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Index: .gitmodules
--- .gitmodules
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-[submodule "externals/javelin"]
- path = externals/javelin
- url = git://
Index: externals/javelin
--- externals/javelin
+++ /dev/null
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-Subproject commit 32c6e43f4b8b84df940bed8ed8d073e67f6c2b28
Index: externals/javelin/.gitignore
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/.gitignore
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+# Diviner artifacts
+# Mac OSX build artifacts
Index: externals/javelin/LICENSE
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2009, Evan Priestley and Facebook, inc.
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * Neither the name of Facebook, inc. nor the names of its contributors
+ may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+ without specific prior written permission.
Index: externals/javelin/README
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/README
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Javelin is a performance-oriented Javascript library originally developed at
+Facebook. Learn more at <>.
+Eat a hearty breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!
+Javelin is a compact Javascript library built around event delegation. Its
+primary design goal is performance; it is consequently well-suited to projects
+where performance is very important. It is not as good for smaller scale
+projects where other concerns (like features or ease of development) are more
+Packages come in two flavors: "dev" and "min". The "dev" packages are intended
+for development, and have comments and debugging code. The "min" packages have
+the same code, but with comments and debugging information stripped out and
+symbols crushed. They are intended for use in production -- ha ha ha!
+ example/ Example code.
+ LICENSE A thrilling narrative.
+ pkg/ Ready-built Javelin packages.
+ README Who knows? Could be anything.
+ src/ Raw sources for Javelin.
+ support/ Support scripts and libraries.
Index: externals/javelin/src/core/Event.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/core/Event.js
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+ * @requires javelin-install
+ * @provides javelin-event
+ * @javelin
+ */
+ * A generic event, routed by @{class:JX.Stratcom}. All events within Javelin
+ * are represented by a {@class:JX.Event}, regardless of whether they originate
+ * from a native DOM event (like a mouse click) or are custom application
+ * events.
+ *
+ * See @{article:Concepts: Event Delegation} for an introduction to Javelin's
+ * event delegation model.
+ *
+ * Events have a propagation model similar to native Javascript events, in that
+ * they can be stopped with stop() (which stops them from continuing to
+ * propagate to other handlers) or prevented with prevent() (which prevents them
+ * from taking their default action, like following a link). You can do both at
+ * once with kill().
+ *
+ * @task stop Stopping Event Behaviors
+ * @task info Getting Event Information
+ * @group event
+ */
+JX.install('Event', {
+ members : {
+ /**
+ * Stop an event from continuing to propagate. No other handler will
+ * receive this event, but its default behavior will still occur. See
+ * ""Using Events"" for more information on the distinction between
+ * 'stopping' and 'preventing' an event. See also prevent() (which prevents
+ * an event but does not stop it) and kill() (which stops and prevents an
+ * event).
+ *
+ * @return this
+ * @task stop
+ */
+ stop : function() {
+ var r = this.getRawEvent();
+ if (r) {
+ r.cancelBubble = true;
+ r.stopPropagation && r.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ this.setStopped(true);
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Prevent an event's default action. This depends on the event type, but
+ * the common default actions are following links, submitting forms,
+ * and typing text. Event prevention is generally used when you have a link
+ * or form which work properly without Javascript but have a specialized
+ * Javascript behavior. When you intercept the event and make the behavior
+ * occur, you prevent it to keep the browser from following the link.
+ *
+ * Preventing an event does not stop it from propagating, so other handlers
+ * will still receive it. See ""Using Events"" for more information on the
+ * distinction between 'stopping' and 'preventing' an event. See also
+ * stop() (which stops an event but does not prevent it) and kill()
+ * (which stops and prevents an event).
+ *
+ * @return this
+ * @task stop
+ */
+ prevent : function() {
+ var r = this.getRawEvent();
+ if (r) {
+ r.returnValue = false;
+ r.preventDefault && r.preventDefault();
+ }
+ this.setPrevented(true);
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Stop and prevent an event, which stops it from propagating and prevents
+ * its defualt behavior. This is a convenience function, see stop() and
+ * prevent() for information on what it means to stop or prevent an event.
+ *
+ * @return this
+ * @task stop
+ */
+ kill : function() {
+ this.prevent();
+ this.stop();
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get the special key (like tab or return), if any, associated with this
+ * event. Browsers report special keys differently; this method allows you
+ * to identify a keypress in a browser-agnostic way. Note that this detects
+ * only some special keys: delete, tab, return escape, left, up, right,
+ * down.
+ *
+ * For example, if you want to react to the escape key being pressed, you
+ * could install a listener like this:
+ *
+ * JX.Stratcom.listen('keydown', 'example', function(e) {
+ * if (e.getSpecialKey() == 'esc') {
+ * JX.log("You pressed 'Escape'! Well done! Bravo!");
+ * }
+ * });
+ *
+ * @return string|null ##null## if there is no associated special key,
+ * or one of the strings 'delete', 'tab', 'return',
+ * 'esc', 'left', 'up', 'right', or 'down'.
+ * @task info
+ */
+ getSpecialKey : function() {
+ var r = this.getRawEvent();
+ if (!r || r.shiftKey) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return JX.Event._keymap[r.keyCode] || null;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get whether the mouse button associated with the mouse event is the
+ * right-side button in a browser-agnostic way.
+ *
+ * @return bool
+ * @task info
+ */
+ isRightButton : function() {
+ var r = this.getRawEvent();
+ return r.which == 3 || r.button == 2;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Determine if a click event is a normal click (left mouse button, no
+ * modifier keys).
+ *
+ * @return bool
+ * @task info
+ */
+ isNormalClick : function() {
+ if (this.getType() != 'click') {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var r = this.getRawEvent();
+ if (r.metaKey || r.altKey || r.ctrlkey || r.shiftKey) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (('which' in r) && (r.which != 1)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (('button' in r) && r.button) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get the node corresponding to the specified key in this event's node map.
+ * This is a simple helper method that makes the API for accessing nodes
+ * less ugly.
+ *
+ * JX.Stratcom.listen('click', 'tag:a', function(e) {
+ * var a = e.getNode('tag:a');
+ * // do something with the link that was clicked
+ * });
+ *
+ * @param string sigil or stratcom node key
+ * @return node|null Node mapped to the specified key, or null if it the
+ * key does not exist. The available keys include:
+ * - 'tag:'+tag - first node of each type
+ * - 'id:'+id - all nodes with an id
+ * - sigil - first node of each sigil
+ * @task info
+ */
+ getNode : function(key) {
+ return this.getNodes()[key] || null;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get the metadata associated with the node that corresponds to the key
+ * in this event's node map. This is a simple helper method that makes
+ * the API for accessing metadata associated with specific nodes less ugly.
+ *
+ * JX.Stratcom.listen('click', 'tag:a', function(event) {
+ * var anchorData = event.getNodeData('tag:a');
+ * // do something with the metadata of the link that was clicked
+ * });
+ *
+ * @param string sigil or stratcom node key
+ * @return dict dictionary of the node's metadata
+ * @task info
+ */
+ getNodeData : function(key) {
+ // Evade static analysis - JX.Stratcom
+ return JX['Stratcom'].getData(this.getNode(key));
+ }
+ },
+ statics : {
+ _keymap : {
+ 8 : 'delete',
+ 9 : 'tab',
+ 13 : 'return',
+ 27 : 'esc',
+ 37 : 'left',
+ 38 : 'up',
+ 39 : 'right',
+ 40 : 'down',
+ 63232 : 'up',
+ 63233 : 'down',
+ 62234 : 'left',
+ 62235 : 'right'
+ }
+ },
+ properties : {
+ /**
+ * Native Javascript event which generated this @{class:JX.Event}. Not every
+ * event is generated by a native event, so there may be ##null## in
+ * this field.
+ *
+ * @type Event|null
+ * @task info
+ */
+ rawEvent : null,
+ /**
+ * String describing the event type, like 'click' or 'mousedown'. This
+ * may also be an application or object event.
+ *
+ * @type string
+ * @task info
+ */
+ type : null,
+ /**
+ * If available, the DOM node where this event occurred. For example, if
+ * this event is a click on a button, the target will be the button which
+ * was clicked. Application events will not have a target, so this property
+ * will return the value ##null##.
+ *
+ * @type DOMNode|null
+ * @task info
+ */
+ target : null,
+ /**
+ * Metadata attached to nodes associated with this event.
+ *
+ * For native events, the DOM is walked from the event target to the root
+ * element. Each sigil which is encountered while walking up the tree is
+ * added to the map as a key. If the node has associated metainformation,
+ * it is set as the value; otherwise, the value is null.
+ *
+ * @type dict<string, *>
+ * @task info
+ */
+ data : null,
+ /**
+ * Sigil path this event was activated from. TODO: explain this
+ *
+ * @type list<string>
+ * @task info
+ */
+ path : [],
+ /**
+ * True if propagation of the event has been stopped. See stop().
+ *
+ * @type bool
+ * @task stop
+ */
+ stopped : false,
+ /**
+ * True if default behavior of the event has been prevented. See prevent().
+ *
+ * @type bool
+ * @task stop
+ */
+ prevented : false,
+ /**
+ * @task info
+ */
+ nodes : {},
+ /**
+ * @task info
+ */
+ nodeDistances : {}
+ },
+ /**
+ * @{class:JX.Event} installs a toString() method in ##__DEV__## which allows
+ * you to log or print events and get a reasonable representation of them:
+ *
+ * Event<'click', ['path', 'stuff'], [object HTMLDivElement]>
+ */
+ initialize : function() {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ JX.Event.prototype.toString = function() {
+ var path = '['+this.getPath().join(', ')+']';
+ return 'Event<'+this.getType()+', '+path+', '+this.getTarget()+'>';
+ }
+ }
+ }
Index: externals/javelin/src/core/Stratcom.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/core/Stratcom.js
@@ -0,0 +1,646 @@
+ * @requires javelin-install javelin-event javelin-util javelin-magical-init
+ * @provides javelin-stratcom
+ * @javelin
+ */
+ * Javelin strategic command, the master event delegation core. This class is
+ * a sort of hybrid between Arbiter and traditional event delegation, and
+ * serves to route event information to handlers in a general way.
+ *
+ * Each Javelin :JX.Event has a 'type', which may be a normal Javascript type
+ * (for instance, a click or a keypress) or an application-defined type. It
+ * also has a "path", based on the path in the DOM from the root node to the
+ * event target. Note that, while the type is required, the path may be empty
+ * (it often will be for application-defined events which do not originate
+ * from the DOM).
+ *
+ * The path is determined by walking down the tree to the event target and
+ * looking for nodes that have been tagged with metadata. These names are used
+ * to build the event path, and unnamed nodes are ignored. Each named node may
+ * also have data attached to it.
+ *
+ * Listeners specify one or more event types they are interested in handling,
+ * and, optionally, one or more paths. A listener will only receive events
+ * which occurred on paths it is listening to. See listen() for more details.
+ *
+ * @task invoke Invoking Events
+ * @task listen Listening to Events
+ * @task handle Responding to Events
+ * @task sigil Managing Sigils
+ * @task meta Managing Metadata
+ * @task internal Internals
+ * @group event
+ */
+JX.install('Stratcom', {
+ statics : {
+ ready : false,
+ _targets : {},
+ _handlers : [],
+ _need : {},
+ _auto : '*',
+ _data : {},
+ _execContext : [],
+ /**
+ * Node metadata is stored in a series of blocks to prevent collisions
+ * between indexes that are generated on the server side (and potentially
+ * concurrently). Block 0 is for metadata on the initial page load, block 1
+ * is for metadata added at runtime with JX.Stratcom.siglize(), and blocks
+ * 2 and up are for metadata generated from other sources (e.g. JX.Request).
+ * Use allocateMetadataBlock() to reserve a block, and mergeData() to fill
+ * a block with data.
+ *
+ * When a JX.Request is sent, a block is allocated for it and any metadata
+ * it returns is filled into that block.
+ */
+ _dataBlock : 2,
+ /**
+ * Within each datablock, data is identified by a unique index. The data
+ * pointer (data-meta attribute) on a node looks like this:
+ *
+ * 1_2
+ *
+ * ...where 1 is the block, and 2 is the index within that block. Normally,
+ * blocks are filled on the server side, so index allocation takes place
+ * there. However, when data is provided with JX.Stratcom.addData(), we
+ * need to allocate indexes on the client.
+ */
+ _dataIndex : 0,
+ /**
+ * Dispatch a simple event that does not have a corresponding native event
+ * object. It is unusual to call this directly. Generally, you will instead
+ * dispatch events from an object using the invoke() method present on all
+ * objects. See @{JX.Base.invoke()} for documentation.
+ *
+ * @param string Event type.
+ * @param string|list? Optionally, a sigil path to attach to the event.
+ * This is rarely meaningful for simple events.
+ * @param object? Optionally, arbitrary data to send with the event.
+ * @return @{JX.Event} The event object which was dispatched to listeners.
+ * The main use of this is to test whether any
+ * listeners prevented the event.
+ * @task invoke
+ */
+ invoke : function(type, path, data) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (path && typeof path !== 'string' && !JX.isArray(path)) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'JX.Stratcom.invoke(...): path must be a string or an array.');
+ }
+ }
+ path = JX.$AX(path);
+ return this._dispatchProxy(
+ new JX.Event()
+ .setType(type)
+ .setData(data || {})
+ .setPath(path || [])
+ );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Listen for events on given paths. Specify one or more event types, and
+ * zero or more paths to filter on. If you don't specify a path, you will
+ * receive all events of the given type:
+ *
+ * // Listen to all clicks.
+ * JX.Stratcom.listen('click', null, handler);
+ *
+ * This will notify you of all clicks anywhere in the document (unless
+ * they are intercepted and killed by a higher priority handler before they
+ * get to you).
+ *
+ * Often, you may be interested in only clicks on certain elements. You
+ * can specify the paths you're interested in to filter out events which
+ * you do not want to be notified of.
+ *
+ * // Listen to all clicks inside elements annotated "news-feed".
+ * JX.Stratcom.listen('click', 'news-feed', handler);
+ *
+ * By adding more elements to the path, you can create a finer-tuned
+ * filter:
+ *
+ * // Listen to only "like" clicks inside "news-feed".
+ * JX.Stratcom.listen('click', ['news-feed', 'like'], handler);
+ *
+ *
+ * TODO: Further explain these shenanigans.
+ *
+ * @param string|list<string> Event type (or list of event names) to
+ * listen for. For example, ##'click'## or
+ * ##['keydown', 'keyup']##.
+ *
+ * @param wild Sigil paths to listen for this event on. See discussion
+ * in method documentation.
+ *
+ * @param function Callback to invoke when this event is triggered. It
+ * should have the signature ##f(:JX.Event e)##.
+ *
+ * @return object A reference to the installed listener. You can later
+ * remove the listener by calling this object's remove()
+ * method.
+ * @task listen
+ */
+ listen : function(types, paths, func) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (arguments.length != 3) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.Stratcom.listen(...): '+
+ 'requires exactly 3 arguments. Did you mean JX.DOM.listen?');
+ }
+ if (typeof func != 'function') {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.Stratcom.listen(...): '+
+ 'callback is not a function.');
+ }
+ }
+ var ids = [];
+ types = JX.$AX(types);
+ if (!paths) {
+ paths = this._auto;
+ }
+ if (!JX.isArray(paths)) {
+ paths = [[paths]];
+ } else if (!JX.isArray(paths[0])) {
+ paths = [paths];
+ }
+ var listener = { _callback : func };
+ // To listen to multiple event types on multiple paths, we just install
+ // the same listener a whole bunch of times: if we install for two
+ // event types on three paths, we'll end up with six references to the
+ // listener.
+ //
+ // TODO: we'll call your listener twice if you install on two paths where
+ // one path is a subset of another. The solution is "don't do that", but
+ // it would be nice to verify that the caller isn't doing so, in __DEV__.
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < types.length; ++ii) {
+ var type = types[ii];
+ if (('onpagehide' in window) && type == 'unload') {
+ // If we use "unload", we break the bfcache ("Back-Forward Cache") in
+ // Safari and Firefox. The BFCache makes using the back/forward
+ // buttons really fast since the pages can come out of magical
+ // fairyland instead of over the network, so use "pagehide" as a proxy
+ // for "unload" in these browsers.
+ type = 'pagehide';
+ }
+ if (!(type in this._targets)) {
+ this._targets[type] = {};
+ }
+ var type_target = this._targets[type];
+ for (var jj = 0; jj < paths.length; ++jj) {
+ var path = paths[jj];
+ var id = this._handlers.length;
+ this._handlers.push(listener);
+ this._need[id] = path.length;
+ ids.push(id);
+ for (var kk = 0; kk < path.length; ++kk) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (path[kk] == 'tag:#document') {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.Stratcom.listen(..., "tag:#document", ...): ' +
+ 'listen for all events using null, not "tag:#document"');
+ }
+ if (path[kk] == 'tag:window') {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.Stratcom.listen(..., "tag:window", ...): ' +
+ 'listen for window events using null, not "tag:window"');
+ }
+ }
+ (type_target[path[kk]] || (type_target[path[kk]] = [])).push(id);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Add a remove function to the listener
+ listener['remove'] = function() {
+ if (listener._callback) {
+ delete listener._callback;
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < ids.length; ii++) {
+ delete JX.Stratcom._handlers[ids[ii]];
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ return listener;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Sometimes you may be interested in removing a listener directly from it's
+ * handler. This is possible by calling JX.Stratcom.removeCurrentListener()
+ *
+ * // Listen to only the first click on the page
+ * JX.Stratcom.listen('click', null, function() {
+ * // do interesting things
+ * JX.Stratcom.removeCurrentListener();
+ * });
+ *
+ * @task remove
+ */
+ removeCurrentListener : function() {
+ var context = this._execContext[this._execContext.length - 1];
+ var listeners = context.listeners;
+ // JX.Stratcom.pass will have incremented cursor by now
+ var cursor = context.cursor - 1;
+ if (listeners[cursor]) {
+ listeners[cursor].handler.remove();
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Dispatch a native Javascript event through the Stratcom control flow.
+ * Generally, this is automatically called for you by the master dispatcher
+ * installed by ##init.js##. When you want to dispatch an application event,
+ * you should instead call invoke().
+ *
+ * @param Event Native event for dispatch.
+ * @return :JX.Event Dispatched :JX.Event.
+ * @task internal
+ */
+ dispatch : function(event) {
+ var path = [];
+ var nodes = {};
+ var distances = {};
+ var push = function(key, node, distance) {
+ // we explicitly only store the first occurrence of each key
+ if (!nodes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ nodes[key] = node;
+ distances[key] = distance;
+ path.push(key);
+ }
+ };
+ var target = event.srcElement ||;
+ // Touch events may originate from text nodes, but we want to start our
+ // traversal from the nearest Element, so we grab the parentNode instead.
+ if (target && target.nodeType === 3) {
+ target = target.parentNode;
+ }
+ // Since you can only listen by tag, id, or sigil we unset the target if
+ // it isn't an Element. Document and window are Nodes but not Elements.
+ if (!target || !target.getAttribute) {
+ target = null;
+ }
+ var distance = 1;
+ var cursor = target;
+ while (cursor && cursor.getAttribute) {
+ push('tag:' + cursor.nodeName.toLowerCase(), cursor, distance);
+ var id =;
+ if (id) {
+ push('id:' + id, cursor, distance);
+ }
+ var sigils = cursor.getAttribute('data-sigil');
+ if (sigils) {
+ sigils = sigils.split(' ');
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < sigils.length; ii++) {
+ push(sigils[ii], cursor, distance);
+ }
+ }
+ var auto_id = cursor.getAttribute('data-autoid');
+ if (auto_id) {
+ push('autoid:' + auto_id, cursor, distance);
+ }
+ ++distance;
+ cursor = cursor.parentNode;
+ }
+ var etype = event.type;
+ if (etype == 'focusin') {
+ etype = 'focus';
+ } else if (etype == 'focusout') {
+ etype = 'blur';
+ }
+ var proxy = new JX.Event()
+ .setRawEvent(event)
+ .setData(event.customData)
+ .setType(etype)
+ .setTarget(target)
+ .setNodes(nodes)
+ .setNodeDistances(distances)
+ .setPath(path.reverse());
+ // Don't touch this for debugging purposes
+ //JX.log('~> '+proxy.toString());
+ return this._dispatchProxy(proxy);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Dispatch a previously constructed proxy :JX.Event.
+ *
+ * @param :JX.Event Event to dispatch.
+ * @return :JX.Event Returns the event argument.
+ * @task internal
+ */
+ _dispatchProxy : function(proxy) {
+ var scope = this._targets[proxy.getType()];
+ if (!scope) {
+ return proxy;
+ }
+ var path = proxy.getPath();
+ var distances = proxy.getNodeDistances();
+ var len = path.length;
+ var hits = {};
+ var hit_distances = {};
+ var matches;
+ // A large number (larger than any distance we will ever encounter), but
+ // we need to do math on it in the sort function so we can't use
+ var far_away = 1000000;
+ for (var root = -1; root < len; ++root) {
+ matches = scope[(root == -1) ? this._auto : path[root]];
+ if (matches) {
+ var distance = distances[path[root]] || far_away;
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < matches.length; ++ii) {
+ var match = matches[ii];
+ hits[match] = (hits[match] || 0) + 1;
+ hit_distances[match] = Math.min(
+ hit_distances[match] || distance,
+ distance
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var listeners = [];
+ for (var k in hits) {
+ if (hits[k] == this._need[k]) {
+ var handler = this._handlers[k];
+ if (handler) {
+ listeners.push({
+ distance: hit_distances[k],
+ handler: handler
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Sort listeners by matched sigil closest to the target node
+ // Listeners with the same closest sigil are called in an undefined order
+ listeners.sort(function(a, b) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ // Make sure people play by the rules. >:)
+ return (a.distance - b.distance) || (Math.random() - 0.5);
+ }
+ return a.distance - b.distance;
+ });
+ this._execContext.push({
+ listeners: listeners,
+ event: proxy,
+ cursor: 0
+ });
+ this.pass();
+ this._execContext.pop();
+ return proxy;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Pass on an event, allowing other handlers to process it. The use case
+ * here is generally something like:
+ *
+ * if (JX.Stratcom.pass()) {
+ * // something else handled the event
+ * return;
+ * }
+ * // handle the event
+ * event.prevent();
+ *
+ * This allows you to install event handlers that operate at a lower
+ * effective priority, and provide a default behavior which is overridable
+ * by listeners.
+ *
+ * @return bool True if the event was stopped or prevented by another
+ * handler.
+ * @task handle
+ */
+ pass : function() {
+ var context = this._execContext[this._execContext.length - 1];
+ var event = context.event;
+ var listeners = context.listeners;
+ while (context.cursor < listeners.length) {
+ var cursor = context.cursor++;
+ if (listeners[cursor]) {
+ var handler = listeners[cursor].handler;
+ handler._callback && handler._callback(event);
+ }
+ if (event.getStopped()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return event.getStopped() || event.getPrevented();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Retrieve the event (if any) which is currently being dispatched.
+ *
+ * @return :JX.Event|null Event which is currently being dispatched, or
+ * null if there is no active dispatch.
+ * @task handle
+ */
+ context : function() {
+ var len = this._execContext.length;
+ return len ? this._execContext[len - 1].event : null;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Merge metadata. You must call this (even if you have no metadata) to
+ * start the Stratcom queue.
+ *
+ * @param int The datablock to merge data into.
+ * @param dict Dictionary of metadata.
+ * @return void
+ * @task internal
+ */
+ mergeData : function(block, data) {
+ if (this._data[block]) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ for (var key in data) {
+ if (key in this._data[block]) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.Stratcom.mergeData(' + block + ', ...); is overwriting ' +
+ 'existing data.');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ JX.copy(this._data[block], data);
+ } else {
+ this._data[block] = data;
+ if (block === 0) {
+ JX.Stratcom.ready = true;
+ JX.flushHoldingQueue('install-init', function(fn) {
+ fn();
+ });
+ JX.__rawEventQueue({type: 'start-queue'});
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Determine if a node has a specific sigil.
+ *
+ * @param Node Node to test.
+ * @param string Sigil to check for.
+ * @return bool True if the node has the sigil.
+ *
+ * @task sigil
+ */
+ hasSigil : function(node, sigil) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (!node || !node.getAttribute) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.Stratcom.hasSigil(<non-element>, ...): ' +
+ 'node is not an element. Most likely, you\'re passing window or ' +
+ 'document, which are not elements and can\'t have sigils.');
+ }
+ }
+ var sigils = node.getAttribute('data-sigil') || false;
+ return sigils && (' ' + sigils + ' ').indexOf(' ' + sigil + ' ') > -1;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Add a sigil to a node.
+ *
+ * @param Node Node to add the sigil to.
+ * @param string Sigil to name the node with.
+ * @return void
+ * @task sigil
+ */
+ addSigil: function(node, sigil) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (!node || !node.getAttribute) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.Stratcom.addSigil(<non-element>, ...): ' +
+ 'node is not an element. Most likely, you\'re passing window or ' +
+ 'document, which are not elements and can\'t have sigils.');
+ }
+ }
+ var sigils = node.getAttribute('data-sigil') || '';
+ if (!JX.Stratcom.hasSigil(node, sigil)) {
+ sigils += ' ' + sigil;
+ }
+ node.setAttribute('data-sigil', sigils);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Retrieve a node's metadata.
+ *
+ * @param Node Node from which to retrieve data.
+ * @return object Data attached to the node. If no data has been attached
+ * to the node yet, an empty object will be returned, but
+ * subsequent calls to this method will always retrieve the
+ * same object.
+ * @task meta
+ */
+ getData : function(node) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (!node || !node.getAttribute) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.Stratcom.getData(<non-element>): ' +
+ 'node is not an element. Most likely, you\'re passing window or ' +
+ 'document, which are not elements and can\'t have data.');
+ }
+ }
+ var meta_id = (node.getAttribute('data-meta') || '').split('_');
+ if (meta_id[0] && meta_id[1]) {
+ var block = this._data[meta_id[0]];
+ var index = meta_id[1];
+ if (block && (index in block)) {
+ return block[index];
+ } else if (__DEV__) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.Stratcom.getData(<node>): Tried to access data (block ' +
+ meta_id[0] + ', index ' + index + ') that was not present. This ' +
+ 'probably means you are calling getData() before the block ' +
+ 'is provided by mergeData().');
+ }
+ }
+ var data = {};
+ if (!this._data[1]) { // data block 1 is reserved for JavaScript
+ this._data[1] = {};
+ }
+ this._data[1][this._dataIndex] = data;
+ node.setAttribute('data-meta', '1_' + (this._dataIndex++));
+ return data;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Add data to a node's metadata.
+ *
+ * @param Node Node which data should be attached to.
+ * @param object Data to add to the node's metadata.
+ * @return object Data attached to the node that is returned by
+ * JX.Stratcom.getData().
+ * @task meta
+ */
+ addData : function(node, data) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (!node || !node.getAttribute) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.Stratcom.addData(<non-element>, ...): ' +
+ 'node is not an element. Most likely, you\'re passing window or ' +
+ 'document, which are not elements and can\'t have sigils.');
+ }
+ if (!data || typeof data != 'object') {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.Stratcom.addData(..., <nonobject>): ' +
+ 'data to attach to node is not an object. You must use ' +
+ 'objects, not primitives, for metadata.');
+ }
+ }
+ return JX.copy(JX.Stratcom.getData(node), data);
+ },
+ /**
+ * @task internal
+ */
+ allocateMetadataBlock : function() {
+ return this._dataBlock++;
+ }
+ }
Index: externals/javelin/src/core/__tests__/event-stop-and-kill.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/core/__tests__/event-stop-and-kill.js
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ * @requires javelin-event
+ */
+describe('Event Stop/Kill', function() {
+ var target;
+ beforeEach(function() {
+ target = new JX.Event();
+ });
+ it('should stop an event', function() {
+ expect(target.getStopped()).toBe(false);
+ target.prevent();
+ expect(target.getStopped()).toBe(false);
+ target.stop();
+ expect(target.getStopped()).toBe(true);
+ });
+ it('should prevent the default action of an event', function() {
+ expect(target.getPrevented()).toBe(false);
+ target.stop();
+ expect(target.getPrevented()).toBe(false);
+ target.prevent();
+ expect(target.getPrevented()).toBe(true);
+ });
+ it('should kill (stop and prevent) an event', function() {
+ expect(target.getPrevented()).toBe(false);
+ expect(target.getStopped()).toBe(false);
+ target.kill();
+ expect(target.getPrevented()).toBe(true);
+ expect(target.getStopped()).toBe(true);
+ });
Index: externals/javelin/src/core/__tests__/install.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/core/__tests__/install.js
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+ * @requires javelin-install
+ */
+describe('Javelin Install', function() {
+ it('should extend from an object', function() {
+ JX.install('Animal', {
+ properties: {
+ name: 'bob'
+ }
+ });
+ JX.install('Dog', {
+ extend: 'Animal',
+ members: {
+ bark: function() {
+ return 'bow wow';
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ var bob = new JX.Dog();
+ expect(bob.getName()).toEqual('bob');
+ expect(bob.bark()).toEqual('bow wow');
+ });
+ it('should create a class', function() {
+ var Animal = JX.createClass({
+ name: 'Animal',
+ properties: {
+ name: 'bob'
+ }
+ });
+ var Dog = JX.createClass({
+ name: 'Dog',
+ extend: Animal,
+ members: {
+ bark: function() {
+ return 'bow wow';
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ var bob = new Dog();
+ expect(bob.getName()).toEqual('bob');
+ expect(bob.bark()).toEqual('bow wow');
+ });
+ it('should call base constructor when construct is not provided', function() {
+ var Base = JX.createClass({
+ name: 'Base',
+ construct: function() {
+ this.baseCalled = true;
+ }
+ });
+ var Sub = JX.createClass({
+ name: 'Sub',
+ extend: Base
+ });
+ var obj = new Sub();
+ expect(obj.baseCalled).toBe(true);
+ });
+ it('should call intialize after install', function() {
+ var initialized = false;
+ JX.install('TestClass', {
+ properties: {
+ foo: 'bar'
+ },
+ initialize: function() {
+ initialized = true;
+ }
+ });
+ expect(initialized).toBe(true);
+ });
+ it('should call base ctor when construct is not provided in JX.install',
+ function() {
+ JX.install('Base', {
+ construct: function() {
+ this.baseCalled = true;
+ }
+ });
+ JX.install('Sub', {
+ extend: 'Base'
+ });
+ var obj = new JX.Sub();
+ expect(obj.baseCalled).toBe(true);
+ });
+ it('[DEV] should throw when calling install with name', function() {
+ ensure__DEV__(true, function() {
+ expect(function() {
+ JX.install('AngryAnimal', {
+ name: 'Kitty'
+ });
+ }).toThrow();
+ });
+ });
+ it('[DEV] should throw when calling createClass with initialize', function() {
+ ensure__DEV__(true, function() {
+ expect(function() {
+ JX.createClass({
+ initialize: function() {
+ }
+ });
+ }).toThrow();
+ });
+ });
+ it('initialize() should be able to access the installed class', function() {
+ JX.install('SomeClassWithInitialize', {
+ initialize : function() {
+ expect(!!JX.SomeClassWithInitialize).toBe(true);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ it('should work with toString and its friends', function() {
+ JX.install('NiceAnimal', {
+ members: {
+ toString: function() {
+ return 'I am very nice.';
+ },
+ hasOwnProperty: function() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ expect(new JX.NiceAnimal().toString()).toEqual('I am very nice.');
+ expect(new JX.NiceAnimal().hasOwnProperty('dont-haz')).toEqual(true);
+ });
Index: externals/javelin/src/core/__tests__/stratcom.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/core/__tests__/stratcom.js
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+ * @requires javelin-stratcom
+ * javelin-dom
+ */
+describe('Stratcom Tests', function() {
+ node1 = document.createElement('div');
+ JX.Stratcom.addSigil(node1, 'what');
+ node2 = document;
+ node3 = document.createElement('div');
+ node3.className = 'what';
+ it('should disallow document', function() {
+ ensure__DEV__(true, function() {
+ expect(function() {
+ JX.Stratcom.listen('click', 'tag:#document', function() {});
+ }).toThrow();
+ });
+ });
+ it('should disallow window', function() {
+ ensure__DEV__(true, function() {
+ expect(function() {
+ JX.Stratcom.listen('click', 'tag:window', function() {});
+ }).toThrow();
+ });
+ });
+ it('should test nodes for hasSigil', function() {
+ expect(JX.Stratcom.hasSigil(node1, 'what')).toBe(true);
+ expect(JX.Stratcom.hasSigil(node3, 'what')).toBe(false);
+ ensure__DEV__(true, function() {
+ expect(function() {
+ JX.Stratcom.hasSigil(node2, 'what');
+ }).toThrow();
+ });
+ });
+ it('should be able to add sigils', function() {
+ var node = document.createElement('div');
+ JX.Stratcom.addSigil(node, 'my-sigil');
+ expect(JX.Stratcom.hasSigil(node, 'my-sigil')).toBe(true);
+ expect(JX.Stratcom.hasSigil(node, 'i-dont-haz')).toBe(false);
+ JX.Stratcom.addSigil(node, 'javelin-rocks');
+ expect(JX.Stratcom.hasSigil(node, 'my-sigil')).toBe(true);
+ expect(JX.Stratcom.hasSigil(node, 'javelin-rocks')).toBe(true);
+ // Should not arbitrarily take away other sigils
+ JX.Stratcom.addSigil(node, 'javelin-rocks');
+ expect(JX.Stratcom.hasSigil(node, 'my-sigil')).toBe(true);
+ expect(JX.Stratcom.hasSigil(node, 'javelin-rocks')).toBe(true);
+ });
+ it('should test dataPersistence', function() {
+ var n, d;
+ n = JX.$N('div');
+ d = JX.Stratcom.getData(n);
+ expect(d).toEqual({});
+ d.noise = 'quack';
+ expect(JX.Stratcom.getData(n).noise).toEqual('quack');
+ n = JX.$N('div');
+ JX.Stratcom.addSigil(n, 'oink');
+ d = JX.Stratcom.getData(n);
+ expect(JX.Stratcom.getData(n)).toEqual({});
+ d.noise = 'quack';
+ expect(JX.Stratcom.getData(n).noise).toEqual('quack');
+ ensure__DEV__(true, function(){
+ var bad_values = [false, null, undefined, 'quack'];
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < bad_values.length; ii++) {
+ n = JX.$N('div');
+ expect(function() {
+ JX.Stratcom.addSigil(n, 'oink');
+ JX.Stratcom.addData(n, bad_values[ii]);
+ }).toThrow();
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ it('should allow the merge of additional data', function() {
+ ensure__DEV__(true, function() {
+ var clown = JX.$N('div');
+ clown.setAttribute('data-meta', '0_0');
+ JX.Stratcom.mergeData('0', {'0' : 'clown'});
+ expect(JX.Stratcom.getData(clown)).toEqual('clown');
+ var town = JX.$N('div');
+ town.setAttribute('data-meta', '0_1');
+ JX.Stratcom.mergeData('0', {'1' : 'town'});
+ expect(JX.Stratcom.getData(clown)).toEqual('clown');
+ expect(JX.Stratcom.getData(town)).toEqual('town');
+ expect(function() {
+ JX.Stratcom.mergeData('0', {'0' : 'oops'});
+ }).toThrow();
+ });
+ });
+ it('all listeners should be called', function() {
+ ensure__DEV__(true, function() {
+ var callback_count = 0;
+ JX.Stratcom.listen('custom:eventA', null, function() {
+ callback_count++;
+ });
+ JX.Stratcom.listen('custom:eventA', null, function() {
+ callback_count++;
+ });
+ expect(callback_count).toEqual(0);
+ JX.Stratcom.invoke('custom:eventA');
+ expect(callback_count).toEqual(2);
+ });
+ });
+ it('removed listeners should not be called', function() {
+ ensure__DEV__(true, function() {
+ var callback_count = 0;
+ var listeners = [];
+ var remove_listeners = function() {
+ while (listeners.length) {
+ listeners.pop().remove();
+ }
+ };
+ listeners.push(
+ JX.Stratcom.listen('custom:eventB', null, function() {
+ callback_count++;
+ remove_listeners();
+ })
+ );
+ listeners.push(
+ JX.Stratcom.listen('custom:eventB', null, function() {
+ callback_count++;
+ remove_listeners();
+ })
+ );
+ expect(callback_count).toEqual(0);
+ JX.Stratcom.invoke('custom:eventB');
+ expect(listeners.length).toEqual(0);
+ expect(callback_count).toEqual(1);
+ });
+ });
+ it('should throw when accessing data in an unloaded block', function() {
+ ensure__DEV__(true, function() {
+ var n = JX.$N('div');
+ n.setAttribute('data-meta', '9999999_9999999');
+ var caught;
+ try {
+ JX.Stratcom.getData(n);
+ } catch (error) {
+ caught = error;
+ }
+ expect(caught instanceof Error).toEqual(true);
+ });
+ });
+ // it('can set data serializer', function() {
+ // var uri = new JX.URI('');
+ // uri.setQuerySerializer(JX.PHPQuerySerializer.serialize);
+ // uri.setQueryParam('obj', {
+ // num : 1,
+ // obj : {
+ // str : 'abc',
+ // i : 123
+ // }
+ // });
+ // expect(decodeURIComponent(uri.toString())).toEqual(
+ // '' +
+ // 'obj[num]=1&obj[obj][str]=abc&obj[obj][i]=123');
+ // });
Index: externals/javelin/src/core/__tests__/util.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/core/__tests__/util.js
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * @requires javelin-util
+ */
+describe('JX.isArray', function() {
+ it('should correctly identify an array', function() {
+ expect(JX.isArray([1, 2, 3])).toBe(true);
+ expect(JX.isArray([])).toBe(true);
+ });
+ it('should return false on anything that is not an array', function() {
+ expect(JX.isArray(1)).toBe(false);
+ expect(JX.isArray('a string')).toBe(false);
+ expect(JX.isArray(true)).toBe(false);
+ expect(JX.isArray(/regex/)).toBe(false);
+ expect(JX.isArray(new String('a super string'))).toBe(false);
+ expect(JX.isArray(new Number(42))).toBe(false);
+ expect(JX.isArray(new Boolean(false))).toBe(false);
+ expect(JX.isArray({})).toBe(false);
+ expect(JX.isArray({'0': 1, '1': 2, length: 2})).toBe(false);
+ expect(JX.isArray((function(){
+ return arguments;
+ })('I', 'want', 'to', 'trick', 'you'))).toBe(false);
+ });
+ it('should identify an array from another context as an array', function() {
+ var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
+ var name = = 'javelin-iframe-test';
+ = 'none';
+ document.body.insertBefore(iframe, document.body.firstChild);
+ var doc = iframe.contentWindow.document;
+ doc.write(
+ '<script>parent.MaybeArray = Array;</script>'
+ );
+ var array = MaybeArray(1, 2, 3);
+ var array2 = new MaybeArray(1);
+ array2[0] = 5;
+ expect(JX.isArray(array)).toBe(true);
+ expect(JX.isArray(array2)).toBe(true);
+ });
+describe('JX.bind', function() {
+ it('should bind a function to a context', function() {
+ var object = {a: 5, b: 3};
+ JX.bind(object, function() {
+ object.b = 1;
+ })();
+ expect(object).toEqual({a: 5, b: 1});
+ });
+ it('should bind a function without context', function() {
+ var called;
+ JX.bind(null, function() {
+ called = true;
+ })();
+ expect(called).toBe(true);
+ });
+ it('should bind with arguments', function() {
+ var list = [];
+ JX.bind(null, function() {
+ list.push.apply(list, JX.$A(arguments));
+ }, 'a', 2, 'c', 4)();
+ expect(list).toEqual(['a', 2, 'c', 4]);
+ });
+ it('should allow to pass additional arguments', function() {
+ var list = [];
+ JX.bind(null, function() {
+ list.push.apply(list, JX.$A(arguments));
+ }, 'a', 2)('c', 4);
+ expect(list).toEqual(['a', 2, 'c', 4]);
+ });
Index: externals/javelin/src/core/init.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/core/init.js
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+ * Javelin core; installs Javelin and Stratcom event delegation.
