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diff --git a/src/__phutil_library_map__.php b/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
--- a/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
+++ b/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
'PhutilConsoleServerChannel' => 'console/PhutilConsoleServerChannel.php',
'PhutilConsoleStdinNotInteractiveException' => 'console/PhutilConsoleStdinNotInteractiveException.php',
'PhutilConsoleSyntaxHighlighter' => 'markup/syntax/highlighter/PhutilConsoleSyntaxHighlighter.php',
+ 'PhutilConsoleTable' => 'console/PhutilConsoleTable.php',
'PhutilConsoleWrapTestCase' => 'console/__tests__/PhutilConsoleWrapTestCase.php',
'PhutilContextFreeGrammar' => 'grammar/PhutilContextFreeGrammar.php',
'PhutilDaemon' => 'daemon/PhutilDaemon.php',
@@ -417,6 +418,7 @@
'queryfx' => 'xsprintf/queryfx.php',
'queryfx_all' => 'xsprintf/queryfx.php',
'queryfx_one' => 'xsprintf/queryfx.php',
+ 'sprintf_escape' => 'utils/utils.php',
'urisprintf' => 'xsprintf/urisprintf.php',
'vcsprintf' => 'xsprintf/csprintf.php',
'vjsprintf' => 'xsprintf/jsprintf.php',
@@ -550,6 +552,7 @@
'PhutilConsoleProgressBar' => 'Phobject',
'PhutilConsoleServerChannel' => 'PhutilChannelChannel',
'PhutilConsoleStdinNotInteractiveException' => 'Exception',
+ 'PhutilConsoleTable' => 'Phobject',
'PhutilConsoleWrapTestCase' => 'PhutilTestCase',
'PhutilDefaultSyntaxHighlighterEngine' => 'PhutilSyntaxHighlighterEngine',
'PhutilDefaultSyntaxHighlighterEnginePygmentsFuture' => 'FutureProxy',
diff --git a/src/console/PhutilConsoleTable.php b/src/console/PhutilConsoleTable.php
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/console/PhutilConsoleTable.php
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+ * Show a table in the console. Usage:
+ *
+ * $table = id(new PhutilConsoleTable())
+ * ->addColumn('id', array('title' => 'ID', 'align' => 'right'))
+ * ->addColumn('name', array('title' => 'Username', 'align' => 'center'))
+ * ->addColumn('email', array('title' => 'Email Address'))
+ *
+ * ->addRow(array(
+ * 'id' => 12345,
+ * 'name' => 'alicoln',
+ * 'email' => '',
+ * ))
+ * ->addRow(array(
+ * 'id' => 99999999,
+ * 'name' => 'jbloggs',
+ * 'email' => '',
+ * ))
+ *
+ * ->setDrawBorders(true)
+ * ->draw();
+ */
+final class PhutilConsoleTable extends Phobject {
+ private $columns = array();
+ private $data = array();
+ private $widths = array();
+ private $borders = false;
+ private $padding = 1;
+ private $console;
+ const ALIGN_LEFT = 'left';
+ const ALIGN_CENTER = 'center';
+ const ALIGN_RIGHT = 'right';
+/* -( Console )------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ protected function getConsole() {
+ if ($this->console) {
+ return $this->console;
+ }
+ return PhutilConsole::getConsole();
+ }
+ public function setConsole(PhutilConsole $console) {
+ $this->console = $console;
+ return $this;
+ }
+/* -( Configuration )------------------------------------------------------ */
+ public function setBorders($borders) {
+ $this->borders = $borders;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ public function setPadding($padding) {
+ $this->padding = $padding;
+ }
+/* -( Data )--------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ public function addColumn($key, array $column) {
+ PhutilTypeSpec::checkMap($column, array(
+ 'title' => 'string',
+ 'align' => 'optional string',
+ ));
+ $this->columns[$key] = $column;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ public function addRow(array $data) {
+ $this->data[] = $data;
+ foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
+ $this->widths[$key] = max(
+ idx($this->widths, $key, 0),
