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diff --git a/scripts/test/http.php b/scripts/test/http.php
--- a/scripts/test/http.php
+++ b/scripts/test/http.php
@@ -9,6 +9,11 @@
+ 'name' => 'attach',
+ 'param' => 'file',
+ 'help' => pht('Attach a file to the request.'),
+ ),
+ array(
'name' => 'url',
'wildcard' => true,
@@ -25,14 +30,17 @@
$data = '';
$timeout = 30;
-$parsed = new PhutilURI($uri);
-if ($parsed->getProtocol() == 'https') {
- $future = new HTTPSFuture($uri, $data);
-} else {
- $future = new HTTPFuture($uri, $data);
+$future = new HTTPSFuture($uri, $data);
+$attach_file = $args->getArg('attach');
+if ($attach_file !== null) {
+ $future->attachFileData(
+ 'file',
+ Filesystem::readFile($attach_file),
+ basename($attach_file),
+ Filesystem::getMimeType($attach_file));
diff --git a/src/future/http/HTTPSFuture.php b/src/future/http/HTTPSFuture.php
--- a/src/future/http/HTTPSFuture.php
+++ b/src/future/http/HTTPSFuture.php
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
private $followLocation = true;
private $responseBuffer = '';
private $responseBufferPos;
+ private $files = array();
+ private $temporaryFiles = array();
* Create a temp file containing an SSL cert, and use it for this session.
@@ -146,6 +148,34 @@
+ /**
+ * Attach a file to the request.
+ *
+ * @param string HTTP parameter name.
+ * @param string File content.
+ * @param string File name.
+ * @param string File mime type.
+ * @return this
+ */
+ public function attachFileData($key, $data, $name, $mime_type) {
+ if (isset($this->files[$key])) {
+ throw new Exception(
+ pht(
+ 'HTTPSFuture currently supports only one file attachment for each '.
+ 'parameter name. You are trying to attach two different files with '.
+ 'the same parameter, "%s".',
+ $key));
+ }
+ $this->files[$key] = array(
+ 'data' => $data,
+ 'name' => $name,
+ 'mime' => $mime_type,
+ );
+ return $this;
+ }
public function isReady() {
if (isset($this->result)) {
return true;
@@ -197,39 +227,8 @@
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_REDIR_PROTOCOLS, $allowed_protocols);
- $data = $this->getData();
- if ($data) {
- // NOTE: PHP's cURL implementation has a piece of magic which treats
- // parameters as file paths if they begin with '@'. This means that
- // an array like "array('name' => '@/usr/local/secret')" will attempt to
- // read that file off disk and send it to the remote server. This
- // behavior is pretty surprising, and it can easily become a relatively
- // severe security vulnerability which allows an attacker to read any
- // file the HTTP process has access to. Since this feature is very
- // dangerous and not particularly useful, we prevent its use.
- //
- // After PHP 5.2.0, it is sufficient to pass a string to avoid this
- // "feature" (it is only invoked in the array version). Prior to
- // PHP 5.2.0, we block any request which have string data beginning with
- // '@' (they would not work anyway).
- if (is_array($data)) {
- // Explicitly build a query string to prevent "@" security problems.
- $data = http_build_query($data, '', '&');
- }
- if ($data[0] == '@' && version_compare(phpversion(), '5.2.0', '<')) {
- throw new Exception(
- "Attempting to make an HTTP request including string data that ".
- "begins with '@'. Prior to PHP 5.2.0, this reads files off disk, ".
- "which creates a wide attack window for security vulnerabilities. ".
- "Upgrade PHP or avoid making cURL requests which begin with '@'.");
- }
- curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
- } else {
- curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, null);
- }
+ $data = $this->formatRequestDataForCURL();
+ curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
$headers = $this->getHeaders();
@@ -354,6 +353,10 @@
return false;
+ // The request is complete, so release any temporary files we wrote
+ // earlier.
+ $this->temporaryFiles = array();
$info = self::$results[(int)$curl];
$result = $this->responseBuffer;
$err_code = $info['result'];
@@ -422,4 +425,159 @@
$this->responseBufferPos = 0;
return $this;
+ /**
+ * Produces a value safe to pass to `CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS`.
+ *
+ * @return wild Some value, suitable for use in `CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS`.
+ */
+ private function formatRequestDataForCURL() {
+ // We're generating a value to hand to cURL as CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS. The way
+ // cURL handles this value has some tricky caveats.
+ // First, we can return either an array or a query string. If we return
+ // an array, we get a "multipart/form-data" request. If we return a
+ // query string, we get an "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" request.
+ // Second, if we return an array we can't duplicate keys. The user might
+ // want to send the same parameter multiple times.