+ *
+ * @provides javelin-magical-init
+ *
+ * @javelin-installs JX.__rawEventQueue
+ * @javelin-installs JX.__simulate
+ * @javelin-installs JX.__allowedEvents
+ * @javelin-installs JX.enableDispatch
+ * @javelin-installs JX.onload
+ * @javelin-installs JX.flushHoldingQueue
+ *
+ * @javelin
+ */
+(function() {
+ if (window.JX) {
+ return;
+ }
+ window.JX = {};
+ // The holding queues hold calls to functions (JX.install() and JX.behavior())
+ // before they load, so if you're async-loading them later in the document
+ // the page will execute correctly regardless of the order resources arrive
+ // in.
+ var holding_queues = {};
+ function makeHoldingQueue(name) {
+ if (JX[name]) {
+ return;
+ }
+ holding_queues[name] = [];
+ JX[name] = function() { holding_queues[name].push(arguments); }
+ }
+ JX.flushHoldingQueue = function(name, fn) {
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < holding_queues[name].length; ii++) {
+ fn.apply(null, holding_queues[name][ii]);
+ }
+ holding_queues[name] = {};
+ }
+ makeHoldingQueue('install');
+ makeHoldingQueue('behavior');
+ makeHoldingQueue('install-init');
+ window['__DEV__'] = window['__DEV__'] || 0;
+ var loaded = false;
+ var onload = [];
+ var master_event_queue = [];
+ var root = document.documentElement;
+ var has_add_event_listener = !!root.addEventListener;
+ JX.__rawEventQueue = function(what) {
+ master_event_queue.push(what);
+ // Evade static analysis - JX.Stratcom
+ var Stratcom = JX['Stratcom'];
+ if (Stratcom && Stratcom.ready) {
+ // Empty the queue now so that exceptions don't cause us to repeatedly
+ // try to handle events.
+ var local_queue = master_event_queue;
+ master_event_queue = [];
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < local_queue.length; ++ii) {
+ var evt = local_queue[ii];
+ // Sometimes IE gives us events which throw when ".type" is accessed;
+ // just ignore them since we can't meaningfully dispatch them. TODO:
+ // figure out where these are coming from.
+ try { var test = evt.type; } catch (x) { continue; }
+ if (!loaded && evt.type == 'domready') {
+ document.body && ( = null);
+ loaded = true;
+ for (var jj = 0; jj < onload.length; jj++) {
+ onload[jj]();
+ }
+ }
+ Stratcom.dispatch(evt);
+ }
+ } else {
+ var target = what.srcElement ||;
+ if (target &&
+ (what.type in {click: 1, submit: 1}) &&
+ target.getAttribute &&
+ target.getAttribute('data-mustcapture') === '1') {
+ what.returnValue = false;
+ what.preventDefault && what.preventDefault();
+ = 'event_capture';
+ // For versions of IE that use attachEvent, the event object is somehow
+ // stored globally by reference, and all the references we push to the
+ // master_event_queue will always refer to the most recent event. We
+ // work around this by popping the useless global event off the queue,
+ // and pushing a clone of the event that was just fired using the IE's
+ // proprietary createEventObject function.
+ // see:
+ if (!add_event_listener && document.createEventObject) {
+ master_event_queue.pop();
+ master_event_queue.push(document.createEventObject(what));
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ JX.enableDispatch = function(target, type) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ JX.__allowedEvents[type] = true;
+ }
+ if (target.addEventListener) {
+ target.addEventListener(type, JX.__rawEventQueue, true);
+ } else if (target.attachEvent) {
+ target.attachEvent('on' + type, JX.__rawEventQueue);
+ }
+ };
+ var document_events = [
+ 'click',
+ 'dblclick',
+ 'change',
+ 'submit',
+ 'keypress',
+ 'mousedown',
+ 'mouseover',
+ 'mouseout',
+ 'mouseup',
+ 'keyup',
+ 'keydown',
+ 'input',
+ 'drop',
+ 'dragenter',
+ 'dragleave',
+ 'dragover',
+ 'paste',
+ 'touchstart',
+ 'touchmove',
+ 'touchend',
+ 'touchcancel'
+ ];
+ // Simulate focus and blur in old versions of IE using focusin and focusout
+ // TODO: Document the gigantic IE mess here with focus/blur.
+ // TODO: beforeactivate/beforedeactivate?
+ //
+ if (!has_add_event_listener) {
+ document_events.push('focusin', 'focusout');
+ }
+ // Opera is multilol: it propagates focus / blur oddly
+ if (window.opera) {
+ document_events.push('focus', 'blur');
+ }
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ JX.__allowedEvents = {};
+ if ('onpagehide' in window) {
+ JX.__allowedEvents.unload = true;
+ }
+ }
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < document_events.length; ++ii) {
+ JX.enableDispatch(root, document_events[ii]);
+ }
+ // In particular, we're interested in capturing window focus/blur here so
+ // long polls can abort when the window is not focused.
+ var window_events = [
+ ('onpagehide' in window) ? 'pagehide' : 'unload',
+ 'resize',
+ 'scroll',
+ 'focus',
+ 'blur',
+ 'popstate',
+ 'hashchange'
+ ];
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < window_events.length; ++ii) {
+ JX.enableDispatch(window, window_events[ii]);
+ }
+ JX.__simulate = function(node, event) {
+ if (!has_add_event_listener) {
+ var e = {target: node, type: event};
+ JX.__rawEventQueue(e);
+ if (e.returnValue === false) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ if (has_add_event_listener) {
+ document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
+ JX.__rawEventQueue({type: 'domready'});
+ }, true);
+ } else {
+ var ready =
+ "if (this.readyState == 'complete') {" +
+ "JX.__rawEventQueue({type: 'domready'});" +
+ "}";
+ document.write(
+ '<script' +
+ ' defer="defer"' +
+ ' src="javascript:void(0)"' +
+ ' onreadystatechange="' + ready + '"' +
+ '><\/sc' + 'ript\>');
+ }
+ JX.onload = function(func) {
+ if (loaded) {
+ func();
+ } else {
+ onload.push(func);
+ }
+ }
Index: externals/javelin/src/core/install.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/core/install.js
@@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
+ * @requires javelin-util
+ * javelin-magical-init
+ * @provides javelin-install
+ *
+ * @javelin-installs JX.install
+ * @javelin-installs JX.createClass
+ *
+ * @javelin
+ */
+ * Install a class into the Javelin ("JX") namespace. The first argument is the
+ * name of the class you want to install, and the second is a map of these
+ * attributes (all of which are optional):
+ *
+ * - ##construct## //(function)// Class constructor. If you don't provide one,
+ * one will be created for you (but it will be very boring).
+ * - ##extend## //(string)// The name of another JX-namespaced class to extend
+ * via prototypal inheritance.
+ * - ##members## //(map)// A map of instance methods and properties.
+ * - ##statics## //(map)// A map of static methods and properties.
+ * - ##initialize## //(function)// A function which will be run once, after
+ * this class has been installed.
+ * - ##properties## //(map)// A map of properties that should have instance
+ * getters and setters automatically generated for them. The key is the
+ * property name and the value is its default value. For instance, if you
+ * provide the property "size", the installed class will have the methods
+ * "getSize()" and "setSize()". It will **NOT** have a property ".size"
+ * and no guarantees are made about where install is actually chosing to
+ * store the data. The motivation here is to let you cheaply define a
+ * stable interface and refine it later as necessary.
+ * - ##events## //(list)// List of event types this class is capable of
+ * emitting.
+ *
+ * For example:
+ *
+ * JX.install('Dog', {
+ * construct : function(name) {
+ * this.setName(name);
+ * },
+ * members : {
+ * bark : function() {
+ * // ...
+ * }
+ * },
+ * properites : {
+ * name : null,
+ * }
+ * });
+ *
+ * This creates a new ##Dog## class in the ##JX## namespace:
+ *
+ * var d = new JX.Dog();
+ * d.bark();
+ *
+ * Javelin classes are normal Javascript functions and generally behave in
+ * the expected way. Some properties and methods are automatically added to
+ * all classes:
+ *
+ * - ##instance.__id__## Globally unique identifier attached to each instance.
+ * - ##prototype.__class__## Reference to the class constructor.
+ * - ##constructor.__path__## List of path tokens used emit events. It is
+ * probably never useful to access this directly.
+ * - ##constructor.__readable__## Readable class name. You could use this
+ * for introspection.
+ * - ##constructor.__events__## //DEV ONLY!// List of events supported by
+ * this class.
+ * - ##constructor.listen()## Listen to all instances of this class. See
+ * @{JX.Base}.
+ * - ##instance.listen()## Listen to one instance of this class. See
+ * @{JX.Base}.
+ * - ##instance.invoke()## Invoke an event from an instance. See @{JX.Base}.
+ *
+ *
+ * @param string Name of the class to install. It will appear in the JX
+ * "namespace" (e.g., JX.Pancake).
+ * @param map Map of properties, see method documentation.
+ * @return void
+ *
+ * @group install
+ */
+JX.install = function(new_name, new_junk) {
+ // If we've already installed this, something is up.
+ if (new_name in JX) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.install("' + new_name + '", ...): ' +
+ 'trying to reinstall something that has already been installed.');
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if ('name' in new_junk) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.install("' + new_name + '", {"name": ...}): ' +
+ 'trying to install with "name" property.' +
+ 'Either remove it or call JX.createClass directly.');
+ }
+ }
+ // Since we may end up loading things out of order (e.g., Dog extends Animal
+ // but we load Dog first) we need to keep a list of things that we've been
+ // asked to install but haven't yet been able to install around.
+ (JX.install._queue || (JX.install._queue = [])).push([new_name, new_junk]);
+ var name;
+ do {
+ var junk;
+ var initialize;
+ name = null;
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < JX.install._queue.length; ++ii) {
+ junk = JX.install._queue[ii][1];
+ if (junk.extend && !JX[junk.extend]) {
+ // We need to extend something that we haven't been able to install
+ // yet, so just keep this in queue.
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Install time! First, get this out of the queue.
+ name = JX.install._queue.splice(ii, 1)[0][0];
+ --ii;
+ if (junk.extend) {
+ junk.extend = JX[junk.extend];
+ }
+ initialize = junk.initialize;
+ delete junk.initialize;
+ = 'JX.' + name;
+ JX[name] = JX.createClass(junk);
+ if (initialize) {
+ if (JX['Stratcom'] && JX['Stratcom'].ready) {
+ initialize.apply(null);
+ } else {
+ // This is a holding queue, defined in init.js.
+ JX['install-init'](initialize);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // In effect, this exits the loop as soon as we didn't make any progress
+ // installing things, which means we've installed everything we have the
+ // dependencies for.
+ } while (name);
+ * Creates a class from a map of attributes. Requires ##extend## property to
+ * be an actual Class object and not a "String". Supports ##name## property
+ * to give the created Class a readable name.
+ *
+ * @see JX.install for description of supported attributes.
+ *
+ * @param junk Map of properties, see method documentation.
+ * @return function Constructor of a class created
+ *
+ * @group install
+ */
+JX.createClass = function(junk) {
+ var name = || '';
+ var k;
+ var ii;
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ var valid = {
+ construct : 1,
+ statics : 1,
+ members : 1,
+ extend : 1,
+ properties : 1,
+ events : 1,
+ name : 1
+ };
+ for (k in junk) {
+ if (!(k in valid)) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.createClass("' + name + '", {"' + k + '": ...}): ' +
+ 'trying to create unknown property `' + k + '`.');
+ }
+ }
+ if (junk.constructor !== {}.constructor) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.createClass("' + name + '", {"constructor": ...}): ' +
+ 'property `constructor` should be called `construct`.');
+ }
+ }
+ // First, build the constructor. If construct is just a function, this
+ // won't change its behavior (unless you have provided a really awesome
+ // function, in which case it will correctly punish you for your attempt
+ // at creativity).
+ var Class = (function(name, junk) {
+ var result = function() {
+ this.__id__ = '__obj__' + (++JX.install._nextObjectID);
+ return (junk.construct || junk.extend || JX.bag).apply(this, arguments);
+ // TODO: Allow mixins to initialize here?
+ // TODO: Also, build mixins?
+ };
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ var inner = result;
+ result = function() {
+ if (this == window || this == JX) {
+ JX.$E(
+ '<' + Class.__readable__ + '>: ' +
+ 'Tried to construct an instance without the "new" operator.');
+ }
+ return inner.apply(this, arguments);
+ };
+ }
+ return result;
+ })(name, junk);
+ Class.__readable__ = name;
+ // Copy in all the static methods and properties.
+ for (k in junk.statics) {
+ // Can't use JX.copy() here yet since it may not have loaded.
+ Class[k] = junk.statics[k];
+ }
+ var proto;
+ if (junk.extend) {
+ var Inheritance = function() {};
+ Inheritance.prototype = junk.extend.prototype;
+ proto = Class.prototype = new Inheritance();
+ } else {
+ proto = Class.prototype = {};
+ }
+ proto.__class__ = Class;
+ var setter = function(prop) {
+ return function(v) {
+ this[prop] = v;
+ return this;
+ };
+ };
+ var getter = function(prop) {
+ return function(v) {
+ return this[prop];
+ };
+ };
+ // Build getters and setters from the `prop' map.
+ for (k in ( || {})) {
+ var base = k.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + k.substr(1);
+ var prop = '__auto__' + k;
+ proto[prop] =[k];
+ proto['set' + base] = setter(prop);
+ proto['get' + base] = getter(prop);
+ }
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ // Check for aliasing in default values of members. If we don't do this,
+ // you can run into a problem like this:
+ //
+ // JX.install('List', { members : { stuff : [] }});
+ //
+ // var i_love = new JX.List();
+ // var i_hate = new JX.List();
+ //
+ // i_love.stuff.push('Psyduck'); // I love psyduck!
+ // JX.log(i_hate.stuff); // Show stuff I hate.
+ //
+ // This logs ["Psyduck"] because the push operation modifies
+ // JX.List.prototype.stuff, which is what both i_love.stuff and
+ // i_hate.stuff resolve to. To avoid this, set the default value to
+ // null (or any other scalar) and do "this.stuff = [];" in the
+ // constructor.
+ for (var member_name in junk.members) {
+ if (junk.extend && member_name[0] == '_') {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.createClass("' + name + '", ...): ' +
+ 'installed member "' + member_name + '" must not be named with ' +
+ 'a leading underscore because it is in a subclass. Variables ' +
+ 'are analyzed and crushed one file at a time, and crushed ' +
+ 'member variables in subclasses alias crushed member variables ' +
+ 'in superclasses. Remove the underscore, refactor the class so ' +
+ 'it does not extend anything, or fix the minifier to be ' +
+ 'capable of safely crushing subclasses.');
+ }
+ var member_value = junk.members[member_name];
+ if (typeof member_value == 'object' && member_value !== null) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.createClass("' + name + '", ...): ' +
+ 'installed member "' + member_name + '" is not a scalar or ' +
+ 'function. Prototypal inheritance in Javascript aliases object ' +
+ 'references across instances so all instances are initialized ' +
+ 'to point at the exact same object. This is almost certainly ' +
+ 'not what you intended. Make this member static to share it ' +
+ 'across instances, or initialize it in the constructor to ' +
+ 'prevent reference aliasing and give each instance its own ' +
+ 'copy of the value.');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // This execution order intentionally allows you to override methods
+ // generated from the "properties" initializer.
+ for (k in junk.members) {
+ proto[k] = junk.members[k];
+ }
+ // IE does not enumerate some properties on objects
+ var enumerables = JX.install._enumerables;
+ if (junk.members && enumerables) {
+ ii = enumerables.length;
+ while (ii--){
+ var property = enumerables[ii];
+ if (junk.members[property]) {
+ proto[property] = junk.members[property];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Build this ridiculous event model thing. Basically, this defines
+ // two instance methods, invoke() and listen(), and one static method,
+ // listen(). If you listen to an instance you get events for that
+ // instance; if you listen to a class you get events for all instances
+ // of that class (including instances of classes which extend it).
+ //
+ // This is rigged up through Stratcom. Each class has a path component
+ // like "class:Dog", and each object has a path component like
+ // "obj:23". When you invoke on an object, it emits an event with
+ // a path that includes its class, all parent classes, and its object
+ // ID.
+ //
+ // Calling listen() on an instance listens for just the object ID.
+ // Calling listen() on a class listens for that class's name. This
+ // has the effect of working properly, but installing them is pretty
+ // messy.
+ var parent = junk.extend || {};
+ var old_events = parent.__events__;
+ var new_events = || [];
+ var has_events = old_events || new_events.length;
+ if (has_events) {
+ var valid_events = {};
+ // If we're in dev, we build up a list of valid events (for this class
+ // and our parent class), and then check them on listen and invoke.
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ for (var key in old_events || {}) {
+ valid_events[key] = true;
+ }
+ for (ii = 0; ii < new_events.length; ++ii) {
+ valid_events[[ii]] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ Class.__events__ = valid_events;
+ // Build the class name chain.
+ Class.__name__ = 'class:' + name;
+ var ancestry = parent.__path__ || [];
+ Class.__path__ = ancestry.concat([Class.__name__]);
+ proto.invoke = function(type) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (!(type in this.__class__.__events__)) {
+ JX.$E(
+ this.__class__.__readable__ + '.invoke("' + type + '", ...): ' +
+ 'invalid event type. Valid event types are: ' +
+ JX.keys(this.__class__.__events__).join(', ') + '.');
+ }
+ }
+ // Here and below, this nonstandard access notation is used to mask
+ // these callsites from the static analyzer. JX.Stratcom is always
+ // available by the time we hit these execution points.
+ return JX['Stratcom'].invoke(
+ 'obj:' + type,
+ this.__class__.__path__.concat([this.__id__]),
+ {args : JX.$A(arguments).slice(1)});
+ };
+ proto.listen = function(type, callback) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (!(type in this.__class__.__events__)) {
+ JX.$E(
+ this.__class__.__readable__ + '.listen("' + type + '", ...): ' +
+ 'invalid event type. Valid event types are: ' +
+ JX.keys(this.__class__.__events__).join(', ') + '.');
+ }
+ }
+ return JX['Stratcom'].listen(
+ 'obj:' + type,
+ this.__id__,
+ JX.bind(this, function(e) {
+ return callback.apply(this, e.getData().args);
+ }));
+ };
+ Class.listen = function(type, callback) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (!(type in this.__events__)) {
+ JX.$E(
+ this.__readable__ + '.listen("' + type + '", ...): ' +
+ 'invalid event type. Valid event types are: ' +
+ JX.keys(this.__events__).join(', ') + '.');
+ }
+ }
+ return JX['Stratcom'].listen(
+ 'obj:' + type,
+ this.__name__,
+ JX.bind(this, function(e) {
+ return callback.apply(this, e.getData().args);
+ }));
+ };
+ } else if (__DEV__) {
+ var error_message =
+ 'class does not define any events. Pass an "events" property to ' +
+ 'JX.createClass() to define events.';
+ Class.listen = Class.listen || function() {
+ JX.$E(
+ this.__readable__ + '.listen(...): ' +
+ error_message);
+ };
+ Class.invoke = Class.invoke || function() {
+ JX.$E(
+ this.__readable__ + '.invoke(...): ' +
+ error_message);
+ };
+ proto.listen = proto.listen || function() {
+ JX.$E(
+ this.__class__.__readable__ + '.listen(...): ' +
+ error_message);
+ };
+ proto.invoke = proto.invoke || function() {
+ JX.$E(
+ this.__class__.__readable__ + '.invoke(...): ' +
+ error_message);
+ };
+ }
+ return Class;
+JX.install._nextObjectID = 0;
+JX.flushHoldingQueue('install', JX.install);
+(function() {
+ // IE does not enter this loop.
+ for (var i in {toString: 1}) {
+ return;
+ }
+ JX.install._enumerables = [
+ 'toString', 'hasOwnProperty', 'valueOf', 'isPrototypeOf',
+ 'propertyIsEnumerable', 'toLocaleString', 'constructor'
+ ];
Index: externals/javelin/src/core/util.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/core/util.js
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+ * Javelin utility functions.
+ *
+ * @provides javelin-util
+ *
+ * @javelin-installs JX.$E
+ * @javelin-installs JX.$A
+ * @javelin-installs JX.$AX
+ * @javelin-installs JX.isArray
+ * @javelin-installs JX.copy
+ * @javelin-installs JX.bind
+ * @javelin-installs JX.bag
+ * @javelin-installs JX.keys
+ * @javelin-installs JX.log
+ * @javelin-installs
+ * @javelin-installs
+ *
+ * @javelin
+ */
+ * Throw an exception and attach the caller data in the exception.
+ *
+ * @param string Exception message.
+ *
+ * @group util
+ */
+JX.$E = function(message) {
+ var e = new Error(message);
+ var caller_fn = JX.$E.caller;
+ if (caller_fn) {
+ e.caller_fn = caller_fn.caller;
+ }
+ throw e;
+ * Convert an array-like object (usually ##arguments##) into a real Array. An
+ * "array-like object" is something with a ##length## property and numerical
+ * keys. The most common use for this is to let you call Array functions on the
+ * magical ##arguments## object.
+ *
+ * JX.$A(arguments).slice(1);
+ *
+ * @param obj Array, or array-like object.
+ * @return Array Actual array.
+ *
+ * @group util
+ */
+JX.$A = function(mysterious_arraylike_object) {
+ // NOTE: This avoids the Array.slice() trick because some bizarre COM object
+ // I dug up somewhere was freaking out when I tried to do it and it made me
+ // very upset, so do not replace this with Array.slice() cleverness.
+ var r = [];
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < mysterious_arraylike_object.length; ii++) {
+ r.push(mysterious_arraylike_object[ii]);
+ }
+ return r;
+ * Cast a value into an array, by wrapping scalars into singletons. If the
+ * argument is an array, it is returned unmodified. If it is a scalar, an array
+ * with a single element is returned. For example:
+ *
+ * JX.$AX([3]); // Returns [3].
+ * JX.$AX(3); // Returns [3].
+ *
+ * Note that this function uses a @{function:JX.isArray} check whether or not
+ * the argument is an array, so you may need to convert array-like objects (such
+ * as ##arguments##) into real arrays with @{function:JX.$A}.
+ *
+ * This function is mostly useful to create methods which accept either a
+ * value or a list of values.
+ *
+ * @param wild Scalar or Array.
+ * @return Array If the argument was a scalar, an Array with the argument as
+ * its only element. Otherwise, the original Array.
+ *
+ * @group util
+ */
+JX.$AX = function(maybe_scalar) {
+ return JX.isArray(maybe_scalar) ? maybe_scalar : [maybe_scalar];
+ * Checks whether a value is an array.
+ *
+ * JX.isArray(['an', 'array']); // Returns true.
+ * JX.isArray('Not an Array'); // Returns false.
+ *
+ * @param wild Any value.
+ * @return bool true if the argument is an array, false otherwise.
+ *
+ * @group util
+ */
+JX.isArray = Array.isArray || function(maybe_array) {
+ return == '[object Array]';
+ * Copy properties from one object to another. If properties already exist, they
+ * are overwritten.
+ *
+ * var cat = {
+ * ears: 'clean',
+ * paws: 'clean',
+ * nose: 'DIRTY OH NOES'
+ * };
+ * var more = {
+ * nose: 'clean',
+ * tail: 'clean'
+ * };
+ *
+ * JX.copy(cat, more);
+ *
+ * // cat is now:
+ * // {
+ * // ears: 'clean',
+ * // paws: 'clean',
+ * // nose: 'clean',
+ * // tail: 'clean'
+ * // }
+ *
+ * NOTE: This function does not copy the ##toString## property or anything else
+ * which isn't enumerable or is somehow magic or just doesn't work. But it's
+ * usually what you want.
+ *
+ * @param obj Destination object, which properties should be copied to.
+ * @param obj Source object, which properties should be copied from.
+ * @return obj Modified destination object.
+ *
+ * @group util
+ */
+JX.copy = function(copy_dst, copy_src) {
+ for (var k in copy_src) {
+ copy_dst[k] = copy_src[k];
+ }
+ return copy_dst;
+ * Create a function which invokes another function with a bound context and
+ * arguments (i.e., partial function application) when called; king of all
+ * functions.
+ *
+ * Bind performs context binding (letting you select what the value of ##this##
+ * will be when a function is invoked) and partial function application (letting
+ * you create some function which calls another one with bound arguments).
+ *
+ * = Context Binding =
+ *
+ * Normally, when you call ##obj.method()##, the magic ##this## object will be
+ * the ##obj## you invoked the method from. This can be undesirable when you
+ * need to pass a callback to another function. For instance:
+ *
+ * var dog = new JX.Dog();
+ * dog.barkNow(); // Makes the dog bark.
+ *
+ * JX.Stratcom.listen('click', 'bark', dog.barkNow); // Does not work!
+ *
+ * This doesn't work because ##this## is ##window## when the function is
+ * later invoked; @{method:JX.Stratcom.listen} does not know about the context
+ * object ##dog##. The solution is to pass a function with a bound context
+ * object:
+ *
+ * var dog = new JX.Dog();
+ * var bound_function = JX.bind(dog, dog.barkNow);
+ *
+ * JX.Stratcom.listen('click', 'bark', bound_function);
+ *
+ * ##bound_function## is a function with ##dog## bound as ##this##; ##this##
+ * will always be ##dog## when the function is called, no matter what
+ * property chain it is invoked from.
+ *
+ * You can also pass ##null## as the context argument to implicitly bind
+ * ##window##.
+ *
+ * = Partial Function Application =
+ *
+ * @{function:JX.bind} also performs partial function application, which allows
+ * you to bind one or more arguments to a function. For instance, if we have a
+ * simple function which adds two numbers:
+ *
+ * function add(a, b) { return a + b; }
+ * add(3, 4); // 7
+ *
+ * Suppose we want a new function, like this:
+ *
+ * function add3(b) { return 3 + b; }
+ * add3(4); // 7
+ *
+ * Instead of doing this, we can define ##add3()## in terms of ##add()## by
+ * binding the value ##3## to the ##a## argument:
+ *
+ * var add3_bound = JX.bind(null, add, 3);
+ * add3_bound(4); // 7
+ *
+ * Zero or more arguments may be bound in this way. This is particularly useful
+ * when using closures in a loop:
+ *
+ * for (var ii = 0; ii < button_list.length; ii++) {
+ * button_list[ii].onclick = function() {
+ * JX.log('You clicked button number '+ii+'!'); // Fails!
+ * };
+ * }
+ *
+ * This doesn't work; all the buttons report the highest number when clicked.
+ * This is because the local ##ii## is captured by the closure. Instead, bind
+ * the current value of ##ii##:
+ *
+ * var func = function(button_num) {
+ * JX.log('You clicked button number '+button_num+'!');
+ * }
+ * for (var ii = 0; ii < button_list.length; ii++) {
+ * button_list[ii].onclick = JX.bind(null, func, ii);
+ * }
+ *
+ * @param obj|null Context object to bind as ##this##.
+ * @param function Function to bind context and arguments to.
+ * @param ... Zero or more arguments to bind.
+ * @return function New function which invokes the original function with
+ * bound context and arguments when called.
+ *
+ * @group util
+ */
+JX.bind = function(context, func, more) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (typeof func != 'function') {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.bind(context, <yuck>, ...): '+
+ 'Attempting to bind something that is not a function.');
+ }
+ }
+ var bound = JX.$A(arguments).slice(2);
+ if (func.bind) {
+ return func.bind.apply(func, [context].concat(bound));
+ }
+ return function() {
+ return func.apply(context || window, bound.concat(JX.$A(arguments)));
+ }
+ * "Bag of holding"; function that does nothing. Primarily, it's used as a
+ * placeholder when you want something to be callable but don't want it to
+ * actually have an effect.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ *
+ * @group util
+ */
+JX.bag = function() {
+ // \o\ \o/ /o/ woo dance party
+ * Convert an object's keys into a list. For example:
+ *
+ * JX.keys({sun: 1, moon: 1, stars: 1}); // Returns: ['sun', 'moon', 'stars']
+ *
+ * @param obj Object to retrieve keys from.
+ * @return list List of keys.
+ *
+ * @group util
+ */
+JX.keys = Object.keys || function(obj) {
+ var r = [];
+ for (var k in obj) {
+ r.push(k);
+ }
+ return r;
+ * Identity function; returns the argument unmodified. This is primarily useful
+ * as a placeholder for some callback which may transform its argument.
+ *
+ * @param wild Any value.
+ * @return wild The passed argument.
+ *
+ * @group util
+ */ = function(any) {
+ return any;
+JX.log = JX.bag;
+if (__DEV__) {
+ if (!window.console || !window.console.log) {
+ if (window.opera && window.opera.postError) {
+ window.console = {log: function(m) { window.opera.postError(m); }};
+ } else {
+ window.console = {log: function(m) { }};
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Print a message to the browser debugging console (like Firebug). This
+ * method exists only in ##__DEV__##.
+ *
+ * @param string Message to print to the browser debugging console.
+ * @return void
+ *
+ * @group util
+ */
+ JX.log = function(message) {
+ window.console.log(message);
+ }
+ window.alert = (function(native_alert) {
+ var recent_alerts = [];
+ var in_alert = false;
+ return function(msg) {
+ if (in_alert) {
+ JX.log(
+ 'alert(...): '+
+ 'discarded reentrant alert.');
+ return;
+ }
+ in_alert = true;
+ recent_alerts.push(;
+ if (recent_alerts.length > 3) {
+ recent_alerts.splice(0, recent_alerts.length - 3);
+ }
+ if (recent_alerts.length >= 3 &&
+ (recent_alerts[recent_alerts.length - 1] - recent_alerts[0]) < 5000) {
+ if (confirm(msg + "\n\nLots of alert()s recently. Kill them?")) {
+ window.alert = JX.bag;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Note that we can't .apply() the IE6 version of this "function".
+ native_alert(msg);
+ }
+ in_alert = false;
+ }
+ })(window.alert);
+ * is the fastest timestamp function, but isn't supported by every
+ * browser. This gives the fastest version the environment can support.
+ * The wrapper function makes the getTime call even slower, but benchmarking
+ * shows it to be a marginal perf loss. Considering how small of a perf
+ * difference this makes overall, it's not really a big deal. The primary
+ * reason for this is to avoid hacky "just think of the byte savings" JS
+ * like +new Date() that has an unclear outcome for the unexposed.
+ *
+ * @return Int A Unix timestamp of the current time on the local machine
+ */ = ( || function() { return new Date().getTime(); });
Index: externals/javelin/src/docs/Base.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/docs/Base.js
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ * @requires javelin-install
+ * @javelin
+ */
+ * This is not a real class, but @{function:JX.install} provides several methods
+ * which exist on all Javelin classes. This class documents those methods.
+ *
+ * @task events Builtin Events
+ * @group install
+ */
+JX.install('Base', {
+ members : {
+ /**
+ * Invoke a class event, notifying all listeners. You must declare the
+ * events your class invokes when you install it; see @{function:JX.install}
+ * for documentation. Any arguments you provide will be passed to listener
+ * callbacks.
+ *
+ * @param string Event type, must be declared when class is
+ * installed.
+ * @param ... Zero or more arguments.
+ *
+ * @return @{JX.Event} Event object which was dispatched.
+ * @task events
+ */
+ invoke : function(type, more) {
+ // <docstub only, see JX.install()> //
+ },
+ /**
+ * Listen for events emitted by this object instance. You can also use
+ * the static flavor of this method to listen to events emitted by any
+ * instance of this object.
+ *
+ * See also @{method:JX.Stratcom.listen}.
+ *
+ * @param string Type of event to listen for.
+ * @param function Function to call when this event occurs.
+ * @return object A reference to the installed listener. You can later
+ * remove the listener by calling this object's remove()
+ * method.
+ * @task events
+ */
+ listen : function(type, callback) {
+ // <docstub only, see JX.install()> //
+ }
+ },
+ statics : {
+ /**
+ * Static listen interface for listening to events produced by any instance
+ * of this class. See @{method:listen} for documentation.
+ *
+ * @param string Type of event to listen for.
+ * @param function Function to call when this event occurs.
+ * @return object A reference to the installed listener. You can later
+ * remove the listener by calling this object's remove()
+ * method.
+ * @task events
+ */
+ listen : function(type, callback) {
+ // <docstub only, see JX.install()> //
+ }
+ }
Index: externals/javelin/src/docs/concepts/behaviors.diviner
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/docs/concepts/behaviors.diviner
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+@title Concepts: Behaviors
+@group concepts
+Javelin behaviors help you glue pieces of code together.
+= Overview =
+Javelin behaviors provide a place for you to put glue code. For instance, when
+a page loads, you often need to instantiate objects, or set up event listeners,
+or alert the user that they've won a hog, or create a dependency between two
+objects, or modify the DOM, etc.
+Sometimes there's enough code involved here or a particular setup step happens
+often enough that it makes sense to write a class, but sometimes it's just a
+few lines of one-off glue. Behaviors give you a structured place to put this
+glue so that it's consistently organized and can benefit from Javelin
+= Behavior Basics =
+Behaviors are defined with @{function:JX.behavior}:
+ lang=js
+ JX.behavior('win-a-hog', function(config, statics) {
+ alert("YOU WON A HOG NAMED " + config.hogName + "!");
+ });
+They are called with @{function:JX.initBehaviors}:
+ lang=js
+ JX.initBehaviors({
+ "win-a-hog" : [{hogName : "Ethel"}]
+ });
+Normally, you don't construct the @{function:JX.initBehaviors} call yourself,
+but instead use a server-side library which manages behavior initialization for
+you. For example, using the PHP library:
+ lang=php
+ $config = array('hogName' => 'Ethel');
+ JavelinHelper::initBehaviors('win-a-hog', $config);
+Regardless, this will alert the user that they've won a hog (named Ethel, which
+is a good name for a hog) when they load the page.
