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diff --git a/src/__phutil_library_map__.php b/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
--- a/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
+++ b/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
@@ -137,6 +137,7 @@
'PhutilCsprintfTestCase' => 'xsprintf/__tests__/PhutilCsprintfTestCase.php',
'PhutilCzechLocale' => 'internationalization/locales/PhutilCzechLocale.php',
'PhutilDaemon' => 'daemon/PhutilDaemon.php',
+ 'PhutilDaemonHandle' => 'daemon/PhutilDaemonHandle.php',
'PhutilDaemonOverseer' => 'daemon/PhutilDaemonOverseer.php',
'PhutilDefaultSyntaxHighlighter' => 'markup/syntax/highlighter/PhutilDefaultSyntaxHighlighter.php',
'PhutilDefaultSyntaxHighlighterEngine' => 'markup/syntax/engine/PhutilDefaultSyntaxHighlighterEngine.php',
diff --git a/src/daemon/PhutilDaemonHandle.php b/src/daemon/PhutilDaemonHandle.php
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/daemon/PhutilDaemonHandle.php
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+final class PhutilDaemonHandle {
+ const EVENT_DID_LAUNCH = 'daemon.didLaunch';
+ const EVENT_DID_LOG = 'daemon.didLogMessage';
+ const EVENT_DID_HEARTBEAT = 'daemon.didHeartbeat';
+ const EVENT_WILL_GRACEFUL = 'daemon.willGraceful';
+ const EVENT_WILL_EXIT = 'daemon.willExit';
+ private $overseer;
+ private $daemonClass;
+ private $argv;
+ private $pid;
+ private $daemonID;
+ private $deadline;
+ private $heartbeat;
+ private $stdoutBuffer;
+ private $restartAt;
+ private $silent;
+ private $shouldShutdown;
+ private $future;
+ private $traceMemory;
+ public function __construct(
+ PhutilDaemonOverseer $overseer,
+ $daemon_class,
+ array $argv,
+ array $more) {
+ $this->overseer = $overseer;
+ $this->daemonClass = $daemon_class;
+ $this->argv = $argv;
+ $this->more = $more;
+ $this->restartAt = time();
+ $this->daemonID = $this->generateDaemonID();
+ $this->dispatchEvent(
+ array(
+ 'argv' => $this->argv,
+ 'explicitArgv' => $this->more,
+ ));
+ }
+ public function isRunning() {
+ return (bool)$this->future;
+ }
+ public function getFuture() {
+ return $this->future;
+ }
+ public function setSilent($silent) {
+ $this->silent = $silent;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ public function getSilent() {
+ return $this->silent;
+ }
+ public function setTraceMemory($trace_memory) {
+ $this->traceMemory = $trace_memory;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ public function getTraceMemory() {
+ return $this->traceMemory;
+ }
+ public function update() {
+ $this->updateMemory();
+ if (!$this->isRunning()) {
+ if (!$this->restartAt || (time() < $this->restartAt)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($this->shouldShutdown) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->startDaemonProcess();
+ }
+ $future = $this->future;
+ $result = null;
+ if ($future->isReady()) {
+ $result = $future->resolve();
+ }
+ list($stdout, $stderr) = $future->read();
+ $future->discardBuffers();
+ if (strlen($stdout)) {
+ $this->didReadStdout($stdout);
+ }
+ $stderr = trim($stderr);
+ if (strlen($stderr)) {
+ $this->logMessage('STDE', $stderr);
+ }
+ if ($result !== null) {
+ list($err) = $result;
+ if ($err) {
+ $this->logMessage('FAIL', pht('Process exited with error %s', $err));
+ } else {
+ $this->logMessage('DONE', pht('Process exited normally.'));
+ }
+ $this->future = null;
+ if ($this->shouldShutdown) {
+ $this->restartAt = null;
+ $this->dispatchEvent(self::EVENT_WILL_EXIT);
+ } else {
+ $this->scheduleRestart();
+ }
+ }
+ $this->updateHeartbeatEvent();
+ $this->updateHangDetection();
+ }
+ private function updateHeartbeatEvent() {
+ if ($this->heartbeat > time()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->heartbeat = time() + $this->getHeartbeatEventFrequency();
+ $this->dispatchEvent(self::EVENT_DID_HEARTBEAT);
+ }
+ private function updateHangDetection() {
+ if (!$this->isRunning()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (time() > $this->deadline) {
+ $this->logMessage('HANG', pht('Hang detected. Restarting process.'));
+ $this->annihilateProcessGroup();
+ $this->scheduleRestart();
+ }
+ }
+ private function scheduleRestart() {
+ $this->logMessage('WAIT', pht('Waiting to restart process.'));
+ $this->restartAt = time() + self::getWaitBeforeRestart();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate a unique ID for this daemon.
