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diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/.gitignore b/externals/balanced-php/.gitignore
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--- a/externals/balanced-php/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# composer
-# phar
-# eclipse-pdt
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/.travis.yml b/externals/balanced-php/.travis.yml
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/balanced-php/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-language: php
- - curl -s | php
- - php composer.phar install
-script: phpunit --bootstrap vendor/autoload.php --exclude-group suite tests/
- - 5.3
- - 5.4
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/LICENSE b/externals/balanced-php/LICENSE
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/balanced-php/LICENSE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2012 Balanced
-MIT License
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
-distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
-permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
-the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/ b/externals/balanced-php/
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/balanced-php/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-# Balanced
-Online Marketplace Payments
-[![Build Status](](
-The design of this library was heavily influenced by [Httpful](
-## Requirements
-- [PHP]( >= 5.3 **with** [cURL](
-- [RESTful]( >= 0.1
-- [Httpful]( >= 0.1
-## Issues
-Please use appropriately tagged github [issues]( to request features or report bugs.
-## Installation
-You can install using [composer](#composer), a [phar](#phar) package or from [source](#source). Note that Balanced is [PSR-0]( compliant:
-### Composer
-If you don't have Composer [install]( it:
- $ curl -s | php
-Add this to your `composer.json`:
- {
- "require": {
- "balanced/balanced": "*"
- }
- }
-Refresh your dependencies:
- $ php composer.phar update
-Then make sure to `require` the autoloader and initialize all:
- <?php
- require(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
- \Httpful\Bootstrap::init();
- \RESTful\Bootstrap::init();
- \Balanced\Bootstrap::init();
- ...
-### Phar
-Download an Httpful [phar]( file, which are all [here](
- $ curl -s -L -o httpful.phar
-Download a RESTful [phar]( file, which are all [here](
- $ curl -s -L -o restful.phar
-Download a Balanced [phar]( file, which are all [here](
- $ curl -s -L -o balanced.phar{VERSION}.phar
-And then `include` all:
- <?php
- include(__DIR__ . '/httpful.phar');
- include(__DIR__ . '/restful.phar');
- include(__DIR__ . '/balanced.phar');
- ...
-### Source
-Download [Httpful]( source:
- $ curl -s -L -o;
- $ unzip; mv nategood-httpful* httpful; rm
-Download [RESTful]( source:
- $ curl -s -L -o;
- $ unzip; mv bninja-restful* restful; rm restful.zips
-Download the Balanced source:
- $ curl -s -L -o
- $ unzip; mv balanced-balanced-php-* balanced; rm
-And then `require` all bootstrap files:
- <?php
- require(__DIR__ . "/httpful/bootstrap.php")
- require(__DIR__ . "/restful/bootstrap.php")
- require(__DIR__ . "/balanced/bootstrap.php")
- ...
-## Quickstart
- curl -s | php
- echo '{
- "require": {
- "balanced/balanced": "*"
- }
- }' > composer.json
- php composer.phar install
- curl > example.php
- php example.php
- curl > buyer-example.php
- php -S buyer-example.php
- # now open a browser and go to to view how to tokenize cards and add to a buyer
-## Usage
-See for tutorials and documentation.
-## Testing
- $ phpunit --bootstrap vendor/autoload.php tests/
-Or if you'd like to skip network calls:
- $ phpunit --exclude-group suite --bootstrap vendor/autoload.php tests/
-## Publishing
-1. Ensure that **all** [tests](#testing) pass
-2. Increment minor `VERSION` in `src/Balanced/Settings` and `composer.json` (`git commit -am 'v{VERSION} release'`)
-3. Tag it (`git tag -a v{VERSION} -m 'v{VERSION} release'`)
-4. Push the tag (`git push --tag`)
-5. [Packagist]( will see the new tag and take it from there
-6. Build (`build-phar`) and upload a [phar]( file
-## Contributing
-1. Fork it
-2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
-3. Write your code **and [tests](#testing)**
-4. Ensure all tests still pass (`phpunit --bootstrap vendor/autoload.php tests/`)
-5. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
-6. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
-7. Create new pull request
-## Contributors
-* [Jacob Rus](
-* [Leon Smith](
-* [Matt Drollette](
-* [You](!
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/bootstrap.php b/externals/balanced-php/bootstrap.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/balanced-php/bootstrap.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-require(__DIR__ . '/src/Balanced/Bootstrap.php');
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/build-phar b/externals/balanced-php/build-phar
deleted file mode 100755
--- a/externals/balanced-php/build-phar
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-function exit_unless($condition, $msg = null) {
- if ($condition)
- return;
- echo "[FAIL] $msg";
- exit(1);
-echo "Building Phar... ";
-$base_dir = dirname(__FILE__);
-$source_dir = $base_dir . '/src/Balanced/';
-$phar_name = 'balanced.phar';
-$phar_path = $base_dir . '/' . $phar_name;
-$phar = new Phar($phar_path, 0, $phar_name);
-$stub = <<<HEREDOC
- // Phar Stub File
- Phar::mapPhar('balanced.phar');
- include('phar://balanced.phar/Balanced/Bootstrap.php');
- \Balanced\Bootstrap::pharInit();
-exit_unless($phar, "Unable to create a phar. Make sure you have phar.readonly=0 set in your ini file.");
-echo "[ OK ]\n";
-echo "Renaming Phar... ";
-$phar_versioned_name = 'balanced-' . \Balanced\Settings::VERSION . '.phar';
-$phar_versioned_path = $base_dir . '/' . $phar_versioned_name;
-rename($phar_path, $phar_versioned_path);
-echo "[ OK ]\n";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/composer.json b/externals/balanced-php/composer.json
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/balanced-php/composer.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- "name": "balanced/balanced",
- "description": "Client for Balanced API",
- "homepage": "",
- "license": "MIT",
- "keywords": ["payments", "api"],
- "version": "0.7.1",
- "authors": [
- {
- "name": "Balanced",
- "email": "",
- "homepage": ""
- }
- ],
- "require": {
- "nategood/httpful": "*",
- "bninja/restful": "*"
- },
- "autoload": {
- "psr-0": {
- "Balanced": "src/"
- }
- }
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/example/bank-account-debits.php b/externals/balanced-php/example/bank-account-debits.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/balanced-php/example/bank-account-debits.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-// Learn how to authenticate a bank account so you can debit with it.
-require(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
-// create a new marketplace
-$key = new Balanced\APIKey();
-Balanced\Settings::$api_key = $key->secret;
-$marketplace = new Balanced\Marketplace();
-// create a bank account
-$bank_account = $marketplace->createBankAccount("Jack Q Merchant",
- "123123123",
- "123123123"
-$buyer = $marketplace->createAccount("");
-print("you can't debit from a bank account until you verify it\n");
-try {
- $buyer->debit(100);
-} catch (Exception $e) {
- printf("Debit failed, %s\n", $e->getMessage());
-// authenticate
-$verification = $bank_account->verify();
-try {
- $verification->confirm(1, 2);
-} catch (Balanced\Errors\BankAccountVerificationFailure $e) {
- printf('Authentication error , %s\n', $e->getMessage());
- print("PROTIP: for TEST bank accounts the valid amount is always 1 and 1\n");
-$verification->confirm(1, 1);
-$debit = $buyer->debit(100);
-printf("debited the bank account %s for %d cents\n",
- $debit->source->uri,
- $debit->amount
-print("and there you have it");
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/example/buyer-example.php b/externals/balanced-php/example/buyer-example.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/balanced-php/example/buyer-example.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-require(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
-$API_KEY_SECRET = '5f4db668a5ec11e1b908026ba7e239a9';
-$page = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
-Balanced\Settings::$api_key = $API_KEY_SECRET;
-$marketplace = Balanced\Marketplace::mine();
-if ($page == '/') {
- // do nothing
-} elseif ($page == '/buyer') {
- if (isset($_POST['uri']) and isset($_POST['email_address'])) {
- // create in balanced
- $email_address = $_POST['email_address'];
- $card_uri = $_POST['uri'];
- try {
- echo create_buyer($email_address, $card_uri)->uri;
- return;
- } catch (Balanced\Errors\Error $e) {
- echo $e->getMessage();
- return;
- }
- }
-function create_buyer($email_address, $card_uri) {
- $marketplace = Balanced\Marketplace::mine();
- try {
- # new buyer
- $buyer = $marketplace->createBuyer(
- $email_address,
- $card_uri);
- }
- catch (Balanced\Errors\DuplicateAccountEmailAddress $e) {
- # oops, account for $email_address already exists so just add the card
- $buyer = Balanced\Account::get($e->extras->account_uri);
- $buyer->addCard($card_uri);
- }
- return $buyer;
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">
- <style type="text/css">
- [name="marketplace_eid"] {
- width: 300px;
- }
- [name^="expiration"] {
- width: 50px;
- }
- [name="security_code"] {
- width: 50px;
- }
- code { display: block; }
- pre { color: green; }
- </style>
-<h1>Balanced Sample - Collect Credit Card Information</h1>
-<div class="row">
- <div class="span6">
- <form id="payment">
- <div>
- <label>Email Address</label>
- <input name="email_address" value="">
- </div>
- <div>
- <label>Card Number</label>
- <input name="card_number" value="4111111111111111" autocomplete="off">
- </div>
- <div>
- <label>Expiration</label>
- <input name="expiration_month" value="1"> / <input name="expiration_year" value="2020">
- </div>
- <div>
- <label>Security Code</label>
- <input name="security_code" value="123" autocomplete="off">
- </div>
- <button>Submit Payment Data</button>
- </form>
- </div>
-<div id="result"></div>
-<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
-<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
-<script type="text/javascript">
- var marketplaceUri = '<?php echo $marketplace->uri; ?>';
- var debug = function (tag, content) {
- $('<' + tag + '>' + content + '</' + tag + '>').appendTo('#result');
- };
- try {
- balanced.init(marketplaceUri);
- } catch (e) {
- debug('code', 'You need to set the marketplaceUri variable');
- }
- function accountCreated(response) {
- debug('code', 'account create result: ' + response);
- }
- function balancedCallback(response) {
- var tag = (response.status < 300) ? 'pre' : 'code';
- debug(tag, JSON.stringify(response));
- switch (response.status) {
- case 201:
- // == uri of the card resource, submit to your server
- $.post('/buyer', {
- uri:,
- email_address: $('[name="email_address"]').val()
- }, accountCreated);
- case 400:
- case 403:
- // missing/malformed data - check response.error for details
- break;
- case 402:
- // we couldn't authorize the buyer's credit card - check response.error for details
- break;
- case 404:
- // your marketplace URI is incorrect
- break;
- default:
- // we did something unexpected - check response.error for details
- break;
- }
- }
- var tokenizeCard = function(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- var $form = $('form#payment');
- var cardData = {
- card_number: $form.find('[name="card_number"]').val(),
- expiration_month: $form.find('[name="expiration_month"]').val(),
- expiration_year: $form.find('[name="expiration_year"]').val(),
- security_code: $form.find('[name="security_code"]').val()
- };
- balanced.card.create(cardData, balancedCallback);
- };
- $('#payment').submit(tokenizeCard);
- if (window.location.protocol === 'file:') {
- alert("balanced.js does not work when included in pages served over file:// URLs. Try serving this page over a webserver. Contact if you need assistance.");
- }
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/example/composer.json b/externals/balanced-php/example/composer.json
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/balanced-php/example/composer.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- "require": {
- "balanced/balanced": "*"
- }
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/example/debit-example.php b/externals/balanced-php/example/debit-example.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/balanced-php/example/debit-example.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-$API_KEY_SECRET = '5f4db668a5ec11e1b908026ba7e239a9';
-Balanced\Settings::$api_key = $API_KEY_SECRET;
-$marketplace = Balanced\Marketplace::mine();
-print "create a card\n";
-$card = $marketplace->cards->create(array(
- "card_number" => "5105105105105100",
- "expiration_month" => "12",
- "expiration_year" => "2015"
-print "our card: " . $card->uri . "\n";
-print "create a **buyer** account with that card\n";
-$buyer = $marketplace->createBuyer(null, $card->uri);
-print "our buyer account: " . $buyer->uri . "\n";
-print "debit our buyer, let's say $15\n";
-try {
- $debit = $buyer->debit(1500);
- print "our buyer debit: " . $debit->uri . "\n";
-catch (Balanced\Errors\Declined $e) {
- print "oh no, the processor declined the debit!\n";
-catch (Balanced\Errors\NoFundingSource $e) {
- print "oh no, the buyer has not active funding sources!\n";
-catch (Balanced\Errors\CannotDebit $e) {
- print "oh no, the buyer has no debitable funding sources!\n";
-print "and there you have it 8)\n";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/example/events-and-callbacks.php b/externals/balanced-php/example/events-and-callbacks.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/balanced-php/example/events-and-callbacks.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
- * Welcome weary traveller. Sick of polling for state changes? Well today have
- * I got good news for you. Run this example below to see how to get yourself
- * some callback goodness and to understand how events work.