+The callback you pass to @{function:JX.behavior} should have this signature:
+ lang=js
+ function(config, statics) {
+ // ...
+ }
+The function will be invoked once for each configuration dictionary passed to
+@{function:JX.initBehaviors}, and the dictionary will be passed as the
+##config## parameter. For example, to alert the user that they've won two hogs:
+ lang=js
+ JX.initBehaviors({
+ "win-a-hog" : [{hogName : "Ethel"}, {hogName: "Beatrice"}]
+ });
+This will invoke the function twice, once for each ##config## dictionary.
+Usually, you invoke a behavior multiple times if you have several similar
+controls on a page, like multiple @{class:JX.Tokenizer}s.
+An initially empty object will be passed in the ##statics## parameter, but
+changes to this object will persist across invocations of the behavior. For
+ lang=js
+ JX.initBehaviors('win-a-hog', function(config, statics) {
+ statics.hogsWon = (statics.hogsWon || 0) + 1;
+ if (statics.hogsWon == 1) {
+ alert("YOU WON A HOG! YOUR HOG IS NAMED " + config.hogName + "!");
+ } else {
+ alert("YOU WON ANOTHER HOG!!! THIS ONE IS NAMED " + config.hogName + "!");
+ }
+ }
+One way to think about behaviors are that they take the anonymous function
+passed to @{function:JX.behavior} and put it in a private Javelin namespace,
+which you access with @{function:JX.initBehavior}.
+Another way to think about them is that you are defining methods which represent
+the entirety of the API exposed by the document. The recommended approach to
+glue code is that the server interact with Javascript on the client //only// by
+invoking behaviors, so the set of available behaviors represent the complete set
+of legal interactions available to the server.
+= History and Rationale =
+This section explains why behaviors exist and how they came about. You can
+understand and use them without knowing any of this, but it may be useful or
+In early 2007, Facebook often solved the "glue code" problem through the use
+of global functions and DOM Level 0 event handlers, by manually building HTML
+tags in PHP:
+ lang=php
+ echo '<a href="#" '.
+ 'onclick="win_a_hog('.escape_js_string($hog_name).'); return false;">'.
+ 'Click here to win!'.
+ '</a>';
+(This example produces a link which the user can click to be alerted they have
+won a hog, which is slightly different from the automatic alert in the other
+examples in this document. Some subtle distinctions are ignored or glossed
+over here because they are not important to understanding behaviors.)
+This has a wide array of technical and architectural problems:
+ - Correctly escaping parameters is cumbersome and difficult.
+ - It resists static analysis, and is difficult to even grep for. You can't
+ easily package, minify, or determine dependencies for the piece of JS in
+ the result string.
+ - DOM Level 0 events have a host of issues in a complex application
+ environment.
+ - The JS global namespace becomes polluted with application glue functions.
+ - The server and client are tightly and relatively arbitrarily coupled, since
+ many of these handlers called multiple functions or had logic in the
+ strings. There is no structure to the coupling, so many callers relied on
+ the full power of arbitrary JS execution.
+ - It's utterly hideous.
+In 2007/2008, we introduced @{function@libphutil:jsprintf} and a function called
+onloadRegister() to solve some of the obvious problems:
+ lang=php
+ onloadRegister('win_a_hog(%s);', $hog_name);
+This registers the snippet for invocation after DOMContentReady fires. This API
+makes escaping manageable, and was combined with recommendations to structure
+code like this in order to address some of the other problems:
+ lang=php
+ $id = uniq_id();
+ echo '<a href="#" id="'.$id.'">Click here to win!</a>';
+ onloadRegister('new WinAHogController(%s, %s);', $id, $hog_name);
+By 2010 (particularly with the introduction of XHP) the API had become more
+sophisticated, but this is basically how most of Facebook's glue code still
+works as of mid-2011. If you view the source of any page, you'll see a bunch
+of ##onloadRegister()## calls in the markup which are generated like this.
+This mitigates many of the problems but is still fairly awkward. Escaping is
+easier, but still possible to get wrong. Stuff is a bit easier to grep for, but
+not much. You can't get very far with static analysis unless you get very
+complex. Coupling between the languages has been reduced but not eliminated. And
+now you have a bunch of classes which only really have glue code in them.
+Javelin behaviors provide a more structured solution to some of these problems:
+ - All your Javascript code is in Javascript files, not embedded in strings in
+ in some host language on the server side.
+ - You can use static analysis and minification tools normally.
+ - Provided you use a reasonable server-side library, you can't get escaping
+ wrong.
+ - Coupling is reduced because server only passes data to the client, never
+ code.
+ - The server declares client dependencies explicitly, not implicitly inside
+ a string literal. Behaviors are also relatively easy to grep for.
+ - Behaviors exist in a private, structured namespace instead of the global
+ namespace.
+ - Separation between the document's layout and behavior is a consequence of
+ the structure of behaviors.
+ - The entire interface the server may invoke against can be readily inferred.
+Note that Javelin does provide @{function:JX.onload}, which behaves like
+##onloadRegister()##. However, its use is discouraged.
+The two major downsides to the behavior design appear to be:
+ - They have a higher setup cost than the ad-hoc methods, but Javelin
+ philosophically places a very low value on this.
+ - Because there's a further setup cost to migrate an existing behavior into a
+ class, behaviors sometimes grow little by little until they are too big,
+ have more than just glue code, and should have been refactored into a
+ real class some time ago. This is a pretty high-level drawback and is
+ manageable through awareness of the risk and code review.
Index: externals/javelin/src/docs/concepts/event_delegation.diviner
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/docs/concepts/event_delegation.diviner
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+@title Concepts: Event Delegation
+@group concepts
+Explains Javelin event delegation with @{class:JX.Stratcom}.
+= Overview =
+Javelin provides event delegation as a core feature of the library, orchestrated
+with @{class:JX.Stratcom}. Event delegation means that the library listens to
+every event in the document and then delegates them to handlers you install,
+as opposed to you installing handlers on specific nodes for specific events you
+are interested in.
+Event delegation can greatly simplify event handling for many types of user
+interactions, and can also be used to do more traditional event listening for
+specific events on specific nodes. The goal is to provide a strictly more
+powerful event model, which gives you a very general delegation toolkit for
+interactions where delegation makes sense but refines into a very specific
+toolkit when you need less generality.
+Beyond DOM events, Stratcom provides a general event delegation framework which
+Javelin classes integrate with.
+= Event Delegation Basics =
+Javelin routes events based on the **event type** and **sigil set**.
+The **event type** is a string with a general description of the event, and
+includes the DOM event types like 'click' and 'keydown'. It may also be a
+class-specific event (JX.Duck might emit 'quack').
+The **sigil set** is a list of sigils (see @{article:Concepts: Sigils and
+Metadata}) for the event. If the event is a DOM event, Javelin builds the
+sigil set by walking up the DOM tree from the event target and collecting all
+the sigils on nodes (it also collects some other data into the sigil set,
+see "Magic Sigils" below). If the event is a class event, Javelin walks up
+the class hierarchy collecting class names. If the event is a raw event invoked
+with @{method:JX.Stratcom.invoke}, the caller must provide the sigil set.
+When you install an event handler, you specify the event type and the (possibly
+empty) sigil set you want to listen for.
+When an event is invoked, Javelin finds all the listeners for that event type
+and compares their sigil sets with the event's sigil set. If all of the sigils
+in a callback's sigil set appear in the event's sigil set, the callback is
+invoked. Generally, this mechanism allows you to ignore events you are not
+interested in.
+= Listening to General DOM Events =
+You can listen to general DOM events with @{method:JX.Stratcom.listen}. This
+method allows you to select which types of events you want to receive, and
+which elements must be involved in the event:
+ lang=js
+ JX.Stratcom.listen(
+ 'click', // Node
+ null, // Sigil set
+ function(e) { // Callback
+ // ...
+ });
+This listens to all clicks on all elements in the document. More likely, you
+want to listen only to some clicks. You accomplish this by annotating your
+document with Javelin sigils (see @{article:Concepts: Sigils and Metadata})
+and specifying a set of sigils which must be present between the target node
+and the document root. For instance, your document might look like this:
+ lang=html
+ <a href="#" data-sigil="important">Important!</a>
+ <a href="#">Some Other Link</a>
+If you install a handler like the one above, you'll get callbacks for every
+click, no matter which link it is or even if it's on the document itself. If
+you just want clicks on the "Important!" link, you can install a more specific
+ lang=js
+ JX.Stratcom.listen(
+ 'click',
+ 'important', // Listen only to this sigil set
+ function(e) {
+ // ...
+ });
+Now you will receive a callback only when the event target or some ancestor of
+it has the "important" sigil, i.e., only when the user clicks on the
+"Important!" link. You can also specify multiple sigils; ancestors must have
+all of the sigils for you to get a callback:
+ lang=js
+ JX.Stratcom.listen(
+ 'click',
+ ['menu', 'item'], // Listen only for clicks on menu items.
+ function(e) {
+ // ...
+ });
+= Listening to Specific DOM Events =
+You can listen to specific DOM events with @{method:JX.DOM.listen}. This method
+works like @{method:JX.Stratcom.listen} but takes a DOM node as the first
+parameter and listens only for events within that node:
+ lang=js
+ JX.DOM.listen(
+ node, // Node
+ 'click', // Event type(s)
+ null, // Sigil set
+ function(e) { // Callback
+ // ...
+ });
+This is similar to setting ##node.onclick## or ##node.addEventListener##, but
+uses the Javelin delegation core. You can also provide a sigil set, which works
+just like @{method:JX.Stratcom.listen} general events. This is useful if your
+node is a container, like a ##<div />##, with a lot of stuff in it.
+= DOM Event Flow =
+Events dispatched within the DOM propagate using a bubbling method, as detailed
+Listeners assigned using @{method:JX.Stratcom.listen} or @{method:JX.DOM.listen}
+are called in order of the deepest node in the DOM of the nodes which match the
+sigil set listened to.
+In this example the second listener, subscribed to 'inner', will be called
+before the listener subscribed to 'outer'
+ lang=html
+ <div data-sigil="outer">
+ <div data-sigil="inner">
+ Click Me
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ JX.Stratcom.listen('click', ['outer'], function(e) { ... });
+ JX.Stratcom.listen('click', ['inner'], function(e) { ... });
+ </script>
+= Listening to Class Events =
+Beyond DOM events, you can also listen to class events. Every class installed
+by Javelin has static and instance methods called ##listen## (see
+@{method:JX.Base.listen}). The static method allows you to listen for all events
+emitted by every instance of a class and its descendants:
+ lang=js
+ JX.Animal.listen(
+ 'meow',
+ function(e) {
+ // Listen for ANY 'meow' from any JX.Animal instance or instance which
+ // extends JX.Animal.
+ });
+The instance method allows you to listen for all events emitted by that
+specific instance:
+ lang=js
+ var cat = new JX.Cat();
+ cat.listen(
+ 'meow',
+ function(e) {
+ // Listen for 'meow' from only this cat.
+ });
+= Magic Sigils =
+Javelin implements general delegation by building and comparing sigil sets. Some
+of these sigils are not DOM sigils, but derived from other things:
+ - ##id:*## ID sigils are generated when an examined node has an "id" property.
+ - ##obj:*## Object sigils are generated when an event affects a class
+ instance.
+ - ##class:*## Class sigils are generated while walking an affected instance's
+ class chain.
+ - ##tag:*## Tag sigils are generated by examining the tag names of DOM nodes.
+For instance, you can listen to all clicks on ##<a />## tags in a document like
+ lang=js
+ JX.Stratcom.listen(
+ 'click',
+ 'tag:a',
+ function(e) {
+ // ...
+ });
Index: externals/javelin/src/docs/concepts/sigils_metadata.diviner
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/docs/concepts/sigils_metadata.diviner
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+@title Concepts: Sigils and Metadata
+@group concepts
+Explains Javelin's sigils and metadata.
+= Overview =
+Javelin introduces two major concepts, "sigils" and "metadata", which are core
+parts of the library but don't generally exist in other Javascript libraries.
+Both sigils and metadata are extra information you add to the DOM which Javelin
+can access. This document explains what they are, why they exist, and how you
+use them.
+= Sigils =
+Sigils are names attached to nodes in the DOM. They behave almost exactly like
+CSS class names: sigils are strings, each node may have zero or more sigils, and
+sigils are not unique within a document. Sigils convey semantic information
+about the structure of the document.
+It is reasonable to think of sigils as being CSS class names in a different,
+semantic namespace.
+If you're emitting raw tags, you specify sigils by adding a ##data-sigil##
+attribute to a node:
+ lang=html
+ <div data-sigil="newsfeed">
+ <div data-sigil="story">
+ ...
+ </div>
+ <div data-sigil="story">
+ ...
+ </div>
+ </div>
+However, this should be considered an implementation detail and you should not
+rely on it excessively. In Javelin, use @{method:JX.Stratcom.hasSigil} to test
+if a node has a given sigil, and @{method:JX.Stratcom.addSigil} to add a sigil
+to a node.
+Javelin uses sigils instead of CSS classes to rigidly enforce the difference
+between semantic information and style information in the document. While CSS
+classes can theoretically handle both, the conflation between semantic and style
+information in a realistic engineering environment caused a number of problems
+at Facebook, including a few silly, preventable, and unfortunately severe bugs.
+Javelin separates this information into different namespaces, so developers and
+designers can be confident that changing CSS classes and presentation of a
+document will never change its semantic meaning. This is also why Javelin does
+not have a method to test whether a node has a CSS class, and does not have CSS
+selectors. Unless you cheat, Javelin makes it very difficult to use CSS class
+names semantically.
+This is an unusual decision for a library, and quite possibly the wrong tradeoff
+in many environments. But this was a continual source of problems at Facebook's
+scale and in its culture, such that it seemed to justify the measures Javelin
+takes to prevent accidents with style information having inadvertent or
+unrealized semantic value.
+= Metadata =
+Metadata is arbitrary pieces of data attached to nodes in the DOM. Metadata can
+be (and generally is) specified on the server, when the document is constructed.
+The value of metadata is that it allows handlers which use event delegation to
+distinguish between events which occur on similar nodes. For instance, if you
+have newsfeed with several "Like" links in it, your document might look like
+ lang=html
+ <div data-sigil="newsfeed">
+ <div data-sigil="story">
+ ...
+ <a href="..." data-sigil="like">Like</a>
+ </div>
+ <div data-sigil="story">
+ ...
+ <a href="..." data-sigil="like">Like</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+You can install a listener using Javelin event delegation (see @{article:
+Concepts: Event Delegation} for more information) like this:
+ lang=js
+ JX.Stratcom.listen(
+ 'click',
+ ['newsfeed', 'story', 'like'],
+ function(e) {
+ // ...
+ });
+This calls the function you provide when the user clicks on a "like" link, but
+you need to be able to distinguish between the different links so you can know
+which story the user is trying to like. Javelin allows you to do this by
+attaching **metadata** to each node. Metadata is attached to a node by adding a
+##data-meta## attribute which has an index into data later provided to
+ lang=html
+ <div data-sigil="newsfeed">
+ <div data-sigil="story" data-meta="0_0">
+ ...
+ <a href="..." data-sigil="like">Like</a>
+ </div>
+ <div data-sigil="story" data-meta="0_1">
+ ...
+ <a href="..." data-sigil="like">Like</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ ...
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ JX.Stratcom.mergeData(0, [{"storyID" : 12345}, {"storyID" : 23456}]);
+ </script>
+This data can now be accessed with @{method:JX.Stratcom.getData}, or with
+@{method:JX.Event.getNodeData} in an event handler:
+ lang=js
+ JX.Stratcom.listen(
+ 'click',
+ ['newsfeed', 'story', 'like'],
+ function(e) {
+ var id = e.getNodeData('story').storyID;
+ // ...
+ });
+You can also add data to a node programmatically in Javascript with
Index: externals/javelin/src/docs/facebook.diviner
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/docs/facebook.diviner
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+@title Javelin at Facebook
+@group facebook
+Information specific to Javelin at Facebook.
+= Building Support Scripts =
+Javelin now ships with the source to build several libfbjs-based binaries, which
+serve to completely sever its dependencies on trunk:
+ - ##javelinsymbols##: used for lint
+ - ##jsast##: used for documentation generation
+ - ##jsxmin##: used to crush packages
+To build these, first build libfbjs:
+ javelin/ $ cd externals/libfbjs
+ javelin/externals/libfbjs/ $ CXX=/usr/bin/g++ make
+Note that **you must specify CXX explicitly because the default CXX is broken**.
+Now you should be able to build the individual binaries:
+ javelin/ $ cd support/javelinsymbols
+ javelin/support/javelinsymbols $ CXX=/usr/bin/g++ make
+ javelin/ $ cd support/jsast
+ javelin/support/jsast $ CXX=/usr/bin/g++ make
+ javelin/ $ cd support/jsxmin
+ javelin/support/jsxmin $ CXX=/usr/bin/g++ make
+= Synchronizing Javelin =
+To synchronize Javelin **from** Facebook trunk, run the synchronize script:
+ javelin/ $ ./scripts/sync-from-facebook.php ~/www
+...where ##~/www## is the root you want to pull Javelin files from. The script
+will copy files out of ##html/js/javelin## and build packages, and leave the
+results in your working copy. From there you can review changes and commit, and
+then push, diff, or send a pull request.
+To synchronize Javelin **to** Facebook trunk, run the, uh, reverse-synchronize
+ javelin/ $ ./scripts/sync-to-facebook.php ~/www
+...where ##~/www## is the root you want to push Javelin files to. The script
+will copy files out of the working copy into your ##www## and leave you with a
+dirty ##www##. From there you can review changes.
+Once Facebook moves to pure git for ##www## we can probably just submodule
+Javelin into it and get rid of all this nonsense, but the mixed SVN/git
+environment makes that difficult until then.
+= Building Documentation =
+Check out ##diviner## and ##libphutil## from Facebook github, and put them in a
+directory with ##javelin##:
+ somewhere/ $ ls
+ diviner/
+ javelin/
+ libphutil/
+ somewhere/ $
+Now run ##diviner## on ##javelin##:
+ somewhere/ $ cd javelin
+ somewhere/javelin/ $ ../diviner/bin/diviner .
+ [DivinerArticleEngine] Generating documentation for 48 files...
+ [JavelinDivinerEngine] Generating documentation for 74 files...
+ somewhere/javelin/ $
+Documentation is now available in ##javelin/docs/##.
+= Editing =
+The source for lives in ##javelin/support/webroot/##. The site
+itself is served off the host. You need access to that host to
+push it.
Index: externals/javelin/src/docs/onload.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/docs/onload.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ * @javelin
+ */
+ * Register a callback for invocation after DOMContentReady.
+ *
+ * NOTE: Although it isn't private, use of this function is heavily discouraged.
+ * See @{article:Concepts: Behaviors} for information on using behaviors to
+ * structure and invoke glue code.
+ *
+ * This function is defined as a side effect of init.js.
+ *
+ * @param function Callback function to invoke after DOMContentReady.
+ * @return void
+ * @group util
+ */
+JX.onload = function(callback) {
+ // This isn't the real function definition, it's only defined here to let the
+ // documentation generator find it. The actual definition is in init.js.
Index: externals/javelin/src/ext/fx/Color.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/ext/fx/Color.js
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ * @provides javelin-color
+ * @requires javelin-install
+ * @javelin
+ */
+JX.install('Color', {
+ statics: {
+ rgbRegex: new RegExp('([\\d]{1,3})', 'g'),
+ rgbToHex: function(str, as_array) {
+ var rgb = str.match(JX.Color.rgbRegex);
+ var hex = [0, 1, 2].map(function(index) {
+ return ('0' + (rgb[index] - 0).toString(16)).substr(-2, 2);
+ });
+ return as_array ? hex : '#' + hex.join('');
+ },
+ hexRegex: new RegExp('^[#]{0,1}([\\w]{1,2})([\\w]{1,2})([\\w]{1,2})$'),
+ hexToRgb: function(str, as_array) {
+ var hex = str.match(JX.Color.hexRegex);
+ var rgb = hex.slice(1).map(function(bit) {
+ return parseInt(bit.length == 1 ? bit + bit : bit, 16);
+ });
+ return as_array ? rgb : 'rgb(' + rgb + ')';
+ }
+ }
Index: externals/javelin/src/ext/fx/FX.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/ext/fx/FX.js
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+ * @provides javelin-fx
+ * @requires javelin-color javelin-install javelin-util
+ * @javelin
+ *
+ * Based on moo.fx (
+ */
+JX.install('FX', {
+ events: ['start', 'complete'],
+ construct: function(element) {
+ this._config = {};
+ this.setElement(element);
+ this.setTransition(JX.FX.Transitions.sine);
+ },
+ properties: {
+ fps: 50,
+ wait: true,
+ duration: 500,
+ element: null,
+ property: null,
+ transition: null
+ },
+ members: {
+ _to: null,
+ _now: null,
+ _from: null,
+ _start: null,
+ _config: null,
+ _interval: null,
+ start: function(config) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (!config) {
+ throw new Error('What styles do you want to animate?');
+ }
+ if (!this.getElement()) {
+ throw new Error('What element do you want to animate?');
+ }
+ }
+ if (this._interval && this.getWait()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var from = {};
+ var to = {};
+ for (var prop in config) {
+ from[prop] = config[prop][0];
+ to[prop] = config[prop][1];
+ if (/color/i.test(prop)) {
+ from[prop] = JX.Color.hexToRgb(from[prop], true);
+ to[prop] = JX.Color.hexToRgb(to[prop], true);
+ }
+ }
+ this._animate(from, to);
+ return this;
+ },
+ stop: function() {
+ clearInterval(this._interval);
+ this._interval = null;
+ return this;
+ },
+ then: function(func) {
+ var token = this.listen('complete', function() {
+ token.remove();
+ func();
+ });
+ return this;
+ },
+ _animate: function(from, to) {
+ if (!this.getWait()) {
+ this.stop();
+ }
+ if (this._interval) {
+ return;
+ }
+ setTimeout(JX.bind(this, this.invoke, 'start'), 10);
+ this._from = from;
+ this._to = to;
+ this._start =;
+ this._interval = setInterval(
+ JX.bind(this, this._tween),
+ Math.round(1000 / this.getFps()));
+ },
+ _tween: function() {
+ var now =;
+ var prop;
+ if (now < this._start + this.getDuration()) {
+ this._now = now - this._start;
+ for (prop in this._from) {
+ this._config[prop] = this._compute(this._from[prop], this._to[prop]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ setTimeout(JX.bind(this, this.invoke, 'complete'), 10);
+ // Compute the final position using the transition function, in case
+ // the function applies transformations.
+ this._now = this.getDuration();
+ for (prop in this._from) {
+ this._config[prop] = this._compute(this._from[prop], this._to[prop]);
+ }
+ this.stop();
+ }
+ this._render();
+ },
+ _compute: function(from, to) {
+ if (JX.isArray(from)) {
+ return, ii) {
+ return Math.round(this._compute(value, to[ii]));
+ }, this);
+ }
+ var delta = to - from;
+ return this.getTransition()(this._now, from, delta, this.getDuration());
+ },
+ _render: function() {
+ var style = this.getElement().style;
+ for (var prop in this._config) {
+ var value = this._config[prop];
+ if (prop == 'opacity') {
+ value = parseInt(100 * value, 10);
+ if (window.ActiveXObject) {
+ style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + value + ')';
+ } else {
+ style.opacity = value / 100;
+ }
+ } else if (/color/i.test(prop)) {
+ style[prop] = 'rgb(' + value + ')';
+ } else {
+ style[prop] = value + 'px';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ statics: {
+ fade: function(element, visible) {
+ return new JX.FX(element).setDuration(250).start({
+ opacity: visible ? [0, 1] : [1, 0]
+ });
+ },
+ highlight: function(element, color) {
+ color = color || '#fff8dd';
+ return new JX.FX(element).setDuration(1000).start({
+ backgroundColor: [color, '#fff']
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Easing equations based on work by Robert Penner
+ *
+ */
+ Transitions: {
+ linear: function(t, b, c, d) {
+ return c * t / d + b;
+ },
+ sine: function(t, b, c, d) {
+ return -c / 2 * (Math.cos(Math.PI * t / d) - 1) + b;
+ },
+ sineIn: function(t, b, c, d) {
+ if (t == d) {
+ return c + b;
+ }
+ return -c * Math.cos(t / d * (Math.PI / 2)) + c + b;
+ },
+ sineOut: function(t, b, c, d) {
+ if (t == d) {
+ return c + b;
+ }
+ return c * Math.sin(t / d * (Math.PI / 2)) + b;
+ },
+ elastic: function(t, b, c, d, a, p) {
+ if (t === 0) { return b; }
+ if ((t /= d) == 1) { return b + c; }
+ if (!p) { p = d * 0.3; }
+ if (!a) { a = 1; }
+ var s;
+ if (a < Math.abs(c)) {
+ a = c;
+ s = p / 4;
+ } else {
+ s = p / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(c / a);
+ }
+ return a * Math.pow(2, -10 * t) *
+ Math.sin((t * d - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p) + c + b;
+ },
+ bounce: function(t, b, c, d) {
+ if ((t /= d) < (1 / 2.75)) {
+ return c * (7.5625 * t * t) + b;
+ } else if (t < (2 / 2.75)) {
+ return c * (7.5625 * (t -= (1.5 / 2.75)) * t + 0.75) + b;
+ } else if (t < (2.5 / 2.75)) {
+ return c * (7.5625 * (t -= (2.25 / 2.75)) * t + 0.9375) + b;
+ } else {
+ return c * (7.5625 * (t -= (2.625 / 2.75)) * t + 0.984375) + b;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
Index: externals/javelin/src/ext/reactor/core/DynVal.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/ext/reactor/core/DynVal.js
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ * @provides javelin-dynval
+ * @requires javelin-install
+ * javelin-reactornode
+ * javelin-util
+ * javelin-reactor
+ * @javelin
+ */
+JX.install('DynVal', {
+ members : {
+ _lastPulseVal : null,
+ _reactorNode : null,
+ getValueNow : function() {
+ return this._lastPulseVal;
+ },
+ getChanges : function() {
+ return this._reactorNode;
+ },
+ forceValueNow : function(value) {
+ this.getChanges().forceSendValue(value);
+ },
+ transform : function(fn) {
+ return new JX.DynVal(
+ this.getChanges().transform(fn),
+ fn(this.getValueNow())
+ );
+ },
+ calm : function(min_interval) {
+ return new JX.DynVal(
+ this.getChanges().calm(min_interval),
+ this.getValueNow()
+ );
+ }
+ },
+ construct : function(stream, init) {
+ this._lastPulseVal = init;
+ this._reactorNode =
+ new JX.ReactorNode([stream], JX.bind(this, function(pulse) {
+ if (this._lastPulseVal == pulse) {
+ return JX.Reactor.DoNotPropagate;
+ }
+ this._lastPulseVal = pulse;
+ return pulse;
+ }));
+ }
Index: externals/javelin/src/ext/reactor/core/Reactor.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/ext/reactor/core/Reactor.js
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+ * @provides javelin-reactor
+ * @requires javelin-install
+ * javelin-util
+ * @javelin
+ */
+JX.install('Reactor', {
+ statics : {
+ /**
+ * Return this value from a ReactorNode transformer to indicate that
+ * its listeners should not be activated.
+ */
+ DoNotPropagate : {},
+ /**
+ * For internal use by the Reactor system.
+ */
+ propagatePulse : function(start_pulse, start_node) {
+ var reverse_post_order =
+ JX.Reactor._postOrder(start_node).reverse();
+ start_node.primeValue(start_pulse);
+ for (var ix = 0; ix < reverse_post_order.length; ix++) {
+ var node = reverse_post_order[ix];
+ var pulse = node.getNextPulse();
+ if (pulse === JX.Reactor.DoNotPropagate) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ var next_pulse = node.getTransformer()(pulse);
+ var sends_to = node.getListeners();
+ for (var jx = 0; jx < sends_to.length; jx++) {
+ sends_to[jx].primeValue(next_pulse);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * For internal use by the Reactor system.
+ */
+ _postOrder : function(node, result, pending) {
+ if (typeof result === "undefined") {
+ result = [];
+ pending = {};
+ }
+ pending[node.getGraphID()] = true;
+ var nexts = node.getListeners();
+ for (var ix = 0; ix < nexts.length; ix++) {
+ var next = nexts[ix];
+ if (pending[next.getGraphID()]) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ JX.Reactor._postOrder(next, result, pending);
+ }
+ result.push(node);
+ return result;
+ },
+ // Helper for lift.
+ _valueNow : function(fn, dynvals) {
+ var values = [];
+ for (var ix = 0; ix < dynvals.length; ix++) {
+ values.push(dynvals[ix].getValueNow());
+ }
+ return fn.apply(null, values);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Lift a function over normal values to be a function over dynvals.
+ * @param fn A function expecting normal values
+ * @param dynvals Array of DynVals whose instaneous values will be passed
+ * to fn.
+ * @return A DynVal representing the changing value of fn applies to dynvals
+ * over time.
+ */
+ lift : function(fn, dynvals) {
+ var valueNow = JX.bind(null, JX.Reactor._valueNow, fn, dynvals);
+ var streams = [];
+ for (var ix = 0; ix < dynvals.length; ix++) {
+ streams.push(dynvals[ix].getChanges());
+ }
+ var result = new JX['ReactorNode'](streams, valueNow);
+ return new JX['DynVal'](result, valueNow());
+ }
+ }
Index: externals/javelin/src/ext/reactor/core/ReactorNode.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/ext/reactor/core/ReactorNode.js
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+ * @provides javelin-reactornode
+ * @requires javelin-install
+ * javelin-reactor
+ * javelin-util
+ * javelin-reactor-node-calmer
+ * @javelin
+ */
+JX.install('ReactorNode', {
+ members : {
+ _transformer : null,
+ _sendsTo : null,
+ _nextPulse : null,
+ _graphID : null,
+ getGraphID : function() {
+ return this._graphID || this.__id__;
+ },
+ setGraphID : function(id) {
+ this._graphID = id;
+ return this;
+ },
+ setTransformer : function(fn) {
+ this._transformer = fn;
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Set up dest as a listener to this.
+ */
+ listen : function(dest) {
+ this._sendsTo[dest.__id__] = dest;
+ return { remove : JX.bind(null, this._removeListener, dest) };
+ },
+ /**
+ * Helper for listen.
+ */
+ _removeListener : function(dest) {
+ delete this._sendsTo[dest.__id__];
+ },
+ /**
+ * For internal use by the Reactor system
+ */
+ primeValue : function(value) {
+ this._nextPulse = value;
+ },
+ getListeners : function() {
+ var result = [];
+ for (var k in this._sendsTo) {
+ result.push(this._sendsTo[k]);
+ }
+ return result;
+ },
+ /**
+ * For internal use by the Reactor system
+ */
+ getNextPulse : function(pulse) {
+ return this._nextPulse;
+ },
+ getTransformer : function() {
+ return this._transformer;
+ },
+ forceSendValue : function(pulse) {
+ JX.Reactor.propagatePulse(pulse, this);
+ },
+ // fn should return JX.Reactor.DoNotPropagate to indicate a value that
+ // should not be retransmitted.
+ transform : function(fn) {
+ return new JX.ReactorNode([this], fn);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Suppress events to happen at most once per min_interval.
+ * The last event that fires within an interval will fire at the end
+ * of the interval. Events that are sandwiched between other events
+ * within an interval are dropped.
+ */
+ calm : function(min_interval) {
+ var result = new JX.ReactorNode([this],;
+ var transformer = new JX.ReactorNodeCalmer(result, min_interval);
+ result.setTransformer(JX.bind(transformer, transformer.onPulse));
+ return result;
+ }
+ },
+ construct : function(source_streams, transformer) {
+ this._nextPulse = JX.Reactor.DoNotPropagate;
+ this._transformer = transformer;
+ this._sendsTo = {};
+ for (var ix = 0; ix < source_streams.length; ix++) {
+ source_streams[ix].listen(this);
+ }
+ }
Index: externals/javelin/src/ext/reactor/core/ReactorNodeCalmer.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/ext/reactor/core/ReactorNodeCalmer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ * @provides javelin-reactor-node-calmer
+ * @requires javelin-install
+ * javelin-reactor
+ * javelin-util
+ * @javelin
+ */
+JX.install('ReactorNodeCalmer', {
+ properties : {
+ lastTime : 0,
+ timeout : null,
+ minInterval : 0,
+ reactorNode : null,
+ isEnabled : true
+ },
+ construct : function(node, min_interval) {
+ this.setLastTime(-min_interval);
+ this.setMinInterval(min_interval);
+ this.setReactorNode(node);
+ },
+ members: {
+ onPulse : function(pulse) {
+ if (!this.getIsEnabled()) {
+ return pulse;
+ }
+ var current_time =;
+ if (current_time - this.getLastTime() > this.getMinInterval()) {
+ this.setLastTime(current_time);
+ return pulse;
+ } else {
+ clearTimeout(this.getTimeout());
+ this.setTimeout(setTimeout(
+ JX.bind(this, this.send, pulse),
+ this.getLastTime() + this.getMinInterval() - current_time
+ ));
+ return JX.Reactor.DoNotPropagate;
+ }
+ },
+ send : function(pulse) {
+ this.setLastTime(;
+ this.setIsEnabled(false);
+ this.getReactorNode().forceSendValue(pulse);
+ this.setIsEnabled(true);
+ }
+ }
Index: externals/javelin/src/ext/reactor/dom/RDOM.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/ext/reactor/dom/RDOM.js
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+ * Javelin Reactive functions to work with the DOM.
+ * @provides javelin-reactor-dom
+ * @requires javelin-dom
+ * javelin-dynval
+ * javelin-reactornode
+ * javelin-install
+ * javelin-util
+ * @javelin
+ */
+JX.install('RDOM', {
+ statics : {
+ _time : null,
+ /**
+ * DynVal of the current time in milliseconds.
+ */
+ time : function() {
+ if (JX.RDOM._time === null) {
+ var time = new JX.ReactorNode([],;
+ window.setInterval(function() {
+ time.forceSendValue(;
+ }, 100);
+ JX.RDOM._time = new JX.DynVal(time,;
+ }
+ return JX.RDOM._time;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Given a DynVal[String], return a DOM text node whose value tracks it.
+ */
+ $DT : function(dyn_string) {
+ var node = document.createTextNode(dyn_string.getValueNow());
+ dyn_string.transform(function(s) { = s; });
+ return node;
+ },
+ _recvEventPulses : function(node, event) {
+ var reactor_node = new JX.ReactorNode([],;
+ var no_path = null;
+ JX.DOM.listen(
+ node,
+ event,
+ no_path,
+ JX.bind(reactor_node, reactor_node.forceSendValue)
+ );
+ reactor_node.setGraphID(JX.DOM.uniqID(node));
+ return reactor_node;
+ },
+ _recvChangePulses : function(node) {
+ return JX.RDOM._recvEventPulses(node, 'change').transform(function() {
+ return node.value;
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Sets up a bidirectional DynVal for a node.
+ * @param node :: DOM Node
+ * @param inPulsesFn :: DOM Node -> ReactorNode
+ * @param inDynValFn :: DOM Node -> ReactorNode -> DynVal
+ * @param outFn :: ReactorNode -> DOM Node
+ */
+ _bidi : function(node, inPulsesFn, inDynValFn, outFn) {
+ var inPulses = inPulsesFn(node);
+ var inDynVal = inDynValFn(node, inPulses);
+ outFn(inDynVal.getChanges(), node);
+ inDynVal.getChanges().listen(inPulses);
+ return inDynVal;
+ },
+ /**
+ * ReactorNode[String] of the incoming values of a radio group.
+ * @param Array of DOM elements, all the radio buttons in a group.
+ */
+ _recvRadioPulses : function(buttons) {
+ var ins = [];
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < buttons.length; ii++) {
+ ins.push(JX.RDOM._recvChangePulses(buttons[ii]));
+ }
+ return new JX.ReactorNode(ins,;
+ },
+ /**
+ * DynVal[String] of the incoming values of a radio group.
+ * pulses is a ReactorNode[String] of the incoming values of the group
+ */
+ _recvRadio : function(buttons, pulses) {
+ var init = '';
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < buttons.length; ii++) {
+ if (buttons[ii].checked) {
+ init = buttons[ii].value;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return new JX.DynVal(pulses, init);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Send the pulses from the ReactorNode[String] to the radio group.
+ * Sending an invalid value will result in a log message in __DEV__.
