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Index: resources/sql/patches/20131206.phragmentnull.sql
--- /dev/null
+++ resources/sql/patches/20131206.phragmentnull.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ALTER TABLE {$NAMESPACE}_phragment.phragment_fragment
Index: src/applications/phragment/controller/PhragmentBrowseController.php
--- src/applications/phragment/controller/PhragmentBrowseController.php
+++ src/applications/phragment/controller/PhragmentBrowseController.php
@@ -57,14 +57,18 @@
$item = id(new PHUIObjectItemView());
- $item->addAttribute(pht(
- 'Last Updated %s',
- phabricator_datetime(
- $fragment->getLatestVersion()->getDateCreated(),
- $viewer)));
- $item->addAttribute(pht(
- 'Latest Version %s',
- $fragment->getLatestVersion()->getSequence()));
+ if (!$fragment->isDirectory()) {
+ $item->addAttribute(pht(
+ 'Last Updated %s',
+ phabricator_datetime(
+ $fragment->getLatestVersion()->getDateCreated(),
+ $viewer)));
+ $item->addAttribute(pht(
+ 'Latest Version %s',
+ $fragment->getLatestVersion()->getSequence()));
+ } else {
+ $item->addAttribute('Directory');
+ }
Index: src/applications/phragment/controller/PhragmentController.php
--- src/applications/phragment/controller/PhragmentController.php
+++ src/applications/phragment/controller/PhragmentController.php
@@ -66,13 +66,16 @@
- $file = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery())
- ->setViewer($viewer)
- ->withPHIDs(array($fragment->getLatestVersion()->getFilePHID()))
- ->executeOne();
+ $file = null;
$file_uri = null;
- if ($file !== null) {
- $file_uri = $file->getBestURI();
+ if (!$fragment->isDirectory()) {
+ $file = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery())
+ ->setViewer($viewer)
+ ->withPHIDs(array($fragment->getLatestVersion()->getFilePHID()))
+ ->executeOne();
+ if ($file !== null) {
+ $file_uri = $file->getBestURI();
+ }
$header = id(new PHUIHeaderView())
@@ -96,12 +99,21 @@
->setDisabled(false) // TODO: Policy
- $actions->addAction(
- id(new PhabricatorActionView())
- ->setName(pht('Update Fragment'))
- ->setHref($this->getApplicationURI("update/".$fragment->getPath()))
- ->setDisabled(false) // TODO: Policy
- ->setIcon('edit'));
+ if (!$fragment->isDirectory()) {
+ $actions->addAction(
+ id(new PhabricatorActionView())
+ ->setName(pht('Update Fragment'))
+ ->setHref($this->getApplicationURI("update/".$fragment->getPath()))
+ ->setDisabled(false) // TODO: Policy
+ ->setIcon('edit'));
+ } else {
+ $actions->addAction(
+ id(new PhabricatorActionView())
+ ->setName(pht('Convert to File'))
+ ->setHref($this->getApplicationURI("update/".$fragment->getPath()))
+ ->setDisabled(false) // TODO: Policy
+ ->setIcon('edit'));
+ }
if ($is_history_view) {
id(new PhabricatorActionView())
@@ -121,9 +133,18 @@
- $properties->addProperty(
- pht('Latest Version'),
- $this->renderHandlesForPHIDs(array($fragment->getLatestVersionPHID())));
+ if (!$fragment->isDirectory()) {
+ $properties->addProperty(
+ pht('Type'),
+ pht('File'));
+ $properties->addProperty(
+ pht('Latest Version'),
+ $this->renderHandlesForPHIDs(array($fragment->getLatestVersionPHID())));
+ } else {
+ $properties->addProperty(
+ pht('Type'),
+ pht('Directory'));
+ }
return id(new PHUIObjectBoxView())
Index: src/applications/phragment/controller/PhragmentCreateController.php
--- src/applications/phragment/controller/PhragmentCreateController.php
+++ src/applications/phragment/controller/PhragmentCreateController.php
@@ -54,21 +54,12 @@
$depth = $parent->getDepth() + 1;
- $version = id(new PhragmentFragmentVersion());
- $version->setSequence(0);
- $version->setFragmentPHID(''); // Can't set this yet...
