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diff --git a/resources/celerity/map.php b/resources/celerity/map.php
--- a/resources/celerity/map.php
+++ b/resources/celerity/map.php
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
'rsrc/css/core/z-index.css' => '0d89d53c',
'rsrc/css/diviner/diviner-shared.css' => '38813222',
'rsrc/css/font/font-awesome.css' => '62bc244d',
- 'rsrc/css/font/font-glyphicons-halflings.css' => '0c69dbc6',
+ 'rsrc/css/font/font-glyphicons-halflings.css' => 'c4c1c6b6',
'rsrc/css/font/font-source-sans-pro.css' => '91d53463',
'rsrc/css/font/phui-font-icon-base.css' => 'cc5465ba',
'rsrc/css/layout/phabricator-action-header-view.css' => 'c14dfc57',
@@ -167,9 +167,6 @@
'rsrc/externals/font/fontawesome/fontawesome-webfont.eot' => 'b676fe4f',
'rsrc/externals/font/fontawesome/fontawesome-webfont.ttf' => 'af66fc5c',
'rsrc/externals/font/fontawesome/fontawesome-webfont.woff' => 'c713570f',
- 'rsrc/externals/font/glyphicons/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot' => '282d455e',
- 'rsrc/externals/font/glyphicons/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf' => 'b7c56991',
- 'rsrc/externals/font/glyphicons/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff' => 'bac768cd',
'rsrc/externals/font/sourcesans/SourceSansPro.woff' => '3614608c',
'rsrc/externals/font/sourcesans/SourceSansProBold.woff' => 'cbf46566',
'rsrc/externals/javelin/core/Event.js' => '79473b62',
@@ -521,7 +518,7 @@
'diffusion-source-css' => '66fdf661',
'diviner-shared-css' => '38813222',
'font-fontawesome' => '62bc244d',
- 'font-glyphicons-halflings' => '0c69dbc6',
+ 'font-glyphicons-halflings' => 'c4c1c6b6',
'font-source-sans-pro' => '91d53463',
'global-drag-and-drop-css' => '697324ad',
'harbormaster-css' => 'cec833b7',
diff --git a/src/applications/uiexample/examples/PHUIIconExample.php b/src/applications/uiexample/examples/PHUIIconExample.php
--- a/src/applications/uiexample/examples/PHUIIconExample.php
+++ b/src/applications/uiexample/examples/PHUIIconExample.php
@@ -10,211 +10,6 @@
return 'Easily render icons or images with links and sprites.';
- private function listHalflings() {
- return array (
- 'gh-glass',
- 'gh-music',
- 'gh-search',
- 'gh-envelope',
- 'gh-heart',
- 'gh-star',
- 'gh-star-empty',
- 'gh-user',
- 'gh-film',
- 'gh-th-large',
- 'gh-th',
- 'gh-th-list',
- 'gh-ok',
- 'gh-remove',
- 'gh-zoom-in',
- 'gh-zoom-out',
- 'gh-off',
- 'gh-signal',
- 'gh-cog',
- 'gh-trash',
- 'gh-home',
- 'gh-file',
- 'gh-time',
- 'gh-road',
- 'gh-download-alt',
- 'gh-download',
- 'gh-upload',
- 'gh-inbox',
- 'gh-play-circle',
- 'gh-repeat',
- 'gh-refresh',
- 'gh-list-alt',
- 'gh-lock',
- 'gh-flag',
- 'gh-headphones',
- 'gh-volume-off',
- 'gh-volume-down',
- 'gh-volume-up',
- 'gh-qrcode',
- 'gh-barcode',
- 'gh-tag',
- 'gh-tags',
- 'gh-book',
- 'gh-bookmark',
- 'gh-print',
- 'gh-camera',
- 'gh-font',
- 'gh-bold',
- 'gh-italic',
- 'gh-text-height',
- 'gh-text-width',
- 'gh-align-left',
- 'gh-align-center',
- 'gh-align-right',
- 'gh-align-justify',
- 'gh-list',
- 'gh-indent-left',
- 'gh-indent-right',
- 'gh-facetime-video',
- 'gh-picture',
- 'gh-pencil',
- 'gh-map-marker',
- 'gh-adjust',
- 'gh-tint',
- 'gh-edit',
- 'gh-share',
- 'gh-check',
- 'gh-move',
- 'gh-step-backward',
- 'gh-fast-backward',
- 'gh-backward',
- 'gh-play',
- 'gh-pause',
- 'gh-stop',
- 'gh-forward',
- 'gh-fast-forward',
- 'gh-step-forward',
- 'gh-eject',
- 'gh-chevron-left',
- 'gh-chevron-right',
- 'gh-plus-sign',
- 'gh-minus-sign',
- 'gh-remove-sign',
- 'gh-ok-sign',
- 'gh-question-sign',
- 'gh-info-sign',
- 'gh-screenshot',
- 'gh-remove-circle',
- 'gh-ok-circle',
- 'gh-ban-circle',
- 'gh-arrow-left',
- 'gh-arrow-right',
- 'gh-arrow-up',
- 'gh-arrow-down',
- 'gh-share-alt',
- 'gh-resize-full',
- 'gh-resize-small',
- 'gh-plus',
- 'gh-minus',
- 'gh-asterisk',
- 'gh-exclamation-sign',
- 'gh-gift',
- 'gh-leaf',
- 'gh-fire',
- 'gh-eye-open',
- 'gh-eye-close',
- 'gh-warning-sign',