+ */
+ _sendRadioPulses : function(rnode, buttons) {
+ return rnode.transform(function(val) {
+ var found;
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ found = false;
+ }
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < buttons.length; ii++) {
+ if (buttons[ii].value == val) {
+ buttons[ii].checked = true;
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ found = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (!found) {
+ throw new Error("Mismatched radio button value");
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Bidirectional DynVal[String] for a radio group.
+ * Sending an invalid value will result in a log message in __DEV__.
+ */
+ radio : function(input) {
+ return JX.RDOM._bidi(
+ input,
+ JX.RDOM._recvRadioPulses,
+ JX.RDOM._recvRadio,
+ JX.RDOM._sendRadioPulses
+ );
+ },
+ /**
+ * ReactorNode[Boolean] of the values of the checkbox when it changes.
+ */
+ _recvCheckboxPulses : function(checkbox) {
+ return JX.RDOM._recvChangePulses(checkbox).transform(function(val) {
+ return Boolean(val);
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * DynVal[Boolean] of the value of a checkbox.
+ */
+ _recvCheckbox : function(checkbox, pulses) {
+ return new JX.DynVal(pulses, Boolean(checkbox.checked));
+ },
+ /**
+ * Send the pulses from the ReactorNode[Boolean] to the checkbox
+ */
+ _sendCheckboxPulses : function(rnode, checkbox) {
+ return rnode.transform(function(val) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (!(val === true || val === false)) {
+ throw new Error("Send boolean values to checkboxes.");
+ }
+ }
+ checkbox.checked = val;
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Bidirectional DynVal[Boolean] for a checkbox.
+ */
+ checkbox : function(input) {
+ return JX.RDOM._bidi(
+ input,
+ JX.RDOM._recvCheckboxPulses,
+ JX.RDOM._recvCheckbox,
+ JX.RDOM._sendCheckboxPulses
+ );
+ },
+ /**
+ * ReactorNode[String] of the changing values of a text input.
+ */
+ _recvInputPulses : function(input) {
+ // This misses advanced changes like paste events.
+ var live_changes = [
+ JX.RDOM._recvChangePulses(input),
+ JX.RDOM._recvEventPulses(input, 'keyup'),
+ JX.RDOM._recvEventPulses(input, 'keypress'),
+ JX.RDOM._recvEventPulses(input, 'keydown')
+ ];
+ return new JX.ReactorNode(live_changes, function() {
+ return input.value;
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * DynVal[String] of the value of a text input.
+ */
+ _recvInput : function(input, pulses) {
+ return new JX.DynVal(pulses, input.value);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Send the pulses from the ReactorNode[String] to the input
+ */
+ _sendInputPulses : function(rnode, input) {
+ var result = rnode.transform(function(val) {
+ input.value = val;
+ });
+ result.setGraphID(JX.DOM.uniqID(input));
+ return result;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Bidirectional DynVal[String] for a text input.
+ */
+ input : function(input) {
+ return JX.RDOM._bidi(
+ input,
+ JX.RDOM._recvInputPulses,
+ JX.RDOM._recvInput,
+ JX.RDOM._sendInputPulses
+ );
+ },
+ /**
+ * ReactorNode[String] of the incoming changes in value of a select element.
+ */
+ _recvSelectPulses : function(select) {
+ return JX.RDOM._recvChangePulses(select);
+ },
+ /**
+ * DynVal[String] of the value of a select element.
+ */
+ _recvSelect : function(select, pulses) {
+ return new JX.DynVal(pulses, select.value);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Send the pulses from the ReactorNode[String] to the select.
+ * Sending an invalid value will result in a log message in __DEV__.
+ */
+ _sendSelectPulses : function(rnode, select) {
+ return rnode.transform(function(val) {
+ select.value = val;
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (select.value !== val) {
+ throw new Error("Mismatched select value");
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Bidirectional DynVal[String] for the value of a select.
+ */
+ select : function(select) {
+ return JX.RDOM._bidi(
+ select,
+ JX.RDOM._recvSelectPulses,
+ JX.RDOM._recvSelect,
+ JX.RDOM._sendSelectPulses
+ );
+ },
+ /**
+ * ReactorNode[undefined] that fires when a button is clicked.
+ */
+ clickPulses : function(button) {
+ return JX.RDOM._recvEventPulses(button, 'click').transform(function() {
+ return null;
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * ReactorNode[Boolean] of whether the mouse is over a target.
+ */
+ _recvIsMouseOverPulses : function(target) {
+ var mouseovers = JX.RDOM._recvEventPulses(target, 'mouseover').transform(
+ function() {
+ return true;
+ });
+ var mouseouts = JX.RDOM._recvEventPulses(target, 'mouseout').transform(
+ function() {
+ return false;
+ });
+ return new JX.ReactorNode([mouseovers, mouseouts],;
+ },
+ /**
+ * DynVal[Boolean] of whether the mouse is over a target.
+ */
+ isMouseOver : function(target) {
+ // Not worth it to initialize this properly.
+ return new JX.DynVal(JX.RDOM._recvIsMouseOverPulses(target), false);
+ },
+ /**
+ * ReactorNode[Boolean] of whether an element has the focus.
+ */
+ _recvHasFocusPulses : function(target) {
+ var focuses = JX.RDOM._recvEventPulses(target, 'focus').transform(
+ function() {
+ return true;
+ });
+ var blurs = JX.RDOM._recvEventPulses(target, 'blur').transform(
+ function() {
+ return false;
+ });
+ return new JX.ReactorNode([focuses, blurs],;
+ },
+ /**
+ * DynVal[Boolean] of whether an element has the focus.
+ */
+ _recvHasFocus : function(target) {
+ var is_focused_now = (target === document.activeElement);
+ return new JX.DynVal(JX.RDOM._recvHasFocusPulses(target), is_focused_now);
+ },
+ _sendHasFocusPulses : function(rnode, target) {
+ rnode.transform(function(should_focus) {
+ if (should_focus) {
+ target.focus();
+ } else {
+ target.blur();
+ }
+ return should_focus;
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Bidirectional DynVal[Boolean] of whether an element has the focus.
+ */
+ hasFocus : function(target) {
+ return JX.RDOM._bidi(
+ target,
+ JX.RDOM._recvHasFocusPulses,
+ JX.RDOM._recvHasFocus,
+ JX.RDOM._sendHasFocusPulses
+ );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Send a CSS class from a DynVal to a node
+ */
+ sendClass : function(dynval, node, className) {
+ return dynval.transform(function(add) {
+ JX.DOM.alterClass(node, className, add);
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Dynamically attach a set of DynVals to a DOM node's properties as
+ * specified by props.
+ * props: {left: someDynVal, style: {backgroundColor: someOtherDynVal}}
+ */
+ sendProps : function(node, props) {
+ var dynvals = [];
+ var keys = [];
+ var style_keys = [];
+ for (var key in props) {
+ keys.push(key);
+ if (key === 'style') {
+ for (var style_key in props[key]) {
+ style_keys.push(style_key);
+ dynvals.push(props[key][style_key]);
+[style_key] = props[key][style_key].getValueNow();
+ }
+ } else {
+ dynvals.push(props[key]);
+ node[key] = props[key].getValueNow();
+ }
+ }
+ return JX.Reactor.lift(JX.bind(null, function(keys, style_keys, node) {
+ var args = JX.$A(arguments).slice(3);
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < args.length; ii++) {
+ if (keys[ii] === 'style') {
+ for (var jj = 0; jj < style_keys.length; jj++) {
+[style_keys[jj]] = args[ii];
+ ii++;
+ }
+ ii--;
+ } else {
+ node[keys[ii]] = args[ii];
+ }
+ }
+ }, keys, style_keys, node), dynvals);
+ }
+ }
Index: externals/javelin/src/ext/view/HTMLView.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/ext/view/HTMLView.js
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+ * Dumb HTML views. Mostly to demonstrate how the visitor pattern over these
+ * views works, as driven by validation. I'm not convinced it's actually a good
+ * idea to do validation.
+ *
+ * @provides javelin-view-html
+ * @requires javelin-install
+ * javelin-view
+ */
+JX.install('HTMLView', {
+ extend: 'View',
+ members : {
+ render: function(rendered_children) {
+ return JX.$N(this.getName(), this.getAllAttributes(), rendered_children);
+ },
+ validate: function() {
+ this.accept(JX.HTMLView.getValidatingVisitor());
+ }
+ },
+ statics: {
+ getValidatingVisitor: function() {
+ return new JX.ViewVisitor(JX.HTMLView.validate);
+ },
+ validate: function(view, children) {
+ var spec = this._getHTMLSpec();
+ if (!view.getName() in spec) {
+ throw new Error("invalid tag");
+ }
+ var tag_spec = spec[view.getName()];
+ var attrs = view.getAllAttributes();
+ for (var attr in attrs) {
+ if (!(attr in tag_spec)) {
+ throw new Error("invalid attr");
+ }
+ var validator = tag_spec[attr];
+ if (typeof validator === "function") {
+ return validator(attrs[attr]);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ _validateRel: function(target) {
+ return target in {
+ "_blank": 1,
+ "_self": 1,
+ "_parent": 1,
+ "_top": 1
+ };
+ },
+ _getHTMLSpec: function() {
+ var attrs_any_can_have = {
+ className: 1,
+ id: 1,
+ sigil: 1
+ };
+ var form_elem_attrs = {
+ name: 1,
+ value: 1
+ };
+ var spec = {
+ a: { href: 1, target: JX.HTMLView._validateRel },
+ b: {},
+ blockquote: {},
+ br: {},
+ button: JX.copy({}, form_elem_attrs),
+ canvas: {},
+ code: {},
+ dd: {},
+ div: {},
+ dl: {},
+ dt: {},
+ em: {},
+ embed: {},
+ fieldset: {},
+ form: { type: 1 },
+ h1: {},
+ h2: {},
+ h3: {},
+ h4: {},
+ h5: {},
+ h6: {},
+ hr: {},
+ i: {},
+ iframe: { src: 1 },
+ img: { src: 1, alt: 1 },
+ input: JX.copy({}, form_elem_attrs),
+ label: {'for': 1},
+ li: {},
+ ol: {},
+ optgroup: {},
+ option: JX.copy({}, form_elem_attrs),
+ p: {},
+ pre: {},
+ q: {},
+ select: {},
+ span: {},
+ strong: {},
+ sub: {},
+ sup: {},
+ table: {},
+ tbody: {},
+ td: {},
+ textarea: {},
+ tfoot: {},
+ th: {},
+ thead: {},
+ tr: {},
+ ul: {}
+ };
+ for (var k in spec) {
+ JX.copy(spec[k], attrs_any_can_have);
+ }
+ return spec;
+ },
+ registerToInterpreter: function(view_interpreter) {
+ var spec = this._getHTMLSpec();
+ for (var tag in spec) {
+ view_interpreter.register(tag, JX.HTMLView);
+ }
+ return view_interpreter;
+ }
+ }
Index: externals/javelin/src/ext/view/View.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/ext/view/View.js
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+ * A View is a composable wrapper on JX.$N, allowing abstraction of higher-order
+ * views and a consistent pattern of parameterization. It is intended
+ * to be used either directly or as a building block for a syntactic sugar layer
+ * for concise expression of markup patterns.
+ *
+ * @provides javelin-view
+ * @requires javelin-install
+ * javelin-util
+ */
+JX.install('View', {
+ construct : function(attrs, children) {
+ this._attributes = JX.copy({}, this.getDefaultAttributeValues());
+ JX.copy(this._attributes, attrs);
+ this._rawChildren = {};
+ this._childKeys = [];
+ if (children) {
+ this.addChildren(JX.$AX(children));
+ }
+ this.setName(this.__class__.__readable__);
+ },
+ events: [
+ 'change'
+ ],
+ properties: {
+ 'name': null
+ },
+ members : {
+ _attributes : null,
+ _rawChildren : null,
+ _childKeys: null, // keys of rawChildren, kept ordered.
+ _nextChildKey: 0, // next key to use for a new child
+ /*
+ * Don't override.
+ * TODO: Strongly typed attribute access (getIntAttr, getStringAttr...)?
+ */
+ getAttr : function(attrName) {
+ return this._attributes[attrName];
+ },
+ /*
+ * Don't override.
+ */
+ multisetAttr : function(attrs) {
+ JX.copy(this._attributes, attrs);
+ this.invoke('change');
+ return this;
+ },
+ /*
+ * Don't override.
+ */
+ setAttr : function(attrName, value) {
+ this._attributes[attrName] = value;
+ this.invoke('change');
+ return this;
+ },
+ /*
+ * Child views can override to specify default values for attributes.
+ */
+ getDefaultAttributeValues : function() {
+ return {};
+ },
+ /**
+ * Don't override.
+ */
+ getAllAttributes: function() {
+ return JX.copy({}, this._attributes);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get the children. Don't override.
+ */
+ getChildren : function() {
+ var result = [];
+ var should_repack = false;
+ for(var ii = 0; ii < this._childKeys.length; ii++) {
+ var key = this._childKeys[ii];
+ if (this._rawChildren[key] === undefined) {
+ should_repack = true;
+ } else {
+ result.push(this._rawChildren[key]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (should_repack) {
+ var new_child_keys = [];
+ for(var ii = 0; ii < this._childKeys.length; ii++) {
+ var key = this._childKeys[ii];
+ if (this._rawChildren[key] !== undefined) {
+ new_child_keys.push(key);
+ }
+ }
+ this._childKeys = new_child_keys;
+ }
+ return result;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Add children to the view. Returns array of removal handles.
+ * Don't override.
+ */
+ addChildren : function(children) {
+ var result = [];
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < children.length; ii++) {
+ result.push(this._addChild(children[ii]));
+ }
+ this.invoke('change');
+ return result;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Add a single child view to the view.
+ * Returns a removal handle, i.e. an object that has a method remove(),
+ * that removes the added child from the view.
+ *
+ * Don't override.
+ */
+ addChild: function(child) {
+ var result = this._addChild(child);
+ this.invoke('change');
+ return result;
+ },
+ _addChild: function(child) {
+ var key = this._nextChildKey++;
+ this._rawChildren[key] = child;
+ this._childKeys.push(key);
+ return {
+ remove: JX.bind(this, this._removeChild, key)
+ };
+ },
+ _removeChild: function(child_key) {
+ delete this._rawChildren[child_key];
+ this.invoke('change');
+ },
+ /**
+ * Accept visitors. This allows adding new behaviors to Views without
+ * having to change View classes themselves.
+ *
+ * This implements a post-order traversal over the tree of views. Children
+ * are processed before parents, and for convenience the results of the
+ * visitor on the children are passed to it when processing the parent.
+ *
+ * The visitor parameter is a callable which receives two parameters.
+ * The first parameter is the view to visit. The second parameter is an
+ * array of the results of visiting the view's children.
+ *
+ * Don't override.
+ */
+ accept: function(visitor) {
+ var results = [];
+ var children = this.getChildren();
+ for(var ii = 0; ii < children.length; ii++) {
+ var result;
+ if (children[ii].accept) {
+ result = children[ii].accept(visitor);
+ } else {
+ result = children[ii];
+ }
+ results.push(result);
+ }
+ return visitor(this, results);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Given the already-rendered children, return the rendered result of
+ * this view.
+ * By default, just pass the children through.
+ */
+ render: function(rendered_children) {
+ return rendered_children;
+ }
+ }
Index: externals/javelin/src/ext/view/ViewInterpreter.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/ext/view/ViewInterpreter.js
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ * Experimental interpreter for nice views.
+ * This is CoffeeScript:
+ *
+ * d = declare
+ * selectable: false
+ * boxOrientation: Orientation.HORIZONTAL
+ * additionalClasses: ['some-css-class']
+ * MultiAvatar ref: 'avatars'
+ * div
+ * flex: 1
+ * div(
+ * span className: 'some-css-class', ref: 'actorTargetLine'
+ * span className: 'message-css', ref: 'message'
+ * )
+ *
+ * div
+ * boxOrientation: Orientation.HORIZONTAL
+ * className: 'attachment-css-class'
+ * div
+ * className: 'attachment-image-css-class'
+ * ref: 'attachmentImageContainer'
+ * boxOrientation: Orientation.HORIZONTAL
+ * div className: 'inline attachment-text', ref: 'attachmentText',
+ * div
+ * className: 'attachment-title'
+ * ref: 'attachmentTitle'
+ * flex: 1
+ * div
+ * className: 'attachment-subtitle'
+ * ref: 'attachmentSubtitle'
+ * flex: 1
+ * div className: 'clear'
+ * MiniUfi ref: 'miniUfi'
+ * FeedbackFlyout ref: 'feedbackFlyout'
+ *
+ * It renders to nested function calls of the form:
+ * view({....options...}, child1, child2, ...);
+ *
+ * This view interpreter is meant to make it work.
+ *
+ * @provides javelin-view-interpreter
+ * @requires javelin-view
+ * javelin-install
+ *
+ */
+JX.install('ViewInterpreter', {
+ members : {
+ register : function(name, view_cls) {
+ this[name] = function(/* [properties, ]children... */) {
+ var properties = arguments[0] || {};
+ var children =, 1);
+ // Passing properties is optional
+ if (properties instanceof JX.View ||
+ properties instanceof JX.HTML ||
+ properties.nodeType ||
+ typeof properties === "string") {
+ children.unshift(properties);
+ properties = {};
+ }
+ var result = new view_cls(properties).setName(name);
+ result.addChildren(children);
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ }
Index: externals/javelin/src/ext/view/ViewPlaceholder.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/ext/view/ViewPlaceholder.js
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+ * Initialize a client-side view from the server. The main idea here is to
+ * give server-side views a way to integrate with client-side views.
+ *
+ * The idea is that a client-side view will have an accompanying
+ * thin server-side component. The server-side component renders a placeholder
+ * element in the document, and then it will invoke this behavior to initialize
+ * the view into the placeholder.
+ *
+ * Because server-side views may be nested, we need to add complexity to
+ * handle nesting properly.
+ *
+ * Assuming a server-side view design that looks like hierarchical views,
+ * we have to handle structures like
+ *
+ * <server:component>
+ * <client:component id="1">
+ * <server:component>
+ * <client:component id="2">
+ * </client:component>
+ * </server:component>
+ * </client:component>
+ * </server:component>
+ *
+ * This leads to a problem: Client component 1 needs to initialize the behavior
+ * with its children, which includes client component 2. So client component
+ * 2 must be rendered first. When client component 2 is rendered, it will also
+ * initialize a copy of this behavior. If behaviors are run in the order they
+ * are initialized, the child component will run before the parent, and its
+ * placeholder won't exist yet.
+ *
+ * To solve this problem, placeholder behaviors are initialized with the token
+ * of a containing view that must be rendered first (if any) and a token
+ * representing it for its own children to depend on. This means the server code
+ * is free to call initBehavior in any order.
+ *
+ * In Phabricator, AphrontJavelinView demonstrates how to handle this correctly.
+ *
+ * config: {
+ * id: Node id to replace.
+ * view: class of view, without the 'JX.' prefix.
+ * params: view parameters
+ * children: messy and loud, cute when drunk
+ * trigger_id: id of containing view that must be rendered first
+ * }
+ *
+ * @provides javelin-behavior-view-placeholder
+ * @requires javelin-behavior
+ * javelin-dom
+ * javelin-view-renderer
+ */
+JX.behavior('view-placeholder', function(config, statics) {
+ JX.ViewPlaceholder.register(config.trigger_id,, function() {
+ var replace = JX.$(;
+ var children = config.children;
+ if (typeof children === "string") {
+ children = JX.$H(children);
+ }
+ var view = new JX[config.view](config.params, children);
+ var rendered = JX.ViewRenderer.render(view);
+ JX.DOM.replace(replace, rendered);
+ });
+JX.install('ViewPlaceholder', {
+ statics: {
+ register: function(wait_on_token, token, cb) {
+ var ready_q = [];
+ if (!wait_on_token || wait_on_token in JX.ViewPlaceholder.ready) {
+ ready_q.push({token: token, cb: cb});
+ } else {
+ var waiting = JX.ViewPlaceholder.waiting;
+ waiting[wait_on_token] = waiting[wait_on_token] || [];
+ waiting[wait_on_token].push({token: token, cb: cb});
+ }
+ while(ready_q.length) {
+ var ready = ready_q.shift();
+ var waiting = JX.ViewPlaceholder.waiting[ready.token];
+ if (waiting) {
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < waiting.length; ii++) {
+ ready_q.push(waiting[ii]);
+ }
+ delete JX.ViewPlaceholder.waiting[ready.token];
+ }
+ ready.cb();
+ JX.ViewPlaceholder.ready[token] = true;
+ }
+ },
+ ready: {},
+ waiting: {}
+ }
Index: externals/javelin/src/ext/view/ViewRenderer.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/ext/view/ViewRenderer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ * @provides javelin-view-renderer
+ * @requires javelin-install
+ */
+JX.install('ViewRenderer', {
+ members: {
+ visit: function(view, children) {
+ return view.render(children);
+ }
+ },
+ statics: {
+ render: function(view) {
+ var renderer = new JX.ViewRenderer();
+ return view.accept(JX.bind(renderer, renderer.visit));
+ }
+ }
Index: externals/javelin/src/ext/view/ViewVisitor.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/ext/view/ViewVisitor.js
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * @provides javelin-view-visitor
+ * @requires javelin-install
+ * javelin-util
+ *
+ * Add new behaviors to views without changing the view classes themselves.
+ *
+ * Allows you to register specific visitor functions for certain view classes.
+ * If no visitor is registered for a view class, the default_visitor is used.
+ * If no default_visitor is invoked, a no-op visitor is used.
+ *
+ * Registered visitors should be functions with signature
+ * function(view, results_of_visiting_children) {}
+ * Children are visited before their containing parents, and the return values
+ * of the visitor on the children are passed to the parent.
+ *
+ */
+JX.install('ViewVisitor', {
+ construct: function(default_visitor) {
+ this._visitors = {};
+ this._default = default_visitor || JX.bag;
+ },
+ members: {
+ _visitors: null,
+ _default: null,
+ register: function(cls, visitor) {
+ this._visitors[cls] = visitor;
+ },
+ visit: function(view, children) {
+ var visitor = this._visitors[cls] || this._default;
+ return visitor(view, children);
+ }
+ }
Index: externals/javelin/src/ext/view/__tests__/HTMLView.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/ext/view/__tests__/HTMLView.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ * @requires javelin-view-html
+ * javelin-view-interpreter
+ */
+describe('JX.HTMLView', function() {
+ var html = new JX.ViewInterpreter();
+ JX.HTMLView.registerToInterpreter(html);
+ it('should fail validation for a little view', function() {
+ var little_view =
+ html.div({className: 'pretty'},
+ html.p({},
+ html.span({sigil: 'hook', invalid: 'foo'},
+ 'Check out ',
+ html.a({href: '', target: '_blank' }, 'Facebook'))));
+ expect(function() {
+ little_view.validate();
+ }).toThrow();
+ });
Index: externals/javelin/src/ext/view/__tests__/View.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/ext/view/__tests__/View.js
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ * @requires javelin-view
+ * javelin-util
+ */
+describe('JX.View', function() {
+ JX.install('TestView', {
+ extend : 'View',
+ construct : function(name, attrs, children) {
+, attrs, children);
+ this.setName(name);
+ },
+ members : {
+ getDefaultAttributeValues : function() {
+ return {id: 'test'};
+ },
+ render : function(rendered_children) {
+ return JX.$N(
+ 'span',
+ {id : this.getAttr('id')},
+ [this.getName()].concat(rendered_children)
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ it('should by default render children that are passed in', function() {
+ var t = new JX.TestView(
+ '',
+ {},
+ [new JX.TestView('Hey', {id: "child"}, [])]
+ );
+ var result = JX.ViewRenderer.render(t);
+ expect(JX.DOM.scry(result, 'span').length).toBe(1);
+ });
+ it('should fail sanely with a bad getAttr call', function() {
+ expect(new JX.TestView('', {}, []).getAttr('foo')).toBeUndefined();
+ });
+ it('should allow attribute setting with multiset', function() {
+ var test_val = 'something else';
+ expect(new JX.TestView('', {}, []).multisetAttr({
+ id: 'some_id',
+ other: test_val
+ }).getAttr('other')).toBe(test_val);
+ });
+ it('should allow attribute setting with setAttr', function() {
+ var test_val = 'something else';
+ expect(new JX.TestView('', {}, [])
+ .setAttr('other', test_val)
+ .getAttr('other')).toBe(test_val);
+ });
+ it('should set default attributes per getDefaultAttributeValues', function() {
+ // Also the test for getAttr
+ expect(new JX.TestView('', {}, []).getAttr('id')).toBe('test');
+ });
Index: externals/javelin/src/ext/view/__tests__/ViewInterpreter.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/ext/view/__tests__/ViewInterpreter.js
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ * @requires javelin-view
+ * javelin-view-interpreter
+ * javelin-view-html
+ * javelin-util
+ */
+describe('JX.ViewInterpreter', function() {
+ var html = new JX.ViewInterpreter();
+ JX.HTMLView.registerToInterpreter(html);
+ it('should allow purty syntax to make a view', function() {
+ var little_view =
+ html.div({},
+ html.p({className: 'pretty'},
+ html.span({sigil: 'hook'},
+ 'Check out ',
+ html.a({href: '', rel: '_blank' }, 'Facebook'))));
+ var rendered = JX.ViewRenderer.render(little_view);
+ expect(rendered.tagName).toBe('DIV');
+ expect(JX.DOM.scry(rendered, 'span', 'hook').length).toBe(1);
+ });
+ it('should handle no-attr case', function() {
+ /* Coffeescript:
+ * div(
+ * span className: 'some-css-class', ref: 'actorTargetLine'
+ * span className: 'message-css', ref: 'message'
+ * )
+ *
+ * = javascript:
+ * div(span({
+ * className: 'some-css-class',
+ * ref: 'actorTargetLine'
+ * }), span({
+ * className: 'message-css',
+ * ref: 'message'
+ * }));
+ */
+ var little_view = html.div(html.span({sigil: 'hook'}));
+ var rendered = JX.ViewRenderer.render(little_view);
+ expect(JX.DOM.scry(rendered, 'span', 'hook').length).toBe(1);
+ });
Index: externals/javelin/src/ext/view/__tests__/ViewRenderer.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/ext/view/__tests__/ViewRenderer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ * @requires javelin-view-renderer
+ * javelin-view
+ */
+describe('JX.ViewRenderer', function() {
+ it('should render children then parent', function() {
+ var child_rendered = false;
+ var child_rendered_first = false;
+ var child = new JX.View({});
+ var parent = new JX.View({});
+ parent.addChild(child);
+ child.render = function(_) {
+ child_rendered = true;
+ }
+ parent.render = function(rendered_children) {
+ child_rendered_first = child_rendered;
+ }
+ JX.ViewRenderer.render(parent);
+ expect(child_rendered_first).toBe(true);
+ });
Index: externals/javelin/src/lib/Cookie.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/lib/Cookie.js
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ * @provides javelin-cookie
+ * @requires javelin-install
+ * javelin-util
+ * @javelin
+ */
+ * API/Wrapper for document cookie access and manipulation based heavily on the
+ * MooTools Cookie.js
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Thx again, Moo.
+ */
+JX.install('Cookie', {
+ /**
+ * Setting cookies involves setting up a cookie object which is eventually
+ * written.
+ *
+ * var prefs = new JX.Cookie('prefs');
+ * prefs.setDaysToLive(5);
+ * prefs.setValue('1,0,10,1350');
+ * prefs.setSecure();
+ * prefs.write();
+ *
+ * Retrieving a cookie from the browser requires only a read() call on the
+ * cookie object. However, because cookies have such a complex API you may
+ * not be able to get your value this way if a path or domain was set when the
+ * cookie was written. Good luck with that.
+ *
+ * var prefs_string = new JX.Cookie('prefs').read();
+ *
+ * There is no real API in HTTP for deleting a cookie aside from setting the
+ * cookie to expire immediately. This dispose method will null out the value
+ * and expire the cookie as well.
+ *
+ * new JX.Cookie('prefs').dispose();
+ */
+ construct : function(key) {
+ if (__DEV__ &&
+ (!key.length ||
+ key.match(/^(?:expires|domain|path|secure)$/i) ||
+ key.match(/[\s,;]/) ||
+ key.indexOf('$') === 0)) {
+ JX.$E('JX.Cookie(): Invalid cookie name. "' + key + '" provided.');
+ }
+ this.setKey(key);
+ this.setTarget(document);
+ },
+ properties : {
+ key : null,
+ value : null,
+ domain : null,
+ path : null,
+ daysToLive : 0,
+ secure : true,
+ target : null
+ },
+ members : {
+ write : function() {
+ this.setValue(encodeURIComponent(this.getValue()));
+ var cookie_bits = [];
+ cookie_bits.push(this.getValue());
+ if (this.getDomain()) {
+ cookie_bits.push('Domain=' + this.getDomain());
+ }
+ if (this.getPath()) {
+ cookie_bits.push('Path=' + this.getPath());
+ }
+ var exp = new Date( + this.getDaysToLive() * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
+ cookie_bits.push('Expires=' + exp.toGMTString());
+ if (this.getSecure()) {
+ cookie_bits.push('Secure');
+ }
+ cookie_str = cookie_bits.join('; ') + ';';
+ var cookie_str = this.getKey() + '=' + cookie_str;
+ this.getTarget().cookie = cookie_str;
+ },
+ read : function() {
+ var key = this.getKey().replace(/([-.*+?^${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1');
+ var val = this.getTarget().cookie.match('(?:^|;)\\s*' + key + '=([^;]*)');
+ return (val) ? decodeURIComponent(val[1]) : null;
+ },
+ dispose : function() {
+ this.setValue(null);
+ this.setDaysToLive(-1);
+ this.write();
+ }
+ }
Index: externals/javelin/src/lib/DOM.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/lib/DOM.js
@@ -0,0 +1,883 @@
+ * @requires javelin-magical-init
+ * javelin-install
+ * javelin-util
+ * javelin-vector
+ * javelin-stratcom
+ * @provides javelin-dom
+ *
+ * @javelin-installs JX.$
+ * @javelin-installs JX.$N
+ * @javelin-installs JX.$H
+ *
+ * @javelin
+ */
+ * Select an element by its "id" attribute, like ##document.getElementById()##.
+ * For example:
+ *
+ * var node = JX.$('some_id');
+ *
+ * This will select the node with the specified "id" attribute:
+ *
+ * <div id="some_id">...</div>
+ *
+ * If the specified node does not exist, @{JX.$()} will throw an exception.
+ *
+ * For other ways to select nodes from the document, see @{JX.DOM.scry()} and
+ * @{JX.DOM.find()}.
+ *
+ * @param string "id" attribute to select from the document.
+ * @return Node Node with the specified "id" attribute.
+ *
+ * @group dom
+ */
+JX.$ = function(id) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (!id) {
+ JX.$E('Empty ID passed to JX.$()!');
+ }
+ }
+ var node = document.getElementById(id);
+ if (!node || ( != id)) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (node && ( != id)) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.$("'+id+'"): '+
+ 'document.getElementById() returned an element without the '+
+ 'correct ID. This usually means that the element you are trying '+
+ 'to select is being masked by a form with the same value in its '+
+ '"name" attribute.');
+ }
+ }
+ JX.$E("JX.$('" + id + "') call matched no nodes.");
+ }
+ return node;
+ * Upcast a string into an HTML object so it is treated as markup instead of
+ * plain text. See @{JX.$N} for discussion of Javelin's security model. Every
+ * time you call this function you potentially open up a security hole. Avoid
+ * its use wherever possible.
+ *
+ * This class intentionally supports only a subset of HTML because many browsers
+ * named "Internet Explorer" have awkward restrictions around what they'll
+ * accept for conversion to document fragments. Alter your datasource to emit
+ * valid HTML within this subset if you run into an unsupported edge case. All
+ * the edge cases are crazy and you should always be reasonably able to emit
+ * a cohesive tag instead of an unappendable fragment.
+ *
+ * You may use @{JX.$H} as a shortcut for creating new JX.HTML instances:
+ *
+ * JX.$N('div', {}, some_html_blob); // Treat as string (safe)
+ * JX.$N('div', {}, JX.$H(some_html_blob)); // Treat as HTML (unsafe!)
+ *
+ * @task build String into HTML
+ * @task nodes HTML into Nodes
+ *
+ * @group dom
+ */
+JX.install('HTML', {
+ construct : function(str) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ var tags = ['legend', 'thead', 'tbody', 'tfoot', 'column', 'colgroup',
+ 'caption', 'tr', 'th', 'td', 'option'];
+ var evil_stuff = new RegExp('^\\s*<(' + tags.join('|') + ')\\b', 'i');
+ var match = null;
+ if (match = str.match(evil_stuff)) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'new JX.HTML("<' + match[1] + '>..."): ' +
+ 'call initializes an HTML object with an invalid partial fragment ' +
+ 'and can not be converted into DOM nodes. The enclosing tag of an ' +
+ 'HTML content string must be appendable to a document fragment. ' +
+ 'For example, <table> is allowed but <tr> or <tfoot> are not.');
+ }
+ var really_evil = /<script\b/;
+ if (str.match(really_evil)) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'new JX.HTML("...<script>..."): ' +
+ 'call initializes an HTML object with an embedded script tag! ' +
+ 'Are you crazy?! Do NOT do this!!!');
+ }
+ var wont_work = /<object\b/;
+ if (str.match(wont_work)) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'new JX.HTML("...<object>..."): ' +
+ 'call initializes an HTML object with an embedded <object> tag. IE ' +
+ 'will not do the right thing with this.');
+ }
+ // TODO(epriestley): May need to deny <option> more broadly, see
+ // and the whole mess in the
+ // heavy stack. But I seem to have gotten away without cloning into the
+ // documentFragment below, so this may be a nonissue.
+ }
+ this._content = str;
+ },
+ members : {
+ _content : null,
+ /**
+ * Convert the raw HTML string into a DOM node tree.
+ *
+ * @task nodes
+ * @return DocumentFragment A document fragment which contains the nodes
+ * corresponding to the HTML string you provided.
+ */
+ getFragment : function() {
+ var wrapper = JX.$N('div');
+ wrapper.innerHTML = this._content;
+ var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
+ while (wrapper.firstChild) {
+ // TODO(epriestley): Do we need to do a bunch of cloning junk here?
+ // See heavy stack. I'm disconnecting the nodes instead; this seems
+ // to work but maybe my test case just isn't extensive enough.
+ fragment.appendChild(wrapper.removeChild(wrapper.firstChild));
+ }
+ return fragment;
+ }
+ }
+ * Build a new HTML object from a trustworthy string. JX.$H is a shortcut for
+ * creating new JX.HTML instances.
+ *
+ * @task build
+ * @param string A string which you want to be treated as HTML, because you
+ * know it is from a trusted source and any data in it has been
+ * properly escaped.
+ * @return JX.HTML HTML object, suitable for use with @{JX.$N}.
+ *
+ * @group dom
+ */
+JX.$H = function(str) {
+ return new JX.HTML(str);
+ * Create a new DOM node with attributes and content.
+ *
+ * var link = JX.$N('a');
+ *
+ * This creates a new, empty anchor tag without any attributes. The equivalent
+ * markup would be:
+ *
+ * <a />
+ *
+ * You can also specify attributes by passing a dictionary:
+ *
+ * JX.$N('a', {name: 'anchor'});
+ *
+ * This is equivalent to:
+ *
+ * <a name="anchor" />
+ *
+ * Additionally, you can specify content:
+ *
+ * JX.$N(
+ * 'a',
+ * {href: ''},
+ * 'Visit the Javelin Homepage');
+ *
+ * This is equivalent to:
+ *
+ * <a href="">Visit the Javelin Homepage</a>
+ *
+ * If you only want to specify content, you can omit the attribute parameter.
+ * That is, these calls are equivalent:
+ *
+ * JX.$N('div', {}, 'Lorem ipsum...'); // No attributes.
+ * JX.$N('div', 'Lorem ipsum...') // Same as above.
+ *
+ * Both are equivalent to:
+ *
+ * <div>Lorem ipsum...</div>
+ *
+ * Note that the content is treated as plain text, not HTML. This means it is
+ * safe to use untrusted strings:
+ *
+ * JX.$N('div', '<script src="" />');
+ *
+ * This is equivalent to:
+ *
+ * <div>&lt;script src="" /&gt;</div>
+ *
+ * That is, the content will be properly escaped and will not create a
+ * vulnerability. If you want to set HTML content, you can use @{JX.HTML}:
+ *
+ * JX.$N('div', JX.$H(some_html));
+ *
+ * **This is potentially unsafe**, so make sure you understand what you're
+ * doing. You should usually avoid passing HTML around in string form. See
+ * @{JX.HTML} for discussion.