-require(__DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php");
-// create a new marketplace
-$key = new Balanced\APIKey();
-Balanced\Settings::$api_key = $key->secret;
-$marketplace = new Balanced\Marketplace();
-// let"s create a
-$ch = curl_init("");
-curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
-curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
-curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
- 'Content-Type: application/json',
- 'Content-Length: ' . 0)
-$result = json_decode(curl_exec($ch));
-$bin_name = $result->name;
-$callback_url = "" . $bin_name;
-$requests_url = "" . $bin_name . "/requests";
-printf("let's create a callback\n");
-printf("let's create a card and associate it with a new account\n");
-$card = $marketplace->cards->create(array(
- "card_number" => "5105105105105100",
- "expiration_month" => "12",
- "expiration_year" => "2015"
-$buyer = $marketplace->createBuyer("", $card->uri);
-printf("generate a debit (which implicitly creates and captures a hold)\n");
-foreach ($marketplace->events as $event) {
- printf("this was a %s event, it occurred at %s\n",
- $event->type,
- $event->occurred_at
- );
-printf("ok, let's check with to see if our callbacks fired at %s\n", $callback_url);
-printf("we received callbacks, you can view them at\n",
- $bin_name
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/example/example.php b/externals/balanced-php/example/example.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/balanced-php/example/example.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-print "create our new api key\n";
-$key = new Balanced\APIKey();
-print "Our secret is " . $key->secret . "\n";
-print "configure with our secret " . $key->secret . "\n";
-Balanced\Settings::$api_key = $key->secret;
-print "create our marketplace";
-$marketplace = new Balanced\Marketplace();
-if (Balanced\Merchant::me() == null) {
- throw new Exception("Balanced\Merchant::me() should not be null");
-print "What's my merchant? Easy: Balanced\Merchant::me(): " . Balanced\Merchant::me()->uri . "\n";
-if (Balanced\Marketplace::mine() == null) {
- throw new Exception("Balanced\Marketplace::mine() should never be null");
-print "What's my marketplace? Easy: Balanced\Marketplace::mine(): " .Balanced\Marketplace::mine()->uri . "\n";
-print "My marketplace's name is " . $marketplace->name . "\n";
-print "Changing it to TestFooey\n";
-$marketplace->name = "TestFooey";
-print "My marketplace name is now " . $marketplace->name . "\n";
-if ($marketplace->name != "TestFooey") {
- throw new Exception("Marketplace name is NOT TestFooey");
-print "Cool, let's create a card\n";
-$card = $marketplace->cards->create(array(
- "card_number" => "5105105105105100",
- "expiration_month" => "12",
- "expiration_year" => "2015"
-print "Our card: " . $card->uri . "\n";
-print "Create out **buyer** account\n";
-$buyer = $marketplace->createBuyer("", $card->uri);
-print "our buyer account: " . $buyer->uri . "\n";
-print "hold some amount of funds on the buyer, let's say $15\n";
-$the_hold = $buyer->hold(1500);
-print "ok, no more holds! let's capture it (for the full amount)\n";
-$debit = $the_hold->capture();
-print "hmm, ho much money do i have in escrow? it should equal the debit amount\n";
-$marketplace = Balanced\Marketplace::mine();
-if ($marketplace->in_escrow != 1500) {
- throw new Exception("1500 is not in escrow! This is wrong");
-print "I have " . $marketplace->in_escrow . " in escrow!\n";
-print "Cool. now let me refund the full amount";
-$refund = $debit->refund();
-print "ok, we have a merchant that's signing up, let's create an account for them first, let's create their bank account\n";
-$bank_account = $marketplace->createBankAccount("Jack Q Merchant",
- "123123123", /* account_number */
- "123123123" /* bank_code (routing number is USA)*/
- );
-$identity = array(
- "type" => "person",
- "name" => "Billy Jones",
- "street_address" => "801 High St",
- "postal_code" => "94301",
- "country" => "USA",
- "dob" => "1979-02",
- "phone_number" => "+16505551234"
-$merchant = $marketplace->createMerchant('',
- $identity,
- $bank_account->uri
-print "our buyer is interested in buying something for $130\n";
-$another_debit = $buyer->debit(13000, "MARKETPLACE.COM");
-print "let's credit our merchant $110\n";
-$credit = $merchant->credit(11000, "Buyer purchase something on");
-print "let's assume the marketplace charges 15%, so it earned $20\n";
-$mp_credit = $marketplace->owner_account->credit(2000,
- "Commission from MARKETPLACE.COM");
-print "ok, let's invalidate the card used so it cannot be used again\n";
-$card->is_valid = false;
-print "how do we look up an existing object from the URI?\n";
-$the_buyer = Balanced\Account::get($buyer->uri);
-print "we got the buyer " . $the_buyer->email_address . "\n";
-$the_debit = Balanced\Debit::get($debit->uri);
-print "we got the debit: " . $the_debit->uri . "\n";
-$the_credit = Balanced\Credit::get($credit->uri);
-print "we got the credit: " . $the_credit->uri . "\n";
-print "and there you have it :)\n";
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/example/iterate-example.php b/externals/balanced-php/example/iterate-example.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/balanced-php/example/iterate-example.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-$key = new Balanced\APIKey();
-Balanced\Settings::$api_key = $key->secret;
-$marketplace = new Balanced\Marketplace();
-$card = $marketplace->cards->create(array(
- "card_number" => "5105105105105100",
- "expiration_month" => "12",
- "expiration_year" => "2015"
- ));
-$buyer = $marketplace->createBuyer("", $card->uri);
-$debit = $buyer->debit(1500);
-echo $debit->refunds->total() . " refunds" . "\n";
-$total = 0;
-foreach ($debit->refunds as $r) {
- $total += $r->amount;
- print "refund = " . $r->amount . "\n";
-print $total . "\n";
-# bigger pagination example
-print "Create 60 **buyer** with cards accounts\n";
-for ($i = 0; $i < 60; $i++) {
- $card = $marketplace->cards->create(array(
- "card_number" => "5105105105105100",
- "expiration_month" => "12",
- "expiration_year" => "2015"
- ));
- $buyer = $marketplace->createBuyer("buyer" . $i . "", $card->uri);
- print '.';
-print "\n";
-$cards = $marketplace->cards;
-print $cards->total() . " cards in Marketplace\n";
-foreach ($cards as $c) {
- print "card " . $c->uri . "\n";
-# let's iterate through cards for just a single account
-foreach ($buyer->cards as $c) {
- print "buyer's card " . $c->uri . "\n";
-print "and there you have it :)\n";
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/example/test-composer.php b/externals/balanced-php/example/test-composer.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/balanced-php/example/test-composer.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-// run this file to test your composer install of Balanced
-require(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
-echo "[ OK ]\n";
-echo "balanced version -- " . \Balanced\Settings::VERSION . " \n";
-echo "restful version -- " . \RESTful\Settings::VERSION . " \n";
-echo "httpful version -- " . \Httpful\Httpful::VERSION . " \n";
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/example/test-phar.php b/externals/balanced-php/example/test-phar.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/balanced-php/example/test-phar.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-// run this file to test your phar install of Balanced
-include(__DIR__ . '/httpful.phar');
-include(__DIR__ . '/restful.phar');
-include(__DIR__ . '/balanced.phar');
-echo "[ OK ]\n";
-echo "balanced version -- " . \Balanced\Settings::VERSION . " \n";
-echo "restful version -- " . \RESTful\Settings::VERSION . " \n";
-echo "httpful version -- " . \Httpful\Httpful::VERSION . " \n";
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/example/test-source.php b/externals/balanced-php/example/test-source.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/balanced-php/example/test-source.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-// run this file to test your source install of Balanced
-require(__DIR__ . "/httpful/bootstrap.php");
-require(__DIR__ . "/restful/bootstrap.php");
-require(__DIR__ . "/balanced/bootstrap.php");
-echo "[ OK ]\n";
-echo "balanced version -- " . \Balanced\Settings::VERSION . " \n";
-echo "restful version -- " . \RESTful\Settings::VERSION . " \n";
-echo "httpful version -- " . \Httpful\Httpful::VERSION . " \n";
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/APIKey.php b/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/APIKey.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/APIKey.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-namespace Balanced;
-use Balanced\Resource;
-use Balanced\Settings;
-use \RESTful\URISpec;
- * Represents an api key. These are used to authenticate you with the api.
- *
- * Typically you create an initial api key:
- *
- * <code>
- * print \Balanced\Settings::$api_key == null;
- * $api_key = new \Balanced\APIKey();
- * $api_key = api_key->save();
- * $secret = $api_key->secret;
- * print $secret;
- * </code>
- *
- * Then save the returned secret (we don't store it) and configure the client
- * to use it:
- *
- * <code>
- * \Balanced\Settings::$api_key = 'my-api-key-secret';
- * </code>
- *
- * You can later add another api key if you'd like to rotate or expire old
- * ones:
- *
- * <code>
- * $api_key = new \Balanced\APIKey();
- * $api_key = api_key->save();
- * $new_secret = $api_key->secret;
- * print $new_secret;
- *
- * \Balanced\Settings::$api_key = $new_secret;
- *
- * \Balanced\APIKey::query()
- * ->sort(\Balanced\APIKey::f->created_at->desc())
- * ->first()
- * ->delete();
- * </code>
- */
-class APIKey extends Resource
- protected static $_uri_spec = null;
- public static function init()
- {
- self::$_uri_spec = new URISpec('api_keys', 'id', '/v1');
- self::$_registry->add(get_called_class());
- }
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Account.php b/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Account.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Account.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-namespace Balanced;
-use Balanced\Resource;
-use \RESTful\URISpec;
- * Represent a buyer or merchant account on a marketplace.
- *
- * You create these using Balanced\Marketplace->createBuyer or
- * Balanced\Marketplace->createMerchant.
- *
- * <code>
- * $marketplace = \Balanced\Marketplace::mine();
- *
- * $card = $marketplace->cards->create(array(
- * 'street_address' => $street_address,
- * 'city' => 'Jollywood',
- * 'region' => 'CA',
- * 'postal_code' => '90210',
- * 'name' => 'Captain Chunk',
- * 'card_number' => '4111111111111111',
- * 'expiration_month' => 7,
- * 'expiration_year' => 2015
- * ));
- *
- * $buyer = $marketplace->createBuyer(
- * '',
- * $card->uri,
- * array(
- * 'my_id' => '1212121',
- * )
- * );
- * </code>
- *
- * @see Balanced\Marketplace->createBuyer
- * @see Balanced\Marketplace->createMerchant
- */
-class Account extends Resource
- protected static $_uri_spec = null;
- public static function init()
- {
- self::$_uri_spec = new URISpec('accounts', 'id');
- self::$_registry->add(get_called_class());
- }
- /**
- * Credit the account.
- *
- * @param int amount Amount to credit the account in USD pennies.
- * @param string description Optional description of the credit.
- * @param array[string]string meta Optional metadata to associate with the credit.
- * @param mixed destination Optional URI of a funding destination (i.e. \Balanced\BankAccount) associated with this account to credit. If not specified the funding destination most recently added to the account is used.
- * @param string appears_on_statement_as Optional description of the credit as it will appears on the customer's billing statement.
- *
- * @return \Balanced\Credit
- */
- public function credit(
- $amount,
- $description = null,
- $meta = null,
- $destination = null,
- $appears_on_statement_as = null)
- {
- if ($destination == null)
- $destination_uri = null;
- else
- $destination_uri = is_string($destination) ? $destination : $destination->uri;
- return $this->credits->create(array(
- 'amount' => $amount,
- 'description' => $description,
- 'meta' => $meta,
- 'destination_uri' => $destination_uri,
- 'appears_on_statement_as' => $appears_on_statement_as
- ));
- }
- /**
- * Debit the account.
- *
- * @param int amount Amount to debit the account in USD pennies.
- * @param string appears_on_statement_as Optional description of the debit as it will appears on the customer's billing statement.
- * @param string description Optional description of the debit.
- * @param array[string]string meta Optional metadata to associate with the debit.
- * @param mixed Optional funding source (i.e. \Balanced\Card) or URI of a funding source associated with this account to debit. If not specified the funding source most recently added to the account is used.
- *
- * @return \Balanced\Debit
- */
- public function debit(
- $amount,
- $appears_on_statement_as = null,
- $description = null,
- $meta = null,
- $source = null,
- $on_behalf_of = null)
- {
- if ($source == null) {
- $source_uri = null;
- } else if (is_string($source)) {
- $source_uri = $source;
- } else {
- $source_uri = $source->uri;
- }
- if ($on_behalf_of == null) {
- $on_behalf_of_uri = null;
- } else if (is_string($on_behalf_of)) {
- $on_behalf_of_uri = $on_behalf_of;
- } else {
- $on_behalf_of_uri = $on_behalf_of->uri;
- }
- if (isset($this->uri) && $on_behalf_of_uri == $this->uri)
- throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
- 'The on_behalf_of parameter MAY NOT be the same account as the account you are debiting!'
- );
- return $this->debits->create(array(
- 'amount' => $amount,
- 'description' => $description,
- 'meta' => $meta,
- 'source_uri' => $source_uri,
- 'on_behalf_of_uri' => $on_behalf_of_uri,
- 'appears_on_statement_as' => $appears_on_statement_as
- ));
- }
- /**
- * Create a hold (i.e. a guaranteed pending debit) for account funds. You
- * can later capture or void. A hold is associated with a account funding
- * source (i.e. \Balanced\Card). If you don't specify the source then the
- * current primary funding source for the account is used.
- *
- * @param int amount Amount of the hold in USD pennies.
- * @param string Optional description Description of the hold.
- * @param string Optional URI referencing the card to use for the hold.
- * @param array[string]string meta Optional metadata to associate with the hold.
- *
- * @return \Balanced\Hold
- */
- public function hold(
- $amount,
- $description = null,
- $source_uri = null,
- $meta = null)
- {
- return $this->holds->create(array(
- 'amount' => $amount,
- 'description' => $description,
- 'source_uri' => $source_uri,
- 'meta' => $meta
- ));
- }
- /**
- * Creates or associates a created card with the account. The default
- * funding source for the account will be this card.
- *
- * @see \Balanced\Marketplace->createCard
- *
- * @param mixed card \Balanced\Card or URI referencing a card to associate with the account. Alternatively it can be an associative array describing a card to create and associate with the account.
- *
- * @return \Balanced\Account
- */
- public function addCard($card)
- {
- if (is_string($card))
- $this->card_uri = $card;
- else if (is_array($card))
- $this->card = $card;
- else
- $this->card_uri = $card->uri;
- return $this->save();
- }
- /**
- * Creates or associates a created bank account with the account. The
- * new default funding destination for the account will be this bank account.
- *
- * @see \Balanced\Marketplace->createBankAccount
- *
- * @param mixed bank_account \Balanced\BankAccount or URI for a bank account to associate with the account. Alternatively it can be an associative array describing a bank account to create and associate with the account.