- 'gh-plane',
- 'gh-calendar',
- 'gh-random',
- 'gh-comments',
- 'gh-magnet',
- 'gh-chevron-up',
- 'gh-chevron-down',
- 'gh-retweet',
- 'gh-shopping-cart',
- 'gh-folder-close',
- 'gh-folder-open',
- 'gh-resize-vertical',
- 'gh-resize-horizontal',
- 'gh-hdd',
- 'gh-bullhorn',
- 'gh-bell',
- 'gh-certificate',
- 'gh-thumbs-up',
- 'gh-thumbs-down',
- 'gh-hand-right',
- 'gh-hand-left',
- 'gh-hand-top',
- 'gh-hand-down',
- 'gh-circle-arrow-right',
- 'gh-circle-arrow-left',
- 'gh-circle-arrow-top',
- 'gh-circle-arrow-down',
- 'gh-globe',
- 'gh-wrench',
- 'gh-tasks',
- 'gh-filter',
- 'gh-briefcase',
- 'gh-fullscreen',
- 'gh-dashboard',
- 'gh-paperclip',
- 'gh-heart-empty',
- 'gh-link',
- 'gh-phone',
- 'gh-pushpin',
- 'gh-euro',
- 'gh-usd',
- 'gh-gbp',
- 'gh-sort',
- 'gh-sort-by-alphabet',
- 'gh-sort-by-alphabet-alt',
- 'gh-sort-by-order',
- 'gh-sort-by-order-alt',
- 'gh-sort-by-attributes',
- 'gh-sort-by-attributes-alt',
- 'gh-unchecked',
- 'gh-expand',
- 'gh-collapse',
- 'gh-collapse-top',
- 'gh-log_in',
- 'gh-flash',
- 'gh-log_out',
- 'gh-new_window',
- 'gh-record',
- 'gh-save',
- 'gh-open',
- 'gh-saved',
- 'gh-import',
- 'gh-export',
- 'gh-send',
- 'gh-floppy_disk',
- 'gh-floppy_saved',
- 'gh-floppy_remove',
- 'gh-floppy_save',
- 'gh-floppy_open',
- 'gh-credit_card',
- 'gh-transfer',
- 'gh-cutlery',
- 'gh-header',
- 'gh-compressed',
- 'gh-earphone',
- 'gh-phone_alt',
- 'gh-tower',
- 'gh-stats',
- 'gh-sd_video',
- 'gh-hd_video',
- 'gh-subtitles',
- 'gh-sound_stereo',
- 'gh-sound_dolby',
- 'gh-sound_5_1',
- 'gh-sound_6_1',
- 'gh-sound_7_1',
- 'gh-copyright_mark',
- 'gh-registration_mark',
- 'gh-cloud',
- 'gh-cloud_download',
- 'gh-cloud_upload',
- 'gh-tree_conifer',
- 'gh-tree_deciduous',
- );
- }
private function listFontAwesome() {
return array(
@@ -622,22 +417,14 @@
$colors = $this->listColors();
$trans = $this->listTransforms();
- $glyphs = $this->listHalflings();
$fas = $this->listFontAwesome();
- $gicons = array();
- foreach ($glyphs as $glyph) {
- $gicons[] = id(new PHUIIconView())
- ->addClass('phui-example-icon-name')
- ->setHalfling($glyph)
- ->setText($glyph);
- }
$cicons = array();
foreach ($colors as $color) {
$cicons[] = id(new PHUIIconView())
- ->setHalfling('gh-tag '.$color)
- ->setText(pht('gh-tag %s', $color));
+ ->setFontAwesome('fa-tag '.$color)
+ ->setText(pht('fa-tag %s', $color));
$ficons = array();
foreach ($fas as $fa) {
@@ -750,10 +537,6 @@
- $layout_gicons = id(new PHUIBoxView())
- ->appendChild($gicons)
- ->addMargin(PHUI::MARGIN_LARGE);
$layout_cicons = id(new PHUIBoxView())
@@ -786,10 +569,6 @@
- $halflings = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView())
- ->setHeaderText(pht('Glyphicon Halflings'))
- ->appendChild($layout_gicons);
$fontawesome = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView())
->setHeaderText(pht('Font Awesome'))
@@ -824,7 +603,6 @@
'class' => 'phui-icon-example',
- $halflings,
diff --git a/src/view/phui/PHUIIconView.php b/src/view/phui/PHUIIconView.php
--- a/src/view/phui/PHUIIconView.php
+++ b/src/view/phui/PHUIIconView.php
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
private $spriteIcon;
private $spriteSheet;
- private $halfling;
private $fontAwesome;
public function setHref($href) {
@@ -56,11 +55,6 @@
return $this;
- public function setHalfling($hf) {
- $this->halfling = $hf;
- return $this;
- }
public function setFontAwesome($fa) {
$this->fontAwesome = $fa;
return $this;
@@ -86,12 +80,6 @@
$classes[] = 'sprite-'.$this->spriteSheet;
$classes[] = $this->spriteSheet.'-'.$this->spriteIcon;
- } elseif ($this->halfling) {
- require_celerity_resource('phui-font-icon-base-css');
- require_celerity_resource('font-glyphicons-halflings');
- $classes[] = 'phui-font-gh';
- $classes[] = $this->halfling;
} elseif ($this->fontAwesome) {
diff --git a/webroot/rsrc/externals/font/glyphicons/LICENSE b/webroot/rsrc/externals/font/glyphicons/LICENSE