+ *
+ * You can create new nodes with a Javelin sigil (and, optionally, metadata) by
+ * providing "sigil" and "meta" keys in the attribute dictionary.
+ *
+ * @param string Tag name, like 'a' or 'div'.
+ * @param dict|string|@{JX.HTML}? Property dictionary, or content if you don't
+ * want to specify any properties.
+ * @param string|@{JX.HTML}? Content string (interpreted as plain text)
+ * or @{JX.HTML} object (interpreted as HTML,
+ * which may be dangerous).
+ * @return Node New node with whatever attributes and
+ * content were specified.
+ *
+ * @group dom
+ */
+JX.$N = function(tag, attr, content) {
+ if (typeof content == 'undefined' &&
+ (typeof attr != 'object' || attr instanceof JX.HTML)) {
+ content = attr;
+ attr = {};
+ }
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (tag.toLowerCase() != tag) {
+ JX.$E(
+ '$N("'+tag+'", ...): '+
+ 'tag name must be in lower case; '+
+ 'use "'+tag.toLowerCase()+'", not "'+tag+'".');
+ }
+ }
+ var node = document.createElement(tag);
+ if ( {
+ JX.copy(,;
+ delete;
+ }
+ if (attr.sigil) {
+ JX.Stratcom.addSigil(node, attr.sigil);
+ delete attr.sigil;
+ }
+ if (attr.meta) {
+ JX.Stratcom.addData(node, attr.meta);
+ delete attr.meta;
+ }
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (('metadata' in attr) || ('data' in attr)) {
+ JX.$E(
+ '$N(' + tag + ', ...): ' +
+ 'use the key "meta" to specify metadata, not "data" or "metadata".');
+ }
+ }
+ JX.copy(node, attr);
+ if (content) {
+ JX.DOM.setContent(node, content);
+ }
+ return node;
+ * Query and update the DOM. Everything here is static, this is essentially
+ * a collection of common utility functions.
+ *
+ * @task stratcom Attaching Event Listeners
+ * @task content Changing DOM Content
+ * @task nodes Updating Nodes
+ * @task serialize Serializing Forms
+ * @task test Testing DOM Properties
+ * @task convenience Convenience Methods
+ * @task query Finding Nodes in the DOM
+ * @task view Changing View State
+ *
+ * @group dom
+ */
+JX.install('DOM', {
+ statics : {
+ _autoid : 0,
+ _uniqid : 0,
+ _metrics : {},
+/* -( Changing DOM Content )----------------------------------------------- */
+ /**
+ * Set the content of some node. This uses the same content semantics as
+ * other Javelin content methods, see @{function:JX.$N} for a detailed
+ * explanation. Previous content will be replaced: you can also
+ * @{method:prependContent} or @{method:appendContent}.
+ *
+ * @param Node Node to set content of.
+ * @param mixed Content to set.
+ * @return void
+ * @task content
+ */
+ setContent : function(node, content) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (!JX.DOM.isNode(node)) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.DOM.setContent(<yuck>, ...): '+
+ 'first argument must be a DOM node.');
+ }
+ }
+ while (node.firstChild) {
+ JX.DOM.remove(node.firstChild);
+ }
+ JX.DOM.appendContent(node, content);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Prepend content to some node. This method uses the same content semantics
+ * as other Javelin methods, see @{function:JX.$N} for an explanation. You
+ * can also @{method:setContent} or @{method:appendContent}.
+ *
+ * @param Node Node to prepend content to.
+ * @param mixed Content to prepend.
+ * @return void
+ * @task content
+ */
+ prependContent : function(node, content) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (!JX.DOM.isNode(node)) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.DOM.prependContent(<junk>, ...): '+
+ 'first argument must be a DOM node.');
+ }
+ }
+ this._insertContent(node, content, this._mechanismPrepend, true);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Append content to some node. This method uses the same content semantics
+ * as other Javelin methods, see @{function:JX.$N} for an explanation. You
+ * can also @{method:setContent} or @{method:prependContent}.
+ *
+ * @param Node Node to append the content of.
+ * @param mixed Content to append.
+ * @return void
+ * @task content
+ */
+ appendContent : function(node, content) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (!JX.DOM.isNode(node)) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.DOM.appendContent(<bleh>, ...): '+
+ 'first argument must be a DOM node.');
+ }
+ }
+ this._insertContent(node, content, this._mechanismAppend);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Internal, add content to a node by prepending.
+ *
+ * @param Node Node to prepend content to.
+ * @param Node Node to prepend.
+ * @return void
+ * @task content
+ */
+ _mechanismPrepend : function(node, content) {
+ node.insertBefore(content, node.firstChild);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Internal, add content to a node by appending.
+ *
+ * @param Node Node to append content to.
+ * @param Node Node to append.
+ * @task content
+ */
+ _mechanismAppend : function(node, content) {
+ node.appendChild(content);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Internal, add content to a node using some specified mechanism.
+ *
+ * @param Node Node to add content to.
+ * @param mixed Content to add.
+ * @param function Callback for actually adding the nodes.
+ * @param bool True if array elements should be passed to the mechanism
+ * in reverse order, i.e. the mechanism prepends nodes.
+ * @return void
+ * @task content
+ */
+ _insertContent : function(parent, content, mechanism, reverse) {
+ if (JX.isArray(content)) {
+ if (reverse) {
+ content = [].concat(content).reverse();
+ }
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < content.length; ii++) {
+ JX.DOM._insertContent(parent, content[ii], mechanism, reverse);
+ }
+ } else {
+ var type = typeof content;
+ if (content instanceof JX.HTML) {
+ content = content.getFragment();
+ } else if (type == 'string' || type == 'number') {
+ content = document.createTextNode(content);
+ }
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (content && !content.nodeType) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.DOM._insertContent(<node>, ...): '+
+ 'second argument must be a string, a number, ' +
+ 'a DOM node or a JX.HTML instance');
+ }
+ }
+ content && mechanism(parent, content);
+ }
+ },
+/* -( Updating Nodes )----------------------------------------------------- */
+ /**
+ * Remove a node from its parent, so it is no longer a child of any other
+ * node.
+ *
+ * @param Node Node to remove.
+ * @return Node The node.
+ * @task nodes
+ */
+ remove : function(node) {
+ node.parentNode && JX.DOM.replace(node, null);
+ return node;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Replace a node with some other piece of content. This method obeys
+ * Javelin content semantics, see @{function:JX.$N} for an explanation.
+ * You can also @{method:setContent}, @{method:prependContent}, or
+ * @{method:appendContent}.
+ *
+ * @param Node Node to replace.
+ * @param mixed Content to replace it with.
+ * @return Node the original node.
+ * @task nodes
+ */
+ replace : function(node, replacement) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (!node.parentNode) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.DOM.replace(<node>, ...): '+
+ 'node has no parent node, so it can not be replaced.');
+ }
+ }
+ var mechanism;
+ if (node.nextSibling) {
+ mechanism = JX.bind(node.nextSibling, function(parent, content) {
+ parent.insertBefore(content, this);
+ });
+ } else {
+ mechanism = this._mechanismAppend;
+ }
+ var parent = node.parentNode;
+ parent.removeChild(node);
+ this._insertContent(parent, replacement, mechanism);
+ return node;
+ },
+/* -( Serializing Froms )-------------------------------------------------- */
+ /**
+ * Converts a form into a list of <name, value> pairs.
+ *
+ * Note: This function explicity does not match for submit inputs as there
+ * could be multiple in a form. It's the caller's obligation to add the
+ * submit input value if desired.
+ *
+ * @param Node The form element to convert into a list of pairs.
+ * @return List A list of <name, value> pairs.
+ * @task serialize
+ */
+ convertFormToListOfPairs : function(form) {
+ var elements = form.getElementsByTagName('*');
+ var data = [];
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < elements.length; ++ii) {
+ if (!elements[ii].name) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (elements[ii].disabled) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ var type = elements[ii].type;
+ var tag = elements[ii].tagName;
+ if ((type in {radio: 1, checkbox: 1} && elements[ii].checked) ||
+ type in {text: 1, hidden: 1, password: 1, email: 1, tel: 1,
+ number: 1} ||
+ tag in {TEXTAREA: 1, SELECT: 1}) {
+ data.push([elements[ii].name, elements[ii].value]);
+ }
+ }
+ return data;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Converts a form into a dictionary mapping input names to values. This
+ * will overwrite duplicate inputs in an undefined way.
+ *
+ * @param Node The form element to convert into a dictionary.
+ * @return Dict A dictionary of form values.
+ * @task serialize
+ */
+ convertFormToDictionary : function(form) {
+ var data = {};
+ var pairs = JX.DOM.convertFormToListOfPairs(form);
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < pairs.length; ii++) {
+ data[pairs[ii][0]] = pairs[ii][1];
+ }
+ return data;
+ },
+/* -( Testing DOM Properties )--------------------------------------------- */
+ /**
+ * Test if an object is a valid Node.
+ *
+ * @param wild Something which might be a Node.
+ * @return bool True if the parameter is a DOM node.
+ * @task test
+ */
+ isNode : function(node) {
+ return !!(node && node.nodeName && (node !== window));
+ },
+ /**
+ * Test if an object is a node of some specific (or one of several) types.
+ * For example, this tests if the node is an ##<input />##, ##<select />##,
+ * or ##<textarea />##.
+ *
+ * JX.DOM.isType(node, ['input', 'select', 'textarea']);
+ *
+ * @param wild Something which might be a Node.
+ * @param string|list One or more tags which you want to test for.
+ * @return bool True if the object is a node, and it's a node of one
+ * of the provided types.
+ * @task test
+ */
+ isType : function(node, of_type) {
+ node = ('' + (node.nodeName || '')).toUpperCase();
+ of_type = JX.$AX(of_type);
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < of_type.length; ++ii) {
+ if (of_type[ii].toUpperCase() == node) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Listen for events occuring beneath a specific node in the DOM. This is
+ * similar to @{JX.Stratcom.listen()}, but allows you to specify some node
+ * which serves as a scope instead of the default scope (the whole document)
+ * which you get if you install using @{JX.Stratcom.listen()} directly. For
+ * example, to listen for clicks on nodes with the sigil 'menu-item' below
+ * the root menu node:
+ *
+ * var the_menu = getReferenceToTheMenuNodeSomehow();
+ * JX.DOM.listen(the_menu, 'click', 'menu-item', function(e) { ... });
+ *
+ * @task stratcom
+ * @param Node The node to listen for events underneath.
+ * @param string|list One or more event types to listen for.
+ * @param list? A path to listen on, or a list of paths.
+ * @param function Callback to invoke when a matching event occurs.
+ * @return object A reference to the installed listener. You can later
+ * remove the listener by calling this object's remove()
+ * method.
+ */
+ listen : function(node, type, path, callback) {
+ var auto_id = ['autoid:' + JX.DOM._getAutoID(node)];
+ path = JX.$AX(path || []);
+ if (!path.length) {
+ path = auto_id;
+ } else {
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < path.length; ii++) {
+ path[ii] = auto_id.concat(JX.$AX(path[ii]));
+ }
+ }
+ return JX.Stratcom.listen(type, path, callback);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Invoke a custom event on a node. This method is a companion to
+ * @{method:JX.DOM.listen} and parallels @{method:JX.Stratcom.invoke} in
+ * the same way that method parallels @{method:JX.Stratcom.listen}.
+ *
+ * This method can not be used to invoke native events (like 'click').
+ *
+ * @param Node The node to invoke an event on.
+ * @param string Custom event type.
+ * @param dict Event data.
+ * @return JX.Event The event object which was dispatched to listeners.
+ * The main use of this is to test whether any
+ * listeners prevented the event.
+ */
+ invoke : function(node, type, data) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (type in JX.__allowedEvents) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'JX.DOM.invoke(..., "' + type + '", ...): ' +
+ 'you cannot invoke with the same type as a native event.');
+ }
+ }
+ return JX.Stratcom.dispatch({
+ target: node,
+ type: type,
+ customData: data
+ });
+ },
+ uniqID : function(node) {
+ if (!node.getAttribute('id')) {
+ node.setAttribute('id', 'uniqid_'+(++JX.DOM._uniqid));
+ }
+ return node.getAttribute('id');
+ },
+ alterClass : function(node, className, add) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (add !== false && add !== true) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.DOM.alterClass(...): ' +
+ 'expects the third parameter to be Boolean: ' +
+ add + ' was provided');
+ }
+ }
+ var has = ((' '+node.className+' ').indexOf(' '+className+' ') > -1);
+ if (add && !has) {
+ node.className += ' '+className;
+ } else if (has && !add) {
+ node.className = node.className.replace(
+ new RegExp('(^|\\s)' + className + '(?:\\s|$)', 'g'), ' ');
+ }
+ },
+ htmlize : function(str) {
+ return (''+str)
+ .replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
+ .replace(/"/g, '&quot;')
+ .replace(/</g, '&lt;')
+ .replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
+ },
+ /**
+ * Show one or more elements, by removing their "display" style. This
+ * assumes you have hidden them with @{method:hide}, or explicitly set
+ * the style to `display: none;`.
+ *
+ * @task convenience
+ * @param ... One or more nodes to remove "display" styles from.
+ * @return void
+ */
+ show : function() {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < arguments.length; ++ii) {
+ if (!arguments[ii]) {
+ JX.$E(
+ ' ' +
+ 'one or more arguments were null or empty.');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < arguments.length; ++ii) {
+ arguments[ii].style.display = '';
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Hide one or more elements, by setting `display: none;` on them. This is
+ * a convenience method. See also @{method:show}.
+ *
+ * @task convenience
+ * @param ... One or more nodes to set "display: none" on.
+ * @return void
+ */
+ hide : function() {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < arguments.length; ++ii) {
+ if (!arguments[ii]) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.DOM.hide(...): ' +
+ 'one or more arguments were null or empty.');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < arguments.length; ++ii) {
+ arguments[ii].style.display = 'none';
+ }
+ },
+ textMetrics : function(node, pseudoclass, x) {
+ if (!this._metrics[pseudoclass]) {
+ var n = JX.$N(
+ 'var',
+ {className: pseudoclass});
+ this._metrics[pseudoclass] = n;
+ }
+ var proxy = this._metrics[pseudoclass];
+ document.body.appendChild(proxy);
+ = x ? (x+'px') : '';
+ JX.DOM.setContent(
+ proxy,
+ JX.$H(JX.DOM.htmlize(node.value).replace(/\n/g, '<br />')));
+ var metrics = JX.Vector.getDim(proxy);
+ document.body.removeChild(proxy);
+ return metrics;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Search the document for DOM nodes by providing a root node to look
+ * beneath, a tag name, and (optionally) a sigil. Nodes which match all
+ * specified conditions are returned.
+ *
+ * @task query
+ *
+ * @param Node Root node to search beneath.
+ * @param string Tag name, like 'a' or 'textarea'.
+ * @param string Optionally, a sigil which nodes are required to have.
+ *
+ * @return list List of matching nodes, which may be empty.
+ */
+ scry : function(root, tagname, sigil) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (!JX.DOM.isNode(root)) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.DOM.scry(<yuck>, ...): '+
+ 'first argument must be a DOM node.');
+ }
+ }
+ var nodes = root.getElementsByTagName(tagname);
+ if (!sigil) {
+ return JX.$A(nodes);
+ }
+ var result = [];
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < nodes.length; ii++) {
+ if (JX.Stratcom.hasSigil(nodes[ii], sigil)) {
+ result.push(nodes[ii]);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Select a node uniquely identified by a root, tagname and sigil. This
+ * is similar to JX.DOM.scry() but expects exactly one result.
+ *
+ * @task query
+ *
+ * @param Node Root node to search beneath.
+ * @param string Tag name, like 'a' or 'textarea'.
+ * @param string Optionally, sigil which selected node must have.
+ *
+ * @return Node Node uniquely identified by the criteria.
+ */
+ find : function(root, tagname, sigil) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (!JX.DOM.isNode(root)) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.DOM.find(<glop>, "'+tagname+'", "'+sigil+'"): '+
+ 'first argument must be a DOM node.');
+ }
+ }
+ var result = JX.DOM.scry(root, tagname, sigil);
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (result.length > 1) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.DOM.find(<node>, "'+tagname+'", "'+sigil+'"): '+
+ 'matched more than one node.');
+ }
+ }
+ if (!result.length) {
+ JX.$E('JX.DOM.find(<node>, "' +
+ tagname + '", "' + sigil + '"): '+ 'matched no nodes.');
+ }
+ return result[0];
+ },
+ /**
+ * Focus a node safely. This is just a convenience wrapper that allows you
+ * to avoid IE's habit of throwing when nearly any focus operation is
+ * invoked.
+ *
+ * @task convenience
+ * @param Node Node to move cursor focus to, if possible.
+ * @return void
+ */
+ focus : function(node) {
+ try { node.focus(); } catch (lol_ie) {}
+ },
+ /**
+ * Scroll to the position of an element in the document.
+ * @task view
+ * @param Node Node to move document scroll position to, if possible.
+ * @return void
+ */
+ scrollTo : function(node) {
+ window.scrollTo(0, JX.$V(node).y);
+ },
+ _getAutoID : function(node) {
+ if (!node.getAttribute('data-autoid')) {
+ node.setAttribute('data-autoid', 'autoid_'+(++JX.DOM._autoid));
+ }
+ return node.getAttribute('data-autoid');
+ }
+ }
Index: externals/javelin/src/lib/History.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/lib/History.js
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+ * @requires javelin-stratcom
+ * javelin-install
+ * javelin-uri
+ * javelin-util
+ * @provides javelin-history
+ * @javelin
+ */
+ * JX.History provides a stable interface for managing the browser's history
+ * stack. Whenever the history stack mutates, the "history:change" event is
+ * invoked via JX.Stratcom.
+ *
+ * Inspired by History Manager implemented by Christoph Pojer (@cpojer)
+ * @see
+ */
+JX.install('History', {
+ statics : {
+ // Mechanisms to @{JX.History.install} with (in preferred support order).
+ // The default behavior is to use the best supported mechanism.
+ DEFAULT : Infinity,
+ POLLING : 1,
+ // Last path parsed from the URL fragment.
+ _hash : null,
+ // Some browsers fire an extra "popstate" on initial page load, so we keep
+ // track of the initial path to normalize behavior (and not fire the extra
+ // event).
+ _initialPath : null,
+ // Mechanism used to interface with the browser history stack.
+ _mechanism : null,
+ /**
+ * Starts history management. This method must be invoked first before any
+ * other JX.History method can be used.
+ *
+ * @param int An optional mechanism used to interface with the browser
+ * history stack. If it is not supported, the next supported
+ * mechanism will be used.
+ */
+ install : function(mechanism) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (JX.History._installed) {
+ JX.$E('JX.History.install(): can only install once.');
+ }
+ JX.History._installed = true;
+ }
+ mechanism = mechanism || JX.History.DEFAULT;
+ if (mechanism >= JX.History.PUSHSTATE && 'pushState' in history) {
+ JX.History._mechanism = JX.History.PUSHSTATE;
+ JX.History._initialPath = JX.History._getBasePath(location.href);
+ JX.Stratcom.listen('popstate', null, JX.History._handleChange);
+ } else if (mechanism >= JX.History.HASHCHANGE &&
+ 'onhashchange' in window) {
+ JX.History._mechanism = JX.History.HASHCHANGE;
+ JX.Stratcom.listen('hashchange', null, JX.History._handleChange);
+ } else {
+ JX.History._mechanism = JX.History.POLLING;
+ setInterval(JX.History._handleChange, 200);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get the name of the mechanism used to interface with the browser
+ * history stack.
+ *
+ * @return string Mechanism, either pushstate, hashchange, or polling.
+ */
+ getMechanism : function() {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (!JX.History._installed) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.History.getMechanism(): ' +
+ 'must call JX.History.install() first.');
+ }
+ }
+ return JX.History._mechanism;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns the path on top of the history stack.
+ *
+ * If the HTML5 History API is unavailable and an eligible path exists in
+ * the current URL fragment, the fragment is parsed for a path. Otherwise,
+ * the current URL path is returned.
+ *
+ * @return string Path on top of the history stack.
+ */
+ getPath : function() {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (!JX.History._installed) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.History.getPath(): ' +
+ 'must call JX.History.install() first.');
+ }
+ }
+ if (JX.History.getMechanism() === JX.History.PUSHSTATE) {
+ return JX.History._getBasePath(location.href);
+ } else {
+ var parsed = JX.History._parseFragment(location.hash);
+ return parsed || JX.History._getBasePath(location.href);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Pushes a path onto the history stack.
+ *
+ * @param string Path.
+ * @return void
+ */
+ push : function(path) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (!JX.History._installed) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.History.push(): ' +
+ 'must call JX.History.install() first.');
+ }
+ }
+ if (JX.History.getMechanism() === JX.History.PUSHSTATE) {
+ if (JX.History._initialPath && JX.History._initialPath !== path) {
+ JX.History._initialPath = null;
+ }
+ history.pushState(null, null, path);
+ JX.History._fire(path);
+ } else {
+ location.hash = JX.History._composeFragment(path);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Modifies the path on top of the history stack.
+ *
+ * @param string Path.
+ * @return void
+ */
+ replace : function(path) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (!JX.History._installed) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.History.replace(): ' +
+ 'must call JX.History.install() first.');
+ }
+ }
+ if (JX.History.getMechanism() === JX.History.PUSHSTATE) {
+ history.replaceState(null, null, path);
+ JX.History._fire(path);
+ } else {
+ var uri = JX.$U(location.href);
+ uri.setFragment(JX.History._composeFragment(path));
+ // Safari bug: "location.replace" does not respect changes made via
+ // setting "location.hash", so use "history.replaceState" if possible.
+ if ('replaceState' in history) {
+ history.replaceState(null, null, uri.toString());
+ JX.History._handleChange();
+ } else {
+ location.replace(uri.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _handleChange : function() {
+ var path = JX.History.getPath();
+ if (JX.History.getMechanism() === JX.History.PUSHSTATE) {
+ if (path === JX.History._initialPath) {
+ JX.History._initialPath = null;
+ } else {
+ JX.History._fire(path);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (path !== JX.History._hash) {
+ JX.History._hash = path;
+ JX.History._fire(path);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _fire : function(path) {
+ JX.Stratcom.invoke('history:change', null, {
+ path: JX.History._getBasePath(path)
+ });
+ },
+ _getBasePath : function(href) {
+ return JX.$U(href).setProtocol(null).setDomain(null).toString();
+ },
+ _composeFragment : function(path) {
+ path = JX.History._getBasePath(path);
+ // If the URL fragment does not change, the new path will not get pushed
+ // onto the stack. So we alternate the hash prefix to force a new state.
+ if (JX.History.getPath() === path) {
+ var hash = location.hash;
+ if (hash && hash.charAt(1) === '!') {
+ return '~!' + path;
+ }
+ }
+ return '!' + path;
+ },
+ _parseFragment : function(fragment) {
+ if (fragment) {
+ if (fragment.charAt(1) === '!') {
+ return fragment.substr(2);
+ } else if (fragment.substr(1, 2) === '~!') {
+ return fragment.substr(3);
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
Index: externals/javelin/src/lib/JSON.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/lib/JSON.js
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+ * Simple JSON serializer.
+ *
+ * @requires javelin-install
+ * @provides javelin-json
+ * @javelin
+ */
+ * JSON serializer and parser. This class uses the native JSON parser if it is
+ * available; if not, it provides an eval-based parser and a simple serializer.
+ *
+ * NOTE: This class uses eval() on some systems, without sanitizing input. It is
+ * not safe to use with untrusted data. Javelin does not provide a library
+ * suitable for parsing untrusted JSON.
+ *
+ * Usage is straightforward:
+ *
+ * JX.JSON.stringify({"bees":"knees"}); // Returns string: '{"bees":"knees"}'
+ * JX.JSON.parse('{"bees":"knees"}'); // Returns object: {"bees":"knees"}
+ *
+ * @task json JSON Manipulation
+ * @task internal Internal
+ * @group util
+ */
+JX.install('JSON', {
+ statics : {
+/* -( JSON Manipulation )-------------------------------------------------- */
+ /**
+ * Parse a **trusted** JSON string into an object. Accepts a valid JSON
+ * string and returns the object it encodes.
+ *
+ * NOTE: This method does not sanitize input and uses an eval-based parser
+ * on some systems. It is **NOT SAFE** to use with untrusted inputs.
+ *
+ * @param string A valid, trusted JSON string.
+ * @return object The object encoded by the JSON string.
+ * @task json
+ */
+ parse : function(data) {
+ if (typeof data != 'string') {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (window.JSON && JSON.parse) {
+ var obj;
+ try {
+ obj = JSON.parse(data);
+ } catch (e) {}
+ return obj || null;
+ }
+ return eval('(' + data + ')');
+ },
+ /**
+ * Serialize an object into a JSON string. Accepts an object comprised of
+ * maps, lists and scalars and transforms it into a JSON representation.
+ * This method has undefined behavior if you pass in other complicated
+ * things, e.g. object graphs containing cycles, document.body, or Date
+ * objects.
+ *
+ * @param object An object comprised of maps, lists and scalars.
+ * @return string JSON representation of the object.
+ * @task json
+ */
+ stringify : function(val) {
+ if (window.JSON && JSON.stringify) {
+ return JSON.stringify(val);
+ }
+ var out = [];
+ if (
+ val === null || val === true || val === false || typeof val == 'number'
+ ) {
+ return '' + val;
+ }
+ if (val.push && val.pop) {
+ var v;
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < val.length; ii++) {
+ // For consistency with JSON.stringify(), encode undefined array
+ // indices as null.
+ v = (typeof val[ii] == 'undefined') ? null : val[ii];
+ out.push(JX.JSON.stringify(v));
+ }
+ return '[' + out.join(',') + ']';
+ }
+ if (typeof val == 'string') {
+ return JX.JSON._esc(val);
+ }
+ for (var k in val) {
+ out.push(JX.JSON._esc(k) + ':' + JX.JSON.stringify(val[k]));
+ }
+ return '{' + out.join(',') + '}';
+ },
+/* -( Internal )----------------------------------------------------------- */
+ // Lifted more or less directly from Crockford's JSON2.
+ _escexp : /[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,
+ // List of control character escape codes.
+ _meta : {
+ '\b' : '\\b',
+ '\t' : '\\t',
+ '\n' : '\\n',
+ '\f' : '\\f',
+ '\r' : '\\r',
+ '"' : '\\"',
+ '\\' : '\\\\'
+ },
+ /**
+ * Quote and escape a string for inclusion in serialized JSON. Finds
+ * characters in the string which need to be escaped and uses
+ * @{method:_replace} to escape them.
+ *
+ * @param string Unescaped string.
+ * @return string Escaped string.
+ * @task internal
+ */
+ _esc : function(str) {
+ JX.JSON._escexp.lastIndex = 0;
+ return JX.JSON._escexp.test(str) ?
+ '"' + str.replace(JX.JSON._escexp, JX.JSON._replace) + '"' :
+ '"' + str + '"';
+ },
+ /**
+ * Helper callback for @{method:_esc}, escapes characters which can't be
+ * represented normally in serialized JSON.
+ *
+ * @param string Unescaped character.
+ * @return string Escaped character.
+ * @task internal
+ */
+ _replace : function(m) {
+ if (m in JX.JSON._meta) {
+ return JX.JSON._meta[m];
+ }
+ return '\\u' + (('0000' + m.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4));
+ }
+ }
Index: externals/javelin/src/lib/Mask.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/lib/Mask.js
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+ * @requires javelin-install
+ * javelin-dom
+ * @provides javelin-mask
+ * @javelin
+ */
+ * Show a "mask" over the page for lightboxes or dialogs. This is used by
+ * Workflow to draw visual attention to modal dialogs.
+ *
+ *;
+ * // Show a dialog, lightbox, or other modal UI.
+ * JX.Mask.hide();
+ *
+ * Masks are stackable, if modal UIs need to spawn other modal UIs.
+ *
+ * The mask has class `jx-mask`, which you should apply styles to. For example:
+ *
+ * .jx-mask {
+ * opacity: 0.8;
+ * background: #000000;
+ * position: fixed;
+ * top: 0;
+ * bottom: 0;
+ * left: 0;
+ * right: 0;
+ * z-index: 2;
+ * }
+ *
+ * You can create multiple mask styles and select them with the `mask_type`
+ * parameter to `show()` (for instance, a light mask for dialogs and a dark
+ * mask for lightboxing):
+ *
+ *'jx-light-mask');
+ * // ...
+ * JX.Mask.hide();
+ *
+ * This will be applied as a class name to the mask element, which you can
+ * customize in CSS:
+ *
+ * .jx-light-mask {
+ * background: #ffffff;
+ * }
+ *
+ * The mask has sigil `jx-mask`, which can be used to intercept events
+ * targeting it, like clicks on the mask.
+ *
+ * @group control
+ */
+JX.install('Mask', {
+ statics : {
+ _stack : [],
+ _mask : null,
+ _currentType : null,
+ /**
+ * Show a mask over the document. Multiple calls push masks onto a stack.
+ *
+ * @param string Optional class name to apply to the mask, if you have
+ * multiple masks (e.g., one dark and one light).
+ * @return void
+ */
+ show : function(mask_type) {
+ var self = JX.Mask;
+ mask_type = mask_type || null;
+ if (!self._stack.length) {
+ self._mask = JX.$N('div', {className: 'jx-mask', sigil: 'jx-mask'});
+ document.body.appendChild(self._mask);
+ }
+ self._adjustType(mask_type)
+ JX.Mask._stack.push(mask_type);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Hide the current mask. The mask stack is popped, which may reveal another
+ * mask below the current mask.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ hide : function() {
+ var self = JX.Mask;
+ var mask_type = self._stack.pop();
+ self._adjustType(mask_type);
+ if (!self._stack.length) {
+ JX.DOM.remove(JX.Mask._mask);
+ JX.Mask._mask = null;
+ }
+ },
+ _adjustType : function(new_type) {
+ var self = JX.Mask;
+ if (self._currentType) {
+ JX.DOM.alterClass(self._mask, self._currentType, false);
+ self._currentType = null;
+ }
+ if (new_type) {
+ JX.DOM.alterClass(self._mask, new_type, true);
+ self._currentType = new_type;
+ }
+ }
+ }
Index: externals/javelin/src/lib/Request.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/lib/Request.js
@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+ * @requires javelin-install
+ * javelin-stratcom
+ * javelin-util
+ * javelin-behavior
+ * javelin-json
+ * javelin-dom
+ * javelin-resource
+ * @provides javelin-request
+ * @javelin
+ */
+ * Make basic AJAX XMLHTTPRequests.
+ *
+ * @group workflow
+ */
+JX.install('Request', {
+ construct : function(uri, handler) {
+ this.setURI(uri);
+ if (handler) {
+ this.listen('done', handler);
+ }
+ },
+ events : ['start', 'open', 'send', 'statechange', 'done', 'error', 'finally',
+ 'uploadprogress'],
+ members : {
+ _xhrkey : null,
+ _transport : null,
+ _sent : false,
+ _finished : false,
+ _block : null,
+ _data : null,
+ _getSameOriginTransport : function() {
+ try {
+ try {
+ return new XMLHttpRequest();
+ } catch (x) {
+ return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
+ }
+ } catch (x) {
+ return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
+ }
+ },
+ _getCORSTransport : function() {
+ try {
+ var xport = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ if ('withCredentials' in xport) {
+ // XHR supports CORS
+ } else if (typeof XDomainRequest != 'undefined') {
+ xport = new XDomainRequest();
+ }
+ return xport;
+ } catch (x) {
+ return new XDomainRequest();
+ }
+ },
+ getTransport : function() {
+ if (!this._transport) {
+ this._transport = this.getCORS() ? this._getCORSTransport() :
+ this._getSameOriginTransport();
+ }
+ return this._transport;
+ },
+ send : function() {
+ if (this._sent || this._finished) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (this._sent) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.Request.send(): ' +
+ 'attempting to send a Request that has already been sent.');
+ }
+ if (this._finished) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.Request.send(): ' +
+ 'attempting to send a Request that has finished or aborted.');
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // Fire the "start" event before doing anything. A listener may
+ // perform pre-processing or validation on this request
+ this.invoke('start', this);
+ if (this._finished) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var xport = this.getTransport();
+ xport.onreadystatechange = JX.bind(this, this._onreadystatechange);
+ if (xport.upload) {
+ xport.upload.onprogress = JX.bind(this, this._onuploadprogress);
+ }
+ var method = this.getMethod().toUpperCase();
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (this.getRawData()) {
+ if (method != 'POST') {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.Request.send(): ' +
+ 'attempting to send post data over GET. You must use POST.');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var list_of_pairs = this._data || [];
+ list_of_pairs.push(['__ajax__', true]);
+ this._block = JX.Stratcom.allocateMetadataBlock();
+ list_of_pairs.push(['__metablock__', this._block]);
+ var q = (this.getDataSerializer() ||
+ JX.Request.defaultDataSerializer)(list_of_pairs);
+ var uri = this.getURI();
+ // If we're sending a file, submit the metadata via the URI instead of
+ // via the request body, because the entire post body will be consumed by
+ // the file content.
+ if (method == 'GET' || this.getRawData()) {
+ uri += ((uri.indexOf('?') === -1) ? '?' : '&') + q;
+ }
+ if (this.getTimeout()) {
+ this._timer = setTimeout(
+ JX.bind(
+ this,
+ this._fail,
+ this.getTimeout());
+ }
+, uri, true);
+ // Must happen after so that listeners can modify the transport
+ // Some transport properties can only be set after the transport is open
+ this.invoke('open', this);
+ if (this._finished) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.invoke('send', this);
+ if (this._finished) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (method == 'POST') {
+ if (this.getRawData()) {
+ xport.send(this.getRawData());
+ } else {
+ xport.setRequestHeader(
+ 'Content-Type',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
+ xport.send(q);
+ }
+ } else {
+ xport.send(null);
+ }
+ this._sent = true;
+ },
+ abort : function() {
+ this._cleanup();
+ },
+ _onuploadprogress : function(progress) {
+ this.invoke('uploadprogress', progress);
+ },
+ _onreadystatechange : function() {
+ var xport = this.getTransport();
+ var response;
+ try {
+ this.invoke('statechange', this);
+ if (this._finished) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (xport.readyState != 4) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // XHR requests to 'file:///' domains return 0 for success, which is why
+ // we treat it as a good result in addition to HTTP 2XX responses.
+ if (xport.status !== 0 && (xport.status < 200 || xport.status >= 300)) {
+ this._fail();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ var expect_guard = this.getExpectCSRFGuard();
+ if (!xport.responseText.length) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.Request("'+this.getURI()+'", ...): '+
+ 'server returned an empty response.');
+ }
+ if (expect_guard && xport.responseText.indexOf('for (;;);') != 0) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.Request("'+this.getURI()+'", ...): '+
+ 'server returned an invalid response.');
+ }
+ if (expect_guard && xport.responseText == 'for (;;);') {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.Request("'+this.getURI()+'", ...): '+
+ 'server returned an empty response.');
+ }
+ }
+ response = this._extractResponse(xport);
+ if (!response) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.Request("'+this.getURI()+'", ...): '+
+ 'server returned an invalid response.');
+ }
+ } catch (exception) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ JX.log(
+ 'JX.Request("'+this.getURI()+'", ...): '+
+ 'caught exception processing response: '+exception);
+ }
+ this._fail();
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ this._handleResponse(response);
+ this._cleanup();
+ } catch (exception) {
+ // In Firefox+Firebug, at least, something eats these. :/
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ throw exception;
+ }, 0);
+ }
+ },
+ _extractResponse : function(xport) {
+ var text = xport.responseText;
+ if (this.getExpectCSRFGuard()) {
+ text = text.substring('for (;;);'.length);
+ }
+ var type = this.getResponseType().toUpperCase();
+ if (type == 'TEXT') {
+ return text;
+ } else if (type == 'JSON' || type == 'JAVELIN') {
+ return JX.JSON.parse(text);
+ } else if (type == 'XML') {
+ var doc;
+ try {
+ if (typeof DOMParser != 'undefined') {
+ var parser = new DOMParser();
+ doc = parser.parseFromString(text, "text/xml");
+ } else { // IE
+ // an XDomainRequest
+ doc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
+ doc.async = false;
+ doc.loadXML(xport.responseText);
+ }
+ return doc.documentElement;
+ } catch (exception) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ JX.log(
+ 'JX.Request("'+this.getURI()+'", ...): '+
+ 'caught exception extracting response: '+exception);
+ }
+ this._fail();
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.Request("'+this.getURI()+'", ...): '+
+ 'unrecognized response type.');
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ _fail : function(error) {
+ this._cleanup();
+ this.invoke('error', error, this);
+ this.invoke('finally');
+ },
+ _done : function(response) {
+ this._cleanup();
+ if (response.onload) {
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < response.onload.length; ii++) {
+ (new Function(response.onload[ii]))();
+ }
+ }
+ var payload;
+ if (this.getRaw()) {
+ payload = response;
+ } else {
+ payload = response.payload;
+ JX.Request._parseResponsePayload(payload);
+ }
+ this.invoke('done', payload, this);
+ this.invoke('finally');
+ },
+ _cleanup : function() {
+ this._finished = true;
+ clearTimeout(this._timer);
+ this._timer = null;
+ // Should not abort the transport request if it has already completed
+ // Otherwise, we may see an "HTTP request aborted" error in the console
+ // despite it possibly having succeeded.
