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diff --git a/src/__phutil_library_map__.php b/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
--- a/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
+++ b/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
@@ -367,7 +367,6 @@
'DifferentialDiffQuery' => 'applications/differential/query/DifferentialDiffQuery.php',
'DifferentialDiffRepositoryHeraldField' => 'applications/differential/herald/DifferentialDiffRepositoryHeraldField.php',
'DifferentialDiffRepositoryProjectsHeraldField' => 'applications/differential/herald/DifferentialDiffRepositoryProjectsHeraldField.php',
- 'DifferentialDiffTableOfContentsView' => 'applications/differential/view/DifferentialDiffTableOfContentsView.php',
'DifferentialDiffTestCase' => 'applications/differential/storage/__tests__/DifferentialDiffTestCase.php',
'DifferentialDiffTransaction' => 'applications/differential/storage/DifferentialDiffTransaction.php',
'DifferentialDiffTransactionQuery' => 'applications/differential/query/DifferentialDiffTransactionQuery.php',
@@ -519,7 +518,6 @@
'DiffusionCommitAutocloseHeraldField' => 'applications/diffusion/herald/DiffusionCommitAutocloseHeraldField.php',
'DiffusionCommitBranchesController' => 'applications/diffusion/controller/DiffusionCommitBranchesController.php',
'DiffusionCommitBranchesHeraldField' => 'applications/diffusion/herald/DiffusionCommitBranchesHeraldField.php',
- 'DiffusionCommitChangeTableView' => 'applications/diffusion/view/DiffusionCommitChangeTableView.php',
'DiffusionCommitCommitterHeraldField' => 'applications/diffusion/herald/DiffusionCommitCommitterHeraldField.php',
'DiffusionCommitController' => 'applications/diffusion/controller/DiffusionCommitController.php',
'DiffusionCommitDiffContentAddedHeraldField' => 'applications/diffusion/herald/DiffusionCommitDiffContentAddedHeraldField.php',
@@ -4006,7 +4004,6 @@
'DifferentialDiffQuery' => 'PhabricatorCursorPagedPolicyAwareQuery',
'DifferentialDiffRepositoryHeraldField' => 'DifferentialDiffHeraldField',
'DifferentialDiffRepositoryProjectsHeraldField' => 'DifferentialDiffHeraldField',
- 'DifferentialDiffTableOfContentsView' => 'AphrontView',
'DifferentialDiffTestCase' => 'PhutilTestCase',
'DifferentialDiffTransaction' => 'PhabricatorApplicationTransaction',
'DifferentialDiffTransactionQuery' => 'PhabricatorApplicationTransactionQuery',
@@ -4178,7 +4175,6 @@
'DiffusionCommitAutocloseHeraldField' => 'DiffusionCommitHeraldField',
'DiffusionCommitBranchesController' => 'DiffusionController',
'DiffusionCommitBranchesHeraldField' => 'DiffusionCommitHeraldField',
- 'DiffusionCommitChangeTableView' => 'DiffusionView',
'DiffusionCommitCommitterHeraldField' => 'DiffusionCommitHeraldField',
'DiffusionCommitController' => 'DiffusionController',
'DiffusionCommitDiffContentAddedHeraldField' => 'DiffusionCommitHeraldField',
diff --git a/src/applications/differential/controller/DifferentialController.php b/src/applications/differential/controller/DifferentialController.php
--- a/src/applications/differential/controller/DifferentialController.php
+++ b/src/applications/differential/controller/DifferentialController.php
@@ -21,4 +21,33 @@
return $this->buildSideNavView(true)->getMenu();
+ protected function buildTableOfContents(
+ array $changesets,
+ array $visible_changesets,
+ array $coverage) {
+ $viewer = $this->getViewer();
+ $toc_view = id(new PHUIDiffTableOfContentsListView())
+ ->setUser($viewer);
+ foreach ($changesets as $changeset_id => $changeset) {
+ $is_visible = isset($visible_changesets[$changeset_id]);
+ $anchor = $changeset->getAnchorName();
+ $filename = $changeset->getFilename();
+ $coverage_id = 'differential-mcoverage-'.md5($filename);
+ $item = id(new PHUIDiffTableOfContentsItemView())
+ ->setChangeset($changeset)
+ ->setIsVisible($is_visible)
+ ->setAnchor($anchor)
+ ->setCoverage(idx($coverage, $filename))
+ ->setCoverageID($coverage_id);
+ $toc_view->addItem($item);
+ }
+ return $toc_view;
+ }
diff --git a/src/applications/differential/controller/DifferentialDiffViewController.php b/src/applications/differential/controller/DifferentialDiffViewController.php
