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diff --git a/src/__phutil_library_map__.php b/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
--- a/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
+++ b/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
@@ -3389,6 +3389,7 @@
'PhabricatorMacroViewController' => 'applications/macro/controller/PhabricatorMacroViewController.php',
'PhabricatorMailAttachment' => 'applications/metamta/message/PhabricatorMailAttachment.php',
'PhabricatorMailConfigTestCase' => 'applications/metamta/storage/__tests__/PhabricatorMailConfigTestCase.php',
+ 'PhabricatorMailEmailEngine' => 'applications/metamta/engine/PhabricatorMailEmailEngine.php',
'PhabricatorMailEmailHeraldField' => 'applications/metamta/herald/PhabricatorMailEmailHeraldField.php',
'PhabricatorMailEmailHeraldFieldGroup' => 'applications/metamta/herald/PhabricatorMailEmailHeraldFieldGroup.php',
'PhabricatorMailEmailMessage' => 'applications/metamta/message/PhabricatorMailEmailMessage.php',
@@ -3414,6 +3415,7 @@
'PhabricatorMailManagementUnverifyWorkflow' => 'applications/metamta/management/PhabricatorMailManagementUnverifyWorkflow.php',
'PhabricatorMailManagementVolumeWorkflow' => 'applications/metamta/management/PhabricatorMailManagementVolumeWorkflow.php',
'PhabricatorMailManagementWorkflow' => 'applications/metamta/management/PhabricatorMailManagementWorkflow.php',
+ 'PhabricatorMailMessageEngine' => 'applications/metamta/engine/PhabricatorMailMessageEngine.php',
'PhabricatorMailMustEncryptHeraldAction' => 'applications/metamta/herald/PhabricatorMailMustEncryptHeraldAction.php',
'PhabricatorMailOutboundMailHeraldAdapter' => 'applications/metamta/herald/PhabricatorMailOutboundMailHeraldAdapter.php',
'PhabricatorMailOutboundRoutingHeraldAction' => 'applications/metamta/herald/PhabricatorMailOutboundRoutingHeraldAction.php',
@@ -9221,6 +9223,7 @@
'PhabricatorMacroViewController' => 'PhabricatorMacroController',
'PhabricatorMailAttachment' => 'Phobject',
'PhabricatorMailConfigTestCase' => 'PhabricatorTestCase',
+ 'PhabricatorMailEmailEngine' => 'PhabricatorMailMessageEngine',
'PhabricatorMailEmailHeraldField' => 'HeraldField',
'PhabricatorMailEmailHeraldFieldGroup' => 'HeraldFieldGroup',
'PhabricatorMailEmailMessage' => 'PhabricatorMailExternalMessage',
@@ -9246,6 +9249,7 @@
'PhabricatorMailManagementUnverifyWorkflow' => 'PhabricatorMailManagementWorkflow',
'PhabricatorMailManagementVolumeWorkflow' => 'PhabricatorMailManagementWorkflow',
'PhabricatorMailManagementWorkflow' => 'PhabricatorManagementWorkflow',
+ 'PhabricatorMailMessageEngine' => 'Phobject',
'PhabricatorMailMustEncryptHeraldAction' => 'HeraldAction',
'PhabricatorMailOutboundMailHeraldAdapter' => 'HeraldAdapter',
'PhabricatorMailOutboundRoutingHeraldAction' => 'HeraldAction',
diff --git a/src/applications/metamta/controller/PhabricatorMetaMTAMailViewController.php b/src/applications/metamta/controller/PhabricatorMetaMTAMailViewController.php
--- a/src/applications/metamta/controller/PhabricatorMetaMTAMailViewController.php
+++ b/src/applications/metamta/controller/PhabricatorMetaMTAMailViewController.php
@@ -187,9 +187,6 @@
$headers = $mail->getDeliveredHeaders();
- if ($headers === null) {
- $headers = $mail->generateHeaders();
- }
// Sort headers by name.
$headers = isort($headers, 0);
diff --git a/src/applications/metamta/engine/PhabricatorMailEmailEngine.php b/src/applications/metamta/engine/PhabricatorMailEmailEngine.php
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/applications/metamta/engine/PhabricatorMailEmailEngine.php
@@ -0,0 +1,649 @@
+final class PhabricatorMailEmailEngine
+ extends PhabricatorMailMessageEngine {
+ public function newMessage() {
+ $mailer = $this->getMailer();
+ $mail = $this->getMail();
+ $message = new PhabricatorMailEmailMessage();
+ $from_address = $this->newFromEmailAddress();
+ $message->setFromAddress($from_address);
+ $reply_address = $this->newReplyToEmailAddress();
+ if ($reply_address) {
+ $message->setReplyToAddress($reply_address);
+ }
+ $to_addresses = $this->newToEmailAddresses();
+ $cc_addresses = $this->newCCEmailAddresses();
+ if (!$to_addresses && !$cc_addresses) {
+ $mail->setMessage(
+ pht(
+ 'Message has no valid recipients: all To/CC are disabled, '.
+ 'invalid, or configured not to receive this mail.'));
+ return null;
+ }
+ // If this email describes a mail processing error, we rate limit outbound
+ // messages to each individual address. This prevents messes where
+ // something is stuck in a loop or dumps a ton of messages on us suddenly.
+ if ($mail->getIsErrorEmail()) {
+ $all_recipients = array();
+ foreach ($to_addresses as $to_address) {
+ $all_recipients[] = $to_address->getAddress();
+ }
+ foreach ($cc_addresses as $cc_address) {
+ $all_recipients[] = $cc_address->getAddress();
+ }
+ if ($this->shouldRateLimitMail($all_recipients)) {
+ $mail->setMessage(
+ pht(
+ 'This is an error email, but one or more recipients have '.
+ 'exceeded the error email rate limit. Declining to deliver '.
+ 'message.'));
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ // Some mailers require a valid "To:" in order to deliver mail. If we
+ // don't have any "To:", try to fill it in with a placeholder "To:".
+ // If that also fails, move the "Cc:" line to "To:".
