diff --git a/src/docs/user/configuration/notifications.diviner b/src/docs/user/configuration/notifications.diviner index 600c901540..71609826c9 100644 --- a/src/docs/user/configuration/notifications.diviner +++ b/src/docs/user/configuration/notifications.diviner @@ -1,116 +1,110 @@ @title Notifications User Guide: Setup and Configuration @group config Guide to setting up notifications. Overview ======== By default, Phabricator delivers information about events (like users creating tasks or commenting on code reviews) through email and in-application notifications. Phabricator can also be configured to deliver notifications in real time, by popping up a message in any open browser windows if something has happened or an object has been updated. To enable real-time notifications: - Set `notification.enabled` in your configuration to true. - Run the notification server, as described below. This document describes the process in detail. Supported Browsers ================== Notifications are supported for browsers which support WebSockets. This covers most modern browsers (like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and recent versions of Internet Explorer) and many mobile browsers. IE8 and IE9 do not support WebSockets, so real-time notifications won't work in those browsers. Installing Node and Modules =========================== The notification server uses Node.js, so you'll need to install it first. To install Node.js, follow the instructions on [[ http://nodejs.org | nodejs.org ]]. -You will also need to install the `ws` module for Node. After installing -Node, run `npm install -g ws` to install it. +You will also need to install the `ws` module for Node. This needs to be +installed into the notification server directory: - name="(Option 1, Recommended) Install 'ws' Module Globally" - $ npm install -g ws # Global Install - -If you prefer, you can also install it locally in the `support/aphlict/server/` -directory: - - name="(Option 2) Install 'ws' Module Locally" + phabricator/ $ cd support/aphlict/server/ phabricator/support/aphlict/server/ $ npm install ws Once Node.js and the `ws` module are installed, you're ready to start the server. Running the Aphlict Server ========================== After installing Node.js, you can control the notification server with the `bin/aphlict` command. To start the server: phabricator/ $ bin/aphlict start The server must be able to listen on port **22280** for Aphlict to work. In particular, if you're running in EC2, you need to unblock this port in the server's security group configuration. You can change this port in the `notification.client-uri` config. You may need to adjust these settings: - `notification.ssl-cert` Point this at an SSL certificate for secure WebSockets. - `notification.ssl-key` Point this at an SSL keyfile for secure WebSockets. In particular, if your server uses HTTPS, you **must** configure these options. Browsers will not allow you to use non-SSL websockets from an SSL web page. You may also want to adjust these settings: - `notification.client-uri` Externally-facing host and port that browsers will connect to in order to listen for notifications. - `notification.server-uri` Internally-facing host and port that Phabricator will connect to in order to publish notifications. - `notification.log` Log file location for the server. - `notification.pid` Pidfile location used to stop any running server when aphlict is restarted. Verifying Server Status ======================= Access `/notification/status/` to verify the server is operational. You should see a table showing stats like "uptime" and connection/message counts if the server is working. If it isn't working, you should see an error. You can also send a test notification by clicking the button in the upper right corner of this screen. Troubleshooting =============== You can run `aphlict` in the foreground to get output to your console: phabricator/ $ ./bin/aphlict debug Because the notification server uses WebSockets, your browser error console may also have information that is useful in figuring out what's wrong. The server also generates a log, by default in `/var/log/aphlict.log`. You can change this location by changing `notification.log` in your configuration. The log may contain information useful in resolving issues. diff --git a/support/aphlict/server/aphlict_server.js b/support/aphlict/server/aphlict_server.js index a662ad4304..d4c94ca831 100644 --- a/support/aphlict/server/aphlict_server.js +++ b/support/aphlict/server/aphlict_server.js @@ -1,238 +1,239 @@ var JX = require('./lib/javelin').JX; var http = require('http'); var https = require('https'); var util = require('util'); var fs = require('fs'); JX.require('lib/AphlictListenerList', __dirname); JX.require('lib/AphlictLog', __dirname); function parse_command_line_arguments(argv) { var config = { port: 22280, admin: 22281, host: '', log: '/var/log/aphlict.log', 'ssl-key': null, 'ssl-cert': null, test: false }; for (var ii = 2; ii < argv.length; ii++) { var arg = argv[ii]; var matches = arg.match(/^--([^=]+)=(.