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diff --git a/src/applications/drydock/blueprint/DrydockWorkingCopyBlueprintImplementation.php b/src/applications/drydock/blueprint/DrydockWorkingCopyBlueprintImplementation.php
--- a/src/applications/drydock/blueprint/DrydockWorkingCopyBlueprintImplementation.php
+++ b/src/applications/drydock/blueprint/DrydockWorkingCopyBlueprintImplementation.php
@@ -12,17 +12,153 @@
public function getDescription() {
- return pht('Allows Drydock to check out working copies of repositories.');
+ return pht(
+ 'Allows Drydock to check out working '.
+ 'copies of repositories and revisions.');
+ }
+ private function resolveRelatedObjectsForLease(DrydockLease $lease) {
+ if ($lease->getAttribute('') !== null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $url = $lease->getAttribute('url');
+ $ref = $lease->getAttribute('ref');
+ $buildable_phid = $lease->getAttribute('buildablePHID');
+ $repository_phid = $lease->getAttribute('repositoryPHID');
+ if ($url) {
+ $lease->setAttribute('', 'url');
+ $lease->setAttribute('resolved.repositoryURL', $url);
+ $lease->setAttribute('resolved.repositoryReference', $ref);
+ $lease->save();
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Resolved working copy target as "url"'));
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Resolved working copy repository URL as "%s"',
+ $lease->getAttribute('resolved.repositoryURL')));
+ } else if ($repository_phid) {
+ $repository = id(new PhabricatorRepositoryQuery())
+ ->setViewer(PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser())
+ ->withPHIDs(array($repository_phid))
+ ->executeOne();
+ if ($repository === null) {
+ throw new Exception(pht(
+ 'No repository found with PHID %s',
+ $repository_phid));
+ }
+ $lease->setAttribute('', 'commit');
+ $lease->setAttribute(
+ 'resolved.repositoryURL',
+ $repository->getPublicCloneURI());
+ $lease->setAttribute('resolved.commitIdentifier', $ref);
+ $lease->save();
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Resolved working copy target as "commit"'));
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Resolved working copy commit identifier as "%s"',
+ $lease->getAttribute('resolved.commitIdentifier')));
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Resolved working copy repository URL as "%s"',
+ $lease->getAttribute('resolved.repositoryURL')));
+ } else if ($buildable_phid) {
+ $buildable = id(new HarbormasterBuildableQuery())
+ ->setViewer(PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser())
+ ->withPHIDs(array($buildable_phid))
+ ->needContainerObjects(true)
+ ->executeOne();
+ if ($buildable === null) {
+ throw new Exception(pht(
+ 'No buildable found with PHID %s',
+ $buildable_phid));
+ }
+ $buildable_object = $buildable->getBuildableObject();
+ $container_object = $buildable->getContainerObject();
+ if ($buildable_object instanceof PhabricatorRepositoryCommit &&
+ $container_object instanceof PhabricatorRepository) {
+ $lease->setAttribute('', 'commit');
+ $lease->setAttribute(
+ 'resolved.commitIdentifier',
+ $buildable_object->getCommitIdentifier());
+ $lease->setAttribute(
+ 'resolved.repositoryURL',
+ $container_object->getPublicCloneURI());
+ $lease->save();
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Resolved working copy target as "commit"'));
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Resolved working copy commit identifier as "%s"',
+ $lease->getAttribute('resolved.commitIdentifier')));
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Resolved working copy repository URL as "%s"',
+ $lease->getAttribute('resolved.repositoryURL')));
+ } else if ($buildable_object instanceof DifferentialDiff &&
+ $container_object instanceof DifferentialRevision) {
+ // For diffs and revisions, we use the staging URL for cloning, since
+ // that's where the diff data will reside. If there's no staging
+ // repository configured, then we can't fulfill the lease.
+ $repository = $container_object->getRepository();
+ if (!$repository->supportsStaging()) {
+ // TODO: Make this report a more detailed error message.
