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diff --git a/src/workflow/ArcanistLandWorkflow.php b/src/workflow/ArcanistLandWorkflow.php
--- a/src/workflow/ArcanistLandWorkflow.php
+++ b/src/workflow/ArcanistLandWorkflow.php
@@ -81,70 +81,76 @@
return array(
'onto' => array(
'param' => 'master',
- 'help' => "Land feature branch onto a branch other than the default ".
- "('master' in git, 'default' in hg). You can change the ".
- "default by setting '' with ".
- "`arc set-config` or for the entire project in .arcconfig.",
+ 'help' => pht('Land feature branch onto a branch other than the '.
+ 'default (\'master\' in git, \'default\' in hg). You '.
+ 'can change the default by setting '.
+ '\'\' with `arc set-config` or '.
+ 'for the entire project in .arcconfig.'),
'hold' => array(
- 'help' => "Prepare the change to be pushed, but do not actually ".
- "push it.",
+ 'help' => pht('Prepare the change to be pushed, but do not actually '.
+ 'push it.'),
'keep-branch' => array(
- 'help' => "Keep the feature branch after pushing changes to the ".
- "remote (by default, it is deleted).",
+ 'help' => pht('Keep the feature branch after pushing changes to the '.
+ 'remote (by default, it is deleted).'),
'remote' => array(
'param' => 'origin',
- 'help' => "Push to a remote other than the default ('origin' in git).",
+ 'help' => pht('Push to a remote other than the default (\'origin\' '.
+ 'in git).'),
'merge' => array(
- 'help' => 'Perform a --no-ff merge, not a --squash merge. If the '.
- 'project is marked as having an immutable history, this is '.
- 'the default behavior.',
+ 'help' => pht('Perform a --no-ff merge, not a --squash merge. If the '.
+ 'project is marked as having an immutable history, '.
+ 'this is the default behavior.'),
'supports' => array(
'nosupport' => array(
- 'hg' => 'Use the --squash strategy when landing in mercurial.',
+ 'hg' => pht('Use the --squash strategy when landing in mercurial.'),
'squash' => array(
- 'help' => 'Perform a --squash merge, not a --no-ff merge. If the '.
- 'project is marked as having a mutable history, this is '.
- 'the default behavior.',
+ 'help' => pht('Perform a --squash merge, not a --no-ff merge. If the '.
+ 'project is marked as having a mutable history, this '.
+ 'is the default behavior.'),
'conflicts' => array(
'merge' => '--merge and --squash are conflicting merge strategies.',
'delete-remote' => array(
- 'help' => 'Delete the feature branch in the remote after '.
- 'landing it.',
+ 'help' => pht('Delete the feature branch in the remote after '.
+ 'landing it.'),
'conflicts' => array(
'keep-branch' => true,
'update-with-rebase' => array(
- 'help' => 'When updating the feature branch, use rebase instead of '.
- 'merge. This might make things work better in some cases.'.
- ' Set to \'rebase\' to make this '.
- 'default.',
+ 'help' => pht('When updating the feature branch, use rebase '.
+ 'instead of merge. This might make things work '.
+ 'better in some cases. Set '.
+ 'to \'rebase\' to make this the default.'),
'conflicts' => array(
- 'merge' => 'The --merge strategy does not update the feature branch.',
- 'update-with-merge' => 'Cannot be used with --update-with-merge.',
+ 'merge' => pht('The --merge strategy does not update the feature '.
+ 'branch.'),
+ 'update-with-merge' => pht('Cannot be used with '.
+ '--update-with-merge.'),
'supports' => array(
'update-with-merge' => array(
- 'help' => 'When updating the feature branch, use merge instead of '.
- 'rebase. This is the default behavior. '.
- 'Setting to \'merge\' can also '.
- 'be used to make this the default.',
+ 'help' => pht('When updating the feature branch, use merge instead '.
+ 'of rebase. This is the default behavior. Setting '.
+ ' to \'merge\' can also be '.
