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diff --git a/src/applications/config/check/PhabricatorSetupCheckMySQL.php b/src/applications/config/check/PhabricatorSetupCheckMySQL.php
--- a/src/applications/config/check/PhabricatorSetupCheckMySQL.php
+++ b/src/applications/config/check/PhabricatorSetupCheckMySQL.php
@@ -226,6 +226,41 @@
+ $bool_syntax = self::loadRawConfigValue('ft_boolean_syntax');
+ if ($bool_syntax != ' |-><()~*:""&^') {
+ if (!PhabricatorDefaultSearchEngineSelector::shouldUseElasticSearch()) {
+ $summary = pht(
+ 'MySQL is configured to search on fulltext indexes using "OR" by '.
+ 'default. Using "AND" is usually the desired behaviour.');
+ $message = pht(
+ "Your MySQL instance is configured to use the default Boolean ".
+ "search syntax when using fulltext indexes. This means searching ".
+ "for 'search words' will yield the query 'search OR words' ".
+ " instead of the desired 'search AND words'.\n\n".
+ "This might produce unexpected search results. \n\n".
+ "You can change this setting to a more sensible default. ".
+ "Alternatively, you can ignore this warning if ".
+ "using 'OR' is the desired behaviour. If you later plan ".
+ "to configure ElasticSearch, you can also ignore this warning: ".
+ "only MySQL fulltext search is affected.\n\n".
+ "To change this setting, add this to your %s file ".
+ "(in the %s section) and then restart %s:\n\n".
+ "%s\n",
+ phutil_tag('tt', array(), 'my.cnf'),
+ phutil_tag('tt', array(), '[mysqld]'),
+ phutil_tag('tt', array(), 'mysqld'),
+ phutil_tag('pre', array(), 'ft_boolean_syntax=\' |-><()~*:""&^\''));
+ $this->newIssue('mysql.ft_boolean_syntax')
+ ->setName(pht('MySQL is Using the Default Boolean Syntax'))
+ ->setSummary($summary)
+ ->setMessage($message)
+ ->addMySQLConfig('ft_boolean_syntax');
+ }
+ }
$innodb_pool = self::loadRawConfigValue('innodb_buffer_pool_size');
$innodb_bytes = phutil_parse_bytes($innodb_pool);
$innodb_readable = phutil_format_bytes($innodb_bytes);

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sun, Oct 20, 8:24 PM (3 w, 2 d ago)
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Encrypted (AES-256-CBC)
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D11030.id26482.diff (2 KB)

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