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diff --git a/src/docs/user/userguide/arcanist_lint.diviner b/src/docs/user/userguide/arcanist_lint.diviner
--- a/src/docs/user/userguide/arcanist_lint.diviner
+++ b/src/docs/user/userguide/arcanist_lint.diviner
@@ -11,7 +11,9 @@
you haven't set up a project yet, do that first. For instructions, see
@{article:Arcanist User Guide: Configuring a New Project}.
-= Overview =
"Lint" refers to a general class of programming tools which analyze source code
and raise warnings and errors about it. For example, a linter might raise
@@ -35,87 +37,321 @@
languages. Arcanist ships with bindings for many popular tools, and you can
write new bindings fairly easily if you have custom tools.
-= Available Linters =
-Arcanist ships with bindings for these linters:
- - [[ | JSHint]], a Javascript linter.
- See @{class@arcanist:ArcanistJSHintLinter}.
- - [[ | PEP8]],
- [[ | Pyflakes]],
- [[ | Flake8]], and
- [[ | Pylint]] - various Python linters.
- See @{class@arcanist:ArcanistPEP8Linter},
- @{class@arcanist:ArcanistPyFlakesLinter},
- @{class@arcanist:ArcanistFlake8Linter},
- and @{class@arcanist:ArcanistPyLintLinter}.
- - [[ | PHP CodeSniffer]], a
- PHP linter. See @{class@arcanist:ArcanistPhpcsLinter}.
- - [[ | Cppcheck]] and
- [[ |
-]], two checkers for C++. See
- @{class@arcanist:ArcanistCppcheckLinter} and
- @{class@arcanist:ArcanistCpplintLinter} respectively.
- - [[ | cslint]], a C# linting tool based on
- [[ | StyleCop]]. See
- @{class@arcanist:ArcanistCSharpLinter}.
- - [[ | puppet-lint]], a linter for
- [[ | Puppet]] manifests. See
- @{class@arcanist:ArcanistPuppetLintLinter}.
- - [[ | Ruby]]'s built-in checker. See
- @{class@arcanist:ArcanistRubyLinter}.
- - [[ | sbt]], a built tool for Scala. See
- @{class@arcanist:ArcanistScalaSBTLinter}.
- - [[ | CSSLint]], for CSS:
- @{class@arcanist:ArcanistCSSLintLinter}.
- - [[ | lessc]], error detection in
- [[ | LESS]] code. @{class@arcanist:ArcanistLesscLinter}.
- - [[ | SimpleXML]] for XML files.
- @{class@arcanist:ArcanistXMLLinter}.
-Arcanist also ships with generic bindings which can be configured to parse the
-output of a broad range of lint programs:
- - @{class@arcanist:ArcanistScriptAndRegexLinter}, which runs a script and
- parses its output with a regular expression.
- - @{class@arcanist:ArcanistConduitLinter}, which invokes a linter over
- Conduit and can allow you to build client/server linters.
-Additionally, Arcanist ships with some general purpose linters:
- - @{class@arcanist:ArcanistTextLinter}, which enforces basic things like
- trailing whitespace, DOS newlines, file encoding, line widths, terminal
- newlines, and tab literals.
- - @{class@arcanist:ArcanistSpellingLinter}, which can detect common spelling
- mistakes.
- - @{class@arcanist:ArcanistFilenameLinter}, which can enforce generally
- sensible rules about not giving files nonsense names.
- - @{class@arcanist:ArcanistLicenseLinter}, which can make sure license
- headers are applied to all source files.
- - @{class@arcanist:ArcanistNoLintLinter}, which can disable lint for files
- marked unlintable.
- - @{class@arcanist:ArcanistGeneratedLinter}, which can disable lint for
- generated files.
- - @{class@arcanist:ArcanistMergeConflictLinter}, which detects unresolved
- merge conflicts.
-Finally, Arcanist has special-purpose linters:
- - @{class@arcanist:ArcanistXHPASTLinter}, the PHP linter used by Phabricator
- itself. This linter is powerful, but somewhat rigid (it enforces phutil
- rules and isn't very configurable for other rulesets).
- - @{class@arcanist:ArcanistPhutilLibraryLinter}, which enforces phutil library
- layout rules.
-You can add support for new linters in three ways:
- - write new bindings and contribute them to the upstream;
- - write new bindings and install them alongside Arcanist; or
- - use a generic binding like @{class@arcanist:ArcanistScriptAndRegexLinter}
- and drive the integration through configuration.