+ 'used to make this the default.'),
'conflicts' => array(
- 'merge' => 'The --merge strategy does not update the feature branch.',
- 'update-with-rebase' => 'Cannot be used with --update-with-rebase.',
+ 'merge' => pht('The --merge strategy does not update the feature '.
+ 'branch.'),
+ 'update-with-rebase' => pht('Cannot be used with '.
+ '--update-with-rebase.'),
'supports' => array(
@@ -152,12 +158,12 @@
'revision' => array(
'param' => 'id',
- 'help' => 'Use the message from a specific revision, rather than '.
- 'inferring the revision based on branch content.',
+ 'help' => pht('Use the message from a specific revision, rather than '.
+ 'inferring the revision based on branch content.'),
'preview' => array(
- 'help' => 'Prints the commits that would be landed. Does not actually '.
- 'modify or land the commits.'
+ 'help' => pht('Prints the commits that would be landed. Does not '.
+ 'actually modify or land the commits.'),
'*' => 'branch',
@@ -204,7 +210,7 @@
- echo "Done.\n";
+ echo pht('Done.'), "\n";
return 0;
@@ -216,7 +222,7 @@
if (!$this->isGit && !$this->isHg) {
throw new ArcanistUsageException(
- "'arc land' only supports git and mercurial.");
+ pht("'arc land' only supports git and mercurial."));
if ($this->isGit) {
@@ -234,14 +240,14 @@
if ($branch) {
$this->branchType = $this->getBranchType($branch);
- echo "Landing current {$this->branchType} '{$branch}'.\n";
+ echo pht("Landing current %s '%s'.", $this->branchType, $branch), "\n";
$branch = array($branch);
if (count($branch) !== 1) {
throw new ArcanistUsageException(
- "Specify exactly one branch or bookmark to land changes from.");
+ pht('Specify exactly one branch or bookmark to land changes from.'));
$this->branch = head($branch);
$this->keepBranch = $this->getArgument('keep-branch');
@@ -294,13 +300,16 @@
$repository_api = $this->getRepositoryAPI();
if ($this->onto == $this->branch) {
- $message =
- "You can not land a {$this->branchType} onto itself -- you are trying ".
- "to land '{$this->branch}' onto '{$this->onto}'. For more ".
- "information on how to push changes, see 'Pushing and Closing ".
- "Revisions' in 'Arcanist User Guide: arc diff' in the documentation.";
+ $message = pht(
+ "You can not land a %s onto itself -- you are trying ".
+ "to land '%s' onto '%s'. For more information on how to push ".
+ "changes, see 'Pushing and Closing Revisions' in 'Arcanist User ".
+ "Guide: arc diff' in the documentation.",
+ $this->branchType,
+ $this->branch,
+ $this->onto);
if (!$this->isHistoryImmutable()) {
- $message .= " You may be able to 'arc amend' instead.";
+ $message .= ' ' . pht("You may be able to 'arc amend' instead.");
throw new ArcanistUsageException($message);
@@ -309,18 +318,23 @@
if ($this->useSquash) {
if (!$repository_api->supportsRebase()) {
throw new ArcanistUsageException(
- "You must enable the rebase extension to use ".
- "the --squash strategy.");
+ pht("You must enable the rebase extension to use the --squash ".
+ "strategy."));
if ($this->branchType != $this->ontoType) {
- throw new ArcanistUsageException(
- "Source {$this->branch} is a {$this->branchType} but destination ".
- "{$this->onto} is a {$this->ontoType}. When landing a ".
- "{$this->branchType}, the destination must also be a ".
- "{$this->branchType}. Use --onto to specify a {$this->branchType}, ".
- "or set in .arcconfig.");
+ throw new ArcanistUsageException(pht(
+ "Source %s is a %s but destination %s is a %s. When landing a ".
+ "%s, the destination must also be a %s. Use --onto to specify a %s, ".
