Summary of changes from October 16, 2018 to October 20, 2018.
| Codebase | Repository | {icon lock} | HEAD | Activity |
| Phabricator | rP | | rPe2cf1e428 | 4 commits |
| Arcanist | rARC | | rARC2650e862 | 0 commits |
| libphutil | rPHU | | rPHU603209b | 0 commits |
| Instances (SAAS) | rSAAS | {icon lock} | rSAAS9528817 | 0 commits |
| Services (SAAS) | rSERVICES | {icon lock} | rSERVICES019a12a | 0 commits |
| Core (SAAS) | rCORE | {icon lock} | rCOREacffa32 | 0 commits |
- These changes were promoted to `stable`.
- //No notes in this period.//
- //No notes in this period.//
- //No migrations in this period.//
Upgrading / Compatibility
- //No notes in this period.//
- [{icon tint, color=sky}] The `packages(project)` typeahead function now works properly and is supported in "Subscribers" fields.
- [{icon tint, color=sky}] Made routing improvements to repository clusters (see T13211).
- Copied code detection now bails out for extremely large changes.
//The [{icon tint, color=sky}] icon indicates a change backed by support mana.//