-= Using Lint to Improve Code Review =
+Available Linters
+To see a list of available linters, run:
+ $ arc linters
+Arcanist ships with bindings for a number of linters that can check for errors
+or problems in JS, CSS, PHP, Python, C, C++, C#, Less, Puppet, Ruby, JSON, XML,
+and several other languages.
+Some general purpose linters are also available. These linters can check for
+cross-language issues like sensible filenames, trailing or mixed whitespace,
+character sets, spelling mistakes, and unresolved merge conflicts.
+If you have a tool you'd like to use as a linter that isn't supported by
+default, you can write bindings for it. For information on writing new linter
+bindings, see @{article:Arcanist User Guide: Customizing Lint, Unit Tests and
+Configuring Lint
+To configure lint integration for your project, create a file called `.arclint`
+at the project root. This file should be in JSON format, and look like this:
+ "linters": {
+ "sample": {
+ "type": "pep8"
+ }
+ }
+Here, the key ("sample") is a human-readable label identifying the linter. It
+does not affect linter behavior, so just choose something that makes sense to
+The `type` specifies which linter to run. Use `arc linters` to find the names of
+the available linters.
+**Including and Excluding Files**: By default, a linter will run on every file.
+This is appropriate for some linters (like the Filename linter), but normally
+you only want to run a linter like **pep8** on Python files. To include or
+exclude files, use `include` and `exclude`:
+ "linters": {
+ "sample": {
+ "type": "pep8",
+ "include": "(\\.py$)",
+ "exclude": "(^third-party/)"
+ }
+ }
+The `include` key is a regular expression (or list of regular expressions)
+identifying paths the linter should be run on, while `exclude` is a regular
+expression (or list of regular expressions) identifying paths which it should
+not run on.
+Thus, this configures a **pep8** linter named "sample" which will run on files
+ending in ".py", unless they are inside the "third-party/" directory.
+In these examples, regular expressions are written in this style:
+ "(example/path)"
+They can be specified with any delimiters, but using `(` and `)` means you don't
+have to escape slashes in the expression, so it may be more convenient to
+specify them like this. If you prefer, these are all equivalent:
+ "(example/path)i"
+ "/example\\/path/i"
+ "@example/path@i"
+You can also exclude files globally, so no linters run on them at all. Do this
+by specifying `exclude` at top level:
+ "exclude": "(^tests/data/)",
+ "linters": {
+ "sample": {
+ "type": "pep8",
+ "include": "(\\.py$)",
+ "exclude": "(^third-party/)"
+ }
+ }
+Here, the addition of a global `exclude` rule means no linter will be run on
+files in "tests/data/".
+**Running Multiple Linters**: Often, you will want to run several different
+linters. Perhaps your project has a mixture of Python and Javascript code, or
+you have some PHP and some JSON files. To run multiple linters, just list
+them in the `linters` map:
+ "linters": {
+ "jshint": {
+ "type": "jshint",
+ "include": "(\\.js$)"
+ },
+ "xml": {
+ "type": "xml",
+ "include": "(\\.xml$)"
+ }
+ }
+This will run JSHint on `.js` files, and SimpleXML on `.xml` files.
+**Adjusting Message Severities**: Arcanist raises lint messages at various
+severities. Each message has a different severity: for example, lint might
+find a syntax error and raise an `error` about it, and find trailing whitespace
+and raise a `warning` about it.
+Normally, you will be presented with lint messages as you are sending code for
+review. In that context, the severities behave like this:
+ - `error` When a file contains lint errors, they are always reported. These
+ are intended to be severe problems, like a syntax error. Unresoved lint
+ errors require you to confirm that you want to continue.
+ - `warning` When a file contains warnings, they are reported by default only
+ if they appear on lines that you have changed. They are intended to be
+ minor problems, like unconventional whitespace. Unresolved lint warnings
+ require you to confirm that you want to continue.
+ - `autofix` This level is like `warning`, but if the message includes patches
+ they will be applied automatically without prompting.
+ - `advice` Like warnings, these messages are only reported on changed lines.
+ They are intended to be very minor issues which may merit a note, like a
+ "TODO" comment. They do not require confirmation.
+ - `disabled` This level suppresses messages. They are not displayed. You can
+ use this to turn off a message if you don't care about the issue it
+ detects.
+By default, Arcanist tries to select reasonable severities for each message.
+However, you may want to make a message more or less severe, or disable it
+For many linters, you can do this by providing a `severity` map:
+ "linters": {
+ "sample": {
+ "type": "pep8",
+ "severity": {
+ "E221": "disabled",
+ "E401": "warning"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Here, the lint message "E221" (which is "multiple spaces before operator") is
+disabled, so it won't be shown. The message "E401" (which is "multiple imports
+on one line") is set to "warning" severity.
