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Index: src/applications/differential/editor/DifferentialTransactionEditor.php
--- src/applications/differential/editor/DifferentialTransactionEditor.php
+++ src/applications/differential/editor/DifferentialTransactionEditor.php
@@ -4,6 +4,26 @@
extends PhabricatorApplicationTransactionEditor {
private $heraldEmailPHIDs;
+ private $changedPriorToCommitURI;
+ private $isCloseByCommit;
+ public function setIsCloseByCommit($is_close_by_commit) {
+ $this->isCloseByCommit = $is_close_by_commit;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ public function getIsCloseByCommit() {
+ return $this->isCloseByCommit;
+ }
+ public function setChangedPriorToCommitURI($uri) {
+ $this->changedPriorToCommitURI = $uri;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ public function getChangedPriorToCommitURI() {
+ return $this->changedPriorToCommitURI;
+ }
public function getTransactionTypes() {
$types = parent::getTransactionTypes();
@@ -158,7 +178,9 @@
case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDGE:
case DifferentialTransaction::TYPE_UPDATE:
- $object->setStatus($status_review);
+ if (!$this->getIsCloseByCommit()) {
+ $object->setStatus($status_review);
+ }
// TODO: Update the `diffPHID` once we add that.
case DifferentialTransaction::TYPE_ACTION:
@@ -209,6 +231,12 @@
$results = parent::expandTransaction($object, $xaction);
switch ($xaction->getTransactionType()) {
case DifferentialTransaction::TYPE_UPDATE:
+ if ($this->getIsCloseByCommit()) {
+ // Don't bother with any of this if this update is a side effect of
+ // commit detection.
+ break;
+ }
$new_accept = DifferentialReviewerStatus::STATUS_ACCEPTED;
$new_reject = DifferentialReviewerStatus::STATUS_REJECTED;
$old_accept = DifferentialReviewerStatus::STATUS_ACCEPTED_OLDER;
@@ -784,19 +812,22 @@
case DifferentialAction::ACTION_CLOSE:
+ // We force revisions closed when we discover a corresponding commit.
+ // In this case, revisions are allowed to transition to closed from
+ // any state. This is an automated action taken by the daemons.
- // TODO: Permit the daemons to take this action in all cases.
- if (!$actor_is_author && !$always_allow_close) {
- return pht(
- "You can not close this revision because you do not own it. To ".
- "close a revision, you must be its owner.");
- }
+ if (!$this->getIsCloseByCommit()) {
+ if (!$actor_is_author && !$always_allow_close) {
+ return pht(
+ "You can not close this revision because you do not own it. To ".
+ "close a revision, you must be its owner.");
+ }
- if ($revision_status != $status_accepted) {
- return pht(
- "You can not close this revision because it has not been ".
- "accepted. You can only close accepted revisions.");
+ if ($revision_status != $status_accepted) {
+ return pht(
+ "You can not close this revision because it has not been ".
+ "accepted. You can only close accepted revisions.");
+ }
@@ -909,6 +940,13 @@
+ $changed_uri = $this->getChangedPriorToCommitURI();
+ if ($changed_uri) {
+ $body->addTextSection(
+ $changed_uri);
+ }
if ($inlines) {
@@ -1099,7 +1137,9 @@
foreach ($xactions as $xaction) {
switch ($xaction->getTransactionType()) {
case DifferentialTransaction::TYPE_UPDATE:
- return true;
+ if (!$this->getIsCloseByCommit()) {
+ return true;
+ }
Index: src/applications/metamta/contentsource/PhabricatorContentSource.php
--- src/applications/metamta/contentsource/PhabricatorContentSource.php
+++ src/applications/metamta/contentsource/PhabricatorContentSource.php
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
const SOURCE_CONSOLE = 'console';
const SOURCE_HERALD = 'herald';
const SOURCE_LEGACY = 'legacy';
+ const SOURCE_DAEMON = 'daemon';
private $source;
private $params = array();
@@ -72,6 +73,7 @@
self::SOURCE_CONSOLE => pht('Console'),
self::SOURCE_LEGACY => pht('Legacy'),
self::SOURCE_HERALD => pht('Herald'),
+ self::SOURCE_DAEMON => pht('Daemons'),
self::SOURCE_UNKNOWN => pht('Old World'),
Index: src/applications/repository/worker/commitmessageparser/PhabricatorRepositoryCommitMessageParserWorker.php
--- src/applications/repository/worker/commitmessageparser/PhabricatorRepositoryCommitMessageParserWorker.php
+++ src/applications/repository/worker/commitmessageparser/PhabricatorRepositoryCommitMessageParserWorker.php
@@ -78,16 +78,18 @@
$should_autoclose = $repository->shouldAutocloseCommit($commit, $data);
if ($revision_id) {
- $lock = PhabricatorGlobalLock::newLock(get_class($this).':'.$revision_id);
- $lock->lock(5 * 60);
// TODO: Check if a more restrictive viewer could be set here
- $revision = id(new DifferentialRevisionQuery())
+ $revision_query = id(new DifferentialRevisionQuery())
- ->needRelationships(true)
- ->executeOne();