+ if (!$to_addresses) {
+ $void_address = $this->newVoidEmailAddress();
+ $cc_addresses = $to_addresses;
+ $to_addresses = array($void_address);
+ }
+ $to_addresses = $this->getUniqueEmailAddresses($to_addresses);
+ $cc_addresses = $this->getUniqueEmailAddresses(
+ $cc_addresses,
+ $to_addresses);
+ $message->setToAddresses($to_addresses);
+ $message->setCCAddresses($cc_addresses);
+ $attachments = $this->newEmailAttachments();
+ $message->setAttachments($attachments);
+ $subject = $this->newEmailSubject();
+ $message->setSubject($subject);
+ $headers = $this->newEmailHeaders();
+ foreach ($this->newEmailThreadingHeaders($mailer) as $threading_header) {
+ $headers[] = $threading_header;
+ }
+ $stamps = $mail->getMailStamps();
+ if ($stamps) {
+ $headers[] = $this->newEmailHeader(
+ 'X-Phabricator-Stamps',
+ implode(' ', $stamps));
+ }
+ $must_encrypt = $mail->getMustEncrypt();
+ $raw_body = $mail->getBody();
+ $body = $raw_body;
+ if ($must_encrypt) {
+ $parts = array();
+ $encrypt_uri = $this->getMustEncryptURI();
+ if (!strlen($encrypt_uri)) {
+ $encrypt_phid = $this->getRelatedPHID();
+ if ($encrypt_phid) {
+ $encrypt_uri = urisprintf(
+ '/object/%s/',
+ $encrypt_phid);
+ }
+ }
+ if (strlen($encrypt_uri)) {
+ $parts[] = pht(
+ 'This secure message is notifying you of a change to this object:');
+ $parts[] = PhabricatorEnv::getProductionURI($encrypt_uri);
+ }
+ $parts[] = pht(
+ 'The content for this message can only be transmitted over a '.
+ 'secure channel. To view the message content, follow this '.
+ 'link:');
+ $parts[] = PhabricatorEnv::getProductionURI($this->getURI());
+ $body = implode("\n\n", $parts);
+ } else {
+ $body = $raw_body;
+ }
+ $body_limit = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('');
+ if (strlen($body) > $body_limit) {
+ $body = id(new PhutilUTF8StringTruncator())
+ ->setMaximumBytes($body_limit)
+ ->truncateString($body);
+ $body .= "\n";
+ $body .= pht('(This email was truncated at %d bytes.)', $body_limit);
+ }
+ $message->setTextBody($body);
+ $body_limit -= strlen($body);
+ // If we sent a different message body than we were asked to, record
+ // what we actually sent to make debugging and diagnostics easier.
+ if ($body !== $raw_body) {
+ $mail->setDeliveredBody($body);
+ }
+ if ($must_encrypt) {
+ $send_html = false;
+ } else {
+ $send_html = $this->shouldSendHTML();
+ }
+ if ($send_html) {
+ $html_body = $mail->getHTMLBody();
+ if (strlen($html_body)) {
+ // NOTE: We just drop the entire HTML body if it won't fit. Safely
+ // truncating HTML is hard, and we already have the text body to fall
+ // back to.
+ if (strlen($html_body) <= $body_limit) {
+ $message->setHTMLBody($html_body);
+ $body_limit -= strlen($html_body);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Pass the headers to the mailer, then save the state so we can show
+ // them in the web UI. If the mail must be encrypted, we remove headers
+ // which are not on a strict whitelist to avoid disclosing information.
+ $filtered_headers = $this->filterHeaders($headers, $must_encrypt);
+ $message->setHeaders($filtered_headers);
+ $mail->setUnfilteredHeaders($headers);
+ $mail->setDeliveredHeaders($headers);
+ if (PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('phabricator.silent')) {
+ $mail->setMessage(
+ pht(
+ 'Phabricator is running in silent mode. See `%s` '.
+ 'in the configuration to change this setting.',
+ 'phabricator.silent'));
+ return null;
+ }
+ return $message;
+ }
+/* -( Message Components )------------------------------------------------- */
+ private function newFromEmailAddress() {
+ $from_address = $this->newDefaultEmailAddress();
+ $mail = $this->getMail();
+ // If the mail content must be encrypted, always disguise the sender.
+ $must_encrypt = $mail->getMustEncrypt();
+ if ($must_encrypt) {
+ return $from_address;
+ }
+ // If we have a raw "From" address, use that.
+ $raw_from = $mail->getRawFrom();
+ if ($raw_from) {
+ list($from_email, $from_name) = $raw_from;
+ return $this->newEmailAddress($from_email, $from_name);
+ }
+ // Otherwise, use as much of the information for any sending entity as
+ // we can.
+ $from_phid = $mail->getFrom();
+ $actor = $this->getActor($from_phid);
+ if ($actor) {
+ $actor_email = $actor->getEmailAddress();
+ $actor_name = $actor->getName();
+ } else {
+ $actor_email = null;
+ $actor_name = null;
+ }
+ $send_as_user = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('metamta.can-send-as-user');
+ if ($send_as_user) {
+ if ($actor_email !== null) {
+ $from_address->setAddress($actor_email);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($actor_name !== null) {
+ $from_address->setDisplayName($actor_name);
+ }
+ return $from_address;
+ }
+ private function newReplyToEmailAddress() {
+ $mail = $this->getMail();
+ $reply_raw = $mail->getReplyTo();
+ if (!strlen($reply_raw)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ $reply_address = new PhutilEmailAddress($reply_raw);
+ // If we have a sending object, change the display name.
+ $from_phid = $mail->getFrom();
+ $actor = $this->getActor($from_phid);
+ if ($actor) {
+ $reply_address->setDisplayName($actor->getName());
+ }
+ // If we don't have a display name, fill in a default.
