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Index: scripts/ssh/ssh-exec.php
--- scripts/ssh/ssh-exec.php
+++ scripts/ssh/ssh-exec.php
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
$workflows = array(
new ConduitSSHWorkflow(),
+ new DiffusionSSHMercurialServeWorkflow(),
new DiffusionSSHGitUploadPackWorkflow(),
new DiffusionSSHGitReceivePackWorkflow(),
Index: src/__phutil_library_map__.php
--- src/__phutil_library_map__.php
+++ src/__phutil_library_map__.php
@@ -543,6 +543,10 @@
'DiffusionSSHGitReceivePackWorkflow' => 'applications/diffusion/ssh/DiffusionSSHGitReceivePackWorkflow.php',
'DiffusionSSHGitUploadPackWorkflow' => 'applications/diffusion/ssh/DiffusionSSHGitUploadPackWorkflow.php',
'DiffusionSSHGitWorkflow' => 'applications/diffusion/ssh/DiffusionSSHGitWorkflow.php',
+ 'DiffusionSSHMercurialServeWorkflow' => 'applications/diffusion/ssh/DiffusionSSHMercurialServeWorkflow.php',
+ 'DiffusionSSHMercurialWireClientProtocolChannel' => 'applications/diffusion/ssh/DiffusionSSHMercurialWireClientProtocolChannel.php',
+ 'DiffusionSSHMercurialWireTestCase' => 'applications/diffusion/ssh/__tests__/DiffusionSSHMercurialWireTestCase.php',
+ 'DiffusionSSHMercurialWorkflow' => 'applications/diffusion/ssh/DiffusionSSHMercurialWorkflow.php',
'DiffusionSSHWorkflow' => 'applications/diffusion/ssh/DiffusionSSHWorkflow.php',
'DiffusionServeController' => 'applications/diffusion/controller/DiffusionServeController.php',
'DiffusionSetPasswordPanel' => 'applications/diffusion/panel/DiffusionSetPasswordPanel.php',
@@ -2808,6 +2812,10 @@
'DiffusionSSHGitReceivePackWorkflow' => 'DiffusionSSHGitWorkflow',
'DiffusionSSHGitUploadPackWorkflow' => 'DiffusionSSHGitWorkflow',
'DiffusionSSHGitWorkflow' => 'DiffusionSSHWorkflow',
+ 'DiffusionSSHMercurialServeWorkflow' => 'DiffusionSSHMercurialWorkflow',
+ 'DiffusionSSHMercurialWireClientProtocolChannel' => 'PhutilProtocolChannel',
+ 'DiffusionSSHMercurialWireTestCase' => 'PhabricatorTestCase',
+ 'DiffusionSSHMercurialWorkflow' => 'DiffusionSSHWorkflow',
'DiffusionSSHWorkflow' => 'PhabricatorSSHWorkflow',
'DiffusionServeController' => 'DiffusionController',
'DiffusionSetPasswordPanel' => 'PhabricatorSettingsPanel',
Index: src/applications/diffusion/controller/DiffusionServeController.php
--- src/applications/diffusion/controller/DiffusionServeController.php
+++ src/applications/diffusion/controller/DiffusionServeController.php
@@ -228,40 +228,8 @@
case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_MERCURIAL:
$cmd = $request->getStr('cmd');
if ($cmd == 'batch') {
- // For "batch" we get a "cmds" argument like
- //
- // heads ;known nodes=
- //
- // We need to examine the commands (here, "heads" and "known") to
- // make sure they're all read-only.
- $args = $this->getMercurialArguments();
- $cmds = idx($args, 'cmds');
- if ($cmds) {
- // NOTE: Mercurial has some code to escape semicolons, but it does
- // not actually function for command separation. For example, these
- // two batch commands will produce completely different results (the
- // former will run the lookup; the latter will fail with a parser
- // error):
- //
- // lookup key=a:xb;lookup key=z* 0
- // lookup key=a:;b;lookup key=z* 0
- // ^
- // |
- // +-- Note semicolon.