--- a/src/applications/differential/controller/DifferentialDiffViewController.php
+++ b/src/applications/differential/controller/DifferentialDiffViewController.php
@@ -116,10 +116,10 @@
$changesets = $diff->loadChangesets();
$changesets = msort($changesets, 'getSortKey');
- $table_of_contents = id(new DifferentialDiffTableOfContentsView())
- ->setChangesets($changesets)
- ->setVisibleChangesets($changesets)
- ->setCoverageMap($diff->loadCoverageMap($viewer));
+ $table_of_contents = $this->buildTableOfContents(
+ $changesets,
+ $changesets,
+ $diff->loadCoverageMap($viewer));
$refs = array();
foreach ($changesets as $changeset) {
diff --git a/src/applications/differential/controller/DifferentialRevisionViewController.php b/src/applications/differential/controller/DifferentialRevisionViewController.php
--- a/src/applications/differential/controller/DifferentialRevisionViewController.php
+++ b/src/applications/differential/controller/DifferentialRevisionViewController.php
@@ -1036,34 +1036,4 @@
return $view;
- private function buildTableOfContents(
- array $changesets,
- array $visible_changesets,
- array $coverage) {
- $viewer = $this->getViewer();
- $toc_view = id(new PHUIDiffTableOfContentsListView())
- ->setUser($viewer);
- foreach ($changesets as $changeset_id => $changeset) {
- $is_visible = isset($visible_changesets[$changeset_id]);
- $anchor = $changeset->getAnchorName();
- $filename = $changeset->getFilename();
- $coverage_id = 'differential-mcoverage-'.md5($filename);
- $item = id(new PHUIDiffTableOfContentsItemView())
- ->setChangeset($changeset)
- ->setIsVisible($is_visible)
- ->setAnchor($anchor)
- ->setCoverage(idx($coverage, $filename))
- ->setCoverageID($coverage_id);
- $toc_view->addItem($item);
- }
- return $toc_view;
- }
diff --git a/src/applications/differential/view/DifferentialDiffTableOfContentsView.php b/src/applications/differential/view/DifferentialDiffTableOfContentsView.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/src/applications/differential/view/DifferentialDiffTableOfContentsView.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-final class DifferentialDiffTableOfContentsView extends AphrontView {
- private $changesets = array();
- private $visibleChangesets = array();
- private $references = array();
- private $repository;
- private $diff;
- private $renderURI = '/differential/changeset/';
- private $coverageMap;
- public function setChangesets($changesets) {
- $this->changesets = $changesets;
- return $this;
- }
- public function setVisibleChangesets($visible_changesets) {
- $this->visibleChangesets = $visible_changesets;
- return $this;
- }
- public function setRenderingReferences(array $references) {
- $this->references = $references;
- return $this;
- }
- public function setRepository(PhabricatorRepository $repository) {
- $this->repository = $repository;
- return $this;
- }
- public function setDiff(DifferentialDiff $diff) {
- $this->diff = $diff;
- return $this;
- }
- public function setCoverageMap(array $coverage_map) {
- $this->coverageMap = $coverage_map;
- return $this;
- }
- public function render() {
- $this->requireResource('differential-core-view-css');
- $this->requireResource('differential-table-of-contents-css');
- $this->requireResource('phui-text-css');
- $rows = array();
- $changesets = $this->changesets;
- $paths = array();
- foreach ($changesets as $id => $changeset) {
- $type = $changeset->getChangeType();
- $ftype = $changeset->getFileType();
- $ref = idx($this->references, $id);
- $display_file = $changeset->getDisplayFilename();
- $meta = null;
- if (DifferentialChangeType::isOldLocationChangeType($type)) {
- $away = $changeset->getAwayPaths();
- if (count($away) > 1) {
- $meta = array();
- if ($type == DifferentialChangeType::TYPE_MULTICOPY) {
- $meta[] = pht('Deleted after being copied to multiple locations:');
- } else {
- $meta[] = pht('Copied to multiple locations:');
- }
- foreach ($away as $path) {
- $meta[] = $path;
- }
- $meta = phutil_implode_html(phutil_tag('br'), $meta);
