UIExamples Timeline View

Timeline View (PHUITimelineExample)

Use PHUITimelineView to comments and transactions.

Event Timeline

This is a major timeline event.
A major event with no title.
This event is red!
This event is green!
Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Long Text Title Sun, Sep 8, 12:48 AM
Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body Long Text Body
Unknown Object (????) bought an apple.Sun, Sep 8, 2:24 AM
Unknown Object (????) bought a banana.
Unknown Object (????) bought a cherry.
Unknown Object (????) returned home.
Unknown Object (????) went to the store.
Unknown Object (????) paid for his goods.
Unknown Object (????) related on his adventures.
Today, I went to the store. I bought an apple. I bought a banana. I bought a cherry. I paid for my goods, then I returned home.