- //
- // So just split unconditionally.
- $cmds = explode(';', $cmds);
- foreach ($cmds as $sub_cmd) {
- $name = head(explode(' ', $sub_cmd, 2));
- if (!DiffusionMercurialWireProtocol::isReadOnlyCommand($name)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
+ $cmds = idx($this->getMercurialArguments(), 'cmds');
+ return DiffusionMercurialWireProtocol::isReadOnlyBatchCommand($cmds);
return DiffusionMercurialWireProtocol::isReadOnlyCommand($cmd);
case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_SUBVERSION:
Index: src/applications/diffusion/protocol/DiffusionMercurialWireProtocol.php
--- src/applications/diffusion/protocol/DiffusionMercurialWireProtocol.php
+++ src/applications/diffusion/protocol/DiffusionMercurialWireProtocol.php
@@ -59,4 +59,44 @@
return isset($read_only[$command]);
+ public static function isReadOnlyBatchCommand($cmds) {
+ if (!strlen($cmds)) {
+ // We expect a "batch" command to always have a "cmds" string, so err
+ // on the side of caution and throw if we don't get any data here. This
+ // either indicates a mangled command from the client or a programming
+ // error in our code.
+ throw new Exception("Expected nonempty 'cmds' specification!");
+ }
+ // For "batch" we get a "cmds" argument like:
+ //
+ // heads ;known nodes=
+ //
+ // We need to examine the commands (here, "heads" and "known") to make sure
+ // they're all read-only.
+ // NOTE: Mercurial has some code to escape semicolons, but it does not
+ // actually function for command separation. For example, these two batch
+ // commands will produce completely different results (the former will run
+ // the lookup; the latter will fail with a parser error):
+ //
+ // lookup key=a:xb;lookup key=z* 0
+ // lookup key=a:;b;lookup key=z* 0
+ // ^
+ // |
+ // +-- Note semicolon.
+ //
+ // So just split unconditionally.
+ $cmds = explode(';', $cmds);
+ foreach ($cmds as $sub_cmd) {
+ $name = head(explode(' ', $sub_cmd, 2));
+ if (!self::isReadOnlyCommand($name)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
Index: src/applications/diffusion/ssh/DiffusionSSHMercurialServeWorkflow.php
--- /dev/null
+++ src/applications/diffusion/ssh/DiffusionSSHMercurialServeWorkflow.php
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+final class DiffusionSSHMercurialServeWorkflow
+ extends DiffusionSSHMercurialWorkflow {
+ protected $didSeeWrite;
+ public function didConstruct() {
+ $this->setName('hg');
+ $this->setArguments(
+ array(
+ array(
+ 'name' => 'repository',
+ 'short' => 'R',
+ 'param' => 'repo',
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'name' => 'stdio',
+ ),
+ array(
+ 'name' => 'command',
+ 'wildcard' => true,
+ ),
+ ));
+ }
+ public function getRequestPath() {
+ return $this->getArgs()->getArg('repository');
+ }
+ protected function executeRepositoryOperations(
+ PhabricatorRepository $repository) {
+ $args = $this->getArgs();
+ if (!$args->getArg('stdio')) {
+ throw new Exception("Expected `hg ... --stdio`!");
+ }
+ if ($args->getArg('command') !== array('serve')) {
+ throw new Exception("Expected `hg ... serve`!");
+ }
+ $future = new ExecFuture(
+ 'hg -R %s serve --stdio',
+ $repository->getLocalPath());
+ $io_channel = $this->getIOChannel();
+ $protocol_channel = new DiffusionSSHMercurialWireClientProtocolChannel(
+ $io_channel);
+ $err = id($this->newPassthruCommand())
+ ->setIOChannel($protocol_channel)
+ ->setCommandChannelFromExecFuture($future)
+ ->setWillWriteCallback(array($this, 'willWriteMessageCallback'))
+ ->execute();
+ // TODO: It's apparently technically possible to communicate errors to
+ // Mercurial over SSH by writing a special "\n<error>\n-\n" string. However,
+ // my attempt to implement that resulted in Mercurial closing the socket and
+ // then hanging, without showing the error. This might be an issue on our
+ // side (we need to close our half of the socket?), or maybe the code
+ // for this in Mercurial doesn't actually work, or maybe something else
+ // is afoot. At some point, we should look into doing this more cleanly.
