diff --git a/scripts/symbols/import_repository_symbols.php b/scripts/symbols/import_repository_symbols.php index 2ac2b3c8a9..c8dabc8508 100755 --- a/scripts/symbols/import_repository_symbols.php +++ b/scripts/symbols/import_repository_symbols.php @@ -1,229 +1,229 @@ #!/usr/bin/env php setSynopsis(<<parseStandardArguments(); $args->parse( array( array( 'name' => 'no-purge', 'help' => pht( 'Do not clear all symbols for this repository before '. 'uploading new symbols. Useful for incremental updating.'), ), array( 'name' => 'ignore-errors', 'help' => pht( "If a line can't be parsed, ignore that line and ". "continue instead of exiting."), ), array( 'name' => 'max-transaction', 'param' => 'num-syms', 'default' => '100000', 'help' => pht( 'Maximum number of symbols that should '. 'be part of a single transaction.'), ), array( 'name' => 'callsign', 'wildcard' => true, ), )); $callsigns = $args->getArg('callsign'); if (count($callsigns) !== 1) { $args->printHelpAndExit(); } $callsign = head($callsigns); $repository = id(new PhabricatorRepositoryQuery()) ->setViewer(PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser()) ->withCallsigns($callsigns) ->executeOne(); if (!$repository) { echo pht("Repository '%s' does not exist.", $callsign); exit(1); } if (!function_exists('posix_isatty') || posix_isatty(STDIN)) { echo pht('Parsing input from stdin...'), "\n"; } $input = file_get_contents('php://stdin'); $input = trim($input); $input = explode("\n", $input); function commit_symbols( array $symbols, PhabricatorRepository $repository, $no_purge) { echo pht('Looking up path IDs...'), "\n"; $path_map = PhabricatorRepositoryCommitChangeParserWorker::lookupOrCreatePaths( ipull($symbols, 'path')); $symbol = new PhabricatorRepositorySymbol(); $conn_w = $symbol->establishConnection('w'); echo pht('Preparing queries...'), "\n"; $sql = array(); foreach ($symbols as $dict) { $sql[] = qsprintf( $conn_w, '(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %d, %d)', $repository->getPHID(), $dict['ctxt'], $dict['name'], $dict['type'], $dict['lang'], $dict['line'], $path_map[$dict['path']]); } if (!$no_purge) { echo pht('Purging old symbols...'), "\n"; queryfx( $conn_w, 'DELETE FROM %T WHERE repositoryPHID = %s', $symbol->getTableName(), $repository->getPHID()); } - echo pht('Loading %s symbols...', new PhutilNumber(count($sql))), "\n"; + echo pht('Loading %s symbols...', phutil_count($sql)), "\n"; foreach (array_chunk($sql, 128) as $chunk) { queryfx( $conn_w, 'INSERT INTO %T (repositoryPHID, symbolContext, symbolName, symbolType, symbolLanguage, lineNumber, pathID) VALUES %Q', $symbol->getTableName(), implode(', ', $chunk)); } } function check_string_value($value, $field_name, $line_no, $max_length) { if (strlen($value) > $max_length) { throw new Exception( pht( "%s '%s' defined on line #%d is too long, ". "maximum %s length is %d characters.", $field_name, $value, $line_no, $field_name, $max_length)); } if (!phutil_is_utf8_with_only_bmp_characters($value)) { throw new Exception( pht( "%s '%s' defined on line #%d is not a valid ". "UTF-8 string, it should contain only UTF-8 characters.", $field_name, $value, $line_no)); } } $no_purge = $args->getArg('no-purge'); $symbols = array(); foreach ($input as $key => $line) { try { $line_no = $key + 1; $matches = null; $ok = preg_match( '/^((?P[^ ]+)? )?(?P[^ ]+) (?P[^ ]+) '. '(?P[^ ]+) (?P\d+) (?P.*)$/', $line, $matches); if (!$ok) { throw new Exception( pht( "Line #%d of input is invalid. Expected five or six space-delimited ". "fields: maybe symbol context, symbol name, symbol type, symbol ". "language, line number, path. For example:\n\n%s\n\n". "Actual line was:\n\n%s", $line_no, 'idx function php 13 /path/to/some/file.php', $line)); } if (empty($matches['context'])) { $matches['context'] = ''; } $context = $matches['context']; $name = $matches['name']; $type = $matches['type']; $lang = $matches['lang']; $line_number = $matches['line']; $path = $matches['path']; check_string_value($context, pht('Symbol context'), $line_no, 128); check_string_value($name, pht('Symbol name'), $line_no, 128); check_string_value($type, pht('Symbol type'), $line_no, 12); check_string_value($lang, pht('Symbol language'), $line_no, 32); check_string_value($path, pht('Path'), $line_no, 512); if (!strlen($path) || $path[0] != '/') { throw new Exception( pht( "Path '%s' defined on line #%d is invalid. Paths should begin with ". "'%s' and specify a path from the root of the project, like '%s'.", $path, $line_no, '/', '/src/utils/utils.php')); } $symbols[] = array( 'ctxt' => $context, 'name' => $name, 'type' => $type, 'lang' => $lang, 'line' => $line_number, 'path' => $path, ); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($args->getArg('ignore-errors')) { continue; } else { throw $e; } } if (count($symbols) >= $args->getArg('max-transaction')) { try { echo pht( "Committing %s symbols...\n", new PhutilNumber($args->getArg('max-transaction'))); commit_symbols($symbols, $repository, $no_purge); $no_purge = true; unset($symbols); $symbols = array(); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($args->getArg('ignore-errors')) { continue; } else { throw $e; } } } } if (count($symbols)) { commit_symbols($symbols, $repository, $no_purge); } echo pht('Done.')."\n"; diff --git a/src/applications/auth/controller/config/PhabricatorAuthListController.php b/src/applications/auth/controller/config/PhabricatorAuthListController.php index 5be803b895..71aac9e185 100644 --- a/src/applications/auth/controller/config/PhabricatorAuthListController.php +++ b/src/applications/auth/controller/config/PhabricatorAuthListController.php @@ -1,190 +1,190 @@ getRequest(); $viewer = $request->getUser(); $configs = id(new PhabricatorAuthProviderConfigQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->execute(); $list = new PHUIObjectItemListView(); $can_manage = $this->hasApplicationCapability( AuthManageProvidersCapability::CAPABILITY); foreach ($configs as $config) { $item = new PHUIObjectItemView(); $id = $config->getID(); $edit_uri = $this->getApplicationURI('config/edit/'.$id.'/'); $enable_uri = $this->getApplicationURI('config/enable/'.$id.'/'); $disable_uri = $this->getApplicationURI('config/disable/'.$id.'/'); $provider = $config->getProvider(); if ($provider) { $name = $provider->getProviderName(); } else { $name = $config->getProviderType().' ('.$config->getProviderClass().')'; } $item->setHeader($name); if ($provider) { $item->setHref($edit_uri); } else { $item->addAttribute(pht('Provider Implementation Missing!')); } $domain = null; if ($provider) { $domain = $provider->getProviderDomain(); if ($domain !== 'self') { $item->addAttribute($domain); } } if ($config->getShouldAllowRegistration()) { $item->addAttribute(pht('Allows Registration')); } else { $item->addAttribute(pht('Does Not Allow Registration')); } if ($config->getIsEnabled()) { $item->setState(PHUIObjectItemView::STATE_SUCCESS); $item->addAction( id(new PHUIListItemView()) ->setIcon('fa-times') ->setHref($disable_uri) ->setDisabled(!$can_manage) ->addSigil('workflow')); } else { $item->setState(PHUIObjectItemView::STATE_FAIL); $item->addIcon('fa-times grey', pht('Disabled')); $item->addAction( id(new PHUIListItemView()) ->setIcon('fa-plus') ->setHref($enable_uri) ->setDisabled(!$can_manage) ->addSigil('workflow')); } $list->addItem($item); } $list->setNoDataString( pht( '%s You have not added authentication providers yet. Use "%s" to add '. 'a provider, which will let users register new Phabricator accounts '. 'and log in.', phutil_tag( 'strong', array(), pht('No Providers Configured:')), phutil_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => $this->getApplicationURI('config/new/'), ), pht('Add Authentication Provider')))); $crumbs = $this->buildApplicationCrumbs(); $crumbs->addTextCrumb(pht('Auth Providers')); $domains_key = 'auth.email-domains'; $domains_link = $this->renderConfigLink($domains_key); $domains_value = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig($domains_key); $approval_key = 'auth.require-approval'; $approval_link = $this->renderConfigLink($approval_key); $approval_value = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig($approval_key); $issues = array(); if ($domains_value) { $issues[] = pht( 'Phabricator is configured with an email domain whitelist (in %s), so '. 'only users with a verified email address at one of these %s '. 'allowed domain(s) will be able to register an account: %s', $domains_link, - new PhutilNumber(count($domains_value)), + phutil_count($domains_value), phutil_tag('strong', array(), implode(', ', $domains_value))); } else { $issues[] = pht( 'Anyone who can browse to this Phabricator install will be able to '. 'register an account. To add email domain restrictions, configure '. '%s.', $domains_link); } if ($approval_value) { $issues[] = pht( 'Administrative approvals are enabled (in %s), so all new users must '. 'have their accounts approved by an administrator.', $approval_link); } else { $issues[] = pht( 'Administrative approvals are disabled, so users who register will '. 'be able to use their accounts immediately. To enable approvals, '. 'configure %s.', $approval_link); } if (!$domains_value && !$approval_value) { $severity = PHUIInfoView::SEVERITY_WARNING; $issues[] = pht( 'You can safely ignore this warning if the install itself has '. 'access controls (for example, it is deployed on a VPN) or if all of '. 'the configured providers have access controls (for example, they are '. 'all private LDAP or OAuth servers).'); } else { $severity = PHUIInfoView::SEVERITY_NOTICE; } $warning = id(new PHUIInfoView()) ->setSeverity($severity) ->setErrors($issues); $image = id(new PHUIIconView()) ->setIconFont('fa-plus'); $button = id(new PHUIButtonView()) ->setTag('a') ->setColor(PHUIButtonView::SIMPLE) ->setHref($this->getApplicationURI('config/new/')) ->setIcon($image) ->setDisabled(!$can_manage) ->setText(pht('Add Provider')); $header = id(new PHUIHeaderView()) ->setHeader(pht('Authentication Providers')) ->addActionLink($button); $list->setFlush(true); $list = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setHeader($header) ->setInfoView($warning) ->appendChild($list); return $this->buildApplicationPage( array( $crumbs, $list, ), array( 'title' => pht('Authentication Providers'), )); } private function renderConfigLink($key) { return phutil_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => '/config/edit/'.$key.'/', 'target' => '_blank', ), $key); } } diff --git a/src/applications/auth/management/PhabricatorAuthManagementRefreshWorkflow.php b/src/applications/auth/management/PhabricatorAuthManagementRefreshWorkflow.php index 23c0a109cb..fb82d55439 100644 --- a/src/applications/auth/management/PhabricatorAuthManagementRefreshWorkflow.php +++ b/src/applications/auth/management/PhabricatorAuthManagementRefreshWorkflow.php @@ -1,156 +1,156 @@ setName('refresh') ->setExamples('**refresh**') ->setSynopsis( pht( 'Refresh OAuth access tokens. This is primarily useful for '. 'development and debugging.')) ->setArguments( array( array( 'name' => 'user', 'param' => 'user', 'help' => pht('Refresh tokens for a given user.'), ), array( 'name' => 'type', 'param' => 'provider', 'help' => pht('Refresh tokens for a given provider type.'), ), array( 'name' => 'domain', 'param' => 'domain', 'help' => pht('Refresh tokens for a given domain.'), ), )); } public function execute(PhutilArgumentParser $args) { $console = PhutilConsole::getConsole(); $viewer = $this->getViewer(); $query = id(new PhabricatorExternalAccountQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->requireCapabilities( array( PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT, )); $username = $args->getArg('user'); if (strlen($username)) { $user = id(new PhabricatorPeopleQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withUsernames(array($username)) ->executeOne(); if ($user) { $query->withUserPHIDs(array($user->getPHID())); } else { throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException( pht('No such user "%s"!', $username)); } } $type = $args->getArg('type'); if (strlen($type)) { $query->withAccountTypes(array($type)); } $domain = $args->getArg('domain'); if (strlen($domain)) { $query->withAccountDomains(array($domain)); } $accounts = $query->execute(); if (!$accounts) { throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException( pht('No accounts match the arguments!')); } else { $console->writeOut( "%s\n", pht( 'Found %s account(s) to refresh.', - new PhutilNumber(count($accounts)))); + phutil_count($accounts))); } $providers = PhabricatorAuthProvider::getAllEnabledProviders(); foreach ($accounts as $account) { $console->writeOut( "%s\n", pht( 'Refreshing account #%d (%s/%s).', $account->getID(), $account->getAccountType(), $account->getAccountDomain())); $key = $account->getProviderKey(); if (empty($providers[$key])) { $console->writeOut( "> %s\n", pht('Skipping, provider is not enabled or does not exist.')); continue; } $provider = $providers[$key]; if (!($provider instanceof PhabricatorOAuth2AuthProvider)) { $console->writeOut( "> %s\n", pht('Skipping, provider is not an OAuth2 provider.')); continue; } $adapter = $provider->getAdapter(); if (!$adapter->supportsTokenRefresh()) { $console->writeOut( "> %s\n", pht('Skipping, provider does not support token refresh.')); continue; } $refresh_token = $account->getProperty('oauth.token.refresh'); if (!$refresh_token) { $console->writeOut( "> %s\n", pht('Skipping, provider has no stored refresh token.')); continue; } $console->writeOut( "+ %s\n", pht( 'Refreshing token, current token expires in %s seconds.', new PhutilNumber( $account->getProperty('oauth.token.access.expires') - time()))); $token = $provider->getOAuthAccessToken($account, $force_refresh = true); if (!$token) { $console->writeOut( "* %s\n", pht('Unable to refresh token!')); continue; } $console->writeOut( "+ %s\n", pht( 'Refreshed token, new token expires in %s seconds.', new PhutilNumber( $account->getProperty('oauth.token.access.expires') - time()))); } $console->writeOut("%s\n", pht('Done.')); return 0; } } diff --git a/src/applications/celerity/management/CelerityManagementMapWorkflow.php b/src/applications/celerity/management/CelerityManagementMapWorkflow.php index 525a079f53..e838de58f4 100644 --- a/src/applications/celerity/management/CelerityManagementMapWorkflow.php +++ b/src/applications/celerity/management/CelerityManagementMapWorkflow.php @@ -1,56 +1,56 @@ setName('map') ->setExamples('**map** [options]') ->setSynopsis(pht('Rebuild static resource maps.')) ->setArguments( array()); } public function execute(PhutilArgumentParser $args) { $resources_map = CelerityPhysicalResources::getAll(); $this->log( pht( 'Rebuilding %d resource source(s).', - new PhutilNumber(count($resources_map)))); + phutil_count($resources_map))); foreach ($resources_map as $name => $resources) { $this->rebuildResources($resources); } $this->log(pht('Done.')); return 0; } /** * Rebuild the resource map for a resource source. * * @param CelerityPhysicalResources Resource source to rebuild. * @return void */ private function rebuildResources(CelerityPhysicalResources $resources) { $this->log( pht( 'Rebuilding resource source "%s" (%s)...', $resources->getName(), get_class($resources))); id(new CelerityResourceMapGenerator($resources)) ->setDebug(true) ->generate() ->write(); } protected function log($message) { $console = PhutilConsole::getConsole(); $console->writeErr("%s\n", $message); } } diff --git a/src/applications/config/check/PhabricatorDaemonsSetupCheck.php b/src/applications/config/check/PhabricatorDaemonsSetupCheck.php index 3b4b335134..a89590cc18 100644 --- a/src/applications/config/check/PhabricatorDaemonsSetupCheck.php +++ b/src/applications/config/check/PhabricatorDaemonsSetupCheck.php @@ -1,198 +1,198 @@ setViewer(PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser()) ->withStatus(PhabricatorDaemonLogQuery::STATUS_RUNNING) ->withDaemonClasses(array('PhabricatorTaskmasterDaemon')) ->setLimit(1) ->execute(); if (!$task_daemon) { $doc_href = PhabricatorEnv::getDocLink('Managing Daemons with phd'); $summary = pht( 'You must start the Phabricator daemons to send email, rebuild '. 'search indexes, and do other background processing.'); $message = pht( 'The Phabricator daemons are not running, so Phabricator will not '. 'be able to perform background processing (including sending email, '. 'rebuilding search indexes, importing commits, cleaning up old data, '. 'and running builds).'. "\n\n". 'Use %s to start daemons. See %s for more information.', phutil_tag('tt', array(), 'bin/phd start'), phutil_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => $doc_href, 'target' => '_blank', ), pht('Managing Daemons with phd'))); $this->newIssue('daemons.not-running') ->setShortName(pht('Daemons Not Running')) ->setName(pht('Phabricator Daemons Are Not Running')) ->setSummary($summary) ->setMessage($message) ->addCommand('phabricator/ $ ./bin/phd start'); } $phd_user = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('phd.user'); $environment_hash = PhabricatorEnv::calculateEnvironmentHash(); $all_daemons = id(new PhabricatorDaemonLogQuery()) ->setViewer(PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser()) ->withStatus(PhabricatorDaemonLogQuery::STATUS_ALIVE) ->execute(); foreach ($all_daemons as $daemon) { if ($phd_user) { if ($daemon->getRunningAsUser() != $phd_user) { $doc_href = PhabricatorEnv::getDocLink('Managing Daemons with phd'); $summary = pht( 'At least one daemon is currently running as a different '. 'user than configured in the Phabricator %s setting', 'phd.user'); $message = pht( 'A daemon is running as user %s while the Phabricator config '. 'specifies %s to be %s.'. "\n\n". 'Either adjust %s to match %s or start '. 'the daemons as the correct user. '. "\n\n". '%s Daemons will try to use %s to start as the configured user. '. 'Make sure that the user who starts %s has the correct '. 'sudo permissions to start %s daemons as %s', 'phd.user', 'phd.user', 'phd', 'sudo', 'phd', 'phd', phutil_tag('tt', array(), $daemon->getRunningAsUser()), phutil_tag('tt', array(), $phd_user), phutil_tag('tt', array(), $daemon->getRunningAsUser()), phutil_tag('tt', array(), $phd_user)); $this->newIssue('daemons.run-as-different-user') ->setName(pht('Daemons are running as the wrong user')) ->setSummary($summary) ->setMessage($message) ->addCommand('phabricator/ $ ./bin/phd restart'); } } if ($daemon->getEnvHash() != $environment_hash) { $doc_href = PhabricatorEnv::getDocLink( 'Managing Daemons with phd'); $summary = pht( 'At least one daemon is currently running with different '. 'configuration than the Phabricator web application.'); $list_section = null; $env_info = $daemon->getEnvInfo(); if ($env_info) { $issues = PhabricatorEnv::compareEnvironmentInfo( PhabricatorEnv::calculateEnvironmentInfo(), $env_info); if ($issues) { foreach ($issues as $key => $issue) { $issues[$key] = phutil_tag('li', array(), $issue); } $list_section = array( pht( 'The configurations differ in the following %s way(s):', - new PhutilNumber(count($issues))), + phutil_count($issues)), phutil_tag( 'ul', array(), $issues), ); } } $message = pht( 'At least one daemon is currently running with a different '. 