+If you want to remap a large number of messages, you can use `severity.rules`
+and specify regular expressions:
+ "linters": {
+ "sample": {
+ "type": "pep8",
+ "severity.rules": {
+ "(^E)": "warning",
+ "(^W)": "advice"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+This adjusts the severity of all "E" codes to "warning", and all "W" codes to
+**Locating Binaries and Interpreters**: Normally, Arcanist expects to find
+external linters (like `pep8`) in `$PATH`, and be able to run them without any
+special qualifiers. That is, it will run a command similar to:
+ $ pep8
+If you want to use a different copy of a linter binary, or invoke it in an
+explicit way, you can use `interpreter` and `bin`. These accept strings (or
+lists of strings) identifying places to look for linters. For example:
+ "linters": {
+ "sample": {
+ "type": "pep8",
+ "interpreter": ["python2.6", "python"],
+ "bin": ["/usr/local/bin/pep8-1.5.6", "/usr/local/bin/pep8"]
+ }
+ }
+When configured like this, `arc` will walk the `interpreter` list to find an
+available interpreter, then walk the `bin` list to find an available binary.
+If it can locate an appropriate interpreter and binary, it will execute those
+instead of the defaults. For example, this might cause it to execute a command
+similar to:
+ $ python2.6 /usr/local/bin/pep8-1.5.6
+**Additional Options**: Some linters support additional options to configure
+their behavior. You can run this command get a list of these options and
+descriptions of what they do and how to configure them:
+ $ arc linters --verbose
+This will show the available options for each linter in detail.
+**Running Different Rules on Different Files**: Sometimes, you may want to
+run the same linter with different rulesets on different files. To do this,
+create two copies of the linter and just give them different keys in the
+`linters` map:
+ "linters": {
+ "pep8-relaxed": {
+ "type": "pep8",
+ "include": "(^legacy/.*\\.py$)",
+ "severity.rules": {
+ "(.*)": "advice"
+ }
+ },
+ "pep8-normal": {
+ "type": "pep8",
+ "include": "(\\.py$)",
+ "exclude": "(^legacy/)"
+ }
+ }
+This example will run a relaxed version of the linter (which raises every
+message as advice) on Python files in "legacy/", and a normal version everywhere
+**Example .arclint Files**: You can find a collection of example files in
+`arcanist/resources/arclint/` to use as a starting point or refer to while
+configuring your own `.arclint` file.
+Advanced Configuration: Lint Engines
+If you need to specify how linters execute in greater detail than is possible
+with `.arclint`, you can write a lint engine in PHP to extend Arcanist. This is
+an uncommon, advanced use case. The remainder of this section overviews how the
+lint internals work, and discusses how to extend Arcanist with a custom lint
+engine. If your needs are met by `.arclint`, you can skip to the next section
+of this document.
+The lint pipeline has two major components: linters and lint engines.
+**Linters** are programs which detect problems in a source file. Usually a
+linter is an external script, which Arcanist runs and passes a path to, like
+`jshint` or `pep8`.
+The script emits some messages, and Arcanist parses the output into structured
+errors. A piece of glue code (like @{class@arcanist:ArcanistJSHintLinter} or
+@{class@arcanist:ArcanistPEP8Linter}) handles calling the external script and
+interpreting its output.
+**Lint engines** coordinate linters, and decide which linters should run on
+which files. For instance, you might want to run `jshint` on all your `.js`
+files, and `` on all your `.py` files. And you might not want to lint
+anything in `externals/` or `third-party/`, and maybe there are other files
+which you want to exclude or apply special rules for.
+By default, Arcanist uses the
+@{class@arcanist:ArcanistConfigurationDrivenLintEngine} engine if there is
+an `.arclint` file present in the working copy. This engine reads the `.arclint`
+file and uses it to decide which linters should be run on which paths. If no
+`.arclint` is present, Arcanist does not select an engine by default.
+You can write a custom lint engine instead, which can make a more powerful set
+of decisions about which linters to run on which paths. For instructions on
+writing a custom lint engine, see @{article:Arcanist User Guide: Customizing
+Lint, Unit Tests and Workflows} and @{class@arcanist:ExampleLintEngine}.
+To name an alternate lint engine, set `lint.engine` in your `.arcconfig` to the
+name of a class which extends @{class@arcanist:ArcanistLintEngine}. For more
+information on `.arcconfig`, see @{article:Arcanist User Guide: Configuring a
+New Project}.
