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diff --git a/src/docs/user/userguide/drydock.diviner b/src/docs/user/userguide/drydock.diviner
--- a/src/docs/user/userguide/drydock.diviner
+++ b/src/docs/user/userguide/drydock.diviner
@@ -58,3 +58,12 @@
creating a new resource. When work completes, the resource is returned to the
resource pool or destroyed.
+Next Steps
+Continue by:
+ - understanding Drydock security concerns with
+ @{article:Drydock User Guide: Security}; or
+ - allowing Phabricator to write to repositories with
+ @{article:Drydock User Guide: Repository Automation}.
diff --git a/src/docs/user/userguide/drydock_repository_automation.diviner b/src/docs/user/userguide/drydock_repository_automation.diviner
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/docs/user/userguide/drydock_repository_automation.diviner
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+@title Drydock User Guide: Repository Automation
+@group userguide
+Configuring repository automation so Phabricator can push commits.
+IMPORTANT: This feature is very new and most of the capabilities described
+in this document are not yet available. This feature as a whole is a prototype.
+By configuring Drydock and Diffusion appropriately, you can enable **Repository
+Automation** for a repository. Once automation is set up, Phabricator will be
+able to make changes to the repository.
+Configuring repository automation amounts to telling Phabricator where it
+should perform working copy operations (like merges, cherry-picks and pushes)
+when doing writes.
+Depending on how stringent you are about change control, you may want to
+make sure these processes are isolated and can not be tampered with. If you
+run tests and automation on the same hardware, tests may be able to interfere
+with automation. You can read more about this in
+@{article:Drydock User Guide: Security}.
+Next Steps
+Continue by:
+ - understanding Drydock security concerns with
+ @{article:Drydock User Guide: Security}; or
+ - returning to the @{article:Drydock User Guide}.
diff --git a/src/docs/user/userguide/drydock_security.diviner b/src/docs/user/userguide/drydock_security.diviner
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/docs/user/userguide/drydock_security.diviner
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+@title Drydock User Guide: Security
+@group userguide
+Understanding security concerns in Drydock.
+Different applications use Drydock for different things, and some of the things
+they do with Drydock require different levels of trust and access. It is
+important to configure Drydock properly so that less trusted code can't do
+anything you aren't comfortable with.
+For example, running unit tests on Drydock normally involves running relatively
+untrusted code (it often has a single author and has not yet been reviewed)
+that needs very few capabilities (generally, it only needs to be able to report
+results back to Phabricator). In contrast, automating merge requests on Drydock
+involves running trusted code that needs more access (it must be able to write
+to repositories).
+Drydock allows resources to be shared and reused, so it's possible to configure
+Drydock in a way that gives untrusted code a lot of access by accident.
+One way Drydock makes allocations faster is by sharing, reusing, and recycling
+resources. When an application asks Drydock for a working copy, it will try to
+satisfy the request by cleaning up a suitable existing working copy if it can,
+instead of building a new one. This is faster, but it means that tasks have
+some ability to interact or interfere with each other.
+Similarly, Drydock may allocate multiple leases on the same host at the same
+time, running as the same user. This is generally simpler to configure and less
+wasteful than fully isolating leases, but means that they can interact.
+Depending on your organization, environment and use cases, you might not want
+this, and it may be important that different use cases are unable to interfere
+with each other. For example, you might want to prevent unit tests from writing
+to repositories.
+**Drydock does not guarantee that resources are isolated by default**. When
+resources are more isolated, they are usually also harder to configure and
+slower to allocate. Because most installs will want to find a balance between
+isolation and complexity/performance, Drydock does not make assumptions about
+either isolation or performance having absolute priority.
+You'll usually want to isolate things just enough that nothing bad can happen.
+Fortunately, this is straightforward. This document describes how to make sure
+you have enough isolation so that nothing you're uncomfortable with can occur.
+Choosing an Isolation Policy
+This section provides some reasonable examples of ways you might approach
+configuring Drydock.
+| Isolation | Suitable For | Description
+| Zero | Development | Everything on one host.
+| Low | Small Installs | Use a dedicated Drydock host.
+| High | Most Installs | **Recommended**. Use low-trust and high-trust pools.
+| Custom | Special Requirements | Use multiple pools.
+| Absolute | Special Requirements | Completely isolate all resources.
+**Zero Isolation**: Run Drydock operations on the same host that Phabricator
+runs on. This is only suitable for developing or testing Phabricator. Any
+Drydock operation can potentially compromise Phabricator. It is intentionally
+difficult to configure Drydock to operate in this mode. Running Drydock
+operations on the Phabricator host is strongly discouraged.
+**Low Isolation**: Designate a separate Drydock host and run Drydock
+operations on it. This is suitable for small installs and provides a reasonable
+level of isolation. However, it will allow unit tests (which often run
+lower-trust code) to interfere with repository automation operations.