'configuration (config checksum %s) than the web application '. '(config checksum %s).'. "\n\n%s". 'This usually means that you have just made a configuration change '. 'from the web UI, but have not yet restarted the daemons. You '. 'need to restart the daemons after making configuration changes '. 'so they will pick up the new values: until you do, they will '. 'continue operating with the old settings.'. "\n\n". '(If you plan to make more changes, you can restart the daemons '. 'once after you finish making all of your changes.)'. "\n\n". 'Use %s to restart daemons. You can find a list of running daemons '. 'in the %s, which will also help you identify which daemon (or '. 'daemons) have divergent configuration. For more information about '. 'managing the daemons, see %s in the documentation.'. "\n\n". 'This can also happen if you use the %s environmental variable to '. 'choose a configuration file, but the daemons run with a different '. 'value than the web application. If restarting the daemons does '. 'not resolve this issue and you use %s to select configuration, '. 'check that it is set consistently.'. "\n\n". 'A third possible cause is that you run several machines, and '. 'the %s configuration file differs between them. This file is '. 'updated when you edit configuration from the CLI with %s. If '. 'restarting the daemons does not resolve this issue and you '. 'run multiple machines, check that all machines have identical '. '%s configuration files.'. "\n\n". 'This issue is not severe, but usually indicates that something '. 'is not configured the way you expect, and may cause the daemons '. 'to exhibit different behavior than the web application does.', phutil_tag('tt', array(), substr($daemon->getEnvHash(), 0, 12)), phutil_tag('tt', array(), substr($environment_hash, 0, 12)), $list_section, phutil_tag('tt', array(), 'bin/phd restart'), phutil_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => '/daemon/', 'target' => '_blank', ), pht('Daemon Console')), phutil_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => $doc_href, 'target' => '_blank', ), pht('Managing Daemons with phd')), phutil_tag('tt', array(), 'PHABRICATOR_ENV'), phutil_tag('tt', array(), 'PHABRICATOR_ENV'), phutil_tag('tt', array(), 'phabricator/conf/local/local.json'), phutil_tag('tt', array(), 'bin/config'), phutil_tag('tt', array(), 'phabricator/conf/local/local.json')); $this->newIssue('daemons.need-restarting') ->setName(pht('Daemons and Web Have Different Config')) ->setSummary($summary) ->setMessage($message) ->addCommand('phabricator/ $ ./bin/phd restart'); break; } } } } diff --git a/src/applications/config/check/PhabricatorPathSetupCheck.php b/src/applications/config/check/PhabricatorPathSetupCheck.php index 618c81abb9..9f5502e215 100644 --- a/src/applications/config/check/PhabricatorPathSetupCheck.php +++ b/src/applications/config/check/PhabricatorPathSetupCheck.php @@ -1,136 +1,136 @@ newIssue('config.environment.append-paths') ->setName(pht('%s Not Set', '$PATH')) ->setSummary($summary) ->setMessage($message) ->addPhabricatorConfig('environment.append-paths'); // Bail on checks below. return; } // Users are remarkably industrious at misconfiguring software. Try to // catch mistaken configuration of PATH. $path_parts = explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $path); $bad_paths = array(); foreach ($path_parts as $path_part) { if (!strlen($path_part)) { continue; } $message = null; $not_exists = false; foreach (Filesystem::walkToRoot($path_part) as $part) { if (!Filesystem::pathExists($part)) { $not_exists = $part; // Walk up so we can tell if this is a readability issue or not. continue; } else if (!is_dir(Filesystem::resolvePath($part))) { $message = pht( "The PATH component '%s' (which resolves as the absolute path ". "'%s') is not usable because '%s' is not a directory.", $path_part, Filesystem::resolvePath($path_part), $part); } else if (!is_readable($part)) { $message = pht( "The PATH component '%s' (which resolves as the absolute path ". "'%s') is not usable because '%s' is not readable.", $path_part, Filesystem::resolvePath($path_part), $part); } else if ($not_exists) { $message = pht( "The PATH component '%s' (which resolves as the absolute path ". "'%s') is not usable because '%s' does not exist.", $path_part, Filesystem::resolvePath($path_part), $not_exists); } else { // Everything seems good. break; } if ($message !== null) { break; } } if ($message === null) { if (!phutil_is_windows() && !@file_exists($path_part.'/.')) { $message = pht( "The PATH component '%s' (which resolves as the absolute path ". "'%s') is not usable because it is not traversable (its '%s' ". "permission bit is not set).", $path_part, Filesystem::resolvePath($path_part), '+x'); } } if ($message !== null) { $bad_paths[$path_part] = $message; } } if ($bad_paths) { foreach ($bad_paths as $path_part => $message) { $digest = substr(PhabricatorHash::digest($path_part), 0, 8); $this ->newIssue('config.PATH.'.$digest) - ->setName(pht('$PATH Component Unusable')) + ->setName(pht('%s Component Unusable', '$PATH')) ->setSummary( pht( 'A component of the configured PATH can not be used by '. 'the webserver: %s', $path_part)) ->setMessage( pht( "The configured PATH includes a component which is not usable. ". "Phabricator will be unable to find or execute binaries located ". "here:". "\n\n". "%s". "\n\n". "The user that the webserver runs as must be able to read all ". "the directories in PATH in order to make use of them.", $message)) ->addPhabricatorConfig('environment.append-paths'); } } } } diff --git a/src/applications/config/view/PhabricatorSetupIssueView.php b/src/applications/config/view/PhabricatorSetupIssueView.php index 7ece4f865c..cb8859bb86 100644 --- a/src/applications/config/view/PhabricatorSetupIssueView.php +++ b/src/applications/config/view/PhabricatorSetupIssueView.php @@ -1,550 +1,550 @@ issue = $issue; return $this; } public function getIssue() { return $this->issue; } public function render() { $issue = $this->getIssue(); $description = array(); $description[] = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'setup-issue-instructions', ), phutil_escape_html_newlines($issue->getMessage())); $configs = $issue->getPHPConfig(); if ($configs) { $description[] = $this->renderPHPConfig($configs, $issue); } $configs = $issue->getMySQLConfig(); if ($configs) { $description[] = $this->renderMySQLConfig($configs); } $configs = $issue->getPhabricatorConfig(); if ($configs) { $description[] = $this->renderPhabricatorConfig($configs); } $related_configs = $issue->getRelatedPhabricatorConfig(); if ($related_configs) { $description[] = $this->renderPhabricatorConfig($related_configs, $related = true); } $commands = $issue->getCommands(); if ($commands) { $run_these = pht('Run these %d command(s):', count($commands)); $description[] = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'setup-issue-config', ), array( phutil_tag('p', array(), $run_these), phutil_tag('pre', array(), phutil_implode_html("\n", $commands)), )); } $extensions = $issue->getPHPExtensions(); if ($extensions) { $install_these = pht( 'Install these %d PHP extension(s):', count($extensions)); $install_info = pht( 'You can usually install a PHP extension using %s or %s. Common '. 'package names are %s or %s. Try commands like these:', phutil_tag('tt', array(), 'apt-get'), phutil_tag('tt', array(), 'yum'), hsprintf('php-%s', pht('extname')), hsprintf('php5-%s', pht('extname'))); // TODO: We should do a better job of detecting how to install extensions // on the current system. $install_commands = hsprintf( "\$ sudo apt-get install php5-extname ". "# Debian / Ubuntu\n". "\$ sudo yum install php-extname ". "# Red Hat / Derivatives"); $fallback_info = pht( "If those commands don't work, try Google. The process of installing ". "PHP extensions is not specific to Phabricator, and any instructions ". "you can find for installing them on your system should work. On Mac ". "OS X, you might want to try Homebrew."); $restart_info = pht( 'After installing new PHP extensions, restart your webserver '. 'for the changes to take effect.', hsprintf('')); $description[] = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'setup-issue-config', ), array( phutil_tag('p', array(), $install_these), phutil_tag('pre', array(), implode("\n", $extensions)), phutil_tag('p', array(), $install_info), phutil_tag('pre', array(), $install_commands), phutil_tag('p', array(), $fallback_info), phutil_tag('p', array(), $restart_info), )); } $related_links = $issue->getLinks(); if ($related_links) { $description[] = $this->renderRelatedLinks($related_links); } $actions = array(); if (!$issue->getIsFatal()) { if ($issue->getIsIgnored()) { $actions[] = javelin_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => '/config/unignore/'.$issue->getIssueKey().'/', 'sigil' => 'workflow', 'class' => 'button grey', ), pht('Unignore Setup Issue')); } else { $actions[] = javelin_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => '/config/ignore/'.$issue->getIssueKey().'/', 'sigil' => 'workflow', 'class' => 'button grey', ), pht('Ignore Setup Issue')); } $actions[] = javelin_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => '/config/issue/'.$issue->getIssueKey().'/', 'class' => 'button grey', 'style' => 'float: right', ), pht('Reload Page')); } if ($actions) { $actions = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'setup-issue-actions', ), $actions); } if ($issue->getIsIgnored()) { $status = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'setup-issue-status', ), pht( 'This issue is currently ignored, and does not show a global '. 'warning.')); $next = null; } else { $status = null; $next = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'setup-issue-next', ), pht('To continue, resolve this problem and reload the page.')); } $name = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'setup-issue-name', ), $issue->getName()); $head = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'setup-issue-head', ), array($name, $status)); $tail = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'setup-issue-tail', ), array($actions)); $issue = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'setup-issue', ), array( $head, $description, $tail, )); $debug_info = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'setup-issue-debug', ), pht('Host: %s', php_uname('n'))); return phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'setup-issue-shell', ), array( $issue, $next, $debug_info, )); } private function renderPhabricatorConfig(array $configs, $related = false) { $issue = $this->getIssue(); $table_info = phutil_tag( 'p', array(), pht( 'The current Phabricator configuration has these %d value(s):', count($configs))); $options = PhabricatorApplicationConfigOptions::loadAllOptions(); $hidden = array(); foreach ($options as $key => $option) { if ($option->getHidden()) { $hidden[$key] = true; } } $table = null; $dict = array(); foreach ($configs as $key) { if (isset($hidden[$key])) { $dict[$key] = null; } else { $dict[$key] = PhabricatorEnv::getUnrepairedEnvConfig($key); } } $table = $this->renderValueTable($dict, $hidden); if ($this->getIssue()->getIsFatal()) { $update_info = phutil_tag( 'p', array(), pht( 'To update these %d value(s), run these command(s) from the command '. 'line:', count($configs))); $update = array(); foreach ($configs as $key) { $update[] = hsprintf( 'phabricator/ $ ./bin/config set %s value', $key); } $update = phutil_tag('pre', array(), phutil_implode_html("\n", $update)); } else { $update = array(); foreach ($configs as $config) { if (idx($options, $config) && $options[$config]->getLocked()) { continue; } $link = phutil_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => '/config/edit/'.$config.'/?issue='.$issue->getIssueKey(), ), pht('Edit %s', $config)); $update[] = phutil_tag('li', array(), $link); } if ($update) { $update = phutil_tag('ul', array(), $update); if (!$related) { $update_info = phutil_tag( 'p', array(), pht('You can update these %d value(s) here:', count($configs))); } else { $update_info = phutil_tag( 'p', array(), pht('These %d configuration value(s) are related:', count($configs))); } } else { $update = null; $update_info = null; } } return phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'setup-issue-config', ), array( $table_info, $table, $update_info, $update, )); } private function renderPHPConfig(array $configs, $issue) { $table_info = phutil_tag( 'p', array(), pht( 'The current PHP configuration has these %d value(s):', count($configs))); $dict = array(); foreach ($configs as $key) { $dict[$key] = $issue->getPHPConfigOriginalValue( $key, ini_get($key)); } $table = $this->renderValueTable($dict); ob_start(); phpinfo(); $phpinfo = ob_get_clean(); $rex = '@Loaded Configuration File\s*(.*?)@i'; $matches = null; $ini_loc = null; if (preg_match($rex, $phpinfo, $matches)) { $ini_loc = trim($matches[1]); } $rex = '@Additional \.ini files parsed\s*(.*?)@i'; $more_loc = array(); if (preg_match($rex, $phpinfo, $matches)) { $more_loc = trim($matches[1]); if ($more_loc == '(none)') { $more_loc = array(); } else { $more_loc = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', $more_loc); } } $info = array(); if (!$ini_loc) { $info[] = phutil_tag( 'p', array(), pht( 'To update these %d value(s), edit your PHP configuration file.', count($configs))); } else { $info[] = phutil_tag( 'p', array(), pht( 'To update these %d value(s), edit your PHP configuration file, '. 'located here:', count($configs))); $info[] = phutil_tag( 'pre', array(), $ini_loc); } if ($more_loc) { $info[] = phutil_tag( 'p', array(), pht( 'PHP also loaded these %s configuration file(s):', - new PhutilNumber(count($more_loc)))); + phutil_count($more_loc))); $info[] = phutil_tag( 'pre', array(), implode("\n", $more_loc)); } $info[] = phutil_tag( 'p', array(), pht( 'You can find more information about PHP configuration values in the '. '%s.', phutil_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => 'http://php.net/manual/ini.list.php', 'target' => '_blank', ), pht('PHP Documentation')))); $info[] = phutil_tag( 'p', array(), pht( 'After editing the PHP configuration, restart your '. 'webserver for the changes to take effect.', hsprintf(''))); return phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'setup-issue-config', ), array( $table_info, $table, $info, )); } private function renderMySQLConfig(array $config) { $values = array(); foreach ($config as $key) { $value = PhabricatorMySQLSetupCheck::loadRawConfigValue($key); if ($value === null) { $value = phutil_tag( 'em', array(), pht('(Not Supported)')); } $values[$key] = $value; } $table = $this->renderValueTable($values); $doc_href = PhabricatorEnv::getDoclink('User Guide: Amazon RDS'); $doc_link = phutil_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => $doc_href, 'target' => '_blank', ), pht('User Guide: Amazon RDS')); $info = array(); $info[] = phutil_tag( 'p', array(), pht( 'If you are using Amazon RDS, some of the instructions above may '. 'not apply to you. See %s for discussion of Amazon RDS.', $doc_link)); $table_info = phutil_tag( 'p', array(), pht( 'The current MySQL configuration has these %d value(s):', count($config))); return phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'setup-issue-config', ), array( $table_info, $table, $info, )); } private function renderValueTable(array $dict, array $hidden = array()) { $rows = array(); foreach ($dict as $key => $value) { if (isset($hidden[$key])) { $value = phutil_tag('em', array(), 'hidden'); } else { $value = $this->renderValueForDisplay($value); } $cols = array( phutil_tag('th', array(), $key), phutil_tag('td', array(), $value), ); $rows[] = phutil_tag('tr', array(), $cols); } return phutil_tag('table', array(), $rows); } private function renderValueForDisplay($value) { if ($value === null) { return phutil_tag('em', array(), 'null'); } else if ($value === false) { return phutil_tag('em', array(), 'false'); } else if ($value === true) { return phutil_tag('em', array(), 'true'); } else if ($value === '') { return phutil_tag('em', array(), 'empty string'); } else if ($value instanceof PhutilSafeHTML) { return $value; } else { return PhabricatorConfigJSON::prettyPrintJSON($value); } } private function renderRelatedLinks(array $links) { $link_info = phutil_tag( 'p', array(), pht( '%d related link(s):', count($links))); $link_list = array(); foreach ($links as $link) { $link_tag = phutil_tag( 'a', array( 'target' => '_blank', 'href' => $link['href'], ), $link['name']); $link_item = phutil_tag('li', array(), $link_tag); $link_list[] = $link_item; } $link_list = phutil_tag('ul', array(), $link_list); return phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'setup-issue-config', ), array( $link_info, $link_list, )); } } diff --git a/src/applications/conpherence/conduit/ConpherenceUpdateThreadConduitAPIMethod.php b/src/applications/conpherence/conduit/ConpherenceUpdateThreadConduitAPIMethod.php index c7ea1405cd..d5f3267a06 100644 --- a/src/applications/conpherence/conduit/ConpherenceUpdateThreadConduitAPIMethod.php +++ b/src/applications/conpherence/conduit/ConpherenceUpdateThreadConduitAPIMethod.php @@ -1,109 +1,108 @@ 'optional int', 'phid' => 'optional phid', 'title' => 'optional string', 'message' => 'optional string', 'addParticipantPHIDs' => 'optional list', 'removeParticipantPHID' => 'optional phid', ); } protected function defineReturnType() { return 'bool'; } protected function defineErrorTypes() { return array( 'ERR_USAGE_NO_ROOM_ID' => pht( - 'You must specify a room id or room phid to query transactions '. - 'from.'), + 'You must specify a room ID or room PHID to query transactions from.'), 'ERR_USAGE_ROOM_NOT_FOUND' => pht( - 'room does not exist or logged in user can not see it.'), + 'Room does not exist or logged in user can not see it.'), 'ERR_USAGE_ONLY_SELF_REMOVE' => pht( 'Only a user can remove themselves from a room.'), 'ERR_USAGE_NO_UPDATES' => pht( - 'You must specify data that actually updates the conpherence.'), + 'You must specify data that actually updates the Conpherence.'), ); } protected function execute(ConduitAPIRequest $request) { $user = $request->getUser(); $id = $request->getValue('id'); $phid = $request->getValue('phid'); $query = id(new ConpherenceThreadQuery()) ->setViewer($user) ->needFilePHIDs(true); if ($id) { $query->withIDs(array($id)); } else if ($phid) { $query->withPHIDs(array($phid)); } else { throw new ConduitException('ERR_USAGE_NO_ROOM_ID'); } $conpherence = $query->executeOne(); if (!