+ // For now, when we, e.g., reject writes for policy reasons, the user will
+ // see "abort: unexpected response: empty string" after the diagnostically
+ // useful, e.g., "remote: This repository is read-only over SSH." message.
+ if (!$err && $this->didSeeWrite) {
+ $repository->writeStatusMessage(
+ PhabricatorRepositoryStatusMessage::TYPE_NEEDS_UPDATE,
+ PhabricatorRepositoryStatusMessage::CODE_OKAY);
+ }
+ return $err;
+ }
+ public function willWriteMessageCallback(
+ PhabricatorSSHPassthruCommand $command,
+ $message) {
+ $command = $message['command'];
+ // Check if this is a readonly command.
+ $is_readonly = false;
+ if ($command == 'batch') {
+ $cmds = idx($message['arguments'], 'cmds');
+ if (DiffusionMercurialWireProtocol::isReadOnlyBatchCommand($cmds)) {
+ $is_readonly = true;
+ }
+ } else if (DiffusionMercurialWireProtocol::isReadOnlyCommand($command)) {
+ $is_readonly = true;
+ }
+ if (!$is_readonly) {
+ $this->requireWriteAccess();
+ $this->didSeeWrite = true;
+ }
+ // If we're good, return the raw message data.
+ return $message['raw'];
+ }
Index: src/applications/diffusion/ssh/DiffusionSSHMercurialWireClientProtocolChannel.php
--- /dev/null
+++ src/applications/diffusion/ssh/DiffusionSSHMercurialWireClientProtocolChannel.php
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+final class DiffusionSSHMercurialWireClientProtocolChannel
+ extends PhutilProtocolChannel {
+ private $buffer = '';
+ private $state = 'command';
+ private $expectArgumentCount;
+ private $argumentName;
+ private $expectBytes;
+ private $command;
+ private $arguments;
+ private $raw;
+ protected function encodeMessage($message) {
+ return $message;
+ }
+ private function initializeState($last_command = null) {
+ if ($last_command == 'unbundle') {
+ $this->command = '<raw-data>';
+ $this->state = 'data-length';
+ } else {
+ $this->state = 'command';
+ }
+ $this->expectArgumentCount = null;
+ $this->expectBytes = null;
+ $this->command = null;
+ $this->argumentName = null;
+ $this->arguments = array();
+ $this->raw = '';
+ }
+ private function readProtocolLine() {
+ $pos = strpos($this->buffer, "\n");
+ if ($pos === false) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ $line = substr($this->buffer, 0, $pos);
+ $this->raw .= $line."\n";
+ $this->buffer = substr($this->buffer, $pos + 1);
+ return $line;
+ }
+ private function readProtocolBytes() {
+ if (strlen($this->buffer) < $this->expectBytes) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ $bytes = substr($this->buffer, 0, $this->expectBytes);
+ $this->raw .= $bytes;
+ $this->buffer = substr($this->buffer, $this->expectBytes);
+ return $bytes;
+ }
+ private function newMessageAndResetState() {
+ $message = array(
+ 'command' => $this->command,
+ 'arguments' => $this->arguments,
+ 'raw' => $this->raw,
+ );
+ $this->initializeState($this->command);
+ return $message;
+ }
+ private function newDataMessage($bytes) {
+ $message = array(
+ 'command' => '<raw-data>',
+ 'raw' => strlen($bytes)."\n".$bytes,
+ );
+ return $message;
+ }
+ protected function decodeStream($data) {
+ $this->buffer .= $data;
+ $out = array();
+ $messages = array();
+ while (true) {
+ if ($this->state == 'command') {
+ $this->initializeState();
+ // We're reading a command. It looks like:
+ //
+ // <command>
+ $line = $this->readProtocolLine();
+ if ($line === null) {
+ break;
+ }
+ $this->command = $line;
+ $this->state = 'arguments';
+ } else if ($this->state == 'arguments') {
+ // Check if we're still waiting for arguments.
