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diff --git a/src/__phutil_library_map__.php b/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
--- a/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
+++ b/src/__phutil_library_map__.php
@@ -1832,15 +1832,8 @@
'PhabricatorFeedQuery' => 'applications/feed/query/PhabricatorFeedQuery.php',
'PhabricatorFeedSearchEngine' => 'applications/feed/query/PhabricatorFeedSearchEngine.php',
'PhabricatorFeedStory' => 'applications/feed/story/PhabricatorFeedStory.php',
- 'PhabricatorFeedStoryAggregate' => 'applications/feed/story/PhabricatorFeedStoryAggregate.php',
- 'PhabricatorFeedStoryAudit' => 'applications/feed/story/PhabricatorFeedStoryAudit.php',
- 'PhabricatorFeedStoryCommit' => 'applications/feed/story/PhabricatorFeedStoryCommit.php',
'PhabricatorFeedStoryData' => 'applications/feed/storage/PhabricatorFeedStoryData.php',
- 'PhabricatorFeedStoryDifferential' => 'applications/feed/story/PhabricatorFeedStoryDifferential.php',
- 'PhabricatorFeedStoryDifferentialAggregate' => 'applications/feed/story/PhabricatorFeedStoryDifferentialAggregate.php',
- 'PhabricatorFeedStoryManiphestAggregate' => 'applications/feed/story/PhabricatorFeedStoryManiphestAggregate.php',
'PhabricatorFeedStoryNotification' => 'applications/notification/storage/PhabricatorFeedStoryNotification.php',
- 'PhabricatorFeedStoryPhriction' => 'applications/feed/story/PhabricatorFeedStoryPhriction.php',
'PhabricatorFeedStoryPublisher' => 'applications/feed/PhabricatorFeedStoryPublisher.php',
'PhabricatorFeedStoryReference' => 'applications/feed/storage/PhabricatorFeedStoryReference.php',
'PhabricatorFile' => 'applications/files/storage/PhabricatorFile.php',
@@ -5225,15 +5218,8 @@
- 'PhabricatorFeedStoryAggregate' => 'PhabricatorFeedStory',
- 'PhabricatorFeedStoryAudit' => 'PhabricatorFeedStory',
- 'PhabricatorFeedStoryCommit' => 'PhabricatorFeedStory',
'PhabricatorFeedStoryData' => 'PhabricatorFeedDAO',
- 'PhabricatorFeedStoryDifferential' => 'PhabricatorFeedStory',
- 'PhabricatorFeedStoryDifferentialAggregate' => 'PhabricatorFeedStoryAggregate',
- 'PhabricatorFeedStoryManiphestAggregate' => 'PhabricatorFeedStoryAggregate',
'PhabricatorFeedStoryNotification' => 'PhabricatorFeedDAO',
- 'PhabricatorFeedStoryPhriction' => 'PhabricatorFeedStory',
'PhabricatorFeedStoryReference' => 'PhabricatorFeedDAO',
'PhabricatorFile' => array(
diff --git a/src/applications/feed/story/PhabricatorFeedStoryAggregate.php b/src/applications/feed/story/PhabricatorFeedStoryAggregate.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/src/applications/feed/story/PhabricatorFeedStoryAggregate.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-abstract class PhabricatorFeedStoryAggregate extends PhabricatorFeedStory {
- private $aggregateStories = array();
- public function getHasViewed() {
- return head($this->getAggregateStories())->getHasViewed();
- }
- public function getPrimaryObjectPHID() {
- return head($this->getAggregateStories())->getPrimaryObjectPHID();
- }
- public function getRequiredHandlePHIDs() {
- $phids = array();
- foreach ($this->getAggregateStories() as $story) {
- $phids[] = $story->getRequiredHandlePHIDs();
- }
- return array_mergev($phids);
- }
- public function getRequiredObjectPHIDs() {
- $phids = array();
- foreach ($this->getAggregateStories() as $story) {
- $phids[] = $story->getRequiredObjectPHIDs();
- }
- return array_mergev($phids);
- }
- protected function getAuthorPHIDs() {
- $authors = array();
- foreach ($this->getAggregateStories() as $story) {
- $authors[] = $story->getStoryData()->getAuthorPHID();
- }
- return array_unique(array_filter($authors));
- }
- protected function getDataValues($key, $default) {
- $result = array();
- foreach ($this->getAggregateStories() as $key => $story) {
- $result[$key] = $story->getStoryData()->getValue($key, $default);
- }
- return $result;
- }
- final public function setAggregateStories(array $aggregate_stories) {
- assert_instances_of($aggregate_stories, 'PhabricatorFeedStory');
- $this->aggregateStories = $aggregate_stories;
- $objects = array();
- $handles = array();
- foreach ($this->aggregateStories as $story) {
- $objects += $story->getObjects();
- $handles += $story->getHandles();