- $version->setFilePHID($file->getPHID());
- $version->save();
- $fragment->setPath(trim($parent_path.'/'.$v_name, '/'));
- $fragment->setDepth($depth);
- $fragment->setLatestVersionPHID($version->getPHID());
- $fragment->setViewPolicy($v_viewpolicy);
- $fragment->setEditPolicy($v_editpolicy);
- $fragment->save();
- $version->setFragmentPHID($fragment->getPHID());
- $version->save();
+ PhragmentFragment::createFromFile(
+ $viewer,
+ $file,
+ trim($parent_path.'/'.$v_name, '/'),
+ $v_viewpolicy,
+ $v_editpolicy);
return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse())
->setURI('/phragment/browse/'.trim($parent_path.'/'.$v_name, '/'));
Index: src/applications/phragment/controller/PhragmentUpdateController.php
--- src/applications/phragment/controller/PhragmentUpdateController.php
+++ src/applications/phragment/controller/PhragmentUpdateController.php
@@ -31,22 +31,14 @@
if (!count($errors)) {
- $existing = id(new PhragmentFragmentVersionQuery())
- ->setViewer($viewer)
- ->withFragmentPHIDs(array($fragment->getPHID()))
- ->execute();
- $sequence = count($existing);
- $fragment->openTransaction();
- $version = id(new PhragmentFragmentVersion());
- $version->setSequence($sequence);
- $version->setFragmentPHID($fragment->getPHID());
- $version->setFilePHID($file->getPHID());
- $version->save();
- $fragment->setLatestVersionPHID($version->getPHID());
- $fragment->save();
- $fragment->saveTransaction();
+ // If the file is a ZIP archive (has application/zip mimetype)
+ // then we extract the zip and apply versions for each of the
+ // individual fragments, creating and deleting files as needed.
+ if ($file->getMimeType() === "application/zip") {
+ $fragment->updateFromZIP($viewer, $file);
+ } else {
+ $fragment->updateFromFile($viewer, $file);
+ }
return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse())
Index: src/applications/phragment/query/PhragmentFragmentQuery.php
--- src/applications/phragment/query/PhragmentFragmentQuery.php
+++ src/applications/phragment/query/PhragmentFragmentQuery.php
@@ -115,7 +115,6 @@
foreach ($page as $key => $fragment) {
$version_phid = $fragment->getLatestVersionPHID();
if (empty($versions[$version_phid])) {
- unset($page[$key]);
Index: src/applications/phragment/storage/PhragmentFragment.php
--- src/applications/phragment/storage/PhragmentFragment.php
+++ src/applications/phragment/storage/PhragmentFragment.php
@@ -38,7 +38,14 @@
return $this->file = $file;
+ public function isDirectory() {
+ return $this->latestVersionPHID === null;
+ }
public function getLatestVersion() {
+ if ($this->latestVersionPHID === null) {
+ return null;
+ }
return $this->assertAttached($this->latestVersion);
@@ -46,6 +53,201 @@
return $this->latestVersion = $version;
+/* -( Updating ) --------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /**
+ * Create a new fragment from a file.
+ */
+ public static function createFromFile(
+ PhabricatorUser $viewer,
+ PhabricatorFile $file = null,
+ $path,
+ $view_policy,
+ $edit_policy) {
+ $fragment = id(new PhragmentFragment());
+ $fragment->setPath($path);
+ $fragment->setDepth(count(explode('/', $path)));
+ $fragment->setLatestVersionPHID(null);
+ $fragment->setViewPolicy($view_policy);
+ $fragment->setEditPolicy($edit_policy);
+ $fragment->save();
+ // Directory fragments have no versions associated with them, so we
+ // just return the fragment at this point.
+ if ($file === null) {
+ return $fragment;
+ }
+ if ($file->getMimeType() === "application/zip") {
+ $fragment->updateFromZIP($viewer, $file);
+ } else {
+ $fragment->updateFromFile($viewer, $file);
+ }
+ return $fragment;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the specified file as the next version for the fragment.
+ */
+ public function updateFromFile(
+ PhabricatorUser $viewer,
+ PhabricatorFile $file) {
+ $existing = id(new PhragmentFragmentVersionQuery())
+ ->setViewer($viewer)
+ ->withFragmentPHIDs(array($this->getPHID()))
+ ->execute();
+ $sequence = count($existing);
+ $this->openTransaction();
+ $version = id(new PhragmentFragmentVersion());
+ $version->setSequence($sequence);
+ $version->setFragmentPHID($this->getPHID());
+ $version->setFilePHID($file->getPHID());
+ $version->save();
+ $this->setLatestVersionPHID($version->getPHID());
+ $this->save();
+ $this->saveTransaction();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Apply the specified ZIP archive onto the fragment, removing
+ * and creating fragments as needed.
+ */
+ public function updateFromZIP(
+ PhabricatorUser $viewer,
+ PhabricatorFile $file) {
+ if ($file->getMimeType() !== "application/zip") {
+ throw new Exception("File must have mimetype 'application/zip'");
+ }
+ // First apply the ZIP as normal.
