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Implement common infrastructure fields as export extensions

Authored by epriestley on Jan 29 2018, 4:52 PM.
Referenced Files
F13238450: D18960.diff
Tue, May 21, 7:17 PM
F13238375: D18960.diff
Tue, May 21, 7:08 PM
F13219622: D18960.id45484.diff
Sat, May 18, 7:47 PM
F13212131: D18960.diff
Fri, May 17, 6:24 AM
F13197109: D18960.diff
Sun, May 12, 11:49 PM
Unknown Object (File)
May 5 2024, 1:32 PM
Unknown Object (File)
May 3 2024, 8:30 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Apr 28 2024, 9:35 AM



Depends on D18959. Ref T13049. Provide tags, subscribers, spaces, and created/modified as automatic extensions for all objects which support them.

(Also, for JSON export, be a little more consistent about exporting null instead of empty string when there's no value in a text field.)

Test Plan

Exported users and tasks, saw relevant fields in the export.

Diff Detail

rP Phabricator
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jan 29 2018, 10:32 PM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
ysood added inline comments.

This causes values in excel spreadsheet to be displayed without spaces. As an example, try exporting tasks with multiple subscribers. The list is exported with no spaces.
Exports correctly for csv but when the .csv file is open using excel, it only shows the first value in the list.