Here is our use case:
We have three bug status: "Open", "Resolved", "Closed"
And there are two branches that we actively work with, "master" and "release".
Consider the following work flow:
1. Someone find a bug with "release" branch and open a maniphest ticket, let's say T1
2. someone check in a fix with commit msg indicating "Fix T..." that automatically marks T1 as "Resolved"
3. QA team verifies the fix in "release" branch and mark the bug T1 as "Closed" (this happens before the fix is merged back to "master" branch, because we want to make sure everything is closed in release branch before release)
4. later when fix is merged back to "master", since the merge commit message contains "Fix T...", it will then reopen the ticket by changing its status from "Closed" to "Resolved"
I understand phabricator could be configured such that auto-close through commit only applies to one branch, but in this case we do want it to work for both "master" and "release" branches; is it possible to only apply "auto-resolve" for open bug but do not reopen a closed bug?
Phabricator version: (stable) Promote 2017 Week 2
This is consistently reproducible