+ if (this._transport && this._transport.readyState != 4) {
+ this._transport.abort();
+ }
+ },
+ setData : function(dictionary) {
+ this._data = null;
+ this.addData(dictionary);
+ return this;
+ },
+ addData : function(dictionary) {
+ if (!this._data) {
+ this._data = [];
+ }
+ for (var k in dictionary) {
+ this._data.push([k, dictionary[k]]);
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ setDataWithListOfPairs : function(list_of_pairs) {
+ this._data = list_of_pairs;
+ return this;
+ },
+ _handleResponse : function(response) {
+ if (this.getResponseType().toUpperCase() == 'JAVELIN') {
+ if (response.error) {
+ this._fail(response.error);
+ } else {
+ JX.Stratcom.mergeData(
+ this._block,
+ response.javelin_metadata || {});
+ var when_complete = JX.bind(this, function() {
+ this._done(response);
+ JX.initBehaviors(response.javelin_behaviors || {});
+ });
+ if (response.javelin_resources) {
+ JX.Resource.load(response.javelin_resources, when_complete);
+ } else {
+ when_complete();
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ this._cleanup();
+ this.invoke('done', response, this);
+ this.invoke('finally');
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ statics : {
+ ERROR_TIMEOUT : -9000,
+ defaultDataSerializer : function(list_of_pairs) {
+ var uri = [];
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < list_of_pairs.length; ii++) {
+ var pair = list_of_pairs[ii];
+ var name = encodeURIComponent(pair[0]);
+ var value = encodeURIComponent(pair[1]);
+ uri.push(name + '=' + value);
+ }
+ return uri.join('&');
+ },
+ /**
+ * When we receive a JSON blob, parse it to introduce meaningful objects
+ * where there are magic keys for placeholders.
+ *
+ * Objects with the magic key '__html' are translated into JX.HTML objects.
+ *
+ * This function destructively modifies its input.
+ */
+ _parseResponsePayload: function(parent, index) {
+ var recurse = JX.Request._parseResponsePayload;
+ var obj = (typeof index !== 'undefined') ? parent[index] : parent;
+ if (JX.isArray(obj)) {
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < obj.length; ii++) {
+ recurse(obj, ii);
+ }
+ } else if (obj && typeof obj == 'object') {
+ if (obj.__html != null) {
+ parent[index] = JX.$H(obj.__html);
+ } else {
+ for (var key in obj) {
+ recurse(obj, key);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ properties : {
+ URI : null,
+ dataSerializer : null,
+ /**
+ * Configure which HTTP method to use for the request. Permissible values
+ * are "POST" (default) or "GET".
+ *
+ * @param string HTTP method, one of "POST" or "GET".
+ */
+ method : 'POST',
+ /**
+ * Set the data parameter of transport.send. Useful if you want to send a
+ * file or FormData. Not that you cannot send raw data and data at the same
+ * time.
+ *
+ * @param Data, argument to transport.send
+ */
+ rawData: null,
+ raw : false,
+ /**
+ * Configure a timeout, in milliseconds. If the request has not resolved
+ * (either with success or with an error) within the provided timeframe,
+ * it will automatically fail with error JX.Request.ERROR_TIMEOUT.
+ *
+ * @param int Timeout, in milliseconds (e.g. 3000 = 3 seconds).
+ */
+ timeout : null,
+ /**
+ * Whether or not we should expect the CSRF guard in the response.
+ *
+ * @param bool
+ */
+ expectCSRFGuard : true,
+ /**
+ * Whether it should be a CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) request to
+ * a third party domain other than the current site.
+ *
+ * @param bool
+ */
+ CORS : false,
+ /**
+ * Type of the response.
+ *
+ * @param enum 'JAVELIN', 'JSON', 'XML', 'TEXT'
+ */
+ responseType : 'JAVELIN'
+ }
Index: externals/javelin/src/lib/Resource.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/lib/Resource.js
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+ * @provides javelin-resource
+ * @requires javelin-magical-init
+ * javelin-stratcom
+ * javelin-util
+ * javelin-uri
+ *
+ * @javelin
+ */
+JX.install('Resource', {
+ statics: {
+ _loading: {},
+ _loaded: {},
+ _links: [],
+ _callbacks: [],
+ /**
+ * Loads one or many static resources (JavaScript or CSS) and executes a
+ * callback once these resources have finished loading.
+ *
+ * @param string|array static resource or list of resources to be loaded
+ * @param function callback when resources have finished loading
+ */
+ load: function(list, callback) {
+ var resources = {},
+ uri, resource, path, type;
+ list = JX.$AX(list);
+ // In the event there are no resources to wait on, call the callback and
+ // exit. NOTE: it's better to do this check outside this function and not
+ // call through JX.Resource, but it's not always easy/possible to do so
+ if (!list.length) {
+ setTimeout(callback, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < list.length; ii++) {
+ uri = new JX.URI(list[ii]);
+ resource = uri.toString();
+ path = uri.getPath();
+ resources[resource] = true;
+ if (JX.Resource._loaded[resource]) {
+ setTimeout(JX.bind(JX.Resource, JX.Resource._complete, resource), 0);
+ } else if (!JX.Resource._loading[resource]) {
+ JX.Resource._loading[resource] = true;
+ if (path.indexOf('.css') == path.length - 4) {
+ JX.Resource._loadCSS(resource);
+ } else {
+ JX.Resource._loadJS(resource);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ JX.Resource._callbacks.push({
+ resources: resources,
+ callback: callback
+ });
+ },
+ _loadJS: function(uri) {
+ var script = document.createElement('script');
+ var load_callback = function() {
+ JX.Resource._complete(uri);
+ };
+ var error_callback = function() {
+ JX.$E('Resource: JS file download failure: ' + uri);
+ };
+ JX.copy(script, {
+ type: 'text/javascript',
+ src: uri
+ });
+ script.onload = load_callback;
+ script.onerror = error_callback;
+ script.onreadystatechange = function() {
+ var state = this.readyState;
+ if (state == 'complete' || state == 'loaded') {
+ load_callback();
+ }
+ };
+ document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(script);
+ },
+ _loadCSS: function(uri) {
+ var link = JX.copy(document.createElement('link'), {
+ type: 'text/css',
+ rel: 'stylesheet',
+ href: uri,
+ 'data-href': uri // don't trust href
+ });
+ document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(link);
+ JX.Resource._links.push(link);
+ if (!JX.Resource._timer) {
+ JX.Resource._timer = setInterval(JX.Resource._poll, 20);
+ }
+ },
+ _poll: function() {
+ var sheets = document.styleSheets,
+ ii = sheets.length,
+ links = JX.Resource._links;
+ // Cross Origin CSS loading
+ //
+ while (ii--) {
+ var link = sheets[ii],
+ owner = link.ownerNode || link.owningElement,
+ jj = links.length;
+ if (owner) {
+ while (jj--) {
+ if (owner == links[jj]) {
+ JX.Resource._complete(links[jj]['data-href']);
+ links.splice(jj, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!links.length) {
+ clearInterval(JX.Resource._timer);
+ JX.Resource._timer = null;
+ }
+ },
+ _complete: function(uri) {
+ var list = JX.Resource._callbacks,
+ current, ii;
+ delete JX.Resource._loading[uri];
+ JX.Resource._loaded[uri] = true;
+ for (ii = 0; ii < list.length; ii++) {
+ current = list[ii];
+ delete current.resources[uri];
+ if (!JX.Resource._hasResources(current.resources)) {
+ current.callback();
+ list.splice(ii--, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _hasResources: function(resources) {
+ for (var hasResources in resources) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ },
+ initialize: function() {
+ var list = JX.$A(document.getElementsByTagName('link')),
+ ii = list.length,
+ node;
+ while ((node = list[--ii])) {
+ if (node.type == 'text/css' && node.href) {
+ JX.Resource._loaded[(new JX.URI(node.href)).toString()] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ list = JX.$A(document.getElementsByTagName('script'));
+ ii = list.length;
+ while ((node = list[--ii])) {
+ if (node.type == 'text/javascript' && node.src) {
+ JX.Resource._loaded[(new JX.URI(node.src)).toString()] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
Index: externals/javelin/src/lib/URI.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/lib/URI.js
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+ * @provides javelin-uri
+ * @requires javelin-install
+ * javelin-util
+ * javelin-stratcom
+ *
+ * @javelin-installs JX.$U
+ *
+ * @javelin
+ */
+ * Handy convenience function that returns a @{class:JX.URI} instance. This
+ * allows you to write things like:
+ *
+ * JX.$U('').getDomain();
+ *
+ * @param string Unparsed URI.
+ * @return @{class:JX.URI} JX.URI instance.
+ *
+ * @group uri
+ */
+JX.$U = function(uri) {
+ return new JX.URI(uri);
+ * Convert a string URI into a maleable object.
+ *
+ * var uri = new JX.URI('');
+ * uri.getProtocol(); // http
+ * uri.getDomain(); //
+ * uri.getPath(); // /asdf.php
+ * uri.getQueryParams(); // {a: 'b', c: 'd'}
+ * uri.getFragment(); // anchor123
+ *
+ * ...and back into a string:
+ *
+ * uri.setFragment('clowntown');
+ * uri.toString() //
+ *
+ * @group uri
+ */
+JX.install('URI', {
+ statics : {
+ _uriPattern : /(?:([^:\/?#]+):)?(?:\/\/([^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?)?([^?#]*)(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?/,
+ _queryPattern : /(?:^|&)([^&=]*)=?([^&]*)/g,
+ /**
+ * Convert a Javascript object into an HTTP query string.
+ *
+ * @param Object Map of query keys to values.
+ * @return String HTTP query string, like 'cow=quack&duck=moo'.
+ */
+ _defaultQuerySerializer : function(obj) {
+ var kv_pairs = [];
+ for (var key in obj) {
+ if (obj[key] != null) {
+ var value = encodeURIComponent(obj[key]);
+ kv_pairs.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + (value ? '=' + value : ''));
+ }
+ }
+ return kv_pairs.join('&');
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Construct a URI
+ *
+ * Accepts either absolute or relative URIs. Relative URIs may have protocol
+ * and domain properties set to undefined
+ *
+ * @param string absolute or relative URI
+ */
+ construct : function(uri) {
+ // need to set the default value here rather than in the properties map,
+ // or else we get some crazy global state breakage
+ this.setQueryParams({});
+ if (uri) {
+ // parse the url
+ var result = JX.URI._uriPattern.exec(uri);
+ // fallback to undefined because IE has weird behavior otherwise
+ this.setProtocol(result[1] || undefined);
+ this.setDomain(result[2] || undefined);
+ this.setPort(result[3] || undefined);
+ var path = result[4];
+ var query = result[5];
+ this.setFragment(result[6] || undefined);
+ // parse the path
+ this.setPath(path.charAt(0) == '/' ? path : '/' + path);
+ // parse the query data
+ if (query) {
+ var queryData = {};
+ var data;
+ while ((data = JX.URI._queryPattern.exec(query)) != null) {
+ queryData[decodeURIComponent(data[1].replace(/\+/g, ' '))] =
+ decodeURIComponent(data[2].replace(/\+/g, ' '));
+ }
+ this.setQueryParams(queryData);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ properties : {
+ protocol: undefined,
+ port: undefined,
+ path: undefined,
+ queryParams: undefined,
+ fragment: undefined,
+ querySerializer: undefined
+ },
+ members : {
+ _domain: undefined,
+ /**
+ * Append and override query data values
+ * Remove a query key by setting it undefined
+ *
+ * @param map
+ * @return @{JX.URI} self
+ */
+ addQueryParams : function(map) {
+ JX.copy(this.getQueryParams(), map);
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Set a specific query parameter
+ * Remove a query key by setting it undefined
+ *
+ * @param string
+ * @param wild
+ * @return @{JX.URI} self
+ */
+ setQueryParam : function(key, value) {
+ var map = {};
+ map[key] = value;
+ return this.addQueryParams(map);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Set the domain
+ *
+ * This function checks the domain name to ensure that it is safe for
+ * browser consumption.
+ */
+ setDomain : function(domain) {
+ var re = new RegExp(
+ // For the bottom 128 code points, we use a strict whitelist of
+ // characters that are allowed by all browsers: -.0-9:A-Z[]_a-z
+ '[\\x00-\\x2c\\x2f\\x3b-\\x40\\x5c\\x5e\\x60\\x7b-\\x7f' +
+ // In IE, these chararacters cause problems when entity-encoded.
+ '\\uFDD0-\\uFDEF\\uFFF0-\\uFFFF' +
+ // In Safari, these characters terminate the hostname.
+ '\\u2047\\u2048\\uFE56\\uFE5F\\uFF03\\uFF0F\\uFF1F]');
+ if (re.test(domain)) {
+ JX.$E('JX.URI.setDomain(...): invalid domain specified.');
+ }
+ this._domain = domain;
+ return this;
+ },
+ getDomain : function() {
+ return this._domain;
+ },
+ toString : function() {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (this.getPath() && this.getPath().charAt(0) != '/') {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.URI.toString(): ' +
+ 'Path does not begin with a "/" which means this URI will likely' +
+ 'be malformed. Ensure any string passed to .setPath() leads "/"');
+ }
+ }
+ var str = '';
+ if (this.getProtocol()) {
+ str += this.getProtocol() + '://';
+ }
+ str += this.getDomain() || '';
+ if (this.getPort()) {
+ str += ':' + this.getPort();
+ }
+ // If there is a domain or a protocol, we need to provide '/' for the
+ // path. If we don't have either and also don't have a path, we can omit
+ // it to produce a partial URI without path information which begins
+ // with "?", "#", or is empty.
+ str += this.getPath() || (str ? '/' : '');
+ str += this._getQueryString();
+ if (this.getFragment()) {
+ str += '#' + this.getFragment();
+ }
+ return str;
+ },
+ _getQueryString : function() {
+ var str = (
+ this.getQuerySerializer() || JX.URI._defaultQuerySerializer
+ )(this.getQueryParams());
+ return str ? '?' + str : '';
+ },
+ /**
+ * Redirect the browser to another page by changing the window location. If
+ * the URI is empty, reloads the current page.
+ *
+ * You can install a Stratcom listener for the 'go' event if you need to log
+ * or prevent redirects.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ go : function() {
+ var uri = this.toString();
+ if (JX.Stratcom.invoke('go', null, {uri: uri}).getPrevented()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!uri) {
+ // window.location.reload clears cache in Firefox.
+ uri = window.location.pathname + (window.location.query || '');
+ }
+ window.location = uri;
+ }
+ }
Index: externals/javelin/src/lib/Vector.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/lib/Vector.js
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+ * @requires javelin-install
+ * javelin-event
+ * @provides javelin-vector
+ *
+ * @javelin-installs JX.$V
+ *
+ * @javelin
+ */
+ * Convenience function that returns a @{class:JX.Vector} instance. This allows
+ * you to concisely write things like:
+ *
+ * JX.$V(x, y).add(10, 10); // Explicit coordinates.
+ * JX.$V(node).add(50, 50).setDim(node); // Position of a node.
+ *
+ * @param number|Node If a node, returns the node's position vector.
+ * If numeric, the x-coordinate for the new vector.
+ * @param number? The y-coordinate for the new vector.
+ * @return @{class:JX.Vector} New vector.
+ *
+ * @group dom
+ */
+JX.$V = function(x, y) {
+ return new JX.Vector(x, y);
+ * Query and update positions and dimensions of nodes (and other things) within
+ * within a document. Each vector has two elements, 'x' and 'y', which usually
+ * represent width/height ('dimension vector') or left/top ('position vector').
+ *
+ * Vectors are used to manage the sizes and positions of elements, events,
+ * the document, and the viewport (the visible section of the document, i.e.
+ * how much of the page the user can actually see in their browser window).
+ * Unlike most Javelin classes, @{class:JX.Vector} exposes two bare properties,
+ * 'x' and 'y'. You can read and manipulate these directly:
+ *
+ * // Give the user information about elements when they click on them.
+ * JX.Stratcom.listen(
+ * 'click',
+ * null,
+ * function(e) {
+ * var p = new JX.Vector(e);
+ * var d = JX.Vector.getDim(e.getTarget());
+ *
+ * alert('You clicked at <' + p.x + ',' + p.y + '> and the element ' +
+ * 'you clicked is ' + d.x + 'px wide and ' + d.y + 'px high.');
+ * });
+ *
+ * You can also update positions and dimensions using vectors:
+ *
+ * // When the user clicks on something, make it 10px wider and 10px taller.
+ * JX.Stratcom.listen(
+ * 'click',
+ * null,
+ * function(e) {
+ * var target = e.getTarget();
+ * JX.$V(target).add(10, 10).setDim(target);
+ * });
+ *
+ * Additionally, vectors can be used to query document and viewport information:
+ *
+ * var v = JX.Vector.getViewport(); // Viewport (window) width and height.
+ * var d = JX.Vector.getDocument(); // Document width and height.
+ * var visible_area = parseInt(100 * (v.x * v.y) / (d.x * d.y), 10);
+ * alert('You can currently see ' + visible_area + ' % of the document.');
+ *
+ * The function @{function:JX.$V} provides convenience construction of common
+ * vectors.
+ *
+ * @task query Querying Positions and Dimensions
+ * @task update Changing Positions and Dimensions
+ * @task manip Manipulating Vectors
+ *
+ * @group dom
+ */
+JX.install('Vector', {
+ /**
+ * Construct a vector, either from explicit coordinates or from a node
+ * or event. You can pass two Numbers to construct an explicit vector:
+ *
+ * var p = new JX.Vector(35, 42);
+ *
+ * Otherwise, you can pass a @{class:JX.Event} or a Node to implicitly
+ * construct a vector:
+ *
+ * var q = new JX.Vector(some_event);
+ * var r = new JX.Vector(some_node);
+ *
+ * These are just like calling JX.Vector.getPos() on the @{class:JX.Event} or
+ * Node.
+ *
+ * For convenience, @{function:JX.$V} constructs a new vector so you don't
+ * need to use the 'new' keyword. That is, these are equivalent:
+ *
+ * var s = new JX.Vector(x, y);
+ * var t = JX.$V(x, y);
+ *
+ * Methods like @{method:getScroll}, @{method:getViewport} and
+ * @{method:getDocument} also create new vectors.
+ *
+ * Once you have a vector, you can manipulate it with add():
+ *
+ * var u = JX.$V(35, 42);
+ * var v = u.add(5, -12); // v = <40, 30>
+ *
+ * @param wild 'x' component of the vector, or a @{class:JX.Event}, or a
+ * Node.
+ * @param Number? If providing an 'x' component, the 'y' component of the
+ * vector.
+ * @return @{class:JX.Vector} Specified vector.
+ * @task query
+ */
+ construct : function(x, y) {
+ if (typeof y == 'undefined') {
+ return JX.Vector.getPos(x);
+ }
+ this.x = (x === null) ? null : parseFloat(x);
+ this.y = (y === null) ? null : parseFloat(y);
+ },
+ members : {
+ x : null,
+ y : null,
+ /**
+ * Move a node around by setting the position of a Node to the vector's
+ * coordinates. For instance, if you want to move an element to the top left
+ * corner of the document, you could do this (assuming it has 'position:
+ * absolute'):
+ *
+ * JX.$V(0, 0).setPos(node);
+ *
+ * @param Node Node to move.
+ * @return this
+ * @task update
+ */
+ setPos : function(node) {
+ = (this.x === null) ? '' : (parseInt(this.x, 10) + 'px');
+ = (this.y === null) ? '' : (parseInt(this.y, 10) + 'px');
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Change the size of a node by setting its dimensions to the vector's
+ * coordinates. For instance, if you want to change an element to be 100px
+ * by 100px:
+ *
+ * JX.$V(100, 100).setDim(node);
+ *
+ * Or if you want to expand a node's dimensions by 50px:
+ *
+ * JX.$V(node).add(50, 50).setDim(node);
+ *
+ * @param Node Node to resize.
+ * @return this
+ * @task update
+ */
+ setDim : function(node) {
+ =
+ (this.x === null)
+ ? ''
+ : (parseInt(this.x, 10) + 'px');
+ =
+ (this.y === null)
+ ? ''
+ : (parseInt(this.y, 10) + 'px');
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Change a vector's x and y coordinates by adding numbers to them, or
+ * adding the coordinates of another vector. For example:
+ *
+ * var u = JX.$V(3, 4).add(100, 200); // u = <103, 204>
+ *
+ * You can also add another vector:
+ *
+ * var q = JX.$V(777, 999);
+ * var r = JX.$V(1000, 2000);
+ * var s = q.add(r); // s = <1777, 2999>
+ *
+ * Note that this method returns a new vector. It does not modify the
+ * 'this' vector.
+ *
+ * @param wild Value to add to the vector's x component, or another
+ * vector.
+ * @param Number? Value to add to the vector's y component.
+ * @return @{class:JX.Vector} New vector, with summed components.
+ * @task manip
+ */
+ add : function(x, y) {
+ if (x instanceof JX.Vector) {
+ y = x.y;
+ x = x.x;
+ }
+ return new JX.Vector(this.x + parseFloat(x), this.y + parseFloat(y));
+ }
+ },
+ statics : {
+ _viewport: null,
+ /**
+ * Determine where in a document an element is (or where an event, like
+ * a click, occurred) by building a new vector containing the position of a
+ * Node or @{class:JX.Event}. The 'x' component of the vector will
+ * correspond to the pixel offset of the argument relative to the left edge
+ * of the document, and the 'y' component will correspond to the pixel
+ * offset of the argument relative to the top edge of the document. Note
+ * that all vectors are generated in document coordinates, so the scroll
+ * position does not affect them.
+ *
+ * See also @{method:getDim}, used to determine an element's dimensions.
+ *
+ * @param Node|@{class:JX.Event} Node or event to determine the position
+ * of.
+ * @return @{class:JX.Vector} New vector with the argument's position.
+ * @task query
+ */
+ getPos : function(node) {
+ JX.Event && (node instanceof JX.Event) && (node = node.getRawEvent());
+ if (('pageX' in node) || ('clientX' in node)) {
+ var c = JX.Vector._viewport;
+ return new JX.Vector(
+ node.pageX || (node.clientX + c.scrollLeft),
+ node.pageY || (node.clientY + c.scrollTop)
+ );
+ }
+ var x = 0;
+ var y = 0;
+ do {
+ x += node.offsetLeft;
+ y += node.offsetTop;
+ node = node.offsetParent;
+ } while (node && node != document.body);
+ return new JX.Vector(x, y);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Determine the width and height of a node by building a new vector with
+ * dimension information. The 'x' component of the vector will correspond
+ * to the element's width in pixels, and the 'y' component will correspond
+ * to its height in pixels.
+ *
+ * See also @{method:getPos}, used to determine an element's position.
+ *
+ * @param Node Node to determine the display size of.
+ * @return @{JX.$V} New vector with the node's dimensions.
+ * @task query
+ */
+ getDim : function(node) {
+ return new JX.Vector(node.offsetWidth, node.offsetHeight);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Determine the current scroll position by building a new vector where
+ * the 'x' component corresponds to how many pixels the user has scrolled
+ * from the left edge of the document, and the 'y' component corresponds to
+ * how many pixels the user has scrolled from the top edge of the document.
+ *
+ * See also @{method:getViewport}, used to determine the size of the
+ * viewport.
+ *
+ * @return @{JX.$V} New vector with the document scroll position.
+ * @task query
+ */
+ getScroll : function() {
+ // We can't use JX.Vector._viewport here because there's diversity between
+ // browsers with respect to where position/dimension and scroll position
+ // information is stored.
+ var b = document.body;
+ var e = document.documentElement;
+ return new JX.Vector(
+ window.pageXOffset || b.scrollLeft || e.scrollLeft,
+ window.pageYOffset || b.scrollTop || e.scrollTop
+ );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Determine the size of the viewport (basically, the browser window) by
+ * building a new vector where the 'x' component corresponds to the width
+ * of the viewport in pixels and the 'y' component corresponds to the height
+ * of the viewport in pixels.
+ *
+ * See also @{method:getScroll}, used to determine the position of the
+ * viewport, and @{method:getDocument}, used to determine the size of the
+ * entire document.
+ *
+ * @return @{class:JX.Vector} New vector with the viewport dimensions.
+ * @task query
+ */
+ getViewport : function() {
+ var c = JX.Vector._viewport;
+ return new JX.Vector(
+ window.innerWidth || c.clientWidth || 0,
+ window.innerHeight || c.clientHeight || 0
+ );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Determine the size of the document, including any area outside the
+ * current viewport which the user would need to scroll in order to see, by
+ * building a new vector where the 'x' component corresponds to the document
+ * width in pixels and the 'y' component corresponds to the document height
+ * in pixels.
+ *
+ * @return @{class:JX.Vector} New vector with the document dimensions.
+ * @task query
+ */
+ getDocument : function() {
+ var c = JX.Vector._viewport;
+ return new JX.Vector(c.scrollWidth || 0, c.scrollHeight || 0);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * On initialization, the browser-dependent viewport root is determined and
+ * stored.
+ *
+ * In ##__DEV__##, @{class:JX.Vector} installs a toString() method so
+ * vectors print in a debuggable way:
+ *
+ * <23, 92>
+ *
+ * This string representation of vectors is not available in a production
+ * context.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ initialize : function() {
+ JX.Vector._viewport = document.documentElement || document.body;
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ JX.Vector.prototype.toString = function() {
+ return '<' + this.x + ', ' + this.y + '>';
+ };
+ }
+ }
Index: externals/javelin/src/lib/Workflow.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/lib/Workflow.js
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+ * @requires javelin-stratcom
+ * javelin-request
+ * javelin-dom
+ * javelin-vector
+ * javelin-install
+ * javelin-util
+ * javelin-mask
+ * javelin-uri
+ * @provides javelin-workflow
+ * @javelin
+ */
+ * @group workflow
+ */
+JX.install('Workflow', {
+ construct : function(uri, data) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (!uri || uri == '#') {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'new JX.Workflow(<?>, ...): '+
+ 'bogus URI provided when creating workflow.');
+ }
+ }
+ this.setURI(uri);
+ this.setData(data || {});
+ },
+ events : ['error', 'finally', 'submit'],
+ statics : {
+ _stack : [],
+ newFromForm : function(form, data) {
+ var pairs = JX.DOM.convertFormToListOfPairs(form);
+ for (var k in data) {
+ pairs.push([k, data[k]]);
+ }
+ // Disable form elements during the request
+ var inputs = [].concat(
+ JX.DOM.scry(form, 'input'),
+ JX.DOM.scry(form, 'button'),
+ JX.DOM.scry(form, 'textarea'));
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < inputs.length; ii++) {
+ if (inputs[ii].disabled) {
+ delete inputs[ii];
+ } else {
+ inputs[ii].disabled = true;
+ }
+ }
+ var workflow = new JX.Workflow(form.getAttribute('action'), {});
+ workflow.setDataWithListOfPairs(pairs);
+ workflow.setMethod(form.getAttribute('method'));
+ workflow.listen('finally', function() {
+ // Re-enable form elements
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < inputs.length; ii++) {
+ inputs[ii] && (inputs[ii].disabled = false);
+ }
+ });
+ return workflow;
+ },
+ newFromLink : function(link) {
+ var workflow = new JX.Workflow(link.href);
+ return workflow;
+ },
+ _push : function(workflow) {
+ JX.Workflow._stack.push(workflow);
+ },
+ _pop : function() {
+ var dialog = JX.Workflow._stack.pop();
+ (dialog.getCloseHandler() || JX.bag)();
+ dialog._destroy();
+ JX.Mask.hide();
+ },
+ disable : function() {
+ JX.Workflow._disabled = true;
+ },
+ _onbutton : function(event) {
+ if (JX.Stratcom.pass()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (JX.Workflow._disabled) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var t = event.getTarget();
+ if ( == '__cancel__' || == '__close__') {
+ JX.Workflow._pop();
+ } else {
+ var form = event.getNode('jx-dialog');
+ var data = JX.DOM.convertFormToListOfPairs(form);
+ data.push([, true]);
+ var active = JX.Workflow._getActiveWorkflow();
+ var e = active.invoke('submit', {form: form, data: data});
+ if (!e.getStopped()) {
+ active._destroy();
+ active
+ .setURI(form.getAttribute('action') || active.getURI())
+ .setDataWithListOfPairs(data)
+ .start();
+ }
+ }
+ event.prevent();
+ },
+ _getActiveWorkflow : function() {
+ var stack = JX.Workflow._stack;
+ return stack[stack.length - 1];
+ }
+ },
+ members : {
+ _root : null,
+ _pushed : false,
+ _data : null,
+ _onload : function(r) {
+ // It is permissible to send back a falsey redirect to force a page
+ // reload, so we need to take this branch if the key is present.
+ if (r && (typeof r.redirect != 'undefined')) {
+ JX.$U(r.redirect).go();
+ } else if (r && r.dialog) {
+ this._push();
+ this._root = JX.$N(
+ 'div',
+ {className: 'jx-client-dialog'},
+ JX.$H(r.dialog));
+ JX.DOM.listen(
+ this._root,
+ 'click',
+ [['jx-workflow-button'], ['tag:button']],
+ JX.Workflow._onbutton);
+ document.body.appendChild(this._root);
+ var d = JX.Vector.getDim(this._root);
+ var v = JX.Vector.getViewport();
+ var s = JX.Vector.getScroll();
+ JX.$V((v.x - d.x) / 2, s.y + 100).setPos(this._root);
+ try {
+ JX.DOM.focus(JX.DOM.find(this._root, 'button', '__default__'));
+ var inputs = JX.DOM.scry(this._root, 'input')
+ .concat(JX.DOM.scry(this._root, 'textarea'));
+ var miny = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
+ var target = null;
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < inputs.length; ++ii) {
+ if (inputs[ii].type != 'hidden') {
+ // Find the topleft-most displayed element.
+ var p = JX.$V(inputs[ii]);
+ if (p.y < miny) {
+ miny = p.y;
+ target = inputs[ii];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ target && JX.DOM.focus(target);
+ } catch (_ignored) {}
+ } else if (this.getHandler()) {
+ this.getHandler()(r);
+ this._pop();
+ } else if (r) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ JX.$E('Response to workflow request went unhandled.');
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _push : function() {
+ if (!this._pushed) {
+ this._pushed = true;
+ JX.Workflow._push(this);
+ }
+ },
+ _pop : function() {
+ if (this._pushed) {
+ this._pushed = false;
+ JX.Workflow._pop();
+ }
+ },
+ _destroy : function() {
+ if (this._root) {
+ JX.DOM.remove(this._root);
+ this._root = null;
+ }
+ },
+ start : function() {
+ var uri = this.getURI();
+ var method = this.getMethod();
+ var r = new JX.Request(uri, JX.bind(this, this._onload));
+ var list_of_pairs = this._data;
+ list_of_pairs.push(['__wflow__', true]);
+ r.setDataWithListOfPairs(list_of_pairs);
+ r.setDataSerializer(this.getDataSerializer());
+ if (method) {
+ r.setMethod(method);
+ }
+ r.listen('finally', JX.bind(this, this.invoke, 'finally'));
+ r.listen('error', JX.bind(this, function(error) {
+ var e = this.invoke('error', error);
+ if (e.getStopped()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // TODO: Default error behavior? On Facebook Lite, we just shipped the
+ // user to "/error/". We could emit a blanket 'workflow-failed' type
+ // event instead.
+ }));
+ r.send();
+ },
+ setData : function(dictionary) {
+ this._data = [];
+ for (var k in dictionary) {
+ this._data.push([k, dictionary[k]]);
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ setDataWithListOfPairs : function(list_of_pairs) {
+ this._data = list_of_pairs;
+ return this;
+ }
+ },
+ properties : {
+ handler : null,
+ closeHandler : null,
+ dataSerializer : null,
+ method : null,
+ URI : null
+ },
+ initialize : function() {
+ function close_dialog_when_user_presses_escape(e) {
+ if (e.getSpecialKey() != 'esc') {
+ // Some key other than escape.
+ return;
+ }
+ if (JX.Workflow._disabled) {
+ // Workflows are disabled on this page.
+ return;
+ }
+ if (JX.Stratcom.pass()) {
+ // Something else swallowed the event.
+ return;
+ }
+ var active = JX.Workflow._getActiveWorkflow();
+ if (!active) {
+ // No active workflow.
+ return;
+ }
+ // Note: the cancel button is actually an <a /> tag.
+ var buttons = JX.DOM.scry(active._root, 'a', 'jx-workflow-button');
+ if (!buttons.length) {
+ // No buttons in the dialog.
+ return;
+ }
+ var cancel = null;
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < buttons.length; ii++) {
+ if (buttons[ii].name == '__cancel__') {
+ cancel = buttons[ii];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!cancel) {
+ // No 'Cancel' button.
+ return;
+ }
+ JX.Workflow._pop();
+ e.prevent();
+ };
+ JX.Stratcom.listen('keydown', null, close_dialog_when_user_presses_escape);
+ }
Index: externals/javelin/src/lib/__tests__/Cookie.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/lib/__tests__/Cookie.js
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ * @requires javelin-cookie
+ */
+ * These all are hope-and-pray tests because cookies have such a piss poor
+ * API in HTTP and offer so little insight from JS. This is just a
+ * supplement to the battle testing the cookie library has.
+ */
+describe('Javelin Cookie', function() {
+ it('should create a cookie string with the correct format', function() {
+ var doc = { cookie : null };
+ var c = new JX.Cookie('omnom');
+ c.setValue('nommy');
+ c.setDaysToLive(5);
+ c.setTarget(doc);
+ c.setPath('/');
+ c.setSecure(true);
+ c.write();
+ // Should be something like:
+ // omnom=nommy; path=/; expires=Sat, 10 Dec 2011 05:00:34 GMT; Secure;
+ expect(doc.cookie).toMatch(
+ /^omnom=nommy;\sPath=\/;\sExpires=[^;]+;\sSecure;/);
+ });
+ it('should properly encode and decode special chars in cookie values',
+ function() {
+ var value = '!@#$%^&*()?+|/=\\{}[]<>';
+ var doc = { cookie : null };
+ var c = new JX.Cookie('data');
+ c.setTarget(doc);
+ c.setValue(value);
+ c.write();
+ var data = doc.cookie.substr(0, doc.cookie.indexOf(';'));
+ // Make sure the raw value is all escaped
+ expect(data).toEqual(
+ 'data=!%40%23%24%25%5E%26*()%3F%2B%7C%2F%3D%5C%7B%7D%5B%5D%3C%3E');
+ // Make sure the retrieved value is all unescaped
+ expect(;
+ });
Index: externals/javelin/src/lib/__tests__/DOM.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/lib/__tests__/DOM.js
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+ * @requires javelin-uri javelin-php-serializer
+ */
+describe('JX.DOM', function() {
+ describe('uniqID', function() {
+ it('must expect the unexpected', function() {
+ // Form with an in <input /> named "id", which collides with the "id"
+ // attribute.
+ var form_id = JX.$N('form', {}, JX.$N('input', {name : 'id'}));
+ var form_ok = JX.$N('form', {}, JX.$N('input', {name : 'ok'}));
+ // Test that we avoid issues when "" is actually the node named
+ // "id".
