Add a flag to arc list, --owner which allows you to pass the
phabricator username of another user to the list command. This flag will then
query phabricator for diffs that belong to that user instead of yourself. Based on similar functionality found in:
This is a work in progress, and this diff is mainly to guage if there is interest for me to continue, and clean things up, or if this feature is not wanted/needed.
Still to do:
- pull the findOwnerPHID() function out into a common place so it can be used by different workflows.
- more testing to make sure errors are eliminated. (Right now this error comes up:
ERROR 8: Undefined index: sourcePath at [/Volumes/dev/arcanist/src/workflow/ArcanistListWorkflow.php:87] arcanist(head=arc-list-owner, ref.master=807057087d65, ref.arc-list-owner=bcf446f862a4), phutil(head=master, ref.master=55f554b618b9) #0 ArcanistListWorkflow::run() called at [<arcanist>/scripts/arcanist.php:382]
- add unit tests.