ran a few commands. These first three had great success:
`./repository reparse --all FIRSTREPO --message --change --herald --owners`
`./repository reparse --all FIRSTREPO --message --change --herald --owners --min-date yesterday`
`./repository reparse --all FIRSTREPO --message --change --herald --owners --min-date yesterday --force-autoclose`
...and these next two showed me some errors as expected:
`./repository reparse --all FIRSTREPO --message --change --herald --owners --min-date garbagedata`
`./repository reparse --all GARBAGEREPO --message --change --herald --owners`
Also, made a diff in a repository with autoclose disabled and commited the diff. Later, reparse the diff with force-autoclose. Verified the diff closed and that the reason "why" had the proper message text.