$ ./bin/lipsum generate projects
GENERATORS Selected generators: Projects.
WARNING This command generates synthetic test data, including user accounts. It is intended for use in development environments so you can test features more easily. There is no easy way to delete this data or undo the effects of this command. If you run it in a production environment, it will pollute your data with large amounts of meaningless garbage that you can not get rid of.
Are you sure you want to generate piles of garbage? [y/N] y
LIPSUM Generating synthetic test objects forever. Use ^C to stop when satisfied.
Generated "Project": Self-Flying Data Center Swag Performance
Generated "Project": Optimize Cars
Generated "Project": Triaging Culture Optimization
Generated "Project": Automating Experience
Generated "Project": Accelerating NUX Performance
Generated "Project": Optimizing Culture Optimization
Generated "Project": Optimize Hardware