It seems that arcanist is not handling/reporting the warnings produced by cslint. When I run the exact same command as arc lint runs directly on cslint it produces a lot of warnings, but arc lint replies with no warnings.
Could somebody please confirm that the ArcanistCSharpLinter is reporting lint warnings on windows (or linux for that matter)?
I am running this on windows with the following arcanist configs:
In .arcconfig: ` "lint.engine" : "ArcanistConfigurationDrivenLintEngine" `
In .arclint:
"linters": {
"csharp": {
"type": "csharp",
"include": "(\\.cs$)",
"binary": "c:/_CODE_/github/cstools/cslint/bin/Debug/cslint.exe",
"discovery": {
"([^\\\\]+)\\\\(.*?)\\.cs": [
Trace of arc lint and the seperate cslint command:
C:\_CODE_\PhabGit\testrepo>arc lint --trace
libphutil loaded from 'C:\arc\libphutil\src'.
arcanist loaded from 'C:\arc\arcanist\src'.
Working Copy: Reading .arcconfig from "C:\_CODE_\PhabGit\testrepo/.arcconfig".
Working Copy: Path "C:\_CODE_\PhabGit\testrepo" is part of `git` working copy "C
Working Copy: Project root is at "C:\_CODE_\PhabGit\testrepo".
>>> [0] <exec> $ git rev-parse --verify HEAD^
<<< [0] <exec> 39,001 us
>>> [1] <exec> $ git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name '@{upstream}'
<<< [1] <exec> 38,002 us
>>> [2] <exec> $ git rev-parse --git-dir
<<< [2] <exec> 36,001 us
>>> [3] <exec> $ git cat-file -t "origin/master"
<<< [3] <exec> 40,002 us
>>> [4] <exec> $ git merge-base "origin/master" HEAD
<<< [4] <exec> 43,002 us
>>> [5] <exec> $ git diff --no-ext-diff --no-textconv --raw "b5f3fa18fb02d155a85
228074a8eabf321b9c294" --
<<< [5] <exec> 43,001 us
>>> [6] <exec> $ git diff --no-ext-diff --no-textconv --raw "HEAD" --
>>> [7] <exec> $ git ls-files --others --exclude-standard
>>> [8] <exec> $ git diff-files --name-only
<<< [7] <exec> 61,002 us
<<< [6] <exec> 76,004 us
<<< [8] <exec> 62,003 us
>>> [9] <exec> $ git diff --no-ext-diff --no-textconv --no-color --src-prefix=a/
--dst-prefix=b/ -U32767 -M -C "b5f3fa18fb02d155a85228074a8eabf321b9c294" --
<<< [9] <exec> 46,002 us
>>> [10] <lint> ArcanistCSharpLinter <paths = 2>
>>> [11] <exec> $ C:\_CODE_\github\cstools\cslint\bin\Debug\cslint.exe -v
<<< [11] <exec> 230,012 us
<<< [10] <lint> 231,013 us
>>> [12] <lint> ArcanistCSharpLinter
>>> [13] <exec> $ C:\_CODE_\github\cstools\cslint\bin\Debug\cslint.exe --setting
s-base64="eyIoW15cXFxcXSspXFxcXCguKj8pXFwuY3MiOlsiJDFcXCQxLmNzcHJvaiJdfQ==" -r=.
"C:\_CODE_\PhabGit\testrepo\MyTestSolution\MyTestSolution\App.xaml.cs" "C:\_COD
<<< [13] <exec> 1,915,109 us
<<< [12] <lint> 1,917,109 us
OKAY No lint warnings.
Q==" -r=. "C:\_CODE_\PhabGit\testrepo\MyTestSolution\MyTestSolution\App.xaml.cs"
[{"Issues":[{"LineNumber":13,"Column":5,"Index":{"Name":"Class Name Does Not Mat
ch Filename","Code":"CS0003","Message":"The only public class in a file should m
atch the name of the file that it is declared in. The class name was '%s' but t
he filename is '%s'.","Severity":2},"Parameters":["App","App.xaml"],"Replacement
x":{"Name":"Class Name Does Not Match Filename","Code":"CS0003","Message":"The o
nly public class in a file should match the name of the file that it is declared
in. The class name was '%s' but the filename is '%s'.","Severity":2},"Paramete
r":22,"Column":13,"Index":{"Name":"Use 'var' For Implicit Variable Declarations"
,"Code":"CS0004","Message":"'var' should be used when declaring initialized vari
ables as it helps keep code clean and readable.","Severity":1},"Parameters":[],"
dex":{"Name":"Use 'var' For Implicit Variable Declarations","Code":"CS0004","Mes
sage":"'var' should be used when declaring initialized variables as it helps kee
p code clean and readable.","Severity":1},"Parameters":[],"ReplacementText":"var