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diff --git a/NOTICE b/NOTICE
--- a/NOTICE
+++ b/NOTICE
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Copyright 2014 Phacility, Inc.
-This software is primarily developed and maintained by Phacility, Inc.
+Phabricator was originally developed and maintained by Phacility, Inc.
diff --git a/resources/celerity/map.php b/resources/celerity/map.php
--- a/resources/celerity/map.php
+++ b/resources/celerity/map.php
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
'conpherence.pkg.css' => '0e3cf785',
'conpherence.pkg.js' => '020aebcf',
'core.pkg.css' => '0ae696de',
- 'core.pkg.js' => '68f29322',
+ 'core.pkg.js' => 'd2de90d9',
'dark-console.pkg.js' => '187792c2',
'differential.pkg.css' => 'ffb69e3d',
'differential.pkg.js' => '8deec4cd',
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@
'rsrc/externals/javelin/ext/view/__tests__/ViewInterpreter.js' => 'a9f35511',
'rsrc/externals/javelin/ext/view/__tests__/ViewRenderer.js' => '3a1b81f6',
'rsrc/externals/javelin/lib/Cookie.js' => '05d290ef',
- 'rsrc/externals/javelin/lib/DOM.js' => '94681e22',
+ 'rsrc/externals/javelin/lib/DOM.js' => 'e4c7622a',
'rsrc/externals/javelin/lib/History.js' => '030b4f7a',
'rsrc/externals/javelin/lib/JSON.js' => '541f81c3',
'rsrc/externals/javelin/lib/Leader.js' => '0d2490ce',
@@ -717,7 +717,7 @@
'javelin-color' => '78f811c9',
'javelin-cookie' => '05d290ef',
'javelin-diffusion-locate-file-source' => '94243d89',
- 'javelin-dom' => '94681e22',
+ 'javelin-dom' => 'e4c7622a',
'javelin-dynval' => '202a2e85',
'javelin-event' => 'c03f2fb4',
'javelin-external-editor-link-engine' => '48a8641f',
@@ -1781,13 +1781,6 @@
- '94681e22' => array(
- 'javelin-magical-init',
- 'javelin-install',
- 'javelin-util',
- 'javelin-vector',
- 'javelin-stratcom',
- ),
'9623adc1' => array(
@@ -2167,6 +2160,13 @@
+ 'e4c7622a' => array(
+ 'javelin-magical-init',
+ 'javelin-install',
+ 'javelin-util',
+ 'javelin-vector',
+ 'javelin-stratcom',
+ ),
'e5bdb730' => array(
diff --git a/resources/sql/patches/20131004.dxreviewers.php b/resources/sql/patches/20131004.dxreviewers.php
--- a/resources/sql/patches/20131004.dxreviewers.php
+++ b/resources/sql/patches/20131004.dxreviewers.php
@@ -29,8 +29,7 @@
foreach ($reviewer_phids as $dst) {
if (phid_get_type($dst) == PhabricatorPHIDConstants::PHID_TYPE_UNKNOWN) {
// At least one old install ran into some issues here. Skip the row if we
- // can't figure out what the destination PHID is. See here:
- //
+ // can't figure out what the destination PHID is.
diff --git a/scripts/install/ b/scripts/install/
deleted file mode 100755
--- a/scripts/install/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-confirm() {
- echo "Press RETURN to continue, or ^C to cancel.";
- read -e ignored
-if [[ ! -f $RHEL_VER_FILE ]]
- echo "It looks like you're not running a Red Hat-derived distribution."
- echo "This script is intended to install Phabricator on RHEL-derived"
- echo "distributions such as RHEL, Fedora, CentOS, and Scientific Linux."
- echo "Proceed with caution."
- confirm
-echo "This script will install Phabricator and all of its core dependencies.";
-echo "Run it from the directory you want to install into.";
-RHEL_REGEX="release ([0-9]+)\."
-if [[ $(cat $RHEL_VER_FILE) =~ $RHEL_REGEX ]]
- echo "Ut oh, we were unable to determine your distribution's major"
- echo "version number. Please make sure you're running 6.0+ before"
- echo "proceeding."
- confirm
-if [[ $RHEL_MAJOR_VER < 6 && $RHEL_MAJOR_VER > 0 ]]
- echo "** WARNING **"
- echo "A major version less than 6 was detected. Because of this,"
- echo "several needed dependencies are not available via default repos."
- echo "Specifically, RHEL 5 does not have a PEAR package for php53-*."
- echo "We will attempt to install it manually, for APC. Please be careful."
- confirm
-echo "Phabricator will be installed to: $(pwd).";
-echo "Testing sudo/root..."
-if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]] # Check if we're root. If we are, continue.