+ "or set in .arcconfig.",
+ $this->branch,
+ $this->branchType,
+ $this->onto,
+ $this->ontoType,
+ $this->branchType,
+ $this->branchType,
+ $this->branchType));
@@ -331,7 +345,7 @@
if ($err) {
throw new ArcanistUsageException(
- "Branch '{$this->branch}' does not exist.");
+ pht("Branch '%s' does not exist.", $this->branch));
@@ -347,8 +361,10 @@
echo phutil_console_format(
- "Switched to {$this->branchType} **%s**. Identifying and merging...\n",
- $this->branch);
+ pht("Switched to %s **%s**. Identifying and merging...",
+ $this->branchType,
+ $this->branch).
+ "\n");
private function printPendingCommits() {
@@ -380,10 +396,10 @@
if (!trim($out)) {
throw new ArcanistUsageException(
- "No commits to land from {$this->branch}.");
+ pht("No commits to land from %s.", $this->branch));
- echo "The following commit(s) will be landed:\n\n{$out}\n";
+ echo pht("The following commit(s) will be landed:\n\n%s", $out), "\n";
private function findRevision() {
@@ -400,7 +416,9 @@
'ids' => array($revision_id),
if (!$revisions) {
- throw new ArcanistUsageException("No such revision 'D{$revision_id}'!");
+ throw new ArcanistUsageException(pht(
+ "No such revision '%s'!",
+ "D{$revision_id}"));
} else {
$revisions = $repository_api->loadWorkingCopyDifferentialRevisions(
@@ -409,20 +427,26 @@
if (!count($revisions)) {
- throw new ArcanistUsageException(
- "arc can not identify which revision exists on {$this->branchType} ".
- "'{$this->branch}'. Update the revision with recent changes ".
- "to synchronize the {$this->branchType} name and hashes, or use ".
- "'arc amend' to amend the commit message at HEAD, or use ".
- "'--revision <id>' to select a revision explicitly.");
+ throw new ArcanistUsageException(pht(
+ "arc can not identify which revision exists on %s '%s'. Update the '.
+ 'revision with recent changes to synchronize the %s name and hashes, '.
+ 'or use 'arc amend' to amend the commit message at HEAD, or use ".
+ "'--revision <id>' to select a revision explicitly.",
+ $this->branchType,
+ $this->branch,
+ $this->branchType));
} else if (count($revisions) > 1) {
- $message =
- "There are multiple revisions on feature {$this->branchType} ".
- "'{$this->branch}' which are not present on '{$this->onto}':\n\n".
- $this->renderRevisionList($revisions)."\n".
- "Separate these revisions onto different {$this->branchType}s, or use ".
- "'--revision <id>' to use the commit message from <id> and land them ".
- "all.";
+ $message = pht(
+ "There are multiple revisions on feature %s '%s' which are not ".
+ "present on '%s':\n\n".
+ "%s\n".
+ "Separate these revisions onto different %s, or use --revision <id>' ".
+ "to use the commit message from <id> and land them all.",
+ $this->branchType,
+ $this->branch,
+ $this->onto,
+ $this->renderRevisionList($revisions),
+ $this->branchType.'s');
throw new ArcanistUsageException($message);
@@ -441,18 +465,21 @@
$other_author = ipull($other_author, 'userName', 'phid');
$other_author = $other_author[$this->revision['authorPHID']];
- $ok = phutil_console_confirm(
- "This {$this->branchType} has revision 'D{$rev_id}: {$rev_title}' ".
- "but you are not the author. Land this revision by {$other_author}?");
+ $ok = phutil_console_confirm(pht(
+ "This %s has revision '%s' but you are not the author. Land this ".
+ "revision by %s?",
+ $this->branchType,
+ "D{$rev_id}: {$rev_title}",
+ $other_author));
if (!$ok) {
throw new ArcanistUserAbortException();
if ($rev_status != ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::ACCEPTED) {
- $ok = phutil_console_confirm(
- "Revision 'D{$rev_id}: {$rev_title}' has not been ".