+ $this->updateFromFile($viewer, $file);
+ // Ensure we have ZIP support.
+ $zip = null;
+ try {
+ $zip = new ZipArchive();
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ // The server doesn't have php5-zip, so we can't do recursive updates.
+ return;
+ }
+ $temp = new TempFile();
+ Filesystem::writeFile($temp, $file->loadFileData());
+ if (!$zip->open($temp)) {
+ throw new Exception("Unable to open ZIP");
+ }
+ // Get all of the paths and their data from the ZIP.
+ $mappings = array();
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $zip->numFiles; $i++) {
+ $path = trim($zip->getNameIndex($i), '/');
+ $stream = $zip->getStream($path);
+ $data = null;
+ // If the stream is false, then it is a directory entry. We leave
+ // $data set to null for directories so we know not to create a
+ // version entry for them.
+ if ($stream !== false) {
+ $data = stream_get_contents($stream);
+ fclose($stream);
+ }
+ $mappings[$path] = $data;
+ }
+ // Adjust the paths relative to this fragment so we can look existing
+ // fragments up in the DB.
+ $base_path = $this->getPath();
+ $paths = array();
+ foreach ($mappings as $p => $data) {
+ $paths[] = $base_path.'/'.$p;
+ }
+ // FIXME: What happens when a child exists, but the current user
+ // can't see it. We're going to create a new child with the exact
+ // same path and then bad things will happen.
+ $children = id(new PhragmentFragmentQuery())
+ ->setViewer($viewer)
+ ->needLatestVersion(true)
+ ->withPaths($paths)
+ ->execute();
+ $children = mpull($children, null, 'getPath');
+ // Iterate over the existing fragments.
+ foreach ($children as $full_path => $child) {
+ $path = substr($full_path, strlen($base_path) + 1);
+ if (array_key_exists($path, $mappings)) {
+ if ($child->isDirectory() && $mappings[$path] === null) {
+ // Don't create a version entry for a directory
+ // (unless it's been converted into a file).
+ continue;
+ }
+ // The file is being updated.
+ $file = PhabricatorFile::newFromFileData(
+ $mappings[$path],
+ array('name' => basename($path)));
+ $child->updateFromFile($viewer, $file);
+ } else {
+ // The file is being deleted.
+ $child->deleteFile($viewer);
+ }
+ }
+ // Iterate over the mappings to find new files.
+ foreach ($mappings as $path => $data) {
+ if (!array_key_exists($base_path.'/'.$path, $children)) {
+ // The file is being created. If the data is null,
+ // then this is explicitly a directory being created.
+ $file = null;
+ if ($mappings[$path] !== null) {
+ $file = PhabricatorFile::newFromFileData(
+ $mappings[$path],
+ array('name' => basename($path)));
+ }
+ PhragmentFragment::createFromFile(
+ $viewer,
+ $file,
+ $base_path.'/'.$path,
+ $this->getViewPolicy(),
+ $this->getEditPolicy());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Delete the contents of the specified fragment.
+ */
+ public function deleteFile(PhabricatorUser $viewer) {
+ $existing = id(new PhragmentFragmentVersionQuery())
+ ->setViewer($viewer)
+ ->withFragmentPHIDs(array($this->getPHID()))
+ ->execute();
+ $sequence = count($existing);
+ $this->openTransaction();
+ $version = id(new PhragmentFragmentVersion());
+ $version->setSequence($sequence);
+ $version->setFragmentPHID($this->getPHID());
+ $version->setFilePHID(null);
+ $version->save();
+ $this->setLatestVersionPHID($version->getPHID());
+ $this->save();
+ $this->saveTransaction();
+ }
+/* -( Policy Interface )--------------------------------------------------- */
public function getCapabilities() {
return array(
Index: src/infrastructure/storage/patch/PhabricatorBuiltinPatchList.php
--- src/infrastructure/storage/patch/PhabricatorBuiltinPatchList.php
+++ src/infrastructure/storage/patch/PhabricatorBuiltinPatchList.php
@@ -1820,6 +1820,10 @@
'type' => 'sql',
'name' => $this->getPatchPath('20131206.phragment.sql'),
+ '20131206.phragmentnull.sql' => array(
+ 'type' => 'sql',
+ 'name' => $this->getPatchPath('20131206.phragmentnull.sql'),
+ ),

File Metadata

Mime Type
Thu, Mar 20, 9:43 PM (4 d, 16 h ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Encrypted (AES-256-CBC)
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
D7729.diff (14 KB)

Event Timeline