+ if (!strlen($reply_address->getDisplayName())) {
+ $reply_address->setDisplayName(pht('Phabricator'));
+ }
+ return $reply_address;
+ }
+ private function newToEmailAddresses() {
+ $mail = $this->getMail();
+ $phids = $mail->getToPHIDs();
+ $addresses = $this->newEmailAddressesFromActorPHIDs($phids);
+ foreach ($mail->getRawToAddresses() as $raw_address) {
+ $addresses[] = new PhutilEmailAddress($raw_address);
+ }
+ return $addresses;
+ }
+ private function newCCEmailAddresses() {
+ $mail = $this->getMail();
+ $phids = $mail->getCcPHIDs();
+ return $this->newEmailAddressesFromActorPHIDs($phids);
+ }
+ private function newEmailAddressesFromActorPHIDs(array $phids) {
+ $mail = $this->getMail();
+ $phids = $mail->expandRecipients($phids);
+ $addresses = array();
+ foreach ($phids as $phid) {
+ $actor = $this->getActor($phid);
+ if (!$actor) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!$actor->isDeliverable()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $addresses[] = new PhutilEmailAddress($actor->getEmailAddress());
+ }
+ return $addresses;
+ }
+ private function newEmailSubject() {
+ $mail = $this->getMail();
+ $is_threaded = (bool)$mail->getThreadID();
+ $must_encrypt = $mail->getMustEncrypt();
+ $subject = array();
+ if ($is_threaded) {
+ if ($this->shouldAddRePrefix()) {
+ $subject[] = 'Re:';
+ }
+ }
+ $subject[] = trim($mail->getSubjectPrefix());
+ // If mail content must be encrypted, we replace the subject with
+ // a generic one.
+ if ($must_encrypt) {
+ $encrypt_subject = $mail->getMustEncryptSubject();
+ if (!strlen($encrypt_subject)) {
+ $encrypt_subject = pht('Object Updated');
+ }
+ $subject[] = $encrypt_subject;
+ } else {
+ $vary_prefix = $mail->getVarySubjectPrefix();
+ if (strlen($vary_prefix)) {
+ if ($this->shouldVarySubject()) {
+ $subject[] = $vary_prefix;
+ }
+ }
+ $subject[] = $mail->getSubject();
+ }
+ foreach ($subject as $key => $part) {
+ if (!strlen($part)) {
+ unset($subject[$key]);
+ }
+ }
+ $subject = implode(' ', $subject);
+ return $subject;
+ }
+ private function newEmailHeaders() {
+ $mail = $this->getMail();
+ $headers = array();
+ $headers[] = $this->newEmailHeader(
+ 'X-Phabricator-Sent-This-Message',
+ 'Yes');
+ $headers[] = $this->newEmailHeader(
+ 'X-Mail-Transport-Agent',
+ 'MetaMTA');
+ // Some clients respect this to suppress OOF and other auto-responses.
+ $headers[] = $this->newEmailHeader(
+ 'X-Auto-Response-Suppress',
+ 'All');
+ $mailtags = $mail->getMailTags();
+ if ($mailtags) {
+ $tag_header = array();
+ foreach ($mailtags as $mailtag) {
+ $tag_header[] = '<'.$mailtag.'>';
+ }
+ $tag_header = implode(', ', $tag_header);
+ $headers[] = $this->newEmailHeader(
+ 'X-Phabricator-Mail-Tags',
+ $tag_header);
+ }
+ $value = $mail->getHeaders();
+ foreach ($value as $pair) {
+ list($header_key, $header_value) = $pair;
+ // NOTE: If we have \n in a header, SES rejects the email.
+ $header_value = str_replace("\n", ' ', $header_value);
+ $headers[] = $this->newEmailHeader($header_key, $header_value);
+ }
+ $is_bulk = $mail->getIsBulk();
+ if ($is_bulk) {
+ $headers[] = $this->newEmailHeader('Precedence', 'bulk');
+ }
+ if ($mail->getMustEncrypt()) {
+ $headers[] = $this->newEmailHeader('X-Phabricator-Must-Encrypt', 'Yes');
+ }
+ $related_phid = $mail->getRelatedPHID();
+ if ($related_phid) {
+ $headers[] = $this->newEmailHeader('Thread-Topic', $related_phid);
+ }
+ $headers[] = $this->newEmailHeader(
+ 'X-Phabricator-Mail-ID',
+ $mail->getID());
+ $unique = Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(16);
+ $headers[] = $this->newEmailHeader(
+ 'X-Phabricator-Send-Attempt',
+ $unique);
+ return $headers;
+ }
+ private function newEmailThreadingHeaders() {
+ $mailer = $this->getMailer();
+ $mail = $this->getMail();
+ $headers = array();
+ $thread_id = $mail->getThreadID();
+ if (!strlen($thread_id)) {
+ return $headers;
+ }
+ $is_first = $mail->getIsFirstMessage();
+ // NOTE: Gmail freaks out about In-Reply-To and References which aren't in
+ // the form "<string@domain.tld>"; this is also required by RFC 2822,
+ // although some clients are more liberal in what they accept.
+ $domain = $this->newMailDomain();
+ $thread_id = '<'.$thread_id.'@'.$domain.'>';
+ if ($is_first && $mailer->supportsMessageIDHeader()) {
+ $headers[] = $this->newEmailHeader('Message-ID', $thread_id);
+ } else {
+ $in_reply_to = $thread_id;
+ $references = array($thread_id);
+ $parent_id = $mail->getParentMessageID();
+ if ($parent_id) {
+ $in_reply_to = $parent_id;
+ // By RFC 2822, the most immediate parent should appear last
+ // in the "References" header, so this order is intentional.
+ $references[] = $parent_id;
+ }
+ $references = implode(' ', $references);
+ $headers[] = $this->newEmailHeader('In-Reply-To', $in_reply_to);
+ $headers[] = $this->newEmailHeader('References', $references);
+ }
+ $thread_index = $this->generateThreadIndex($thread_id, $is_first);
+ $headers[] = $this->newEmailHeader('Thread-Index', $thread_index);
+ return $headers;
+ }
+ private function newEmailAttachments() {
+ $mail = $this->getMail();
+ // If the mail content must be encrypted, don't add attachments.