- "accepted. Continue anyway?");
+ $ok = phutil_console_confirm(pht(
+ "Revision '%s' has not been accepted. Contine anyway?",
+ "D{$rev_id}: {$rev_title}"));
if (!$ok) {
throw new ArcanistUserAbortException();
@@ -483,11 +510,11 @@
$open_revs = implode("\n", $open_revs);
- echo "Revision 'D{$rev_id}: {$rev_title}' depends ".
- "on open revisions:\n\n";
- echo $open_revs;
+ echo pht("Revision '%s' depends on open revisions:\n\n%s",
+ "D{$rev_id}: {$rev_title}",
+ $open_revs);
- $ok = phutil_console_confirm("Continue anyway?");
+ $ok = phutil_console_confirm(pht("Continue anyway?"));
if (!$ok) {
throw new ArcanistUserAbortException();
@@ -504,8 +531,8 @@
$this->messageFile = new TempFile();
Filesystem::writeFile($this->messageFile, $message);
- echo "Landing revision 'D{$rev_id}: ".
- "{$rev_title}'...\n";
+ echo pht("Landing revision '%s'...",
+ "D{$rev_id}: {$rev_title}"), "\n";
private function pullFromRemote() {
@@ -515,9 +542,9 @@
if ($this->isGit) {
$repository_api->execxLocal('checkout %s', $this->onto);
- echo phutil_console_format(
+ echo phutil_console_format(pht(
"Switched to branch **%s**. Updating branch...\n",
- $this->onto);
+ $this->onto));
try {
$repository_api->execxLocal('pull --ff-only --no-stat');
@@ -525,32 +552,34 @@
if (!$this->isGitSvn) {
throw $ex;
- list($out) = $repository_api->execxLocal(
- 'log %s..%s',
- $this->ontoRemoteBranch,
- $this->onto);
- if (strlen(trim($out))) {
- $local_ahead_of_remote = true;
- } else {
- $repository_api->execxLocal('svn rebase');
- }
+ }
+ list($out) = $repository_api->execxLocal(
+ 'log %s..%s',
+ $this->ontoRemoteBranch,
+ $this->onto);
+ if (strlen(trim($out))) {
+ $local_ahead_of_remote = true;
+ } else if ($this->isGitSvn) {
+ $repository_api->execxLocal('svn rebase');
} else if ($this->isHg) {
- echo phutil_console_format(
- "Updating **%s**...\n",
- $this->onto);
+ echo phutil_console_format(pht(
+ "Updating **%s**...",
+ $this->onto) . "\n");
try {
list($out, $err) = $repository_api->execxLocal('pull');
$divergedbookmark = $this->onto.'@'.$repository_api->getBranchName();
if (strpos($err, $divergedbookmark) !== false) {
- throw new ArcanistUsageException(phutil_console_format(
- "Local bookmark **{$this->onto}** has diverged from the ".
- "server's **{$this->onto}** (now labeled ".
- "**{$divergedbookmark}**). Please resolve this divergence and ".
- "run 'arc land' again."));
+ throw new ArcanistUsageException(phutil_console_format(pht(
+ "Local bookmark **%s** has diverged from the server's **%s** ".
+ "(now labeled **%s**). Please resolve this divergence and run ".
+ "'arc land' again.",
+ $this->onto,
+ $this->onto,
+ $divergedbookmark)));
} catch (CommandException $ex) {
$err = $ex->getError();
@@ -601,11 +630,16 @@
if ($local_ahead_of_remote) {
- throw new ArcanistUsageException(
- "Local {$this->ontoType} '{$this->onto}' is ahead of remote ".
- "{$this->ontoType} '{$this->ontoRemoteBranch}', so landing a feature ".
- "{$this->ontoType} would push additional changes. Push or reset the ".
- "changes in '{$this->onto}' before running 'arc land'.");
+ throw new ArcanistUsageException(pht(
+ "Local %s '%s' is ahead of remote %s '%s', so landing a feature ".
