For users that are working on several orthogonal features at once in different branches, the `git worktree` command added in version 2.5 is nice, as it allows each branch to be checked out to a different working directory while they all share the same Git repository underneath.
This workflow is sort-of supported by arc, except that `arc land` would fail when trying to switch back to the branch being merged to (e.g. `master`) since git worktree strictly enforces the rule that no two work trees may be based on the same git branch.
I could use `arc land --keep-branch` and perform the clean up manually, but it would be nice if arc would do this if the current directory is a worktree:
- switch to the directory containing the main git checkout
- delete the worktree directory
- `git worktree prune` to remove reference to the deleted worktree
- `git branch -D` to delete the branch