- }
- $this->setObjects($objects);
- $this->setHandles($handles);
- return $this;
- }
- final public function getAggregateStories() {
- return $this->aggregateStories;
- }
- final public function getNotificationAggregations() {
- throw new Exception(
- 'You can not get aggregations for an aggregate story.');
- }
diff --git a/src/applications/feed/story/PhabricatorFeedStoryAudit.php b/src/applications/feed/story/PhabricatorFeedStoryAudit.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/src/applications/feed/story/PhabricatorFeedStoryAudit.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-final class PhabricatorFeedStoryAudit extends PhabricatorFeedStory {
- public function getPrimaryObjectPHID() {
- return $this->getStoryData()->getValue('commitPHID');
- }
- public function renderView() {
- $author_phid = $this->getAuthorPHID();
- $commit_phid = $this->getPrimaryObjectPHID();
- $view = $this->newStoryView();
- $action = $this->getValue('action');
- $verb = PhabricatorAuditActionConstants::getActionPastTenseVerb($action);
- $view->setTitle(hsprintf(
- '%s %s commit %s.',
- $this->linkTo($author_phid),
- $verb,
- $this->linkTo($commit_phid)));
- $comments = $this->getValue('content');
- $view->setImage($this->getHandle($author_phid)->getImageURI());
- if ($comments) {
- $content = $this->renderSummary($this->getValue('content'));
- $view->appendChild($content);
- }
- return $view;
- }
- public function renderText() {
- $author_name = $this->getHandle($this->getAuthorPHID())->getLinkName();
- $commit_path = $this->getHandle($this->getPrimaryObjectPHID())->getURI();
- $commit_uri = PhabricatorEnv::getURI($commit_path);
- $action = $this->getValue('action');
- $verb = PhabricatorAuditActionConstants::getActionPastTenseVerb($action);
- $text = "{$author_name} {$verb} commit {$commit_uri}";
- return $text;
- }
diff --git a/src/applications/feed/story/PhabricatorFeedStoryCommit.php b/src/applications/feed/story/PhabricatorFeedStoryCommit.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/src/applications/feed/story/PhabricatorFeedStoryCommit.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-final class PhabricatorFeedStoryCommit extends PhabricatorFeedStory {
- public function getPrimaryObjectPHID() {
- return $this->getValue('commitPHID');
- }
- public function getRequiredHandlePHIDs() {
- return array(
- $this->getValue('committerPHID'),
- );
- }
- public function renderView() {
- $data = $this->getStoryData();
- $author = null;
- if ($data->getValue('authorPHID')) {
- $author = $this->linkTo($data->getValue('authorPHID'));
- } else {
- $author = $data->getValue('authorName');
- }
- $committer = null;
- if ($data->getValue('committerPHID')) {
- $committer = $this->linkTo($data->getValue('committerPHID'));
- } else if ($data->getValue('committerName')) {
- $committer = $data->getValue('committerName');
- }
- $commit = $this->linkTo($data->getValue('commitPHID'));
- if (!$committer) {
- $committer = $author;
- $author = null;
- }
- if ($author) {
- $title = pht(
- '%s committed %s (authored by %s)',
- $committer,
- $commit,
- $author);
- } else {
- $title = pht(
- '%s committed %s',
- $committer,
- $commit);
- }
- $view = $this->newStoryView();
- $view->setTitle($title);
- if ($data->getValue('authorPHID')) {
- $view->setImage($this->getHandle($data->getAuthorPHID())->getImageURI());
- }
- $content = $this->renderSummary($data->getValue('summary'));
- $view->appendChild($content);
- return $view;
- }
- public function renderText() {
- $author = null;
- if ($this->getAuthorPHID()) {
- $author = $this->getHandle($this->getAuthorPHID())->getLinkName();
- } else {
- $author = $this->getValue('authorName');
- }
- $committer = null;
- if ($this->getValue('committerPHID')) {
- $committer_handle = $this->getHandle($this->getValue('committerPHID'));
- $committer = $committer_handle->getLinkName();
- } else if ($this->getValue('committerName')) {
- $committer = $this->getValue('committerName');
- }
- $commit_handle = $this->getHandle($this->getPrimaryObjectPHID());
- $commit_uri = PhabricatorEnv::getURI($commit_handle->getURI());
- $commit_name = $commit_handle->getLinkName();
- if (!$committer) {
- $committer = $author;
- $author = null;
- }
- if ($author) {
