Just updated.
All items which had a view/edit policy like described in title (or see the picture below), now are either invisible or not editable by 'Administrators'. If user is mentioned by other part of the rule, then it still works for him.
Policy value is like this:
mysql> select rules from phabricator_policy.policy where phid = 'PHID-PLCY-pfmxm43ackwt3eljfny6';
| rules |
| [{"action":"allow","rule":"PhabricatorAdministratorsPolicyRule","value":null},{"action":"allow","rule":"PhabricatorUsersPolicyRule","value":["PHID-USER-x5ztyxepdluli5nl4kxm"]}] |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Have not tested for other groups and/or combinations, though.