- sudo true
- SUDO="sudo"
- if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]
- then
- echo "ERROR: You must be able to sudo to run this script, or run it as root.";
- exit 1
- fi
-if [[ $RHEL_MAJOR_VER == 5 ]]
- # RHEL 5's "php" package is actually 5.1. The "php53" package won't let us install php-pecl-apc.
- # (it tries to pull in php 5.1 stuff) ...
- yum repolist | grep -i epel
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "It doesn't look like you have the EPEL repo enabled. We are to add it"
- echo "for you, so that we can install git."
- $SUDO rpm -Uvh
- fi
- YUMCOMMAND="$SUDO yum install httpd git php53 php53-cli php53-mysql php53-process php53-devel php53-gd gcc wget make pcre-devel mysql-server"
- # RHEL 6+ defaults with php 5.3
- YUMCOMMAND="$SUDO yum install httpd git php php-cli php-mysql php-process php-devel php-gd php-pecl-apc php-pecl-json php-mbstring mysql-server"
-echo "Dropping to yum to install dependencies..."
-echo "Running: ${YUMCOMMAND}"
-echo "Yum will prompt you with [Y/n] to continue installing."
-if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]
- echo "The yum command failed. Please fix the errors and re-run this script."
- exit 1
-if [[ $RHEL_MAJOR_VER == 5 ]]
- # Now that we've ensured all the devel packages required for pecl/apc are there, let's
- # set up PEAR, and install apc.
- echo "Attempting to install PEAR"
- wget
- $SUDO php go-pear.phar && $SUDO pecl install apc
-if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]
- echo "The apc install failed. Continuing without APC, performance may be impacted."
-pidof httpd 2>&1 > /dev/null
-if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]
- echo "If php was installed above, please run: /etc/init.d/httpd graceful"
- echo "Please remember to start the httpd with: /etc/init.d/httpd start"
-pidof mysqld 2>&1 > /dev/null
-if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]
- echo "Please remember to start the mysql server: /etc/init.d/mysqld start"
-if [[ ! -e arcanist ]]
- git clone
- (cd arcanist && git pull --rebase)
-if [[ ! -e phabricator ]]
- git clone
- (cd phabricator && git pull --rebase)
-echo "Install probably worked mostly correctly. Continue with the 'Configuration Guide':";
-echo "";
diff --git a/scripts/install/ b/scripts/install/
deleted file mode 100755
--- a/scripts/install/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-confirm() {
- echo "Press RETURN to continue, or ^C to cancel.";
- read -e ignored
-failed() {
- echo
- echo
- echo "Installation has failed."
- echo "Text above this message might be useful to understanding what exactly failed."
- echo
- echo "Please follow this guide to manually complete installation:"
- echo
- echo
- echo "We apologize for the inconvenience."
- exit 3
-ISSUE=`cat /etc/issue`
-if [[ $ISSUE != Ubuntu* ]]
- echo "This script is intended for use on Ubuntu, but this system appears";
- echo "to be something else. Your results may vary.";
- echo
- confirm
-echo "This script will install Apache, Phabricator and its core dependencies.";
-echo "Run it from the directory you want to install into.";
-echo "Testing sudo..."
-sudo true
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- echo "ERROR: You must be able to sudo to run this script.";
- exit 1;
-echo 'Testing Ubuntu version...'
-VERSION=`lsb_release -rs`
-MAJOR=`expr match "$VERSION" '\([0-9]*\)'`
-if [ "$MAJOR" -lt 16 ]
- echo 'This script is intented to install on modern operating systems; Your '
- echo 'operating system is too old for this script.'
- echo 'You can still install Phabricator manually - please consult the installation'
- echo 'guide to see how:'
- echo
- echo
- exit 2
-# Ubuntu 16.04 LTS only has php 7.0 in their repos, so they need this extra ppa.
-# Ubuntu 17.4 and up have official 7.2 builds.
-if [ "$MAJOR" -eq 16 ]
- echo 'This version of Ubuntu requires additional resources in order to install'
- echo 'and run Phabricator.'
- echo 'We will now add a the following package repository to your system:'
- echo ''
- echo
- echo 'This repository is generally considered safe to use.'
- confirm
- sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ondrej/php || failed
-echo "Phabricator will be installed to: ${ROOT}.";
-echo "Installing dependencies: git, apache, mysql, php...";
-sudo apt-get -qq update
-sudo apt-get install \
- git mysql-server apache2 libapache2-mod-php \
- php php-mysql php-gd php-curl php-apcu php-cli php-json php-mbstring \
- || failed
-echo "Enabling mod_rewrite in Apache..."
-sudo a2enmod rewrite || failed
-echo "Downloading Phabricator and dependencies..."