+ $lease->setAttribute('', 'diff.nostaging');
+ return;
+ }
+ $staging_uri = $repository->getStagingURI();
+ $lease->setAttribute('', 'diff');
+ $lease->setAttribute(
+ 'resolved.diffID',
+ $buildable_object->getID());
+ $lease->setAttribute(
+ 'resolved.repositoryURL',
+ $staging_uri);
+ $lease->save();
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Resolved working copy target as "diff"'));
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Resolved working copy diff ID as "%d"',
+ $lease->getAttribute('resolved.diffID')));
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Resolved working copy staging repository URI as "%s"',
+ $lease->getAttribute('resolved.repositoryURL')));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public function canAllocateResourceForLease(DrydockLease $lease) {
+ return true;
protected function canAllocateLease(
DrydockResource $resource,
DrydockLease $lease) {
- $resource_repo = $resource->getAttribute('repositoryID');
- $lease_repo = $lease->getAttribute('repositoryID');
+ $resource_url = $resource->getAttribute('repositoryURL');
+ $this->resolveRelatedObjectsForLease($lease);
+ $lease_url = $lease->getAttribute('resolved.repositoryURL');
- return ($resource_repo && $lease_repo && ($resource_repo == $lease_repo));
+ $can_allocate =
+ ($resource_url && $lease_url && ($resource_url == $lease_url));
+ if ($can_allocate) {
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'This blueprint can allocate a resource for the specified lease.'));
+ } else {
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'This blueprint can not allocate a resource for the specified lease.'));
+ }
+ return $can_allocate;
protected function shouldAllocateLease(
@@ -30,79 +166,300 @@
DrydockResource $resource,
DrydockLease $lease) {
- return $context->getCurrentResourceLeaseCount() === 0;
+ return true;
protected function executeInitializePendingResource(
DrydockResource $resource,
- DrydockLease $lease) {}
+ DrydockLease $lease) {
+ $this->resolveRelatedObjectsForLease($lease);
+ $target = $lease->getAttribute('');
+ if (!$target) {
+ throw new Exception(
+ 'Unable to resolve working copy target for lease.');
+ }
+ $repository_url = $lease->getAttribute('resolved.repositoryURL');
+ // We must set the platform so that other allocators will lease
+ // against it successfully.
+ $resource
+ ->setAttribute('repositoryURL', $repository_url)
+ ->save();
+ }
protected function executeAllocateResource(
DrydockResource $resource,
DrydockLease $lease) {
- $repository_id = $lease->getAttribute('repositoryID');
- if (!$repository_id) {
- throw new Exception(
- pht(
- "Lease is missing required '%s' attribute.",
- 'repositoryID'));
- }
+ $repository_url = $lease->getAttribute('resolved.repositoryURL');
- $repository = id(new PhabricatorRepositoryQuery())
- ->setViewer(PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser())
- ->withIDs(array($repository_id))
- ->executeOne();
+ $resource
+ ->setName('Working Copy ('.$repository_url.')')
+ ->setStatus(DrydockResourceStatus::STATUS_OPEN)
+ ->setAttribute('repositoryURL', $repository_url)
+ ->setAttribute('platform', $lease->getAttribute('platform'))
+ ->save();
- if (!$repository) {
- throw new Exception(
- pht(
- "Repository '%s' does not exist!",
- $repository_id));
+ return $resource;
+ }
+ protected function executeAcquireLease(
+ DrydockResource $resource,
+ DrydockLease $lease) {
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Starting acquisition of lease from resource %d',
+ $resource->getID()));
+ while ($resource->getStatus() == DrydockResourceStatus::STATUS_PENDING) {
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Resource %d is still pending, waiting until it is in an open status',
+ $resource->getID()));
+ // This resource is still being set up by another allocator, wait until
+ // it is set to open.
+ sleep(5);
+ $resource->reload();
- switch ($repository->getVersionControlSystem()) {
- case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_GIT:
- break;
- default:
- throw new Exception(pht('Unsupported VCS!'));
+ $this->log('Acquiring new host lease for working copy...');
+ $host_attributes = array();
+ foreach ($lease->getAttributes() as $key => $value) {
+ if (substr($key, 0, 5) === 'attr_') {
+ $host_attributes[$key] = $value;
+ }
- // TODO: Policy stuff here too.