$conpherence) { throw new ConduitException('ERR_USAGE_ROOM_NOT_FOUND'); } $source = PhabricatorContentSource::newFromConduitRequest($request); $editor = id(new ConpherenceEditor()) ->setContentSource($source) ->setActor($user); $xactions = array(); $add_participant_phids = $request->getValue('addParticipantPHIDs', array()); $remove_participant_phid = $request->getValue('removeParticipantPHID'); $message = $request->getValue('message'); $title = $request->getValue('title'); if ($add_participant_phids) { $xactions[] = id(new ConpherenceTransaction()) ->setTransactionType( ConpherenceTransaction::TYPE_PARTICIPANTS) ->setNewValue(array('+' => $add_participant_phids)); } if ($remove_participant_phid) { if ($remove_participant_phid != $user->getPHID()) { throw new ConduitException('ERR_USAGE_ONLY_SELF_REMOVE'); } $xactions[] = id(new ConpherenceTransaction()) ->setTransactionType( ConpherenceTransaction::TYPE_PARTICIPANTS) ->setNewValue(array('-' => array($remove_participant_phid))); } if ($title) { $xactions[] = id(new ConpherenceTransaction()) ->setTransactionType(ConpherenceTransaction::TYPE_TITLE) ->setNewValue($title); } if ($message) { $xactions = array_merge( $xactions, $editor->generateTransactionsFromText( $user, $conpherence, $message)); } try { $xactions = $editor->applyTransactions($conpherence, $xactions); } catch (PhabricatorApplicationTransactionNoEffectException $ex) { throw new ConduitException('ERR_USAGE_NO_UPDATES'); } return true; } } diff --git a/src/applications/conpherence/controller/ConpherenceUpdateController.php b/src/applications/conpherence/controller/ConpherenceUpdateController.php index 6012c81437..1ab0923fc4 100644 --- a/src/applications/conpherence/controller/ConpherenceUpdateController.php +++ b/src/applications/conpherence/controller/ConpherenceUpdateController.php @@ -1,563 +1,559 @@ getUser(); $conpherence_id = $request->getURIData('id'); if (!$conpherence_id) { return new Aphront404Response(); } $need_participants = false; $needed_capabilities = array(PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW); $action = $request->getStr('action', ConpherenceUpdateActions::METADATA); switch ($action) { case ConpherenceUpdateActions::REMOVE_PERSON: $person_phid = $request->getStr('remove_person'); if ($person_phid != $user->getPHID()) { $needed_capabilities[] = PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT; } break; case ConpherenceUpdateActions::ADD_PERSON: case ConpherenceUpdateActions::METADATA: $needed_capabilities[] = PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT; break; case ConpherenceUpdateActions::JOIN_ROOM: $needed_capabilities[] = PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_JOIN; break; case ConpherenceUpdateActions::NOTIFICATIONS: $need_participants = true; break; case ConpherenceUpdateActions::LOAD: break; } $conpherence = id(new ConpherenceThreadQuery()) ->setViewer($user) ->withIDs(array($conpherence_id)) ->needFilePHIDs(true) ->needOrigPics(true) ->needCropPics(true) ->needParticipants($need_participants) ->requireCapabilities($needed_capabilities) ->executeOne(); $latest_transaction_id = null; $response_mode = $request->isAjax() ? 'ajax' : 'redirect'; $error_view = null; $e_file = array(); $errors = array(); $delete_draft = false; $xactions = array(); if ($request->isFormPost() || ($action == ConpherenceUpdateActions::LOAD)) { $editor = id(new ConpherenceEditor()) ->setContinueOnNoEffect($request->isContinueRequest()) ->setContentSourceFromRequest($request) ->setActor($user); switch ($action) { case ConpherenceUpdateActions::DRAFT: $draft = PhabricatorDraft::newFromUserAndKey( $user, $conpherence->getPHID()); $draft->setDraft($request->getStr('text')); $draft->replaceOrDelete(); return new AphrontAjaxResponse(); case ConpherenceUpdateActions::JOIN_ROOM: $xactions[] = id(new ConpherenceTransaction()) ->setTransactionType( ConpherenceTransaction::TYPE_PARTICIPANTS) ->setNewValue(array('+' => array($user->getPHID()))); $delete_draft = true; $message = $request->getStr('text'); if ($message) { $message_xactions = $editor->generateTransactionsFromText( $user, $conpherence, $message); $xactions = array_merge($xactions, $message_xactions); } // for now, just redirect back to the conpherence so everything // will work okay...! $response_mode = 'redirect'; break; case ConpherenceUpdateActions::MESSAGE: $message = $request->getStr('text'); if (strlen($message)) { $xactions = $editor->generateTransactionsFromText( $user, $conpherence, $message); $delete_draft = true; } else { $action = ConpherenceUpdateActions::LOAD; $updated = false; $response_mode = 'ajax'; } break; case ConpherenceUpdateActions::ADD_PERSON: $person_phids = $request->getArr('add_person'); if (!empty($person_phids)) { $xactions[] = id(new ConpherenceTransaction()) ->setTransactionType( ConpherenceTransaction::TYPE_PARTICIPANTS) ->setNewValue(array('+' => $person_phids)); } break; case ConpherenceUpdateActions::REMOVE_PERSON: if (!$request->isContinueRequest()) { // do nothing; we'll display a confirmation dialogue instead break; } $person_phid = $request->getStr('remove_person'); if ($person_phid && $person_phid == $user->getPHID()) { $xactions[] = id(new ConpherenceTransaction()) ->setTransactionType( ConpherenceTransaction::TYPE_PARTICIPANTS) ->setNewValue(array('-' => array($person_phid))); $response_mode = 'go-home'; } break; case ConpherenceUpdateActions::NOTIFICATIONS: $notifications = $request->getStr('notifications'); $participant = $conpherence->getParticipantIfExists($user->getPHID()); if (!$participant) { return id(new Aphront404Response()); } $participant->setSettings(array('notifications' => $notifications)); $participant->save(); $result = pht( 'Updated notification settings to "%s".', ConpherenceSettings::getHumanString($notifications)); return id(new AphrontAjaxResponse()) ->setContent($result); break; case ConpherenceUpdateActions::METADATA: $top = $request->getInt('image_y'); $left = $request->getInt('image_x'); $file_id = $request->getInt('file_id'); $title = $request->getStr('title'); if ($file_id) { $orig_file = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery()) ->setViewer($user) ->withIDs(array($file_id)) ->executeOne(); $xactions[] = id(new ConpherenceTransaction()) ->setTransactionType(ConpherenceTransaction::TYPE_PICTURE) ->setNewValue($orig_file); $okay = $orig_file->isTransformableImage(); if ($okay) { $xformer = new PhabricatorImageTransformer(); $crop_file = $xformer->executeConpherenceTransform( $orig_file, 0, 0, ConpherenceImageData::CROP_WIDTH, ConpherenceImageData::CROP_HEIGHT); $xactions[] = id(new ConpherenceTransaction()) ->setTransactionType( ConpherenceTransaction::TYPE_PICTURE_CROP) ->setNewValue($crop_file->getPHID()); } $response_mode = 'redirect'; } // all other metadata updates are continue requests if (!$request->isContinueRequest()) { break; } if ($top !== null || $left !== null) { $file = $conpherence->getImage(ConpherenceImageData::SIZE_ORIG); $xformer = new PhabricatorImageTransformer(); $xformed = $xformer->executeConpherenceTransform( $file, $top, $left, ConpherenceImageData::CROP_WIDTH, ConpherenceImageData::CROP_HEIGHT); $image_phid = $xformed->getPHID(); $xactions[] = id(new ConpherenceTransaction()) ->setTransactionType( ConpherenceTransaction::TYPE_PICTURE_CROP) ->setNewValue($image_phid); } $title = $request->getStr('title'); $xactions[] = id(new ConpherenceTransaction()) ->setTransactionType(ConpherenceTransaction::TYPE_TITLE) ->setNewValue($title); $xactions[] = id(new ConpherenceTransaction()) ->setTransactionType(PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_VIEW_POLICY) ->setNewValue($request->getStr('viewPolicy')); $xactions[] = id(new ConpherenceTransaction()) ->setTransactionType(PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDIT_POLICY) ->setNewValue($request->getStr('editPolicy')); $xactions[] = id(new ConpherenceTransaction()) ->setTransactionType(PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_JOIN_POLICY) ->setNewValue($request->getStr('joinPolicy')); if (!$request->getExists('force_ajax')) { $response_mode = 'redirect'; } break; case ConpherenceUpdateActions::LOAD: $updated = false; $response_mode = 'ajax'; break; default: throw new Exception(pht('Unknown action: %s', $action)); break; } if ($xactions) { try { $xactions = $editor->applyTransactions($conpherence, $xactions); if ($delete_draft) { $draft = PhabricatorDraft::newFromUserAndKey( $user, $conpherence->getPHID()); $draft->delete(); } } catch (PhabricatorApplicationTransactionNoEffectException $ex) { return id(new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionNoEffectResponse()) ->setCancelURI($this->getApplicationURI($conpherence_id.'/')) ->setException($ex); } // xactions had no effect...! if (empty($xactions)) { $errors[] = pht( 'That was a non-update. Try cancel.'); } } if ($xactions || ($action == ConpherenceUpdateActions::LOAD)) { switch ($response_mode) { case 'ajax': $latest_transaction_id = $request->getInt('latest_transaction_id'); $content = $this->loadAndRenderUpdates( $action, $conpherence_id, $latest_transaction_id); return id(new AphrontAjaxResponse()) ->setContent($content); break; case 'go-home': $content = array( 'href' => $this->getApplicationURI(), ); return id(new AphrontAjaxResponse()) ->setContent($content); break; case 'redirect': default: return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse()) ->setURI('/'.$conpherence->getMonogram()); break; } } } if ($errors) { $error_view = id(new PHUIInfoView()) ->setErrors($errors); } switch ($action) { case ConpherenceUpdateActions::ADD_PERSON: $dialogue = $this->renderAddPersonDialogue($conpherence); break; case ConpherenceUpdateActions::REMOVE_PERSON: $dialogue = $this->renderRemovePersonDialogue($conpherence); break; case ConpherenceUpdateActions::METADATA: default: $dialogue = $this->renderMetadataDialogue($conpherence, $error_view); break; } return id(new AphrontDialogResponse()) ->setDialog($dialogue ->setUser($user) ->setWidth(AphrontDialogView::WIDTH_FORM) ->setSubmitURI($this->getApplicationURI('update/'.$conpherence_id.'/')) ->addSubmitButton() ->addCancelButton($this->getApplicationURI($conpherence->getID().'/'))); } private function renderAddPersonDialogue( ConpherenceThread $conpherence) { $request = $this->getRequest(); $user = $request->getUser(); $add_person = $request->getStr('add_person'); $form = id(new AphrontFormView()) ->setUser($user) ->setFullWidth(true) ->appendControl( id(new AphrontFormTokenizerControl()) ->setName('add_person') ->setUser($user) ->setDatasource(new PhabricatorPeopleDatasource())); require_celerity_resource('conpherence-update-css'); $view = id(new AphrontDialogView()) ->setTitle(pht('Add Participants')) ->addHiddenInput('action', 'add_person') ->addHiddenInput( 'latest_transaction_id', $request->getInt('latest_transaction_id')) ->appendForm($form); if ($request->getExists('minimal_display')) { $view->addHiddenInput('minimal_display', true); } return $view; } private function renderRemovePersonDialogue( ConpherenceThread $conpherence) { $request = $this->getRequest(); $user = $request->getUser(); $remove_person = $request->getStr('remove_person'); $participants = $conpherence->getParticipants(); - $message = pht( - 'Are you sure you want to leave this room?'); + $message = pht('Are you sure you want to leave this room?'); $test_conpherence = clone $conpherence; $test_conpherence->attachParticipants(array()); if (!PhabricatorPolicyFilter::hasCapability( $user, $test_conpherence, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW)) { if (count($participants) == 1) { - $message .= pht( - ' The room will be inaccessible forever and ever.'); + $message .= ' '.pht('The room will be inaccessible forever and ever.'); } else { - $message .= pht( - ' Someone else in the room can add you back later.'); + $message .= ' '.pht('Someone else in the room can add you back later.'); } } $body = phutil_tag( 'p', - array( - ), + array(), $message); require_celerity_resource('conpherence-update-css'); return id(new AphrontDialogView()) ->setTitle(pht('Leave Room')) ->addHiddenInput('action', 'remove_person') ->addHiddenInput('remove_person', $remove_person) ->addHiddenInput( 'latest_transaction_id', $request->getInt('latest_transaction_id')) ->addHiddenInput('__continue__', true) ->appendChild($body); } private function renderMetadataDialogue( ConpherenceThread $conpherence, $error_view) { $request = $this->getRequest(); $user = $request->getUser(); $title = pht('Update Room'); $form = id(new PHUIFormLayoutView()) ->appendChild($error_view) ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormTextControl()) ->setLabel(pht('Title')) ->setName('title') ->setValue($conpherence->getTitle())); $nopic = $this->getRequest()->getExists('nopic'); $image = $conpherence->getImage(ConpherenceImageData::SIZE_ORIG); if ($nopic) { // do not render any pic related controls } else if ($image) { $crop_uri = $conpherence->loadImageURI(ConpherenceImageData::SIZE_CROP); $form ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormMarkupControl()) ->setLabel(pht('Image')) ->setValue(phutil_tag( 'img', array( 'src' => $crop_uri, )))) ->appendChild( id(new ConpherencePicCropControl()) ->setLabel(pht('Crop Image')) ->setValue($image)) ->appendChild( id(new ConpherenceFormDragAndDropUploadControl()) ->setLabel(pht('Change Image'))); } else { $form ->appendChild( id(new ConpherenceFormDragAndDropUploadControl()) ->setLabel(pht('Image'))); } $policies = id(new PhabricatorPolicyQuery()) ->setViewer($user) ->setObject($conpherence) ->execute(); $form ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormPolicyControl()) ->setName('viewPolicy') ->setPolicyObject($conpherence) ->setCapability(PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW) ->setPolicies($policies)) ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormPolicyControl()) ->setName('editPolicy') ->setPolicyObject($conpherence) ->setCapability(PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT) ->setPolicies($policies)) ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormPolicyControl()) ->setName('joinPolicy') ->setPolicyObject($conpherence) ->setCapability(PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_JOIN) ->setPolicies($policies)); require_celerity_resource('conpherence-update-css'); $view = id(new AphrontDialogView()) ->setTitle($title) ->addHiddenInput('action', 'metadata') ->addHiddenInput( 'latest_transaction_id', $request->getInt('latest_transaction_id')) ->addHiddenInput('__continue__', true) ->appendChild($form); if ($request->getExists('minimal_display')) { $view->addHiddenInput('minimal_display', true); } if ($request->getExists('force_ajax')) { $view->addHiddenInput('force_ajax', true); } return $view; } private function loadAndRenderUpdates( $action, $conpherence_id, $latest_transaction_id) { $minimal_display = $this->getRequest()->getExists('minimal_display'); $need_widget_data = false; $need_transactions = false; $need_participant_cache = true; switch ($action) { case ConpherenceUpdateActions::METADATA: case ConpherenceUpdateActions::LOAD: $need_transactions = true; break; case ConpherenceUpdateActions::MESSAGE: case ConpherenceUpdateActions::ADD_PERSON: $need_transactions = true; $need_widget_data = !$minimal_display; break; case ConpherenceUpdateActions::REMOVE_PERSON: case ConpherenceUpdateActions::NOTIFICATIONS: default: break; } $user = $this->getRequest()->getUser(); $conpherence = id(new ConpherenceThreadQuery()) ->setViewer($user) ->setAfterTransactionID($latest_transaction_id) ->needCropPics(true) ->needParticipantCache($need_participant_cache) ->needWidgetData($need_widget_data) ->needTransactions($need_transactions) ->withIDs(array($conpherence_id)) ->executeOne(); $non_update = false; if ($need_transactions && $conpherence->getTransactions()) { $data = ConpherenceTransactionRenderer::renderTransactions( $user, $conpherence, !$minimal_display); $participant_obj = $conpherence->getParticipant($user->getPHID()); $participant_obj->markUpToDate($conpherence, $data['latest_transaction']); } else if ($need_transactions) { $non_update = true; $data = array(); } else { $data = array(); } $rendered_transactions = idx($data, 'transactions'); $new_latest_transaction_id = idx($data, 'latest_transaction_id'); $widget_uri = $this->getApplicationURI('update/'.$conpherence->getID().'/'); $nav_item = null; $header = null; $people_widget = null; $file_widget = null; if (!$minimal_display) { switch ($action) { case ConpherenceUpdateActions::METADATA: $policy_objects = id(new PhabricatorPolicyQuery()) ->setViewer($user) ->setObject($conpherence) ->execute(); $header = $this->buildHeaderPaneContent( $conpherence, $policy_objects); $header = hsprintf('%s', $header); $nav_item = id(new ConpherenceThreadListView()) ->setUser($user) ->setBaseURI($this->getApplicationURI()) ->renderSingleThread($conpherence, $policy_objects); $nav_item = hsprintf('%s', $nav_item); break; case ConpherenceUpdateActions::ADD_PERSON: $people_widget = id(new ConpherencePeopleWidgetView()) ->setUser($user) ->setConpherence($conpherence) ->setUpdateURI($widget_uri); $people_widget = hsprintf('%s', $people_widget->render()); break; case ConpherenceUpdateActions::REMOVE_PERSON: case ConpherenceUpdateActions::NOTIFICATIONS: default: break; } } $data = $conpherence->getDisplayData($user); $dropdown_query = id(new AphlictDropdownDataQuery()) ->setViewer($user); $dropdown_query->execute(); $content = array( 'non_update' => $non_update, 'transactions' => hsprintf('%s', $rendered_transactions), 'conpherence_title' => (string)$data['title'], 'latest_transaction_id' => $new_latest_transaction_id, 'nav_item' => $nav_item, 'conpherence_phid' => $conpherence->getPHID(), 'header' => $header, 'file_widget' => $file_widget, 'people_widget' => $people_widget, 'aphlictDropdownData' => array( $dropdown_query->getNotificationData(), $dropdown_query->getConpherenceData(), ), ); return $content; } } diff --git a/src/applications/conpherence/storage/ConpherenceTransaction.php b/src/applications/conpherence/storage/ConpherenceTransaction.php index ba49cdf9b4..062b9e4a9f 100644 --- a/src/applications/conpherence/storage/ConpherenceTransaction.php +++ b/src/applications/conpherence/storage/ConpherenceTransaction.php @@ -1,200 +1,200 @@ getTransactionType()) { case self::TYPE_PARTICIPANTS: return pht( 'You can not add a participant who has already been added.'); break; } return parent::getNoEffectDescription(); } public function shouldHide() { $old = $this->getOldValue(); switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case self::TYPE_PARTICIPANTS: return ($old === null); case self::TYPE_TITLE: case self::TYPE_PICTURE: case self::TYPE_DATE_MARKER: return false; case self::TYPE_FILES: return true; case self::TYPE_PICTURE_CROP: return true; } return parent::shouldHide(); } public function getTitle() { $author_phid = $this->getAuthorPHID(); $old = $this->getOldValue(); $new = $this->getNewValue(); switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case self::TYPE_TITLE: case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_VIEW_POLICY: case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDIT_POLICY: case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_JOIN_POLICY: case self::TYPE_PICTURE: return $this->getRoomTitle(); break; case self::TYPE_FILES: $add = array_diff($new, $old); $rem = array_diff($old, $new); if ($add && $rem) { $title = pht( '%s edited files(s), added %d and removed %d.