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diff --git a/src/parser/ArcanistDiffParser.php b/src/parser/ArcanistDiffParser.php
--- a/src/parser/ArcanistDiffParser.php
+++ b/src/parser/ArcanistDiffParser.php
@@ -288,9 +288,11 @@
if (isset($match['type'])) {
if ($match['type'] == 'diff --git') {
- list($old, $new) = self::splitGitDiffPaths($match['oldnew']);
- $match['old'] = $old;
- $match['cur'] = $new;
+ $filename = self::extractGitCommonFilename($match['oldnew']);
+ if ($filename !== null) {
+ $match['old'] = $filename;
+ $match['cur'] = $filename;
+ }
@@ -1308,99 +1310,46 @@
- * Strip prefixes off paths from `git diff`. By default git uses a/ and b/,
- * but you can set `diff.mnemonicprefix` to get a different set of prefixes,
- * or use `--no-prefix`, `--src-prefix` or `--dst-prefix` to set these to
- * other arbitrary values.
- *
- * We strip the default and mnemonic prefixes, and trust the user knows what
- * they're doing in the other cases.
- *
- * @param string Path to strip.
- * @return string Stripped path.
- */
- public static function stripGitPathPrefix($path) {
- static $regex;
- if ($regex === null) {
- $prefixes = array(
- // These are the defaults.
- 'a/',
- 'b/',
- // These show up when you set "diff.mnemonicprefix".
- 'i/',
- 'c/',
- 'w/',
- 'o/',
- '1/',
- '2/',
- );
- foreach ($prefixes as $key => $prefix) {
- $prefixes[$key] = preg_quote($prefix, '@');
- }
- $regex = '@^('.implode('|', $prefixes).')@S';
- }
- return preg_replace($regex, '', $path);
- }
- /**
* Split the paths on a "diff --git" line into old and new paths. This
* is difficult because they may be ambiguous if the files contain spaces.
* @param string Text from a diff line after "diff --git ".
* @return pair<string, string> Old and new paths.
- public static function splitGitDiffPaths($paths) {
+ public static function extractGitCommonFilename($paths) {
$matches = null;
$paths = rtrim($paths, "\r\n");
- $patterns = array(
- // Try quoted paths, used for unicode filenames or filenames with quotes.
- '@^(?P<old>"(?:\\\\.|[^"\\\\]+)+") (?P<new>"(?:\\\\.|[^"\\\\]+)+")$@',
- // Try paths without spaces.
- '@^(?P<old>[^ ]+) (?P<new>[^ ]+)$@',
- // Try paths with well-known prefixes.
- '@^(?P<old>[abicwo12]/.*) (?P<new>[abicwo12]/.*)$@',
- // Try the exact same string twice in a row separated by a space.
- // This can hit a false positive for moves from files like "old file old"
- // to "file", but such a case combined with custom diff prefixes is
- // incredibly obscure.
- '@^(?P<old>.*) (?P<new>\\1)$@',
- );
- foreach ($patterns as $pattern) {
- if (preg_match($pattern, $paths, $matches)) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!$matches) {
- throw new Exception(
- pht(
- "Input diff contains ambiguous line '%s'. This line is ambiguous ".
- "because there are spaces in the file names, so the parser can not ".
- "determine where the file names begin and end. To resolve this ".
- "ambiguity, use standard prefixes ('a/' and 'b/') when ".
- "generating diffs.",
- "diff --git {$paths}"));
+ // Try the exact same string twice in a row separated by a
+ // space, with an optional prefix. This can hit a false
+ // positive for moves from files like "old file old" to "file",
+ // but such a cases will be caught by the "rename from" /
+ // "rename to" lines.
+ $prefix = '(?:[^/]+/)?';
+ $pattern =
+ "@^(?P<old>(?P<oldq>\"?){$prefix}(?P<common>.+)\\k<oldq>)"
+ ." "
+ ."(?P<new>(?P<newq>\"?){$prefix}\\k<common>\\k<newq>)$@";
+ if (!preg_match($pattern, $paths, $matches)) {
+ // A rename or some form; return null for now, and let the
+ // "rename from" / "rename to" lines fix it up.
+ return null;
- $old = $matches['old'];
- $old = self::unescapeFilename($old);
- $old = self::stripGitPathPrefix($old);
+ // Use the common subpart. There may be ambiguity here: "src/file
+ // dst/file" may _either_ be a prefix-less move, or a change with
+ // two custom prefixes. We assume it is the latter; if it is a
+ // rename, diff parsing will update based on the "rename from" /
+ // "rename to" lines.
- $new = $matches['new'];
+ // This re-assembles with the differing prefixes removed, but the
+ // quoting from the original. Necessary so we know if we should
+ // unescape characters from the common string.