$host_lease = id(new DrydockLease())
+ ->setAttributes(
+ array(
+ 'platform' => $lease->getAttribute('platform'),
+ ) + $host_attributes)
- $path = $host_lease->getAttribute('path').$repository->getCallsign();
+ $lease->setAttribute('', $host_lease->getID());
- $this->log(
- pht('Cloning %s into %s....', $repository->getCallsign(), $path));
+ list($cache_lease, $source_url) = $this->tryAcquireWorkingCopyCache(
+ $host_lease->getResource(),
+ $lease->getAttribute('resolved.repositoryURL'));
- $cmd = $host_lease->getInterface('command');
+ $cmd = $this->getCommandInterfaceForLease($lease);
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Cloning from "%s" to lease path "%s"',
+ $source_url,
+ $host_lease->getAttribute('path')));
- 'git clone --origin origin %P %s',
- $repository->getRemoteURIEnvelope(),
- $path);
+ 'git clone %s .',
+ $source_url);
+ $this->log(pht('Cloned from %s', $source_url));
+ $this->tryReleaseWorkingCopyCache($cache_lease);
+ if ($lease->getAttribute('') === 'commit') {
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Checking out target commit "%s"',
+ $lease->getAttribute('resolved.commitIdentifier')));
+ $cmd->execx(
+ 'git checkout -f %s',
+ $lease->getAttribute('resolved.commitIdentifier'));
+ $this->log(pht('Checked out commit'));
+ } else if ($lease->getAttribute('') === 'diff') {
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Checking out target diff at tag "phabricator/diff/%d"',
+ $lease->getAttribute('resolved.diffID')));
+ $cmd->execx(
+ 'git checkout -f phabricator/diff/%d',
+ $lease->getAttribute('resolved.diffID'));
+ $this->log(pht('Checked out diff'));
+ } else if ($lease->getAttribute('') === 'url') {
+ if ($lease->getAttribute('resolved.repositoryReference') !== null) {
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Checking out target reference "%s"',
+ $lease->getAttribute('resolved.repositoryReference')));
+ $cmd->execx(
+ 'git checkout -f %s',
+ $lease->getAttribute('resolved.repositoryReference'));
+ $this->log(pht('Checked out reference'));
+ } else {
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'No target reference provided, leaving working directory as-is'));
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw new Exception(pht(
+ 'Target type %s not yet supported.',
+ $lease->getAttribute('')));
+ }
- $this->log(pht('Complete.'));
+ $this->initializeGitSubmodules(
+ $host_lease,
+ $host_lease->getAttribute('path'));
+ }
- $resource
- ->setName(pht(
- 'Working Copy (%s)',
- $repository->getCallsign()))
- ->setStatus(DrydockResourceStatus::STATUS_OPEN)
- ->setAttribute('', $host_lease->getID())
- ->setAttribute('path', $path)
- ->setAttribute('repositoryID', $repository->getID())
- ->save();
+ private function getCommandInterfaceForLease(DrydockLease $lease) {
+ if ($lease->getAttribute('platform') === 'windows') {
+ return $lease->getInterface(
+ 'command-'.PhutilCommandString::MODE_WINDOWSCMD);
+ } else {
+ return $lease->getInterface(
+ 'command-'.PhutilCommandString::MODE_BASH);
+ }
+ }
- return $resource;
+ private function tryAcquireWorkingCopyCache(
+ DrydockResource $host_resource,
+ $url) {
+ $cache_lease = id(new DrydockLease())
+ ->setResourceType('working-copy-cache')
+ ->setAttributes(
+ array(
+ 'host.resource' => $host_resource->getID(),
+ 'url' => $url,
+ ))
+ ->queueForActivation();
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Attempting to acquire working copy cache lease %d for URL %s',
+ $cache_lease->getID(),
+ $url));
+ try {
+ $cache_lease->waitUntilActive();
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Acquired working copy cache lease %d for URL %s',
+ $cache_lease->getID(),
+ $url));
+ $source_url = $cache_lease->getAttribute('path');
+ } catch (Exception $ex) {
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Unable to acquire working copy cache lease %d for URL %s, '.