- $text = pht(
- '%s committed %s (authored by %s).',
- $committer,
- $commit_name,
- $author);
- } else {
- $text = pht(
- '%s committed %s.',
- $committer,
- $commit_name);
- }
- return $text;
- }
diff --git a/src/applications/feed/story/PhabricatorFeedStoryDifferential.php b/src/applications/feed/story/PhabricatorFeedStoryDifferential.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/src/applications/feed/story/PhabricatorFeedStoryDifferential.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-final class PhabricatorFeedStoryDifferential extends PhabricatorFeedStory {
- public function getPrimaryObjectPHID() {
- return $this->getValue('revision_phid');
- }
- public function renderView() {
- $data = $this->getStoryData();
- $view = $this->newStoryView();
- $line = $this->getLineForData($data);
- $view->setTitle($line);
- $href = $this->getHandle($data->getValue('revision_phid'))->getURI();
- $view->setHref($href);
- $action = $data->getValue('action');
- switch ($action) {
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_CREATE:
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_CLOSE:
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_COMMENT:
- $full_size = true;
- break;
- default:
- $full_size = false;
- break;
- }
- $view->setImage($this->getHandle($data->getAuthorPHID())->getImageURI());
- if ($full_size) {
- $content = $this->renderSummary($data->getValue('feedback_content'));
- $view->appendChild($content);
- }
- return $view;
- }
- private function getLineForData($data) {
- $actor_phid = $data->getAuthorPHID();
- $revision_phid = $data->getValue('revision_phid');
- $action = $data->getValue('action');
- $actor_link = $this->linkTo($actor_phid);
- $revision_link = $this->linkTo($revision_phid);
- switch ($action) {
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_COMMENT:
- $one_line = pht('%s commented on revision %s',
- $actor_link, $revision_link);
- break;
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_ACCEPT:
- $one_line = pht('%s accepted revision %s',
- $actor_link, $revision_link);
- break;
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_REJECT:
- $one_line = pht('%s requested changes to revision %s',
- $actor_link, $revision_link);
- break;
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_RETHINK:
- $one_line = pht('%s planned changes to revision %s',
- $actor_link, $revision_link);
- break;
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_ABANDON:
- $one_line = pht('%s abandoned revision %s',
- $actor_link, $revision_link);
- break;
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_CLOSE:
- $one_line = pht('%s closed revision %s',
- $actor_link, $revision_link);
- break;
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_REQUEST:
- $one_line = pht('%s requested a review of revision %s',
- $actor_link, $revision_link);
- break;
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_RECLAIM:
- $one_line = pht('%s reclaimed revision %s',
- $actor_link, $revision_link);
- break;
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_UPDATE:
- $one_line = pht('%s updated revision %s',
- $actor_link, $revision_link);
- break;
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_RESIGN:
- $one_line = pht('%s resigned from revision %s',
- $actor_link, $revision_link);
- break;
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_SUMMARIZE:
- $one_line = pht('%s summarized revision %s',
- $actor_link, $revision_link);
- break;
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_TESTPLAN:
- $one_line = pht('%s explained the test plan for revision %s',
- $actor_link, $revision_link);
- break;
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_CREATE:
- $one_line = pht('%s created revision %s',
- $actor_link, $revision_link);
- break;
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_ADDREVIEWERS:
- $one_line = pht('%s added reviewers to revision %s',
- $actor_link, $revision_link);
- break;
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_ADDCCS:
- $one_line = pht('%s added CCs to revision %s',
- $actor_link, $revision_link);
- break;
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_CLAIM:
- $one_line = pht('%s commandeered revision %s',
- $actor_link, $revision_link);