*)$/); if (!matches) { throw new Error("Unknown argument '" + arg + "'!"); } if (!(matches[1] in config)) { throw new Error("Unknown argument '" + matches[1] + "'!"); } config[matches[1]] = matches[2]; } config.port = parseInt(config.port, 10); config.admin = parseInt(config.admin, 10); return config; } var debug = new JX.AphlictLog() .addConsole(console); var config = parse_command_line_arguments(process.argv); process.on('uncaughtException', function(err) { debug.log('\n<<< UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION! >>>\n' + err.stack); process.exit(1); }); var WebSocket; try { WebSocket = require('ws'); } catch (ex) { throw new Error( 'You need to install the Node.js "ws" module for websocket support. ' + - 'Usually, you can do this with `npm install -g ws`. ' + ex.toString()); + 'See "Notifications User Guide: Setup and Configuration" in the ' + + 'documentation for instructions. ' + ex.toString()); } var ssl_config = { enabled: (config['ssl-key'] || config['ssl-cert']) }; // Load the SSL certificates (if any were provided) now, so that runs with // `--test` will see any errors. if (ssl_config.enabled) { ssl_config.key = fs.readFileSync(config['ssl-key']); ssl_config.cert = fs.readFileSync(config['ssl-cert']); } // Add the logfile so we'll fail if we can't write to it. if (config.logfile) { debug.addLogfile(config.logfile); } // If we're just doing a configuration test, exit here before starting any // servers. if (config.test) { debug.log('Configuration test OK.'); process.exit(0); } var start_time = new Date().getTime(); var messages_out = 0; var messages_in = 0; var clients = new JX.AphlictListenerList(); function https_discard_handler(req, res) { res.writeHead(501); res.end('HTTP/501 Use Websockets\n'); } var ws; if (ssl_config.enabled) { var https_server = https.createServer({ key: ssl_config.key, cert: ssl_config.cert }, https_discard_handler).listen(config.port); ws = new WebSocket.Server({server: https_server}); } else { ws = new WebSocket.Server({port: config.port}); } ws.on('connection', function(ws) { var listener = clients.addListener(ws); function log() { debug.log( util.format('<%s>', listener.getDescription()) + ' ' + util.format.apply(null, arguments)); } log('Connected from %s.', ws._socket.remoteAddress); ws.on('message', function(data) { log('Received message: %s', data); var message; try { message = JSON.parse(data); } catch (err) { log('Message is invalid: %s', err.message); return; } switch (message.command) { case 'subscribe': log( 'Subscribed to: %s', JSON.stringify(message.data)); listener.subscribe(message.data); break; case 'unsubscribe': log( 'Unsubscribed from: %s', JSON.stringify(message.data)); listener.unsubscribe(message.data); break; default: log('Unrecognized command "%s".', message.command || ''); } }); ws.on('close', function() { clients.removeListener(listener); log('Disconnected.'); }); ws.on('error', function(err) { log('Error: %s', err.message); }); }); function transmit(msg) { var listeners = clients.getListeners().filter(function(client) { return client.isSubscribedToAny(msg.subscribers); }); for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) { var listener = listeners[i]; try { listener.writeMessage(msg); ++messages_out; debug.log('<%s> Wrote Message', listener.getDescription()); } catch (error) { clients.removeListener(listener); debug.log('<%s> Write Error: %s', listener.getDescription(), error); } } } http.createServer(function(request, response) { // Publishing a notification. if (request.url == '/') { if (request.method == 'POST') { var body = ''; request.on('data', function(data) { body += data; }); request.on('end', function() { try { var msg = JSON.parse(body); debug.log('Received notification: ' + JSON.stringify(msg)); ++messages_in; try { transmit(msg); response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}); } catch (err) { debug.log( '<%s> Internal Server Error! %s', request.socket.remoteAddress, err); response.writeHead(500, 'Internal Server Error'); } } catch (err) { debug.log( '<%s> Bad Request! %s', request.socket.remoteAddress, err); response.writeHead(400, 'Bad Request'); } finally { response.end(); } }); } else { response.writeHead(405, 'Method Not Allowed'); response.end(); } } else if (request.url == '/status/') { var status = { 'uptime': (new Date().getTime() - start_time), 'clients.active': clients.getActiveListenerCount(), 'clients.total': clients.getTotalListenerCount(), 'messages.in': messages_in, 'messages.out': messages_out, 'log': config.log, 'version': 6 }; response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}); response.write(JSON.stringify(status)); response.end(); } else { response.writeHead(404, 'Not Found'); response.end(); } }).listen(config.admin, config.host); debug.log('Started Server (PID %d)', process.pid);