- } else {
- if ($type == DifferentialChangeType::TYPE_MOVE_AWAY) {
- $display_file = $this->renderRename(
- $display_file,
- reset($away),
- "\xE2\x86\x92");
- } else {
- $meta = pht('Copied to %s', reset($away));
- }
- }
- } else if ($type == DifferentialChangeType::TYPE_MOVE_HERE) {
- $old_file = $changeset->getOldFile();
- $display_file = $this->renderRename(
- $display_file,
- $old_file,
- "\xE2\x86\x90");
- } else if ($type == DifferentialChangeType::TYPE_COPY_HERE) {
- $meta = pht('Copied from %s', $changeset->getOldFile());
- }
- $link = $this->renderChangesetLink($changeset, $ref, $display_file);
- $line_count = $changeset->getAffectedLineCount();
- if ($line_count == 0) {
- $lines = '';
- } else {
- $lines = ' '.pht('(%d line(s))', $line_count);
- }
- $char = DifferentialChangeType::getSummaryCharacterForChangeType($type);
- $chartitle = DifferentialChangeType::getFullNameForChangeType($type);
- $desc = DifferentialChangeType::getShortNameForFileType($ftype);
- $color = DifferentialChangeType::getSummaryColorForChangeType($type);
- if ($desc) {
- $desc = '('.$desc.')';
- }
- $pchar =
- ($changeset->getOldProperties() === $changeset->getNewProperties())
- ? ''
- : phutil_tag(
- 'span',
- array('title' => pht('Properties Changed')),
- 'M');
- $fname = $changeset->getFilename();
- $cov = $this->renderCoverage($this->coverageMap, $fname);
- if ($cov === null) {
- $mcov = $cov = phutil_tag('em', array(), '-');
- } else {
- $mcov = phutil_tag(
- 'div',
- array(
- 'id' => 'differential-mcoverage-'.md5($fname),
- 'class' => 'differential-mcoverage-loading',
- ),
- (isset($this->visibleChangesets[$id]) ?
- pht('Loading...') : pht('?')));
- }
- if ($meta) {
- $meta = phutil_tag(
- 'div',
- array(
- 'class' => 'differential-toc-meta',
- ),
- $meta);
- }
- if ($this->diff && $this->repository) {
- $paths[] =
- $changeset->getAbsoluteRepositoryPath($this->repository, $this->diff);
- }
- $char = phutil_tag('span', array('class' => 'phui-text-'.$color), $char);
- $rows[] = array(
- $char,
- $pchar,
- $desc,
- array($link, $lines, $meta),
- $cov,
- $mcov,
- );
- }
- $editor_link = null;
- if ($paths && $this->user) {
- $editor_link = $this->user->loadEditorLink(
- $paths,
- 1, // line number
- $this->repository->getCallsign());
- if ($editor_link) {
- $editor_link =
- phutil_tag(
- 'a',
- array(
- 'href' => $editor_link,
- 'class' => 'button differential-toc-edit-all',
- ),
- pht('Open All in Editor'));
- }
- }
- $reveal_link = javelin_tag(
- 'a',
- array(
- 'sigil' => 'differential-reveal-all',
- 'mustcapture' => true,
- 'class' => 'button differential-toc-reveal-all',
- ),
- pht('Show All Context'));
- $buttons = phutil_tag(
- 'div',
- array(
- 'class' => 'differential-toc-buttons grouped',
- ),
- array(
- $editor_link,
- $reveal_link,
- ));
- $table = id(new AphrontTableView($rows));
- $table->setHeaders(
- array(
- '',
- '',
- '',
- pht('Path'),
- pht('Coverage (All)'),
- pht('Coverage (Touched)'),
- ));
- $table->setColumnClasses(
- array(
- 'differential-toc-char center',
- 'differential-toc-prop center',
- 'differential-toc-ftype center',
- 'differential-toc-file wide',
- 'differential-toc-cov',
- 'differential-toc-cov',
- ));
- $table->setDeviceVisibility(
- array(
- true,
- true,
- true,
- true,
- false,
- false,
- ));
- $anchor = id(new PhabricatorAnchorView())
- ->setAnchorName('toc')
- ->setNavigationMarker(true);
- return id(new PHUIObjectBoxView())
- ->setHeaderText(pht('Table of Contents'))
- ->setTable($table)
- ->appendChild($anchor)
- ->appendChild($buttons);
- }
- private function renderRename($display_file, $other_file, $arrow) {
- $old = explode('/', $display_file);
- $new = explode('/', $other_file);
- $start = count($old);
- foreach ($old as $index => $part) {
- if (!isset($new[$index]) || $part != $new[$index]) {
- $start = $index;
- break;
- }
- }
- $end = count($old);
- foreach (array_reverse($old) as $from_end => $part) {
- $index = count($new) - $from_end - 1;
- if (!isset($new[$index]) || $part != $new[$index]) {
- $end = $from_end;
- break;
- }
- }
- $rename =
- '{'.
