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Clear Flags on Accept
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I use flags with Herald to indicate "must look at this". Can I have an option to clear all flags when I accept a revision (and to make that stick even if the diff is subsequently updated) so that I don't have to manually clear flags all the time?

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adamjernst raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
adamjernst updated the task description. (Show Details)
adamjernst added a subscriber: adamjernst.

(Another useful feature would be the ability to exclude flagging revisions from a given set of authors.)

For the latter case, can you just add [ Author ][ is not any of ][ alincoln, htaft ] to your Herald rule?

A more general attack on this would be to give you a "Clear All These Flags..." action in Flags, and let you search for "Closed Objects". Then you could periodically run a query for "Closed; Differential Revisions; with Yellow Flag" (or whatever) and bulk clear them. You could adjust your normal query to show only Open objects so you could do this rarely. Would that be satisfactory?

Yep, for the latter case you're right on, I missed it.

a "Clear All These Flags..." action...and let you search

Sure. Even simpler is checkboxes; it would be great to just run down the list and check those I want to clear.

chad triaged this task as Low priority.Jul 3 2014, 4:13 AM
chad added projects: Herald, Flags.