+ $must_encrypt = $mail->getMustEncrypt();
+ if ($must_encrypt) {
+ return array();
+ }
+ return $mail->getAttachments();
+ }
+/* -( Preferences )-------------------------------------------------------- */
+ private function shouldAddRePrefix() {
+ $preferences = $this->getPreferences();
+ $value = $preferences->getSettingValue(
+ PhabricatorEmailRePrefixSetting::SETTINGKEY);
+ return ($value == PhabricatorEmailRePrefixSetting::VALUE_RE_PREFIX);
+ }
+ private function shouldVarySubject() {
+ $preferences = $this->getPreferences();
+ $value = $preferences->getSettingValue(
+ PhabricatorEmailVarySubjectsSetting::SETTINGKEY);
+ return ($value == PhabricatorEmailVarySubjectsSetting::VALUE_VARY_SUBJECTS);
+ }
+ private function shouldSendHTML() {
+ $preferences = $this->getPreferences();
+ $value = $preferences->getSettingValue(
+ PhabricatorEmailFormatSetting::SETTINGKEY);
+ return ($value == PhabricatorEmailFormatSetting::VALUE_HTML_EMAIL);
+ }
+/* -( Utilities )---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ private function newEmailHeader($name, $value) {
+ return id(new PhabricatorMailHeader())
+ ->setName($name)
+ ->setValue($value);
+ }
+ private function newEmailAddress($address, $name = null) {
+ $object = id(new PhutilEmailAddress())
+ ->setAddress($address);
+ if (strlen($name)) {
+ $object->setDisplayName($name);
+ }
+ return $object;
+ }
+ public function newDefaultEmailAddress() {
+ $raw_address = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('metamta.default-address');
+ if (!strlen($raw_address)) {
+ $domain = $this->newMailDomain();
+ $raw_address = "noreply@{$domain}";
+ }
+ $address = new PhutilEmailAddress($raw_address);
+ if (!strlen($address->getDisplayName())) {
+ $address->setDisplayName(pht('Phabricator'));
+ }
+ return $address;
+ }
+ public function newVoidEmailAddress() {
+ return $this->newDefaultEmailAddress();
+ }
+ private function newMailDomain() {
+ $domain = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('metamta.reply-handler-domain');
+ if (strlen($domain)) {
+ return $domain;
+ }
+ $install_uri = PhabricatorEnv::getURI('/');
+ $install_uri = new PhutilURI($install_uri);
+ return $install_uri->getDomain();
+ }
+ private function filterHeaders(array $headers, $must_encrypt) {
+ assert_instances_of($headers, 'PhabricatorMailHeader');
+ if (!$must_encrypt) {
+ return $headers;
+ }
+ $whitelist = array(
+ 'In-Reply-To',
+ 'Message-ID',
+ 'Precedence',
+ 'References',
+ 'Thread-Index',
+ 'Thread-Topic',
+ 'X-Mail-Transport-Agent',
+ 'X-Auto-Response-Suppress',
+ 'X-Phabricator-Sent-This-Message',
+ 'X-Phabricator-Must-Encrypt',
+ 'X-Phabricator-Mail-ID',
+ 'X-Phabricator-Send-Attempt',
+ );
+ // NOTE: The major header we want to drop is "X-Phabricator-Mail-Tags".
+ // This header contains a significant amount of meaningful information
+ // about the object.
+ $whitelist_map = array();
+ foreach ($whitelist as $term) {
+ $whitelist_map[phutil_utf8_strtolower($term)] = true;
+ }
+ foreach ($headers as $key => $header) {
+ $name = $header->getName();
+ $name = phutil_utf8_strtolower($name);
+ if (!isset($whitelist_map[$name])) {
+ unset($headers[$key]);
+ }
+ }
+ return $headers;
+ }
+ private function getUniqueEmailAddresses(
+ array $addresses,
+ array $exclude = array()) {
+ assert_instances_of($addresses, 'PhutilEmailAddress');
+ assert_instances_of($exclude, 'PhutilEmailAddress');
+ $seen = array();
+ foreach ($exclude as $address) {
+ $seen[$address->getAddress()] = true;
+ }
+ foreach ($addresses as $key => $address) {
+ $raw_address = $address->getAddress();
+ if (isset($seen[$raw_address])) {
+ unset($addresses[$key]);
+ continue;
+ }
+ $seen[$raw_address] = true;
+ }
+ return array_values($addresses);
+ }
+ private function generateThreadIndex($seed, $is_first_mail) {
+ // When threading, Outlook ignores the 'References' and 'In-Reply-To'
+ // headers that most clients use. Instead, it uses a custom 'Thread-Index'
+ // header. The format of this header is something like this (from
+ // camel-exchange-folder.c in Evolution Exchange):
+ /* A new post to a folder gets a 27-byte-long thread index. (The value
+ * is apparently unique but meaningless.) Each reply to a post gets a
+ * 32-byte-long thread index whose first 27 bytes are the same as the
+ * parent's thread index. Each reply to any of those gets a
+ * 37-byte-long thread index, etc. The Thread-Index header contains a
+ * base64 representation of this value.
+ */
+ // The specific implementation uses a 27-byte header for the first email
+ // a recipient receives, and a random 5-byte suffix (32 bytes total)
+ // thereafter. This means that all the replies are (incorrectly) siblings,
+ // but it would be very difficult to keep track of the entire tree and this
+ // gets us reasonable client behavior.
+ $base = substr(md5($seed), 0, 27);
+ if (!$is_first_mail) {
+ // Not totally sure, but it seems like outlook orders replies by
+ // thread-index rather than timestamp, so to get these to show up in the
+ // right order we use the time as the last 4 bytes.
