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diff --git a/src/__phutil_library_map__.php b/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
--- a/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
+++ b/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
'ArcanistAnoidWorkflow' => 'workflow/ArcanistAnoidWorkflow.php',
'ArcanistArcConfigurationEngineExtension' => 'config/arc/ArcanistArcConfigurationEngineExtension.php',
'ArcanistArcToolset' => 'toolset/ArcanistArcToolset.php',
+ 'ArcanistArcWorkflow' => 'toolset/workflow/ArcanistArcWorkflow.php',
'ArcanistArrayCombineXHPASTLinterRule' => 'lint/linter/xhpast/rules/ArcanistArrayCombineXHPASTLinterRule.php',
'ArcanistArrayCombineXHPASTLinterRuleTestCase' => 'lint/linter/xhpast/rules/__tests__/ArcanistArrayCombineXHPASTLinterRuleTestCase.php',
'ArcanistArrayIndexSpacingXHPASTLinterRule' => 'lint/linter/xhpast/rules/ArcanistArrayIndexSpacingXHPASTLinterRule.php',
@@ -213,7 +214,7 @@
'ArcanistHLintLinter' => 'lint/linter/ArcanistHLintLinter.php',
'ArcanistHLintLinterTestCase' => 'lint/linter/__tests__/ArcanistHLintLinterTestCase.php',
'ArcanistHardpointLoader' => 'loader/ArcanistHardpointLoader.php',
- 'ArcanistHelpWorkflow' => 'workflow/ArcanistHelpWorkflow.php',
+ 'ArcanistHelpWorkflow' => 'toolset/workflow/ArcanistHelpWorkflow.php',
'ArcanistHexadecimalNumericScalarCasingXHPASTLinterRule' => 'lint/linter/xhpast/rules/ArcanistHexadecimalNumericScalarCasingXHPASTLinterRule.php',
'ArcanistHexadecimalNumericScalarCasingXHPASTLinterRuleTestCase' => 'lint/linter/xhpast/rules/__tests__/ArcanistHexadecimalNumericScalarCasingXHPASTLinterRuleTestCase.php',
'ArcanistHgClientChannel' => 'hgdaemon/ArcanistHgClientChannel.php',
@@ -968,6 +969,7 @@
'ArcanistAnoidWorkflow' => 'ArcanistWorkflow',
'ArcanistArcConfigurationEngineExtension' => 'ArcanistConfigurationEngineExtension',
'ArcanistArcToolset' => 'ArcanistToolset',
+ 'ArcanistArcWorkflow' => 'ArcanistWorkflow',
'ArcanistArrayCombineXHPASTLinterRule' => 'ArcanistXHPASTLinterRule',
'ArcanistArrayCombineXHPASTLinterRuleTestCase' => 'ArcanistXHPASTLinterRuleTestCase',
'ArcanistArrayIndexSpacingXHPASTLinterRule' => 'ArcanistXHPASTLinterRule',
diff --git a/src/toolset/workflow/ArcanistArcWorkflow.php b/src/toolset/workflow/ArcanistArcWorkflow.php
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/toolset/workflow/ArcanistArcWorkflow.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+abstract class ArcanistArcWorkflow
+ extends ArcanistWorkflow {
+ public function supportsToolset(ArcanistToolset $toolset) {
+ $key = $toolset->getToolsetKey();
+ return ($key === 'arc');
+ }
diff --git a/src/toolset/workflow/ArcanistHelpWorkflow.php b/src/toolset/workflow/ArcanistHelpWorkflow.php
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/toolset/workflow/ArcanistHelpWorkflow.php
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+final class ArcanistHelpWorkflow
+ extends ArcanistWorkflow {
+ public function getWorkflowName() {
+ return 'help';
+ }
+ public function newPhutilWorkflow() {
+ return new PhutilHelpArgumentWorkflow();
+ }
+ public function supportsToolset(ArcanistToolset $toolset) {
+ return true;
+ }
diff --git a/src/workflow/ArcanistHelpWorkflow.php b/src/workflow/ArcanistHelpWorkflow.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/src/workflow/ArcanistHelpWorkflow.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
- * Seduces the reader with majestic prose.
- */
-final class ArcanistHelpWorkflow extends ArcanistWorkflow {
- public function getWorkflowName() {
- return 'help';
- }
- public function getCommandSynopses() {
- return phutil_console_format(<<<EOTEXT
- **help** [__command__]
- **help** --full
- );
- }
- public function getCommandHelp() {
- return phutil_console_format(<<<EOTEXT
- Supports: english
- Shows this help. With __command__, shows help about a specific
- command.
- );
- }
- public function getArguments() {
- return array(
- 'full' => array(
- 'help' => pht('Print detailed information about each command.'),
- ),
- '*' => 'command',
- );
- }
- public function run() {
- $arc_config = $this->getArcanistConfiguration();
- $workflows = $arc_config->buildAllWorkflows();
- ksort($workflows);
- $target = null;
- if ($this->getArgument('command')) {
- $target = head($this->getArgument('command'));
- if (empty($workflows[$target])) {
- throw new ArcanistUsageException(
- pht(
- "Unrecognized command '%s'. Try '%s'.",
- $target,
- 'arc help'));
- }
- }
- $cmdref = array();
- foreach ($workflows as $command => $workflow) {
- if ($target && $target != $command) {
- continue;
- }
- if (!$target && !$this->getArgument('full')) {
- $cmdref[] = $workflow->getCommandSynopses();
- continue;
- }
- $optref = array();
- $arguments = $workflow->getArguments();
- $config_arguments = $arc_config->getCustomArgumentsForCommand($command);
- // This juggling is to put the extension arguments after the normal
- // arguments, and make sure the normal arguments aren't overwritten.