- *
- * @return \Balanced\Account
- */
- public function addBankAccount($bank_account)
- {
- if (is_string($bank_account))
- $this->bank_account_uri = $bank_account;
- else if (is_array($bank_account))
- $this->bank_account = $bank_account;
- else
- $this->bank_account_uri = $bank_account->uri;
- return $this->save();
- }
- /**
- * Promotes a role-less or buyer account to a merchant.
- *
- * @see Balanced\Marketplace::createMerchant
- *
- * @param mixed merchant Associative array describing the merchants identity or a URI referencing a created merchant.
- *
- * @return \Balanced\Account
- */
- public function promoteToMerchant($merchant)
- {
- if (is_string($merchant))
- $this->merchant_uri = $merchant;
- else
- $this->merchant = $merchant;
- return $this->save();
- }
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/BankAccount.php b/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/BankAccount.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/BankAccount.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-namespace Balanced;
-use Balanced\Resource;
-use \RESTful\URISpec;
- * Represents an account bank account.
- *
- * You can create these via Balanced\Marketplace::bank_accounts::create or
- * Balanced\Marketplace::createBankAccount. Associate them with a buyer or
- * merchant one creation via Balanced\Marketplace::createBuyer or
- * Balanced\Marketplace::createMerchant and with an existing buyer or merchant
- * use Balanced\Account::addBankAccount.
- *
- * <code>
- * $marketplace = \Balanced\Marketplace::mine();
- *
- * $bank_account = $marketplace->bank_accounts->create(array(
- * 'name' => 'name',
- * 'account_number' => '11223344',
- * 'bank_code' => '1313123',
- * ));
- *
- * $account = $marketplace
- * ->accounts
- * ->query()
- * ->filter(Account::f->email_address->eq(''))
- * ->one();
- * $account->addBankAccount($bank_account->uri);
- * </code>
- */
-class BankAccount extends Resource
- protected static $_uri_spec = null;
- public static function init()
- {
- self::$_uri_spec = new URISpec('bank_accounts', 'id', '/v1');
- self::$_registry->add(get_called_class());
- }
- /**
- * Credit a bank account.
- *
- * @param int amount Amount to credit in USD pennies.
- * @param string description Optional description of the credit.
- * @param string appears_on_statement_as Optional description of the credit as it will appears on the customer's billing statement.
- *
- * @return \Balanced\Credit
- *
- * <code>
- * $bank_account = new \Balanced\BankAccount(array(
- * 'account_number' => '12341234',
- * 'name' => 'Fit Finlay',
- * 'bank_code' => '325182797',
- * 'type' => 'checking',
- * ));
- *
- * $credit = $bank_account->credit(123, 'something descriptive');
- * </code>
- */
- public function credit(
- $amount,
- $description = null,
- $meta = null,
- $appears_on_statement_as = null)
- {
- if (!property_exists($this, 'account') || $this->account == null) {
- $credit = $this->credits->create(array(
- 'amount' => $amount,
- 'description' => $description,
- ));
- } else {
- $credit = $this->account->credit(
- $amount,
- $description,
- $meta,
- $this->uri,
- $appears_on_statement_as
- );
- }
- return $credit;
- }
- public function verify()
- {
- $response = self::getClient()->post(
- $this->verifications_uri, null
- );
- $verification = new BankAccountVerification();
- $verification->_objectify($response->body);
- return $verification;
- }
- * Represents an verification for a bank account which is a pre-requisite if
- * you want to create debits using the associated bank account. The side-effect
- * of creating a verification is that 2 random amounts will be deposited into
- * the account which must then be confirmed via the confirm method to ensure
- * that you have access to the bank account in question.
- *
- * You can create these via Balanced\Marketplace::bank_accounts::verify.
- *
- * <code>
- * $marketplace = \Balanced\Marketplace::mine();
- *
- * $bank_account = $marketplace->bank_accounts->create(array(
- * 'name' => 'name',
- * 'account_number' => '11223344',
- * 'bank_code' => '1313123',
- * ));
- *
- * $verification = $bank_account->verify();
- * </code>
- */
-class BankAccountVerification extends Resource {
- public function confirm($amount1, $amount2) {
- $this->amount_1 = $amount1;
- $this->amount_2 = $amount2;
- $this->save();
- return $this;
- }
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Bootstrap.php b/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Bootstrap.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Bootstrap.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-namespace Balanced;
- * Bootstrapper for Balanced does autoloading and resource initialization.
- */
-class Bootstrap
- public static $initialized = false;
- public static function init()
- {
- spl_autoload_register(array('\Balanced\Bootstrap', 'autoload'));
- self::initializeResources();
- }
- public static function autoload($classname)
- {
- self::_autoload(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)), $classname);
- }
- public static function pharInit()
- {
- spl_autoload_register(array('\Balanced\Bootstrap', 'pharAutoload'));
- self::initializeResources();
- }
- public static function pharAutoload($classname)
- {
- self::_autoload('phar://balanced.phar', $classname);
- }
- private static function _autoload($base, $classname)
- {
- if (!strncmp($classname, 'Balanced\Errors\\', strlen('Balanced\Errors\\')))
- $classname = 'Balanced\Errors';
- $parts = explode(self::NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR, $classname);
- $path = $base . self::DIR_SEPARATOR. implode(self::DIR_SEPARATOR, $parts) . '.php';
- if (file_exists($path)) {
- require_once($path);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Initializes resources (i.e. registers them with Resource::_registry). Note
- * that if you add a Resource then you must initialize it here.
- *
- * @internal
- */
- private static function initializeResources()
- {
- if (self::$initialized)
- return;
- \Balanced\Errors\Error::init();
- \Balanced\Resource::init();
- \Balanced\APIKey::init();
- \Balanced\Marketplace::init();
- \Balanced\Account::init();
- \Balanced\Credit::init();
- \Balanced\Debit::init();
- \Balanced\Refund::init();
- \Balanced\Card::init();
- \Balanced\BankAccount::init();
- \Balanced\Hold::init();
- \Balanced\Merchant::init();
- \Balanced\Callback::init();
- \Balanced\Event::init();
- self::$initialized = true;
- }
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Callback.php b/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Callback.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Callback.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-namespace Balanced;
-use Balanced\Resource;
-use \RESTful\URISpec;
- * A Callback is a publicly accessible location that can receive POSTed JSON
- * data whenever an Event is generated.
- *
- * You create these using Balanced\Marketplace->createCallback.
- *
- */
-class Callback extends Resource
- protected static $_uri_spec = null;
- public static function init()
- {
- self::$_uri_spec = new URISpec('callbacks', 'id');
- self::$_registry->add(get_called_class());
- }
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Card.php b/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Card.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Card.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-namespace Balanced;
-use Balanced\Resource;
-use \RESTful\URISpec;
- * Represents an account card.
- *
- * You can create these via Balanced\Marketplace::cards::create or
- * Balanced\Marketplace::createCard. Associate them with a buyer or merchant
- * one creation via Marketplace::createBuyer or
- * Balanced\Marketplace::createMerchant and with an existing buyer or merchant
- * use Balanced\Account::addCard.
- *
- * <code>
- * $marketplace = \Balanced\Marketplace::mine();
- *
- * $card = $marketplace->cards->create(array(
- * 'name' => 'name',
- * 'account_number' => '11223344',
- * 'bank_code' => '1313123'
- * ));
- *
- * $account = $marketplace
- * ->accounts
- * ->query()
- * ->filter(Account::f->email_address->eq(''))
- * ->one();
- * $account->addCard($card->uri);
- * </code>
- */
-class Card extends Resource
- protected static $_uri_spec = null;
- public static function init()
- {
- self::$_uri_spec = new URISpec('cards', 'id', '/v1');
- self::$_registry->add(get_called_class());
- }
- public function debit(
- $amount,
- $appears_on_statement_as = null,
- $description = null,
- $meta = null,
- $source = null)
- {
- if ($this->account == null) {
- throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Card is not associated with an account.');
- }
- return $this->account->debit(
- $amount,
- $appears_on_statement_as,
- $description,
- $meta,
- $this->uri);
- }
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Credit.php b/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Credit.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Credit.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-namespace Balanced;
-use Balanced\Resource;
-use \RESTful\URISpec;
- * Represents an account credit transaction.
- *
- * You create these using Balanced\Account::credit.
- *
- * <code>
- * $marketplace = \Balanced\Marketplace::mine();
- *
- * $account = $marketplace
- * ->accounts
- * ->query()
- * ->filter(Account::f->email_address->eq(''))
- * ->one();
- *
- * $credit = $account->credit(
- * 100,
- * 'how it '
- * array(
- * 'my_id': '112233'
- * )
- * );
- * </code>
- */
-class Credit extends Resource
- protected static $_uri_spec = null;
- public static function init()
- {
- self::$_uri_spec = new URISpec('credits', 'id', '/v1');
- self::$_registry->add(get_called_class());
- }
- /**
- * Credit an unstored bank account.
- *
- * @param int amount Amount to credit in USD pennies.
- * @param string description Optional description of the credit.
- * @param mixed bank_account Associative array describing a bank account to credit. The bank account will *not* be stored.
- *
- * @return \Balanced\Credit
- *
- * <code>
- * $credit = \Balanced\Credit::bankAccount(
- * 123,
- * array(
- * 'account_number' => '12341234',
- * 'name' => 'Fit Finlay',
- * 'bank_code' => '325182797',
- * 'type' => 'checking',
- * ),
- * 'something descriptive');
- * </code>
- */
- public static function bankAccount(
- $amount,
- $bank_account,
- $description = null)
- {
- $credit = new Credit(array(
- 'amount' => $amount,
- 'bank_account' => $bank_account,
- 'description' => $description
- ));
- $credit->save();
- return $credit;
- }
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Debit.php b/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Debit.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Debit.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-namespace Balanced;
-use Balanced\Resource;
-use \RESTful\URISpec;
- * Represents an account debit transaction.
- *
- * You create these using Balanced\Account::debit.
- *
- * <code>
- * $marketplace = \Balanced\Marketplace::mine();
- *
- * $account = $marketplace
- * ->accounts
- * ->query()
- * ->filter(Account::f->email_address->eq(''))
- * ->one();
- *
- * $debit = $account->debit(
- * 100,
- * 'how it appears on the statement',
- * 'a description',
- * array(
- * 'my_id': '443322'
- * )
- * );
- * </code>
- */
-class Debit extends Resource
- protected static $_uri_spec = null;
- public static function init()
- {
- self::$_uri_spec = new URISpec('debits', 'id');
- self::$_registry->add(get_called_class());
- }
- /**
- * Create a refund for this debit. You can create multiple refunds for a
- * debit but the total amount of the refunds must be less than the debit
- * amount.
- *
- * @param int amount Optional amount of the refund in USD pennies. If unspecified then the full debit amount is used.
- * @param string description Optional description of the refund.
- * @param array[string]string meta Optional metadata to associate with the refund.
- *
- * @return \Balanced\Refund
- */
- public function refund(
- $amount = null,
- $description = null,
- $meta = null)
- {
- return $this->refunds->create(array(
- 'amount' => $amount,
- 'description' => $description,
- 'meta' => $meta
- ));
- }
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Errors.php b/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Errors.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Errors.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-namespace Balanced\Errors;
-use RESTful\Exceptions\HTTPError;
-class Error extends HTTPError
- public static $codes = array();
- public static function init()
- {
- foreach (get_declared_classes() as $class) {
- $parent_class = get_parent_class($class);
- if ($parent_class != 'Balanced\Errors\Error')
- continue;
- foreach ($class::$codes as $type)
- self::$codes[$type] = $class;
- }
- }
-class DuplicateAccountEmailAddress extends Error
- public static $codes = array('duplicate-email-address');
-class InvalidAmount extends Error
- public static $codes = array('invalid-amount');
-class InvalidRoutingNumber extends Error
- public static $codes = array('invalid-routing-number');
-class InvalidBankAccountNumber extends Error
- public static $codes = array('invalid-bank-account-number');
-class Declined extends Error
- public static $codes = array('funding-destination-declined', 'authorization-failed');
-class CannotAssociateMerchantWithAccount extends Error
- public static $codes = array('cannot-associate-merchant-with-account');
-class AccountIsAlreadyAMerchant extends Error
- public static $codes = array('account-already-merchant');
-class NoFundingSource extends Error
- public static $codes = array('no-funding-source');
-class NoFundingDestination extends Error
- public static $codes = array('no-funding-destination');
-class CardAlreadyAssociated extends Error
- public static $codes = array('card-already-funding-src');
-class CannotAssociateCard extends Error
- public static $codes = array('cannot-associate-card');
-class BankAccountAlreadyAssociated extends Error
- public static $codes = array('bank-account-already-associated');
-class AddressVerificationFailed extends Error
- public static $codes = array('address-verification-failed');
-class HoldExpired extends Error
- public static $codes = array('authorization-expired');
-class MarketplaceAlreadyCreated extends Error
- public static $codes = array('marketplace-already-created');
-class IdentityVerificationFailed extends Error
- public static $codes = array('identity-verification-error', 'business-principal-kyc', 'business-kyc', 'person-kyc');
-class InsufficientFunds extends Error
- public static $codes = array('insufficient-funds');
-class CannotHold extends Error
- public static $codes = array('funding-source-not-hold');
-class CannotCredit extends Error
- public static $codes = array('funding-destination-not-creditable');
-class CannotDebit extends Error
- public static $codes = array('funding-source-not-debitable');
-class CannotRefund extends Error
- public static $codes = array('funding-source-not-refundable');
-class BankAccountVerificationFailure extends Error
- public static $codes = array(
- 'bank-account-authentication-not-pending',
- 'bank-account-authentication-failed',
- 'bank-account-authentication-already-exists'
- );
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Event.php b/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Event.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Event.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-namespace Balanced;
-use Balanced\Resource;
-use \RESTful\URISpec;
- * An Event is a snapshot of another resource at a point in time when
- * something significant occurred. Events are created when resources are
- * created, updated, deleted or otherwise change state such as a Credit
- * being marked as failed.