- break;
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_REOPEN:
- $one_line = pht('%s reopened revision %s',
- $actor_link, $revision_link);
- break;
- case DifferentialTransaction::TYPE_INLINE:
- $one_line = pht('%s added inline comments to %s',
- $actor_link, $revision_link);
- break;
- default:
- $one_line = pht('%s edited %s',
- $actor_link, $revision_link);
- break;
- }
- return $one_line;
- }
- public function renderText() {
- $author_name = $this->getHandle($this->getAuthorPHID())->getLinkName();
- $revision_handle = $this->getHandle($this->getPrimaryObjectPHID());
- $revision_title = $revision_handle->getLinkName();
- $revision_uri = PhabricatorEnv::getURI($revision_handle->getURI());
- $action = $this->getValue('action');
- switch ($action) {
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_COMMENT:
- $one_line = pht('%s commented on revision %s %s',
- $author_name, $revision_title, $revision_uri);
- break;
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_ACCEPT:
- $one_line = pht('%s accepted revision %s %s',
- $author_name, $revision_title, $revision_uri);
- break;
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_REJECT:
- $one_line = pht('%s requested changes to revision %s %s',
- $author_name, $revision_title, $revision_uri);
- break;
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_RETHINK:
- $one_line = pht('%s planned changes to revision %s %s',
- $author_name, $revision_title, $revision_uri);
- break;
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_ABANDON:
- $one_line = pht('%s abandoned revision %s %s',
- $author_name, $revision_title, $revision_uri);
- break;
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_CLOSE:
- $one_line = pht('%s closed revision %s %s',
- $author_name, $revision_title, $revision_uri);
- break;
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_REQUEST:
- $one_line = pht('%s requested a review of revision %s %s',
- $author_name, $revision_title, $revision_uri);
- break;
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_RECLAIM:
- $one_line = pht('%s reclaimed revision %s %s',
- $author_name, $revision_title, $revision_uri);
- break;
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_UPDATE:
- $one_line = pht('%s updated revision %s %s',
- $author_name, $revision_title, $revision_uri);
- break;
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_RESIGN:
- $one_line = pht('%s resigned from revision %s %s',
- $author_name, $revision_title, $revision_uri);
- break;
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_SUMMARIZE:
- $one_line = pht('%s summarized revision %s %s',
- $author_name, $revision_title, $revision_uri);
- break;
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_TESTPLAN:
- $one_line = pht('%s explained the test plan for revision %s %s',
- $author_name, $revision_title, $revision_uri);
- break;
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_CREATE:
- $one_line = pht('%s created revision %s %s',
- $author_name, $revision_title, $revision_uri);
- break;
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_ADDREVIEWERS:
- $one_line = pht('%s added reviewers to revision %s %s',
- $author_name, $revision_title, $revision_uri);
- break;
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_ADDCCS:
- $one_line = pht('%s added CCs to revision %s %s',
- $author_name, $revision_title, $revision_uri);
- break;
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_CLAIM:
- $one_line = pht('%s commandeered revision %s %s',
- $author_name, $revision_title, $revision_uri);
- break;
- case DifferentialAction::ACTION_REOPEN:
- $one_line = pht('%s reopened revision %s %s',
- $author_name, $revision_title, $revision_uri);
- break;
- case DifferentialTransaction::TYPE_INLINE:
- $one_line = pht('%s added inline comments to %s %s',
- $author_name, $revision_title, $revision_uri);
- break;
- default:
- $one_line = pht('%s edited %s %s',
- $author_name, $revision_title, $revision_uri);
- break;
- }
- return $one_line;
- }
- public function getNotificationAggregations() {
- $class = get_class($this);
- $phid = $this->getStoryData()->getValue('revision_phid');
- $read = (int)$this->getHasViewed();
- // Don't aggregate updates separated by more than 2 hours.