- ksort($arguments);
- ksort($config_arguments);
- foreach ($config_arguments as $argument => $spec) {
- if (empty($arguments[$argument])) {
- $arguments[$argument] = $spec;
- }
- }
- foreach ($arguments as $argument => $spec) {
- if ($argument == '*') {
- continue;
- }
- if (!empty($spec['hide'])) {
- continue;
- }
- if (isset($spec['param'])) {
- if (isset($spec['short'])) {
- $optref[] = phutil_console_format(
- ' __--%s__ __%s__, __-%s__ __%s__',
- $argument,
- $spec['param'],
- $spec['short'],
- $spec['param']);
- } else {
- $optref[] = phutil_console_format(
- ' __--%s__ __%s__',
- $argument,
- $spec['param']);
- }
- } else {
- if (isset($spec['short'])) {
- $optref[] = phutil_console_format(
- ' __--%s__, __-%s__',
- $argument,
- $spec['short']);
- } else {
- $optref[] = phutil_console_format(
- ' __--%s__',
- $argument);
- }
- }
- if (isset($config_arguments[$argument])) {
- $optref[] = ' '.
- pht('(This is a custom option for this project.)');
- }
- if (isset($spec['supports'])) {
- $optref[] = ' '.
- pht('Supports: %s', implode(', ', $spec['supports']));
- }
- if (isset($spec['help'])) {
- $docs = $spec['help'];
- } else {
- $docs = pht('This option is not documented.');
- }
- $docs = phutil_console_wrap($docs, 14);
- $optref[] = "{$docs}\n";
- }
- if ($optref) {
- $optref = implode("\n", $optref);
- $optref = "\n\n".$optref;
- } else {
- $optref = "\n";
- }
- $cmdref[] =
- $workflow->getCommandSynopses()."\n".
- $workflow->getCommandHelp().
- $optref;
- }
- $cmdref = implode("\n\n", $cmdref);
- if ($target) {
- echo "\n".$cmdref."\n";
- return;
- }
- $self = 'arc';
- echo phutil_console_format(<<<EOTEXT
- **{$self}** - arcanist, a code review and revision management utility
- **{$self}** __command__ [__options__] [__args__]
- This help file provides a detailed command reference.
- );
- if (!$this->getArgument('full')) {
- echo pht(
- "Run '%s' to get commands and options descriptions.\n",
- 'arc help --full');
- return;
- }
- echo phutil_console_format(<<<EOTEXT
- __--trace__
- Debugging command. Shows underlying commands as they are executed,
- and full stack traces when exceptions are thrown.
- __--no-ansi__
- Output in plain ASCII text only, without color or style.
- __--ansi__
- Use formatting even in environments which probably don't support it.
- Example: arc --ansi unit | less -r
- __--load-phutil-library=/path/to/library__
- Ignore libraries listed in .arcconfig and explicitly load specified
- libraries instead. Mostly useful for Arcanist development.
- __--conduit-uri__ __uri__
- Ignore configured Conduit URI and use an explicit one instead. Mostly
- useful for Arcanist development.
- __--conduit-token__ __token__
- Ignore configured credentials and use an explicit API token instead.
- __--conduit-version__ __version__
- Ignore software version and claim to be running some other version
- instead. Mostly useful for Arcanist development. May cause bad things
- to happen.
- __--conduit-timeout__ __timeout__
- Override the default Conduit timeout. Specified in seconds.
- __--config__ __key=value__
- Specify a runtime configuration value. This will take precedence
- over static values, and only affect the current arcanist invocation.
- __--skip-arcconfig__
- Skip the working copy configuration file
- __--arcrc-file__ __filename__
- Use provided file instead of ~/.arcrc.
- );
- }
diff --git a/src/workflow/ArcanistWorkflow.php b/src/workflow/ArcanistWorkflow.php
--- a/src/workflow/ArcanistWorkflow.php
+++ b/src/workflow/ArcanistWorkflow.php
@@ -72,11 +72,54 @@
private $changeCache = array();
private $conduitEngine;
+ private $toolset;
+ private $runtime;
+ private $configurationEngine;
+ private $configurationSourceList;
- public function __construct() {}
+ final public function setToolset(ArcanistToolset $toolset) {
+ $this->toolset = $toolset;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ final public function getToolset() {
+ return $this->toolset;
+ }
+ final public function setRuntime(ArcanistRuntime $runtime) {
+ $this->runtime = $runtime;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ final public function getRuntime() {
+ return $this->runtime;
+ }
+ final public function setConfigurationEngine(
+ ArcanistConfigurationEngine $engine) {
+ $this->configurationEngine = $engine;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ final public function getConfigurationEngine() {
+ return $this->configurationEngine;
+ }
+ final public function setConfigurationSourceList(
+ ArcanistConfigurationSourceList $list) {
+ $this->configurationSourceList = $list;
+ return $this;
+ }
- abstract public function run();
+ final public function getConfigurationSourceList() {
+ return $this->configurationSourceList;
+ }
+ public function __construct() {}
+ public function run() {
+ throw new PhutilMethodNotImplementedException();
+ }
* Finalizes any cleanup operations that need to occur regardless of
@@ -99,17 +142,21 @@
* @return string 6-space indented list of available command synopses.
- abstract public function getCommandSynopses();
+ public function getCommandSynopses() {
+ return array();
+ }
* Return console formatted string with command help printed in `arc help`.
* @return string 10-space indented help to use the command.
- abstract public function getCommandHelp();
+ public function getCommandHelp() {
+ return null;
+ }
- final public function supportsToolset($toolset) {
- return ($toolset === 'arc');
+ public function supportsToolset(ArcanistToolset $toolset) {
+ return false;

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Fri, Mar 14, 9:25 AM (4 d, 12 h ago)
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D20991.id50017.diff (11 KB)

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