A `Query` with the field `Blocked` set to `Show Tasks Not Blocked By Other Tasks` does not work when at least one of the blocking `Subtasks` are `Resolved`. It does however work if all Subtasks are unresolved.
The structure that I have is:
My user story task
A Subtask for the Java guys
A Subtask for the JS guys
A Subtask for QA
I want to have a `Query` that shows only the actual developer tasks (Subtasks), and not the user story ("grouping task").
With the above structure it works as long as no `Subtask` has been completed. However; if any of the Subtasks are completed I will see the user story in my view.
(NOTE) Is this a bug according to you? Are there any alternative ways to solve this maybe?
== Reproduce
You can see it for yourself by setting the filter mentioned above and looking for this issue, it will not show up. However; if you resolve one of the Subtasks and use the same query you will find the issue in the result.