+ // Third, if we return an array and any of the values start with "@",
+ // cURL includes arbitrary files off disk and sends them to an untrusted
+ // remote server. For example, an array like:
+ //
+ // array('name' => '@/usr/local/secret')
+ //
+ // ...will attempt to read that file off disk and transmit its contents with
+ // the request. This behavior is pretty surprising, and it can easily
+ // become a relatively severe security vulnerability which allows an
+ // attacker to read any file the HTTP process has access to. Since this
+ // feature is very dangerous and not particularly useful, we prevent its
+ // use. Broadly, this means we must reject some requests because they
+ // contain an "@" in an inconvenient place.
+ // Generally, to avoid the "@" case and because most servers usually
+ // expect "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" data, we try to return a
+ // string unless there are files attached to this request.
+ $data = $this->getData();
+ $files = $this->files;
+ $any_data = ($data || (is_string($data) && strlen($data)));
+ $any_files = (bool)$this->files;
+ if (!$any_data && !$any_files) {
+ // No files or data, so just bail.
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (!$any_files) {
+ // If we don't have any files, just encode the data as a query string,
+ // make sure it's not including any files, and we're good to go.
+ if (is_array($data)) {
+ $data = http_build_query($data, '', '&');
+ }
+ $this->checkForDangerousCURLMagic($data, $is_query_string = true);
+ return $data;
+ }
+ // If we've made it this far, we have some files, so we need to return
+ // an array. First, convert the other data into an array if it isn't one
+ // already.
+ if (is_string($data)) {
+ // NOTE: We explicitly don't want fancy array parsing here, so just
+ // do a basic parse and then convert it into a dictionary ourselves.
+ $parser = new PhutilQueryStringParser();
+ $pairs = $parser->parseQueryStringToPairList($data);
+ $map = array();
+ foreach ($pairs as $pair) {
+ list($key, $value) = $pair;
+ if (array_key_exists($key, $map)) {
+ throw new Exception(
+ pht(
+ 'Request specifies two values for key "%s", but parameter '.
+ 'names must be unique if you are posting file data due to '.
+ 'limitations with cURL.'));
+ }
+ $map[$key] = $value;
+ }
+ $data = $map;
+ }
+ foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
+ $this->checkForDangerousCURLMagic($value, $is_query_string = false);
+ }
+ foreach ($this->files as $name => $info) {
+ if (array_key_exists($name, $data)) {
+ throw new Exception(
+ pht(
+ 'Request specifies a file with key "%s", but that key is '.
+ 'also defined by normal request data. Due to limitations '.
+ 'with cURL, requests that post file data must use unique '.
+ 'keys.'));
+ }
+ $tmp = new TempFile($info['name']);
+ Filesystem::writeFile($tmp, $info['data']);
+ $this->temporaryFiles[] = $tmp;
+ // In 5.5.0 and later, we can use CURLFile. Prior to that, we have to
+ // use this "@" stuff.
+ if (class_exists('CURLFile')) {
+ $file_value = new CURLFile((string)$tmp, $info['mime'], $info['name']);
+ } else {
+ $file_value = '@'.(string)$tmp;
+ }
+ $data[$name] = $file_value;
+ }
+ return $data;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Detect strings which will cause cURL to do horrible, insecure things.
+ *
+ * @param string Possibly dangerous string.
+ * @param bool True if this string is being used as part of a query string.
+ * @return void
+ */
+ private function checkForDangerousCURLMagic($string, $is_query_string) {
+ if (empty($string[0]) || ($string[0] != '@')) {
+ // This isn't an "@..." string, so it's fine.
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($is_query_string) {
+ if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.2.0', '<')) {
+ throw new Exception(
+ pht(
+ 'Attempting to make an HTTP request, but query string data begins '.
+ 'with "@". Prior to PHP 5.2.0 this reads files off disk, which '.
+ 'creates a wide attack window for security vulnerabilities. '.
+ 'Upgrade PHP or avoid making cURL requests which begin with "@".'));
+ }
+ // This is safe if we're on PHP 5.2.0 or newer.
+ return;
+ }
+ throw new Exception(
+ pht(
+ 'Attempting to make an HTTP request which includes file data, but '.
+ 'the value of a query parameter begins with "@". PHP interprets '.
+ 'these values to mean that it should read arbitrary files off disk '.
+ 'and transmit them to remote servers. Declining to make this '.
+ 'request.'));
+ }
diff --git a/src/parser/PhutilQueryStringParser.php b/src/parser/PhutilQueryStringParser.php
--- a/src/parser/PhutilQueryStringParser.php
+++ b/src/parser/PhutilQueryStringParser.php
@@ -1,45 +1,102 @@
- * Parses a request string leaving all characters intact.
+ * Utilities for parsing HTTP query strings.
- *
- *
+ * The builtin functions in PHP (notably, `parse_str()` and automatic parsing
+ * prior to request handling) are not suitable in the general case because they
+ * silently convert some characters in parameter names into underscores.
+ *
+ * For example, if you call `parse_str()` with input like this:
+ *
+ * x.y=z
+ *
+ * ...the output is this:
+ *
+ * array(
+ * 'x_y' => 'z',
+ * );
+ *
+ * ...with the `.` replaced with an underscore, `_`. Other characters converted
+ * in this way include space and unmatched opening brackets.