+ $new = $matches['newq'].$matches['common'].$matches['newq'];
$new = self::unescapeFilename($new);
- $new = self::stripGitPathPrefix($new);
- return array($old, $new);
+ return $new;
diff --git a/src/parser/__tests__/ArcanistDiffParserTestCase.php b/src/parser/__tests__/ArcanistDiffParserTestCase.php
--- a/src/parser/__tests__/ArcanistDiffParserTestCase.php
+++ b/src/parser/__tests__/ArcanistDiffParserTestCase.php
@@ -535,7 +535,14 @@
$this->assertEqual(1, count($changes));
$change = head($changes);
- 'dst/file',
+ 'file',
+ $change->getCurrentPath());
+ break;
+ case 'custom-prefixes-edit.gitdiff':
+ $this->assertEqual(1, count($changes));
+ $change = head($changes);
+ $this->assertEqual(
+ 'file',
case 'more-newlines.svndiff':
@@ -607,81 +614,111 @@
- public function testGitPrefixStripping() {
- static $tests = array(
- 'a/file.c' => 'file.c',
- 'b/file.c' => 'file.c',
- 'i/file.c' => 'file.c',
- 'c/file.c' => 'file.c',
- 'w/file.c' => 'file.c',
- 'o/file.c' => 'file.c',
- '1/file.c' => 'file.c',
- '2/file.c' => 'file.c',
- 'src/file.c' => 'src/file.c',
- 'file.c' => 'file.c',
- );
- foreach ($tests as $input => $expect) {
- $this->assertEqual(
- $expect,
- ArcanistDiffParser::stripGitPathPrefix($input),
- pht("Strip git prefix from '%s'.", $input));
- }
- }
- public function testGitPathSplitting() {
+ public function testGitCommonFilenameExtraction() {
static $tests = array(
- 'a/old.c b/new.c' => array('old.c', 'new.c'),
- "a/old.c b/new.c\n" => array('old.c', 'new.c'),
- "a/old.c b/new.c\r\n" => array('old.c', 'new.c'),
- 'old.c new.c' => array('old.c', 'new.c'),
- '1/old.c 2/new.c' => array('old.c', 'new.c'),
- '"a/\\"quotes1\\"" "b/\\"quotes2\\""' => array(
- '"quotes1"',
- '"quotes2"',
- ),
- '"a/\\"quotes and spaces1\\"" "b/\\"quotes and spaces2\\""' => array(
- '"quotes and spaces1"',
- '"quotes and spaces2"',
- ),
- '"a/\\342\\230\\2031" "b/\\342\\230\\2032"' => array(
- "\xE2\x98\x831",
- "\xE2\x98\x832",
- ),
- 'a/Core Data/old.c b/Core Data/new.c' => array(
- 'Core Data/old.c',
- 'Core Data/new.c',
- ),
- 'some file with spaces.c some file with spaces.c' => array(
- 'some file with spaces.c',
- 'some file with spaces.c',
- ),
+ 'a/filename.c b/filename.c' => 'filename.c',
+ "a/filename.c b/filename.c\n" => 'filename.c',
+ "a/filename.c b/filename.c\r\n" => 'filename.c',
+ 'filename.c filename.c' => 'filename.c',
+ '1/filename.c 2/filename.c' => 'filename.c',
+ '"a/\\"quotes\\"" "b/\\"quotes\\""' => '"quotes"',
+ '"a/\\"quotes and spaces\\"" "b/\\"quotes and spaces\\""' =>
+ '"quotes and spaces"',
+ '"a/\\342\\230\\203" "b/\\342\\230\\203"' =>
+ "\xE2\x98\x83",
+ 'a/Core Data/filename.c b/Core Data/filename.c' =>
+ 'Core Data/filename.c',
+ 'some file with spaces.c some file with spaces.c' =>
+ 'some file with spaces.c',
+ '"foo bar.c" foo bar.c' => 'foo bar.c',
+ '"a/foo bar.c" b/foo bar.c' => 'foo bar.c',
+ 'src/file dst/file' => 'file',
+ // Renames are handled by the "rename from ..." lines later in
+ // the diff, for simplicity of parsing; this is also how git
+ // itself handles it.