- $block = (int)($this->getEpoch() / (60 * 60 * 2));
- return array(
- "{$class}:{$phid}:{$read}:{$block}"
- => 'PhabricatorFeedStoryDifferentialAggregate',
- );
- }
diff --git a/src/applications/feed/story/PhabricatorFeedStoryDifferentialAggregate.php b/src/applications/feed/story/PhabricatorFeedStoryDifferentialAggregate.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/src/applications/feed/story/PhabricatorFeedStoryDifferentialAggregate.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-final class PhabricatorFeedStoryDifferentialAggregate
- extends PhabricatorFeedStoryAggregate {
- public function renderView() {
- $data = $this->getStoryData();
- $task_link = $this->linkTo($data->getValue('revision_phid'));
- $authors = $this->getAuthorPHIDs();
- // TODO: These aren't really translatable because linkTo() returns a
- // string, not an object with a gender.
- switch (count($authors)) {
- case 1:
- $author = $this->linkTo(array_shift($authors));
- $title = pht(
- '%s made multiple updates to %s',
- $author,
- $task_link);
- break;
- case 2:
- $author1 = $this->linkTo(array_shift($authors));
- $author2 = $this->linkTo(array_shift($authors));
- $title = pht(
- '%s and %s made multiple updates to %s',
- $author1,
- $author2,
- $task_link);
- break;
- case 3:
- $author1 = $this->linkTo(array_shift($authors));
- $author2 = $this->linkTo(array_shift($authors));
- $author3 = $this->linkTo(array_shift($authors));
- $title = pht(
- '%s, %s, and %s made multiple updates to %s',
- $author1,
- $author2,
- $author3,
- $task_link);
- break;
- default:
- $author1 = $this->linkTo(array_shift($authors));
- $author2 = $this->linkTo(array_shift($authors));
- $others = count($authors);
- $title = pht(
- '%s, %s, and %d others made multiple updates to %s',
- $author1,
- $author2,
- $others,
- $task_link);
- break;
- }
- $view = $this->newStoryView();
- $view->setTitle($title);
- $href = $this->getHandle($data->getValue('revision_phid'))->getURI();
- $view->setHref($href);
- return $view;
- }
diff --git a/src/applications/feed/story/PhabricatorFeedStoryManiphestAggregate.php b/src/applications/feed/story/PhabricatorFeedStoryManiphestAggregate.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/src/applications/feed/story/PhabricatorFeedStoryManiphestAggregate.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-final class PhabricatorFeedStoryManiphestAggregate
- extends PhabricatorFeedStoryAggregate {
- public function renderView() {
- $data = $this->getStoryData();
- $task_link = $this->linkTo($data->getValue('taskPHID'));
- $authors = $this->getAuthorPHIDs();
- // TODO: These aren't really translatable because linkTo() returns a
- // string, not an object with a gender.
- switch (count($authors)) {
- case 1:
- $author = $this->linkTo(array_shift($authors));
- $title = pht(
- '%s made multiple updates to %s',
- $author,
- $task_link);
- break;
- case 2:
- $author1 = $this->linkTo(array_shift($authors));
- $author2 = $this->linkTo(array_shift($authors));
- $title = pht(
- '%s and %s made multiple updates to %s',
- $author1,
- $author2,
- $task_link);
- break;
- case 3:
- $author1 = $this->linkTo(array_shift($authors));
- $author2 = $this->linkTo(array_shift($authors));
- $author3 = $this->linkTo(array_shift($authors));
- $title = pht(
- '%s, %s, and %s made multiple updates to %s',
- $author1,
- $author2,
- $author3,
- $task_link);
- break;
- default:
- $author1 = $this->linkTo(array_shift($authors));
- $author2 = $this->linkTo(array_shift($authors));
- $others = count($authors);
- $title = pht(
- '%s, %s, and %d others made multiple updates to %s',
- $author1,
- $author2,
- $others,
- $task_link);
- break;
- }
- $view = $this->newStoryView();
- $view->setTitle($title);
- $href = $this->getHandle($data->getValue('taskPHID'))->getURI();
- $view->setHref($href);
- return $view;
- }
diff --git a/src/applications/feed/story/PhabricatorFeedStoryPhriction.php b/src/applications/feed/story/PhabricatorFeedStoryPhriction.php
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/src/applications/feed/story/PhabricatorFeedStoryPhriction.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-final class PhabricatorFeedStoryPhriction extends PhabricatorFeedStory {
- public function getPrimaryObjectPHID() {