+ $args = DiffusionMercurialWireProtocol::getCommandArgs($this->command);
+ $have = array_select_keys($this->arguments, $args);
+ if (count($have) == count($args)) {
+ // We have all the arguments. Emit a message and read the next
+ // command.
+ $messages[] = $this->newMessageAndResetState();
+ } else {
+ // We're still reading arguments. They can either look like:
+ //
+ // <name> <length(value)>
+ // <value>
+ // ...
+ //
+ // ...or like this:
+ //
+ // * <count>
+ // <name1> <length(value1)>
+ // <value1>
+ // ...
+ $line = $this->readProtocolLine();
+ if ($line === null) {
+ break;
+ }
+ list($arg, $size) = explode(' ', $line, 2);
+ $size = (int)$size;
+ if ($arg != '*') {
+ $this->expectBytes = $size;
+ $this->argumentName = $arg;
+ $this->state = 'value';
+ } else {
+ $this->arguments['*'] = array();
+ $this->expectArgumentCount = $size;
+ $this->state = 'argv';
+ }
+ }
+ } else if ($this->state == 'value' || $this->state == 'argv-value') {
+ // We're reading the value of an argument. We just need to wait for
+ // the right number of bytes to show up.
+ $bytes = $this->readProtocolBytes();
+ if ($bytes === null) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if ($this->state == 'argv-value') {
+ $this->arguments['*'][$this->argumentName] = $bytes;
+ $this->state = 'argv';
+ } else {
+ $this->arguments[$this->argumentName] = $bytes;
+ $this->state = 'arguments';
+ }
+ } else if ($this->state == 'argv') {
+ // We're reading a variable number of arguments. We need to wait for
+ // the arguments to arrive.
+ if ($this->expectArgumentCount) {
+ $line = $this->readProtocolLine();
+ if ($line === null) {
+ break;
+ }
+ list($arg, $size) = explode(' ', $line, 2);
+ $size = (int)$size;
+ $this->expectBytes = $size;
+ $this->argumentName = $arg;
+ $this->state = 'argv-value';
+ $this->expectArgumentCount--;
+ } else {
+ $this->state = 'arguments';
+ }
+ } else if ($this->state == 'data-length') {
+ $line = $this->readProtocolLine();
+ if ($line === null) {
+ break;
+ }
+ $this->expectBytes = (int)$line;
+ if (!$this->expectBytes) {
+ $messages[] = $this->newDataMessage('');
+ $this->initializeState();
+ } else {
+ $this->state = 'data-bytes';
+ }
+ } else if ($this->state == 'data-bytes') {
+ $bytes = substr($this->buffer, 0, $this->expectBytes);
+ $this->buffer = substr($this->buffer, strlen($bytes));
+ $this->expectBytes -= strlen($bytes);
+ $messages[] = $this->newDataMessage($bytes);
+ if (!$this->expectBytes) {
+ // We've finished reading this chunk, so go read the next chunk.
+ $this->state = 'data-length';
+ } else {
+ // We're waiting for more data, and have read everything available
+ // to us so far.