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), count($add), count($rem)); } else if ($add) { $title = pht( - '%s added %d files(s).', + '%s added %s files(s).', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), - count($add)); + phutil_count($add)); } else { $title = pht( - '%s removed %d file(s).', + '%s removed %s file(s).', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), - count($rem)); + phutil_count($rem)); } return $title; break; case self::TYPE_PARTICIPANTS: $add = array_diff($new, $old); $rem = array_diff($old, $new); if ($add && $rem) { $title = pht( '%s edited participant(s), added %d: %s; removed %d: %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), count($add), $this->renderHandleList($add), count($rem), $this->renderHandleList($rem)); } else if ($add) { $title = pht( '%s added %d participant(s): %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), count($add), $this->renderHandleList($add)); } else { $title = pht( '%s removed %d participant(s): %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), count($rem), $this->renderHandleList($rem)); } return $title; break; } return parent::getTitle(); } private function getRoomTitle() { $author_phid = $this->getAuthorPHID(); $old = $this->getOldValue(); $new = $this->getNewValue(); switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case self::TYPE_TITLE: if ($old && $new) { $title = pht( '%s renamed this room from "%s" to "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $old, $new); } else if ($old) { $title = pht( '%s deleted the room name "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $old); } else { $title = pht( '%s named this room "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $new); } return $title; break; case self::TYPE_PICTURE: return pht( '%s updated the room image.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid)); break; case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_VIEW_POLICY: return pht( '%s changed the visibility of this room from "%s" to "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderPolicyName($old, 'old'), $this->renderPolicyName($new, 'new')); break; case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDIT_POLICY: return pht( '%s changed the edit policy of this room from "%s" to "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderPolicyName($old, 'old'), $this->renderPolicyName($new, 'new')); break; case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_JOIN_POLICY: return pht( '%s changed the join policy of this room from "%s" to "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderPolicyName($old, 'old'), $this->renderPolicyName($new, 'new')); break; } } public function getRequiredHandlePHIDs() { $phids = parent::getRequiredHandlePHIDs(); $old = $this->getOldValue(); $new = $this->getNewValue(); $phids[] = $this->getAuthorPHID(); switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case self::TYPE_TITLE: case self::TYPE_PICTURE: case self::TYPE_FILES: case self::TYPE_DATE_MARKER: break; case self::TYPE_PARTICIPANTS: $phids = array_merge($phids, $this->getOldValue()); $phids = array_merge($phids, $this->getNewValue()); break; } return $phids; } } diff --git a/src/applications/daemon/management/PhabricatorDaemonManagementWorkflow.php b/src/applications/daemon/management/PhabricatorDaemonManagementWorkflow.php index 1cfa2499b2..a2beba3cd2 100644 --- a/src/applications/daemon/management/PhabricatorDaemonManagementWorkflow.php +++ b/src/applications/daemon/management/PhabricatorDaemonManagementWorkflow.php @@ -1,678 +1,681 @@ setAncestorClass('PhutilDaemon') ->setConcreteOnly(true) ->selectSymbolsWithoutLoading(); } final protected function getPIDDirectory() { $path = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('phd.pid-directory'); return $this->getControlDirectory($path); } final protected function getLogDirectory() { $path = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('phd.log-directory'); return $this->getControlDirectory($path); } private function getControlDirectory($path) { if (!Filesystem::pathExists($path)) { list($err) = exec_manual('mkdir -p %s', $path); if ($err) { throw new Exception( pht( "%s requires the directory '%s' to exist, but it does not exist ". "and could not be created. Create this directory or update ". "'%s' / '%s' in your configuration to point to an existing ". "directory.", 'phd', $path, 'phd.pid-directory', 'phd.log-directory')); } } return $path; } final protected function loadRunningDaemons() { $daemons = array(); $pid_dir = $this->getPIDDirectory(); $pid_files = Filesystem::listDirectory($pid_dir); foreach ($pid_files as $pid_file) { $path = $pid_dir.'/'.$pid_file; $daemons[] = PhabricatorDaemonReference::loadReferencesFromFile($path); } return array_mergev($daemons); } final protected function loadAllRunningDaemons() { $local_daemons = $this->loadRunningDaemons(); $local_ids = array(); foreach ($local_daemons as $daemon) { $daemon_log = $daemon->getDaemonLog(); if ($daemon_log) { $local_ids[] = $daemon_log->getID(); } } $daemon_query = id(new PhabricatorDaemonLogQuery()) ->setViewer(PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser()) ->withStatus(PhabricatorDaemonLogQuery::STATUS_ALIVE); if ($local_ids) { $daemon_query->withoutIDs($local_ids); } $remote_daemons = $daemon_query->execute(); return array_merge($local_daemons, $remote_daemons); } private function findDaemonClass($substring) { $symbols = $this->loadAvailableDaemonClasses(); $symbols = ipull($symbols, 'name'); $match = array(); foreach ($symbols as $symbol) { if (stripos($symbol, $substring) !== false) { if (strtolower($symbol) == strtolower($substring)) { $match = array($symbol); break; } else { $match[] = $symbol; } } } if (count($match) == 0) { throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException( pht( "No daemons match '%s'! Use '%s' for a list of available daemons.", $substring, 'phd list')); } else if (count($match) > 1) { throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException( pht( "Specify a daemon unambiguously. Multiple daemons match '%s': %s.", $substring, implode(', ', $match))); } return head($match); } final protected function launchDaemons( array $daemons, $debug, $run_as_current_user = false) { // Convert any shorthand classnames like "taskmaster" into proper class // names. foreach ($daemons as $key => $daemon) { $class = $this->findDaemonClass($daemon['class']); $daemons[$key]['class'] = $class; } $console = PhutilConsole::getConsole(); if (!$run_as_current_user) { // Check if the script is started as the correct user $phd_user = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('phd.user'); $current_user = posix_getpwuid(posix_geteuid()); $current_user = $current_user['name']; if ($phd_user && $phd_user != $current_user) { if ($debug) { throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException( pht( "You are trying to run a daemon as a nonstandard user, ". "and `%s` was not able to `%s` to the correct user. \n". 'Phabricator is configured to run daemons as "%s", '. 'but the current user is "%s". '."\n". 'Use `%s` to run as a different user, pass `%s` to ignore this '. 'warning, or edit `%s` to change the configuration.', 'phd', 'sudo', $phd_user, $current_user, 'sudo', '--as-current-user', 'phd.user')); } else { $this->runDaemonsAsUser = $phd_user; $console->writeOut(pht('Starting daemons as %s', $phd_user)."\n"); } } } $this->printLaunchingDaemons($daemons, $debug); $flags = array(); if ($debug || PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('phd.trace')) { $flags[] = '--trace'; } if ($debug || PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('phd.verbose')) { $flags[] = '--verbose'; } $instance = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('cluster.instance'); if ($instance) { $flags[] = '-l'; $flags[] = $instance; } $config = array(); if (!$debug) { $config['daemonize'] = true; } if (!$debug) { $config['log'] = $this->getLogDirectory().'/daemons.log'; } $pid_dir = $this->getPIDDirectory(); // TODO: This should be a much better user experience. Filesystem::assertExists($pid_dir); Filesystem::assertIsDirectory($pid_dir); Filesystem::assertWritable($pid_dir); $config['piddir'] = $pid_dir; $config['daemons'] = $daemons; $command = csprintf('./phd-daemon %Ls', $flags); $phabricator_root = dirname(phutil_get_library_root('phabricator')); $daemon_script_dir = $phabricator_root.'/scripts/daemon/'; if ($debug) { // Don't terminate when the user sends ^C; it will be sent to the // subprocess which will terminate normally. pcntl_signal( SIGINT, array(__CLASS__, 'ignoreSignal')); echo "\n phabricator/scripts/daemon/ \$ {$command}\n\n"; $tempfile = new TempFile('daemon.config'); Filesystem::writeFile($tempfile, json_encode($config)); phutil_passthru( '(cd %s && exec %C < %s)', $daemon_script_dir, $command, $tempfile); } else { try { $this->executeDaemonLaunchCommand( $command, $daemon_script_dir, $config, $this->runDaemonsAsUser); } catch (Exception $e) { // Retry without sudo $console->writeOut( "%s\n", - pht('sudo command failed. Starting daemon as current user.')); + pht( + '%s command failed. Starting daemon as current user.', + 'sudo')); $this->executeDaemonLaunchCommand( $command, $daemon_script_dir, $config); } } } private function executeDaemonLaunchCommand( $command, $daemon_script_dir, array $config, $run_as_user = null) { $is_sudo = false; if ($run_as_user) { // If anything else besides sudo should be // supported then insert it here (runuser, su, ...) $command = csprintf( 'sudo -En -u %s -- %C', $run_as_user, $command); $is_sudo = true; } $future = new ExecFuture('exec %C', $command); // Play games to keep 'ps' looking reasonable. $future->setCWD($daemon_script_dir); $future->write(json_encode($config)); list($stdout, $stderr) = $future->resolvex(); if ($is_sudo) { // On OSX, `sudo -n` exits 0 when the user does not have permission to // switch accounts without a password. This is not consistent with // sudo on Linux, and seems buggy/broken. Check for this by string // matching the output. if (preg_match('/sudo: a password is required/', $stderr)) { throw new Exception( pht( - 'sudo exited with a zero exit code, but emitted output '. - 'consistent with failure under OSX.')); + '%s exited with a zero exit code, but emitted output '. + 'consistent with failure under OSX.', + 'sudo')); } } } public static function ignoreSignal($signo) { return; } public static function requireExtensions() { self::mustHaveExtension('pcntl'); self::mustHaveExtension('posix'); } private static function mustHaveExtension($ext) { if (!extension_loaded($ext)) { echo pht( "ERROR: The PHP extension '%s' is not installed. You must ". "install it to run daemons on this machine.\n", $ext); exit(1); } $extension = new ReflectionExtension($ext); foreach ($extension->getFunctions() as $function) { $function = $function->name; if (!function_exists($function)) { echo pht( "ERROR: The PHP function %s is disabled. You must ". "enable it to run daemons on this machine.\n", $function.'()'); exit(1); } } } /* -( Commands )----------------------------------------------------------- */ final protected function executeStartCommand(array $options) { PhutilTypeSpec::checkMap( $options, array( 'keep-leases' => 'optional bool', 'force' => 'optional bool', 'reserve' => 'optional float', )); $console = PhutilConsole::getConsole(); if (!idx($options, 'force')) { $running = $this->loadRunningDaemons(); // This may include daemons which were launched but which are no longer // running; check that we actually have active daemons before failing. foreach ($running as $daemon) { if ($daemon->isRunning()) { $message = pht( "phd start: Unable to start daemons because daemons are already ". "running.\n\n". "You can view running daemons with '%s'.\n". "You can stop running daemons with '%s'.\n". "You can use '%s' to stop all daemons before starting ". "new daemons.\n". "You can force daemons to start anyway with %s.", 'phd status', 'phd stop', 'phd restart', '--force'); $console->writeErr("%s\n", $message); exit(1); } } } if (idx($options, 'keep-leases')) { $console->writeErr("%s\n", pht('Not touching active task queue leases.')); } else { $console->writeErr("%s\n", pht('Freeing active task leases...')); $count = $this->freeActiveLeases(); $console->writeErr( "%s\n", pht('Freed %s task lease(s).', new PhutilNumber($count))); } $daemons = array( array( 'class' => 'PhabricatorRepositoryPullLocalDaemon', ), array( 'class' => 'PhabricatorTriggerDaemon', ), array( 'class' => 'PhabricatorTaskmasterDaemon', 'autoscale' => array( 'group' => 'task', 'pool' => PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('phd.taskmasters'), 'reserve' => idx($options, 'reserve', 0), ), ), ); $this->launchDaemons($daemons, $is_debug = false); $console->writeErr("%s\n", pht('Done.')); return 0; } final protected function executeStopCommand( array $pids, array $options) { $console = PhutilConsole::getConsole(); $grace_period = idx($options, 'graceful', 15); $force = idx($options, 'force'); $gently = idx($options, 'gently'); if ($gently && $force) { throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException( pht( 'You can not specify conflicting options %s and %s together.', '--gently', '--force')); } $daemons = $this->loadRunningDaemons(); if (!$daemons) { $survivors = array(); if (!$pids && !$gently) { $survivors = $this->processRogueDaemons( $grace_period, $warn = true, $force); } if (!$survivors) { $console->writeErr( "%s\n", pht('There are no running Phabricator daemons.')); } return 0; } $stop_pids = $this->selectDaemonPIDs($daemons, $pids); if (!$stop_pids) { $console->writeErr("%s\n", pht('No daemons to kill.')); return 0; } $survivors = $this->sendStopSignals($stop_pids, $grace_period); // Try to clean up PID files for daemons we killed. $remove = array(); foreach ($daemons as $daemon) { $pid = $daemon->getPID(); if (empty($stop_pids[$pid])) { // We did not try to stop this overseer. continue; } if (isset($survivors[$pid])) { // We weren't able to stop this overseer. continue; } if (!$daemon->getPIDFile()) { // We don't know where the PID file is. continue; } $remove[] = $daemon->getPIDFile(); } foreach (array_unique($remove) as $remove_file) { Filesystem::remove($remove_file); } if (!$gently) { $this->processRogueDaemons($grace_period, !$pids, $force); } return 0; } final protected function executeReloadCommand(array $pids) { $console = PhutilConsole::getConsole(); $daemons = $this->loadRunningDaemons(); if (!$daemons) { $console->writeErr( "%s\n", pht('There are no running daemons to reload.')); return 0; } $reload_pids = $this->selectDaemonPIDs($daemons, $pids); if (!$reload_pids) { $console->writeErr( "%s\n", pht('No daemons to reload.')); return 0; } foreach ($reload_pids as $pid) { $console->writeOut( "%s\n", pht('Reloading process %d...', $pid)); posix_kill($pid, SIGHUP); } return 0; } private function processRogueDaemons($grace_period, $warn, $force_stop) { $console = PhutilConsole::getConsole(); $rogue_daemons = PhutilDaemonOverseer::findRunningDaemons(); if ($rogue_daemons) { if ($force_stop) { $rogue_pids = ipull($rogue_daemons, 'pid'); $survivors = $this->sendStopSignals($rogue_pids, $grace_period); if ($survivors) { $console->writeErr( "%s\n", pht( 'Unable to stop processes running without PID files. '. 'Try running this command again with sudo.')); } } else if ($warn) { $console->writeErr("%s\n", $this->getForceStopHint($rogue_daemons)); } } return $rogue_daemons; } private function getForceStopHint($rogue_daemons) { $debug_output = ''; foreach ($rogue_daemons as $rogue) { $debug_output .= $rogue['pid'].' '.$rogue['command']."\n"; } return pht( "There are processes running that look like Phabricator daemons but ". "have no corresponding PID files:\n\n%s\n\n". "Stop these processes by re-running this command with the %s parameter.", $debug_output, '--force'); } private function sendStopSignals($pids, $grace_period) { // If we're doing a graceful shutdown, try SIGINT first. if ($grace_period) { $pids = $this->sendSignal($pids, SIGINT, $grace_period); } // If we still have daemons, SIGTERM them. if ($pids) { $pids = $this->sendSignal($pids, SIGTERM, 15); } // If the overseer is still alive, SIGKILL it. if ($pids) { $pids = $this->sendSignal($pids, SIGKILL, 0); } return $pids; } private function sendSignal(array $pids, $signo, $wait) { $console = PhutilConsole::getConsole(); $pids = array_fuse($pids); foreach ($pids as $key => $pid) { if (!$pid) { // NOTE: We must have a PID to signal a daemon, since sending a signal // to PID 0 kills this process. unset($pids[$key]); continue; } switch ($signo) { case SIGINT: $message = pht('Interrupting process %d...', $pid); break; case SIGTERM: $message = pht('Terminating process %d...', $pid); break; case SIGKILL: $message = pht('Killing process %d...', $pid); break; } $console->writeOut("%s\n", $message); posix_kill($pid, $signo); } if ($wait) { $start = PhabricatorTime::getNow(); do { foreach ($pids as $key => $pid) { if (!PhabricatorDaemonReference::isProcessRunning($pid)) { $console->writeOut(pht('Process %d exited.', $pid)."\n"); unset($pids[$key]); } } if (empty($pids)) { break; } usleep(100000); } while (PhabricatorTime::getNow() < $start + $wait); } return $pids; } private function freeActiveLeases() { $task_table = id(new PhabricatorWorkerActiveTask()); $conn_w = $task_table->establishConnection('w'); queryfx( $conn_w, 'UPDATE %T SET leaseExpires = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE leaseExpires > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()', $task_table->getTableName()); return $conn_w->getAffectedRows(); } private function printLaunchingDaemons(array $daemons, $debug) { $console = PhutilConsole::getConsole(); if ($debug) { $console->writeOut(pht('Launching daemons (in debug mode):')); } else { $console->writeOut(pht('Launching daemons:')); } $log_dir = $this->getLogDirectory().'/daemons.log'; $console->writeOut( "\n%s\n\n", pht('(Logs will appear in "%s".)', $log_dir)); foreach ($daemons as $daemon) { $is_autoscale = isset($daemon['autoscale']['group']); if ($is_autoscale) { $autoscale = $daemon['autoscale']; foreach ($autoscale as $key => $value) { $autoscale[$key] = $key.'='.$value; } $autoscale = implode(', ', $autoscale); $autoscale = pht('(Autoscaling: %s)', $autoscale); } else { $autoscale = pht('(Static)'); } $console->writeOut( " %s %s\n", $daemon['class'], $autoscale, implode(' ', idx($daemon, 'argv', array()))); } $console->writeOut("\n"); } protected function getAutoscaleReserveArgument() { return array( 'name' => 'autoscale-reserve', 'param' => 'ratio', 'help' => pht( 'Specify a proportion of machine memory which must be free '. 'before autoscale pools will grow. For example, a value of 0.25 '. 'means that pools will not grow unless the machine has at least '. '25%%%% of its RAM free.'), ); } private function selectDaemonPIDs(array $daemons, array $pids) { $console = PhutilConsole::getConsole(); $running_pids = array_fuse(mpull($daemons, 'getPID')); if (!$pids) { $select_pids = $running_pids; } else { // We were given a PID or set of PIDs to kill. $select_pids = array(); foreach ($pids as $key => $pid) { if (!preg_match('/^\d+$/', $pid)) { $console->writeErr(pht("PID '%s' is not a valid PID.", $pid)."