+ $base .= ' '.pack('N', time());
+ }
+ return base64_encode($base);
+ }
+ private function shouldRateLimitMail(array $all_recipients) {
+ try {
+ PhabricatorSystemActionEngine::willTakeAction(
+ $all_recipients,
+ new PhabricatorMetaMTAErrorMailAction(),
+ 1);
+ return false;
+ } catch (PhabricatorSystemActionRateLimitException $ex) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/applications/metamta/engine/PhabricatorMailMessageEngine.php b/src/applications/metamta/engine/PhabricatorMailMessageEngine.php
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/applications/metamta/engine/PhabricatorMailMessageEngine.php
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+abstract class PhabricatorMailMessageEngine
+ extends Phobject {
+ private $mailer;
+ private $mail;
+ private $actors = array();
+ private $preferences;
+ final public function setMailer(
+ PhabricatorMailImplementationAdapter $mailer) {
+ $this->mailer = $mailer;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ final public function getMailer() {
+ return $this->mailer;
+ }
+ final public function setMail(PhabricatorMetaMTAMail $mail) {
+ $this->mail = $mail;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ final public function getMail() {
+ return $this->mail;
+ }
+ final public function setActors(array $actors) {
+ assert_instances_of($actors, 'PhabricatorMetaMTAActor');
+ $this->actors = $actors;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ final public function getActors() {
+ return $this->actors;
+ }
+ final public function getActor($phid) {
+ return idx($this->actors, $phid);
+ }
+ final public function setPreferences(
+ PhabricatorUserPreferences $preferences) {
+ $this->preferences = $preferences;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ final public function getPreferences() {
+ return $this->preferences;
+ }
diff --git a/src/applications/metamta/management/PhabricatorMailManagementShowOutboundWorkflow.php b/src/applications/metamta/management/PhabricatorMailManagementShowOutboundWorkflow.php
--- a/src/applications/metamta/management/PhabricatorMailManagementShowOutboundWorkflow.php
+++ b/src/applications/metamta/management/PhabricatorMailManagementShowOutboundWorkflow.php
@@ -116,10 +116,6 @@
$headers = $message->getDeliveredHeaders();
$unfiltered = $message->getUnfilteredHeaders();
- if (!$unfiltered) {
- $headers = $message->generateHeaders();
- $unfiltered = $headers;
- }
$header_map = array();
foreach ($headers as $header) {
diff --git a/src/applications/metamta/storage/PhabricatorMetaMTAMail.php b/src/applications/metamta/storage/PhabricatorMetaMTAMail.php
--- a/src/applications/metamta/storage/PhabricatorMetaMTAMail.php
+++ b/src/applications/metamta/storage/PhabricatorMetaMTAMail.php
@@ -191,13 +191,17 @@
return $this;
+ public function getHeaders() {
+ return $this->getParam('headers', array());
+ }
public function addAttachment(PhabricatorMailAttachment $attachment) {
$this->parameters['attachments'][] = $attachment->toDictionary();
return $this;
public function getAttachments() {
- $dicts = $this->getParam('attachments');
+ $dicts = $this->getParam('attachments', array());
$result = array();
foreach ($dicts as $dict) {
@@ -256,11 +260,19 @@
return $this;
+ public function getRawFrom() {
+ return $this->getParam('raw-from');
+ }
public function setReplyTo($reply_to) {
$this->setParam('reply-to', $reply_to);
return $this;
+ public function getReplyTo() {
+ return $this->getParam('reply-to');
+ }
public function setSubject($subject) {
$this->setParam('subject', $subject);
return $this;
@@ -271,11 +283,19 @@
return $this;
+ public function getSubjectPrefix() {
+ return $this->getParam('subject-prefix');
+ }
public function setVarySubjectPrefix($prefix) {
$this->setParam('vary-subject-prefix', $prefix);
return $this;
+ public function getVarySubjectPrefix() {
+ return $this->getParam('vary-subject-prefix');
+ }
public function setBody($body) {
$this->setParam('body', $body);
return $this;
@@ -413,6 +433,10 @@
return $this;
+ public function getIsBulk() {
+ return $this->getParam('is-bulk');
+ }
* Use this method to set an ID used for message threading. MetaMTA will
* set appropriate headers (Message-ID, In-Reply-To, References and
@@ -429,6 +453,14 @@
return $this;
+ public function getThreadID() {
+ return $this->getParam('thread-id');
+ }
+ public function getIsFirstMessage() {
+ return (bool)$this->getParam('is-first-message');
+ }
* Save a newly created mail to the database. The mail will eventually be
* delivered by the MetaMTA daemon.
@@ -597,10 +629,6 @@
- foreach ($sorted as $mailer) {
- $mailer->prepareForSend();
- }
return $sorted;
@@ -627,36 +655,51 @@
- $exceptions = array();
- foreach ($mailers as $template_mailer) {
- $mailer = null;
+ $actors = $this->loadAllActors();
+ // If we're sending one mail to everyone, some recipients will be in
+ // "Cc" rather than "To". We'll move them to "To" later (or supply a
+ // dummy "To") but need to look for the recipient in either the
+ // "To" or "Cc" fields here.
+ $target_phid = head($this->getToPHIDs());
+ if (!$target_phid) {
+ $target_phid = head($this->getCcPHIDs());
+ }
+ $preferences = $this->loadPreferences($target_phid);
+ // Attach any files we're about to send to this message, so the recipients
+ // can view them.
+ $viewer = PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser();
+ $files = $this->loadAttachedFiles($viewer);
+ foreach ($files as $file) {
+ $file->attachToObject($this->getPHID());
+ }
+ $exceptions = array();
+ foreach ($mailers as $mailer) {
try {
- $mailer = $this->buildMailer($template_mailer);
+ $message = id(new PhabricatorMailEmailEngine())
+ ->setMailer($mailer)
+ ->setMail($this)
+ ->setActors($actors)
+ ->setPreferences($preferences)
+ ->newMessage($mailer);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$exceptions[] = $ex;
- if (!$mailer) {
- // If we don't get a mailer back, that means the mail doesn't
- // actually need to be sent (for example, because recipients have
- // declined to receive the mail). Void it and return.
+ if (!$message) {
+ // If we don't get a message back, that means the mail doesn't actually
+ // need to be sent (for example, because recipients have declined to
+ // receive the mail). Void it and return.
return $this
try {
- $ok = $mailer->send();
- if (!$ok) {
- // TODO: At some point, we should clean this up and make all mailers
- // throw.
- throw new Exception(
- pht(
- 'Mail adapter encountered an unexpected, unspecified '.
- 'failure.'));
- }
+ $mailer->sendMessage($message);
} catch (PhabricatorMetaMTAPermanentFailureException $ex) {
// If any mailer raises a permanent failure, stop trying to send the
// mail with other mailers.
@@ -677,6 +720,19 @@
$this->setParam('mailer.key', $mailer_key);
+ // Now that we sent the message, store the final deliverability outcomes
+ // and reasoning so we can explain why things happened the way they did.