+ var id = JX.DOM.uniqID(form_id);
+ expect(typeof id).toBe('string');
+ expect(!!id).toBe(true);
+ var ok = JX.DOM.uniqID(form_ok);
+ expect(typeof ok).toBe('string');
+ expect(!!ok).toBe(true);
+ expect(id).toNotEqual(ok);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('invoke', function() {
+ it('should invoke custom events', function() {
+ var span = JX.$N('span', 'test');
+ var div = JX.$N('div', {}, span);
+ var data = { duck: 'quack' };
+ var invoked = false;
+ var bubbled = false;
+ JX.DOM.listen(span, 'custom', null, function(event) {
+ expect(event.getTarget()).toBe(span);
+ expect(event.getType()).toBe('custom');
+ expect(event.getData()).toBe(data);
+ invoked = true;
+ });
+ JX.DOM.listen(div, 'custom', null, function(event) {
+ expect(event.getTarget()).toBe(span); // not div
+ bubbled = true;
+ });
+ JX.DOM.invoke(span, 'custom', data);
+ expect(invoked).toBe(true);
+ expect(bubbled).toBe(true);
+ });
+ it('should not allow invoking native events', function() {
+ ensure__DEV__(true, function() {
+ expect(function() {
+ JX.DOM.invoke(JX.$N('div'), 'click');
+ }).toThrow();
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe('setContent', function() {
+ var node;
+ beforeEach(function() {
+ node = JX.$N('div');
+ });
+ it('should insert a node', function() {
+ var content = JX.$N('p');
+ JX.DOM.setContent(node, content);
+ expect(node.childNodes[0]).toEqual(content);
+ expect(node.childNodes.length).toEqual(1);
+ });
+ it('should insert two nodes', function() {
+ var content = [JX.$N('p'), JX.$N('div')];
+ JX.DOM.setContent(node, content);
+ expect(node.childNodes[0]).toEqual(content[0]);
+ expect(node.childNodes[1]).toEqual(content[1]);
+ expect(node.childNodes.length).toEqual(2);
+ });
+ it('should accept a text node', function() {
+ var content = 'This is not the text you are looking for';
+ JX.DOM.setContent(node, content);
+ expect(node.innerText || node.textContent).toEqual(content);
+ expect(node.childNodes.length).toEqual(1);
+ });
+ it('should accept nodes and strings in an array', function() {
+ var content = [
+ 'This is not the text you are looking for',
+ JX.$N('div')
+ ];
+ JX.DOM.setContent(node, content);
+ expect(node.childNodes[0].nodeValue).toEqual(content[0]);
+ expect(node.childNodes[1]).toEqual(content[1]);
+ expect(node.childNodes.length).toEqual(2);
+ });
+ it('should accept a JX.HTML instance', function() {
+ var content = JX.$H('<div />');
+ JX.DOM.setContent(node, content);
+ // Can not rely on an equals match because JX.HTML creates nodes on
+ // the fly
+ expect(node.childNodes[0].tagName).toEqual('DIV');
+ expect(node.childNodes.length).toEqual(1);
+ });
+ it('should accept multiple JX.HTML instances', function() {
+ var content = [JX.$H('<div />'), JX.$H('<a href="#"></a>')];
+ JX.DOM.setContent(node, content);
+ expect(node.childNodes[0].tagName).toEqual('DIV');
+ expect(node.childNodes[1].tagName).toEqual('A');
+ expect(node.childNodes.length).toEqual(2);
+ });
+ it('should accept nested arrays', function() {
+ var content = [['a', 'b'], 'c'];
+ JX.DOM.setContent(node, content);
+ expect(node.childNodes.length).toEqual(3);
+ });
+ it('should retain order when prepending', function() {
+ var content = [JX.$N('a'), JX.$N('b')];
+ JX.DOM.setContent(node, JX.$N('div'));
+ JX.DOM.prependContent(node, content);
+ expect(node.childNodes[0].tagName).toEqual('A');
+ expect(node.childNodes[1].tagName).toEqual('B');
+ expect(node.childNodes[2].tagName).toEqual('DIV');
+ expect(node.childNodes.length).toEqual(3);
+ });
+ it('should retain order when doing nested prepends', function() {
+ // Note nesting.
+ var content = [[JX.$N('a'), JX.$N('b')]];
+ JX.DOM.prependContent(node, content);
+ expect(node.childNodes[0].tagName).toEqual('A');
+ expect(node.childNodes[1].tagName).toEqual('B');
+ expect(node.childNodes.length).toEqual(2);
+ });
+ it('should ignore empty elements', function() {
+ var content = [null, undefined, [], JX.$N('p'), 2, JX.$N('div'), false,
+ [false, [0], [[]]], [[undefined], [,,,,,,,]]];
+ JX.DOM.setContent(node, content);
+ expect(node.childNodes[0].tagName).toEqual('P');
+ expect(node.childNodes[2].tagName).toEqual('DIV');
+ expect(node.childNodes.length).toEqual(4);
+ });
+ it('should fail when given an object with toString', function() {
+ // This test is just documenting the behavior of an edge case, we could
+ // later choose to support these objects.
+ var content = {toString : function() { return 'quack'; }};
+ var ex;
+ try {
+ // We expect JX.DOM.setContent() to throw an exception when processing
+ // this object, since it will try to append it directly into the DOM
+ // and the browser will reject it, as it isn't a node.
+ JX.DOM.setContent(node, content);
+ } catch (exception) {
+ ex = exception;
+ }
+ expect(!!ex).toBe(true);
+ });
+ it('should not cause array order side effects', function() {
+ var content = ['a', 'b'];
+ var original = [].concat(content);
+ JX.DOM.prependContent(node, content);
+ expect(content).toEqual(original);
+ });
+ it('should allow numbers', function() {
+ var content = 3;
+ JX.DOM.setContent(node, content);
+ expect(node.innerText || node.textContent).toEqual('3');
+ });
+ it('should work by re-setting a value', function() {
+ JX.DOM.setContent(node, 'text');
+ JX.DOM.setContent(node, 'another text');
+ expect(node.innerText || node.textContent).toEqual('another text');
+ });
+ });
Index: externals/javelin/src/lib/__tests__/JSON.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/lib/__tests__/JSON.js
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * @requires javelin-json
+ */
+describe('JSON', function() {
+ it('should encode and decode an object', function() {
+ var object = {
+ a: [0, 1, 2],
+ s: "Javelin Stuffs",
+ u: '\x01',
+ n: 1,
+ f: 3.14,
+ b: false,
+ nil: null,
+ o: {
+ a: 1,
+ b: [1, 2],
+ c: {
+ a: 2,
+ b: 3
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ expect(JX.JSON.parse(JX.JSON.stringify(object))).toEqual(object);
+ });
+ it('should encode undefined array indices as null', function() {
+ var a = [];
+ a.length = 2;
+ var o = { x : a };
+ expect(JX.JSON.stringify(o)).toEqual('{"x":[null,null]}');
+ });
Index: externals/javelin/src/lib/__tests__/URI.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/lib/__tests__/URI.js
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+ * @requires javelin-uri javelin-php-serializer
+ */
+describe('Javelin URI', function() {
+ it('should understand parts of a uri', function() {
+ var uri = JX.$U('');
+ expect(uri.getProtocol()).toEqual('http');
+ expect(uri.getDomain()).toEqual('');
+ expect(uri.getPort()).toEqual('123');
+ expect(uri.getPath()).toEqual('/home.php');
+ expect(uri.getQueryParams()).toEqual({'key' : 'value'});
+ expect(uri.getFragment()).toEqual('fragment');
+ });
+ it('can accept null as uri string', function() {
+ var uri = JX.$U(null);
+ expect(uri.getProtocol()).toEqual(undefined);
+ expect(uri.getDomain()).toEqual(undefined);
+ expect(uri.getPath()).toEqual(undefined);
+ expect(uri.getQueryParams()).toEqual({});
+ expect(uri.getFragment()).toEqual(undefined);
+ expect(uri.toString()).toEqual('');
+ });
+ it('can accept empty string as uri string', function() {
+ var uri = JX.$U('');
+ expect(uri.getProtocol()).toEqual(undefined);
+ expect(uri.getDomain()).toEqual(undefined);
+ expect(uri.getPath()).toEqual(undefined);
+ expect(uri.getQueryParams()).toEqual({});
+ expect(uri.getFragment()).toEqual(undefined);
+ expect(uri.toString()).toEqual('');
+ });
+ it('should understand relative uri', function() {
+ var uri = JX.$U('/home.php?key=value#fragment');
+ expect(uri.getProtocol()).toEqual(undefined);
+ expect(uri.getDomain()).toEqual(undefined);
+ expect(uri.getPath()).toEqual('/home.php');
+ expect(uri.getQueryParams()).toEqual({'key' : 'value'});
+ expect(uri.getFragment()).toEqual('fragment');
+ });
+ function charRange(from, to) {
+ res = '';
+ for (var i = from.charCodeAt(0); i <= to.charCodeAt(0); i++) {
+ res += String.fromCharCode(i);
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ it('should reject unsafe domains', function() {
+ var unsafe_chars =
+ '\x00;\\%\u2047\u2048\ufe56\ufe5f\uff03\uff0f\uff1f' +
+ charRange('\ufdd0', '\ufdef') + charRange('\ufff0', '\uffff');
+ for (var i = 0; i < unsafe_chars.length; i++) {
+ expect(function() {
+ JX.$U('http://foo' + unsafe_chars.charAt(i) + 'bar');
+ }).toThrow();
+ }
+ });
+ it('should allow safe domains', function() {
+ var safe_chars =
+ '-._' + charRange('a', 'z') + charRange('A', 'Z') + charRange('0', '9') +
+ '\u2046\u2049\ufdcf\ufdf0\uffef';
+ for (var i = 0; i < safe_chars.length; i++) {
+ var domain = 'foo' + safe_chars.charAt(i) + 'bar';
+ var uri = JX.$U('http://' + domain);
+ expect(uri.getDomain()).toEqual(domain);
+ }
+ });
+ it('should set slash as the default path', function() {
+ var uri = JX.$U('');
+ expect(uri.getPath()).toEqual('/');
+ });
+ it('should set empty map as the default query data', function() {
+ var uri = JX.$U('');
+ expect(uri.getQueryParams()).toEqual({});
+ });
+ it('should set undefined as the default fragment', function() {
+ var uri = JX.$U('');
+ expect(uri.getFragment()).toEqual(undefined);
+ });
+ it('should understand uri with no path', function() {
+ var uri = JX.$U('');
+ expect(uri.getPath()).toEqual('/');
+ expect(uri.getQueryParams()).toEqual({'key' : 'value'});
+ });
+ it('should understand multiple query keys', function() {
+ var uri = JX.$U('/?clown=town&herp=derp');
+ expect(uri.getQueryParams()).toEqual({
+ 'clown' : 'town',
+ 'herp' : 'derp'
+ });
+ });
+ it('does not set keys for nonexistant data', function() {
+ var uri = JX.$U('/?clown=town');
+ expect(uri.getQueryParams().herp).toEqual(undefined);
+ });
+ it('does not parse different types of query data', function() {
+ var uri = JX.$U('/?str=string&int=123&bool=true&badbool=false&raw');
+ expect(uri.getQueryParams()).toEqual({
+ 'str' : 'string',
+ 'int' : '123',
+ 'bool' : 'true',
+ 'badbool' : 'false',
+ 'raw' : ''
+ });
+ });
+ it('should act as string', function() {
+ var string = '';
+ var uri = JX.$U(string);
+ expect(uri.toString()).toEqual(string);
+ expect('' + uri).toEqual(string);
+ });
+ it('can remove path', function() {
+ var uri = JX.$U('');
+ uri.setPath(undefined);
+ expect(uri.getPath()).toEqual(undefined);
+ expect(uri.toString()).toEqual('');
+ });
+ it('can remove queryData by undefining it', function() {
+ var uri = JX.$U('');
+ uri.setQueryParams(undefined);
+ expect(uri.getQueryParams()).toEqual(undefined);
+ expect(uri.toString()).toEqual('');
+ });
+ it('can remove queryData by replacing it', function() {
+ var uri = JX.$U('');
+ uri.setQueryParams({});
+ expect(uri.getQueryParams()).toEqual({});
+ expect(uri.toString()).toEqual('');
+ });
+ it('can amend to removed queryData', function() {
+ var uri = JX.$U('');
+ uri.setQueryParams({});
+ expect(uri.getQueryParams()).toEqual({});
+ uri.addQueryParams({'herp' : 'derp'});
+ expect(uri.getQueryParams()).toEqual({'herp' : 'derp'});
+ expect(uri.toString()).toEqual(
+ '');
+ });
+ it('should properly decode entities', function() {
+ var uri = JX.$U('/?from=clown+town&to=cloud%20city&pass=cloud%2Bcountry');
+ expect(uri.getQueryParams()).toEqual({
+ 'from' : 'clown town',
+ 'to' : 'cloud city',
+ 'pass' : 'cloud+country'
+ });
+ expect(uri.toString()).toEqual(
+ '/?from=clown%20town&to=cloud%20city&pass=cloud%2Bcountry');
+ });
+ it('can add query data', function() {
+ var uri = JX.$U('');
+ uri.addQueryParams({'key' : 'value'});
+ expect(uri.getQueryParams()).toEqual({'key' : 'value'});
+ expect(uri.toString()).toEqual('');
+ uri.setQueryParam('key', 'lock');
+ expect(uri.getQueryParams()).toEqual({'key' : 'lock'});
+ expect(uri.toString()).toEqual('');
+ });
+ it('can add different types of query data', function() {
+ var uri = new JX.URI();
+ uri.setQueryParams({
+ 'str' : 'string',
+ 'int' : 123,
+ 'bool' : true,
+ 'badbool' : false,
+ 'raw' : ''
+ });
+ expect(uri.toString()).toEqual(
+ '?str=string&int=123&bool=true&badbool=false&raw');
+ });
+ it('should properly encode entities in added query data', function() {
+ var uri = new JX.URI();
+ uri.addQueryParams({'key' : 'two words'});
+ expect(uri.getQueryParams()).toEqual({'key' : 'two words'});
+ expect(uri.toString()).toEqual('?key=two%20words');
+ });
+ it('can add multiple query data', function() {
+ var uri = JX.$U('');
+ uri.addQueryParams({
+ 'clown' : 'town',
+ 'herp' : 'derp'
+ });
+ expect(uri.getQueryParams()).toEqual({
+ 'clown' : 'town',
+ 'herp' : 'derp'
+ });
+ expect(uri.toString()).toEqual(
+ '');
+ });
+ it('can append to existing query data', function() {
+ var uri = JX.$U('/?key=value');
+ uri.addQueryParams({'clown' : 'town'});
+ expect(uri.getQueryParams()).toEqual({
+ 'key' : 'value',
+ 'clown' : 'town'
+ });
+ expect(uri.toString()).toEqual('/?key=value&clown=town');
+ });
+ it('can merge with existing query data', function() {
+ var uri = JX.$U('/?key=value&clown=town');
+ uri.addQueryParams({
+ 'clown' : 'ville',
+ 'herp' : 'derp'
+ });
+ expect(uri.getQueryParams()).toEqual({
+ 'key' : 'value',
+ 'clown' : 'ville',
+ 'herp' : 'derp'
+ });
+ expect(uri.toString()).toEqual('/?key=value&clown=ville&herp=derp');
+ });
+ it('can replace query data', function() {
+ var uri = JX.$U('/?key=value&clown=town');
+ uri.setQueryParams({'herp' : 'derp'});
+ expect(uri.getQueryParams()).toEqual({'herp' : 'derp'});
+ expect(uri.toString()).toEqual('/?herp=derp');
+ });
+ it('can remove query data', function() {
+ var uri = JX.$U('/?key=value&clown=town');
+ uri.addQueryParams({'key' : null});
+ expect(uri.getQueryParams()).toEqual({
+ 'clown' : 'town',
+ 'key' : null
+ });
+ expect(uri.toString()).toEqual('/?clown=town');
+ });
+ it('can remove multiple query data', function() {
+ var uri = JX.$U('/?key=value&clown=town&herp=derp');
+ uri.addQueryParams({'key' : null, 'herp' : undefined});
+ expect(uri.getQueryParams()).toEqual({
+ 'clown' : 'town',
+ 'key' : null,
+ 'herp' : undefined
+ });
+ expect(uri.toString()).toEqual('/?clown=town');
+ });
+ it('can remove non existant query data', function() {
+ var uri = JX.$U('/?key=value');
+ uri.addQueryParams({'magic' : null});
+ expect(uri.getQueryParams()).toEqual({
+ 'key' : 'value',
+ 'magic' : null
+ });
+ expect(uri.toString()).toEqual('/?key=value');
+ });
+ it('can build uri from scratch', function() {
+ var uri = new JX.URI();
+ uri.setProtocol('http');
+ uri.setDomain('');
+ uri.setPath('/home.php');
+ uri.setQueryParams({'key' : 'value'});
+ uri.setFragment('fragment');
+ expect(uri.toString()).toEqual(
+ '');
+ });
+ it('no global state interference', function() {
+ var uri1 = JX.$U('/?key=value');
+ var uri2 = JX.$U();
+ expect(uri2.getQueryParams()).not.toEqual({'key' : 'value'});
+ });
Index: externals/javelin/src/lib/__tests__/behavior.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/lib/__tests__/behavior.js
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ * @requires javelin-behavior
+ */
+describe('Javelin Behaviors', function() {
+ beforeEach(function() {
+ // Don't try this at home, kids.
+ JX.behavior._behaviors = {};
+ JX.behavior._initialized = {};
+ JX.behavior._statics = {};
+ });
+ it('JX.behavior should not work with clowny names', function() {
+ ensure__DEV__(true, function() {
+ expect(function() {
+ JX.behavior('toString', function() {});
+ }).toThrow();
+ });
+ });
+ it('JX.initBehavior should pass a config object', function() {
+ var called = false;
+ var config = 'no-value';
+ JX.behavior('my-behavior', function(cfg) {
+ called = true;
+ config = cfg;
+ });
+ JX.initBehaviors({});
+ expect(called).toBe(false);
+ expect(config).toEqual('no-value');
+ called = false;
+ config = null;
+ JX.initBehaviors({ 'my-behavior': [] });
+ expect(called).toBe(true);
+ expect(config).toBeNull();
+ called = false;
+ config = null;
+ JX.initBehaviors({ 'my-behavior': ['foo'] });
+ expect(called).toBe(true);
+ expect(config).toEqual('foo');
+ });
+ it('JX.initBehavior should init a behavior with no config once', function() {
+ var count = 0;
+ JX.behavior('foo', function() {
+ count++;
+ });
+ JX.initBehaviors({ 'foo': [] });
+ expect(count).toEqual(1);
+ JX.initBehaviors({ 'foo': [] });
+ expect(count).toEqual(1);
+ JX.initBehaviors({ 'foo': ['test'] });
+ expect(count).toEqual(2);
+ });
+ it('Behavior statics should persist across behavior invocations', function() {
+ var expect_value;
+ var asserted = 0;
+ JX.behavior('static-test', function(config, statics) {
+ statics.value = (statics.value || 0) + 1;
+ expect(statics.value).toBe(expect_value);
+ asserted++;
+ });
+ expect_value = 1;
+ JX.initBehaviors({'static-test' : [{ hog : 0 }]});
+ expect_value = 2;
+ JX.initBehaviors({'static-test' : [{ hog : 0 }]});
+ // Test that we actually invoked the behavior.
+ expect(asserted).toBe(2);
+ });
+ it('should throw for undefined behaviors', function() {
+ var called;
+ JX.behavior('can-haz', function() {
+ called = true;
+ });
+ expect(function() {
+ JX.initBehaviors({
+ 'no-can-haz': [],
+ 'can-haz': [],
+ 'i-fail': []
+ });
+ }).toThrow();
+ expect(called).toBe(true);
+ });
Index: externals/javelin/src/lib/behavior.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/lib/behavior.js
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+ * @provides javelin-behavior
+ * @requires javelin-magical-init
+ *
+ * @javelin-installs JX.behavior
+ * @javelin-installs JX.initBehaviors
+ *
+ * @javelin
+ */
+ * Define a Javelin behavior, which holds glue code in a structured way. See
+ * @{article:Concepts: Behaviors} for a detailed description of Javelin
+ * behaviors.
+ *
+ * To define a behavior, provide a name and a function:
+ *
+ * JX.behavior('win-a-hog', function(config, statics) {
+ * alert("YOU WON A HOG NAMED " + config.hogName + "!");
+ * });
+ *
+ * @param string Behavior name.
+ * @param function Behavior callback/definition.
+ * @return void
+ * @group behavior
+ */
+JX.behavior = function(name, control_function) {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (JX.behavior._behaviors.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.behavior("' + name + '", ...): '+
+ 'behavior is already registered.');
+ }
+ if (!control_function) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.behavior("' + name + '", <nothing>): '+
+ 'initialization function is required.');
+ }
+ if (typeof control_function != 'function') {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.behavior("' + name + '", <garbage>): ' +
+ 'initialization function is not a function.');
+ }
+ // IE does not enumerate over these properties
+ var enumerables = {
+ toString: true,
+ hasOwnProperty: true,
+ valueOf: true,
+ isPrototypeOf: true,
+ propertyIsEnumerable: true,
+ toLocaleString: true,
+ constructor: true
+ };
+ if (enumerables[name]) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.behavior("' + name + '", <garbage>): ' +
+ 'do not use this property as a behavior.'
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ JX.behavior._behaviors[name] = control_function;
+ JX.behavior._statics[name] = {};
+ * Execute previously defined Javelin behaviors, running the glue code they
+ * contain to glue stuff together. See @{article:Concepts: Behaviors} for more
+ * information on Javelin behaviors.
+ *
+ * Normally, you do not call this function yourself; instead, your server-side
+ * library builds it for you.
+ *
+ * @param dict Map of behaviors to invoke: keys are behavior names, and values
+ * are lists of configuration dictionaries. The behavior will be
+ * invoked once for each configuration dictionary.
+ * @return void
+ * @group behavior
+ */
+JX.initBehaviors = function(map) {
+ var missing_behaviors = [];
+ for (var name in map) {
+ if (!(name in JX.behavior._behaviors)) {
+ missing_behaviors.push(name);
+ continue;
+ }
+ var configs = map[name];
+ if (!configs.length) {
+ if (JX.behavior._initialized.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ configs = [null];
+ }
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < configs.length; ii++) {
+ JX.behavior._behaviors[name](configs[ii], JX.behavior._statics[name]);
+ }
+ JX.behavior._initialized[name] = true;
+ }
+ if (missing_behaviors.length) {
+ JX.$E(
+ 'JX.initBehavior(map): behavior(s) not registered: ' +
+ missing_behaviors.join(', ')
+ );
+ }
+JX.behavior._behaviors = {};
+JX.behavior._statics = {};
+JX.behavior._initialized = {};
+JX.flushHoldingQueue('behavior', JX.behavior);
Index: externals/javelin/src/lib/control/tokenizer/Tokenizer.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/lib/control/tokenizer/Tokenizer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+ * @requires javelin-dom
+ * javelin-util
+ * javelin-stratcom
+ * javelin-install
+ * @provides javelin-tokenizer
+ * @javelin
+ */
+ * A tokenizer is a UI component similar to a text input, except that it
+ * allows the user to input a list of items ("tokens"), generally from a fixed
+ * set of results. A familiar example of this UI is the "To:" field of most
+ * email clients, where the control autocompletes addresses from the user's
+ * address book.
+ *
+ * @{JX.Tokenizer} is built on top of @{JX.Typeahead}, and primarily adds the
+ * ability to choose multiple items.
+ *
+ * To build a @{JX.Tokenizer}, you need to do four things:
+ *
+ * 1. Construct it, padding a DOM node for it to attach to. See the constructor
+ * for more information.
+ * 2. Build a {@JX.Typeahead} and configure it with setTypeahead().
+ * 3. Configure any special options you want.
+ * 4. Call start().
+ *
+ * If you do this correctly, the input should suggest items and enter them as
+ * tokens as the user types.
+ *
+ * @group control
+ */
+JX.install('Tokenizer', {
+ construct : function(containerNode) {
+ this._containerNode = containerNode;
+ },
+ events : [
+ /**
+ * Emitted when the value of the tokenizer changes, similar to an 'onchange'
+ * from a <select />.
+ */
+ 'change'],
+ properties : {
+ limit : null,
+ nextInput : null
+ },
+ members : {
+ _containerNode : null,
+ _root : null,
+ _focus : null,
+ _orig : null,
+ _typeahead : null,
+ _tokenid : 0,
+ _tokens : null,
+ _tokenMap : null,
+ _initialValue : null,
+ _seq : 0,
+ _lastvalue : null,
+ _placeholder : null,
+ start : function() {
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (!this._typeahead) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'JX.Tokenizer.start(): ' +
+ 'No typeahead configured! Use setTypeahead() to provide a ' +
+ 'typeahead.');
+ }
+ }
+ this._orig = JX.DOM.find(this._containerNode, 'input', 'tokenizer-input');
+ this._tokens = [];
+ this._tokenMap = {};
+ var focus = this.buildInput(this._orig.value);
+ this._focus = focus;
+ var input_container = JX.DOM.scry(
+ this._containerNode,
+ 'div',
+ 'tokenizer-input-container'
+ );
+ input_container = input_container[0] || this._containerNode;
+ JX.DOM.listen(
+ focus,
+ ['click', 'focus', 'blur', 'keydown', 'keypress'],
+ null,
+ JX.bind(this, this.handleEvent));
+ JX.DOM.listen(
+ input_container,
+ 'click',
+ null,
+ JX.bind(
+ this,
+ function(e) {
+ if (e.getNode('remove')) {
+ this._remove(e.getNodeData('token').key, true);
+ } else if (e.getTarget() == this._root) {
+ this.focus();
+ }
+ }));
+ var root = JX.$N('div');
+ =;
+ JX.DOM.alterClass(root, 'jx-tokenizer', true);
+ = 'text';
+ this._root = root;
+ root.appendChild(focus);
+ var typeahead = this._typeahead;
+ typeahead.setInputNode(this._focus);
+ typeahead.start();
+ setTimeout(JX.bind(this, function() {
+ var container = this._orig.parentNode;
+ JX.DOM.setContent(container, root);
+ var map = this._initialValue || {};
+ for (var k in map) {
+ this.addToken(k, map[k]);
+ }
+ JX.DOM.appendContent(
+ root,
+ JX.$N('div', {style: {clear: 'both'}})
+ );
+ this._redraw();
+ }), 0);
+ },
+ setInitialValue : function(map) {
+ this._initialValue = map;
+ return this;
+ },
+ setTypeahead : function(typeahead) {
+ typeahead.setAllowNullSelection(false);
+ typeahead.removeListener();
+ typeahead.listen(
+ 'choose',
+ JX.bind(this, function(result) {
+ JX.Stratcom.context().prevent();
+ if (this.addToken(result.rel, {
+ if (this.shouldHideResultsOnChoose()) {
+ this._typeahead.hide();
+ }
+ this._typeahead.clear();
+ this._redraw();
+ this.focus();
+ }
+ })
+ );
+ typeahead.listen(
+ 'query',
+ JX.bind(
+ this,
+ function(query) {
+ // TODO: We should emit a 'query' event here to allow the caller to
+ // generate tokens on the fly, e.g. email addresses or other freeform
+ // or algorithmic tokens.
+ // Then do this if something handles the event.
+ // this._focus.value = '';
+ // this._redraw();
+ // this.focus();
+ if (query.length) {
+ // Prevent this event if there's any text, so that we don't submit
+ // the form (either we created a token or we failed to create a
+ // token; in either case we shouldn't submit). If the query is
+ // empty, allow the event so that the form submission takes place.
+ JX.Stratcom.context().prevent();
+ }
+ }));
+ this._typeahead = typeahead;
+ return this;
+ },
+ shouldHideResultsOnChoose : function() {
+ return true;
+ },
+ handleEvent : function(e) {
+ this._typeahead.handleEvent(e);
+ if (e.getPrevented()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (e.getType() == 'click') {
+ if (e.getTarget() == this._root) {
+ this.focus();
+ e.prevent();
+ return;
+ }
+ } else if (e.getType() == 'keydown') {
+ this._onkeydown(e);
+ } else if (e.getType() == 'blur') {
+ this._focus.value = '';
+ this._redraw();
+ // Explicitly update the placeholder since we just wiped the field
+ // value.
+ this._typeahead.updatePlaceholder();
+ }
+ },
+ refresh : function() {
+ this._redraw(true);
+ return this;
+ },
+ _redraw : function(force) {
+ // If there are tokens in the tokenizer, never show a placeholder.
+ // Otherwise, show one if one is configured.
+ if (JX.keys(this._tokenMap).length) {
+ this._typeahead.setPlaceholder(null);
+ } else {
+ this._typeahead.setPlaceholder(this._placeholder);
+ }
+ var focus = this._focus;
+ if (focus.value === this._lastvalue && !force) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._lastvalue = focus.value;
+ var root = this._root;
+ var metrics = JX.DOM.textMetrics(
+ this._focus,
+ 'jx-tokenizer-metrics');
+ metrics.y = null;
+ metrics.x += 24;
+ metrics.setDim(focus);
+ // This is a pretty ugly hack to force a redraw after copy/paste in
+ // Firefox. If we don't do this, it doesn't redraw the input so pasting
+ // in an email address doesn't give you a very good behavior.
+ focus.value = focus.value;
+ },
+ setPlaceholder : function(string) {
+ this._placeholder = string;
+ return this;
+ },
+ addToken : function(key, value) {
+ if (key in this._tokenMap) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var focus = this._focus;
+ var root = this._root;
+ var token = this.buildToken(key, value);
+ this._tokenMap[key] = {
+ value : value,
+ key : key,
+ node : token
+ };
+ this._tokens.push(key);
+ root.insertBefore(token, focus);
+ this.invoke('change', this);
+ return true;
+ },
+ removeToken : function(key) {
+ return this._remove(key, false);
+ },
+ buildInput: function(value) {
+ return JX.$N('input', {
+ className: 'jx-tokenizer-input',
+ type: 'text',
+ autocomplete: 'off',
+ value: value
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Generate a token based on a key and value. The "token" and "remove"
+ * sigils are observed by a listener in start().
+ */
+ buildToken: function(key, value) {
+ var input = JX.$N('input', {
+ type: 'hidden',
+ value: key,
+ name: + '[' + (this._seq++) + ']'
+ });
+ var remove = JX.$N('a', {
+ className: 'jx-tokenizer-x',
+ sigil: 'remove'
+ }, '\u00d7'); // U+00D7 multiplication sign
+ return JX.$N('a', {
+ className: 'jx-tokenizer-token',
+ sigil: 'token',
+ meta: {key: key}
+ }, [value, input, remove]);
+ },
+ getTokens : function() {
+ var result = {};
+ for (var key in this._tokenMap) {
+ result[key] = this._tokenMap[key].value;
+ }
+ return result;
+ },
+ _onkeydown : function(e) {
+ var focus = this._focus;
+ var root = this._root;
+ switch (e.getSpecialKey()) {
+ case 'tab':
+ var completed = this._typeahead.submit();
+ if (this.getNextInput()) {
+ if (!completed) {
+ this._focus.value = '';
+ }
+ setTimeout(JX.bind(this, function() {
+ this.getNextInput().focus();
+ }), 0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'delete':
+ if (!this._focus.value.length) {
+ var tok;
+ while (tok = this._tokens.pop()) {
+ if (this._remove(tok, true)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'return':
+ // Don't subject this to token limits.
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (this.getLimit() &&
+ JX.keys(this._tokenMap).length == this.getLimit()) {
+ e.prevent();
+ }
+ setTimeout(JX.bind(this, this._redraw), 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ _remove : function(index, focus) {
+ if (!this._tokenMap[index]) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ JX.DOM.remove(this._tokenMap[index].node);
+ delete this._tokenMap[index];
+ this._redraw(true);
+ focus && this.focus();
+ this.invoke('change', this);
+ return true;
+ },
+ focus : function() {
+ var focus = this._focus;
+ setTimeout(function() { JX.DOM.focus(focus); }, 0);
+ }
+ }
Index: externals/javelin/src/lib/control/typeahead/Typeahead.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/lib/control/typeahead/Typeahead.js
@@ -0,0 +1,507 @@
+ * @requires javelin-install
+ * javelin-dom
+ * javelin-vector
+ * javelin-util
+ * @provides javelin-typeahead
+ * @javelin
+ */
+ * A typeahead is a UI component similar to a text input, except that it
+ * suggests some set of results (like friends' names, common searches, or
+ * repository paths) as the user types them. Familiar examples of this UI
+ * include Google Suggest, the Facebook search box, and OS X's Spotlight
+ * feature.
+ *
+ * To build a @{JX.Typeahead}, you need to do four things:
+ *
+ * 1. Construct it, passing some DOM nodes for it to attach to. See the
+ * constructor for more information.
+ * 2. Attach a datasource by calling setDatasource() with a valid datasource,
+ * often a @{JX.TypeaheadPreloadedSource}.
+ * 3. Configure any special options that you want.
+ * 4. Call start().
+ *
+ * If you do this correctly, a dropdown menu should appear under the input as
+ * the user types, suggesting matching results.
+ *
+ * @task build Building a Typeahead
+ * @task datasource Configuring a Datasource
+ * @task config Configuring Options
+ * @task start Activating a Typeahead
+ * @task control Controlling Typeaheads from Javascript
+ * @task internal Internal Methods
+ * @group control
+ */
+JX.install('Typeahead', {
+ /**
+ * Construct a new Typeahead on some "hardpoint". At a minimum, the hardpoint
+ * should be a ##<div>## with "position: relative;" wrapped around a text
+ * ##<input>##. The typeahead's dropdown suggestions will be appended to the
+ * hardpoint in the DOM. Basically, this is the bare minimum requirement:
+ *
+ * <div style="position: relative;">
+ * <input type="text" />
+ * </div>
+ *
+ * Then get a reference to the ##<div>## and pass it as 'hardpoint', and pass
+ * the ##<input>## as 'control'. This will enhance your boring old
+ * ##<input />## with amazing typeahead powers.
+ *
+ * On the Facebook/Tools stack, ##<javelin:typeahead-template />## can build
+ * this for you.
+ *
+ * @param Node "Hardpoint", basically an anchorpoint in the document which
+ * the typeahead can append its suggestion menu to.
+ * @param Node? Actual ##<input />## to use; if not provided, the typeahead
+ * will just look for a (solitary) input inside the hardpoint.
+ * @task build
+ */
+ construct : function(hardpoint, control) {
+ this._hardpoint = hardpoint;
+ this._control = control || JX.DOM.find(hardpoint, 'input');
+ this._root = JX.$N(
+ 'div',
+ {className: 'jx-typeahead-results'});
+ this._display = [];
+ this._listener = JX.DOM.listen(
+ this._control,
+ ['focus', 'blur', 'keypress', 'keydown', 'input'],
+ null,
+ JX.bind(this, this.handleEvent));
+ JX.DOM.listen(
+ this._root,
+ ['mouseover', 'mouseout'],
+ null,
+ JX.bind(this, this._onmouse));
+ JX.DOM.listen(
+ this._root,
+ 'mousedown',
+ 'tag:a',
+ JX.bind(this, function(e) {
+ if (!e.isRightButton()) {
+ this._choose(e.getNode('tag:a'));
+ }
+ }));
+ },
+ events : ['choose', 'query', 'start', 'change', 'show'],
+ properties : {
+ /**
+ * Boolean. If true (default), the user is permitted to submit the typeahead
+ * with a custom or empty selection. This is a good behavior if the
+ * typeahead is attached to something like a search input, where the user
+ * might type a freeform query or select from a list of suggestions.
+ * However, sometimes you require a specific input (e.g., choosing which
+ * user owns something), in which case you can prevent null selections.
+ *
+ * @task config
+ */
+ allowNullSelection : true
+ },
+ members : {
+ _root : null,
+ _control : null,
+ _hardpoint : null,
+ _listener : null,
+ _value : null,
+ _stop : false,
+ _focus : -1,
+ _focused : false,
+ _placeholderVisible : false,
+ _placeholder : null,
+ _display : null,
+ _datasource : null,
+ _waitingListener : null,
+ _readyListener : null,
+ /**
+ * Activate your properly configured typeahead. It won't do anything until
+ * you call this method!
+ *
+ * @task start
+ * @return void
+ */
+ start : function() {
+ this.invoke('start');
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ if (!this._datasource) {
+ throw new Error(
+ "JX.Typeahead.start(): " +
+ "No datasource configured. Create a datasource and call " +
+ "setDatasource().");
+ }
+ }
+ this.updatePlaceholder();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Configure a datasource, which is where the Typeahead gets suggestions
+ * from. See @{JX.TypeaheadDatasource} for more information. You must
+ * provide exactly one datasource.
+ *
+ * @task datasource
+ * @param JX.TypeaheadDatasource The datasource which the typeahead will
+ * draw from.
+ */
+ setDatasource : function(datasource) {
+ if (this._datasource) {
+ this._datasource.unbindFromTypeahead();
+ this._waitingListener.remove();
+ this._readyListener.remove();
+ }
+ this._waitingListener = datasource.listen(
+ 'waiting',
+ JX.bind(this, this.waitForResults)
+ );
+ this._readyListener = datasource.listen(
+ 'resultsready',
+ JX.bind(this, this.showResults)
+ );
+ datasource.bindToTypeahead(this);
+ this._datasource = datasource;
+ },
+ getDatasource : function() {
+ return this._datasource;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Override the <input /> selected in the constructor with some other input.
+ * This is primarily useful when building a control on top of the typeahead,
+ * like @{JX.Tokenizer}.
+ *
+ * @task config
+ * @param node An <input /> node to use as the primary control.
+ */
+ setInputNode : function(input) {
+ this._control = input;
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Hide the typeahead's dropdown suggestion menu.
