Sadly, I think that T4395 is insufficient to fix the Windows quoting problems. It looks like cmd has a bug when invoked like this:
cmd /c ""jshint" "--version""
In this case, jshint is a batch file generated by npm:
lang=bat, name=jshint.cmd
@IF EXIST "%~dp0\node.exe" (
"%~dp0\node.exe" "%~dp0\node_modules\jshint\bin\jshint" %*
) ELSE (
node "%~dp0\node_modules\jshint\bin\jshint" %*
When invoked the way `arc lint` does, `%~dp0` does not get correctly set, so it refers to $CWD instead of the directory containing jshint.cmd. So, `%~dp0\node_modules\jshint\bin\jshint` doesn't resolve, and jshint fails to run.
* Using the full path to jshint fixes it
* Not quoting "jshint" fixes it
* Quoting jshint as "jshint^" fixes it
* Maybe other things