- implode('/', array_slice($old, $start, count($old) - $end - $start)).
- ' '.$arrow.' '.
- implode('/', array_slice($new, $start, count($new) - $end - $start)).
- '}';
- array_splice($new, $start, count($new) - $end - $start, $rename);
- return implode('/', $new);
- }
- private function renderCoverage(array $coverage, $file) {
- $info = idx($coverage, $file);
- if (!$info) {
- return null;
- }
- $not_covered = substr_count($info, 'U');
- $covered = substr_count($info, 'C');
- if (!$not_covered && !$covered) {
- return null;
- }
- return sprintf('%d%%', 100 * ($covered / ($covered + $not_covered)));
- }
- private function renderChangesetLink(
- DifferentialChangeset $changeset,
- $ref,
- $display_file) {
- return javelin_tag(
- 'a',
- array(
- 'href' => '#'.$changeset->getAnchorName(),
- 'sigil' => 'differential-load',
- 'meta' => array(
- 'id' => 'diff-'.$changeset->getAnchorName(),
- ),
- ),
- $display_file);
- }
diff --git a/src/applications/diffusion/controller/DiffusionCommitController.php b/src/applications/diffusion/controller/DiffusionCommitController.php
--- a/src/applications/diffusion/controller/DiffusionCommitController.php
+++ b/src/applications/diffusion/controller/DiffusionCommitController.php
@@ -75,7 +75,6 @@
$commit_data = $commit->getCommitData();
$is_foreign = $commit_data->getCommitDetail('foreign-svn-stub');
- $changesets = null;
if ($is_foreign) {
$subpath = $commit_data->getCommitDetail('svn-subpath');
@@ -181,24 +180,6 @@
- $owners_paths = array();
- if ($highlighted_audits) {
- $packages = id(new PhabricatorOwnersPackage())->loadAllWhere(
- 'phid IN (%Ls)',
- mpull($highlighted_audits, 'getAuditorPHID'));
- if ($packages) {
- $owners_paths = id(new PhabricatorOwnersPath())->loadAllWhere(
- 'repositoryPHID = %s AND packageID IN (%Ld)',
- $repository->getPHID(),
- mpull($packages, 'getID'));
- }
- }
- $change_table = new DiffusionCommitChangeTableView();
- $change_table->setDiffusionRequest($drequest);
- $change_table->setPathChanges($changes);
- $change_table->setOwnersPaths($owners_paths);
$count = count($changes);
$bad_commit = null;
@@ -210,6 +191,7 @@
+ $show_changesets = false;
if ($bad_commit) {
$content[] = $this->renderStatusMessage(
pht('Bad Commit'),
@@ -235,6 +217,8 @@
'Changes are not shown.',
} else {
+ $show_changesets = true;
// The user has clicked "Show All Changes", and we should show all the
// changes inline even if there are more than the soft limit.
$show_all_details = $request->getBool('show_all');
@@ -264,15 +248,20 @@
+ $changesets = DiffusionPathChange::convertToDifferentialChangesets(
+ $user,
+ $changes);
+ // TODO: This table and panel shouldn't really be separate, but we need
+ // to clean up the "Load All Files" interaction first.
