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Webhook Support
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I couldn't find it currently, or any tasks that seem to relate, but an awesome thing to have in Phabricator would be some kind of webhook support, very similar to how JIRA/Bitbucket/Github do it:

Would be amazing to get real-time update via an IRC bot that exposes endpoints for the Webhooks to call. Was one of our favorite things from JIRA/Bitbucket that we used before migrating over to Phabricator.

Event Timeline

jhgg raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
jhgg updated the task description. (Show Details)
jhgg added projects: Diffusion, Maniphest.
jhgg added a subscriber: jhgg.

T5462 is the general ticket, and feed.http-hooks is probably what you're after.

unfortunately, this no longer exists, is there a new documentation for it somewhere?

image.png (205×396 px, 11 KB)

The chatbot was removed completely in D17756.