\n"); continue; } else if (empty($running_pids[$pid])) { $console->writeErr( "%s\n", pht( 'PID "%d" is not a known Phabricator daemon PID.', $pid)); continue; } else { $select_pids[$pid] = $pid; } } } return $select_pids; } } diff --git a/src/applications/differential/customfield/DifferentialJIRAIssuesField.php b/src/applications/differential/customfield/DifferentialJIRAIssuesField.php index 046539d0da..e40e34f4ad 100644 --- a/src/applications/differential/customfield/DifferentialJIRAIssuesField.php +++ b/src/applications/differential/customfield/DifferentialJIRAIssuesField.php @@ -1,313 +1,313 @@ getValue()); } public function setValueFromStorage($value) { try { $this->setValue(phutil_json_decode($value)); } catch (PhutilJSONParserException $ex) { $this->setValue(array()); } return $this; } public function getFieldName() { return pht('JIRA Issues'); } public function getFieldDescription() { return pht('Lists associated JIRA issues.'); } public function shouldAppearInPropertyView() { return true; } public function renderPropertyViewLabel() { return $this->getFieldName(); } public function renderPropertyViewValue(array $handles) { $xobjs = $this->loadDoorkeeperExternalObjects($this->getValue()); if (!$xobjs) { return null; } $links = array(); foreach ($xobjs as $xobj) { $links[] = id(new DoorkeeperTagView()) ->setExternalObject($xobj); } return phutil_implode_html(phutil_tag('br'), $links); } private function buildDoorkeeperRefs($value) { $provider = PhabricatorJIRAAuthProvider::getJIRAProvider(); $refs = array(); if ($value) { foreach ($value as $jira_key) { $refs[] = id(new DoorkeeperObjectRef()) ->setApplicationType(DoorkeeperBridgeJIRA::APPTYPE_JIRA) ->setApplicationDomain($provider->getProviderDomain()) ->setObjectType(DoorkeeperBridgeJIRA::OBJTYPE_ISSUE) ->setObjectID($jira_key); } } return $refs; } private function loadDoorkeeperExternalObjects($value) { $refs = $this->buildDoorkeeperRefs($value); if (!$refs) { return array(); } $xobjs = id(new DoorkeeperExternalObjectQuery()) ->setViewer($this->getViewer()) ->withObjectKeys(mpull($refs, 'getObjectKey')) ->execute(); return $xobjs; } public function shouldAppearInEditView() { return PhabricatorJIRAAuthProvider::getJIRAProvider(); } public function shouldAppearInApplicationTransactions() { return PhabricatorJIRAAuthProvider::getJIRAProvider(); } public function readValueFromRequest(AphrontRequest $request) { $this->setValue($request->getStrList($this->getFieldKey())); return $this; } public function renderEditControl(array $handles) { return id(new AphrontFormTextControl()) ->setLabel(pht('JIRA Issues')) ->setCaption( pht('Example: %s', phutil_tag('tt', array(), 'JIS-3, JIS-9'))) ->setName($this->getFieldKey()) ->setValue(implode(', ', nonempty($this->getValue(), array()))) ->setError($this->error); } public function getOldValueForApplicationTransactions() { return array_unique(nonempty($this->getValue(), array())); } public function getNewValueForApplicationTransactions() { return array_unique(nonempty($this->getValue(), array())); } public function validateApplicationTransactions( PhabricatorApplicationTransactionEditor $editor, $type, array $xactions) { $this->error = null; $errors = parent::validateApplicationTransactions( $editor, $type, $xactions); $transaction = null; foreach ($xactions as $xaction) { $old = $xaction->getOldValue(); $new = $xaction->getNewValue(); $add = array_diff($new, $old); if (!$add) { continue; } // Only check that the actor can see newly added JIRA refs. You're // allowed to remove refs or make no-op changes even if you aren't // linked to JIRA. try { $refs = id(new DoorkeeperImportEngine()) ->setViewer($this->getViewer()) ->setRefs($this->buildDoorkeeperRefs($add)) ->setThrowOnMissingLink(true) ->execute(); } catch (DoorkeeperMissingLinkException $ex) { $this->error = pht('Not Linked'); $errors[] = new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionValidationError( $type, pht('Not Linked'), pht( 'You can not add JIRA issues (%s) to this revision because your '. 'Phabricator account is not linked to a JIRA account.', implode(', ', $add)), $xaction); continue; } $bad = array(); foreach ($refs as $ref) { if (!$ref->getIsVisible()) { $bad[] = $ref->getObjectID(); } } if ($bad) { $bad = implode(', ', $bad); $this->error = pht('Invalid'); $errors[] = new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionValidationError( $type, pht('Invalid'), pht( 'Some JIRA issues could not be loaded. They may not exist, or '. 'you may not have permission to view them: %s', $bad), $xaction); } } return $errors; } public function getApplicationTransactionTitle( PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $xaction) { $old = $xaction->getOldValue(); if (!is_array($old)) { $old = array(); } $new = $xaction->getNewValue(); if (!is_array($new)) { $new = array(); } $add = array_diff($new, $old); $rem = array_diff($old, $new); $author_phid = $xaction->getAuthorPHID(); if ($add && $rem) { return pht( '%s updated JIRA issue(s): added %d %s; removed %d %s.', $xaction->renderHandleLink($author_phid), - new PhutilNumber(count($add)), + phutil_count($add), implode(', ', $add), - new PhutilNumber(count($rem)), + phutil_count($rem), implode(', ', $rem)); } else if ($add) { return pht( '%s added %d JIRA issue(s): %s.', $xaction->renderHandleLink($author_phid), - new PhutilNumber(count($add)), + phutil_count($add), implode(', ', $add)); } else if ($rem) { return pht( '%s removed %d JIRA issue(s): %s.', $xaction->renderHandleLink($author_phid), - new PhutilNumber(count($rem)), + phutil_count($rem), implode(', ', $rem)); } return parent::getApplicationTransactionTitle($xaction); } public function applyApplicationTransactionExternalEffects( PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $xaction) { // Update the CustomField storage. parent::applyApplicationTransactionExternalEffects($xaction); // Now, synchronize the Doorkeeper edges. $revision = $this->getObject(); $revision_phid = $revision->getPHID(); $edge_type = PhabricatorJiraIssueHasObjectEdgeType::EDGECONST; $xobjs = $this->loadDoorkeeperExternalObjects($xaction->getNewValue()); $edge_dsts = mpull($xobjs, 'getPHID'); $edges = PhabricatorEdgeQuery::loadDestinationPHIDs( $revision_phid, $edge_type); $editor = new PhabricatorEdgeEditor(); foreach (array_diff($edges, $edge_dsts) as $rem_edge) { $editor->removeEdge($revision_phid, $edge_type, $rem_edge); } foreach (array_diff($edge_dsts, $edges) as $add_edge) { $editor->addEdge($revision_phid, $edge_type, $add_edge); } $editor->save(); } public function shouldAppearInCommitMessage() { return true; } public function shouldAppearInCommitMessageTemplate() { return true; } public function getCommitMessageLabels() { return array( 'JIRA', 'JIRA Issues', 'JIRA Issue', ); } public function parseValueFromCommitMessage($value) { return preg_split('/[\s,]+/', $value, $limit = -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); } public function readValueFromCommitMessage($value) { $this->setValue($value); return $this; } public function renderCommitMessageValue(array $handles) { $value = $this->getValue(); if (!$value) { return null; } return implode(', ', $value); } public function shouldAppearInConduitDictionary() { return true; } } diff --git a/src/applications/differential/customfield/DifferentialUnitField.php b/src/applications/differential/customfield/DifferentialUnitField.php index 3883baba86..17973be7a6 100644 --- a/src/applications/differential/customfield/DifferentialUnitField.php +++ b/src/applications/differential/customfield/DifferentialUnitField.php @@ -1,198 +1,198 @@ getFieldName(); } protected function getLegacyProperty() { return 'arc:unit'; } protected function getDiffPropertyKeys() { return array( 'arc:unit', 'arc:unit-excuse', ); } protected function loadHarbormasterTargetMessages(array $target_phids) { return id(new HarbormasterBuildUnitMessage())->loadAllWhere( 'buildTargetPHID IN (%Ls)', $target_phids); } protected function newModernMessage(array $message) { return HarbormasterBuildUnitMessage::newFromDictionary( new HarbormasterBuildTarget(), $this->getModernUnitMessageDictionary($message)); } protected function newHarbormasterMessageView(array $messages) { foreach ($messages as $key => $message) { switch ($message->getResult()) { case ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_PASS: case ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_SKIP: // Don't show "Pass" or "Skip" in the UI since they aren't very // interesting. The user can click through to the full results if // they want details. unset($messages[$key]); break; } } if (!$messages) { return null; } return id(new HarbormasterUnitPropertyView()) ->setLimit(10) ->setUnitMessages($messages); } public function getWarningsForDetailView() { $status = $this->getObject()->getActiveDiff()->getUnitStatus(); $warnings = array(); if ($status < DifferentialUnitStatus::UNIT_WARN) { // Don't show any warnings. } else if ($status == DifferentialUnitStatus::UNIT_AUTO_SKIP) { // Don't show any warnings. } else if ($status == DifferentialUnitStatus::UNIT_SKIP) { $warnings[] = pht( 'Unit tests were skipped when generating these changes.'); } else { $warnings[] = pht('These changes have unit test problems.'); } return $warnings; } protected function renderHarbormasterStatus( DifferentialDiff $diff, array $messages) { $colors = array( DifferentialUnitStatus::UNIT_NONE => 'grey', DifferentialUnitStatus::UNIT_OKAY => 'green', DifferentialUnitStatus::UNIT_WARN => 'yellow', DifferentialUnitStatus::UNIT_FAIL => 'red', DifferentialUnitStatus::UNIT_SKIP => 'blue', DifferentialUnitStatus::UNIT_AUTO_SKIP => 'blue', ); $icon_color = idx($colors, $diff->getUnitStatus(), 'grey'); $message = DifferentialRevisionUpdateHistoryView::getDiffUnitMessage($diff); $note = array(); $groups = mgroup($messages, 'getResult'); $groups = array_select_keys( $groups, array( ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_FAIL, ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_BROKEN, ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_UNSOUND, ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_SKIP, ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_PASS, )) + $groups; foreach ($groups as $result => $group) { - $count = new PhutilNumber(count($group)); + $count = phutil_count($group); switch ($result) { case ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_PASS: $note[] = pht('%s Passed Test(s)', $count); break; case ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_FAIL: $note[] = pht('%s Failed Test(s)', $count); break; case ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_SKIP: $note[] = pht('%s Skipped Test(s)', $count); break; case ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_BROKEN: $note[] = pht('%s Broken Test(s)', $count); break; case ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_UNSOUND: $note[] = pht('%s Unsound Test(s)', $count); break; default: $note[] = pht('%s Other Test(s)', $count); break; } } $buildable = $diff->getBuildable(); if ($buildable) { $full_results = '/harbormaster/unit/'.$buildable->getID().'/'; $note[] = phutil_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => $full_results, ), pht('View Full Results')); } $excuse = $diff->getProperty('arc:unit-excuse'); if (strlen($excuse)) { $excuse = array( phutil_tag('strong', array(), pht('Excuse:')), ' ', phutil_escape_html_newlines($excuse), ); $note[] = $excuse; } $note = phutil_implode_html(" \xC2\xB7 ", $note); $status = id(new PHUIStatusListView()) ->addItem( id(new PHUIStatusItemView()) ->setIcon(PHUIStatusItemView::ICON_STAR, $icon_color) ->setTarget($message) ->setNote($note)); return $status; } private function getModernUnitMessageDictionary(array $map) { // Strip out `null` values to satisfy stricter typechecks. foreach ($map as $key => $value) { if ($value === null) { unset($map[$key]); } } // TODO: Remap more stuff here? return $map; } } diff --git a/src/applications/differential/herald/DifferentialReviewersHeraldAction.php b/src/applications/differential/herald/DifferentialReviewersHeraldAction.php index c568537f7c..5293af4311 100644 --- a/src/applications/differential/herald/DifferentialReviewersHeraldAction.php +++ b/src/applications/differential/herald/DifferentialReviewersHeraldAction.php @@ -1,149 +1,149 @@ getAdapter(); $object = $adapter->getObject(); $phids = array_fuse($phids); // Don't try to add revision authors as reviewers. $authors = array(); foreach ($phids as $phid) { if ($phid == $object->getAuthorPHID()) { $authors[] = $phid; unset($phids[$phid]); } } if ($authors) { $this->logEffect(self::DO_AUTHORS, $authors); if (!$phids) { return; } } $reviewers = $object->getReviewerStatus(); $reviewers = mpull($reviewers, null, 'getReviewerPHID'); if ($is_blocking) { $new_status = DifferentialReviewerStatus::STATUS_BLOCKING; } else { $new_status = DifferentialReviewerStatus::STATUS_ADDED; } $new_strength = DifferentialReviewerStatus::getStatusStrength( $new_status); $current = array(); foreach ($phids as $phid) { if (!isset($reviewers[$phid])) { continue; } // If we're applying a stronger status (usually, upgrading a reviewer // into a blocking reviewer), skip this check so we apply the change. $old_strength = DifferentialReviewerStatus::getStatusStrength( $reviewers[$phid]->getStatus()); if ($old_strength <= $new_strength) { continue; } $current[] = $phid; } $allowed_types = array( PhabricatorPeopleUserPHIDType::TYPECONST, PhabricatorProjectProjectPHIDType::TYPECONST, ); $targets = $this->loadStandardTargets($phids, $allowed_types, $current); if (!$targets) { return; } $phids = array_fuse(array_keys($targets)); $value = array(); foreach ($phids as $phid) { $value[$phid] = array( 'data' => array( 'status' => $new_status, ), ); } $edgetype_reviewer = DifferentialRevisionHasReviewerEdgeType::EDGECONST; $xaction = $adapter->newTransaction() ->setTransactionType(PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDGE) ->setMetadataValue('edge:type', $edgetype_reviewer) ->setNewValue( array( '+' => $value, )); $adapter->queueTransaction($xaction); if ($is_blocking) { $this->logEffect(self::DO_ADD_BLOCKING_REVIEWERS, $phids); } else { $this->logEffect(self::DO_ADD_REVIEWERS, $phids); } } protected function getActionEffectMap() { return array( self::DO_AUTHORS => array( 'icon' => 'fa-user', 'color' => 'grey', 'name' => pht('Revision Author'), ), self::DO_ADD_REVIEWERS => array( 'icon' => 'fa-user', 'color' => 'green', 'name' => pht('Added Reviewers'), ), self::DO_ADD_BLOCKING_REVIEWERS => array( 'icon' => 'fa-user', 'color' => 'green', 'name' => pht('Added Blocking Reviewers'), ), ); } protected function renderActionEffectDescription($type, $data) { switch ($type) { case self::DO_AUTHORS: return pht( 'Declined to add revision author as reviewer: %s.', $this->renderHandleList($data)); case self::DO_ADD_REVIEWERS: return pht( 'Added %s reviewer(s): %s.', - new PhutilNumber(count($data)), + phutil_count($data), $this->renderHandleList($data)); case self::DO_ADD_BLOCKING_REVIEWERS: return pht( 'Added %s blocking reviewer(s): %s.', - new PhutilNumber(count($data)), + phutil_count($data), $this->renderHandleList($data)); } } } diff --git a/src/applications/differential/mail/DifferentialCreateMailReceiver.php b/src/applications/differential/mail/DifferentialCreateMailReceiver.php index c3198d3642..f5d9dc59f7 100644 --- a/src/applications/differential/mail/DifferentialCreateMailReceiver.php +++ b/src/applications/differential/mail/DifferentialCreateMailReceiver.php @@ -1,124 +1,124 @@ canAcceptApplicationMail($differential_app, $mail); } protected function processReceivedMail( PhabricatorMetaMTAReceivedMail $mail, PhabricatorUser $sender) { $attachments = $mail->getAttachments(); $files = array(); $errors = array(); if ($attachments) { $files = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery()) ->setViewer($sender) ->withPHIDs($attachments) ->execute(); foreach ($files as $index => $file) { if ($file->getMimeType() != 'text/plain') { $errors[] = pht( 'Could not parse file %s; only files with mimetype text/plain '. 'can be parsed via email.', $file->getName()); unset($files[$index]); } } } $diffs = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { $call = new ConduitCall( 'differential.createrawdiff', array( 'diff' => $file->loadFileData(), )); $call->setUser($sender); try { $result = $call->execute(); $diffs[$file->getName()] = $result['uri']; } catch (Exception $e) { $errors[] = pht( 'Could not parse attachment %s; only attachments (and mail bodies) '. 'generated via "diff" commands can be parsed.', $file->getName()); } } $body = $mail->getCleanTextBody(); if ($body) { $call = new ConduitCall( 'differential.createrawdiff', array( 'diff' => $body, )); $call->setUser($sender); try { $result = $call->execute(); $diffs[pht('Mail Body')] = $result['uri']; } catch (Exception $e) { $errors[] = pht( 'Could not parse mail body; only mail bodies (and attachments) '. 'generated via "diff" commands can be parsed.'); } } $subject_prefix = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('metamta.differential.subject-prefix'); if (count($diffs)) { $subject = pht( 'You successfully created %d diff(s).', count($diffs)); } else { $subject = pht( 'Diff creation failed; see body for %s error(s).', - new PhutilNumber(count($errors))); + phutil_count($errors)); } $body = new PhabricatorMetaMTAMailBody(); $body->addRawSection($subject); if (count($diffs)) { $text_body = ''; $html_body = array(); - $body_label = pht('%s DIFF LINK(S)', new PhutilNumber(count($diffs))); + $body_label = pht('%s DIFF LINK(S)', phutil_count($diffs)); foreach ($diffs as $filename => $diff_uri) { $text_body .= $filename.': '.$diff_uri."\n"; $html_body[] = phutil_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => $diff_uri, ), $filename); $html_body[] = phutil_tag('br'); } $body->addTextSection($body_label, $text_body); $body->addHTMLSection($body_label, $html_body); } if (count($errors)) { $body_section = new PhabricatorMetaMTAMailSection(); - $body_label = pht('%s ERROR(S)', new PhutilNumber(count($errors))); + $body_label = pht('%s ERROR(S)', phutil_count($errors)); foreach ($errors as $error) { $body_section->addFragment($error); } $body->addTextSection($body_label, $body_section); } id(new PhabricatorMetaMTAMail()) ->addTos(array($sender->getPHID())) ->setSubject($subject) ->setSubjectPrefix($subject_prefix) ->setFrom($sender->getPHID()) ->setBody($body->render()) ->saveAndSend(); } } diff --git a/src/applications/diffusion/herald/DiffusionAuditorsHeraldAction.php b/src/applications/diffusion/herald/DiffusionAuditorsHeraldAction.php index 32830cb673..a7dbdde682 100644 --- a/src/applications/diffusion/herald/DiffusionAuditorsHeraldAction.php +++ b/src/applications/diffusion/herald/DiffusionAuditorsHeraldAction.php @@ -1,76 +1,76 @@ getAdapter(); $object = $adapter->getObject(); $auditors = $object->getAudits(); $auditors = mpull($auditors, null, 'getAuditorPHID'); $current = array_keys($auditors); $allowed_types = array( PhabricatorPeopleUserPHIDType::TYPECONST, PhabricatorProjectProjectPHIDType::TYPECONST, PhabricatorOwnersPackagePHIDType::TYPECONST, ); $targets = $this->loadStandardTargets($phids, $allowed_types, $current); if (!