+ "%s would push additional changes. Push or reset the changes in '%s' ".
+ "before running 'arc land'.",
+ $this->ontoType,
+ $this->onto,
+ $this->ontoType,
+ $this->ontoRemoteBranch,
+ $this->ontoType,
+ $this->onto));
@@ -615,33 +649,34 @@
if ($this->isGit) {
if ($this->shouldUpdateWithRebase) {
- echo phutil_console_format(
- "Rebasing **%s** onto **%s**\n",
+ echo phutil_console_format(pht(
+ "Rebasing **%s** onto **%s**",
- $this->onto);
+ $this->onto)."\n");
$err = phutil_passthru('git rebase %s', $this->onto);
if ($err) {
- throw new ArcanistUsageException(
- "'git rebase {$this->onto}' failed. ".
- "You can abort with 'git rebase --abort', ".
- "or resolve conflicts and use 'git rebase ".
- "--continue' to continue forward. After resolving the rebase, ".
- "run 'arc land' again.");
+ throw new ArcanistUsageException(pht(
+ "'git rebase %s' failed. You can abort with 'git rebase ".
+ "--abort', or resolve conflicts and use 'git rebase --continue' ".
+ "to continue forward. After resolving the rebase, run 'arc land' ".
+ "again.",
+ $this->onto));
} else {
- echo phutil_console_format(
- "Merging **%s** into **%s**\n",
+ echo phutil_console_format(pht(
+ "Merging **%s** into **%s**",
- $this->onto);
+ $this->onto)."\n");
$err = phutil_passthru(
'git merge --no-stat %s -m %s',
- "Automatic merge by 'arc land'");
+ pht("Automatic merge by 'arc land'"));
if ($err) {
- throw new ArcanistUsageException(
- "'git merge {$this->onto}' failed. ".
+ throw new ArcanistUsageException(pht(
+ "'git merge %s' failed. ".
"To continue: resolve the conflicts, commit the changes, then run ".
- "'arc land' again. To abort: run 'git merge --abort'.");
+ "'arc land' again. To abort: run 'git merge --abort'.",
+ $this->onto));
} else if ($this->isHg) {
@@ -662,11 +697,13 @@
'rebase --abort');
- throw new ArcanistUsageException(
- "'hg rebase {$this->onto}' failed and the rebase was aborted. ".
- "This is most likely due to conflicts. Manually rebase ".
- "{$this->branch} onto {$this->onto}, resolve the conflicts, ".
- "then run 'arc land' again.");
+ throw new ArcanistUsageException(pht(
+ "'hg rebase %s' failed and the rebase was aborted. ".
+ "This is most likely due to conflicts. Manually rebase %s onto ".
+ "%s, resolve the conflicts, then run 'arc land' again.",
+ $this->onto,
+ $this->branch,
+ $this->onto));
@@ -816,12 +853,16 @@
$alt_count = count($alt_branches);
if ($alt_count > 0) {
- $input = phutil_console_prompt(
- ucfirst($this->branchType)." '{$this->branch}' has {$alt_count} ".
- "{$this->branchType}(s) forking off of it that would be deleted ".
+ $input = phutil_console_prompt(pht(
+ "%s '%s' has %s %s(s) forking off of it that would be deleted ".
"during a squash. Would you like to keep a non-squashed copy, rebase ".
- "them on top of '{$this->branch}', or abort and deal with them ".
- "yourself? (k)eep, (r)ebase, (a)bort:");
+ "them on top of '%s', or abort and deal with them yourself? ".
+ "(k)eep, (r)ebase, (a)bort:",
+ ucfirst($this->branchType),
+ $this->branch,
+ $alt_count,
+ $this->branchType,
+ $this->branch));
if ($input == 'k' || $input == 'keep') {
$this->keepBranch = true;
@@ -834,11 +875,17 @@
} else if ($input == 'a' || $input == 'abort') {
$branch_string = implode("\n", $alt_branches);
- echo "\nRemove the {$this->branchType}s starting at these revisions ".