- */
-class Event extends Resource
- protected static $_uri_spec = null;
- public static function init()
- {
- self::$_uri_spec = new URISpec('events', 'id', '/v1');
- self::$_registry->add(get_called_class());
- }
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Hold.php b/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Hold.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Hold.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-namespace Balanced;
-use Balanced\Resource;
-use \RESTful\URISpec;
- * Represents pending debit of funds for an account. The funds for that debit
- * are held by the processor. You can later capture the hold, which results in
- * debit, or void it, which releases the held funds.
- *
- * Note that a hold can expire so you should always check
- * Balanced\Hold::expires_at.
- *
- * You create these using \Balanced\Account::hold.
- *
- * <code>
- * $marketplace = \Balanced\Marketplace::mine();
- *
- * $account = $marketplace
- * ->accounts
- * ->query()
- * ->filter(Account::f->email_address->eq(''))
- * ->one();
- *
- * $hold = $account->hold(
- * 100,
- * 'a description',
- * null,
- * array(
- * 'my_id': '1293712837'
- * )
- * );
- *
- * $debit = $hold->capture();
- * </code>
- */
-class Hold extends Resource
- protected static $_uri_spec = null;
- public static function init()
- {
- self::$_uri_spec = new URISpec('holds', 'id');
- self::$_registry->add(get_called_class());
- }
- /**
- ** Voids a pending hold. This releases the held funds. Once voided a hold
- * is not longer pending can cannot be re-captured or re-voided.
- *
- * @return \Balanced\Hold
- */
- public function void()
- {
- $this->is_void = true;
- return $this->save();
- }
- /**
- * Captures a pending hold. This results in a debit. Once captured a hold
- * is not longer pending can cannot be re-captured or re-voided.
- *
- * @param int amount Optional Portion of the pending hold to capture. If not specified the full amount associated with the hold is captured.
- *
- * @return \Balanced\Debit
- */
- public function capture($amount = null)
- {
- $this->debit = $this->account->debits->create(array(
- 'hold_uri' => $this->uri,
- 'amount' => $amount,
- ));
- return $this->debit;
- }
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Marketplace.php b/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Marketplace.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Marketplace.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
-namespace Balanced;
-use Balanced\Resource;
-use Balanced\Errors;
-use Balanced\Account;
-use \RESTful\URISpec;
- * Represents a marketplace.
- *
- * To get started you create an api key and then create a marketplace:
- *
- * <code>
- * $api_key = new \Balanced\APIKey();
- * $api_key->save();
- * $secret = $api_key->secret // better save this somewhere
- * print $secret;
- * \Balanced\Settings::$api_key = $secret;
- *
- * $marketplace = new \Balanced\Marketplace();
- * $marketplace->save();
- * var_dump($marketplace);
- * </code>
- *
- * Each api key is uniquely associated with an api key so once you've created a
- * marketplace:
- *
- * <code>
- * \Balanced\Settings::$api_key = $secret;
- * $marketplace = \Balanced\Marketplace::mine(); // this is the marketplace associated with $secret
- * </code>
- */
-class Marketplace extends Resource
- protected static $_uri_spec = null;
- public static function init()
- {
- self::$_uri_spec = new URISpec('marketplaces', 'id', '/v1');
- self::$_registry->add(get_called_class());
- }
- /**
- * Get the marketplace associated with the currently configured
- * \Balanced\Settings::$api_key.
- *
- * @throws \RESTful\Exceptions\NoResultFound
- * @return \Balanced\Marketplace
- */
- public static function mine()
- {
- return self::query()->one();
- }
- /**
- * Create a card. These can later be associated with an account using
- * \Balanced\Account->addCard or \Balanced\Marketplace->createBuyer.
- *
- * @param string street_address Street address. Use null if there is no address for the card.
- * @param string city City. Use null if there is no address for the card.
- * @param string postal_code Postal code. Use null if there is no address for the card.
- * @param string name Name as it appears on the card.
- * @param string card_number Card number.
- * @param string security_code Card security code. Use null if it is no available.
- * @param int expiration_month Expiration month.
- * @param int expiration_year Expiration year.
- *
- * @return \Balanced\Card
- */
- public function createCard(
- $street_address,
- $city,
- $region,
- $postal_code,
- $name,
- $card_number,
- $security_code,
- $expiration_month,
- $expiration_year)
- {
- if ($region != null && strlen($region) > 0) {
- trigger_error("The region parameter will be deprecated in the next minor version of balanced-php", E_USER_NOTICE);
- }
- return $this->cards->create(array(
- 'street_address' => $street_address,
- 'city' => $city,
- 'region' => $region,
- 'postal_code' => $postal_code,
- 'name' => $name,
- 'card_number' => $card_number,
- 'security_code' => $security_code,
- 'expiration_month' => $expiration_month,
- 'expiration_year' => $expiration_year
- ));
- }
- /**
- * Create a bank account. These can later be associated with an account
- * using \Balanced\Account->addBankAccount.
- *
- * @param string name Name of the account holder.
- * @param string account_number Account number.
- * @param string routing_number Bank code or routing number.
- * @param string type checking or savings
- * @param array meta Single level mapping from string keys to string values.
- *
- * @return \Balanced\BankAccount
- */
- public function createBankAccount(
- $name,
- $account_number,
- $routing_number,
- $type,
- $meta = null
- )
- {
- return $this->bank_accounts->create(array(
- 'name' => $name,
- 'account_number' => $account_number,
- 'routing_number' => $routing_number,
- 'type' => $type,
- 'meta' => $meta
- ));
- }
- /**
- * Create a role-less account. You can later turn this into a buyer by
- * adding a funding source (e.g a card) or a merchant using
- * \Balanced\Account->promoteToMerchant.
- *
- * @param string email_address Optional email address. There can only be one account with this email address.
- * @param array[string]string meta Optional metadata to associate with the account.
- *
- * @return \Balanced\Account
- */
- public function createAccount($email_address = null, $meta = null)
- {
- return $this->accounts->create(array(
- 'email_address' => $email_address,
- 'meta' => $meta,
- ));
- }
- /**
- * Find or create a role-less account by email address. You can later turn
- * this into a buyer by adding a funding source (e.g a card) or a merchant
- * using \Balanced\Account->promoteToMerchant.
- *
- * @param string email_address Email address. There can only be one account with this email address.
- *
- * @return \Balanced\Account
- */
- function findOrCreateAccountByEmailAddress($email_address)
- {
- $marketplace = Marketplace::mine();
- try {
- $account = $this->accounts->create(array(
- 'email_address' => $email_address
- ));
- }
- catch (Errors\DuplicateAccountEmailAddress $e) {
- $account = Account::get($e->extras->account_uri);
- }
- return $account;
- }
- /**
- * Create a buyer account.
- *
- * @param string email_address Optional email address. There can only be one account with this email address.
- * @param string card_uri URI referencing a card to associate with the account.
- * @param array[string]string meta Optional metadata to associate with the account.
- * @param string name Optional name of the account.
- *
- * @return \Balanced\Account
- */
- public function createBuyer($email_address, $card_uri, $meta = null, $name = null)
- {
- return $this->accounts->create(array(
- 'email_address' => $email_address,
- 'card_uri' => $card_uri,
- 'meta' => $meta,
- 'name' => $name
- ));
- }
- /**
- * Create a merchant account.
- *
- * Unlike buyers the identity of a merchant must be established before
- * the account can function as a merchant (i.e. be credited). A merchant
- * can be either a person or a business. Either way that information is
- * represented as an associative array and passed as the merchant parameter
- * when creating the merchant account.
- *
- * For a person the array looks like this:
- *
- * <code>
- * array(
- * 'type' => 'person',
- * 'name' => 'William James',
- * 'tax_id' => '393-48-3992',
- * 'street_address' => '167 West 74th Street',
- * 'postal_code' => '10023',
- * 'dob' => '1842-01-01',
- * 'phone_number' => '+16505551234',
- * 'country_code' => 'USA'
- * )
- * </code>
- *
- * For a business the array looks like this:
- *
- * <code>
- * array(
- * 'type' => 'business',
- * 'name' => 'Levain Bakery',
- * 'tax_id' => '253912384',
- * 'street_address' => '167 West 74th Street',
- * 'postal_code' => '10023',
- * 'phone_number' => '+16505551234',
- * 'country_code' => 'USA',
- * 'person' => array(
- * 'name' => 'William James',
- * 'tax_id' => '393483992',
- * 'street_address' => '167 West 74th Street',
- * 'postal_code' => '10023',
- * 'dob' => '1842-01-01',
- * 'phone_number' => '+16505551234',
- * 'country_code' => 'USA',
- * )
- * )
- * </code>
- *
- * In some cases the identity of the merchant, person or business, cannot
- * be verified in which case a \Balanced\Exceptions\HTTPError is thrown:
- *
- * <code>
- * $identity = array(
- * 'type' => 'business',
- * 'name' => 'Levain Bakery',
- * 'tax_id' => '253912384',
- * 'street_address' => '167 West 74th Street',
- * 'postal_code' => '10023',
- * 'phone_number' => '+16505551234',
- * 'country_code' => 'USA',
- * 'person' => array(
- * 'name' => 'William James',
- * 'tax_id' => '393483992',
- * 'street_address' => '167 West 74th Street',
- * 'postal_code' => '10023',
- * 'dob' => '1842-01-01',
- * 'phone_number' => '+16505551234',
- * 'country_code' => 'USA',
- * ),
- * );
- *
- * try {
- * $merchant = \Balanced\Marketplace::mine()->createMerchant(
- * '',
- * $identity,
- * );
- * catch (\Balanced\Exceptions\HTTPError $e) {
- * if ($e->code != 300) {
- * throw $e;
- * }
- * print e->response->header['Location'] // this is where merchant must signup
- * }
- * </code>
- *
- * Once the merchant has completed signup you can use the resulting URI to
- * create an account for them on your marketplace:
- *
- * <code>
- * $merchant = self::$marketplace->createMerchant(
- * '',
- * null,
- * null,
- * $merchant_uri
- * );
- * </coe>
- *
- * @param string email_address Optional email address. There can only be one account with this email address.
- * @param array[string]mixed merchant Associative array describing the merchants identity.
- * @param string $bank_account_uri Optional URI referencing a bank account to associate with this account.
- * @param string $merchant_uri URI of a merchant created via the redirection sign-up flow.
- * @param string $name Optional name of the merchant.
- * @param array[string]string meta Optional metadata to associate with the account.
- *
- * @return \Balanced\Account
- */
- public function createMerchant(
- $email_address = null,
- $merchant = null,
- $bank_account_uri = null,
- $merchant_uri = null,
- $name = null,
- $meta = null)
- {
- return $this->accounts->create(array(
- 'email_address' => $email_address,
- 'merchant' => $merchant,
- 'merchant_uri' => $merchant_uri,
- 'bank_account_uri' => $bank_account_uri,
- 'name' => $name,
- 'meta' => $meta,
- ));
- }
- /*
- * Create a callback.
- *
- * @param string url URL of callback.
- */
- public function createCallback(
- $url
- )
- {
- return $this->callbacks->create(array(
- 'url' => $url
- ));
- }
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Merchant.php b/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Merchant.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Merchant.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-namespace Balanced;
-use Balanced\Resource;
-use \RESTful\URISpec;
- * Represents a merchant identity.
- *
- * These are optionally created and associated with an account via
- * \Balanced\Marketplace::createMerchant which establishes a merchant account
- * on a marketplace.
- *
- * In some cases a merchant may need to be redirected to create a identity (e.g. the
- * information provided cannot be verified, more information is needed, etc). That
- * redirected signup results in a merchant_uri which is then associated with an
- * account on the marketplace via \Balanced\Marketplace::createMerchant.
- *
- * @see \Balanced\Marketplace
- */
-class Merchant extends Resource
- protected static $_uri_spec = null;
- public static function init()
- {
- self::$_uri_spec = new URISpec('merchants', 'id', '/v1');
- self::$_registry->add(get_called_class());
- }
- /**
- * Return the merchant identity associated with the current
- * Balanced\Settings::$api_key. If you are not authenticated (i.e.
- * ) then Balanced\Exceptions\NoResult
- * will be thrown.
- *
- * <code>
- * $merchant = \Balanced\Merchant::me();
- * $owner_account = \Balanced\Marketplace::mine()->owner_account;
- * assert($merchant->id == $owner_account->merchant->id);
- * </code>
- *
- * @throws \RESTful\Exceptions\NoResultFound
- * @return \Balanced\Merchant
- */
- public static function me()
- {
- return self::query()->one();
- }
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Refund.php b/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Refund.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Refund.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-namespace Balanced;
-use Balanced\Resource;
-use \RESTful\URISpec;
- * Represents a refund of an account debit transaction.
- *
- * You create these via Balanced\Debit::refund.
- *
- * <code>
- * $marketplace = \Balanced\Marketplace::mine();
- *
- * $account = $marketplace
- * ->accounts
- * ->query()
- * ->filter(Account::f->email_address->eq(''))
- * ->one();
- *
- * $debit = $account->debit(
- * 100,
- * 'how it appears on the statement',
- * 'a description',
- * array(
- * 'my_id': '443322'
- * )
- * );
- *
- * $debit->refund(
- * 99,
- * 'some description',
- * array(
- * 'my_id': '123123'
- * )
- * );
- * </code>
- */
-class Refund extends Resource
- protected static $_uri_spec = null;
- public static function init()
- {
- self::$_uri_spec = new URISpec('refunds', 'id');
- self::$_registry->add(get_called_class());
- }
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Resource.php b/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Resource.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Resource.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-namespace Balanced;
-use Balanced\Errors\Error;
-use RESTful\Exceptions\HTTPError;
-class Resource extends \RESTful\Resource
- public static $fields, $f;
- protected static $_client, $_registry, $_uri_spec;
- public static function init()
- {
- self::$_client = new \RESTful\Client('\Balanced\Settings', null, __NAMESPACE__ .'\Resource::convertError');
- self::$_registry = new \RESTful\Registry();
- self::$f = self::$fields = new \RESTful\Fields();
- }
- public static function convertError($response)
- {
- if (property_exists($response->body, 'category_code') &&
- array_key_exists($response->body->category_code, Error::$codes))
- $error = new Error::$codes[$response->body->category_code]($response);
- else
- $error = new HTTPError($response);
- return $error;
- }
- public static function getClient()
- {
- $class = get_called_class();
- return $class::$_client;
- }
- public static function getRegistry()
- {
- $class = get_called_class();
- return $class::$_registry;
- }
- public static function getURISpec()
- {
- $class = get_called_class();
- return $class::$_uri_spec;
- }
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Settings.php b/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Settings.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/balanced-php/src/Balanced/Settings.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-namespace Balanced;
- * Configurable settings.