+ *
+ * @return string A unique daemon ID.
+ */
+ private function generateDaemonID() {
+ return substr(getmypid().':'.Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(12), 0, 12);
+ }
+ private function getCaptureBufferSize() {
+ return 65535;
+ }
+ private function getRequiredHeartbeatFrequency() {
+ return 86400;
+ }
+ public static function getWaitBeforeRestart() {
+ return 5;
+ }
+ public static function getHeartbeatEventFrequency() {
+ return 120;
+ }
+ private function getKillDelay() {
+ return 3;
+ }
+ private function getDaemonCWD() {
+ $root = dirname(phutil_get_library_root('phutil'));
+ return $root.'/scripts/daemon/exec/';
+ }
+ private function newExecFuture() {
+ $class = $this->daemonClass;
+ $argv = array_merge($this->argv, array('--'), $this->more);
+ $buffer_size = $this->getCaptureBufferSize();
+ // NOTE: PHP implements proc_open() by running 'sh -c'. On most systems this
+ // is bash, but on Ubuntu it's dash. When you proc_open() using bash, you
+ // get one new process (the command you ran). When you proc_open() using
+ // dash, you get two new processes: the command you ran and a parent
+ // "dash -c" (or "sh -c") process. This means that the child process's PID
+ // is actually the 'dash' PID, not the command's PID. To avoid this, use
+ // 'exec' to replace the shell process with the real process; without this,
+ // the child will call posix_getppid(), be given the pid of the 'sh -c'
+ // process, and send it SIGUSR1 to keepalive which will terminate it
+ // immediately. We also won't be able to do process group management because
+ // the shell process won't properly posix_setsid() so the pgid of the child
+ // won't be meaningful.
+ return id(new ExecFuture('exec ./exec_daemon.php %s %Ls', $class, $argv))
+ ->setCWD($this->getDaemonCWD())
+ ->setStdoutSizeLimit($buffer_size)
+ ->setStderrSizeLimit($buffer_size);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Dispatch an event to event listeners.
+ *
+ * @param string Event type.
+ * @param dict Event parameters.
+ * @return void
+ */
+ private function dispatchEvent($type, array $params = array()) {
+ $data = array(
+ 'id' => $this->daemonID,
+ 'daemonClass' => $this->daemonClass,
+ 'childPID' => $this->pid,
+ ) + $params;
+ $event = new PhutilEvent($type, $data);
+ try {
+ PhutilEventEngine::dispatchEvent($event);
+ } catch (Exception $ex) {
+ phlog($ex);
+ }
+ }
+ private function annihilateProcessGroup() {
+ $pid = $this->pid;
+ $pgid = posix_getpgid($pid);
+ if ($pid && $pgid) {
+ // NOTE: On Ubuntu, 'kill' does not recognize the use of "--" to
+ // explicitly delineate PID/PGIDs from signals. We don't actually need it,
+ // so use the implicit "kill -TERM -pgid" form instead of the explicit
+ // "kill -TERM -- -pgid" form.