+ *
+ * Broadly, this is part of the terrible legacy of `register_globals`. Since
+ * we'd like to be able to parse all valid query strings without destroying any
+ * data, this class implements a less-encumbered parser.
final class PhutilQueryStringParser {
- public function parseQueryString($query_string) {
- $parsed_arr = array();
- $query_arr = array();
- if (strlen($query_string)) {
- $query_pairs = explode("&", $query_string);
+ /**
+ * Parses a query string into a dictionary, applying PHP rules for handling
+ * array nomenclature (like `a[]=1`) in parameter names.
+ *
+ * For a more basic parse, see @{method:parseQueryStringToPairList}.
+ *
+ * @param string Query string.
+ * @return map<string, wild> Parsed dictionary.
+ */
+ public function parseQueryString($query_string) {
+ $result = array();
- foreach ($query_pairs as $query) {
- $query_part_arr = explode("=", $query, 2);
- if (strlen($query_part_arr[0])) {
- $query_arr[] = array(
- "key" => $query_part_arr[0],
- "val" => isset($query_part_arr[1]) ? $query_part_arr[1] : "",
- );
- }
+ $list = $this->parseQueryStringToPairList($query_string);
+ foreach ($list as $parts) {
+ list($key, $value) = $parts;
+ if (!strlen($key)) {
+ continue;
+ $this->parseQueryKeyToArr($key, $value, $result);
+ }
- foreach ($query_arr as $query_parts) {
- $decoded_key = urldecode($query_parts["key"]);
- $decoded_val = urldecode($query_parts["val"]);
+ return $result;
+ }
- $this->parseQueryKeyToArr(
- $decoded_key,
- $decoded_val,
- $parsed_arr);
- }
+ /**
+ * Parses a query string into a basic list of pairs, without handling any
+ * array information in the keys. For example:
+ *
+ * a[]=1&a[]=2
+ *
+ * ...will parse into:
+ *
+ * array(
+ * array('a[]', '1'),
+ * array('a[]', '2'),
+ * );
+ *
+ * Use @{method:parseQueryString} to produce a more sophisticated parse which
+ * applies array rules and returns a dictionary.
+ *
+ * @param string Query string.
+ * @return list<pair<string, string>> List of parsed parameters.
+ */
+ public function parseQueryStringToPairList($query_string) {
+ $list = array();
+ if (!strlen($query_string)) {
+ return $list;
- return $parsed_arr;
+ $pairs = explode('&', $query_string);
+ foreach ($pairs as $pair) {
+ if (!strlen($pair)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $parts = explode('=', $pair, 2);
+ if (count($parts) < 2) {
+ $parts[] = '';
+ }
+ $list[] = array(
+ urldecode($parts[0]),
+ urldecode($parts[1]),
+ );
+ }
+ return $list;
* Treats the key as a flat query that potentially has square brackets. If
* there are square brackets we parse them into an array.
diff --git a/src/parser/__tests__/PhutilQueryStringParserTestCase.php b/src/parser/__tests__/PhutilQueryStringParserTestCase.php
--- a/src/parser/__tests__/PhutilQueryStringParserTestCase.php
+++ b/src/parser/__tests__/PhutilQueryStringParserTestCase.php
@@ -82,8 +82,62 @@
foreach ($map as $query_string => $expected) {
- $expected, $parser->parseQueryString($query_string));
+ $expected,
+ $parser->parseQueryString($query_string));
+ public function testQueryStringListParsing() {
+ $map = array(
+ '' => array(),
+ '&' => array(),
+ '=' => array(
+ array('', ''),
+ ),
+ '=&' => array(
+ array('', ''),
+ ),
+ 'a=b' => array(
+ array('a', 'b'),
+ ),
+ 'a[]=b' => array(
+ array('a[]', 'b'),
+ ),
+ 'a=' => array(
+ array('a', ''),
+ ),
+ '. [=1' => array(
+ array('. [', '1'),
+ ),
+ 'a=b&c=d' => array(
+ array('a', 'b'),
+ array('c', 'd'),
+ ),
+ 'a=b&a=c' => array(
+ array('a', 'b'),
+ array('a', 'c'),
+ ),
+ '&a=b&' => array(
+ array('a', 'b'),
+ ),
+ '=a' => array(
+ array('', 'a'),
+ ),
+ '&&&' => array(
+ ),
+ 'a%20b=c%20d' => array(
+ array('a b', 'c d'),
+ ),
+ );
+ $parser = new PhutilQueryStringParser();
+ foreach ($map as $query_string => $expected) {
+ $this->assertEqual(
+ $expected,
+ $parser->parseQueryStringToPairList($query_string));
+ }
+ }

File Metadata

Mime Type
Tue, Mar 11, 5:27 PM (1 w, 22 h ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Encrypted (AES-256-CBC)
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
D8831.id20961.diff (15 KB)

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