- *
- * You can either set these settings individually:
- *
- * <code>
- * \Balanced\Settngs::api_key = 'my-api-key-secret';
- * </code>
- *
- * or all at once:
- *
- * <code>
- * \Balanced\Settngs::configure(
- * '',
- * 'my-api-key-secret'
- * );
- * </code>
- */
-class Settings
- const VERSION = '0.7.1';
- public static $url_root = '',
- $api_key = null,
- $agent = 'balanced-php',
- $version = Settings::VERSION;
- /**
- * Configure all settings.
- *
- * @param string url_root The root (schema://hostname[:port]) to use when constructing api URLs.
- * @param string api_key The api key secret to use for authenticating when talking to the api. If null then api usage is limited to uauthenticated endpoints.
- */
- public static function configure($url_root, $api_key)
- {
- self::$url_root= $url_root;
- self::$api_key = $api_key;
- }
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/tests/Balanced/ResourceTest.php b/externals/balanced-php/tests/Balanced/ResourceTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/balanced-php/tests/Balanced/ResourceTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,614 +0,0 @@
-namespace Balanced\Test;
-use Balanced\Resource;
-use Balanced\Settings;
-use Balanced\APIKey;
-use Balanced\Marketplace;
-use Balanced\Credit;
-use Balanced\Debit;
-use Balanced\Refund;
-use Balanced\Account;
-use Balanced\Merchant;
-use Balanced\BankAccount;
-use Balanced\Card;
-use Balanced\Hold;
-use \RESTful\Collection;
-class APIKeyTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
- function testRegistry()
- {
- $this->expectOutputString('');
- $result = Resource::getRegistry()->match('/v1/api_keys');
- return;
- $expected = array(
- 'collection' => true,
- 'class' => 'Balanced\APIKey',
- );
- $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
- $result = Resource::getRegistry()->match('/v1/api_keys/1234');
- $expected = array(
- 'collection' => false,
- 'class' => 'Balanced\APIKey',
- 'ids' => array('id' => '1234'),
- );
- $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
- }
-class MarketplaceTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
- function testRegistry()
- {
- $result = Resource::getRegistry()->match('/v1/marketplaces');
- $expected = array(
- 'collection' => true,
- 'class' => 'Balanced\Marketplace',
- );
- $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
- $result = Resource::getRegistry()->match('/v1/marketplaces/1122');
- $expected = array(
- 'collection' => false,
- 'class' => 'Balanced\Marketplace',
- 'ids' => array('id' => '1122'),
- );
- $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
- }
- function testCreateCard()
- {
- $collection = $this->getMock(
- '\RESTful\Collection',
- array('create'),
- array('\Balanced\Card', 'some/uri', null)
- );
- $collection->expects($this->once())
- ->method('create')
- ->with(array(
- 'street_address' => '123 Fake Street',
- 'city' => 'Jollywood',
- 'region' => '',
- 'postal_code' => '90210',
- 'name' => 'khalkhalash',
- 'card_number' => '4112344112344113',
- 'security_code' => '123',
- 'expiration_month' => 12,
- 'expiration_year' => 2013,
- ));
- $marketplace = new Marketplace(array('cards' => $collection));
- $marketplace->createCard(
- '123 Fake Street',
- 'Jollywood',
- '',
- '90210',
- 'khalkhalash',
- '4112344112344113',
- '123',
- 12,
- 2013);
- }
- function testCreateBankAccount()
- {
- $collection = $this->getMock(
- '\RESTful\Collection',
- array('create'),
- array('\Balanced\BankAccount', 'some/uri', null)
- );
- $collection->expects($this->once())
- ->method('create')
- ->with(array(
- 'name' => 'Homer Jay',
- 'account_number' => '112233a',
- 'routing_number' => '121042882',
- 'type' => 'savings',
- 'meta' => null
- ));
- $marketplace = new Marketplace(array('bank_accounts' => $collection));
- $marketplace->createBankAccount(
- 'Homer Jay',
- '112233a',
- '121042882',
- 'savings');
- }
- function testCreateAccount()
- {
- $collection = $this->getMock(
- '\RESTful\Collection',
- array('create'),
- array('\Balanced\Account', 'some/uri', null)
- );
- $collection->expects($this->once())
- ->method('create')
- ->with(array(
- 'email_address' => '',
- 'meta' => array('test#' => 'test_d')
- ));
- $marketplace = new Marketplace(array('accounts' => $collection));
- $marketplace->createAccount(
- '',
- array('test#' => 'test_d')
- );
- }
- function testCreateBuyer()
- {
- $collection = $this->getMock(
- '\RESTful\Collection',
- array('create'),
- array('\Balanced\Account', 'some/uri', null)
- );
- $collection->expects($this->once())
- ->method('create')
- ->with(array(
- 'email_address' => '',
- 'card_uri' => '/some/card/uri',
- 'meta' => array('test#' => 'test_d'),
- 'name' => 'Buy Er'
- ));
- $marketplace = new Marketplace(array('accounts' => $collection));
- $marketplace->createBuyer(
- '',
- '/some/card/uri',
- array('test#' => 'test_d'),
- 'Buy Er'
- );
- }
-class AccountTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
- function testRegistry()
- {
- $result = Resource::getRegistry()->match('/v1/accounts');
- $expected = array(
- 'collection' => true,
- 'class' => 'Balanced\Account',
- );
- $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
- $result = Resource::getRegistry()->match('/v1/accounts/0099');
- $expected = array(
- 'collection' => false,
- 'class' => 'Balanced\Account',
- 'ids' => array('id' => '0099'),
- );
- $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
- }
- function testCredit()
- {
- $collection = $this->getMock(
- '\RESTful\Collection',
- array('create'),
- array('\Balanced\Credit', 'some/uri', null)
- );
- $collection
- ->expects($this->once())
- ->method('create')
- ->with(array(
- 'amount' => 101,
- 'description' => 'something sweet',
- 'meta' => null,
- 'destination_uri' => null,
- 'appears_on_statement_as' => null
- ));
- $account = new Account(array('credits' => $collection));
- $account->credit(101, 'something sweet');
- }
- function testDebit()
- {
- $collection = $this->getMock(
- '\RESTful\Collection',
- array('create'),
- array('\Balanced\Debit', 'some/uri', null)
- );
- $collection
- ->expects($this->once())
- ->method('create')
- ->with(array(
- 'amount' => 9911,
- 'description' => 'something tangy',
- 'appears_on_statement_as' => 'BAL*TANG',
- 'meta' => null,
- 'source_uri' => null,
- 'on_behalf_of_uri' => null,
- ));
- $account = new Account(array('debits' => $collection));
- $account->debit(9911, 'BAL*TANG', 'something tangy');
- }
- function testHold()
- {
- $collection = $this->getMock(
- '\RESTful\Collection',
- array('create'),
- array('\Balanced\Hold', 'some/uri', null)
- );
- $collection
- ->expects($this->once())
- ->method('create')
- ->with(array(
- 'amount' => 1243,
- 'description' => 'something crispy',
- 'source_uri' => '/some/card/uri',
- 'meta' => array('test#' => 'test_d')
- ));
- $account = new Account(array('holds' => $collection));
- $account->hold(
- 1243,
- 'something crispy',
- '/some/card/uri',
- array('test#' => 'test_d')
- );
- }
- function testAddCard()
- {
- $account = $this->getMock(
- '\Balanced\Account',
- array('save')
- );
- $account
- ->expects($this->once())
- ->method('save')
- ->with();
- $account->addCard('/my/new/card/121212');
- $this->assertEquals($account->card_uri, '/my/new/card/121212');
- }
- function testAddBankAccount()
- {
- $account = $this->getMock(
- '\Balanced\Account',
- array('save')
- );
- $account
- ->expects($this->once())
- ->method('save')
- ->with();
- $account->addBankAccount('/my/new/bank_account/121212');
- $this->assertEquals($account->bank_account_uri, '/my/new/bank_account/121212');
- }
- function testPromotToMerchant()
- {
- $account = $this->getMock(
- '\Balanced\Account',
- array('save')
- );
- $account
- ->expects($this->once())
- ->method('save')
- ->with();
- $merchant = array(
- 'type' => 'person',
- 'name' => 'William James',
- 'tax_id' => '393-48-3992',
- 'street_address' => '167 West 74th Street',
- 'postal_code' => '10023',
- 'dob' => '1842-01-01',
- 'phone_number' => '+16505551234',
- 'country_code' => 'USA'
- );
- $account->promoteToMerchant($merchant);
- $this->assertEquals($account->merchant, $merchant);
- }
-class HoldTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
- function testRegistry()
- {
- $result = Resource::getRegistry()->match('/v1/holds');
- $expected = array(
- 'collection' => true,
- 'class' => 'Balanced\Hold',
- );
- $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
- $result = Resource::getRegistry()->match('/v1/holds/112233');
- $expected = array(
- 'collection' => false,
- 'class' => 'Balanced\Hold',
- 'ids' => array('id' => '112233'),
- );
- $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
- }
- function testVoid()
- {
- $hold = $this->getMock(
- '\Balanced\Hold',
- array('save')
- );
- $hold
- ->expects($this->once())
- ->method('save')
- ->with();
- $hold->void();
- $this->assertTrue($hold->is_void);
- }
- function testCapture()
- {
- $collection = $this->getMock(
- '\RESTful\Collection',
- array('create'),
- array('\Balanced\Debit', 'some/uri', null)
- );
- $collection
- ->expects($this->once())
- ->method('create')
- ->with(array(
- 'hold_uri' => 'some/hold/uri',
- 'amount' => 2211,
- ));
- $account = new Account(array('debits' => $collection));
- $hold = new Hold(array('uri' => 'some/hold/uri', 'account' => $account));
- $hold->capture(2211);
- }
-class CreditTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
- function testRegistry()
- {
- $result = Resource::getRegistry()->match('/v1/credits');
- $expected = array(
- 'collection' => true,
- 'class' => 'Balanced\Credit',
- );
- $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
- $result = Resource::getRegistry()->match('/v1/credits/9988');
- $expected = array(
- 'collection' => false,
- 'class' => 'Balanced\Credit',
- 'ids' => array('id' => '9988'),
- );
- $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
- }
-class DebitTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
- function testRegistry()
- {
- $result = Resource::getRegistry()->match('/v1/debits');
- $expected = array(
- 'collection' => true,
- 'class' => 'Balanced\Debit',
- );
- $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
- $result = Resource::getRegistry()->match('/v1/debits/4545');
- $expected = array(
- 'collection' => false,
- 'class' => 'Balanced\Debit',
- 'ids' => array('id' => '4545'),
- );
- $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
- }
- function testRefund()
- {
- $collection = $this->getMock(
- '\RESTful\Collection',
- array('create'),
- array('\Balanced\Refund', 'some/uri', null)
- );
- $collection
- ->expects($this->once())
- ->method('create')
- ->with(array(
- 'amount' => 5645,
- 'description' => null,
- 'meta' => array('test#' => 'test_d')
- ));
- $debit = new Debit(array('refunds' => $collection));
- $debit->refund(5645, null, array('test#' => 'test_d'));
- }
-class RefundTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
- function testRegistry()
- {
- $result = Resource::getRegistry()->match('/v1/refunds');
- $expected = array(
- 'collection' => true,
- 'class' => 'Balanced\Refund',
- );
- $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
- $result = Resource::getRegistry()->match('/v1/refunds/1287');
- $expected = array(
- 'collection' => false,
- 'class' => 'Balanced\Refund',
- 'ids' => array('id' => '1287'),
- );
- $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
- }
-class BankAccountTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
- function testRegistry()
- {
- $result = Resource::getRegistry()->match('/v1/bank_accounts');
- $expected = array(
- 'collection' => true,
- 'class' => 'Balanced\BankAccount',
- );
- $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
- $result = Resource::getRegistry()->match('/v1/bank_accounts/887766');
- $expected = array(
- 'collection' => false,
- 'class' => 'Balanced\BankAccount',
- 'ids' => array('id' => '887766'),
- );
- $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
- }
- function testCreditAccount()
- {
- $collection = $this->getMock(
- '\RESTful\Collection',
- array('create'),
- array('\Balanced\Credit', 'some/uri', null)
- );
- $collection
- ->expects($this->once())
- ->method('create')
- ->with(array(
- 'amount' => 101,
- 'description' => 'something super sweet',
- 'meta' => null,
- 'destination_uri' => '/some/other/uri',
- 'appears_on_statement_as' => null
- ));
- $account = new Account(array('credits' => $collection));
- $bank_account = new BankAccount(array('uri' => '/some/other/uri', 'account' => $account));
- $bank_account->credit(101, 'something super sweet');
- }
- function testCreditAccountless()
- {
- $collection = $this->getMock(
- '\RESTful\Collection',
- array('create'),
- array('\Balanced\Credit', 'some/uri', null)
- );
- $collection
- ->expects($this->once())
- ->method('create')
- ->with(array(
- 'amount' => 101,
- 'description' => 'something super sweet',
- ));
- $bank_account = new BankAccount(array(
- 'uri' => '/some/other/uri',
- 'account' => null,
- 'credits' => $collection,
- ));
- $bank_account->credit(101, 'something super sweet');
- }
-class CardTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
- function testRegistry()
- {
- $result = Resource::getRegistry()->match('/v1/cards');
- $expected = array(
- 'collection' => true,
- 'class' => 'Balanced\Card',
- );
- $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
- $result = Resource::getRegistry()->match('/v1/cards/136asd6713');
- $expected = array(
- 'collection' => false,
- 'class' => 'Balanced\Card',
- 'ids' => array('id' => '136asd6713'),
- );
- $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
- }
- function testDebit()
- {
- $collection = $this->getMock(
- '\RESTful\Collection',
- array('create'),
- array('\Balanced\Debit', 'some/uri', null)
- );
- $account = new Account(array('debits' => $collection));
- $card = new Card(array('uri' => '/some/uri', 'account' => $account ));
- $collection
- ->expects($this->once())
- ->method('create')
- ->with(array(
- 'amount' => 9911,
- 'description' => 'something tangy',
- 'appears_on_statement_as' => 'BAL*TANG',
- 'meta' => null,
- 'source_uri' => '/some/uri',
- 'on_behalf_of_uri' => null,
- ));
- $card->debit(9911, 'BAL*TANG', 'something tangy');
- }
- /**
- * @expectedException \UnexpectedValueException
- */
- function testNotAssociatedDebit()
- {
- $card = new Card(array('uri' => '/some/uri', 'account' => null ));
- $card->debit(9911, 'BAL*TANG', 'something tangy');
- }
-class MerchantTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
- function testRegistry()
- {
- $result = Resource::getRegistry()->match('/v1/merchants');
- $expected = array(
- 'collection' => true,
- 'class' => 'Balanced\Merchant',
- );
- $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
- $result = Resource::getRegistry()->match('/v1/merchants/136asd6713');
- $expected = array(
- 'collection' => false,
- 'class' => 'Balanced\Merchant',
- 'ids' => array('id' => '136asd6713'),
- );
- $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
- }
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/tests/Balanced/SuiteTest.php b/externals/balanced-php/tests/Balanced/SuiteTest.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/balanced-php/tests/Balanced/SuiteTest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,798 +0,0 @@
-namespace Balanced\Test;
-use Balanced\Settings;
-use Balanced\APIKey;
-use Balanced\Marketplace;
-use Balanced\Credit;
-use Balanced\Debit;
-use Balanced\Refund;
-use Balanced\Account;
-use Balanced\Merchant;
-use Balanced\BankAccount;
-use Balanced\Card;
- * Suite test cases. These talk to an API server and so make network calls.