+ $change_table = $this->buildTableOfContents(
+ $changesets);
$content[] = $change_panel;
- $changesets = DiffusionPathChange::convertToDifferentialChangesets(
- $user,
- $changes);
$vcs = $repository->getVersionControlSystem();
switch ($vcs) {
case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_SVN:
@@ -353,12 +342,6 @@
- $change_references = array();
- foreach ($changesets as $key => $changeset) {
- $change_references[$changeset->getID()] = $references[$key];
- }
- $change_table->setRenderingReferences($change_references);
$content[] = $change_list->render();
@@ -375,7 +358,7 @@
$show_filetree = $prefs->getPreference($pref_filetree);
$collapsed = $prefs->getPreference($pref_collapse);
- if ($changesets && $show_filetree) {
+ if ($show_changesets && $show_filetree) {
$nav = id(new DifferentialChangesetFileTreeSideNavBuilder())
->setBaseURI(new PhutilURI('/'.$commit_id))
@@ -1082,4 +1065,40 @@
return $parser->processCorpus($corpus);
+ private function buildTableOfContents(array $changesets) {
+ $viewer = $this->getViewer();
+ $toc_view = id(new PHUIDiffTableOfContentsListView())
+ ->setUser($viewer);
+ // TODO: This is hacky, we just want access to the linkX() methods on
+ // DiffusionView.
+ $diffusion_view = id(new DiffusionEmptyResultView())
+ ->setDiffusionRequest($this->getDiffusionRequest());
+ // TODO: Restore package stuff here.
+ foreach ($changesets as $changeset_id => $changeset) {
+ $path = $changeset->getFilename();
+ $anchor = substr(md5($path), 0, 8);
+ $history_link = $diffusion_view->linkHistory($path);
+ $browse_link = $diffusion_view->linkBrowse($path);
+ $item = id(new PHUIDiffTableOfContentsItemView())
+ ->setChangeset($changeset)
+ ->setAnchor($anchor)
+ ->setContext(
+ array(
+ $history_link,
+ ' ',
+ $browse_link,
+ ));
+ $toc_view->addItem($item);
+ }
+ return $toc_view;
+ }
diff --git a/src/applications/diffusion/view/DiffusionCommitChangeTableView.php b/src/applications/diffusion/view/DiffusionCommitChangeTableView.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/src/applications/diffusion/view/DiffusionCommitChangeTableView.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-final class DiffusionCommitChangeTableView extends DiffusionView {
- private $pathChanges;
- private $ownersPaths = array();
- private $renderingReferences;
- public function setPathChanges(array $path_changes) {
- assert_instances_of($path_changes, 'DiffusionPathChange');
- $this->pathChanges = $path_changes;
- return $this;
- }
- public function setOwnersPaths(array $owners_paths) {
- assert_instances_of($owners_paths, 'PhabricatorOwnersPath');
- $this->ownersPaths = $owners_paths;
- return $this;
- }
- public function setRenderingReferences(array $value) {
- $this->renderingReferences = $value;
- return $this;
- }
- public function render() {
- $rows = array();
- $rowc = array();
- // TODO: Experiment with path stack rendering.
- // TODO: Copy Away and Move Away are rendered junkily still.
- foreach ($this->pathChanges as $id => $change) {
- $path = $change->getPath();
- $hash = substr(md5($path), 0, 8);
- if ($change->getFileType() == DifferentialChangeType::FILE_DIRECTORY) {
- $path .= '/';
- }
- if (isset($this->renderingReferences[$id])) {
- $path_column = javelin_tag(
- 'a',
- array(
- 'href' => '#'.$hash,
- 'meta' => array(
- 'id' => 'diff-'.$hash,
- 'ref' => $this->renderingReferences[$id],
- ),
- 'sigil' => 'differential-load',
- ),
- $path);
- } else {
- $path_column = $path;
- }
- $rows[] = array(
- $this->linkHistory($change->getPath()),
- $this->linkBrowse($change->getPath()),
- $this->linkChange(
- $change->getChangeType(),
- $change->getFileType(),
- $change->getPath()),
- $path_column,
- );
- $row_class = null;
- foreach ($this->ownersPaths as $owners_path) {
- $excluded = $owners_path->getExcluded();
- $owners_path = $owners_path->getPath();
- if (strncmp('/'.$path, $owners_path, strlen($owners_path)) == 0) {
- if ($excluded) {
- $row_class = null;
- break;
- }
- $row_class = 'highlighted';
- }
- }
- $rowc[] = $row_class;
- }
- $view = new AphrontTableView($rows);
- $view->setHeaders(
- array(
- pht('History'),