+ $actor_list = array();
+ foreach ($actors as $actor) {
+ $actor_list[$actor->getPHID()] = array(
+ 'deliverable' => $actor->isDeliverable(),
+ 'reasons' => $actor->getDeliverabilityReasons(),
+ );
+ }
+ $this->setParam('actors.sent', $actor_list);
+ $this->setParam('routing.sent', $this->getParam('routing'));
+ $this->setParam('routingmap.sent', $this->getRoutingRuleMap());
return $this
@@ -705,368 +761,6 @@
- private function buildMailer(PhabricatorMailImplementationAdapter $mailer) {
- $headers = $this->generateHeaders();
- $params = $this->parameters;
- $actors = $this->loadAllActors();
- $deliverable_actors = $this->filterDeliverableActors($actors);
- $default_from = (string)$this->newDefaultEmailAddress();
- if (empty($params['from'])) {
- $mailer->setFrom($default_from);
- }
- $is_first = idx($params, 'is-first-message');
- unset($params['is-first-message']);
- $is_threaded = (bool)idx($params, 'thread-id');
- $must_encrypt = $this->getMustEncrypt();
- $reply_to_name = idx($params, 'reply-to-name', '');
- unset($params['reply-to-name']);
- $add_cc = array();
- $add_to = array();
- // If we're sending one mail to everyone, some recipients will be in
- // "Cc" rather than "To". We'll move them to "To" later (or supply a
- // dummy "To") but need to look for the recipient in either the
- // "To" or "Cc" fields here.
- $target_phid = head(idx($params, 'to', array()));
- if (!$target_phid) {
- $target_phid = head(idx($params, 'cc', array()));
- }
- $preferences = $this->loadPreferences($target_phid);
- foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
- switch ($key) {
- case 'raw-from':
- list($from_email, $from_name) = $value;
- $mailer->setFrom($from_email, $from_name);
- break;
- case 'from':
- // If the mail content must be encrypted, disguise the sender.
- if ($must_encrypt) {
- $mailer->setFrom($default_from, pht('Phabricator'));
- break;
- }
- $from = $value;
- $actor_email = null;
- $actor_name = null;
- $actor = idx($actors, $from);
- if ($actor) {
- $actor_email = $actor->getEmailAddress();
- $actor_name = $actor->getName();
- }
- $can_send_as_user = $actor_email &&
- PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('metamta.can-send-as-user');
- if ($can_send_as_user) {
- $mailer->setFrom($actor_email, $actor_name);
- } else {
- $from_email = coalesce($actor_email, $default_from);
- $from_name = coalesce($actor_name, pht('Phabricator'));
- if (empty($params['reply-to'])) {
- $params['reply-to'] = $from_email;
- $params['reply-to-name'] = $from_name;
- }
- $mailer->setFrom($default_from, $from_name);
- }
- break;
- case 'reply-to':
- $mailer->addReplyTo($value, $reply_to_name);
- break;
- case 'to':
- $to_phids = $this->expandRecipients($value);
- $to_actors = array_select_keys($deliverable_actors, $to_phids);
- $add_to = array_merge(
- $add_to,
- mpull($to_actors, 'getEmailAddress'));
- break;
- case 'raw-to':
- $add_to = array_merge($add_to, $value);
- break;
- case 'cc':
- $cc_phids = $this->expandRecipients($value);
- $cc_actors = array_select_keys($deliverable_actors, $cc_phids);
- $add_cc = array_merge(
- $add_cc,
- mpull($cc_actors, 'getEmailAddress'));
- break;
- case 'attachments':
- $attached_viewer = PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser();
- $files = $this->loadAttachedFiles($attached_viewer);
- foreach ($files as $file) {
- $file->attachToObject($this->getPHID());
- }
- // If the mail content must be encrypted, don't add attachments.
- if ($must_encrypt) {
- break;
- }
- $value = $this->getAttachments();
- foreach ($value as $attachment) {
- $mailer->addAttachment(
- $attachment->getData(),
- $attachment->getFilename(),
- $attachment->getMimeType());
- }
- break;
- case 'subject':
- $subject = array();
- if ($is_threaded) {
- if ($this->shouldAddRePrefix($preferences)) {
- $subject[] = 'Re:';
- }
- }
- $subject[] = trim(idx($params, 'subject-prefix'));
- // If mail content must be encrypted, we replace the subject with
- // a generic one.
- if ($must_encrypt) {
- $encrypt_subject = $this->getMustEncryptSubject();
- if (!strlen($encrypt_subject)) {
- $encrypt_subject = pht('Object Updated');
- }
- $subject[] = $encrypt_subject;
- } else {
- $vary_prefix = idx($params, 'vary-subject-prefix');
- if ($vary_prefix != '') {
- if ($this->shouldVarySubject($preferences)) {
- $subject[] = $vary_prefix;
- }
- }
- $subject[] = $value;
- }
- $mailer->setSubject(implode(' ', array_filter($subject)));
- break;
- case 'thread-id':
- // NOTE: Gmail freaks out about In-Reply-To and References which
- // aren't in the form "<string@domain.tld>"; this is also required
- // by RFC 2822, although some clients are more liberal in what they
- // accept.
- $domain = $this->newMailDomain();
- $value = '<'.$value.'@'.$domain.'>';
- if ($is_first && $mailer->supportsMessageIDHeader()) {
- $headers[] = array('Message-ID', $value);
- } else {
- $in_reply_to = $value;
- $references = array($value);
- $parent_id = $this->getParentMessageID();
- if ($parent_id) {
- $in_reply_to = $parent_id;
- // By RFC 2822, the most immediate parent should appear last
- // in the "References" header, so this order is intentional.
- $references[] = $parent_id;
- }
- $references = implode(' ', $references);
- $headers[] = array('In-Reply-To', $in_reply_to);
- $headers[] = array('References', $references);
- }
- $thread_index = $this->generateThreadIndex($value, $is_first);
- $headers[] = array('Thread-Index', $thread_index);
- break;
- default:
- // Other parameters are handled elsewhere or are not relevant to
- // constructing the message.
- break;
- }
- }
- $stamps = $this->getMailStamps();
- if ($stamps) {
- $headers[] = array('X-Phabricator-Stamps', implode(' ', $stamps));
- }
- $raw_body = idx($params, 'body', '');
- $body = $raw_body;
- if ($must_encrypt) {
- $parts = array();
- $encrypt_uri = $this->getMustEncryptURI();
- if (!strlen($encrypt_uri)) {
- $encrypt_phid = $this->getRelatedPHID();
- if ($encrypt_phid) {
- $encrypt_uri = urisprintf(
- '/object/%s/',
- $encrypt_phid);
- }
- }
- if (strlen($encrypt_uri)) {
- $parts[] = pht(
- 'This secure message is notifying you of a change to this object:');
- $parts[] = PhabricatorEnv::getProductionURI($encrypt_uri);
- }
- $parts[] = pht(
- 'The content for this message can only be transmitted over a '.