+ exec("kill -TERM -{$pgid}");
+ sleep($this->getKillDelay());
+ // On OSX, we'll get a permission error on stderr if the SIGTERM was
+ // successful in ending the life of the process group, presumably because
+ // all that's left is the daemon itself as a zombie waiting for us to
+ // reap it. However, we still need to issue this command for process
+ // groups that resist SIGTERM. Rather than trying to figure out if the
+ // process group is still around or not, just SIGKILL unconditionally and
+ // ignore any error which may be raised.
+ exec("kill -KILL -{$pgid} 2>/dev/null");
+ $this->pid = null;
+ }
+ }
+ private function gracefulProcessGroup() {
+ $pid = $this->pid;
+ $pgid = posix_getpgid($pid);
+ if ($pid && $pgid) {
+ exec("kill -INT -{$pgid}");
+ }
+ }
+ private function updateMemory() {
+ if ($this->traceMemory) {
+ $memuse = number_format(memory_get_usage() / 1024, 1);
+ $this->logMessage('RAMS', 'Overseer Memory Usage: '.$memuse.' KB');
+ }
+ }
+ private function startDaemonProcess() {
+ $this->logMessage('INIT', pht('Starting process.'));
+ $this->deadline = time() + $this->getRequiredHeartbeatFrequency();
+ $this->heartbeat = time() + self::getHeartbeatEventFrequency();
+ $this->stdoutBuffer = '';
+ $this->future = $this->newExecFuture();
+ $this->future->start();
+ $this->pid = $this->future->getPID();
+ }
+ private function didReadStdout($data) {
+ $this->stdoutBuffer .= $data;
+ while (true) {
+ $pos = strpos($this->stdoutBuffer, "\n");
+ if ($pos === false) {
+ break;
+ }
+ $message = substr($this->stdoutBuffer, 0, $pos);
+ $this->stdoutBuffer = substr($this->stdoutBuffer, $pos + 1);
+ $structure = @json_decode($message, true);
+ if (!is_array($structure)) {
+ $structure = array();
+ }
+ switch (idx($structure, 0)) {
+ case PhutilDaemon::MESSAGETYPE_STDOUT:
+ $this->logMessage('STDO', idx($structure, 1));
+ break;
+ $this->deadline = time() + $this->getRequiredHeartbeatFrequency();
+ break;
+ default:
+ // If we can't parse this or it isn't a message we understand, just
+ // emit the raw message.
+ $this->logMessage('STDO', pht('<Malformed> %s', $message));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public function didReceiveNotifySignal($signo) {
+ $pid = $this->pid;
+ if ($pid) {
+ posix_kill($pid, $signo);
+ }
+ }
+ public function didReceiveGracefulSignal($signo) {
+ $this->shouldShutdown = true;
+ $signame = phutil_get_signal_name($signo);
+ if ($signame) {
+ $sigmsg = pht(
+ 'Graceful shutdown in response to signal %d (%s).',
+ $signo,
+ $signame);
+ } else {
+ $sigmsg = pht(
+ 'Graceful shutdown in response to signal %d.',
+ $signo);
+ }
+ $this->logMessage('DONE', $sigmsg, $signo);
+ $this->gracefulProcessGroup();
+ }
+ public function didReceiveTerminalSignal($signo) {
+ $signame = phutil_get_signal_name($signo);
+ if ($signame) {
+ $sigmsg = "Shutting down in response to signal {$signo} ({$signame}).";
+ } else {
+ $sigmsg = "Shutting down in response to signal {$signo}.";
+ }
+ $this->logMessage('EXIT', $sigmsg, $signo);
+ $this->annihilateProcessGroup();
+ $this->dispatchEvent(self::EVENT_WILL_EXIT);
+ }
+ private function logMessage($type, $message, $context = null) {
+ if (!$this->getSilent()) {
+ echo date('Y-m-d g:i:s A').' ['.$type.'] '.$message."\n";
+ }
+ $this->dispatchEvent(
+ self::EVENT_DID_LOG,
+ array(
+ 'type' => $type,
+ 'message' => $message,
+ 'context' => $context,
+ ));
+ }
diff --git a/src/daemon/PhutilDaemonOverseer.php b/src/daemon/PhutilDaemonOverseer.php
--- a/src/daemon/PhutilDaemonOverseer.php