- pht('Browse'),
- pht('Change'),
- pht('Path'),
- ));
- $view->setColumnClasses(
- array(
- '',
- '',
- '',
- 'wide',
- ));
- $view->setRowClasses($rowc);
- $view->setNoDataString(pht('This change has not been fully parsed yet.'));
- return $view->render();
- }
diff --git a/src/infrastructure/diff/view/PHUIDiffTableOfContentsItemView.php b/src/infrastructure/diff/view/PHUIDiffTableOfContentsItemView.php
--- a/src/infrastructure/diff/view/PHUIDiffTableOfContentsItemView.php
+++ b/src/infrastructure/diff/view/PHUIDiffTableOfContentsItemView.php
@@ -3,10 +3,12 @@
final class PHUIDiffTableOfContentsItemView extends AphrontView {
private $changeset;
- private $isVisible;
+ private $isVisible = true;
private $anchor;
private $coverage;
private $coverageID;
+ private $context;
+ private $package;
public function setChangeset(DifferentialChangeset $changeset) {
$this->changeset = $changeset;
@@ -53,11 +55,31 @@
return $this->coverageID;
+ public function setContext($context) {
+ $this->context = $context;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ public function getContext() {
+ return $this->context;
+ }
+ public function setPackage(PhabricatorOwnersPackage $package) {
+ $this->package = $package;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ public function getPackage() {
+ return $this->package;
+ }
public function render() {
$changeset = $this->getChangeset();
$cells = array();
+ $cells[] = $this->getContext();
$cells[] = $this->renderPathChangeCharacter();
$cells[] = $this->renderPropertyChangeCharacter();
$cells[] = $this->renderPropertyChangeDescription();
@@ -75,6 +97,8 @@
$cells[] = $this->renderCoverage();
$cells[] = $this->renderModifiedCoverage();
+ $cells[] = $this->renderPackage();
return $cells;
@@ -89,7 +113,7 @@
return javelin_tag(
- 'sigil' => 'has-tip',
+ 'sigil' => 'has-tooltip',
'meta' => array(
'tip' => $title,
'align' => 'E',
@@ -112,10 +136,11 @@
return javelin_tag(
- 'sigil' => 'has-tip',
+ 'sigil' => 'has-tooltip',
'meta' => array(
'tip' => pht('Properties Modified'),
'align' => 'E',
+ 'size' => 200,
@@ -259,6 +284,16 @@
+ private function renderPackage() {
+ $package = $this->getPackage();
+ if (!$package) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return $this->getUser()->renderHandle($package->getPHID());
+ }
private function renderRename($self, $other, $arrow) {
$old = explode('/', $self);
$new = explode('/', $other);
diff --git a/src/infrastructure/diff/view/PHUIDiffTableOfContentsListView.php b/src/infrastructure/diff/view/PHUIDiffTableOfContentsListView.php
--- a/src/infrastructure/diff/view/PHUIDiffTableOfContentsListView.php
+++ b/src/infrastructure/diff/view/PHUIDiffTableOfContentsListView.php
@@ -14,13 +14,35 @@
+ Javelin::initBehavior('phabricator-tooltips');
$items = $this->items;
$rows = array();
foreach ($items as $item) {
+ $item->setUser($this->getUser());
$rows[] = $item->render();
+ // Check if any item has content in these columns. If no item does, we'll
+ // just hide them.
+ $any_coverage = false;
+ $any_context = false;
+ $any_package = false;
+ foreach ($items as $item) {
+ if ($item->getContext() !== null) {
+ $any_context = true;
+ }
+ if (strlen($item->getCoverage())) {
+ $any_coverage = true;
+ }
+ if ($item->getPackage() !== null) {
+ $any_package = true;
+ }
+ }
$reveal_link = javelin_tag(
@@ -40,21 +62,36 @@
$table = id(new AphrontTableView($rows))
- '',
- '',
- '',
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
pht('Coverage (All)'),
pht('Coverage (Touched)'),
+ null,
+ 'center',
'differential-toc-char center',
'differential-toc-prop center',
'differential-toc-ftype center',
'differential-toc-file wide',
+ 'center',
+ ))
+ ->setColumnVisibility(
+ array(
+ $any_context,
+ true,
+ true,
+ true,
+ true,
+ $any_coverage,
+ $any_coverage,
+ $any_package,
@@ -62,8 +99,10 @@
+ true,
+ true,
$anchor = id(new PhabricatorAnchorView())

File Metadata

Mime Type
Mon, Mar 17, 7:52 AM (1 w, 2 d ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Encrypted (AES-256-CBC)
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
D13910.diff (26 KB)

Event Timeline