$targets) { return; } $phids = array_fuse(array_keys($targets)); // TODO: Convert this to be translatable, structured data eventually. $reason_map = array(); foreach ($phids as $phid) { $reason_map[$phid][] = pht('%s Triggered Audit', $rule->getMonogram()); } $xaction = $adapter->newTransaction() ->setTransactionType(PhabricatorAuditActionConstants::ADD_AUDITORS) ->setNewValue($phids) ->setMetadataValue( 'auditStatus', PhabricatorAuditStatusConstants::AUDIT_REQUIRED) ->setMetadataValue('auditReasonMap', $reason_map); $adapter->queueTransaction($xaction); $this->logEffect(self::DO_ADD_AUDITORS, $phids); } protected function getActionEffectMap() { return array( self::DO_ADD_AUDITORS => array( 'icon' => 'fa-user', 'color' => 'green', 'name' => pht('Added Auditors'), ), ); } protected function renderActionEffectDescription($type, $data) { switch ($type) { case self::DO_ADD_AUDITORS: return pht( 'Added %s auditor(s): %s.', - new PhutilNumber(count($data)), + phutil_count($data), $this->renderHandleList($data)); } } } diff --git a/src/applications/diviner/atomizer/DivinerPHPAtomizer.php b/src/applications/diviner/atomizer/DivinerPHPAtomizer.php index c22cb4bcc3..36616897f2 100644 --- a/src/applications/diviner/atomizer/DivinerPHPAtomizer.php +++ b/src/applications/diviner/atomizer/DivinerPHPAtomizer.php @@ -1,329 +1,329 @@ setLanguage('php'); } protected function executeAtomize($file_name, $file_data) { $future = PhutilXHPASTBinary::getParserFuture($file_data); $tree = XHPASTTree::newFromDataAndResolvedExecFuture( $file_data, $future->resolve()); $atoms = array(); $root = $tree->getRootNode(); $func_decl = $root->selectDescendantsOfType('n_FUNCTION_DECLARATION'); foreach ($func_decl as $func) { $name = $func->getChildByIndex(2); // Don't atomize closures if ($name->getTypeName() === 'n_EMPTY') { continue; } $atom = $this->newAtom(DivinerAtom::TYPE_FUNCTION) ->setName($name->getConcreteString()) ->setLine($func->getLineNumber()) ->setFile($file_name); $this->findAtomDocblock($atom, $func); $this->parseParams($atom, $func); $this->parseReturnType($atom, $func); $atoms[] = $atom; } $class_types = array( DivinerAtom::TYPE_CLASS => 'n_CLASS_DECLARATION', DivinerAtom::TYPE_INTERFACE => 'n_INTERFACE_DECLARATION', ); foreach ($class_types as $atom_type => $node_type) { $class_decls = $root->selectDescendantsOfType($node_type); foreach ($class_decls as $class) { $name = $class->getChildByIndex(1, 'n_CLASS_NAME'); $atom = $this->newAtom($atom_type) ->setName($name->getConcreteString()) ->setFile($file_name) ->setLine($class->getLineNumber()); // This parses `final` and `abstract`. $attributes = $class->getChildByIndex(0, 'n_CLASS_ATTRIBUTES'); foreach ($attributes->selectDescendantsOfType('n_STRING') as $attr) { $atom->setProperty($attr->getConcreteString(), true); } // If this exists, it is `n_EXTENDS_LIST`. $extends = $class->getChildByIndex(2); $extends_class = $extends->selectDescendantsOfType('n_CLASS_NAME'); foreach ($extends_class as $parent_class) { $atom->addExtends( $this->newRef( DivinerAtom::TYPE_CLASS, $parent_class->getConcreteString())); } // If this exists, it is `n_IMPLEMENTS_LIST`. $implements = $class->getChildByIndex(3); $iface_names = $implements->selectDescendantsOfType('n_CLASS_NAME'); foreach ($iface_names as $iface_name) { $atom->addExtends( $this->newRef( DivinerAtom::TYPE_INTERFACE, $iface_name->getConcreteString())); } $this->findAtomDocblock($atom, $class); $methods = $class->selectDescendantsOfType('n_METHOD_DECLARATION'); foreach ($methods as $method) { $matom = $this->newAtom(DivinerAtom::TYPE_METHOD); $this->findAtomDocblock($matom, $method); $attribute_list = $method->getChildByIndex(0); $attributes = $attribute_list->selectDescendantsOfType('n_STRING'); if ($attributes) { foreach ($attributes as $attribute) { $attr = strtolower($attribute->getConcreteString()); switch ($attr) { case 'final': case 'abstract': case 'static': $matom->setProperty($attr, true); break; case 'public': case 'protected': case 'private': $matom->setProperty('access', $attr); break; } } } else { $matom->setProperty('access', 'public'); } $this->parseParams($matom, $method); $matom->setName($method->getChildByIndex(2)->getConcreteString()); $matom->setLine($method->getLineNumber()); $matom->setFile($file_name); $this->parseReturnType($matom, $method); $atom->addChild($matom); $atoms[] = $matom; } $atoms[] = $atom; } } return $atoms; } private function parseParams(DivinerAtom $atom, AASTNode $func) { $params = $func ->getChildByIndex(3, 'n_DECLARATAION_PARAMETER_LIST') ->selectDescendantsOfType('n_DECLARATION_PARAMETER'); $param_spec = array(); if ($atom->getDocblockRaw()) { $metadata = $atom->getDocblockMeta(); } else { $metadata = array(); } $docs = idx($metadata, 'param'); if ($docs) { $docs = explode("\n", $docs); $docs = array_filter($docs); } else { $docs = array(); } if (count($docs)) { if (count($docs) < count($params)) { $atom->addWarning( pht( 'This call takes %s parameter(s), but only %s are documented.', - new PhutilNumber(count($params)), - new PhutilNumber(count($docs)))); + phutil_count($params), + phutil_count($docs))); } } foreach ($params as $param) { $name = $param->getChildByIndex(1)->getConcreteString(); $dict = array( 'type' => $param->getChildByIndex(0)->getConcreteString(), 'default' => $param->getChildByIndex(2)->getConcreteString(), ); if ($docs) { $doc = array_shift($docs); if ($doc) { $dict += $this->parseParamDoc($atom, $doc, $name); } } $param_spec[] = array( 'name' => $name, ) + $dict; } if ($docs) { foreach ($docs as $doc) { if ($doc) { $param_spec[] = $this->parseParamDoc($atom, $doc, null); } } } // TODO: Find `assert_instances_of()` calls in the function body and // add their type information here. See T1089. $atom->setProperty('parameters', $param_spec); } private function findAtomDocblock(DivinerAtom $atom, XHPASTNode $node) { $token = $node->getDocblockToken(); if ($token) { $atom->setDocblockRaw($token->getValue()); return true; } else { $tokens = $node->getTokens(); if ($tokens) { $prev = head($tokens); while ($prev = $prev->getPrevToken()) { if ($prev->isAnyWhitespace()) { continue; } break; } if ($prev && $prev->isComment()) { $value = $prev->getValue(); $matches = null; if (preg_match('/@(return|param|task|author)/', $value, $matches)) { $atom->addWarning( pht( 'Atom "%s" is preceded by a comment containing `%s`, but '. 'the comment is not a documentation comment. Documentation '. 'comments must begin with `%s`, followed by a newline. Did '. 'you mean to use a documentation comment? (As the comment is '. 'not a documentation comment, it will be ignored.)', $atom->getName(), '@'.$matches[1], '/**')); } } } $atom->setDocblockRaw(''); return false; } } protected function parseParamDoc(DivinerAtom $atom, $doc, $name) { $dict = array(); $split = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($doc), 2); if (!empty($split[0])) { $dict['doctype'] = $split[0]; } if (!empty($split[1])) { $docs = $split[1]; // If the parameter is documented like `@param int $num Blah blah ..`, // get rid of the `$num` part (which Diviner considers optional). If it // is present and different from the declared name, raise a warning. $matches = null; if (preg_match('/^(\\$\S+)\s+/', $docs, $matches)) { if ($name !== null) { if ($matches[1] !== $name) { $atom->addWarning( pht( 'Parameter "%s" is named "%s" in the documentation. '. 'The documentation may be out of date.', $name, $matches[1])); } } $docs = substr($docs, strlen($matches[0])); } $dict['docs'] = $docs; } return $dict; } private function parseReturnType(DivinerAtom $atom, XHPASTNode $decl) { $return_spec = array(); $metadata = $atom->getDocblockMeta(); $return = idx($metadata, 'return'); $type = null; $docs = null; if (!$return) { $return = idx($metadata, 'returns'); if ($return) { $atom->addWarning( pht( 'Documentation uses `%s`, but should use `%s`.', '@returns', '@return')); } } if ($atom->getName() == '__construct' && $atom->getType() == 'method') { $return_spec = array( 'doctype' => 'this', 'docs' => '//Implicit.//', ); if ($return) { $atom->addWarning( pht( 'Method `%s` has explicitly documented `%s`. The `%s` method '. 'always returns `%s`. Diviner documents this implicitly.', '__construct()', '@return', '__construct()', '$this')); } } else if ($return) { $split = preg_split('/(?getChildByIndex(1)->getTypeName() == 'n_REFERENCE') { $type = $type.' &'; } if (!empty($split[1])) { $docs = $split[1]; } $return_spec = array( 'doctype' => $type, 'docs' => $docs, ); } else { $return_spec = array( 'type' => 'wild', ); } $atom->setProperty('return', $return_spec); } } diff --git a/src/applications/diviner/publisher/DivinerPublisher.php b/src/applications/diviner/publisher/DivinerPublisher.php index 401a1a331f..e5dcf695db 100644 --- a/src/applications/diviner/publisher/DivinerPublisher.php +++ b/src/applications/diviner/publisher/DivinerPublisher.php @@ -1,176 +1,176 @@ dropCaches = $drop_caches; return $this; } final public function setRenderer(DivinerRenderer $renderer) { $renderer->setPublisher($this); $this->renderer = $renderer; return $this; } final public function getRenderer() { return $this->renderer; } final public function setConfig(array $config) { $this->config = $config; return $this; } final public function getConfig($key, $default = null) { return idx($this->config, $key, $default); } final public function getConfigurationData() { return $this->config; } final public function setAtomCache(DivinerAtomCache $cache) { $this->atomCache = $cache; $graph_map = $this->atomCache->getGraphMap(); $this->atomGraphHashToNodeHashMap = array_flip($graph_map); return $this; } final protected function getAtomFromGraphHash($graph_hash) { if (empty($this->atomGraphHashToNodeHashMap[$graph_hash])) { throw new Exception(pht("No such atom '%s'!", $graph_hash)); } return $this->getAtomFromNodeHash( $this->atomGraphHashToNodeHashMap[$graph_hash]); } final protected function getAtomFromNodeHash($node_hash) { if (empty($this->atomMap[$node_hash])) { $dict = $this->atomCache->getAtom($node_hash); $this->atomMap[$node_hash] = DivinerAtom::newFromDictionary($dict); } return $this->atomMap[$node_hash]; } final protected function getSimilarAtoms(DivinerAtom $atom) { if ($this->symbolReverseMap === null) { $rmap = array(); $smap = $this->atomCache->getSymbolMap(); foreach ($smap as $nhash => $shash) { $rmap[$shash][$nhash] = true; } $this->symbolReverseMap = $rmap; } $shash = $atom->getRef()->toHash(); if (empty($this->symbolReverseMap[$shash])) { throw new Exception(pht('Atom has no symbol map entry!')); } $hashes = $this->symbolReverseMap[$shash]; $atoms = array(); foreach ($hashes as $hash => $ignored) { $atoms[] = $this->getAtomFromNodeHash($hash); } $atoms = msort($atoms, 'getSortKey'); return $atoms; } /** * If a book contains multiple definitions of some atom, like some function * `f()`, we assign them an arbitrary (but fairly stable) order and publish * them as `function/f/1/`, `function/f/2/`, etc., or similar. */ final protected function getAtomSimilarIndex(DivinerAtom $atom) { $atoms = $this->getSimilarAtoms($atom); if (count($atoms) == 1) { return 0; } $index = 1; foreach ($atoms as $similar_atom) { if ($atom === $similar_atom) { return $index; } $index++; } throw new Exception(pht('Expected to find atom while disambiguating!')); } abstract protected function loadAllPublishedHashes(); abstract protected function deleteDocumentsByHash(array $hashes); abstract protected function createDocumentsByHash(array $hashes); abstract public function findAtomByRef(DivinerAtomRef $ref); final public function publishAtoms(array $hashes) { $existing = $this->loadAllPublishedHashes(); if ($this->dropCaches) { $deleted = $existing; $created = $hashes; } else { $existing_map = array_fill_keys($existing, true); $hashes_map = array_fill_keys($hashes, true); $deleted = array_diff_key($existing_map, $hashes_map); $created = array_diff_key($hashes_map, $existing_map); $deleted = array_keys($deleted); $created = array_keys($created); } $console = PhutilConsole::getConsole(); $console->writeOut( "%s\n", pht( 'Deleting %s document(s).', - new PhutilNumber(count($deleted)))); + phutil_count($deleted))); $this->deleteDocumentsByHash($deleted); $console->writeOut( "%s\n", pht( 'Creating %s document(s).', - new PhutilNumber(count($created)))); + phutil_count($created))); $this->createDocumentsByHash($created); } final protected function shouldGenerateDocumentForAtom(DivinerAtom $atom) { switch ($atom->getType()) { case DivinerAtom::TYPE_METHOD: case DivinerAtom::TYPE_FILE: return false; case DivinerAtom::TYPE_ARTICLE: default: break; } return true; } final public function getRepositoryPHID() { return $this->repositoryPHID; } final public function setRepositoryPHID($repository_phid) { $this->repositoryPHID = $repository_phid; return $this; } } diff --git a/src/applications/diviner/workflow/DivinerGenerateWorkflow.php b/src/applications/diviner/workflow/DivinerGenerateWorkflow.php index d448de69c0..ad671bbbea 100644 --- a/src/applications/diviner/workflow/DivinerGenerateWorkflow.php +++ b/src/applications/diviner/workflow/DivinerGenerateWorkflow.php @@ -1,588 +1,588 @@ setName('generate') ->setSynopsis(pht('Generate documentation.')) ->setArguments( array( array( 'name' => 'clean', 'help' => pht('Clear the caches before generating documentation.'), ), array( 'name' => 'book', 'param' => 'path', 'help' => pht('Path to a Diviner book configuration.'), ), array( 'name' => 'publisher', 'param' => 'class', 'help' => pht('Specify a subclass of %s.', 'DivinerPublisher'), 'default' => 'DivinerLivePublisher', ), array( 'name' => 'repository', 'param' => 'callsign', 'help' => pht('Repository that the documentation belongs to.'), ), )); } protected function getAtomCache() { if (!$this->atomCache) { $book_root = $this->getConfig('root'); $book_name = $this->getConfig('name'); $cache_directory = $book_root.'/.divinercache/'.$book_name; $this->atomCache = new DivinerAtomCache($cache_directory); } return $this->atomCache; } protected function log($message) { $console = PhutilConsole::getConsole(); $console->writeErr($message."\n"); } public function execute(PhutilArgumentParser $args) { $book = $args->getArg('book'); if ($book) { $books = array($book); } else { $cwd = getcwd(); $this->log(pht('FINDING DOCUMENTATION BOOKS')); $books = id(new FileFinder($cwd)) ->withType('f') ->withSuffix('book') ->find(); if (!$books) { throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException( pht( "There are no Diviner '%s' files anywhere beneath the current ". "directory. Use '%s' to specify a documentation book to generate.", '.book', '--book ')); } else { - $this->log(pht('Found %s book(s).', new PhutilNumber(count($books)))); + $this->log(pht('Found %s book(s).', phutil_count($books))); } } foreach ($books as $book) { $short_name = basename($book); $this->log(pht('Generating book "%s"...', $short_name)); $this->generateBook($book, $args); $this->log(pht('Completed generation of "%s".', $short_name)."\n"); } } private function generateBook($book, PhutilArgumentParser $args) { $this->atomCache = null; $this->readBookConfiguration($book); if ($args->getArg('clean')) { $this->log(pht('CLEARING CACHES')); $this->getAtomCache()->delete(); $this->log(pht('Done.')."\n"); } // The major challenge of documentation generation is one of dependency // management. When regenerating documentation, we want to do the smallest // amount of work we can, so that regenerating documentation after minor // changes is quick. // // = Atom Cache = // // In the first stage, we find all the direct changes to source code since // the last run. This stage relies on two data structures: // // - File Hash Map: `map` // - Atom Map: `map` // // First, we hash all the source files in the project to detect any which // have changed since the previous run (i.e., their hash is not present in // the File Hash Map). If a file's content hash appears in the map, it has // not changed, so we don't need to reparse it. // // We break the contents of each file into "atoms", which represent a unit // of source code (like a function, method, class or file). Each atom has a // "node hash" based on the content of the atom: if a function definition // changes, the node hash of the atom changes too. The primary output of // the atom cache is a list of node hashes which exist in the project. This // is the Atom Map. The node hash depends only on the definition of the atom // and the atomizer implementation. It ends with an "N", for "node". // // (We need the Atom Map in addition to the File Hash Map because each file // may have several atoms in it (e.g., multiple functions, or a class and // its methods). The File Hash Map contains an exhaustive list of all atoms // with type "file", but not child atoms of those top-level atoms.) // // = Graph Cache = // // We now know which atoms exist, and can compare the Atom Map to some // existing cache to figure out what has changed. However, this isn't // sufficient to figure out which documentation actually needs to be // regenerated, because atoms depend on other atoms. For example, if `B // extends A` and the definition for `A` changes, we need to regenerate the // documentation in `B`. Similarly, if `X` links to `Y` and `Y` changes, we // should regenerate `X`. (In both these cases, the documentation for the // connected atom may not actually change, but in some cases it will, and // the extra work we need to do is generally very small compared to the // size of the project.) // // To figure out which other nodes have changed, we compute a "graph hash" // for each node. This hash combines the "node hash" with the node hashes // of connected nodes. Our primary output is a list of graph hashes, which // a documentation generator can use to easily determine what work needs // to be done by comparing the list with a list of cached graph hashes, // then generating documentation for new hashes and deleting documentation // for missing hashes. The graph hash ends with a "G", for "graph". // // In this stage, we rely on three data structures: // // - Symbol Map: `map` // - Edge Map: `map>` // - Graph Map: `map` // // Calculating the graph hash requires several steps, because we need to // figure out which nodes an atom is attached to. The atom contains symbolic // references to other nodes by name (e.g., `extends SomeClass`) in the form // of @{class:DivinerAtomRefs}. We can also build a symbolic reference for // any atom from the atom itself. Each @{class:DivinerAtomRef} generates a // symbol hash, which ends with an "S", for "symbol". // // First, we update the symbol map. We remove (and mark dirty) any symbols // associated with node hashes which no longer exist (e.g., old/dead nodes). // Second, we add (and mark dirty) any symbols associated with new nodes. // We also add edges defined by new nodes to the graph. // // We initialize a list of dirty nodes to the list of new nodes, then find // all nodes connected to dirty symbols and add them to the dirty node list. // This list now contains every node with a new or changed graph hash. // // We walk the dirty list and compute the new graph hashes, adding them // to the graph hash map. This Graph Map can then be passed to an actual // documentation generator, which can compare the graph hashes to a list // of already-generated graph hashes and easily assess which documents need // to be regenerated and which can be deleted. $this->buildAtomCache(); $this->buildGraphCache(); $publisher_class = $args->getArg('publisher'); $symbols = id(new PhutilSymbolLoader()) ->setName($publisher_class) ->setConcreteOnly(true) ->setAncestorClass('DivinerPublisher') ->selectAndLoadSymbols(); if (!