- return $this->getValue('phid');
- }
- public function getRequiredHandlePHIDs() {
- $required_phids = parent::getRequiredHandlePHIDs();
- $from_phid = $this->getStoryData()->getValue('movedFromPHID');
- if ($from_phid) {
- $required_phids[] = $from_phid;
- }
- return $required_phids;
- }
- public function renderView() {
- $data = $this->getStoryData();
- $author_phid = $data->getAuthorPHID();
- $author_link = $this->linkTo($author_phid);
- $document_phid = $data->getValue('phid');
- $view = $this->newStoryView();
- $action = $data->getValue('action');
- $verb = PhrictionActionConstants::getActionPastTenseVerb($action);
- switch ($action) {
- case PhrictionActionConstants::ACTION_MOVE_HERE:
- $from_phid = $data->getValue('movedFromPHID');
- // Older feed stories may not have 'moved_from_phid', in that case
- // we fall back to the default behaviour (hence the fallthrough)
- if ($from_phid) {
- $document_handle = $this->getHandle($document_phid);
- $from_handle = $this->getHandle($from_phid);
- $view->setTitle(pht(
- '%s moved the document %s from %s to %s.',
- $author_link,
- $document_handle->renderLink(),
- phutil_tag(
- 'a',
- array(
- 'href' => $from_handle->getURI(),
- ),
- $from_handle->getURI()),
- phutil_tag(
- 'a',
- array(
- 'href' => $document_handle->getURI(),
- ),
- $document_handle->getURI())));
- break;
- }
- /* Fallthrough */
- default:
- $view->setTitle(pht(
- '%s %s the document %s.',
- $author_link,
- $verb,
- $this->linkTo($document_phid)));
- break;
- }
- $view->setImage($this->getHandle($author_phid)->getImageURI());
- switch ($action) {
- case PhrictionActionConstants::ACTION_CREATE:
- $content = $this->renderSummary($data->getValue('content'));
- $view->appendChild($content);
- break;
- }
- return $view;
- }
- public function renderText() {
- $author_handle = $this->getHandle($this->getAuthorPHID());
- $author_name = $author_handle->getName();
- $document_handle = $this->getHandle($this->getPrimaryObjectPHID());
- $document_title = $document_handle->getLinkName();
- $document_uri = PhabricatorEnv::getURI($document_handle->getURI());
- $action = $this->getValue('action');
- $verb = PhrictionActionConstants::getActionPastTenseVerb($action);
- $text = "{$author_name} {$verb} the document".
- " {$document_title} {$document_uri}";
- return $text;
- }
diff --git a/src/applications/notification/builder/PhabricatorNotificationBuilder.php b/src/applications/notification/builder/PhabricatorNotificationBuilder.php
--- a/src/applications/notification/builder/PhabricatorNotificationBuilder.php
+++ b/src/applications/notification/builder/PhabricatorNotificationBuilder.php
@@ -26,32 +26,6 @@
// nowhere sensible for the notification to link to, and no reasonable way
// to unambiguously clear it.
- // Each notification emits keys it can aggregate on. For instance, if this
- // story is "a updated T123", it might emit a key like this:
- //
- // task:phid123:unread => PhabricatorFeedStoryManiphestAggregate
- //
- // All the unread notifications about the task with PHID "phid123" will
- // emit the same key, telling us we can aggregate them into a single
- // story of type "PhabricatorFeedStoryManiphestAggregate", which could
- // read like "a and b updated T123".
- //
- // A story might be able to aggregate in multiple ways. Although this is
- // unlikely for stories in a notification context, stories in a feed context
- // can also aggregate by actor:
- //
- // task:phid123 => PhabricatorFeedStoryManiphestAggregate
- // actor:user123 => PhabricatorFeedStoryActorAggregate
- //
- // This means the story can either become "a and b updated T123" or
- // "a updated T123 and T456". When faced with multiple possibilities, it's
- // our job to choose the best aggregation.
- //
- // For now, we use a simple greedy algorithm and repeatedly select the
- // aggregate story which consumes the largest number of individual stories
- // until no aggregate story exists that consumes more than one story.
// Build up a map of all the possible aggregations.
$chronokey_map = array();
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D11674.diff (26 KB)
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D11674: Remove unused PhabricatorFeedStory subclasses
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