- 'secure channel. To view the message content, follow this '.
- 'link:');
- $parts[] = PhabricatorEnv::getProductionURI($this->getURI());
- $body = implode("\n\n", $parts);
- } else {
- $body = $raw_body;
- }
- $body_limit = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('');
- if (strlen($body) > $body_limit) {
- $body = id(new PhutilUTF8StringTruncator())
- ->setMaximumBytes($body_limit)
- ->truncateString($body);
- $body .= "\n";
- $body .= pht('(This email was truncated at %d bytes.)', $body_limit);
- }
- $mailer->setBody($body);
- $body_limit -= strlen($body);
- // If we sent a different message body than we were asked to, record
- // what we actually sent to make debugging and diagnostics easier.
- if ($body !== $raw_body) {
- $this->setParam('body.sent', $body);
- }
- if ($must_encrypt) {
- $send_html = false;
- } else {
- $send_html = $this->shouldSendHTML($preferences);
- }
- if ($send_html) {
- $html_body = idx($params, 'html-body');
- if (strlen($html_body)) {
- // NOTE: We just drop the entire HTML body if it won't fit. Safely
- // truncating HTML is hard, and we already have the text body to fall
- // back to.
- if (strlen($html_body) <= $body_limit) {
- $mailer->setHTMLBody($html_body);
- $body_limit -= strlen($html_body);
- }
- }
- }
- // Pass the headers to the mailer, then save the state so we can show
- // them in the web UI. If the mail must be encrypted, we remove headers
- // which are not on a strict whitelist to avoid disclosing information.
- $filtered_headers = $this->filterHeaders($headers, $must_encrypt);
- foreach ($filtered_headers as $header) {
- list($header_key, $header_value) = $header;
- $mailer->addHeader($header_key, $header_value);
- }
- $this->setParam('headers.unfiltered', $headers);
- $this->setParam('headers.sent', $filtered_headers);
- // Save the final deliverability outcomes and reasoning so we can
- // explain why things happened the way they did.
- $actor_list = array();
- foreach ($actors as $actor) {
- $actor_list[$actor->getPHID()] = array(
- 'deliverable' => $actor->isDeliverable(),
- 'reasons' => $actor->getDeliverabilityReasons(),
- );
- }
- $this->setParam('actors.sent', $actor_list);
- $this->setParam('routing.sent', $this->getParam('routing'));
- $this->setParam('routingmap.sent', $this->getRoutingRuleMap());
- if (!$add_to && !$add_cc) {
- $this->setMessage(
- pht(
- 'Message has no valid recipients: all To/Cc are disabled, '.
- 'invalid, or configured not to receive this mail.'));
- return null;
- }
- if ($this->getIsErrorEmail()) {
- $all_recipients = array_merge($add_to, $add_cc);
- if ($this->shouldRateLimitMail($all_recipients)) {
- $this->setMessage(
- pht(
- 'This is an error email, but one or more recipients have '.
- 'exceeded the error email rate limit. Declining to deliver '.
- 'message.'));
- return null;
- }
- }
- if (PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('phabricator.silent')) {
- $this->setMessage(
- pht(
- 'Phabricator is running in silent mode. See `%s` '.
- 'in the configuration to change this setting.',
- 'phabricator.silent'));
- return null;
- }
- // Some mailers require a valid "To:" in order to deliver mail. If we don't
- // have any "To:", fill it in with a placeholder "To:". This allows client
- // rules based on whether the recipient is in "To:" or "CC:" to continue
- // behaving in the same way.
- if (!$add_to) {
- $void_recipient = $this->newVoidEmailAddress();
- $add_to = array($void_recipient->getAddress());
- }
- $add_to = array_unique($add_to);
- $add_cc = array_diff(array_unique($add_cc), $add_to);
- $mailer->addTos($add_to);
- if ($add_cc) {
- $mailer->addCCs($add_cc);
- }
- return $mailer;
- }
- private function generateThreadIndex($seed, $is_first_mail) {
- // When threading, Outlook ignores the 'References' and 'In-Reply-To'
- // headers that most clients use. Instead, it uses a custom 'Thread-Index'
- // header. The format of this header is something like this (from
- // camel-exchange-folder.c in Evolution Exchange):
- /* A new post to a folder gets a 27-byte-long thread index. (The value
- * is apparently unique but meaningless.) Each reply to a post gets a
- * 32-byte-long thread index whose first 27 bytes are the same as the
- * parent's thread index. Each reply to any of those gets a
- * 37-byte-long thread index, etc. The Thread-Index header contains a
- * base64 representation of this value.
- */
- // The specific implementation uses a 27-byte header for the first email
- // a recipient receives, and a random 5-byte suffix (32 bytes total)
- // thereafter. This means that all the replies are (incorrectly) siblings,
- // but it would be very difficult to keep track of the entire tree and this
- // gets us reasonable client behavior.
- $base = substr(md5($seed), 0, 27);
- if (!$is_first_mail) {
- // Not totally sure, but it seems like outlook orders replies by
- // thread-index rather than timestamp, so to get these to show up in the
- // right order we use the time as the last 4 bytes.
- $base .= ' '.pack('N', time());
- }
- return base64_encode($base);
- }
public static function shouldMailEachRecipient() {
return PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('');
@@ -1120,7 +814,7 @@
* recipients.
* @return list<phid> Deaggregated list of mailable recipients.
- private function expandRecipients(array $phids) {
+ public function expandRecipients(array $phids) {
if ($this->recipientExpansionMap === null) {
$all_phids = $this->getAllActorPHIDs();
$this->recipientExpansionMap = id(new PhabricatorMetaMTAMemberQuery())
@@ -1320,72 +1014,15 @@
return $actors;
- private function shouldRateLimitMail(array $all_recipients) {
- try {
- PhabricatorSystemActionEngine::willTakeAction(
- $all_recipients,
- new PhabricatorMetaMTAErrorMailAction(),
- 1);
- return false;
- } catch (PhabricatorSystemActionRateLimitException $ex) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- public function generateHeaders() {
- $headers = array();
- $headers[] = array('X-Phabricator-Sent-This-Message', 'Yes');
- $headers[] = array('X-Mail-Transport-Agent', 'MetaMTA');
- // Some clients respect this to suppress OOF and other auto-responses.
