Summary of changes from Nov 18, 2017 to Nov 25, 2017.
| Codebase | Repository | {icon lock} | HEAD | Activity |
| Phabricator | rP | | rP49b57eae7d | 6 commits |
| Arcanist | rARC | | rARC90546042 | 0 commits |
| libphutil | rPHU | | rPHUae80e72 | 1 commit |
| Instances (SAAS) | rSAAS | {icon lock} | rSAAS5e2603f | 0 commits |
| Services (SAAS) | rSERVICES | {icon lock} | rSERVICES198fcdf | 0 commits |
| Core (SAAS) | rCORE | {icon lock} | rCOREa5a0b7f | 0 commits |
- These changes were promoted to `stable`.
- //No notes in this period.//
- //No notes in this period.//
- //No migrations in this period.//
Upgrading / Compatibility
- //No notes in this period.//
- [{icon tint, color=sky}] Fixed an issue with inbound mail handling for messages with no HTML body part.
- [{icon tint, color=sky}] Froze `maniphest.gettasktransactions`.
- [{icon tint, color=sky}] Task transactions for tasks created via the web UI are now more consistent with email and API transactions.
- Fixed an issue where path links in Diffusion pattern search results could point at the wrong target.
//The [{icon tint, color=sky}] icon indicates a change backed by support mana.//