+ 'will perform clone directly from the source URL',
+ $cache_lease->getID(),
+ $url));
+ $cache_lease = null;
+ $source_url = $url;
+ }
+ return array($cache_lease, $source_url);
- protected function executeAcquireLease(
- DrydockResource $resource,
- DrydockLease $lease) {
- return;
+ private function tryReleaseWorkingCopyCache(
+ DrydockLease $cache_lease = null) {
+ if ($cache_lease !== null) {
+ $cache_lease_id = $cache_lease->getID();
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Releasing working copy cache lease %d',
+ $cache_lease_id));
+ try {
+ $cache_resource = $cache_lease->getResource();
+ $cache_blueprint = $cache_resource->getBlueprint();
+ $cache_blueprint->releaseLease($cache_resource, $cache_lease);
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Released working copy cache lease %d',
+ $cache_lease_id));
+ } catch (Exception $ex) {
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Unable to release working copy cache lease %d: "%s"',
+ $cache_lease_id,
+ (string)$ex));
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'No working copy cache lease to release'));
+ }
+ }
+ private function initializeGitSubmodules(
+ DrydockLease $target_lease,
+ $target_path = null) {
+ $cmd = $this->getCommandInterfaceForLease($target_lease);
+ $cmd->setWorkingDirectory($target_path);
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Initializing submodules in %s',
+ $target_path));
+ $cmd->execx('git submodule init');
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Initialized submodules in %s',
+ $target_path));
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Discovering initialized submodules in %s',
+ $target_path));
+ list($stdout, $stderr) = $cmd->execx('git config --local --list');
+ $matches = null;
+ preg_match_all(
+ '/submodule\.(?<name>.*)\.url=(?<url>.*)/',
+ $stdout,
+ $matches);
+ $submodules = array();
+ for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches['name']); $i++) {
+ $name = $matches['name'][$i];
+ $url = $matches['url'][$i];
+ $submodules[$name] = $url;
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Discovered submodule %s registered with URL %s',
+ $name,
+ $url));
+ }
+ foreach ($submodules as $name => $url) {
+ list($cache_lease, $source_url) = $this->tryAcquireWorkingCopyCache(
+ $target_lease->getResource(),
+ $url);
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Updating local submodule URL to point to %s',
+ $source_url));
+ $cmd->execx('git config --local submodule.%s.url %s', $name, $source_url);
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Updating submodule %s',
+ $name));
+ $cmd->execx('git submodule update %s', $name);
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Recursively initializing submodules for %s',
+ $name));
+ $this->initializeGitSubmodules(
+ $target_lease,
+ $target_path.'/'.$name);
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Recursive submodule initialization complete for %s',
+ $name));
+ $this->tryReleaseWorkingCopyCache($cache_lease);
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Updating local submodule URL to point back to %s',
+ $url));
+ $cmd->execx('git config --local submodule.%s.url %s', $name, $url);
+ }
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Submodules initialized for working directory at %s',
+ $target_path));
public function getType() {
@@ -114,29 +471,46 @@
DrydockLease $lease,
$type) {
- switch ($type) {
- case 'command':
- return $this
- ->loadLease($resource->getAttribute(''))
- ->getInterface($type);
- }
- throw new Exception(pht("No interface of type '%s'.", $type));
+ return $this
+ ->loadLease($lease->getAttribute(''))
+ ->getInterface($type);
protected function executeReleaseLease(
DrydockResource $resource,
- DrydockLease $lease) {}
+ DrydockLease $lease) {
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Releasing host lease %d',
+ $lease->getAttribute('')));
+ try {
+ $host_lease = $this->loadLease($lease->getAttribute(''));
+ $host_resource = $host_lease->getResource();
+ $host_blueprint = $host_resource->getBlueprint();
+ $host_blueprint->releaseLease($host_resource, $host_lease);
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Released host lease %d',
+ $lease->getAttribute('')));
+ } catch (Exception $ex) {
+ $this->log(pht(
+ 'Unable to release host lease %d: "%s"',
+ $lease->getAttribute(''),
+ (string)$ex));
+ }
+ }
protected function shouldCloseUnleasedResource(
DrydockAllocationContext $context,
DrydockResource $resource) {
- return false;
+ return true;
protected function executeCloseResource(DrydockResource $resource) {
- // TODO: Remove leased directory
+ // No work to be done closing resources (they are just for grouping).
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Thu, Mar 20, 6:53 AM (5 d, 13 h ago)
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D13505.diff (18 KB)
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D13505: [drydock/working-copies/v0] Implement the working copy blueprint
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