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diff --git a/src/markup/engine/remarkup/PhutilRemarkupBlockStorage.php b/src/markup/engine/remarkup/PhutilRemarkupBlockStorage.php
--- a/src/markup/engine/remarkup/PhutilRemarkupBlockStorage.php
+++ b/src/markup/engine/remarkup/PhutilRemarkupBlockStorage.php
@@ -7,20 +7,27 @@
* //D12//
- * It is processed in several stages. First the "D12" matches and is replaced:
+ * It is processed in several stages. First the "D12" matches and is replaced
+ * with a token, in the form of "<0x01><ID number><literal "Z">". The first
+ * byte, "<0x01>" is a single byte with value 1 that marks a token. If this is
+ * token ID "444", the text may now look like this:
- * //\11Z//
+ * //<0x01>444Z//
- * Now the italics match and are replaced:
+ * Now the italics match and are replaced, using the next token ID:
- * \12Z
+ * <0x01>445Z
- * When processing completes, all the tokens are replaced again in reverse
- * order:
+ * When processing completes, all the tokens are replaced with their final
+ * equivalents. For example, token 444 is evaluated to:
- * <em>\11Z</em>
+ * <a href="http://...">...</a>
- * Then:
+ * Then token 445 is evaluated:
+ *
+ * <em><0x01>444Z</em>
+ *
+ * ...and all tokens it contains are replaced:
* <em><a href="http://...">...</a></em>
@@ -35,7 +42,7 @@
const MAGIC_BYTE = "\1";
private $map = array();
- private $index;
+ private $index = 0;
public function store($text) {
$key = self::MAGIC_BYTE.(++$this->index).'Z';
@@ -44,19 +51,111 @@
public function restore($corpus, $text_mode = false) {
- if ($this->map) {
- if ($text_mode) {
- $corpus = str_replace(
- array_reverse(array_keys($this->map)),
- array_reverse($this->map),
- $corpus);
- } else {
- $corpus = phutil_safe_html(str_replace(
- array_reverse(array_keys($this->map)),
- array_map('phutil_escape_html', array_reverse($this->map)),
- phutil_escape_html($corpus)));
+ $map = $this->map;
+ if (!$text_mode) {
+ foreach ($map as $key => $content) {
+ $map[$key] = phutil_escape_html($content);
+ $corpus = phutil_escape_html($corpus);
+ // NOTE: Tokens may contain other tokens: for example, a table may have
+ // links inside it. So we can't do a single simple find/replace, because
+ // we need to find and replace child tokens inside the content of parent
+ // tokens.
+ // However, we know that rules which have child tokens must always store
+ // all their child tokens first, before they store their parent token: you
+ // have to pass the "store(text)" API a block of text with tokens already
+ // in it, so you must have created child tokens already.
+ // Thus, all child tokens will appear in the list before parent tokens, so
+ // if we start at the beginning of the list and replace all the tokens we
+ // find in each piece of content, we'll end up expanding all subtokens
+ // correctly.
+ $map[] = $corpus;
+ $seen = array();
+ foreach ($map as $key => $content) {
+ $seen[$key] = true;
+ // If the content contains no token magic, we don't need to replace
+ // anything.
+ if (strpos($content, self::MAGIC_BYTE) === false) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $matches = null;
+ preg_match_all(
+ '/'.self::MAGIC_BYTE.'\d+Z/',
+ $content,
+ $matches,
+ $matches = $matches[0];
+ // See PHI1114. We're replacing all the matches in one pass because this
+ // is significantly faster than doing "substr_replace()" in a loop if the
+ // corpus is large and we have a large number of matches.
+ // Build a list of string pieces in "$parts" by interleaving the
+ // plain strings between each token and the replacement token text, then
+ // implode the whole thing when we're done.
+ $parts = array();
+ $pos = 0;
+ foreach ($matches as $next) {
+ $subkey = $next[0];
+ // If we've matched a token pattern but don't actually have any
+ // corresponding token, just skip this match. This should not be
+ // possible, and should perhaps be an error.
+ if (!isset($seen[$subkey])) {
+ if (!isset($map[$subkey])) {
+ throw new Exception(
+ pht(
+ 'Matched token key "%s" while processing remarkup block, but '.
+ 'this token does not exist in the token map.',
+ $subkey));
+ } else {
+ throw new Exception(
+ pht(
+ 'Matched token key "%s" while processing remarkup block, but '.
+ 'this token appears later in the list than the key being '.
+ 'processed ("%s").',
+ $subkey,
+ $key));
+ }
+ }
+ $subpos = $next[1];
+ // If there were any non-token bytes since the last token, add them.
+ if ($subpos > $pos) {
+ $parts[] = substr($content, $pos, $subpos - $pos);
+ }
+ // Add the token replacement text.
+ $parts[] = $map[$subkey];
+ // Move the non-token cursor forward over the token.
+ $pos = $subpos + strlen($subkey);
+ }
+ // Add any leftover non-token bytes after the last token.
+ $parts[] = substr($content, $pos);
+ $content = implode('', $parts);
+ $map[$key] = $content;
+ }
+ $corpus = last($map);
+ if (!$text_mode) {
+ $corpus = phutil_safe_html($corpus);
+ }
return $corpus;

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sun, Mar 16, 10:48 AM (5 d, 18 h ago)
Storage Engine
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Encrypted (AES-256-CBC)
Storage Handle
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D20522.id48951.diff (5 KB)

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