+++ b/src/daemon/PhutilDaemonOverseer.php
@@ -5,37 +5,20 @@
final class PhutilDaemonOverseer {
- const EVENT_DID_LAUNCH = 'daemon.didLaunch';
- const EVENT_DID_LOG = 'daemon.didLogMessage';
- const EVENT_DID_HEARTBEAT = 'daemon.didHeartbeat';
- const EVENT_WILL_GRACEFUL = 'daemon.willGraceful';
- const EVENT_WILL_EXIT = 'daemon.willExit';
- const HEARTBEAT_WAIT = 120;
- const RESTART_WAIT = 5;
- private $captureBufferSize = 65536;
- private $stdoutBuffer;
- private $deadline;
- private $deadlineTimeout = 86400;
- private $killDelay = 3;
- private $heartbeat;
- private $daemon;
private $argv;
private $moreArgs;
- private $childPID;
private $inAbruptShutdown;
private $inGracefulShutdown;
private static $instance;
+ private $daemon;
+ private $daemons = array();
private $traceMode;
private $traceMemory;
private $daemonize;
private $phddir;
private $verbose;
- private $daemonID;
+ private $err = 0;
public function __construct(array $argv) {
@@ -179,14 +162,6 @@
- $this->daemonID = $this->generateDaemonID();
- $this->dispatchEvent(
- array(
- 'argv' => array_slice($original_argv, 1),
- 'explicitArgv' => $this->moreArgs,
- ));
declare(ticks = 1);
pcntl_signal(SIGUSR2, array($this, 'didReceiveNotifySignal'));
@@ -195,157 +170,45 @@
public function run() {
- if ($this->shouldRunSilently()) {
- echo "Running daemon '{$this->daemon}' silently. Use '--trace' or ".
- "'--verbose' to produce debugging output.\n";
- }
- $root = phutil_get_library_root('phutil');
- $root = dirname($root);
- $exec_dir = $root.'/scripts/daemon/exec/';
- // NOTE: PHP implements proc_open() by running 'sh -c'. On most systems this
- // is bash, but on Ubuntu it's dash. When you proc_open() using bash, you
- // get one new process (the command you ran). When you proc_open() using
- // dash, you get two new processes: the command you ran and a parent
- // "dash -c" (or "sh -c") process. This means that the child process's PID
- // is actually the 'dash' PID, not the command's PID. To avoid this, use
- // 'exec' to replace the shell process with the real process; without this,
- // the child will call posix_getppid(), be given the pid of the 'sh -c'
- // process, and send it SIGUSR1 to keepalive which will terminate it
- // immediately. We also won't be able to do process group management because
- // the shell process won't properly posix_setsid() so the pgid of the child
- // won't be meaningful.
- // Format the exec command, which looks something like:
- //
- // exec ./exec_daemon DaemonName --trace -- --no-discovery
- $argv = array();
- $argv[] = csprintf('exec ./exec_daemon.php %s', $this->daemon);
- foreach ($this->argv as $k => $arg) {
- $argv[] = csprintf('%s', $arg);
- }
- $argv[] = '--';
- foreach ($this->moreArgs as $k => $arg) {
- $argv[] = csprintf('%s', $arg);
- }
- $command = implode(' ', $argv);
- while (true) {
- $this->logMessage('INIT', 'Starting process.');
- $future = new ExecFuture('%C', $command);
- $future->setCWD($exec_dir);
- $future->setStdoutSizeLimit($this->captureBufferSize);
- $future->setStderrSizeLimit($this->captureBufferSize);
- $this->deadline = time() + $this->deadlineTimeout;
- $this->heartbeat = time() + self::HEARTBEAT_WAIT;
- $future->isReady();
- $this->childPID = $future->getPID();
- do {
- do {
- if ($this->traceMemory) {
- $memuse = number_format(memory_get_usage() / 1024, 1);
- $this->logMessage('RAMS', 'Overseer Memory Usage: '.$memuse.' KB');
- }
- // We need a shortish timeout here so we can run the tick handler
- // frequently in order to process signals.