+ ->needActiveDiffs(true);
+ // TODO: Remove this once we swap to new CustomFields. This is only
+ // required by the old FieldSpecifications, lower on in this worker.
+ $revision_query->needRelationships(true);
+ $revision = $revision_query->executeOne();
if ($revision) {
$commit_drev = PhabricatorEdgeConfig::TYPE_COMMIT_HAS_DREV;
@@ -112,29 +114,10 @@
$actor = id(new PhabricatorUser())
->loadOneWhere('phid = %s', $actor_phid);
- $diff = $this->attachToRevision($revision, $actor_phid);
- $editor = new DifferentialCommentEditor(
- $revision,
- DifferentialAction::ACTION_CLOSE);
- $editor->setActor($actor);
- $editor->setIsDaemonWorkflow(true);
- $vs_diff = $this->loadChangedByCommit($diff);
- if ($vs_diff) {
- $data->setCommitDetail('vsDiff', $vs_diff->getID());
- $changed_by_commit = PhabricatorEnv::getProductionURI(
- '/D'.$revision->getID().
- '?vs='.$vs_diff->getID().
- '&id='.$diff->getID().
- '#toc');
- $editor->setChangedByCommit($changed_by_commit);
- }
$commit_name = $repository->formatCommitName(
@@ -148,24 +131,77 @@
- $info = array();
- $info[] = "authored by {$author_name}";
if ($committer_name && ($committer_name != $author_name)) {
- $info[] = "committed by {$committer_name}";
+ $message = pht(
+ 'Closed by commit %s (authored by %s, committed by %s).',
+ $commit_name,
+ $author_name,
+ $committer_name);
+ } else {
+ $message = pht(
+ 'Closed by commit %s (authored by %s).',
+ $commit_name,
+ $author_name);
- $info = implode(', ', $info);
- $editor
- ->setMessage("Closed by commit {$commit_name} ({$info}).")
- ->save();
- }
+ $diff = $this->generateFinalDiff($revision, $actor_phid);
- }
+ $vs_diff = $this->loadChangedByCommit($revision, $diff);
+ $changed_uri = null;
+ if ($vs_diff) {
+ $data->setCommitDetail('vsDiff', $vs_diff->getID());
- $lock->unlock();
+ $changed_uri = PhabricatorEnv::getProductionURI(
+ '/D'.$revision->getID().
+ '?vs='.$vs_diff->getID().
+ '&id='.$diff->getID().
+ '#toc');
+ }
+ $xactions = array();
+ $xactions[] = id(new DifferentialTransaction())
+ ->setTransactionType(DifferentialTransaction::TYPE_ACTION)
+ ->setNewValue(DifferentialAction::ACTION_CLOSE);
+ $xactions[] = id(new DifferentialTransaction())
+ ->setTransactionType(DifferentialTransaction::TYPE_UPDATE)
+ ->setIgnoreOnNoEffect(true)
+ ->setNewValue($diff->getPHID());
+ $xactions[] = id(new DifferentialTransaction())
+ ->setTransactionType(PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_COMMENT)
+ ->setIgnoreOnNoEffect(true)
+ ->attachComment(
+ id(new DifferentialTransactionComment())
+ ->setContent($message));
+ $content_source = PhabricatorContentSource::newForSource(
+ PhabricatorContentSource::SOURCE_DAEMON,
+ array());
+ $editor = id(new DifferentialTransactionEditor())
+ ->setActor($actor)
+ ->setContinueOnMissingFields(true)
+ ->setContentSource($content_source)
+ ->setChangedPriorToCommitURI($changed_uri)
+ ->setIsCloseByCommit(true);
+ try {
+ $editor->applyTransactions($revision, $xactions);
+ } catch (PhabricatorApplicationTransactionNoEffectException $ex) {
+ // NOTE: We've marked transactions other than the CLOSE transaction
+ // as ignored when they don't have an effect, so this means that we
+ // lost a race to close the revision. That's perfectly fine, we can
+ // just continue normally.
+ }
+ }
+ }
if ($should_autoclose) {
+ // TODO: When this is moved to CustomFields, remove the additional
+ // call above in query construction.
$fields = DifferentialFieldSelector::newSelector()
foreach ($fields as $key => $field) {
@@ -200,7 +236,7 @@
return '@'.$handle->getName();
- private function attachToRevision(
+ private function generateFinalDiff(
DifferentialRevision $revision,
$actor_phid) {
@@ -232,7 +268,7 @@
$diff = DifferentialDiff::newFromRawChanges($changes)
- ->setRevisionID($revision->getID())
+ ->setRepositoryPHID($this->repository->getPHID())
@@ -265,18 +301,19 @@
// TODO: Attach binary files.
- $revision->setLineCount($diff->getLineCount());
return $diff->save();
- private function loadChangedByCommit(DifferentialDiff $diff) {
+ private function loadChangedByCommit(
+ DifferentialRevision $revision,
+ DifferentialDiff $diff) {
$repository = $this->repository;
$vs_changesets = array();
$vs_diff = id(new DifferentialDiff())->loadOneWhere(
'revisionID = %d AND creationMethod != %s ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1',
- $diff->getRevisionID(),
+ $revision->getID(),
foreach ($vs_diff->loadChangesets() as $changeset) {
$path = $changeset->getAbsoluteRepositoryPath($repository, $vs_diff);

File Metadata

Mime Type
Tue, Mar 11, 5:12 PM (2 w, 5 d ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Encrypted (AES-256-CBC)
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
D8441.diff (11 KB)

Event Timeline