destroyed'),
@@ -23,8 +27,10 @@
public static function getAllStatuses() {
return array(
diff --git a/src/applications/drydock/controller/DrydockBlueprintCreateController.php b/src/applications/drydock/controller/DrydockBlueprintCreateController.php
--- a/src/applications/drydock/controller/DrydockBlueprintCreateController.php
+++ b/src/applications/drydock/controller/DrydockBlueprintCreateController.php
@@ -35,6 +35,11 @@
foreach ($implementations as $implementation_name => $implementation) {
+ if ($implementation->isTest()) {
+ // Never show testing blueprints in the interface.
+ continue;
+ }
$disabled = !$implementation->isEnabled();
diff --git a/src/applications/drydock/storage/DrydockResource.php b/src/applications/drydock/storage/DrydockResource.php
--- a/src/applications/drydock/storage/DrydockResource.php
+++ b/src/applications/drydock/storage/DrydockResource.php
@@ -62,36 +62,8 @@
public function closeResource() {
- $this->openTransaction();
- $statuses = array(
- DrydockLeaseStatus::STATUS_PENDING,
- DrydockLeaseStatus::STATUS_ACTIVE,
- );
- $leases = id(new DrydockLeaseQuery())
- ->setViewer(PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser())
- ->withResourceIDs(array($this->getID()))
- ->withStatuses($statuses)
- ->execute();
- foreach ($leases as $lease) {
- switch ($lease->getStatus()) {
- case DrydockLeaseStatus::STATUS_PENDING:
- $message = pht('Breaking pending lease (resource closing).');
- $lease->setStatus(DrydockLeaseStatus::STATUS_BROKEN);
- break;
- case DrydockLeaseStatus::STATUS_ACTIVE:
- $message = pht('Releasing active lease (resource closing).');
- $lease->setStatus(DrydockLeaseStatus::STATUS_RELEASED);
- break;
- }
- DrydockBlueprintImplementation::writeLog($this, $lease, $message);
- $lease->save();
- }
- $this->setStatus(DrydockResourceStatus::STATUS_CLOSED);
- $this->save();
- $this->saveTransaction();
+ $blueprint = $this->getBlueprint();
+ $blueprint->closeResource($this);
diff --git a/src/applications/drydock/util/DrydockAllocationContext.php b/src/applications/drydock/util/DrydockAllocationContext.php
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/applications/drydock/util/DrydockAllocationContext.php
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+final class DrydockAllocationContext extends Phobject {
+ private $blueprintOpenResourceCount;
+ private $resourceLeaseCounts;
+ private $currentResourceLeaseCount;
+ public function __construct(
+ DrydockBlueprint $blueprint,
+ DrydockResource $resource = null,
+ DrydockLease $lease = null) {
+ $table_blueprint = $blueprint->getTableName();
+ $table_resource = id(new DrydockResource())->getTableName();
+ $table_lease = id(new DrydockLease())->getTableName();
+ $conn = $blueprint->establishConnection('r');
+ $result = queryfx_one(
+ $conn,
+ 'SELECT COUNT(id) AS count '.
+ 'FROM %T '.
+ 'WHERE blueprintPHID = %s '.
+ 'AND status IN (%Ld)',
+ $table_resource,
+ $blueprint->getPHID(),
+ array(
+ DrydockResourceStatus::STATUS_PENDING,
+ DrydockResourceStatus::STATUS_OPEN,
+ DrydockResourceStatus::STATUS_ALLOCATING));
+ $this->setBlueprintOpenResourceCount($result['count']);
+ $results = queryfx_all(
+ $conn,
+ 'SELECT '.
+ ' AS resourceID, '.
+ ' COUNT( AS leaseCount '.
+ 'FROM %T AS resource '.
+ 'LEFT JOIN %T AS lease '.
+ ' ON lease.resourceID = '.
+ 'WHERE resource.blueprintPHID = %s '.
+ 'AND resource.status IN (%Ld) '.
+ 'AND lease.status IN (%Ld) ',
+ $table_resource,
+ $table_lease,
+ $blueprint->getPHID(),
+ array(
+ DrydockResourceStatus::STATUS_PENDING,
+ DrydockResourceStatus::STATUS_OPEN,
+ DrydockResourceStatus::STATUS_ALLOCATING),
+ array(
+ DrydockLeaseStatus::STATUS_PENDING,
+ DrydockLeaseStatus::STATUS_ACQUIRING,
+ DrydockLeaseStatus::STATUS_ACTIVE));
+ $results = ipull($results, 'leaseCount', 'resourceID');
+ $this->setResourceLeaseCounts($results);
+ if ($resource !== null) {
+ $this->setCurrentResourceLeaseCount(idx($results, $resource->getID(), 0));
+ }
+ // $lease is not yet used, but it's passed in so we can add additional
+ // contextual statistics later.
+ }
+ public function setBlueprintOpenResourceCount($blueprint_resource_count) {
+ $this->blueprintOpenResourceCount = $blueprint_resource_count;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ public function getBlueprintOpenResourceCount() {
+ return $this->blueprintOpenResourceCount;
+ }
+ public function setResourceLeaseCounts($resource_lease_counts) {
+ $this->resourceLeaseCounts = $resource_lease_counts;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ public function getResourceLeaseCounts() {
+ return $this->resourceLeaseCounts;
+ }
+ public function setCurrentResourceLeaseCount($resource_lease_counts) {
+ $this->currentResourceLeaseCount = $resource_lease_counts;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ public function getCurrentResourceLeaseCount() {
+ return $this->currentResourceLeaseCount;
+ }
diff --git a/src/applications/drydock/view/DrydockResourceListView.php b/src/applications/drydock/view/DrydockResourceListView.php
--- a/src/applications/drydock/view/DrydockResourceListView.php