+**High Isolation**: Designate two Drydock host pools and run low-trust
+operations (like builds) on one pool and high-trust operations (like repository
+automation) on a separate pool. This provides a good balance between isolation
+and performance, although tests can still potentially interfere with the
+execution of unrelated tests.
+**Custom Isolation**: You can continue adding pools to refine the resource
+isolation model. For example, you may have higher-trust and lower-trust
+repositories or do builds on a mid-trust tier which runs only reviewed code.
+**Absolute Isolation**: Configure blueprints to completely initialize and
+destroy hosts or containers on every request, and limit all resources to one
+simultaneous lease. This will completely isolate every operation, but come at
+a high performance and complexity cost.
+NOTE: It is not currently possible to configure Drydock in an absolute
+isolation mode.
+It is usually reasonable to choose one of these approaches as a starting point
+and then adjust it to fit your requirements. You can also evolve your use of
+Drydock over time as your needs change.
+Threat Scenarios
+This section will help you understand the threats to a Drydock environment.
+Not all threats will be concerning to all installs, and you can choose an
+approach which defuses only the threats you care about.
+Attackers have three primary targets:
+ - capturing hosts;
+ - compromising Phabricator; and
+ - compromising the integrity of other Drydock processes.
+**Attacks against hosts** are the least sophisticated. In this scenario, an
+attacker wants to run a program like a Bitcoin miner or botnet client on
+hardware that they aren't paying for or which can't be traced to them. They
+write a "unit test" or which launches this software, then send a revision
+containing this "unit test" for review. If Phabricator is configured to
+automatically run tests on new revisions, it may execute automatically and give
+the attacker access to computing resources they did not previously control and
+which can not easily be traced back to them.
+This is usually only a meaningful threat for open source installs, because
+there is a high probability of eventual detection and the value of these
+resources is small, so employees will generally not have an incentive to
+attempt this sort of attack. The easiest way to prevent this attack is to
+prevent untrusted, anonymous contributors from running tests. For example,
+create a "Trusted Contributors" project and only run tests if a revision author
+is a member of the project.
+**Attacks against Phabricator** are more sophisticated. In this scenario, an
+attacker tries to compromise Phabricator itself (for example, to make themselves
+an administrator or gain access to an administrator account).
+This is made possible if Drydock is running on the same host as Phabricator or
+runs on a privileged subnet with access to resources like Phabricator database
+hosts. Most installs should be concerned about this attack.
+The best way to defuse this attack is to run Drydock processes on a separate
+host which is not on a privileged subnet. For example, use a
+`` host or pool for Drydock processes, separate from your
+`` host or pool.
+Even if the host is not privileged, many Drydock processes have some level of
+privilege (enabling them to clone repositories, or report test results back to
+Phabricator). Be aware that tests can hijack credentials they are run with,
+and potentialy hijack credentials given to other processes on the same hosts.
+You should use credentials with a minimum set of privileges and assume all
+processes on a host have the highest level of access that any process on the
+host has.
+**Attacks against Drydock** are the most sophisticated. In this scenario, an
+attacker uses one Drydock process to compromise a different process: for
+example, a unit test which tampers with a merge or injects code into a build.
+This might allow an attacker to make changes to a repository or binary without
+going through review or triggering other rules which would normally detect the
+These attackers could also make failing tests appear to pass, or break tests or
+builds, but these attacks are generally less interesting than tampering with
+a repository or binary.
+This is a complex attack which you may not have to worry about unless you have
+a high degree of process and control in your change pipeline. If users can push
+changes directly to repositories, this often represents a faster and easier way
+to achieve the same tampering.
+The best way to defuse this attack is to prevent high-trust (repository
+automation) processes from running on the same hosts as low-trust (unit test)
+processes. For example, use an `` host or pool for
+repository automation, and a `` host or pool for tests.
+Applying an Isolation Policy
+Designing a security and isolation policy for Drydock can take some thought,
+but applying it is straightforward. Applications which want to use Drydock must
+explicitly list which blueprints they are allowed to use, and they must be
+approved to use them in Drydock. By default, nothing can do anything, which is
+very safe and secure.
+To get builds or automation running on a host, specify the host blueprint as a
+usable blueprint in the build step or repository configuration. This creates a
+new authorization request in Drydock which must be approved before things can
+move forward.
+Until the authorization is approved, the process can not use the blueprint to
+create any resources, nor can it use resources previously created by the
+You can review and approve requests from the blueprint detail view in Drydock:
+find the request and click {nav Approve Authorization}. You can also revoke
+approval at any time from this screen which will prevent the object from
+continuing to use the blueprint (but note that this does not release any
+existing leases).
+Once the authorization request is approved, the build or automation process
+should be able to run if everything else is configured properly.
+Note that authorizations are transitive: if a build step is authorized to use
+blueprint A, and blueprint A is authorized to use blueprint B, the build step
+may indirectly operate on resources created by blueprint B. This should
+normally be consistent with expectations.
+Next Steps
+Continue by:
+ - returning to the @{article:Drydock User Guide}.

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