- "and run arc land again:\n{$branch_string}\n\n";
+ echo
+ "\n",
+ pht("Remove the %s starting at these revisions and ".
+ "run arc land again:\n%s",
+ $this->branchType.'s',
+ $branch_string),
+ "\n\n";
throw new ArcanistUserAbortException();
} else {
- throw new ArcanistUsageException("Invalid choice. Aborting arc land.");
+ throw new ArcanistUsageException(
+ pht("Invalid choice. Aborting arc land."));
@@ -857,10 +904,10 @@
if ($err) {
- throw new ArcanistUsageException(
+ throw new ArcanistUsageException(pht(
"'git merge' failed. Your working copy has been left in a partially ".
"merged state. You can: abort with 'git merge --abort'; or follow ".
- "the instructions to complete the merge.");
+ "the instructions to complete the merge."));
} else if ($this->isHg) {
// HG arc land currently doesn't support --merge.
@@ -870,8 +917,8 @@
// until there is a demand for it.
// The user should never reach this line, since --merge is
// forbidden at the command line argument level.
- throw new ArcanistUsageException(
- "--merge is not currently supported for hg repos.");
+ throw new ArcanistUsageException(pht(
+ "--merge is not currently supported for hg repos."));
@@ -904,11 +951,11 @@
if ($this->getArgument('hold')) {
- echo phutil_console_format(
- "Holding change in **%s**: it has NOT been pushed yet.\n",
- $this->onto);
+ echo phutil_console_format(pht(
+ "Holding change in **%s**: it has NOT been pushed yet.",
+ $this->onto). "\n");
} else {
- echo "Pushing change...\n\n";
+ echo pht('Pushing change...'), "\n\n";
@@ -938,14 +985,17 @@
if ($err) {
- echo phutil_console_format("<bg:red>** PUSH FAILED! **</bg>\n");
+ $failed_str = pht('PUSH FAILED!');
+ echo phutil_console_format("<bg:red>** %s **</bg>\n", $failed_str);
if ($this->isGit) {
- throw new ArcanistUsageException(
- "'{$cmd}' failed! Fix the error and run 'arc land' again.");
+ throw new ArcanistUsageException(pht(
+ "'%s' failed! Fix the error and run 'arc land' again.",
+ $cmd));
- throw new ArcanistUsageException(
- "'{$cmd}' failed! Fix the error and push this change manually.");
+ throw new ArcanistUsageException(pht(
+ "'%s' failed! Fix the error and push this change manually.",
+ $cmd));
$mark_workflow = $this->buildChildWorkflow(
@@ -977,7 +1027,7 @@
private function cleanupBranch() {
$repository_api = $this->getRepositoryAPI();
- echo "Cleaning up feature {$this->branchType}...\n";
+ echo pht('Cleaning up feature %s...', $this->branchType), "\n";
if ($this->isGit) {
list($ref) = $repository_api->execxLocal(
'rev-parse --verify %s',
@@ -987,7 +1037,7 @@
'git checkout -b %s %s',
- echo "(Use `{$recovery_command}` if you want it back.)\n";
+ echo pht('(Use `%s` if you want it back.)', $recovery_command), "\n";
'branch -D %s',
@@ -1022,7 +1072,8 @@
if ($err) {
- echo "No remote feature {$this->branchType} to clean up.\n";
+ echo pht('No remote feature %s to clean up.',
+ $this->branchType), "\n";
} else {
// NOTE: In Git, you delete a remote branch by pushing it with a
@@ -1030,7 +1081,7 @@
// git push <remote> :<branch>
- echo "Cleaning up remote feature branch...\n";
+ echo pht('Cleaning up remote feature %s...', $this->branchType), "\n";
'push %s :%s',

File Metadata

Mime Type
Fri, Mar 21, 6:33 AM (14 h, 28 m ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Encrypted (AES-256-CBC)
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
D8738.diff (25 KB)

Event Timeline