+++ b/src/applications/drydock/view/DrydockResourceListView.php
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
switch ($resource->getStatus()) {
+ case DrydockResourceStatus::STATUS_ALLOCATING:
case DrydockResourceStatus::STATUS_PENDING:
diff --git a/src/applications/drydock/worker/DrydockAllocatorWorker.php b/src/applications/drydock/worker/DrydockAllocatorWorker.php
--- a/src/applications/drydock/worker/DrydockAllocatorWorker.php
+++ b/src/applications/drydock/worker/DrydockAllocatorWorker.php
@@ -112,48 +112,133 @@
if (!$resource) {
- $blueprints = DrydockBlueprintImplementation
- ::getAllBlueprintImplementationsForResource($type);
+ // Attempt to use pending resources if we can.
+ $pool = id(new DrydockResource())->loadAllWhere(
+ 'type = %s AND status = %s',
+ $lease->getResourceType(),
+ DrydockResourceStatus::STATUS_PENDING);
- pht('Found %d Blueprints', count($blueprints)));
+ pht('Found %d Pending Resource(s)', count($pool)));
- foreach ($blueprints as $key => $candidate_blueprint) {
- if (!$candidate_blueprint->isEnabled()) {
- unset($blueprints[$key]);
+ $candidates = array();
+ foreach ($pool as $key => $candidate) {
+ if (!isset($blueprints[$candidate->getBlueprintPHID()])) {
+ unset($pool[$key]);
+ $blueprint = $blueprints[$candidate->getBlueprintPHID()];
+ $implementation = $blueprint->getImplementation();
+ if ($implementation->filterResource($candidate, $lease)) {
+ $candidates[] = $candidate;
+ }
- pht('%d Blueprints Enabled', count($blueprints)));
+ pht('%d Pending Resource(s) Remain',
+ count($candidates)));
+ $resource = null;
+ if ($candidates) {
+ shuffle($candidates);
+ foreach ($candidates as $candidate_resource) {
+ $blueprint = $blueprints[$candidate_resource->getBlueprintPHID()]
+ ->getImplementation();
+ if ($blueprint->allocateLease($candidate_resource, $lease)) {
+ $resource = $candidate_resource;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$resource) {
+ $blueprints = id(new DrydockBlueprintQuery())
+ ->setViewer(PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser())
+ ->execute();
+ $blueprints = mpull($blueprints, 'getImplementation', 'getPHID');
+ $this->logToDrydock(
+ pht('Found %d Blueprints', count($blueprints)));
foreach ($blueprints as $key => $candidate_blueprint) {
- if (!$candidate_blueprint->canAllocateMoreResources($pool)) {
+ if (!$candidate_blueprint->isEnabled()) {
- pht('%d Blueprints Can Allocate', count($blueprints)));
+ pht('%d Blueprints Enabled', count($blueprints)));
- if (!$blueprints) {
- $lease->setStatus(DrydockLeaseStatus::STATUS_BROKEN);
- $lease->save();
+ $lock = PhabricatorGlobalLock::newLock('drydockallocation');
+ $lock->lock(10000);
+ $resources_per_blueprint = id(new DrydockResourceQuery())
+ ->setViewer(PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser())
+ ->withStatuses(array(
+ DrydockResourceStatus::STATUS_PENDING,
+ DrydockResourceStatus::STATUS_OPEN,
+ DrydockResourceStatus::STATUS_ALLOCATING))
+ ->execute();
+ $resources_per_blueprint = mgroup(
+ $resources_per_blueprint,
+ 'getBlueprintPHID');
+ try {
+ foreach ($blueprints as $key => $candidate_blueprint) {
+ $rpool = idx($resources_per_blueprint, $key, array());
+ if (!$candidate_blueprint->canAllocateMoreResources($rpool)) {
+ unset($blueprints[$key]);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
- "There are no resources of type '{$type}' available, and no ".
- "blueprints which can allocate new ones.");
+ pht('%d Blueprints Can Allocate', count($blueprints)));
- return;
- }
+ if (!$blueprints) {
+ $lease->setStatus(DrydockLeaseStatus::STATUS_BROKEN);
+ $lease->save();
- // TODO: Rank intelligently.
- shuffle($blueprints);
+ $this->logToDrydock(
+ "There are no resources of type '{$type}' available, and no ".
+ "blueprints which can allocate new ones.");
+ $lock->unlock();
+ return;
+ }
- $blueprint = head($blueprints);
- $resource = $blueprint->allocateResource($lease);
+ // TODO: Rank intelligently.
+ shuffle($blueprints);
+ $blueprint = head($blueprints);
+ // Create and save the resource preemptively with STATUS_ALLOCATING
+ // before we unlock, so that other workers will correctly count the
+ // new resource "to be allocated" when determining if they can allocate
+ // more resources to a blueprint.
+ $resource = id(new DrydockResource())
+ ->setBlueprintPHID($blueprint->getInstance()->getPHID())
+ ->setType($blueprint->getType())
+ ->setName(pht('Pending Allocation'))
+ ->setStatus(DrydockResourceStatus::STATUS_ALLOCATING)
+ ->save();
+ $lock->unlock();
+ } catch (Exception $ex) {
+ $lock->unlock();
+ throw $ex;
+ }
+ try {
+ $blueprint->allocateResource($resource, $lease);
+ } catch (Exception $ex) {
+ $resource->delete();
+ throw $ex;
+ }
if (!$blueprint->allocateLease($resource, $lease)) {
// TODO: This "should" happen only if we lost a race with another lease,

File Metadata

Mime Type
Fri, Mar 21, 12:15 PM (3 h, 30 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Encrypted (AES-256-CBC)
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
D10304.id24812.diff (31 KB)

Event Timeline