+ *
+ * @task control
+ * @return void
+ */
+ hide : function() {
+ this._changeFocus(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
+ this._display = [];
+ this._moused = false;
+ JX.DOM.hide(this._root);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Show a given result set in the typeahead's dropdown suggestion menu.
+ * Normally, you don't call this method directly. Usually it gets called
+ * in response to events from the datasource you have configured.
+ *
+ * @task control
+ * @param list List of ##<a />## tags to show as suggestions/results.
+ * @return void
+ */
+ showResults : function(results) {
+ var obj = {show: results};
+ var e = this.invoke('show', obj);
+ // Note that the results list may have been update by the "show" event
+ // listener. Non-result node (e.g. divider or label) may have been
+ // inserted.
+ JX.DOM.setContent(this._root, results);
+ this._display = JX.DOM.scry(this._root, 'a', 'typeahead-result');
+ if (this._display.length && !e.getPrevented()) {
+ this._changeFocus(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
+ var d = JX.Vector.getDim(this._hardpoint);
+ d.x = 0;
+ d.setPos(this._root);
+ if (this._root.parentNode !== this._hardpoint) {
+ this._hardpoint.appendChild(this._root);
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.hide();
+ JX.DOM.setContent(this._root, null);
+ }
+ },
+ refresh : function() {
+ if (this._stop) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._value = this._control.value;
+ this.invoke('change', this._value);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Show a "waiting for results" UI in place of the typeahead's dropdown
+ * suggestion menu. NOTE: currently there's no such UI, lolol.
+ *
+ * @task control
+ * @return void
+ */
+ waitForResults : function() {
+ // TODO: Build some sort of fancy spinner or "..." type UI here to
+ // visually indicate that we're waiting on the server.
+ // Wait on the datasource 'complete' event for hiding the spinner.
+ this.hide();
+ },
+ /**
+ * @task internal
+ */
+ _onmouse : function(event) {
+ this._moused = (event.getType() == 'mouseover');
+ this._drawFocus();
+ },
+ /**
+ * @task internal
+ */
+ _changeFocus : function(d) {
+ var n = Math.min(Math.max(-1, this._focus + d), this._display.length - 1);
+ if (!this.getAllowNullSelection()) {
+ n = Math.max(0, n);
+ }
+ if (this._focus >= 0 && this._focus < this._display.length) {
+ JX.DOM.alterClass(this._display[this._focus], 'focused', false);
+ }
+ this._focus = n;
+ this._drawFocus();
+ return true;
+ },
+ /**
+ * @task internal
+ */
+ _drawFocus : function() {
+ var f = this._display[this._focus];
+ if (f) {
+ JX.DOM.alterClass(f, 'focused', !this._moused);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * @task internal
+ */
+ _choose : function(target) {
+ var result = this.invoke('choose', target);
+ if (result.getPrevented()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._control.value =;
+ this.hide();
+ },
+ /**
+ * @task control
+ */
+ clear : function() {
+ this._control.value = '';
+ this._value = '';
+ this.hide();
+ },
+ /**
+ * @task control
+ */
+ enable : function() {
+ this._control.disabled = false;
+ this._stop = false;
+ },
+ /**
+ * @task control
+ */
+ disable : function() {
+ this._control.blur();
+ this._control.disabled = true;
+ this._stop = true;
+ },
+ /**
+ * @task control
+ */
+ submit : function() {
+ if (this._focus >= 0 && this._display[this._focus]) {
+ this._choose(this._display[this._focus]);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ result = this.invoke('query', this._control.value);
+ if (result.getPrevented()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ setValue : function(value) {
+ this._control.value = value;
+ },
+ getValue : function() {
+ return this._control.value;
+ },
+ /**
+ * @task internal
+ */
+ _update : function(event) {
+ if (event.getType() == 'focus') {
+ this._focused = true;
+ this.updatePlaceholder();
+ }
+ var k = event.getSpecialKey();
+ if (k && event.getType() == 'keydown') {
+ switch (k) {
+ case 'up':
+ if (this._display.length && this._changeFocus(-1)) {
+ event.prevent();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'down':
+ if (this._display.length && this._changeFocus(1)) {
+ event.prevent();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'return':
+ if (this.submit()) {
+ event.prevent();
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'esc':
+ if (this._display.length && this.getAllowNullSelection()) {
+ this.hide();
+ event.prevent();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'tab':
+ // If the user tabs out of the field, don't refresh.
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // We need to defer because the keystroke won't be present in the input's
+ // value field yet.
+ setTimeout(JX.bind(this, function() {
+ if (this._value == this._control.value) {
+ // The typeahead value hasn't changed.
+ return;
+ }
+ this.refresh();
+ }), 0);
+ },
+ /**
+ * This method is pretty much internal but @{JX.Tokenizer} needs access to
+ * it for delegation. You might also need to delegate events here if you
+ * build some kind of meta-control.
+ *
+ * Reacts to user events in accordance to configuration.
+ *
+ * @task internal
+ * @param JX.Event User event, like a click or keypress.
+ * @return void
+ */
+ handleEvent : function(e) {
+ if (this._stop || e.getPrevented()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var type = e.getType();
+ if (type == 'blur') {
+ this._focused = false;
+ this.updatePlaceholder();
+ this.hide();
+ } else {
+ this._update(e);
+ }
+ },
+ removeListener : function() {
+ if (this._listener) {
+ this._listener.remove();
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Set a string to display in the control when it is not focused, like
+ * "Type a user's name...". This string hints to the user how to use the
+ * control.
+ *
+ * When the string is displayed, the input will have class
+ * "jx-typeahead-placeholder".
+ *
+ * @param string Placeholder string, or null for no placeholder.
+ * @return this
+ *
+ * @task config
+ */
+ setPlaceholder : function(string) {
+ this._placeholder = string;
+ this.updatePlaceholder();
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Update the control to either show or hide the placeholder text as
+ * necessary.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ * @task internal
+ */
+ updatePlaceholder : function() {
+ if (this._placeholderVisible) {
+ // If the placeholder is visible, we want to hide if the control has
+ // been focused or the placeholder has been removed.
+ if (this._focused || !this._placeholder) {
+ this._placeholderVisible = false;
+ this._control.value = '';
+ }
+ } else if (!this._focused) {
+ // If the placeholder is not visible, we want to show it if the control
+ // has benen blurred.
+ if (this._placeholder && !this._control.value) {
+ this._placeholderVisible = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (this._placeholderVisible) {
+ // We need to resist the Tokenizer wiping the input on blur.
+ this._control.value = this._placeholder;
+ }
+ JX.DOM.alterClass(
+ this._control,
+ 'jx-typeahead-placeholder',
+ this._placeholderVisible);
+ }
+ }
Index: externals/javelin/src/lib/control/typeahead/normalizer/TypeaheadNormalizer.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/lib/control/typeahead/normalizer/TypeaheadNormalizer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ * @requires javelin-install
+ * @provides javelin-typeahead-normalizer
+ * @javelin
+ */
+ * @group control
+ */
+JX.install('TypeaheadNormalizer', {
+ statics : {
+ /**
+ * Normalizes a string by lowercasing it and stripping out extra spaces
+ * and punctuation.
+ *
+ * @param string
+ * @return string Normalized string.
+ */
+ normalize : function(str) {
+ return ('' + str)
+ .toLocaleLowerCase()
+ .replace(/[\.,-\/#!$%\^&\*;:{}=\-_`~()]/g, '')
+ .replace(/ +/g, ' ')
+ .replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, '');
+ }
+ }
Index: externals/javelin/src/lib/control/typeahead/source/TypeaheadCompositeSource.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/lib/control/typeahead/source/TypeaheadCompositeSource.js
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ * @requires javelin-install
+ * javelin-typeahead-source
+ * javelin-util
+ * @provides javelin-typeahead-composite-source
+ * @javelin
+ */
+ * @group control
+ */
+JX.install('TypeaheadCompositeSource', {
+ extend : 'TypeaheadSource',
+ construct : function(sources) {
+ this.sources = sources;
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < this.sources.length; ++ii) {
+ var child = this.sources[ii];
+ child.listen('waiting', JX.bind(this, this.childWaiting));
+ child.listen('resultsready', JX.bind(this, this.childResultsReady));
+ child.listen('complete', JX.bind(this, this.childComplete));
+ }
+ },
+ members : {
+ sources : null,
+ results : null,
+ completeCount : 0,
+ didChange : function(value) {
+ this.results = [];
+ this.completeCount = 0;
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < this.sources.length; ++ii) {
+ this.sources[ii].didChange(value);
+ }
+ },
+ didStart : function() {
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < this.sources.length; ++ii) {
+ this.sources[ii].didStart();
+ }
+ },
+ childWaiting : function() {
+ if (!this.results || !this.results.length) {
+ this.invoke('waiting');
+ }
+ },
+ childResultsReady : function(nodes) {
+ this.results = this.mergeResults(this.results || [], nodes);
+ this.invoke('resultsready', this.results);
+ },
+ childComplete : function() {
+ this.completeCount++;
+ if (this.completeCount == this.sources.length) {
+ this.invoke('complete');
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Overrideable strategy for combining results.
+ * By default, appends results as they come in
+ * so that results don't jump around.
+ */
+ mergeResults : function(oldResults, newResults) {
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < newResults.length; ++ii) {
+ oldResults.push(newResults[ii]);
+ }
+ return oldResults;
+ }
+ }
Index: externals/javelin/src/lib/control/typeahead/source/TypeaheadOnDemandSource.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/lib/control/typeahead/source/TypeaheadOnDemandSource.js
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+ * @requires javelin-install
+ * javelin-util
+ * javelin-stratcom
+ * javelin-request
+ * javelin-typeahead-source
+ * @provides javelin-typeahead-ondemand-source
+ * @javelin
+ */
+ * @group control
+ */
+JX.install('TypeaheadOnDemandSource', {
+ extend : 'TypeaheadSource',
+ construct : function(uri) {
+ this.uri = uri;
+ this.haveData = {
+ '' : true
+ };
+ },
+ properties : {
+ /**
+ * Configures how many milliseconds we wait after the user stops typing to
+ * send a request to the server. Setting a value of 250 means "wait 250
+ * milliseconds after the user stops typing to request typeahead data".
+ * Higher values reduce server load but make the typeahead less responsive.
+ */
+ queryDelay : 125,
+ /**
+ * Auxiliary data to pass along when sending the query for server results.
+ */
+ auxiliaryData : {}
+ },
+ members : {
+ uri : null,
+ lastChange : null,
+ haveData : null,
+ didChange : function(value) {
+ this.lastChange =;
+ value = this.normalize(value);
+ if (this.haveData[value]) {
+ this.matchResults(value);
+ } else {
+ this.waitForResults();
+ setTimeout(
+ JX.bind(this, this.sendRequest, this.lastChange, value),
+ this.getQueryDelay()
+ );
+ }
+ },
+ sendRequest : function(when, value) {
+ if (when != this.lastChange) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var r = new JX.Request(
+ this.uri,
+ JX.bind(this, this.ondata, this.lastChange, value));
+ r.setMethod('GET');
+ r.setData(JX.copy(this.getAuxiliaryData(), {q : value}));
+ r.send();
+ },
+ ondata : function(when, value, results) {
+ if (results) {
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < results.length; ii++) {
+ this.addResult(results[ii]);
+ }
+ }
+ this.haveData[value] = true;
+ if (when != this.lastChange) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.matchResults(value);
+ }
+ }
Index: externals/javelin/src/lib/control/typeahead/source/TypeaheadPreloadedSource.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/lib/control/typeahead/source/TypeaheadPreloadedSource.js
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ * @requires javelin-install
+ * javelin-util
+ * javelin-stratcom
+ * javelin-request
+ * javelin-typeahead-source
+ * @provides javelin-typeahead-preloaded-source
+ * @javelin
+ */
+ * Simple datasource that loads all possible results from a single call to a
+ * URI. This is appropriate if the total data size is small (up to perhaps a
+ * few thousand items). If you have more items so you can't ship them down to
+ * the client in one repsonse, use @{JX.TypeaheadOnDemandSource}.
+ *
+ * @group control
+ */
+JX.install('TypeaheadPreloadedSource', {
+ extend : 'TypeaheadSource',
+ construct : function(uri) {
+ this.uri = uri;
+ },
+ members : {
+ ready : false,
+ uri : null,
+ lastValue : null,
+ didChange : function(value) {
+ if (this.ready) {
+ this.matchResults(value);
+ } else {
+ this.lastValue = value;
+ this.waitForResults();
+ }
+ },
+ didStart : function() {
+ var r = new JX.Request(this.uri, JX.bind(this, this.ondata));
+ r.setMethod('GET');
+ r.send();
+ },
+ ondata : function(results) {
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < results.length; ++ii) {
+ this.addResult(results[ii]);
+ }
+ if (this.lastValue !== null) {
+ this.matchResults(this.lastValue);
+ }
+ this.ready = true;
+ }
+ }
Index: externals/javelin/src/lib/control/typeahead/source/TypeaheadSource.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/lib/control/typeahead/source/TypeaheadSource.js
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+ * @requires javelin-install
+ * javelin-util
+ * javelin-dom
+ * javelin-typeahead-normalizer
+ * @provides javelin-typeahead-source
+ * @javelin
+ */
+ * @group control
+ */
+JX.install('TypeaheadSource', {
+ construct : function() {
+ this._raw = {};
+ this._lookup = {};
+ this.setNormalizer(JX.TypeaheadNormalizer.normalize);
+ this._excludeIDs = {};
+ },
+ events : ['waiting', 'resultsready', 'complete'],
+ properties : {
+ /**
+ * Allows you to specify a function which will be used to normalize strings.
+ * Strings are normalized before being tokenized, and before being sent to
+ * the server. The purpose of normalization is to strip out irrelevant data,
+ * like uppercase/lowercase, extra spaces, or punctuation. By default,
+ * the @{JX.TypeaheadNormalizer} is used to normalize strings, but you may
+ * want to provide a different normalizer, particiularly if there are
+ * special characters with semantic meaning in your object names.
+ *
+ * @param function
+ */
+ normalizer : null,
+ /**
+ * If a typeahead query should be processed before being normalized and
+ * tokenized, specify a queryExtractor.
+ *
+ * @param function
+ */
+ queryExtractor : null,
+ /**
+ * Transformers convert data from a wire format to a runtime format. The
+ * transformation mechanism allows you to choose an efficient wire format
+ * and then expand it on the client side, rather than duplicating data
+ * over the wire. The transformation is applied to objects passed to
+ * addResult(). It should accept whatever sort of object you ship over the
+ * wire, and produce a dictionary with these keys:
+ *
+ * - **id**: a unique id for each object.
+ * - **name**: the string used for matching against user input.
+ * - **uri**: the URI corresponding with the object (must be present
+ * but need not be meaningful)
+ *
+ * You can also give:
+ * - **display**: the text or nodes to show in the DOM. Usually just the
+ * same as ##name##.
+ * - **tokenizable**: if you want to tokenize something other than the
+ * ##name##, for the typeahead to complete on, specify it here. A
+ * selected entry from the typeahead will still insert the ##name##
+ * into the input, but the ##tokenizable## field lets you complete on
+ * non-name things.
+ *
+ * The default transformer expects a three element list with elements
+ * [name, uri, id]. It assigns the first element to both ##name## and
+ * ##display##.
+ *
+ * @param function
+ */
+ transformer : null,
+ /**
+ * Configures the maximum number of suggestions shown in the typeahead
+ * dropdown.
+ *
+ * @param int
+ */
+ maximumResultCount : 5,
+ /**
+ * Optional function which is used to sort results. Inputs are the input
+ * string, the list of matches, and a default comparator. The function
+ * should sort the list for display. This is the minimum useful
+ * implementation:
+ *
+ * function(value, list, comparator) {
+ * list.sort(comparator);
+ * }
+ *
+ * Alternatively, you may pursue more creative implementations.
+ *
+ * The `value` is a raw string; you can bind the datasource into the
+ * function and use normalize() or tokenize() to parse it.
+ *
+ * The `list` is a list of objects returned from the transformer function,
+ * see the `transformer` property. These are the objects in the list which
+ * match the value.
+ *
+ * The `comparator` is a sort callback which implements sensible default
+ * sorting rules (e.g., alphabetic order), which you can use as a fallback
+ * if you just want to tweak the results (e.g., put some items at the top).
+ *
+ * The function is called after the user types some text, immediately before
+ * the possible completion results are displayed to the user.
+ *
+ * @param function
+ */
+ sortHandler : null
+ },
+ members : {
+ _raw : null,
+ _lookup : null,
+ _excludeIDs : null,
+ _changeListener : null,
+ _startListener : null,
+ bindToTypeahead : function(typeahead) {
+ this._changeListener = typeahead.listen(
+ 'change',
+ JX.bind(this, this.didChange)
+ );
+ this._startListener = typeahead.listen(
+ 'start',
+ JX.bind(this, this.didStart)
+ );
+ },
+ unbindFromTypeahead : function() {
+ this._changeListener.remove();
+ this._startListener.remove();
+ },
+ didChange : function(value) {
+ return;
+ },
+ didStart : function() {
+ return;
+ },
+ clearCache : function() {
+ this._raw = {};
+ this._lookup = {};
+ },
+ addExcludeID : function(id) {
+ if (id) {
+ this._excludeIDs[id] = true;
+ }
+ },
+ removeExcludeID : function (id) {
+ if (id) {
+ delete this._excludeIDs[id];
+ }
+ },
+ addResult : function(obj) {
+ obj = (this.getTransformer() || this._defaultTransformer)(obj);
+ if ( in this._raw) {
+ // We're already aware of this result. This will happen if someone
+ // searches for "zeb" and then for "zebra" with a
+ // TypeaheadRequestSource, for example, or the datasource just doesn't
+ // dedupe things properly. Whatever the case, just ignore it.
+ return;
+ }
+ if (__DEV__) {
+ for (var k in {name : 1, id : 1, display : 1, uri : 1}) {
+ if (!(k in obj)) {
+ throw new Error(
+ "JX.TypeaheadSource.addResult(): " +
+ "result must have properties 'name', 'id', 'uri' and 'display'.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this._raw[] = obj;
+ var t = this.tokenize(obj.tokenizable ||;
+ for (var jj = 0; jj < t.length; ++jj) {
+ this._lookup[t[jj]] = this._lookup[t[jj]] || [];
+ this._lookup[t[jj]].push(;
+ }
+ },
+ waitForResults : function() {
+ this.invoke('waiting');
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get the raw state of a result by its ID. A number of other events and
+ * mechanisms give a list of result IDs and limited additional data; if you
+ * need to act on the full result data you can look it up here.
+ *
+ * @param scalar Result ID.
+ * @return dict Corresponding raw result.
+ */
+ getResult : function(id) {
+ return this._raw[id];
+ },
+ matchResults : function(value) {
+ // This table keeps track of the number of tokens each potential match
+ // has actually matched. When we're done, the real matches are those
+ // which have matched every token (so the value is equal to the token
+ // list length).
+ var match_count = {};
+ // This keeps track of distinct matches. If the user searches for
+ // something like "Chris C" against "Chris Cox", the "C" will match
+ // both fragments. We need to make sure we only count distinct matches.
+ var match_fragments = {};
+ var matched = {};
+ var seen = {};
+ var query_extractor = this.getQueryExtractor();
+ if (query_extractor) {
+ value = query_extractor(value);
+ }
+ var t = this.tokenize(value);
+ // Sort tokens by longest-first. We match each name fragment with at
+ // most one token.
+ t.sort(function(u, v) { return v.length - u.length; });
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < t.length; ++ii) {
+ // Do something reasonable if the user types the same token twice; this
+ // is sort of stupid so maybe kill it?
+ if (t[ii] in seen) {
+ t.splice(ii--, 1);
+ continue;
+ }
+ seen[t[ii]] = true;
+ var fragment = t[ii];
+ for (var name_fragment in this._lookup) {
+ if (name_fragment.substr(0, fragment.length) === fragment) {
+ if (!(name_fragment in matched)) {
+ matched[name_fragment] = true;
+ } else {
+ continue;
+ }
+ var l = this._lookup[name_fragment];
+ for (var jj = 0; jj < l.length; ++jj) {
+ var match_id = l[jj];
+ if (!match_fragments[match_id]) {
+ match_fragments[match_id] = {};
+ }
+ if (!(fragment in match_fragments[match_id])) {
+ match_fragments[match_id][fragment] = true;
+ match_count[match_id] = (match_count[match_id] || 0) + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var hits = [];
+ for (var k in match_count) {
+ if (match_count[k] == t.length && !this._excludeIDs[k]) {
+ hits.push(k);
+ }
+ }
+ this.sortHits(value, hits);
+ var nodes = this.renderNodes(value, hits);
+ this.invoke('resultsready', nodes);
+ this.invoke('complete');
+ },
+ sortHits : function(value, hits) {
+ var objs = [];
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < hits.length; ii++) {
+ objs.push(this._raw[hits[ii]]);
+ }
+ var default_comparator = function(u, v) {
+ var key_u = u.sort ||;
+ var key_v = v.sort ||;
+ return key_u.localeCompare(key_v);
+ };
+ var handler = this.getSortHandler() || function(value, list, cmp) {
+ list.sort(cmp);
+ };
+ handler(value, objs, default_comparator);
+ hits.splice(0, hits.length);
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < objs.length; ii++) {
+ hits.push(objs[ii].id);
+ }
+ },
+ renderNodes : function(value, hits) {
+ var n = Math.min(this.getMaximumResultCount(), hits.length);
+ var nodes = [];
+ for (var kk = 0; kk < n; kk++) {
+ nodes.push(this.createNode(this._raw[hits[kk]]));
+ }
+ return nodes;
+ },
+ createNode : function(data) {
+ return JX.$N(
+ 'a',
+ {
+ sigil: 'typeahead-result',
+ href: data.uri,
+ name:,
+ rel:,
+ className: 'jx-result'
+ },
+ data.display
+ );
+ },
+ normalize : function(str) {
+ return this.getNormalizer()(str);
+ },
+ tokenize : function(str) {
+ str = this.normalize(str);
+ if (!str.length) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ return str.split(/\s/g);
+ },
+ _defaultTransformer : function(object) {
+ return {
+ name : object[0],
+ display : object[0],
+ uri : object[1],
+ id : object[2]
+ };
+ }
+ }
Index: externals/javelin/src/lib/control/typeahead/source/TypeaheadStaticSource.js
--- /dev/null
+++ externals/javelin/src/lib/control/typeahead/source/TypeaheadStaticSource.js
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ * @requires javelin-install
+ * javelin-typeahead-source
+ * @provides javelin-typeahead-static-source
+ * @javelin
+ */
+ * Typeahead source that uses static data passed to the constructor. For larger
+ * datasets, use @{class:JX.TypeaheadPreloadedSource} or
+ * @{class:JX.TypeaheadOnDemandSource} to improve performance.
+ *
+ * @group control
+ */
+JX.install('TypeaheadStaticSource', {
+ extend : 'TypeaheadSource',
+ construct : function(data) {
+ this._data = data;
+ },
+ members : {
+ _data : null,
+ didChange : function(value) {
+ this.matchResults(value);
+ },
+ didStart : function() {
+ for (var ii = 0; ii < this._data.length; ii++) {
+ this.addResult(this._data[ii]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
Index: scripts/install/
--- scripts/install/
+++ scripts/install/
@@ -138,8 +138,6 @@
(cd phabricator && git pull --rebase)
-(cd phabricator && git submodule update --init)
echo "Install probably worked mostly correctly. Continue with the 'Configuration Guide':";
Index: scripts/install/
--- scripts/install/
+++ scripts/install/
@@ -81,8 +81,6 @@
(cd phabricator && git pull --rebase)
-(cd phabricator && git submodule update --init)
echo "Install probably worked mostly correctly. Continue with the 'Configuration Guide':";
Index: scripts/install/
--- scripts/install/
+++ scripts/install/
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
cd $ROOT/phabricator
git pull
-git submodule update --init
### RUN TESTS ##################################################################
Index: src/__celerity_resource_map__.php
--- src/__celerity_resource_map__.php
+++ src/__celerity_resource_map__.php
@@ -3192,7 +3192,7 @@
'sprite-icon-css' =>
- 'uri' => '/res/698745d1/rsrc/css/sprite-icon.css',
+ 'uri' => '/res/e7d63fcf/rsrc/css/sprite-icon.css',
'type' => 'css',
'requires' =>
@@ -3238,7 +3238,7 @@
), array(
'packages' =>
- 57036208 =>
+ '86c4a3b2' =>
'name' => 'core.pkg.css',
'symbols' =>
@@ -3282,7 +3282,7 @@
36 => 'phabricator-object-item-list-view-css',
37 => 'global-drag-and-drop-css',
- 'uri' => '/res/pkg/57036208/core.pkg.css',
+ 'uri' => '/res/pkg/86c4a3b2/core.pkg.css',
'type' => 'css',
'c90b892e' =>
@@ -3472,19 +3472,19 @@
'reverse' =>
'aphront-attached-file-view-css' => '83f07678',
- 'aphront-crumbs-view-css' => '57036208',
- 'aphront-dialog-view-css' => '57036208',
- 'aphront-error-view-css' => '57036208',
- 'aphront-form-view-css' => '57036208',
+ 'aphront-crumbs-view-css' => '86c4a3b2',
+ 'aphront-dialog-view-css' => '86c4a3b2',
+ 'aphront-error-view-css' => '86c4a3b2',
+ 'aphront-form-view-css' => '86c4a3b2',
'aphront-headsup-action-list-view-css' => 'ec01d039',
- 'aphront-headsup-view-css' => '57036208',
- 'aphront-list-filter-view-css' => '57036208',
- 'aphront-pager-view-css' => '57036208',
- 'aphront-panel-view-css' => '57036208',
- 'aphront-table-view-css' => '57036208',
- 'aphront-tokenizer-control-css' => '57036208',
- 'aphront-tooltip-css' => '57036208',
- 'aphront-typeahead-control-css' => '57036208',
+ 'aphront-headsup-view-css' => '86c4a3b2',
+ 'aphront-list-filter-view-css' => '86c4a3b2',
+ 'aphront-pager-view-css' => '86c4a3b2',
+ 'aphront-panel-view-css' => '86c4a3b2',
+ 'aphront-table-view-css' => '86c4a3b2',
+ 'aphront-tokenizer-control-css' => '86c4a3b2',
+ 'aphront-tooltip-css' => '86c4a3b2',
+ 'aphront-typeahead-control-css' => '86c4a3b2',
'differential-changeset-view-css' => 'ec01d039',
'differential-core-view-css' => 'ec01d039',
'differential-inline-comment-editor' => 'ac53d36a',
@@ -3498,7 +3498,7 @@
'differential-table-of-contents-css' => 'ec01d039',
'diffusion-commit-view-css' => 'c8ce2d88',
'diffusion-icons-css' => 'c8ce2d88',
- 'global-drag-and-drop-css' => '57036208',
+ 'global-drag-and-drop-css' => '86c4a3b2',
'inline-comment-summary-css' => 'ec01d039',
'javelin-aphlict' => 'c90b892e',
'javelin-behavior' => 'fbeded59',
@@ -3568,48 +3568,48 @@
'javelin-util' => 'fbeded59',
'javelin-vector' => 'fbeded59',
'javelin-workflow' => 'fbeded59',
- 'lightbox-attachment-css' => '57036208',
+ 'lightbox-attachment-css' => '86c4a3b2',
'maniphest-task-summary-css' => '83f07678',
'maniphest-transaction-detail-css' => '83f07678',
'phabricator-busy' => 'c90b892e',
'phabricator-content-source-view-css' => 'ec01d039',
- 'phabricator-core-buttons-css' => '57036208',
- 'phabricator-core-css' => '57036208',
- 'phabricator-crumbs-view-css' => '57036208',
- 'phabricator-directory-css' => '57036208',
+ 'phabricator-core-buttons-css' => '86c4a3b2',
+ 'phabricator-core-css' => '86c4a3b2',
+ 'phabricator-crumbs-view-css' => '86c4a3b2',
+ 'phabricator-directory-css' => '86c4a3b2',
'phabricator-drag-and-drop-file-upload' => 'ac53d36a',
'phabricator-dropdown-menu' => 'c90b892e',
'phabricator-file-upload' => 'c90b892e',
- 'phabricator-filetree-view-css' => '57036208',
- 'phabricator-flag-css' => '57036208',
- 'phabricator-form-view-css' => '57036208',
- 'phabricator-header-view-css' => '57036208',
- 'phabricator-jump-nav' => '57036208',
+ 'phabricator-filetree-view-css' => '86c4a3b2',
+ 'phabricator-flag-css' => '86c4a3b2',
+ 'phabricator-form-view-css' => '86c4a3b2',
+ 'phabricator-header-view-css' => '86c4a3b2',
+ 'phabricator-jump-nav' => '86c4a3b2',
'phabricator-keyboard-shortcut' => 'c90b892e',
'phabricator-keyboard-shortcut-manager' => 'c90b892e',
- 'phabricator-main-menu-view' => '57036208',
+ 'phabricator-main-menu-view' => '86c4a3b2',
'phabricator-menu-item' => 'c90b892e',
- 'phabricator-nav-view-css' => '57036208',
+ 'phabricator-nav-view-css' => '86c4a3b2',
'phabricator-notification' => 'c90b892e',
- 'phabricator-notification-css' => '57036208',
- 'phabricator-notification-menu-css' => '57036208',
- 'phabricator-object-item-list-view-css' => '57036208',
+ 'phabricator-notification-css' => '86c4a3b2',
+ 'phabricator-notification-menu-css' => '86c4a3b2',
+ 'phabricator-object-item-list-view-css' => '86c4a3b2',
'phabricator-object-selector-css' => 'ec01d039',
'phabricator-paste-file-upload' => 'c90b892e',
'phabricator-prefab' => 'c90b892e',
'phabricator-project-tag-css' => '83f07678',
- 'phabricator-remarkup-css' => '57036208',
+ 'phabricator-remarkup-css' => '86c4a3b2',
'phabricator-shaped-request' => 'ac53d36a',
- 'phabricator-side-menu-view-css' => '57036208',
- 'phabricator-standard-page-view' => '57036208',
+ 'phabricator-side-menu-view-css' => '86c4a3b2',
+ 'phabricator-standard-page-view' => '86c4a3b2',
'phabricator-textareautils' => 'c90b892e',
'phabricator-tooltip' => 'c90b892e',
- 'phabricator-transaction-view-css' => '57036208',
- 'phabricator-zindex-css' => '57036208',
- 'sprite-apps-large-css' => '57036208',
- 'sprite-gradient-css' => '57036208',
- 'sprite-icon-css' => '57036208',
- 'sprite-menu-css' => '57036208',
- 'syntax-highlighting-css' => '57036208',
+ 'phabricator-transaction-view-css' => '86c4a3b2',
+ 'phabricator-zindex-css' => '86c4a3b2',
+ 'sprite-apps-large-css' => '86c4a3b2',
+ 'sprite-gradient-css' => '86c4a3b2',
+ 'sprite-icon-css' => '86c4a3b2',
+ 'sprite-menu-css' => '86c4a3b2',
+ 'syntax-highlighting-css' => '86c4a3b2',
Index: src/applications/cache/PhabricatorCaches.php
--- src/applications/cache/PhabricatorCaches.php
+++ src/applications/cache/PhabricatorCaches.php
@@ -11,8 +11,7 @@
* Highly specialized cache for performing setup checks. We use this cache
- * to determine if we need to run expensive setup checks (e.g., verifying
- * submodule versions, PATH, the presence of binaries, etc.) when the page
+ * to determine if we need to run expensive setup checks when the page
* loads. Without it, we would need to run these checks every time.
* Normally, this cache is just APC. In the absence of APC, this cache
Index: src/docs/installation_guide.diviner
--- src/docs/installation_guide.diviner
+++ src/docs/installation_guide.diviner
@@ -63,8 +63,6 @@
somewhere/ $ git clone git://
somewhere/ $ git clone git://
somewhere/ $ git clone git://
- somewhere/ $ cd phabricator
- somewhere/phabricator/ $ git submodule update --init
= Installing APC (Optional) =
@@ -124,8 +122,7 @@
update Phabricator:
- Stop the webserver.
- - Run `git pull && git submodule update --init` in `libphutil/`,
- `arcanist/` and `phabricator/`.
+ - Run `git pull` in `libphutil/`, `arcanist/` and `phabricator/`.
- Run `phabricator/bin/storage upgrade`.
- Restart the webserver.
Index: src/infrastructure/PhabricatorSetup.php
--- src/infrastructure/PhabricatorSetup.php
+++ src/infrastructure/PhabricatorSetup.php
@@ -154,51 +154,6 @@
$root = dirname(phutil_get_library_root('phabricator'));
- self::writeHeader("GIT SUBMODULES");
- if (!Filesystem::pathExists($root.'/.git')) {
- self::write(" skip Not a git clone.\n\n");
- } else {
- list($info) = execx(
- '(cd %s && git submodule status)',
- $root);
- foreach (explode("\n", rtrim($info)) as $line) {
- $matches = null;
- if (!preg_match('/^(.)([0-9a-f]{40}) (\S+)(?: |$)/', $line, $matches)) {
- self::writeFailure();
- self::write(
- "Setup failure! 'git submodule' produced unexpected output:\n".
- $line);
- return;
- }
- $status = $matches[1];
- $module = $matches[3];
- switch ($status) {
- case '-':
- case '+':
- case 'U':
- self::writeFailure();
- self::write(
- "Setup failure! Git submodule '{$module}' is not up to date. ".
- "Run:\n\n".
- " cd {$root} && git submodule update --init\n\n".
- " update submodules.");
- return;
- case ' ':
- self::write(" okay Git submodule '{$module}' up to date.\n");
- break;
- default:
- self::writeFailure();
- self::write(
- "Setup failure! 'git submodule' reported unknown status ".
- "'{$status}' for submodule '{$module}'. This is a bug; report ".
- "it to the Phabricator maintainers.");
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- self::write("[OKAY] All submodules OKAY.\n");
self::writeHeader("BASIC CONFIGURATION");
Index: src/infrastructure/lint/linter/PhabricatorJavelinLinter.php
--- src/infrastructure/lint/linter/PhabricatorJavelinLinter.php
+++ src/infrastructure/lint/linter/PhabricatorJavelinLinter.php
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
require_once $root.'/scripts/__init_script__.php';
if ($this->haveSymbolsBinary === null) {
- $binary = $this->getSymbolsBinaryPath();
- $this->haveSymbolsBinary = Filesystem::pathExists($binary);
+ list($err) = exec_manual('which javelinsymbols');
+ $this->haveSymbolsBinary = !$err;
if (!$this->haveSymbolsBinary) {
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@
$futures = array();
foreach ($paths as $path) {
+ if ($this->shouldIgnorePath($path)) {
+ continue;
+ }
$future = $this->newSymbolsFuture($path);
$futures[$path] = $future;
@@ -53,11 +57,18 @@
self::LINT_MISSING_DEPENDENCY => 'Missing Javelin Dependency',
self::LINT_UNNECESSARY_DEPENDENCY => 'Unnecessary Javelin Dependency',
self::LINT_UNKNOWN_DEPENDENCY => 'Unknown Javelin Dependency',
- self::LINT_MISSING_BINARY => '`javelinsymbols` Binary Not Built',
+ self::LINT_MISSING_BINARY => '`javelinsymbols` Not In Path',
+ private function shouldIgnorePath($path) {
+ return preg_match('@/__tests__/@', $path);
+ }
public function lintPath($path) {
+ if ($this->shouldIgnorePath($path)) {
+ return;
+ }
if (!$this->haveSymbolsBinary) {
if (!$this->haveWarnedAboutBinary) {
@@ -68,9 +79,10 @@
- "The 'javelinsymbols' binary in the Javelin project has not been ".
- "built, so the Javelin linter can't run. This isn't a big concern, ".
- "but means some Javelin problems can't be automatically detected.");
+ "The 'javelinsymbols' binary in the Javelin project is not ".
+ "available in \$PATH, so the Javelin linter can't run. This ".
+ "isn't a big concern, but means some Javelin problems can't be ".
+ "automatically detected.");
@@ -175,20 +187,13 @@
private function newSymbolsFuture($path) {
- $javelinsymbols = $this->getSymbolsBinaryPath();
+ $javelinsymbols = 'javelinsymbols';
$future = new ExecFuture($javelinsymbols.' # '.escapeshellarg($path));
return $future;
- private function getSymbolsBinaryPath() {
- $root = dirname(phutil_get_library_root('phabricator'));
- $support = $root.'/externals/javelin/support';
- return $support.'/javelinsymbols/javelinsymbols';
- }
private function getUsedAndInstalledSymbolsForPath($path) {
list($symbols) = $this->loadSymbols($path);
$symbols = trim($symbols);

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Mar 15, 10:27 PM (1 w, 1 d ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Encrypted (AES-256-CBC)
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
D4581.id9603.diff (324 KB)

Event Timeline