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/webroot/rsrc/externals/font/glyphicons/LICENSE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-Your payment will help in the future development of new icons. If you would like to be among the first ones to hear about all the news, please, follow @GLYPHICONS on Twitter.
-By downloading icons from, you agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement. A buyer is granted an unlimited usage of all icons purchased on The icons may be used for both commercial and personal purposes such as mobile applications, web sites, web applications as well as for printing, info-graphics, etc. You do not need an extra license for every new project. The price is final and includes all future updates of GLYPHICONS, which means that no additional purchase is required.
-This license is nonexclusive, non-sublicensable. Keep in mind, please, that it is not allowed to resell the icons as such because the icons are the property of the author. Reselling of the icons is prohibited. The license is non transferable and it is tied always only with one buyer (his email address). Please, be aware that in case you would like to use a font or all icons in vector format in your html theme / application, you have to include this license as a part of your product. If your customers would like to use GLYPHICONS as a part of their own (another) product, they have to buy their own license.
-You can:
-- use icons in your HTML theme and sell it (you are obliged to include this license)
-- use icons in your mobile or web app, web, print them etc.
-- modify icons and change their color, shape, etc.
-You must not:
-- use icons in your HTML theme and sell it without including this license
-- resell icons or offer them for download anywhere on the internet
-- use icons as a part of any application where your customers are not a final customer
-All icons are provided "as they are" without a warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. I am not liable for any damages coused of any defects in this icon set. All logos and trademarks in social icons are the property of the respective trademark owners.®
-GLYPHICONS Halflings are also a part of Bootstrap from Twitter, and they are released under the same license as Bootstrap. While you are not required to include attribution on your Bootstrap-based projects, I would certainly appreciate a visible link back to in any place you find appropriate (footer, docs, etc).
-PRO users do not have to indicate the name of the author, but it always makes me happy when I see a link or a nice tweet about GLYPHICONS :) If you use the icons in your application, website or anywherelse and if you want to, email me, please, and maybe I will mention about it on Twitter, eventually publish your application on
-Jan Kovařík
diff --git a/webroot/rsrc/externals/font/glyphicons/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot b/webroot/rsrc/externals/font/glyphicons/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot
deleted file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
GIT binary patch
literal 0
literal 0
diff --git a/webroot/rsrc/externals/font/glyphicons/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf b/webroot/rsrc/externals/font/glyphicons/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf
deleted file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
GIT binary patch
literal 0
literal 0
diff --git a/webroot/rsrc/externals/font/glyphicons/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff b/webroot/rsrc/externals/font/glyphicons/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff
deleted file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
GIT binary patch
literal 0
literal 0

File Metadata

Mime Type
Thu, Mar 20, 7:23 AM (20 h, 9 m ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Encrypted (AES-256-CBC)
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
D8835.diff (13 KB)

Event Timeline