- $result = $future->resolve(1);
- list($stdout, $stderr) = $future->read();
- $stderr = trim($stderr);
- if (strlen($stdout)) {
- $this->didReadStdout($stdout);
- }
- if (strlen($stderr)) {
- $this->logMessage('STDE', $stderr);
- }
- $future->discardBuffers();
- if ($result !== null) {
- list($err) = $result;
- if ($err) {
- $this->logMessage(
- 'FAIL',
- 'Process exited with error '.$err.'.',
- $err);
- } else {
- $this->logMessage('DONE', 'Process exited successfully.');
- }
- break 2;
- }
- if ($this->heartbeat < time()) {
- $this->heartbeat = time() + self::HEARTBEAT_WAIT;
- $this->dispatchEvent(self::EVENT_DID_HEARTBEAT);
- }
- } while (time() < $this->deadline);
- $this->logMessage('HANG', 'Hang detected. Restarting process.');
- $this->annihilateProcessGroup();
- } while (false);
- if ($this->inGracefulShutdown) {
- // If we just exited because of a graceful shutdown, break now.
- break;
- }
- $this->logMessage('WAIT', 'Waiting to restart process.');
- sleep(self::RESTART_WAIT);
+ $daemon = new PhutilDaemonHandle(
+ $this,
+ $this->daemon,
+ $this->argv,
+ $this->moreArgs);
- if ($this->inGracefulShutdown) {
- // If we were awakend by a graceful shutdown, break now.
- break;
- }
- }
- // This is a clean exit after a graceful shutdown.
- $this->dispatchEvent(self::EVENT_WILL_EXIT);
- exit(0);
- }
+ $daemon->setSilent((!$this->traceMode && !$this->verbose));
+ $daemon->setTraceMemory($this->traceMemory);
- private function didReadStdout($data) {
- $this->stdoutBuffer .= $data;
+ $this->daemons = array($daemon);
while (true) {
- $pos = strpos($this->stdoutBuffer, "\n");
- if ($pos === false) {
- break;
+ $futures = array();
+ foreach ($this->daemons as $daemon) {
+ $daemon->update();
+ if ($daemon->isRunning()) {
+ $futures[] = $daemon->getFuture();
+ }
- $message = substr($this->stdoutBuffer, 0, $pos);
- $this->stdoutBuffer = substr($this->stdoutBuffer, $pos + 1);
- $structure = @json_decode($message, true);
- if (!is_array($structure)) {
- $structure = array();
- }
- switch (idx($structure, 0)) {
- case PhutilDaemon::MESSAGETYPE_STDOUT:
- $this->logMessage('STDO', idx($structure, 1));
+ if ($futures) {
+ $iter = id(new FutureIterator($futures))
+ ->setUpdateInterval(1);
+ foreach ($iter as $future) {
- $this->deadline = time() + $this->deadlineTimeout;
- break;
- default:
- // If we can't parse this or it isn't a message we understand, just
- // emit the raw message.