+You can also set a default lint engine by setting `lint.engine` in your global
+user config with `arc set-config lint.engine`, or specify one explicitly with
+`arc lint --engine <engine>`. This can be useful for testing.
+There are several other engines bundled with Arcanist, but they are primarily
+predate `.arclint` and are effectively obsolete.
+Using Lint to Improve Code Review
Code review is most valuable when it's about the big ideas in a change. It is
substantially less valuable when it devolves into nitpicking over style,
@@ -140,7 +376,8 @@
discussion away from stylistic nitpicks and toward useful examination of large
-It can also provide a straightforward solution to arguments about style:
+It can also provide a straightforward solution to arguments about style, if you
+adopt a policy like this:
- If a rule is important enough that it should be enforced, the proponent must
add it to lint so it is automatically detected or fixed in the future and
@@ -151,7 +388,9 @@
This may or may not be an appropriate methodology to adopt at your organization,
but it generally puts the incentives in the right places.
-= Philosophy of Lint =
+Philosophy of Lint
Some general thoughts on how to develop lint effectively, based on building
lint tools at Facebook:
@@ -168,87 +407,6 @@
valuable to have the linter not only say "the convention is to put a space
after comma in a function call" but to fix it for you.
-= Configuring Lint =
-Most built in linters can be setup by creating a file named `.arclint` in the
-workspace root, which is read by
-It's a JSON file, which should look something like:
- {
- "linters" : {
- "sample" : {
- "type" : "pep8",
- "include" : "(\\.py$)",
- "exclude" : "(^",
- "severity" : {
- "E401" : "warning"
- }
- }
- }
- - The key (`sample`) is only used for reporting,
- - `type` (`pep8`) is used to find the right linter,
- - `include` and `exclude` specify paths to run linter on, and
- - `severity` is specified by the linter implementation; Other linters may
- define other configurable values.
-You may specify many linters in a single `.arclint` file; For an example, see
-[[ | the arclint-examples
-Currently available linter types are: `csharp`, `filename`, `csslint`,
-`flake8`, `jshint`, `jsonlint`, `lessc`, `pep8`, `phpcs`, `puppet-lint`,
-`pyflakes`, `ruby`, `generated`, `nolint`, `script-and-regex`,
-`spelling`, `text`, `xml`.
-= Legacy Setups: Using arcconfig =
-Integration with linters that do not (yet) fully support `.arclint` involves two
-major components: linters and lint engines.
-Linters themselves are programs which detect problems in a source file. Usually
-a linter is an external script, which Arcanist runs and passes a path to, like
-`jshint` or ``. The script emits some messages, and Arcanist parses
-the output into structured errors. A piece of glue code (like
-@{class@arcanist:ArcanistJSHintLinter} or
-@{class@arcanist:ArcanistPEP8Linter}) handles calling the external script and
-interpreting its output.
-Lint engines coordinate linters, and decide which linters should run on which
-files. For instance, you might want to run `jshint` on all your `.js` files,
-and `` on all your `.py` files. And you might not want to lint anything
-in `externals/` or `third-party/`, and maybe there are other files which you
-want to exclude or apply special rules for.
-To configure arc for lint, you specify the name of a lint engine, and possibly
-provide some additional configuration. To name a lint engine, set `lint.engine`
-in your `.arcconfig` to the name of a class which extends
-@{class@arcanist:ArcanistLintEngine}. For more information on `.arcconfig`, see
-@{article:Arcanist User Guide: Configuring a New Project}.
-You can also set a default lint engine by setting `lint.engine` in your global
-user config with `arc set-config lint.engine`, or specify one explicitly with
-`arc lint --engine <engine>`.
-The available engines are:
- - @{class@arcanist:ComprehensiveLintEngine}, which runs a wide array of
- linters on many types of files. This is probably of limited use in any real
- project because it is overbroad, but is a good starting point for getting
- lint doing things.
- - @{class@arcanist:ArcanistSingleLintEngine}, which runs a single linter on
- every file unconditionally. This can be used with a glue linter like
- @{class@arcanist:ArcanistScriptAndRegexLinter} to put engine logic in an
- external script.
- - A custom engine you write. For most projects, lint rules are sufficiently
- specialized that this is the best option. For instructions on writing a
- custom lint engine, see
- @{article:Arcanist User Guide: Customizing Lint, Unit Tests and Workflows}
- and @{class@arcanist:ExampleLintEngine}.
= Next Steps =
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