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw new Exception("Bad parser state '{$this->state}'!");
+ }
+ }
+ return $messages;
+ }
Index: src/applications/diffusion/ssh/DiffusionSSHMercurialWorkflow.php
--- /dev/null
+++ src/applications/diffusion/ssh/DiffusionSSHMercurialWorkflow.php
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+abstract class DiffusionSSHMercurialWorkflow extends DiffusionSSHWorkflow {
Index: src/applications/diffusion/ssh/__tests__/DiffusionSSHMercurialWireTestCase.php
--- /dev/null
+++ src/applications/diffusion/ssh/__tests__/DiffusionSSHMercurialWireTestCase.php
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+final class DiffusionSSHMercurialWireTestCase
+ extends PhabricatorTestCase {
+ public function testMercurialClientWireProtocolParser() {
+ $data = dirname(__FILE__).'/hgwiredata/';
+ $dir = Filesystem::listDirectory($data, $include_hidden = false);
+ foreach ($dir as $file) {
+ $raw = Filesystem::readFile($data.$file);
+ $raw = explode("\n~~~~~~~~~~\n", $raw, 2);
+ $this->assertEqual(2, count($raw));
+ $expect = json_decode($raw[1], true);
+ $this->assertEqual(true, is_array($expect), $file);
+ $this->assertParserResult($expect, $raw[0], $file);
+ }
+ }
+ private function assertParserResult(array $expect, $input, $file) {
+ list($x, $y) = PhutilSocketChannel::newChannelPair();
+ $xp = new DiffusionSSHMercurialWireClientProtocolChannel($x);
+ $y->write($input);
+ $y->flush();
+ $y->closeWriteChannel();
+ $messages = array();
+ for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($expect); $ii++) {
+ try {
+ $messages[] = $xp->waitForMessage();
+ } catch (Exception $ex) {
+ // This is probably the parser not producing as many messages as
+ // we expect. Log the exception, but continue to the assertion below
+ // since that will often be easier to diagnose.
+ phlog($ex);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $this->assertEqual($expect, $messages, $file);
+ // Now, make sure the channel doesn't have *more* messages than we expect.
+ // Specifically, it should throw when we try to read another message.
+ $caught = null;
+ try {
+ $xp->waitForMessage();
+ } catch (Exception $ex) {
+ $caught = $ex;
+ }
+ $this->assertEqual(
+ true,
+ ($caught instanceof Exception),
+ "No extra messages for '{$file}'.");
+ }
Index: src/applications/diffusion/ssh/__tests__/hgwiredata/batch.txt
--- /dev/null
+++ src/applications/diffusion/ssh/__tests__/hgwiredata/batch.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+* 0
+cmds 19
+heads ;known nodes=
+ {
+ "command" : "batch",
+ "arguments" : {
+ "*" : {
+ },
+ "cmds" : "heads ;known nodes="
+ },
+ "raw" : "batch\n* 0\ncmds 19\nheads ;known nodes="
+ }
Index: src/applications/diffusion/ssh/__tests__/hgwiredata/capabilities.txt
--- /dev/null
+++ src/applications/diffusion/ssh/__tests__/hgwiredata/capabilities.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ {
+ "command" : "capabilities",
+ "arguments" : [],
+ "raw" : "capabilities\n"
+ }
Index: src/applications/diffusion/ssh/__tests__/hgwiredata/capabilities2.txt
--- /dev/null
+++ src/applications/diffusion/ssh/__tests__/hgwiredata/capabilities2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ {
+ "command" : "capabilities",
+ "arguments" : [],
+ "raw" : "capabilities\n"
+ },
+ {
+ "command" : "capabilities",
+ "arguments" : [],
+ "raw" : "capabilities\n"
+ }
Index: src/applications/diffusion/ssh/__tests__/hgwiredata/getbundle.txt
--- /dev/null
+++ src/applications/diffusion/ssh/__tests__/hgwiredata/getbundle.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+* 2