- $this->logMessage('STDO', pht('<Malformed> %s', $message));
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($this->inGracefulShutdown) {
+ }
+ sleep(1);
+ exit($this->err);
public function didReceiveNotifySignal($signo) {
- $pid = $this->childPID;
- if ($pid) {
- posix_kill($pid, $signo);
+ foreach ($this->daemons as $daemon) {
+ $daemon->didReceiveNotifySignal($signo);
@@ -356,101 +219,20 @@
$this->inGracefulShutdown = true;
- $signame = phutil_get_signal_name($signo);
- if ($signame) {
- $sigmsg = pht(
- 'Graceful shutdown in response to signal %d (%s).',
- $signo,
- $signame);
- } else {
- $sigmsg = pht(
- 'Graceful shutdown in response to signal %d.',
- $signo);
+ foreach ($this->daemons as $daemon) {
+ $daemon->didReceiveGracefulSignal($signo);
- $this->logMessage('DONE', $sigmsg, $signo);
- $this->gracefulProcessGroup();
public function didReceiveTerminalSignal($signo) {
+ $this->err = 128 + $signo;
if ($this->inAbruptShutdown) {
- exit(128 + $signo);
+ exit($this->err);
$this->inAbruptShutdown = true;
- $signame = phutil_get_signal_name($signo);
- if ($signame) {
- $sigmsg = "Shutting down in response to signal {$signo} ({$signame}).";
- } else {
- $sigmsg = "Shutting down in response to signal {$signo}.";
- }
- $this->logMessage('EXIT', $sigmsg, $signo);
- @fflush(STDOUT);
- @fflush(STDERR);
- @fclose(STDOUT);
- @fclose(STDERR);
- $this->annihilateProcessGroup();
- $this->dispatchEvent(self::EVENT_WILL_EXIT);
- exit(128 + $signo);
- }
- private function logMessage($type, $message, $context = null) {
- if (!$this->shouldRunSilently()) {
- echo date('Y-m-d g:i:s A').' ['.$type.'] '.$message."\n";
- }
- $this->dispatchEvent(
- self::EVENT_DID_LOG,
- array(
- 'type' => $type,
- 'message' => $message,
- 'context' => $context,
- ));
- }
- private function shouldRunSilently() {
- if ($this->traceMode || $this->verbose) {
- return false;
- } else {
- return true;
- }
- }
- private function annihilateProcessGroup() {
- $pid = $this->childPID;
- $pgid = posix_getpgid($pid);
- if ($pid && $pgid) {
- // NOTE: On Ubuntu, 'kill' does not recognize the use of "--" to
- // explicitly delineate PID/PGIDs from signals. We don't actually need it,
- // so use the implicit "kill -TERM -pgid" form instead of the explicit
- // "kill -TERM -- -pgid" form.
- exec("kill -TERM -{$pgid}");
- sleep($this->killDelay);
- // On OSX, we'll get a permission error on stderr if the SIGTERM was
- // successful in ending the life of the process group, presumably because
- // all that's left is the daemon itself as a zombie waiting for us to
- // reap it. However, we still need to issue this command for process
- // groups that resist SIGTERM. Rather than trying to figure out if the
- // process group is still around or not, just SIGKILL unconditionally and
- // ignore any error which may be raised.
- exec("kill -KILL -{$pgid} 2>/dev/null");
- $this->childPID = null;
- }
- }
- private function gracefulProcessGroup() {
- $pid = $this->childPID;
- $pgid = posix_getpgid($pid);
- if ($pid && $pgid) {
- exec("kill -INT -{$pgid}");
+ foreach ($this->daemons as $daemon) {
+ $daemon->didReceiveTerminalSignal($signo);
@@ -517,38 +299,4 @@
return $results;
- /**
- * Generate a unique ID for this daemon.
- *
- * @return string A unique daemon ID.
- */
- private function generateDaemonID() {
- return substr(getmypid().':'.Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(12), 0, 12);
- }
- /**
- * Dispatch an event to event listeners.
- *
- * @param string Event type.
- * @param dict Event parameters.
- * @return void
- */
- private function dispatchEvent($type, array $params = array()) {
- $data = array(
- 'id' => $this->daemonID,
- 'daemonClass' => $this->daemon,
- 'childPID' => $this->childPID,
- ) + $params;
- $event = new PhutilEvent($type, $data);
- try {
- PhutilEventEngine::dispatchEvent($event);
- } catch (Exception $ex) {
- phlog($ex);
- }
- }

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Mar 15, 1:47 AM (1 w, 2 d ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Encrypted (AES-256-CBC)
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
D11851.id28609.diff (22 KB)

Event Timeline