- $headers[] = array('X-Auto-Response-Suppress', 'All');
- $mailtags = $this->getParam('mailtags');
- if ($mailtags) {
- $tag_header = array();
- foreach ($mailtags as $mailtag) {
- $tag_header[] = '<'.$mailtag.'>';
- }
- $tag_header = implode(', ', $tag_header);
- $headers[] = array('X-Phabricator-Mail-Tags', $tag_header);
- }
- $value = $this->getParam('headers', array());
- foreach ($value as $pair) {
- list($header_key, $header_value) = $pair;
- // NOTE: If we have \n in a header, SES rejects the email.
- $header_value = str_replace("\n", ' ', $header_value);
- $headers[] = array($header_key, $header_value);
- }
- $is_bulk = $this->getParam('is-bulk');
- if ($is_bulk) {
- $headers[] = array('Precedence', 'bulk');
- }
- if ($this->getMustEncrypt()) {
- $headers[] = array('X-Phabricator-Must-Encrypt', 'Yes');
- }
- $related_phid = $this->getRelatedPHID();
- if ($related_phid) {
- $headers[] = array('Thread-Topic', $related_phid);
- }
- $headers[] = array('X-Phabricator-Mail-ID', $this->getID());
- $unique = Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(16);
- $headers[] = array('X-Phabricator-Send-Attempt', $unique);
- return $headers;
- }
public function getDeliveredHeaders() {
return $this->getParam('headers.sent');
+ public function setDeliveredHeaders(array $headers) {
+ $headers = $this->flattenHeaders($headers);
+ return $this->setParam('headers.sent', $headers);
+ }
public function getUnfilteredHeaders() {
$unfiltered = $this->getParam('headers.unfiltered');
@@ -1399,6 +1036,25 @@
return $unfiltered;
+ public function setUnfilteredHeaders(array $headers) {
+ $headers = $this->flattenHeaders($headers);
+ return $this->setParam('headers.unfiltered', $headers);
+ }
+ private function flattenHeaders(array $headers) {
+ assert_instances_of($headers, 'PhabricatorMailHeader');
+ $list = array();
+ foreach ($list as $header) {
+ $list[] = array(
+ $header->getName(),
+ $header->getValue(),
+ );
+ }
+ return $list;
+ }
public function getDeliveredActors() {
return $this->getParam('actors.sent');
@@ -1415,81 +1071,14 @@
return $this->getParam('body.sent');
- private function filterHeaders(array $headers, $must_encrypt) {
- if (!$must_encrypt) {
- return $headers;
- }
- $whitelist = array(
- 'In-Reply-To',
- 'Message-ID',
- 'Precedence',
- 'References',
- 'Thread-Index',
- 'Thread-Topic',
- 'X-Mail-Transport-Agent',
- 'X-Auto-Response-Suppress',
- 'X-Phabricator-Sent-This-Message',
- 'X-Phabricator-Must-Encrypt',
- 'X-Phabricator-Mail-ID',
- 'X-Phabricator-Send-Attempt',
- );
- // NOTE: The major header we want to drop is "X-Phabricator-Mail-Tags".
- // This header contains a significant amount of meaningful information
- // about the object.
- $whitelist_map = array();
- foreach ($whitelist as $term) {
- $whitelist_map[phutil_utf8_strtolower($term)] = true;
- }
- foreach ($headers as $key => $header) {
- list($name, $value) = $header;
- $name = phutil_utf8_strtolower($name);
- if (!isset($whitelist_map[$name])) {
- unset($headers[$key]);
- }
- }
- return $headers;
+ public function setDeliveredBody($body) {
+ return $this->setParam('body.sent', $body);
public function getURI() {
return '/mail/detail/'.$this->getID().'/';
- private function newMailDomain() {
- $domain = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('metamta.reply-handler-domain');
- if (strlen($domain)) {
- return $domain;
- }
- $install_uri = PhabricatorEnv::getURI('/');
- $install_uri = new PhutilURI($install_uri);
- return $install_uri->getDomain();
- }
- public function newDefaultEmailAddress() {
- $raw_address = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('metamta.default-address');
- if (strlen($raw_address)) {
- return new PhutilEmailAddress($raw_address);
- }
- $domain = $this->newMailDomain();
- $address = "noreply@{$domain}";
- return new PhutilEmailAddress($address);
- }
- public function newVoidEmailAddress() {
- return $this->newDefaultEmailAddress();
- }
/* -( Routing )------------------------------------------------------------ */
@@ -1578,27 +1167,6 @@
return PhabricatorUserPreferences::loadGlobalPreferences($viewer);
- private function shouldAddRePrefix(PhabricatorUserPreferences $preferences) {
- $value = $preferences->getSettingValue(
- PhabricatorEmailRePrefixSetting::SETTINGKEY);
- return ($value == PhabricatorEmailRePrefixSetting::VALUE_RE_PREFIX);
- }
- private function shouldVarySubject(PhabricatorUserPreferences $preferences) {
- $value = $preferences->getSettingValue(
- PhabricatorEmailVarySubjectsSetting::SETTINGKEY);
- return ($value == PhabricatorEmailVarySubjectsSetting::VALUE_VARY_SUBJECTS);
- }
- private function shouldSendHTML(PhabricatorUserPreferences $preferences) {
- $value = $preferences->getSettingValue(
- PhabricatorEmailFormatSetting::SETTINGKEY);
- return ($value == PhabricatorEmailFormatSetting::VALUE_HTML_EMAIL);
- }
public function shouldRenderMailStampsInBody($viewer) {
$preferences = $this->loadPreferences($viewer->getPHID());
$value = $preferences->getSettingValue(

File Metadata

Mime Type
Thu, Mar 20, 8:44 AM (10 h, 25 m ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Encrypted (AES-256-CBC)
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
D19955.diff (49 KB)

Event Timeline