When you have an SVN-based project and create a patch (to be uploaded into Differential), then PhpStorm adds some extra metadata that it can use later on.
Here is the example patch contents:
Index: core/kernel/db/dbitem.php
IDEA additional info:
Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP
--- core/kernel/db/dbitem.php (revision 16016)
+++ core/kernel/db/dbitem.php (revision )
@@ -962,6 +962,8 @@
// insert into temp table (id is not auto-increment field)
$insert_id = $this->FieldValues[$this->IDField];
+ $temp_id = $this->GetID();
$this->OriginalFieldValues = $this->FieldValues;
@@ -980,7 +982,7 @@
- $this->raiseEvent('OnAfterItemCreate');
+ $this->raiseEvent('OnAfterItemCreate', null, array('temp_id' => $temp_id));
$this->Loaded = true;
return true;
as you can see the PhpStorm has added some extra info to the patch (e.g. "IDEA additional info") which causes Differential to throw an exception when parsing such a patch file:
I've originally posted this task on GitHub: https://github.com/facebook/phabricator/issues/550