+ 'a/foo.c b/bar.c' => null,
+ 'a/foo bar.c b/baz troz.c' => null,
+ '"a/foo bar.c" b/baz troz.c' => null,
+ 'a/foo bar.c "b/baz troz.c"' => null,
+ '"a/foo bar.c" "b/baz troz.c"' => null,
+ 'filename file with spaces.c filename file with spaces.c' =>
+ 'filename file with spaces.c',
foreach ($tests as $input => $expect) {
- $result = ArcanistDiffParser::splitGitDiffPaths($input);
+ $result = ArcanistDiffParser::extractGitCommonFilename($input);
pht('Split: %s', $input));
+ }
- static $ambiguous = array(
- 'old file with spaces.c new file with spaces.c',
- );
- foreach ($ambiguous as $input) {
- $caught = null;
- try {
- ArcanistDiffParser::splitGitDiffPaths($input);
- } catch (Exception $ex) {
- $caught = $ex;
- }
- $this->assertTrue(
- ($caught instanceof Exception),
- pht('Ambiguous: %s', $input));
- }
+ public function runSingleRename($diffline, $from, $to, $old, $new) {
+ $str = "diff --git $diffline\nsimilarity index 95%\n"
+ ."rename from $from\nrename to $to\n";
+ $parser = new ArcanistDiffParser();
+ $changes = $parser->parseDiff($str);
+ $this->assertTrue(
+ $changes !== null,
+ pht("Parsed:\n%s", $str));
+ $this->assertEqual(
+ $old == $new ? 1 : 2, count($changes),
+ pht("Parsed one change:\n%s", $str));
+ $change = reset($changes);
+ $this->assertEqual(
+ array($old, $new),
+ array($change->getOldPath(), $change->getCurrentPath()),
+ pht('Split: %s', $diffline));
+ public function testGitRenames() {
+ $this->runSingleRename('a/old.c b/new.c',
+ 'old.c', 'new.c',
+ 'old.c', 'new.c');
+ $this->runSingleRename('old.c new.c',
+ 'old.c', 'new.c',
+ 'old.c', 'new.c');
+ $this->runSingleRename('1/old.c 2/new.c',
+ 'old.c', 'new.c',
+ 'old.c', 'new.c');
+ $this->runSingleRename('from/file.c to/file.c',
+ 'from/file.c', 'to/file.c',
+ 'from/file.c', 'to/file.c');
+ $this->runSingleRename('"a/\\"quotes1\\"" "b/\\"quotes2\\""',
+ '"\\"quotes1\\""', '"\\"quotes2\\""',
+ '"quotes1"', '"quotes2"');
+ $this->runSingleRename('"a/\\"quotes spaces1\\"" "b/\\"quotes spaces2\\""',
+ '"\\"quotes spaces1\\""', '"\\"quotes spaces2\\""',
+ '"quotes spaces1"', '"quotes spaces2"');
+ $this->runSingleRename('"a/\\342\\230\\2031" "b/\\342\\230\\2032"',
+ '"\\342\\230\\2031"', '"\\342\\230\\2032"',
+ "\xE2\x98\x831", "\xE2\x98\x832");
+ $this->runSingleRename('a/Core Data/old.c b/Core Data/new.c',
+ 'Core Data/old.c', 'Core Data/new.c',
+ 'Core Data/old.c', 'Core Data/new.c');
+ $this->runSingleRename('file with spaces.c file with spaces.c',
+ 'file with spaces.c', 'file with spaces.c',
+ 'file with spaces.c', 'file with spaces.c');
+ $this->runSingleRename('a/non-quoted filename.c "b/quoted filename.c"',
+ 'non-quoted filename.c', '"quoted filename.c"',
+ 'non-quoted filename.c', 'quoted filename.c');
+ $this->runSingleRename('non-quoted filename.c "quoted filename.c"',
+ 'non-quoted filename.c', '"quoted filename.c"',
+ 'non-quoted filename.c', 'quoted filename.c');
+ $this->runSingleRename('"a/quoted filename.c" b/non quoted filename.c',
+ '"quoted filename.c"', 'non quoted filename.c',
+ 'quoted filename.c', 'non quoted filename.c');
+ $this->runSingleRename('"quoted filename.c" non-quoted filename.c',
+ '"quoted filename.c"', 'non-quoted filename.c',
+ 'quoted filename.c', 'non-quoted filename.c');
+ $this->runSingleRename('old file with spaces.c new file with spaces.c',
+ 'old file with spaces.c', 'new file with spaces.c',
+ 'old file with spaces.c', 'new file with spaces.c');
+ $this->runSingleRename('old file old file',
+ 'old file old', 'file',
+ 'old file old', 'file');
+ }
diff --git a/src/parser/__tests__/diff/custom-prefixes-edit.gitdiff b/src/parser/__tests__/diff/custom-prefixes-edit.gitdiff
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/parser/__tests__/diff/custom-prefixes-edit.gitdiff
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+diff --git src/file dst/file
+index 711edb6..a8cd7be 100644
+--- src/file
++++ dst/file
+@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@
+ some context
+ other context
+-old value
++new value
+ some context
+ other context
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Sun, Mar 16, 6:14 AM (2 d, 14 h ago)
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D16405.diff (13 KB)
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D16405: Parse git renames with inconsistent quoting or custom prefixes
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