$symbols) { throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException( pht( "Publisher class '%s' must be a concrete subclass of %s.", $publisher_class, 'DivinerPublisher')); } $publisher = newv($publisher_class, array()); $callsign = $args->getArg('repository'); $repository = null; if ($callsign) { $repository = id(new PhabricatorRepositoryQuery()) ->setViewer(PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser()) ->withCallsigns(array($callsign)) ->executeOne(); if (!$repository) { throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException( pht( "Repository '%s' does not exist.", $callsign)); } $publisher->setRepositoryPHID($repository->getPHID()); } $this->publishDocumentation($args->getArg('clean'), $publisher); } /* -( Atom Cache )--------------------------------------------------------- */ private function buildAtomCache() { $this->log(pht('BUILDING ATOM CACHE')); $file_hashes = $this->findFilesInProject(); $this->log( pht( 'Found %s file(s) in project.', - new PhutilNumber(count($file_hashes)))); + phutil_count($file_hashes))); $this->deleteDeadAtoms($file_hashes); $atomize = $this->getFilesToAtomize($file_hashes); $this->log( pht( 'Found %s unatomized, uncached file(s).', - new PhutilNumber(count($atomize)))); + phutil_count($atomize))); $file_atomizers = $this->getAtomizersForFiles($atomize); $this->log( pht( 'Found %s file(s) to atomize.', - new PhutilNumber(count($file_atomizers)))); + phutil_count($file_atomizers))); $futures = $this->buildAtomizerFutures($file_atomizers); $this->log( pht( 'Atomizing %s file(s).', - new PhutilNumber(count($file_atomizers)))); + phutil_count($file_atomizers))); if ($futures) { $this->resolveAtomizerFutures($futures, $file_hashes); $this->log(pht('Atomization complete.')); } else { $this->log(pht('Atom cache is up to date, no files to atomize.')); } $this->log(pht('Writing atom cache.')); $this->getAtomCache()->saveAtoms(); $this->log(pht('Done.')."\n"); } private function getAtomizersForFiles(array $files) { $rules = $this->getRules(); $exclude = $this->getExclude(); $atomizers = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { foreach ($exclude as $pattern) { if (preg_match($pattern, $file)) { continue 2; } } foreach ($rules as $rule => $atomizer) { $ok = preg_match($rule, $file); if ($ok === false) { throw new Exception( pht("Rule '%s' is not a valid regular expression.", $rule)); } if ($ok) { $atomizers[$file] = $atomizer; continue; } } } return $atomizers; } private function getRules() { return $this->getConfig('rules', array( '/\\.diviner$/' => 'DivinerArticleAtomizer', '/\\.php$/' => 'DivinerPHPAtomizer', )); } private function getExclude() { $exclude = (array)$this->getConfig('exclude', array()); return $exclude; } private function findFilesInProject() { $raw_hashes = id(new FileFinder($this->getConfig('root'))) ->excludePath('*/.*') ->withType('f') ->setGenerateChecksums(true) ->find(); $version = $this->getDivinerAtomWorldVersion(); $file_hashes = array(); foreach ($raw_hashes as $file => $md5_hash) { $rel_file = Filesystem::readablePath($file, $this->getConfig('root')); // We want the hash to change if the file moves or Diviner gets updated, // not just if the file content changes. Derive a hash from everything // we care about. $file_hashes[$rel_file] = md5("{$rel_file}\0{$md5_hash}\0{$version}").'F'; } return $file_hashes; } private function deleteDeadAtoms(array $file_hashes) { $atom_cache = $this->getAtomCache(); $hash_to_file = array_flip($file_hashes); foreach ($atom_cache->getFileHashMap() as $hash => $atom) { if (empty($hash_to_file[$hash])) { $atom_cache->deleteFileHash($hash); } } } private function getFilesToAtomize(array $file_hashes) { $atom_cache = $this->getAtomCache(); $atomize = array(); foreach ($file_hashes as $file => $hash) { if (!$atom_cache->fileHashExists($hash)) { $atomize[] = $file; } } return $atomize; } private function buildAtomizerFutures(array $file_atomizers) { $atomizers = array(); foreach ($file_atomizers as $file => $atomizer) { $atomizers[$atomizer][] = $file; } $root = dirname(phutil_get_library_root('phabricator')); $config_root = $this->getConfig('root'); $bar = id(new PhutilConsoleProgressBar()) ->setTotal(count($file_atomizers)); $futures = array(); foreach ($atomizers as $class => $files) { foreach (array_chunk($files, 32) as $chunk) { $future = new ExecFuture( '%s atomize --ugly --book %s --atomizer %s -- %Ls', $root.'/bin/diviner', $this->getBookConfigPath(), $class, $chunk); $future->setCWD($config_root); $futures[] = $future; $bar->update(count($chunk)); } } $bar->done(); return $futures; } private function resolveAtomizerFutures(array $futures, array $file_hashes) { assert_instances_of($futures, 'Future'); $atom_cache = $this->getAtomCache(); $bar = id(new PhutilConsoleProgressBar()) ->setTotal(count($futures)); $futures = id(new FutureIterator($futures)) ->limit(4); foreach ($futures as $key => $future) { try { $atoms = $future->resolveJSON(); foreach ($atoms as $atom) { if ($atom['type'] == DivinerAtom::TYPE_FILE) { $file_hash = $file_hashes[$atom['file']]; $atom_cache->addFileHash($file_hash, $atom['hash']); } $atom_cache->addAtom($atom); } } catch (Exception $e) { phlog($e); } $bar->update(1); } $bar->done(); } /** * Get a global version number, which changes whenever any atom or atomizer * implementation changes in a way which is not backward-compatible. */ private function getDivinerAtomWorldVersion() { $version = array(); $version['atom'] = DivinerAtom::getAtomSerializationVersion(); $version['rules'] = $this->getRules(); $atomizers = id(new PhutilClassMapQuery()) ->setAncestorClass('DivinerAtomizer') ->execute(); $atomizer_versions = array(); foreach ($atomizers as $atomizer) { $name = get_class($atomizer); $atomizer_versions[$name] = call_user_func( array( $name, 'getAtomizerVersion', )); } ksort($atomizer_versions); $version['atomizers'] = $atomizer_versions; return md5(serialize($version)); } /* -( Graph Cache )-------------------------------------------------------- */ private function buildGraphCache() { $this->log(pht('BUILDING GRAPH CACHE')); $atom_cache = $this->getAtomCache(); $symbol_map = $atom_cache->getSymbolMap(); $atoms = $atom_cache->getAtomMap(); $dirty_symbols = array(); $dirty_nhashes = array(); $del_atoms = array_diff_key($symbol_map, $atoms); $this->log( pht( 'Found %s obsolete atom(s) in graph.', - new PhutilNumber(count($del_atoms)))); + phutil_count($del_atoms))); foreach ($del_atoms as $nhash => $shash) { $atom_cache->deleteSymbol($nhash); $dirty_symbols[$shash] = true; $atom_cache->deleteEdges($nhash); $atom_cache->deleteGraph($nhash); } $new_atoms = array_diff_key($atoms, $symbol_map); $this->log( pht( 'Found %s new atom(s) in graph.', - new PhutilNumber(count($new_atoms)))); + phutil_count($new_atoms))); foreach ($new_atoms as $nhash => $ignored) { $shash = $this->computeSymbolHash($nhash); $atom_cache->addSymbol($nhash, $shash); $dirty_symbols[$shash] = true; $atom_cache->addEdges($nhash, $this->getEdges($nhash)); $dirty_nhashes[$nhash] = true; } $this->log(pht('Propagating changes through the graph.')); // Find all the nodes which point at a dirty node, and dirty them. Then // find all the nodes which point at those nodes and dirty them, and so // on. (This is slightly overkill since we probably don't need to propagate // dirtiness across documentation "links" between symbols, but we do want // to propagate it across "extends", and we suffer only a little bit of // collateral damage by over-dirtying as long as the documentation isn't // too well-connected.) $symbol_stack = array_keys($dirty_symbols); while ($symbol_stack) { $symbol_hash = array_pop($symbol_stack); foreach ($atom_cache->getEdgesWithDestination($symbol_hash) as $edge) { $dirty_nhashes[$edge] = true; $src_hash = $this->computeSymbolHash($edge); if (empty($dirty_symbols[$src_hash])) { $dirty_symbols[$src_hash] = true; $symbol_stack[] = $src_hash; } } } $this->log( pht( 'Found %s affected atoms.', - new PhutilNumber(count($dirty_nhashes)))); + phutil_count($dirty_nhashes))); foreach ($dirty_nhashes as $nhash => $ignored) { $atom_cache->addGraph($nhash, $this->computeGraphHash($nhash)); } $this->log(pht('Writing graph cache.')); $atom_cache->saveGraph(); $atom_cache->saveEdges(); $atom_cache->saveSymbols(); $this->log(pht('Done.')."\n"); } private function computeSymbolHash($node_hash) { $atom_cache = $this->getAtomCache(); $atom = $atom_cache->getAtom($node_hash); if (!$atom) { throw new Exception( pht("No such atom with node hash '%s'!", $node_hash)); } $ref = DivinerAtomRef::newFromDictionary($atom['ref']); return $ref->toHash(); } private function getEdges($node_hash) { $atom_cache = $this->getAtomCache(); $atom = $atom_cache->getAtom($node_hash); $refs = array(); // Make the atom depend on its own symbol, so that all atoms with the same // symbol are dirtied (e.g., if a codebase defines the function `f()` // several times, all of them should be dirtied when one is dirtied). $refs[DivinerAtomRef::newFromDictionary($atom)->toHash()] = true; foreach (array_merge($atom['extends'], $atom['links']) as $ref_dict) { $ref = DivinerAtomRef::newFromDictionary($ref_dict); if ($ref->getBook() == $atom['book']) { $refs[$ref->toHash()] = true; } } return array_keys($refs); } private function computeGraphHash($node_hash) { $atom_cache = $this->getAtomCache(); $atom = $atom_cache->getAtom($node_hash); $edges = $this->getEdges($node_hash); sort($edges); $inputs = array( 'atomHash' => $atom['hash'], 'edges' => $edges, ); return md5(serialize($inputs)).'G'; } private function publishDocumentation($clean, DivinerPublisher $publisher) { $atom_cache = $this->getAtomCache(); $graph_map = $atom_cache->getGraphMap(); $this->log(pht('PUBLISHING DOCUMENTATION')); $publisher ->setDropCaches($clean) ->setConfig($this->getAllConfig()) ->setAtomCache($atom_cache) ->setRenderer(new DivinerDefaultRenderer()) ->publishAtoms(array_values($graph_map)); $this->log(pht('Done.')); } } diff --git a/src/applications/doorkeeper/option/PhabricatorAsanaConfigOptions.php b/src/applications/doorkeeper/option/PhabricatorAsanaConfigOptions.php index f0cdb5a819..e7f2ef85de 100644 --- a/src/applications/doorkeeper/option/PhabricatorAsanaConfigOptions.php +++ b/src/applications/doorkeeper/option/PhabricatorAsanaConfigOptions.php @@ -1,161 +1,164 @@ newOption('asana.workspace-id', 'string', null) ->setSummary(pht('Asana Workspace ID to publish into.')) ->setDescription( pht( 'To enable synchronization into Asana, enter an Asana Workspace '. 'ID here.'. "\n\n". "NOTE: This feature is new and experimental.")), $this->newOption('asana.project-ids', 'wild', null) ->setSummary(pht('Optional Asana projects to use as application tags.')) ->setDescription( pht( 'When Phabricator creates tasks in Asana, it can add the tasks '. 'to Asana projects based on which application the corresponding '. 'object in Phabricator comes from. For example, you can add code '. 'reviews in Asana to a "Differential" project.'. "\n\n". 'NOTE: This feature is new and experimental.')), ); } public function renderContextualDescription( PhabricatorConfigOption $option, AphrontRequest $request) { switch ($option->getKey()) { case 'asana.workspace-id': break; case 'asana.project-ids': return $this->renderContextualProjectDescription($option, $request); default: return parent::renderContextualDescription($option, $request); } $viewer = $request->getUser(); $provider = PhabricatorAsanaAuthProvider::getAsanaProvider(); if (!$provider) { return null; } $account = id(new PhabricatorExternalAccountQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withUserPHIDs(array($viewer->getPHID())) ->withAccountTypes(array($provider->getProviderType())) ->withAccountDomains(array($provider->getProviderDomain())) ->requireCapabilities( array( PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT, )) ->executeOne(); if (!$account) { return null; } $token = $provider->getOAuthAccessToken($account); if (!$token) { return null; } try { $workspaces = id(new PhutilAsanaFuture()) ->setAccessToken($token) ->setRawAsanaQuery('workspaces') ->resolve(); } catch (Exception $ex) { return null; } if (!$workspaces) { return null; } $out = array(); - $out[] = pht('| Workspace ID | Workspace Name |'); - $out[] = '| ------------ | -------------- |'; + $out[] = sprintf( + '| %s | %s |', + pht('Workspace ID'), + pht('Workspace Name')); + $out[] = '| ------------ | -------------- |'; foreach ($workspaces as $workspace) { $out[] = sprintf('| `%s` | `%s` |', $workspace['id'], $workspace['name']); } $out = implode("\n", $out); $out = pht( "The Asana Workspaces your linked account has access to are:\n\n%s", $out); return PhabricatorMarkupEngine::renderOneObject( id(new PhabricatorMarkupOneOff())->setContent($out), 'default', $viewer); } private function renderContextualProjectDescription( PhabricatorConfigOption $option, AphrontRequest $request) { $viewer = $request->getUser(); $publishers = id(new PhutilClassMapQuery()) ->setAncestorClass('DoorkeeperFeedStoryPublisher') ->execute(); $out = array(); $out[] = pht( 'To specify projects to add tasks to, enter a JSON map with publisher '. 'class names as keys and a list of project IDs as values. For example, '. 'to put Differential tasks into Asana projects with IDs `123` and '. '`456`, enter:'. "\n\n". " lang=txt\n". " {\n". " \"DifferentialDoorkeeperRevisionFeedStoryPublisher\" : [123, 456]\n". " }\n"); $out[] = pht('Available publishers class names are:'); foreach ($publishers as $publisher) { $out[] = ' - `'.get_class($publisher).'`'; } $out[] = pht( 'You can find an Asana project ID by clicking the project in Asana and '. 'then examining the URL:'. "\n\n". " lang=txt\n". " https://app.asana.com/0/12345678901234567890/111111111111111111\n". " ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n". " This is the ID to use.\n"); $out = implode("\n", $out); return PhabricatorMarkupEngine::renderOneObject( id(new PhabricatorMarkupOneOff())->setContent($out), 'default', $viewer); } } diff --git a/src/applications/files/storage/PhabricatorFile.php b/src/applications/files/storage/PhabricatorFile.php index 4ca26fc03b..f0a5f228e3 100644 --- a/src/applications/files/storage/PhabricatorFile.php +++ b/src/applications/files/storage/PhabricatorFile.php @@ -1,1381 +1,1381 @@ setViewer(PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser()) ->withClasses(array('PhabricatorFilesApplication')) ->executeOne(); $view_policy = $app->getPolicy( FilesDefaultViewCapability::CAPABILITY); return id(new PhabricatorFile()) ->setViewPolicy($view_policy) ->setIsPartial(0) ->attachOriginalFile(null) ->attachObjects(array()) ->attachObjectPHIDs(array()); } protected function getConfiguration() { return array( self::CONFIG_AUX_PHID => true, self::CONFIG_SERIALIZATION => array( 'metadata' => self::SERIALIZATION_JSON, ), self::CONFIG_COLUMN_SCHEMA => array( 'name' => 'text255?', 'mimeType' => 'text255?', 'byteSize' => 'uint64', 'storageEngine' => 'text32', 'storageFormat' => 'text32', 'storageHandle' => 'text255', 'authorPHID' => 'phid?', 'secretKey' => 'bytes20?', 'contentHash' => 'bytes40?', 'ttl' => 'epoch?', 'isExplicitUpload' => 'bool?', 'mailKey' => 'bytes20', 'isPartial' => 'bool', ), self::CONFIG_KEY_SCHEMA => array( 'key_phid' => null, 'phid' => array( 'columns' => array('phid'), 'unique' => true, ), 'authorPHID' => array( 'columns' => array('authorPHID'), ), 'contentHash' => array( 'columns' => array('contentHash'), ), 'key_ttl' => array( 'columns' => array('ttl'), ), 'key_dateCreated' => array( 'columns' => array('dateCreated'), ), 'key_partial' => array( 'columns' => array('authorPHID', 'isPartial'), ), ), ) + parent::getConfiguration(); } public function generatePHID() { return PhabricatorPHID::generateNewPHID( PhabricatorFileFilePHIDType::TYPECONST); } public function save() { if (!$this->getSecretKey()) { $this->setSecretKey($this->generateSecretKey()); } if (!$this->getMailKey()) { $this->setMailKey(Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(20)); } return parent::save(); } public function getMonogram() { return 'F'.$this->getID(); } public static function readUploadedFileData($spec) { if (!$spec) { throw new Exception(pht('No file was uploaded!')); } $err = idx($spec, 'error'); if ($err) { throw new PhabricatorFileUploadException($err); } $tmp_name = idx($spec, 'tmp_name'); $is_valid = @is_uploaded_file($tmp_name); if (!$is_valid) { throw new Exception(pht('File is not an uploaded file.')); } $file_data = Filesystem::readFile($tmp_name); $file_size = idx($spec, 'size'); if (strlen($file_data) != $file_size) { throw new Exception(pht('File size disagrees with uploaded size.')); } return $file_data; } public static function newFromPHPUpload($spec, array $params = array()) { $file_data = self::readUploadedFileData($spec); $file_name = nonempty( idx($params, 'name'), idx($spec, 'name')); $params = array( 'name' => $file_name, ) + $params; return self::newFromFileData($file_data, $params); } public static function newFromXHRUpload($data, array $params = array()) { return self::newFromFileData($data, $params); } /** * Given a block of data, try to load an existing file with the same content * if one exists. If it does not, build a new file. * * This method is generally used when we have some piece of semi-trusted data * like a diff or a file from a repository that we want to show to the user. * We can't just dump it out because it may be dangerous for any number of * reasons; instead, we need to serve it through the File abstraction so it * ends up on the CDN domain if one is configured and so on. However, if we * simply wrote a new file every time we'd potentially end up with a lot * of redundant data in file storage. * * To solve these problems, we use file storage as a cache and reuse the * same file again if we've previously written it. * * NOTE: This method unguards writes. * * @param string Raw file data. * @param dict Dictionary of file information. */ public static function buildFromFileDataOrHash( $data, array $params = array()) { $file = id(new PhabricatorFile())->loadOneWhere( 'name = %s AND contentHash = %s LIMIT 1', idx($params, 'name'), self::hashFileContent($data)); if (!$file) { $unguarded = AphrontWriteGuard::beginScopedUnguardedWrites(); $file = self::newFromFileData($data, $params); unset($unguarded); } return $file; } public static function newFileFromContentHash($hash, array $params) { // Check to see if a file with same contentHash exist $file = id(new PhabricatorFile())->loadOneWhere( 'contentHash = %s LIMIT 1', $hash); if ($file) { // copy storageEngine, storageHandle, storageFormat $copy_of_storage_engine = $file->getStorageEngine(); $copy_of_storage_handle = $file->getStorageHandle(); $copy_of_storage_format = $file->getStorageFormat(); $copy_of_byte_size = $file->getByteSize(); $copy_of_mime_type = $file->getMimeType(); $new_file = self::initializeNewFile(); $new_file->setByteSize($copy_of_byte_size); $new_file->setContentHash($hash); $new_file->setStorageEngine($copy_of_storage_engine); $new_file->setStorageHandle($copy_of_storage_handle); $new_file->setStorageFormat($copy_of_storage_format); $new_file->setMimeType($copy_of_mime_type); $new_file->copyDimensions($file); $new_file->readPropertiesFromParameters($params); $new_file->save(); return $new_file; } return $file; } public static function newChunkedFile( PhabricatorFileStorageEngine $engine, $length, array $params) { $file = self::initializeNewFile(); $file->setByteSize($length); // TODO: We might be able to test the first chunk in order to figure // this out more reliably, since MIME detection usually examines headers. // However, enormous files are probably always either actually raw data // or reasonable to treat like raw data. $file->setMimeType('application/octet-stream'); $chunked_hash = idx($params, 'chunkedHash'); if ($chunked_hash) { $file->setContentHash($chunked_hash); } else { // See PhabricatorChunkedFileStorageEngine::getChunkedHash() for some // discussion of this. $seed = Filesystem::readRandomBytes(64); $hash = PhabricatorChunkedFileStorageEngine::getChunkedHashForInput( $seed); $file->setContentHash($hash); } $file->setStorageEngine($engine->getEngineIdentifier()); $file->setStorageHandle(PhabricatorFileChunk::newChunkHandle()); $file->setStorageFormat(self::STORAGE_FORMAT_RAW); $file->setIsPartial(1); $file->readPropertiesFromParameters($params); return $file; } private static function buildFromFileData($data, array $params = array()) { if (isset($params['storageEngines'])) { $engines = $params['storageEngines']; } else { $size = strlen($data); $engines = PhabricatorFileStorageEngine::loadStorageEngines($size); if (!