+common 40
+0000000000000000000000000000000000000000heads 122
+7cb27ad591d60500c020283b81c6467540218eda 1036b72db89a0451fa82fcd5462d903f591f0a3c 0b9d8290c4e067a0b91b43062ee9de392e8fae88
+ {
+ "command" : "getbundle",
+ "arguments" : {
+ "*" : {
+ "common" : "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
+ "heads" : "7cb27ad591d60500c020283b81c6467540218eda 1036b72db89a0451fa82fcd5462d903f591f0a3c 0b9d8290c4e067a0b91b43062ee9de392e8fae88"
+ }
+ },
+ "raw" : "getbundle\n* 2\ncommon 40\n0000000000000000000000000000000000000000heads 122\n7cb27ad591d60500c020283b81c6467540218eda 1036b72db89a0451fa82fcd5462d903f591f0a3c 0b9d8290c4e067a0b91b43062ee9de392e8fae88"
+ }
Index: src/applications/diffusion/ssh/__tests__/hgwiredata/unbundle.txt
--- /dev/null
+++ src/applications/diffusion/ssh/__tests__/hgwiredata/unbundle.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+heads 53
+686173686564 8022e00be6886fcf1be8f57f96c78aa924967f8320
+ {
+ "command" : "unbundle",
+ "arguments" : {
+ "heads" : "686173686564 8022e00be6886fcf1be8f57f96c78aa924967f83"
+ },
+ "raw" : "unbundle\nheads 53\n686173686564 8022e00be6886fcf1be8f57f96c78aa924967f83"
+ },
+ {
+ "command" : "<raw-data>",
+ "raw" : "20\naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
+ },
+ {
+ "command" : "<raw-data>",
+ "raw" : "20\nbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"
+ },
+ {
+ "command" : "<raw-data>",
+ "raw" : "0\n"
+ }
Index: src/infrastructure/ssh/PhabricatorSSHPassthruCommand.php
--- src/infrastructure/ssh/PhabricatorSSHPassthruCommand.php
+++ src/infrastructure/ssh/PhabricatorSSHPassthruCommand.php
@@ -76,6 +76,13 @@
public function writeErrorIOCallback(PhutilChannel $channel, $data) {
+ // TODO: Because of the way `waitForAny()` works, we degrade to a busy
+ // wait if we hand it a writable, write-only channel. We should handle this
+ // case better in `waitForAny()`. For now, just flush the error channel
+ // explicity after writing data over it.
+ $this->errorChannel->flush();
public function execute() {
@@ -98,7 +105,9 @@
$channels = array($command_channel, $io_channel, $error_channel);
while (true) {
- PhutilChannel::waitForAny($channels);
+ // TODO: See note in writeErrorIOCallback!
+ $wait = array($command_channel, $io_channel);
+ PhutilChannel::waitForAny($wait);
@@ -107,21 +116,24 @@
$done = !$command_channel->isOpen();
$in_message = $io_channel->read();
- $in_message = $this->willWriteData($in_message);
if ($in_message !== null) {
- $command_channel->write($in_message);
+ $in_message = $this->willWriteData($in_message);
+ if ($in_message !== null) {
+ $command_channel->write($in_message);
+ }
$out_message = $command_channel->read();
- $out_message = $this->willReadData($out_message);
if ($out_message !== null) {
- $io_channel->write($out_message);
+ $out_message = $this->willReadData($out_message);
+ if ($out_message !== null) {
+ $io_channel->write($out_message);
+ }
// If we have nothing left on stdin, close stdin on the subprocess.
if (!$io_channel->isOpenForReading()) {
- // TODO: This should probably be part of PhutilExecChannel?
- $this->execFuture->write('');
+ $command_channel->closeWriteChannel();
if ($done) {
File Metadata
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Sun, Mar 16, 1:57 AM (6 d, 13 h ago)
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Encrypted (AES-256-CBC)
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D7553.id17067.diff (23 KB)
Attached To
D7553: Enable Mercurial reads and writes over SSH
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