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Extend revert edges

Authored by joshuaspence on Apr 30 2015, 9:56 PM.
Referenced Files
F13299952: D12634.diff
Fri, Jun 7, 8:38 AM
F13251029: D12634.id30385.diff
Fri, May 24, 7:31 PM
F13239852: D12634.id33148.diff
Wed, May 22, 7:17 AM
F13239075: D12634.id30357.diff
Tue, May 21, 11:52 PM
F13235514: D12634.diff
Tue, May 21, 5:39 AM
F13205400: D12634.diff
Wed, May 15, 1:55 AM
F13197205: D12634.id33148.diff
Sun, May 12, 11:54 PM
F13190141: D12634.id30394.diff
Sat, May 11, 7:52 AM



Ref T1751. Extends revert edges by adding new edge types:

  • DifferentialRevisionRevertedByCommitEdgeType
  • DiffusionCommitRevertsRevisionEdgeType
  • DiffusionCommitRevertsTasksEdgeType
  • ManiphestTaskRevertedByCommitEdgeType

This means that when a commit is reverted, an edge (and transaction) is created on any tasks/revisions which are associated with the reverted commit(s).

Test Plan

Reverted a commit which contained Ref Tx and Fixes Ty and also mentioned Tz. Saw reverting edges created for Tx and Ty.

Diff Detail

rP Phabricator
Lint Passed
Tests Passed
Build Status
Buildable 5646
Build 5665: [Placeholder Plan] Wait for 30 Seconds

Event Timeline

joshuaspence retitled this revision from to Extend revert edges.
joshuaspence updated this object.
joshuaspence edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
joshuaspence edited edge metadata.

Seems to work from some initial testing

Hmm... this doesn't work initially, but does work when I run ./bin/repository reparse.

joshuaspence edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
joshuaspence added a reviewer: epriestley.

One thing that would be nice is to disable the "mention" for reverts:

ment.png (77×1 px, 19 KB)

Not actively working on this.

This may mostly have been covered by D20469, although that change does not extend to reverting/reopening tasks.