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Dec 5 2015, 1:09 PM
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Steps to setup Tripoto_meta index:
Run the commands after putting the synonyms.txt and stopwords.txt files in the proper directory:
$ tripoto/app/Console/cake elastic_search map_meta
$ tripoto/app/Console/cake elastic_search seed_meta
Use the following commands in sequence, if you must, in the following format:
Place the following files in tripoto/app/tmp/ directory for quick local seeding. For zipped files, do extract them.
$ tripoto/app/Console/cake elastic_search <command_name>
map_keywords (for creating keywords index)
seed_keywords (for seeding keywords index)
map_locations (for creating agoda data index)
seed_locations (for seeding agoda data index from live agoda data)
delete_location_index (delete tripoto_locations index)
map_booking_cities (create tripoto_locations index)
seed_booking_cities (insert booking cities data to tripoto_locations index)
consolidate_locations (combine agoda_data and tripoto_locations index with common city's agoda id's made available in - tripoto_locations)
seed_zomato_cities (insert zomato's city id's in tripoto_locations)
seed_booking_countries (fetch countries from booking and save in tripoto_locations)
seed_booking_regions (fetch regions from booking and save in tripoto_locations)
seed_booking_districts (fetch districts from booking and save in tripoto_locations)
add_geo_districts (add geo coordinates of cities to their respective districts)
delete_geo_db (delete tripoto_geo_db index)
map_geo_db (create tripoto_geo_db index)
seed_geo_db (insert geo db data from json files to tripoto_geo_db index)
delete_spots_db (delete tripoto_spots_db index)
map_spots_db (create tripoto_spots_db index)
seed_spots_db (insert geo db data from json files to tripoto_spots_db index)
fetch_wiki_description (fetches locations' description from wikipedia and stores in geo_db index) [if fetching live, install this tool on your machine:, else use the csv option and take csv from seeding-files repo]
fetch_wiki_description_alt (command optimal to be run in background, fetches live data and creates csv for above command)
fetch_wiki_images (fetches banner image url's from wikitravel, updates elastic search and saves as csv, also option to upload from csv instead of live fetching)
search_index (creates a new tripoto index for searching, being used in new search. Needs stopwords_locations.txt from seeding-files repository)
$ Console/cake save_wiki_images (fetches banner images from wikitravel and saves locally)
save_local_image_path (seeds images url's to elastic search)
mark_tourist_places (marks freegeodb locations as tourist places using wikitravel)
get_wikivoyage_locations (OPTIONAL, this generates tourist_places.csv, you may have it diretly from seeding_files repo)
google_maps_geocode (uses wikivoyage dump, separates out places not in out db, then fetches remaining using google geocoding and arranges into out db)
scrape_wikitravel (parses all wikitravel locations for entire page data and saves to elasticsearch)
spots_transfer (transfer spots data from spots in mysql to elastic search)
make_locations_popular (adds spots count from spots_db spots to geo_db locations)
delete_hotels (deletes hotels index if already existing)
map_hotels (creates hotels index)
seed_booking_hotels (Optional. Seeds booking hotels)
seed_airbnb_hotels (Optional. Seeds Airbnb hotels)
seed_agoda_hotels (Optional. Seeds Agoda hotels)

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Raw Data
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