-if [ ! -e arcanist ]
- git clone
- (cd arcanist && git pull --rebase)
-if [ ! -e phabricator ]
- git clone
- (cd phabricator && git pull --rebase)
-echo "Install probably worked mostly correctly. Continue with the 'Configuration Guide':";
-echo "";
-echo 'Next step is "Configuring Apache webserver".'
diff --git a/src/applications/almanac/util/__tests__/AlmanacNamesTestCase.php b/src/applications/almanac/util/__tests__/AlmanacNamesTestCase.php
--- a/src/applications/almanac/util/__tests__/AlmanacNamesTestCase.php
+++ b/src/applications/almanac/util/__tests__/AlmanacNamesTestCase.php
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
'abc' => true,
'a.b' => true,
- 'db.phacility.instance' => true,
+ 'db.companyname.instance' => true,
'' => true,
'' => true,
diff --git a/src/applications/base/PhabricatorApplication.php b/src/applications/base/PhabricatorApplication.php
--- a/src/applications/base/PhabricatorApplication.php
+++ b/src/applications/base/PhabricatorApplication.php
@@ -135,10 +135,9 @@
- * Returns true if an application is first-party (developed by Phacility)
- * and false otherwise.
+ * Returns true if an application is first-party and false otherwise.
- * @return bool True if this application is developed by Phacility.
+ * @return bool True if this application is first-party.
final public function isFirstParty() {
$where = id(new ReflectionClass($this))->getFileName();
diff --git a/src/applications/calendar/parser/ics/PhutilICSWriter.php b/src/applications/calendar/parser/ics/PhutilICSWriter.php
--- a/src/applications/calendar/parser/ics/PhutilICSWriter.php
+++ b/src/applications/calendar/parser/ics/PhutilICSWriter.php
@@ -128,11 +128,15 @@
$properties[] = $this->newTextProperty(
- '-//Phacility//Phabricator//EN');
+ self::getICSPRODID());
return $properties;
+ public static function getICSPRODID() {
+ return '-//Phacility//Phabricator//EN';
+ }
private function getEventNodeProperties(PhutilCalendarEventNode $event) {
$properties = array();
diff --git a/src/applications/calendar/parser/ics/__tests__/PhutilICSWriterTestCase.php b/src/applications/calendar/parser/ics/__tests__/PhutilICSWriterTestCase.php
--- a/src/applications/calendar/parser/ics/__tests__/PhutilICSWriterTestCase.php
+++ b/src/applications/calendar/parser/ics/__tests__/PhutilICSWriterTestCase.php
@@ -138,6 +138,12 @@
private function assertICS($name, $actual) {
$path = dirname(__FILE__).'/data/'.$name;
$data = Filesystem::readFile($path);
+ $data = str_replace(
+ '${PRODID}',
+ PhutilICSWriter::getICSPRODID(),
+ $data);
$this->assertEqual($data, $actual, pht('ICS: %s', $name));
diff --git a/src/applications/calendar/parser/ics/__tests__/data/writer-christmas.ics b/src/applications/calendar/parser/ics/__tests__/data/writer-christmas.ics
--- a/src/applications/calendar/parser/ics/__tests__/data/writer-christmas.ics
+++ b/src/applications/calendar/parser/ics/__tests__/data/writer-christmas.ics
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/src/applications/calendar/parser/ics/__tests__/data/writer-office-party.ics b/src/applications/calendar/parser/ics/__tests__/data/writer-office-party.ics
--- a/src/applications/calendar/parser/ics/__tests__/data/writer-office-party.ics
+++ b/src/applications/calendar/parser/ics/__tests__/data/writer-office-party.ics
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/src/applications/calendar/parser/ics/__tests__/data/writer-recurring-christmas.ics b/src/applications/calendar/parser/ics/__tests__/data/writer-recurring-christmas.ics
--- a/src/applications/calendar/parser/ics/__tests__/data/writer-recurring-christmas.ics
+++ b/src/applications/calendar/parser/ics/__tests__/data/writer-recurring-christmas.ics
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/src/applications/calendar/parser/ics/__tests__/data/writer-tea-time.ics b/src/applications/calendar/parser/ics/__tests__/data/writer-tea-time.ics
--- a/src/applications/calendar/parser/ics/__tests__/data/writer-tea-time.ics
+++ b/src/applications/calendar/parser/ics/__tests__/data/writer-tea-time.ics
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/src/applications/metamta/parser/PhabricatorMetaMTAEmailBodyParser.php b/src/applications/metamta/parser/PhabricatorMetaMTAEmailBodyParser.php
--- a/src/applications/metamta/parser/PhabricatorMetaMTAEmailBodyParser.php
+++ b/src/applications/metamta/parser/PhabricatorMetaMTAEmailBodyParser.php
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
* Or
- * !assign epriestley
+ * !assign alincoln
* please, take this task I took; its hard
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
* commands. For example, this body above might parse as:
* array(
- * 'body' => 'please, take this task I took; its hard',
+ * 'body' => 'please, take this task I took; it's hard',
* 'commands' => array(
- * array('assign', 'epriestley'),
+ * array('assign', 'alincoln'),
* ),
* )
diff --git a/src/applications/repository/engine/PhabricatorRepositoryPullEngine.php b/src/applications/repository/engine/PhabricatorRepositoryPullEngine.php
--- a/src/applications/repository/engine/PhabricatorRepositoryPullEngine.php
+++ b/src/applications/repository/engine/PhabricatorRepositoryPullEngine.php
@@ -723,7 +723,6 @@
// This behavior has been reverted, but users who updated between Feb 1,
// 2012 and Mar 1, 2012 will have the erroring version. Do a dumb test
// against stdout to check for this possibility.