- *
- * Environment variables can be used to control client settings:
- *
- * <ul>
- * <li>$BALANCED_URL_ROOT If set applies to \Balanced\Settings::$url_root.
- * <li>$BALANCED_API_KEY If set applies to \Balanced\Settings::$api_key.
- * </ul>
- */
-class SuiteTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
- static $key,
- $marketplace,
- $email_counter = 0;
- static function _createBuyer($email_address = null, $card = null)
- {
- if ($email_address == null)
- $email_address = sprintf('', self::$email_counter++);
- if ($card == null)
- $card = self::_createCard();
- return self::$marketplace->createBuyer(
- $email_address,
- $card->uri,
- array('test#' => 'test_d'),
- 'Hobo Joe'
- );
- }
- static function _createCard($account = null)
- {
- $card = self::$marketplace->createCard(
- '123 Fake Street',
- 'Jollywood',
- null,
- '90210',
- 'khalkhalash',
- '4112344112344113',
- null,
- 12,
- 2013);
- if ($account != null) {
- $account->addCard($card);
- $card = Card::get($card->uri);
- }
- return $card;
- }
- static function _createBankAccount($account = null)
- {
- $bank_account = self::$marketplace->createBankAccount(
- 'Homer Jay',
- '112233a',
- '121042882',
- 'checking'
- );
- if ($account != null) {
- $account->addBankAccount($bank_account);
- $bank_account = $account->bank_accounts[0];
- }
- return $bank_account;
- }
- public static function _createPersonMerchant($email_address = null, $bank_account = null)
- {
- if ($email_address == null)
- $email_address = sprintf('', self::$email_counter++);
- if ($bank_account == null)
- $bank_account = self::_createBankAccount();
- $merchant = array(
- 'type' => 'person',
- 'name' => 'William James',
- 'tax_id' => '393-48-3992',
- 'street_address' => '167 West 74th Street',
- 'postal_code' => '10023',
- 'dob' => '1842-01-01',
- 'phone_number' => '+16505551234',
- 'country_code' => 'USA'
- );
- return self::$marketplace->createMerchant(
- $email_address,
- $merchant,
- $bank_account->uri
- );
- }
- public static function _createBusinessMerchant($email_address = null, $bank_account = null)
- {
- if ($email_address == null)
- $email_address = sprintf('', self::$email_counter++);
- if ($bank_account == null)
- $bank_account = self::_createBankAccount();
- $merchant = array(
- 'type' => 'business',
- 'name' => 'Levain Bakery',
- 'tax_id' => '253912384',
- 'street_address' => '167 West 74th Street',
- 'postal_code' => '10023',
- 'phone_number' => '+16505551234',
- 'country_code' => 'USA',
- 'person' => array(
- 'name' => 'William James',
- 'tax_id' => '393483992',
- 'street_address' => '167 West 74th Street',
- 'postal_code' => '10023',
- 'dob' => '1842-01-01',
- 'phone_number' => '+16505551234',
- 'country_code' => 'USA',
- ),
- );
- return self::$marketplace->createMerchant(
- $email_address,
- $merchant,
- $bank_account->uri
- );
- }
- public static function setUpBeforeClass()
- {
- // url root
- $url_root = getenv('BALANCED_URL_ROOT');
- if ($url_root != '') {
- Settings::$url_root = $url_root;
- }
- else
- Settings::$url_root = '';
- // api key
- $api_key = getenv('BALANCED_API_KEY');
- if ($api_key != '') {
- Settings::$api_key = $api_key;
- }
- else {
- self::$key = new APIKey();
- self::$key->save();
- Settings::$api_key = self::$key->secret;
- }
- // marketplace
- try {
- self::$marketplace = Marketplace::mine();
- }
- catch(\RESTful\Exceptions\NoResultFound $e) {
- self::$marketplace = new Marketplace();
- self::$marketplace->save();
- }
- }
- function testMarketplaceMine()
- {
- $marketplace = Marketplace::mine();
- $this->assertEquals($this::$marketplace->id, $marketplace->id);
- }
- /**
- * @expectedException \RESTful\Exceptions\HTTPError
- */
- function testAnotherMarketplace()
- {
- $marketplace = new Marketplace();
- $marketplace->save();
- }
- /**
- * @expectedException \RESTful\Exceptions\HTTPError
- */
- function testDuplicateEmailAddress()
- {
- self::_createBuyer('');
- self::_createBuyer('');
- }
- function testIndexMarketplace()
- {
- $marketplaces = Marketplace::query()->all();
- $this->assertEquals(count($marketplaces), 1);
- }
- function testCreateBuyer()
- {
- self::_createBuyer();
- }
- function testCreateAccountWithoutEmailAddress()
- {
- self::$marketplace->createAccount();
- }
- function testFindOrCreateAccountByEmailAddress()
- {
- $account1 = self::$marketplace->createAccount('');
- $account2 = self::$marketplace->findOrCreateAccountByEmailAddress('');
- $this->assertEquals($account2->id, $account2->id);
- $account3 = self::$marketplace->findOrCreateAccountByEmailAddress('');
- $this->assertNotEquals($account3->id, $account1->id);
- }
- function testGetBuyer()
- {
- $buyer1 = self::_createBuyer();
- $buyer2 = Account::get($buyer1->uri);
- $this->assertEquals($buyer1->id, $buyer2->id);
- }
- function testMe()
- {
- $marketplace = Marketplace::mine();
- $merchant = Merchant::me();
- $this->assertEquals($marketplace->id, $merchant->marketplace->id);
- }
- function testDebitAndRefundBuyer()
- {
- $buyer = self::_createBuyer();
- $debit = $buyer->debit(
- 1000,
- 'Softie',
- 'something i bought',
- array('hi' => 'bye')
- );
- $refund = $debit->refund(100);
- }
- /**
- * @expectedException \RESTful\Exceptions\HTTPError
- */
- function testDebitZero()
- {
- $buyer = self::_createBuyer();
- $debit = $buyer->debit(
- 0,
- 'Softie',
- 'something i bought'
- );
- }
- function testMultipleRefunds()
- {
- $buyer = self::_createBuyer();
- $debit = $buyer->debit(
- 1500,
- 'Softie',
- 'something tart',
- array('hi' => 'bye'));
- $refunds = array(
- $debit->refund(100),
- $debit->refund(100),
- $debit->refund(100),
- $debit->refund(100));
- $expected_refund_ids = array_map(
- function($x) {
- return $x->id;
- }, $refunds);
- sort($expected_refund_ids);
- $this->assertEquals($debit->refunds->total(), 4);
- // itemization
- $total = 0;
- $refund_ids = array();
- foreach ($debit->refunds as $refund) {
- $total += $refund->amount;
- array_push($refund_ids, $refund->id);
- }
- sort($refund_ids);
- $this->assertEquals($total, 400);
- $this->assertEquals($expected_refund_ids, $refund_ids);
- // pagination
- $total = 0;
- $refund_ids = array();
- foreach ($debit->refunds->paginate() as $page) {
- foreach ($page->items as $refund) {
- $total += $refund->amount;
- array_push($refund_ids, $refund->id);
- }
- }
- sort($refund_ids);
- $this->assertEquals($total, 400);
- $this->assertEquals($expected_refund_ids, $refund_ids);
- }
- function testDebitSource()
- {
- $buyer = self::_createBuyer();
- $card1 = self::_createCard($buyer);
- $card2 = self::_createCard($buyer);
- $credit = $buyer->debit(
- 1000,
- 'Softie',
- 'something i bought'
- );
- $this->assertEquals($credit->source->id, $card2->id);
- $credit = $buyer->debit(
- 1000,
- 'Softie',
- 'something i bought',
- null,
- $card1
- );
- $this->assertEquals($credit->source->id, $card1->id);
- }
- function testDebitOnBehalfOf()
- {
- $buyer = self::_createBuyer();
- $merchant = self::$marketplace->createAccount(null);
- $card1 = self::_createCard($buyer);
- $debit = $buyer->debit(1000, null, null, null, null, $merchant);
- $this->assertEquals($debit->amount, 1000);
- // for now just test the debit succeeds.
- // TODO: once the on_behalf_of actually shows up on the response, test it.