+ phutil_utf8_console_strlen($value));
+ }
+ return $this;
+ }
+/* -( Drawing )------------------------------------------------------------ */
+ public function draw() {
+ $console = $this->getConsole();
+ $console->writeOut('%s', $this->getHeader());
+ $console->writeOut('%s', $this->getBody());
+ $console->writeOut('%s', $this->getFooter());
+ }
+ private function getHeader() {
+ $output = '';
+ if ($this->borders) {
+ $output .= $this->formatSeparator('=');
+ }
+ $columns = array();
+ foreach ($this->columns as $key => $column) {
+ $columns[] = PhutilConsoleFormatter::formatString(
+ '**%s**',
+ $this->alignString(
+ $column['title'],
+ $this->widths[$key],
+ idx($column, 'align', self::ALIGN_LEFT)));
+ }
+ $output .= $this->formatRow($columns);
+ if ($this->borders) {
+ $output .= $this->formatSeparator('=');
+ }
+ return $output;
+ }
+ private function getBody() {
+ $output = '';
+ foreach ($this->data as $data) {
+ $columns = array();
+ foreach ($this->columns as $key => $column) {
+ $columns[] = $this->alignString(
+ (string)idx($data, $key, ''),
+ $this->widths[$key],
+ idx($column, 'align', self::ALIGN_LEFT));
+ }
+ $output .= $this->formatRow($columns);
+ }
+ return $output;
+ }
+ private function getFooter() {
+ $output = '';
+ if ($this->borders) {
+ $columns = array();
+ foreach ($this->getColumns() as $column) {
+ $columns[] = str_repeat('=', $this->getWidth($column));
+ }
+ $output .= '+'.implode('+', $columns)."+\n";
+ }
+ return $output;
+ }
+/* -( Internals )---------------------------------------------------------- */
+ /**
+ * Returns the column IDs.
+ *
+ * @return list<string>
+ */
+ protected function getColumns() {
+ return array_keys($this->columns);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the width of a specific column, including padding.
+ *
+ * @param string
+ * @return int
+ */
+ protected function getWidth($key) {
+ return idx($this->widths, $key) + 2 * $this->padding;
+ }
+ protected function alignString($string, $width, $align) {
+ $num_padding = $width - phutil_utf8_console_strlen($string);
+ switch ($align) {
+ case self::ALIGN_LEFT:
+ $num_left_padding = 0;
+ $num_right_padding = $num_padding;
+ break;
+ case self::ALIGN_CENTER:
+ $num_left_padding = (int)($num_padding / 2);
+ $num_right_padding = $num_padding - $num_left_padding;
+ break;
+ case self::ALIGN_RIGHT:
+ $num_left_padding = $num_padding;
+ $num_right_padding = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ $left_padding = str_repeat(' ', $num_left_padding);
+ $right_padding = str_repeat(' ', $num_right_padding);
+ return $left_padding.$string.$right_padding;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Format cells into an entire row.
+ *
+ * @param list<string>
+ * @return string
+ */
+ protected function formatRow(array $columns) {
+ $padding = str_repeat(' ', $this->padding);
+ if ($this->borders) {
+ $separator = $padding.'|'.$padding;
+ return '|'.$padding.implode($separator, $columns).$padding."|\n";
+ } else {
+ return implode($padding, $columns)."\n";
+ }
+ }
+ protected function formatSeparator($string) {
+ $columns = array();
+ if ($this->borders) {
+ $separator = '+';
+ } else {
+ $separator = '';
+ }
+ foreach ($this->getColumns() as $column) {
+ $columns[] = str_repeat($string, $this->getWidth($column));
+ }
+ return $separator.implode($separator, $columns).$separator."\n";
+ }

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Mar 8, 4:39 PM (22 h, 58 m ago)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Encrypted (AES-256-CBC)
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
D9533.id22893.diff (7 KB)

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