- // See:
// NOTE: Mercurial has translated versions, which translate this error
// string. In a translated version, the string will be something else,
diff --git a/src/applications/uiexample/examples/PHUIBadgeExample.php b/src/applications/uiexample/examples/PHUIBadgeExample.php
--- a/src/applications/uiexample/examples/PHUIBadgeExample.php
+++ b/src/applications/uiexample/examples/PHUIBadgeExample.php
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
$badges1 = array();
$badges1[] = id(new PHUIBadgeView())
- ->setHeader(pht('Phacility High Command'))
+ ->setHeader(pht('High Command'))
->setSource('Projects (automatic)')
->addByline(pht('Dec 31, 1969'))
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
->setHeader(pht('Lead Developer'))
->setSubhead(pht('Lead Developer of Phabricator'))
- ->setSource(pht('Direct Award (epriestley)'))
+ ->setSource(pht('Direct Award'))
->addByline(pht('Dec 31, 1969'))
->addByline('1 Awarded (0.4%)');
diff --git a/src/docs/user/installation_guide.diviner b/src/docs/user/installation_guide.diviner
--- a/src/docs/user/installation_guide.diviner
+++ b/src/docs/user/installation_guide.diviner
@@ -102,22 +102,7 @@
Installing Required Components
-If you are installing on Ubuntu or an RedHat derivative, there are install
-scripts available which should handle most of the things discussed in this
-document for you:
- - **RedHat Derivatives**:
- [[
- | ]]
- - **Ubuntu**:
- [[
- | ]]
-If those work for you, you can skip directly to the
-@{article:Configuration Guide}. These scripts are also available in the
-`scripts/install` directory in the project itself.
-Otherwise, here's a general description of what you need to install:
+Here's a general description of what you need to install:
- git (usually called "git" in package management systems)
- Apache (usually "httpd" or "apache2") (or nginx)
diff --git a/src/docs/user/userguide/phame.diviner b/src/docs/user/userguide/phame.diviner
--- a/src/docs/user/userguide/phame.diviner
+++ b/src/docs/user/userguide/phame.diviner
@@ -84,10 +84,7 @@
WARNING: This feature is still a prototype and has some known issues.
-You can host a Phame blog on an external domain, like ``. The
-Phacility corporate blog is an example of an external Phame blog:
+You can host a Phame blog on an external domain, like ``.
External blogs are public (they do not require login) and are only supported if
your Phabricator install is also public. You can make an install public by
diff --git a/webroot/rsrc/externals/javelin/lib/DOM.js b/webroot/rsrc/externals/javelin/lib/DOM.js
--- a/webroot/rsrc/externals/javelin/lib/DOM.js
+++ b/webroot/rsrc/externals/javelin/lib/DOM.js
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
'will not do the right thing with this.');
- // TODO(epriestley): May need to deny <option> more broadly, see
+ // TODO: May need to deny <option> more broadly, see
// and the whole mess in the
// heavy stack. But I seem to have gotten away without cloning into the
// documentFragment below, so this may be a nonissue.
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
wrapper.innerHTML = this._content;
var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
while (wrapper.firstChild) {
- // TODO(epriestley): Do we need to do a bunch of cloning junk here?
+ // TODO: Do we need to do a bunch of cloning junk here?
// See heavy stack. I'm disconnecting the nodes instead; this seems
// to work but maybe my test case just isn't extensive enough.

File Metadata

Mime Type
Wed, Mar 12, 1:07 PM (2 w, 2 d ago)
Storage Engine
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Encrypted (AES-256-CBC)
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D21678.diff (19 KB)

Event Timeline