- }
- /**
- * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
- */
- function testDebitOnBehalfOfFailsForBuyer()
- {
- $buyer = self::_createBuyer();
- $card1 = self::_createCard($buyer);
- $debit = $buyer->debit(1000, null, null, null, null, $buyer);
- }
- function testCreateAndVoidHold()
- {
- $buyer = self::_createBuyer();
- $hold = $buyer->hold(1000);
- $this->assertEquals($hold->is_void, false);
- $hold->void();
- $this->assertEquals($hold->is_void, true);
- }
- function testCreateAndCaptureHold()
- {
- $buyer = self::_createBuyer();
- $hold = $buyer->hold(1000);
- $debit = $hold->capture(909);
- $this->assertEquals($debit->account->id, $buyer->id);
- $this->assertEquals($debit->hold->id, $hold->id);
- $this->assertEquals($hold->debit->id, $debit->id);
- }
- function testCreatePersonMerchant()
- {
- $merchant = self::_createPersonMerchant();
- }
- function testCreateBusinessMerchant()
- {
- $merchant = self::_createBusinessMerchant();
- }
- /**
- * @expectedException \RESTful\Exceptions\HTTPError
- */
- function testCreditRequiresNonZeroAmount()
- {
- $buyer = self::_createBuyer();
- $buyer->debit(
- 1000,
- 'Softie',
- 'something i bought'
- );
- $merchant = self::_createBusinessMerchant();
- $merchant->credit(0);
- }
- /**
- * @expectedException \RESTful\Exceptions\HTTPError
- */
- function testCreditMoreThanEscrowBalanceFails()
- {
- $buyer = self::_createBuyer();
- $buyer->credit(
- 1000,
- 'something i bought',
- null,
- null,
- 'Softie'
- );
- $merchant = self::_createBusinessMerchant();
- $merchant->credit(self::$marketplace->in_escrow + 1);
- }
- function testCreditDestiation()
- {
- $buyer = self::_createBuyer();
- $buyer->debit(3000); # NOTE: build up escrow balance to credit
- $merchant = self::_createPersonMerchant();
- $bank_account1 = self::_createBankAccount($merchant);
- $bank_account2 = self::_createBankAccount($merchant);
- $credit = $merchant->credit(
- 1000,
- 'something i sold',
- null,
- null,
- 'Softie'
- );
- $this->assertEquals($credit->destination->id, $bank_account2->id);
- $credit = $merchant->credit(
- 1000,
- 'something i sold',
- null,
- $bank_account1,
- 'Softie'
- );
- $this->assertEquals($credit->destination->id, $bank_account1->id);
- }
- function testAssociateCard()
- {
- $merchant = self::_createPersonMerchant();
- $card = self::_createCard();
- $merchant->addCard($card->uri);
- }
- function testAssociateBankAccount()
- {
- $merchant = self::_createPersonMerchant();
- $bank_account = self::_createBankAccount();
- $merchant->addBankAccount($bank_account->uri);
- }
- function testCardMasking()
- {
- $card = self::$marketplace->createCard(
- '123 Fake Street',
- 'Jollywood',
- null,
- '90210',
- 'khalkhalash',
- '4112344112344113',
- '123',
- 12,
- 2013);
- $this->assertEquals($card->last_four, '4113');
- $this->assertFalse(property_exists($card, 'number'));
- }
- function testBankAccountMasking()
- {
- $bank_account = self::$marketplace->createBankAccount(
- 'Homer Jay',
- '112233a',
- '121042882',
- 'checking'
- );
- $this->assertEquals($bank_account->last_four, '233a');
- $this->assertEquals($bank_account->account_number, 'xxx233a');
- }
- function testFilteringAndSorting()
- {
- $buyer = self::_createBuyer();
- $debit1 = $buyer->debit(1122, null, null, array('tag' => '1'));
- $debit2 = $buyer->debit(3322, null, null, array('tag' => '1'));
- $debit3 = $buyer->debit(2211, null, null, array('tag' => '2'));
- $getId = function($o) {
- return $o->id;
- };
- $debits = (
- self::$marketplace->debits->query()
- ->filter(Debit::$f->meta->tag->eq('1'))
- ->sort(Debit::$f->created_at->asc())
- ->all());
- $debit_ids = array_map($getId, $debits);
- $this->assertEquals($debit_ids, array($debit1->id, $debit2->id));
- $debits = (
- self::$marketplace->debits->query()
- ->filter(Debit::$f->meta->tag->eq('2'))
- ->all());
- $debit_ids = array_map($getId, $debits);
- $this->assertEquals($debit_ids, array($debit3->id));
- $debits = (
- self::$marketplace->debits->query()
- ->filter(Debit::$f->meta->contains('tag'))
- ->sort(Debit::$f->created_at->asc())
- ->all());
- $debit_ids = array_map($getId, $debits);
- $this->assertEquals($debit_ids, array($debit1->id, $debit2->id, $debit3->id));
- $debits = (
- self::$marketplace->debits->query()
- ->filter(Debit::$f->meta->contains('tag'))
- ->sort(Debit::$f->amount->desc())
- ->all());
- $debit_ids = array_map($getId, $debits);
- $this->assertEquals($debit_ids, array($debit2->id, $debit3->id, $debit1->id));
- }
- function testMerchantIdentityFailure()
- {
- // NOTE: postal_code == '99999' && region == 'EX' triggers identity failure
- $identity = array(
- 'type' => 'business',
- 'name' => 'Levain Bakery',
- 'tax_id' => '253912384',
- 'street_address' => '167 West 74th Street',
- 'postal_code' => '99999',
- 'region' => 'EX',
- 'phone_number' => '+16505551234',
- 'country_code' => 'USA',
- 'person' => array(
- 'name' => 'William James',
- 'tax_id' => '393483992',
- 'street_address' => '167 West 74th Street',
- 'postal_code' => '99999',
- 'region' => 'EX',
- 'dob' => '1842-01-01',
- 'phone_number' => '+16505551234',
- 'country_code' => 'USA',
- ),
- );
- try {
- self::$marketplace->createMerchant(
- sprintf('', self::$email_counter++),
- $identity);
- }
- catch(\RESTful\Exceptions\HTTPError $e) {
- $this->assertEquals($e->response->code, 300);
- $expected = sprintf('', self::$marketplace->id);
- $this->assertEquals($e->redirect_uri, $expected);
- $this->assertEquals($e->response->headers['Location'], $expected);
- return;
- }
- $this->fail('Expected exception HTTPError not raised.');
- }
- function testInternationalCard()
- {
- $payload = array(
- 'card_number' => '4111111111111111',
- 'city' => '\xe9\x83\xbd\xe7\x95\x99\xe5\xb8\x82',
- 'country_code' => 'JPN',
- 'expiration_month' => 12,
- 'expiration_year' => 2014,
- 'name' => 'Johnny Fresh',
- 'postal_code' => '4020054',
- 'street_address' => '\xe7\x94\xb0\xe5\x8e\x9f\xef\xbc\x93\xe3\x83\xbc\xef\xbc\x98\xe3\x83\xbc\xef\xbc\x91'
- );
- $card = self::$marketplace->cards->create($payload);
- $this->assertEquals($card->street_address, $payload['street_address']);
- }
- /**
- * @expectedException \RESTful\Exceptions\NoResultFound
- */
- function testAccountWithEmailAddressNotFound()
- {
- self::$marketplace->accounts->query()
- ->filter(Account::$f->email_address->eq(''))
- ->one();
- }
- function testDebitACard()
- {
- $buyer = self::_createBuyer();
- $card = self::_createCard($buyer);
- $debit = $card->debit(
- 1000,
- 'Softie',
- 'something i bought',
- array('hi' => 'bye'));
- $this->assertEquals($debit->source->uri, $card->uri);
- }
- /**
- * @expectedException \UnexpectedValueException
- */
- function testDebitAnUnassociatedCard()
- {
- $card = self::_createCard();
- $card->debit(1000, 'Softie');
- }
- function testCreditABankAccount()
- {
- $buyer = self::_createBuyer();
- $buyer->debit(101); # NOTE: build up escrow balance to credit
- $merchant = self::_createPersonMerchant();
- $bank_account = self::_createBankAccount($merchant);
- $credit = $bank_account->credit(55, 'something sour');
- $this->assertEquals($credit->destination->uri, $bank_account->uri);
- }
- function testQuery()
- {
- $buyer = self::_createBuyer();
- $tag = '123123123123';
- $debit1 = $buyer->debit(1122, null, null, array('tag' => $tag));
- $debit2 = $buyer->debit(3322, null, null, array('tag' => $tag));
- $debit3 = $buyer->debit(2211, null, null, array('tag' => $tag));
- $expected_debit_ids = array($debit1->id, $debit2->id, $debit3->id);
- $query = (
- self::$marketplace->debits->query()
- ->filter(Debit::$f->meta->tag->eq($tag))
- ->sort(Debit::$f->created_at->asc())
- ->limit(1));
- $this->assertEquals($query->total(), 3);
- $debit_ids = array();
- foreach ($query as $debits) {
- array_push($debit_ids, $debits->id);
- }
- $this->assertEquals($debit_ids, $expected_debit_ids);
- $debit_ids = array($query[0]->id, $query[1]->id, $query[2]->id);
- $this->assertEquals($debit_ids, $expected_debit_ids);
- }
- function testBuyerPromoteToMerchant()
- {
- $merchant = array(
- 'type' => 'person',
- 'name' => 'William James',
- 'tax_id' => '393-48-3992',
- 'street_address' => '167 West 74th Street',
- 'postal_code' => '10023',
- 'dob' => '1842-01-01',
- 'phone_number' => '+16505551234',
- 'country_code' => 'USA'
- );
- $buyer = self::_createBuyer();
- $buyer->promoteToMerchant($merchant);
- }
- function testCreditAccountlessBankAccount()
- {
- $buyer = self::_createBuyer();
- $buyer->debit(101); # NOTE: build up escrow balance to credit
- $bank_account = self::_createBankAccount();
- $credit = $bank_account->credit(55, 'something sour');
- $this->assertEquals($credit->bank_account->id, $bank_account->id);
- $bank_account = $bank_account->get($bank_account->id);
- $this->assertEquals($bank_account->credits->total(), 1);
- }
- function testCreditUnstoredBankAccount()
- {
- $buyer = self::_createBuyer();
- $buyer->debit(101); # NOTE: build up escrow balance to credit
- $credit = Credit::bankAccount(
- 55,
- array(
- 'name' => 'Homer Jay',
- 'account_number' => '112233a',
- 'routing_number' => '121042882',
- 'type' => 'checking',
- ),
- 'something sour');
- $this->assertFalse(property_exists($credit->bank_account, 'uri'));
- $this->assertFalse(property_exists($credit->bank_account, 'id'));
- $this->assertEquals($credit->bank_account->name, 'Homer Jay');
- $this->assertEquals($credit->bank_account->account_number, 'xxx233a');
- $this->assertEquals($credit->bank_account->type, 'checking');
- }
- function testDeleteBankAccount()
- {
- $buyer = self::_createBuyer();
- $buyer->debit(101); # NOTE: build up escrow balance to credit
- $bank_account = self::_createBankAccount();
- $credit = $bank_account->credit(55, 'something sour');
- $this->assertTrue(property_exists($credit->bank_account, 'uri'));
- $this->assertTrue(property_exists($credit->bank_account, 'id'));
- $bank_account = BankAccount::get($bank_account->id);
- $bank_account->delete();
- $credit = Credit::get($credit->uri);
- $this->assertFalse(property_exists($credit->bank_account, 'uri'));
- $this->assertFalse(property_exists($credit->bank_account, 'id'));
- }
- function testGetBankAccounById()
- {
- $bank_account = self::_createBankAccount();
- $bank_account_2 = BankAccount::get($bank_account->id);
- $this->assertEquals($bank_account_2->id, $bank_account->id);
- }
- /**
- * @expectedException \Balanced\Errors\InsufficientFunds
- */
- function testInsufficientFunds()
- {
- $marketplace = Marketplace::get(self::$marketplace->uri);
- $amount = $marketplace->in_escrow + 100;
- $credit = Credit::bankAccount(
- $amount,
- array(
- 'name' => 'Homer Jay',
- 'account_number' => '112233a',
- 'routing_number' => '121042882',
- 'type' => 'checking',
- ),
- 'something sour');
- }
- function testCreateCallback() {
- $callback = self::$marketplace->createCallback(
- ''
- );
- $this->assertEquals($callback->url, '');
- }
- /**
- * @expectedException \Balanced\Errors\BankAccountVerificationFailure
- */
- function testBankAccountVerificationFailure() {
- $bank_account = self::_createBankAccount();
- $buyer = self::_createBuyer();
- $buyer->addBankAccount($bank_account);
- $verification = $bank_account->verify();
- $verification->confirm(1, 2);
- }
- /**
- * @expectedException \Balanced\Errors\BankAccountVerificationFailure
- */
- function testBankAccountVerificationDuplicate() {
- $bank_account = self::_createBankAccount();
- $buyer = self::_createBuyer();
- $buyer->addBankAccount($bank_account);
- $bank_account->verify();
- $bank_account->verify();
- }
- function testBankAccountVerificationSuccess() {
- $bank_account = self::_createBankAccount();
- $buyer = self::_createBuyer();
- $buyer->addBankAccount($bank_account);
- $verification = $bank_account->verify();
- $verification->confirm(1, 1);
- // this will fail if the bank account is not verified
- $debit = $buyer->debit(
- 1000,
- 'Softie',
- 'something i bought',
- array('hi' => 'bye'),
- $bank_account
- );
- $this->assertTrue(strpos($debit->source->uri, 'bank_account') > 0);
- }
- function testEvents() {
- $prev_num_events = Marketplace::mine()->events->total();
- $account = self::_createBuyer();
- $account->debit(123);
- $cur_num_events = Marketplace::mine()->events->total();
- $count = 0;
- while ($cur_num_events == $prev_num_events && $count < 10) {
- printf("waiting for events - %d, %d == %d\n", $count + 1, $cur_num_events, $prev_num_events);
- sleep(2); // 2 seconds
- $cur_num_events = Marketplace::mine()->events->total();
- $count += 1;
- }
- $this->assertTrue($cur_num_events > $prev_num_events);
- }
diff --git a/externals/balanced-php/tests/phpunit.xml b/externals/balanced-php/tests/phpunit.xml
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/externals/balanced-php/tests/phpunit.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- <testsuite name="Balanced">
- <directory>.</directory>
- </testsuite>
- <logging>
- <log type="coverage-text" target="php://stdout" showUncoveredFiles="false"/>
- </logging>
diff --git a/resources/celerity/map.php b/resources/celerity/map.php
--- a/resources/celerity/map.php
+++ b/resources/celerity/map.php
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
'rsrc/css/application/config/config-welcome.css' => '6abd79be',
'rsrc/css/application/config/setup-issue.css' => '22270af2',
'rsrc/css/application/config/unhandled-exception.css' => '37d4f9a2',
- 'rsrc/css/application/conpherence/durable-column.css' => '8c951609',
+ 'rsrc/css/application/conpherence/durable-column.css' => '1f5c64e8',
'rsrc/css/application/conpherence/menu.css' => 'c6ac5299',
'rsrc/css/application/conpherence/message-pane.css' => '5930260a',
'rsrc/css/application/conpherence/notification.css' => '04a6e10a',
@@ -404,7 +404,6 @@
'rsrc/js/application/phame/phame-post-preview.js' => 'be807912',
'rsrc/js/application/pholio/behavior-pholio-mock-edit.js' => '9c2623f4',
'rsrc/js/application/pholio/behavior-pholio-mock-view.js' => 'e58bf807',
- 'rsrc/js/application/phortune/behavior-balanced-payment-form.js' => 'b2c03e60',
'rsrc/js/application/phortune/behavior-stripe-payment-form.js' => '3f5d6dbf',
'rsrc/js/application/phortune/behavior-test-payment-form.js' => 'fc91ab6c',
'rsrc/js/application/phortune/phortune-credit-card-form.js' => '2290aeef',
@@ -514,7 +513,7 @@
'changeset-view-manager' => '88be0133',
'config-options-css' => '7fedf08b',
'config-welcome-css' => '6abd79be',
- 'conpherence-durable-column-view' => '8c951609',
+ 'conpherence-durable-column-view' => '1f5c64e8',
'conpherence-menu-css' => 'c6ac5299',
'conpherence-message-pane-css' => '5930260a',
'conpherence-notification-css' => '04a6e10a',
@@ -554,7 +553,6 @@
'javelin-behavior-aphront-more' => 'a80d0378',
'javelin-behavior-audio-source' => '59b251eb',
'javelin-behavior-audit-preview' => 'd835b03a',
- 'javelin-behavior-balanced-payment-form' => 'b2c03e60',
'javelin-behavior-boards-dropdown' => '0ec56e1d',
'javelin-behavior-choose-control' => '6153c708',
'javelin-behavior-config-reorder-fields' => '14a827de',
@@ -1670,11 +1668,6 @@
- 'b2c03e60' => array(
- 'javelin-behavior',
- 'javelin-dom',
- 'phortune-credit-card-form',
- ),
'b3a4b884' => array(
diff --git a/resources/sprite/login_1x/Balanced.png b/resources/sprite/login_1x/Balanced.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
GIT binary patch
literal 0
literal 0
diff --git a/resources/sprite/login_2x/Balanced.png b/resources/sprite/login_2x/Balanced.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
GIT binary patch
literal 0
literal 0
diff --git a/src/__phutil_library_map__.php b/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
--- a/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
+++ b/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
@@ -2779,7 +2779,6 @@
'PhortuneAccountTransaction' => 'applications/phortune/storage/PhortuneAccountTransaction.php',
'PhortuneAccountTransactionQuery' => 'applications/phortune/query/PhortuneAccountTransactionQuery.php',
'PhortuneAccountViewController' => 'applications/phortune/controller/PhortuneAccountViewController.php',
- 'PhortuneBalancedPaymentProvider' => 'applications/phortune/provider/PhortuneBalancedPaymentProvider.php',
'PhortuneCart' => 'applications/phortune/storage/PhortuneCart.php',
'PhortuneCartAcceptController' => 'applications/phortune/controller/PhortuneCartAcceptController.php',
'PhortuneCartCancelController' => 'applications/phortune/controller/PhortuneCartCancelController.php',
@@ -6176,7 +6175,6 @@
'PhortuneAccountTransaction' => 'PhabricatorApplicationTransaction',
'PhortuneAccountTransactionQuery' => 'PhabricatorApplicationTransactionQuery',
'PhortuneAccountViewController' => 'PhortuneController',
- 'PhortuneBalancedPaymentProvider' => 'PhortunePaymentProvider',
'PhortuneCart' => array(
diff --git a/src/applications/phortune/provider/PhortuneBalancedPaymentProvider.php b/src/applications/phortune/provider/PhortuneBalancedPaymentProvider.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/src/applications/phortune/provider/PhortuneBalancedPaymentProvider.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,370 +0,0 @@
-final class PhortuneBalancedPaymentProvider extends PhortunePaymentProvider {
- const BALANCED_MARKETPLACE_ID = 'balanced.marketplace-id';
- const BALANCED_SECRET_KEY = 'balanced.secret-key';
- public function isAcceptingLivePayments() {
- return !preg_match('/-test-/', $this->getSecretKey());
- }
- public function getName() {
- return pht('Balanced Payments');
- }
- public function getConfigureName() {
- return pht('Add Balanced Payments Account');
- }
- public function getConfigureDescription() {
- return pht(
- 'Allows you to accept credit or debit card payments with a '.
- ' account.');
- }
- public function getConfigureProvidesDescription() {
- return pht(
- 'This merchant accepts credit and debit cards via Balanced Payments.');
- }
- public function getConfigureInstructions() {
- return pht(
- "To configure Balacned, register or log in to an existing account on ".
- "[[ |]]. Once logged ".
- "in:\n\n".
- " - Choose a marketplace.\n".
- " - Find the **Marketplace ID** in {nav My Marketplace > Settings} and ".
- " copy it into the field above.\n".
- " - On the same screen, under **API keys**, choose **Add a key**, then ".
- " **Show key secret**. Copy the value into the field above.\n\n".
- "You can either use a test marketplace to add this provider in test ".
- "mode, or use a live marketplace to accept live payments.");
- }
- public function getAllConfigurableProperties() {
- return array(
- );
- }
- public function getAllConfigurableSecretProperties() {
- return array(
- );
- }
- public function processEditForm(
- AphrontRequest $request,
- array $values) {
- $errors = array();
- $issues = array();
- if (!strlen($values[self::BALANCED_MARKETPLACE_ID])) {
- $errors[] = pht('Balanced Marketplace ID is required.');
- $issues[self::BALANCED_MARKETPLACE_ID] = pht('Required');
- }
- if (!strlen($values[self::BALANCED_SECRET_KEY])) {
- $errors[] = pht('Balanced Secret Key is required.');
- $issues[self::BALANCED_SECRET_KEY] = pht('Required');
- }
- return array($errors, $issues, $values);
- }
- public function extendEditForm(
- AphrontRequest $request,
- AphrontFormView $form,
- array $values,
- array $issues) {
- $form
- ->appendChild(
- id(new AphrontFormTextControl())
- ->setValue($values[self::BALANCED_MARKETPLACE_ID])
- ->setError(idx($issues, self::BALANCED_MARKETPLACE_ID, true))
- ->setLabel(pht('Balanced Marketplace ID')))
- ->appendChild(
- id(new AphrontFormTextControl())
- ->setName(self::BALANCED_SECRET_KEY)
- ->setValue($values[self::BALANCED_SECRET_KEY])
- ->setError(idx($issues, self::BALANCED_SECRET_KEY, true))
- ->setLabel(pht('Balanced Secret Key')));
- }
- public function canRunConfigurationTest() {
- return true;
- }
- public function runConfigurationTest() {
- $this->loadBalancedAPILibraries();
- // TODO: This only tests that the secret key is correct. It's not clear
- // how to test that the marketplace is correct.
- try {
- Balanced\Settings::$api_key = $this->getSecretKey();
- Balanced\APIKey::query()->first();
- } catch (RESTful\Exceptions\HTTPError $error) {
- // NOTE: This exception doesn't print anything meaningful if it escapes
- // to top level. Replace it with something slightly readable.
- throw new Exception($error->response->body->description);
- }
- }
- public function getPaymentMethodDescription() {
- return pht('Add Credit or Debit Card');
- }
- public function getPaymentMethodIcon() {
- return 'Balanced';
- }
- public function getPaymentMethodProviderDescription() {
- return pht('Processed by Balanced');
- }
- public function getDefaultPaymentMethodDisplayName(
- PhortunePaymentMethod $method) {
- return pht('Credit/Debit Card');
- }
- protected function executeCharge(
- PhortunePaymentMethod $method,
- PhortuneCharge $charge) {
- $this->loadBalancedAPILibraries();
- $price = $charge->getAmountAsCurrency();
- // Build the string which will appear on the credit card statement.
- $charge_as = new PhutilURI(PhabricatorEnv::getProductionURI('/'));
- $charge_as = $charge_as->getDomain();
- $charge_as = id(new PhutilUTF8StringTruncator())
- ->setMaximumBytes(22)
- ->setTerminator('')
- ->truncateString($charge_as);
- try {
- Balanced\Settings::$api_key = $this->getSecretKey();
- $card = Balanced\Card::get($method->getMetadataValue('balanced.cardURI'));
- $debit = $card->debit($price->getValueInUSDCents(), $charge_as);
- } catch (RESTful\Exceptions\HTTPError $error) {
- // NOTE: This exception doesn't print anything meaningful if it escapes
- // to top level. Replace it with something slightly readable.
- throw new Exception($error->response->body->description);
- }
- $expect_status = 'succeeded';
- if ($debit->status !== $expect_status) {
- throw new Exception(
- pht(
- 'Debit failed, expected "%s", got "%s".',
- $expect_status,
- $debit->status));
- }
- $charge->setMetadataValue('balanced.debitURI', $debit->uri);
- $charge->save();
- }
- protected function executeRefund(
- PhortuneCharge $charge,
- PhortuneCharge $refund) {
- $this->loadBalancedAPILibraries();
- $debit_uri = $charge->getMetadataValue('balanced.debitURI');
- if (!$debit_uri) {
- throw new Exception(pht('No Balanced debit URI!'));
- }
- $refund_cents = $refund
- ->getAmountAsCurrency()
- ->negate()
- ->getValueInUSDCents();
- $params = array(
- 'amount' => $refund_cents,
- );
- try {
- Balanced\Settings::$api_key = $this->getSecretKey();
- $balanced_debit = Balanced\Debit::get($debit_uri);
- $balanced_refund = $balanced_debit->refunds->create($params);
- } catch (RESTful\Exceptions\HTTPError $error) {
- throw new Exception($error->response->body->description);
- }
- $refund->setMetadataValue('balanced.refundURI', $balanced_refund->uri);
- $refund->save();
- }
- public function updateCharge(PhortuneCharge $charge) {
- $this->loadBalancedAPILibraries();
- $debit_uri = $charge->getMetadataValue('balanced.debitURI');
- if (!$debit_uri) {
- throw new Exception(pht('No Balanced debit URI!'));
- }
- try {
- Balanced\Settings::$api_key = $this->getSecretKey();
- $balanced_debit = Balanced\Debit::get($debit_uri);
- } catch (RESTful\Exceptions\HTTPError $error) {
- throw new Exception($error->response->body->description);
- }
- // TODO: Deal with disputes / chargebacks / surprising refunds.
- }
- private function getMarketplaceID() {
- return $this
- ->getProviderConfig()
- ->getMetadataValue(self::BALANCED_MARKETPLACE_ID);
- }
- private function getSecretKey() {
- return $this
- ->getProviderConfig()
- ->getMetadataValue(self::BALANCED_SECRET_KEY);
- }
- private function getMarketplaceURI() {
- return '/v1/marketplaces/'.$this->getMarketplaceID();
- }
-/* -( Adding Payment Methods )--------------------------------------------- */
- public function canCreatePaymentMethods() {
- return true;
- }
- public function validateCreatePaymentMethodToken(array $token) {
- return isset($token['balancedMarketplaceURI']);
- }
- /**
- * @phutil-external-symbol class Balanced\Card
- * @phutil-external-symbol class Balanced\Debit
- * @phutil-external-symbol class Balanced\Settings
- * @phutil-external-symbol class Balanced\Marketplace
- * @phutil-external-symbol class Balanced\APIKey
- * @phutil-external-symbol class RESTful\Exceptions\HTTPError
- */
- public function createPaymentMethodFromRequest(
- AphrontRequest $request,
- PhortunePaymentMethod $method,
- array $token) {
- $this->loadBalancedAPILibraries();
- $errors = array();
- $account_phid = $method->getAccountPHID();
- $author_phid = $method->getAuthorPHID();
- $description = $account_phid.':'.$author_phid;
- try {
- Balanced\Settings::$api_key = $this->getSecretKey();
- $card = Balanced\Card::get($token['balancedMarketplaceURI']);
- $buyer = Balanced\Marketplace::mine()->createBuyer(
- null,
- $card->uri,
- array(
- 'description' => $description,
- ));
- } catch (RESTful\Exceptions\HTTPError $error) {
- // NOTE: This exception doesn't print anything meaningful if it escapes
- // to top level. Replace it with something slightly readable.
- throw new Exception($error->response->body->description);
- }
- $method
- ->setBrand($card->brand)
- ->setLastFourDigits($card->last_four)
- ->setExpires($card->expiration_year, $card->expiration_month)
- ->setMetadata(
- array(
- 'type' => 'balanced.account',
- 'balanced.accountURI' => $buyer->uri,
- 'balanced.cardURI' => $card->uri,
- ));
- return $errors;
- }
- public function renderCreatePaymentMethodForm(
- AphrontRequest $request,
- array $errors) {
- $ccform = id(new PhortuneCreditCardForm())
- ->setUser($request->getUser())
- ->setErrors($errors)
- ->addScript('');
- Javelin::initBehavior(
- 'balanced-payment-form',
- array(
- 'balancedMarketplaceURI' => $this->getMarketplaceURI(),
- 'formID' => $ccform->getFormID(),
- ));
- return $ccform->buildForm();
- }
- private function getBalancedShortErrorCode($error_code) {
- $prefix = 'cc:balanced:';
- if (strncmp($error_code, $prefix, strlen($prefix))) {
- return null;
- }
- return substr($error_code, strlen($prefix));
- }
- public function translateCreatePaymentMethodErrorCode($error_code) {
- $short_code = $this->getBalancedShortErrorCode($error_code);
- if ($short_code) {
- static $map = array(
- );
- if (isset($map[$short_code])) {
- return $map[$short_code];
- }
- }
- return $error_code;
- }
- public function getCreatePaymentMethodErrorMessage($error_code) {
- $short_code = $this->getBalancedShortErrorCode($error_code);
- if (!$short_code) {
- return null;
- }
- switch ($short_code) {
- default:
- break;
- }
- return null;
- }
- private function loadBalancedAPILibraries() {
- $root = dirname(phutil_get_library_root('phabricator'));
- require_once $root.'/externals/httpful/bootstrap.php';
- require_once $root.'/externals/restful/bootstrap.php';
- require_once $root.'/externals/balanced-php/bootstrap.php';
- }
diff --git a/webroot/rsrc/js/application/phortune/behavior-balanced-payment-form.js b/webroot/rsrc/js/application/phortune/behavior-balanced-payment-form.js
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/webroot/rsrc/js/application/phortune/behavior-balanced-payment-form.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
- * @provides javelin-behavior-balanced-payment-form
- * @requires javelin-behavior
- * javelin-dom
- * phortune-credit-card-form
- */
-JX.behavior('balanced-payment-form', function(config) {
- balanced.init(config.balancedMarketplaceURI);
- function onsubmit(card_data) {
- var errors = [];
- if (!balanced.card.isCardNumberValid(card_data.number)) {
- errors.push('cc:invalid:number');
- }
- if (!balanced.card.isSecurityCodeValid(card_data.number, card_data.cvc)) {
- errors.push('cc:invalid:cvc');
- }
- if (!balanced.card.isExpiryValid(card_data.month, card_data.year)) {
- errors.push('cc:invalid:expiry');
- }
- if (errors.length) {
- ccform.submitForm(errors);
- return;
- }
- var data = {
- card_number: card_data.number,
- security_code: card_data.cvc,
- expiration_month: card_data.month,
- expiration_year: card_data.year
- };
- balanced.card.create(data, onresponse);
- }
- function onresponse(response) {
- var token = null;
- var errors = [];
- if (response.error) {
- errors = ['cc:balanced:error:' + response.error.type];
- } else if (response.status != 201) {
- errors = ['cc:balanced:http:' + response.status];
- } else {
- token =;
- }
- ccform.submitForm(errors, {balancedMarketplaceURI: token});
- }
- var ccform = new JX.PhortuneCreditCardForm(JX.$(config.formID), onsubmit);

File Metadata

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Sun, Mar 16, 6:21 AM (2 d, 14 h ago)
Storage Engine
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D12074.diff (134 KB)

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