$engines) { throw new Exception( pht( 'No configured storage engine can store this file. See '. '"Configuring File Storage" in the documentation for '. 'information on configuring storage engines.')); } } assert_instances_of($engines, 'PhabricatorFileStorageEngine'); if (!$engines) { throw new Exception(pht('No valid storage engines are available!')); } $file = self::initializeNewFile(); $data_handle = null; $engine_identifier = null; $exceptions = array(); foreach ($engines as $engine) { $engine_class = get_class($engine); try { list($engine_identifier, $data_handle) = $file->writeToEngine( $engine, $data, $params); // We stored the file somewhere so stop trying to write it to other // places. break; } catch (PhabricatorFileStorageConfigurationException $ex) { // If an engine is outright misconfigured (or misimplemented), raise // that immediately since it probably needs attention. throw $ex; } catch (Exception $ex) { phlog($ex); // If an engine doesn't work, keep trying all the other valid engines // in case something else works. $exceptions[$engine_class] = $ex; } } if (!$data_handle) { throw new PhutilAggregateException( pht('All storage engines failed to write file:'), $exceptions); } $file->setByteSize(strlen($data)); $file->setContentHash(self::hashFileContent($data)); $file->setStorageEngine($engine_identifier); $file->setStorageHandle($data_handle); // TODO: This is probably YAGNI, but allows for us to do encryption or // compression later if we want. $file->setStorageFormat(self::STORAGE_FORMAT_RAW); $file->readPropertiesFromParameters($params); if (!$file->getMimeType()) { $tmp = new TempFile(); Filesystem::writeFile($tmp, $data); $file->setMimeType(Filesystem::getMimeType($tmp)); } try { $file->updateDimensions(false); } catch (Exception $ex) { // Do nothing } $file->save(); return $file; } public static function newFromFileData($data, array $params = array()) { $hash = self::hashFileContent($data); $file = self::newFileFromContentHash($hash, $params); if ($file) { return $file; } return self::buildFromFileData($data, $params); } public function migrateToEngine(PhabricatorFileStorageEngine $engine) { if (!$this->getID() || !$this->getStorageHandle()) { throw new Exception( pht("You can not migrate a file which hasn't yet been saved.")); } $data = $this->loadFileData(); $params = array( 'name' => $this->getName(), ); list($new_identifier, $new_handle) = $this->writeToEngine( $engine, $data, $params); $old_engine = $this->instantiateStorageEngine(); $old_identifier = $this->getStorageEngine(); $old_handle = $this->getStorageHandle(); $this->setStorageEngine($new_identifier); $this->setStorageHandle($new_handle); $this->save(); $this->deleteFileDataIfUnused( $old_engine, $old_identifier, $old_handle); return $this; } private function writeToEngine( PhabricatorFileStorageEngine $engine, $data, array $params) { $engine_class = get_class($engine); $data_handle = $engine->writeFile($data, $params); if (!$data_handle || strlen($data_handle) > 255) { // This indicates an improperly implemented storage engine. throw new PhabricatorFileStorageConfigurationException( pht( "Storage engine '%s' executed %s but did not return a valid ". "handle ('%s') to the data: it must be nonempty and no longer ". "than 255 characters.", $engine_class, 'writeFile()', $data_handle)); } $engine_identifier = $engine->getEngineIdentifier(); if (!$engine_identifier || strlen($engine_identifier) > 32) { throw new PhabricatorFileStorageConfigurationException( pht( "Storage engine '%s' returned an improper engine identifier '{%s}': ". "it must be nonempty and no longer than 32 characters.", $engine_class, $engine_identifier)); } return array($engine_identifier, $data_handle); } /** * Download a remote resource over HTTP and save the response body as a file. * * This method respects `security.outbound-blacklist`, and protects against * HTTP redirection (by manually following "Location" headers and verifying * each destination). It does not protect against DNS rebinding. See * discussion in T6755. */ public static function newFromFileDownload($uri, array $params = array()) { $timeout = 5; $redirects = array(); $current = $uri; while (true) { try { if (count($redirects) > 10) { throw new Exception( pht('Too many redirects trying to fetch remote URI.')); } $resolved = PhabricatorEnv::requireValidRemoteURIForFetch( $current, array( 'http', 'https', )); list($resolved_uri, $resolved_domain) = $resolved; $current = new PhutilURI($current); if ($current->getProtocol() == 'http') { // For HTTP, we can use a pre-resolved URI to defuse DNS rebinding. $fetch_uri = $resolved_uri; $fetch_host = $resolved_domain; } else { // For HTTPS, we can't: cURL won't verify the SSL certificate if // the domain has been replaced with an IP. But internal services // presumably will not have valid certificates for rebindable // domain names on attacker-controlled domains, so the DNS rebinding // attack should generally not be possible anyway. $fetch_uri = $current; $fetch_host = null; } $future = id(new HTTPSFuture($fetch_uri)) ->setFollowLocation(false) ->setTimeout($timeout); if ($fetch_host !== null) { $future->addHeader('Host', $fetch_host); } list($status, $body, $headers) = $future->resolve(); if ($status->isRedirect()) { // This is an HTTP 3XX status, so look for a "Location" header. $location = null; foreach ($headers as $header) { list($name, $value) = $header; if (phutil_utf8_strtolower($name) == 'location') { $location = $value; break; } } // HTTP 3XX status with no "Location" header, just treat this like // a normal HTTP error. if ($location === null) { throw $status; } if (isset($redirects[$location])) { throw new Exception( pht('Encountered loop while following redirects.')); } $redirects[$location] = $location; $current = $location; // We'll fall off the bottom and go try this URI now. } else if ($status->isError()) { // This is something other than an HTTP 2XX or HTTP 3XX status, so // just bail out. throw $status; } else { // This is HTTP 2XX, so use the response body to save the // file data. $params = $params + array( 'name' => basename($uri), ); return self::newFromFileData($body, $params); } } catch (Exception $ex) { if ($redirects) { throw new PhutilProxyException( pht( 'Failed to fetch remote URI "%s" after following %s redirect(s) '. '(%s): %s', $uri, - new PhutilNumber(count($redirects)), + phutil_count($redirects), implode(' > ', array_keys($redirects)), $ex->getMessage()), $ex); } else { throw $ex; } } } } public static function normalizeFileName($file_name) { $pattern = "@[\\x00-\\x19#%&+!~'\$\"\/=\\\\?<> ]+@"; $file_name = preg_replace($pattern, '_', $file_name); $file_name = preg_replace('@_+@', '_', $file_name); $file_name = trim($file_name, '_'); $disallowed_filenames = array( '.' => 'dot', '..' => 'dotdot', '' => 'file', ); $file_name = idx($disallowed_filenames, $file_name, $file_name); return $file_name; } public function delete() { // We want to delete all the rows which mark this file as the transformation // of some other file (since we're getting rid of it). We also delete all // the transformations of this file, so that a user who deletes an image // doesn't need to separately hunt down and delete a bunch of thumbnails and // resizes of it. $outbound_xforms = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery()) ->setViewer(PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser()) ->withTransforms( array( array( 'originalPHID' => $this->getPHID(), 'transform' => true, ), )) ->execute(); foreach ($outbound_xforms as $outbound_xform) { $outbound_xform->delete(); } $inbound_xforms = id(new PhabricatorTransformedFile())->loadAllWhere( 'transformedPHID = %s', $this->getPHID()); $this->openTransaction(); foreach ($inbound_xforms as $inbound_xform) { $inbound_xform->delete(); } $ret = parent::delete(); $this->saveTransaction(); $this->deleteFileDataIfUnused( $this->instantiateStorageEngine(), $this->getStorageEngine(), $this->getStorageHandle()); return $ret; } /** * Destroy stored file data if there are no remaining files which reference * it. */ public function deleteFileDataIfUnused( PhabricatorFileStorageEngine $engine, $engine_identifier, $handle) { // Check to see if any files are using storage. $usage = id(new PhabricatorFile())->loadAllWhere( 'storageEngine = %s AND storageHandle = %s LIMIT 1', $engine_identifier, $handle); // If there are no files using the storage, destroy the actual storage. if (!$usage) { try { $engine->deleteFile($handle); } catch (Exception $ex) { // In the worst case, we're leaving some data stranded in a storage // engine, which is not a big deal. phlog($ex); } } } public static function hashFileContent($data) { return sha1($data); } public function loadFileData() { $engine = $this->instantiateStorageEngine(); $data = $engine->readFile($this->getStorageHandle()); switch ($this->getStorageFormat()) { case self::STORAGE_FORMAT_RAW: $data = $data; break; default: throw new Exception(pht('Unknown storage format.')); } return $data; } /** * Return an iterable which emits file content bytes. * * @param int Offset for the start of data. * @param int Offset for the end of data. * @return Iterable Iterable object which emits requested data. */ public function getFileDataIterator($begin = null, $end = null) { $engine = $this->instantiateStorageEngine(); return $engine->getFileDataIterator($this, $begin, $end); } public function getViewURI() { if (!$this->getPHID()) { throw new Exception( pht('You must save a file before you can generate a view URI.')); } return $this->getCDNURI(null); } private function getCDNURI($token) { $name = self::normalizeFileName($this->getName()); $name = phutil_escape_uri($name); $parts = array(); $parts[] = 'file'; $parts[] = 'data'; // If this is an instanced install, add the instance identifier to the URI. // Instanced configurations behind a CDN may not be able to control the // request domain used by the CDN (as with AWS CloudFront). Embedding the // instance identity in the path allows us to distinguish between requests // originating from different instances but served through the same CDN. $instance = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('cluster.instance'); if (strlen($instance)) { $parts[] = '@'.$instance; } $parts[] = $this->getSecretKey(); $parts[] = $this->getPHID(); if ($token) { $parts[] = $token; } $parts[] = $name; $path = '/'.implode('/', $parts); // If this file is only partially uploaded, we're just going to return a // local URI to make sure that Ajax works, since the page is inevitably // going to give us an error back. if ($this->getIsPartial()) { return PhabricatorEnv::getURI($path); } else { return PhabricatorEnv::getCDNURI($path); } } /** * Get the CDN URI for this file, including a one-time-use security token. * */ public function getCDNURIWithToken() { if (!$this->getPHID()) { throw new Exception( pht('You must save a file before you can generate a CDN URI.')); } return $this->getCDNURI($this->generateOneTimeToken()); } public function getInfoURI() { return '/'.$this->getMonogram(); } public function getBestURI() { if ($this->isViewableInBrowser()) { return $this->getViewURI(); } else { return $this->getInfoURI(); } } public function getDownloadURI() { $uri = id(new PhutilURI($this->getViewURI())) ->setQueryParam('download', true); return (string)$uri; } public function getURIForTransform(PhabricatorFileTransform $transform) { return $this->getTransformedURI($transform->getTransformKey()); } private function getTransformedURI($transform) { $parts = array(); $parts[] = 'file'; $parts[] = 'xform'; $instance = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('cluster.instance'); if (strlen($instance)) { $parts[] = '@'.$instance; } $parts[] = $transform; $parts[] = $this->getPHID(); $parts[] = $this->getSecretKey(); $path = implode('/', $parts); $path = $path.'/'; return PhabricatorEnv::getCDNURI($path); } public function isViewableInBrowser() { return ($this->getViewableMimeType() !== null); } public function isViewableImage() { if (!$this->isViewableInBrowser()) { return false; } $mime_map = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('files.image-mime-types'); $mime_type = $this->getMimeType(); return idx($mime_map, $mime_type); } public function isAudio() { if (!$this->isViewableInBrowser()) { return false; } $mime_map = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('files.audio-mime-types'); $mime_type = $this->getMimeType(); return idx($mime_map, $mime_type); } public function isTransformableImage() { // NOTE: The way the 'gd' extension works in PHP is that you can install it // with support for only some file types, so it might be able to handle // PNG but not JPEG. Try to generate thumbnails for whatever we can. Setup // warns you if you don't have complete support. $matches = null; $ok = preg_match( '@^image/(gif|png|jpe?g)@', $this->getViewableMimeType(), $matches); if (!$ok) { return false; } switch ($matches[1]) { case 'jpg'; case 'jpeg': return function_exists('imagejpeg'); break; case 'png': return function_exists('imagepng'); break; case 'gif': return function_exists('imagegif'); break; default: throw new Exception(pht('Unknown type matched as image MIME type.')); } } public static function getTransformableImageFormats() { $supported = array(); if (function_exists('imagejpeg')) { $supported[] = 'jpg'; } if (function_exists('imagepng')) { $supported[] = 'png'; } if (function_exists('imagegif')) { $supported[] = 'gif'; } return $supported; } public function instantiateStorageEngine() { return self::buildEngine($this->getStorageEngine()); } public static function buildEngine($engine_identifier) { $engines = self::buildAllEngines(); foreach ($engines as $engine) { if ($engine->getEngineIdentifier() == $engine_identifier) { return $engine; } } throw new Exception( pht( "Storage engine '%s' could not be located!", $engine_identifier)); } public static function buildAllEngines() { return id(new PhutilClassMapQuery()) ->setAncestorClass('PhabricatorFileStorageEngine') ->execute(); } public function getViewableMimeType() { $mime_map = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('files.viewable-mime-types'); $mime_type = $this->getMimeType(); $mime_parts = explode(';', $mime_type); $mime_type = trim(reset($mime_parts)); return idx($mime_map, $mime_type); } public function getDisplayIconForMimeType() { $mime_map = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('files.icon-mime-types'); $mime_type = $this->getMimeType(); return idx($mime_map, $mime_type, 'fa-file-o'); } public function validateSecretKey($key) { return ($key == $this->getSecretKey()); } public function generateSecretKey() { return Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(20); } public function updateDimensions($save = true) { if (!$this->isViewableImage()) { throw new Exception(pht('This file is not a viewable image.')); } if (!function_exists('imagecreatefromstring')) { throw new Exception(pht('Cannot retrieve image information.')); } $data = $this->loadFileData(); $img = imagecreatefromstring($data); if ($img === false) { throw new Exception(pht('Error when decoding image.')); } $this->metadata[self::METADATA_IMAGE_WIDTH] = imagesx($img); $this->metadata[self::METADATA_IMAGE_HEIGHT] = imagesy($img); if ($save) { $this->save(); } return $this; } public function copyDimensions(PhabricatorFile $file) { $metadata = $file->getMetadata(); $width = idx($metadata, self::METADATA_IMAGE_WIDTH); if ($width) { $this->metadata[self::METADATA_IMAGE_WIDTH] = $width; } $height = idx($metadata, self::METADATA_IMAGE_HEIGHT); if ($height) { $this->metadata[self::METADATA_IMAGE_HEIGHT] = $height; } return $this; } /** * Load (or build) the {@class:PhabricatorFile} objects for builtin file * resources. The builtin mechanism allows files shipped with Phabricator * to be treated like normal files so that APIs do not need to special case * things like default images or deleted files. * * Builtins are located in `resources/builtin/` and identified by their * name. * * @param PhabricatorUser Viewing user. * @param list List of builtin file names. * @return dict Dictionary of named builtins. */ public static function loadBuiltins(PhabricatorUser $user, array $names) { $specs = array(); foreach ($names as $name) { $specs[] = array( 'originalPHID' => PhabricatorPHIDConstants::PHID_VOID, 'transform' => 'builtin:'.$name, ); } // NOTE: Anyone is allowed to access builtin files. $files = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery()) ->setViewer(PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser()) ->withTransforms($specs) ->execute(); $files = mpull($files, null, 'getName'); $root = dirname(phutil_get_library_root('phabricator')); $root = $root.'/resources/builtin/'; $build = array(); foreach ($names as $name) { if (isset($files[$name])) { continue; } // This is just a sanity check to prevent loading arbitrary files. if (basename($name) != $name) { throw new Exception(pht("Invalid builtin name '%s'!", $name)); } $path = $root.$name; if (!Filesystem::pathExists($path)) { throw new Exception(pht("Builtin '%s' does not exist!", $path)); } $data = Filesystem::readFile($path); $params = array( 'name' => $name, 'ttl' => time() + (60 * 60 * 24 * 7), 'canCDN' => true, 'builtin' => $name, ); $unguarded = AphrontWriteGuard::beginScopedUnguardedWrites(); $file = self::newFromFileData($data, $params); $xform = id(new PhabricatorTransformedFile()) ->setOriginalPHID(PhabricatorPHIDConstants::PHID_VOID) ->setTransform('builtin:'.$name) ->setTransformedPHID($file->getPHID()) ->save(); unset($unguarded); $file->attachObjectPHIDs(array()); $file->attachObjects(array()); $files[$name] = $file; } return $files; } /** * Convenience wrapper for @{method:loadBuiltins}. * * @param PhabricatorUser Viewing user. * @param string Single builtin name to load. * @return PhabricatorFile Corresponding builtin file. */ public static function loadBuiltin(PhabricatorUser $user, $name) { return idx(self::loadBuiltins($user, array($name)), $name); } public function getObjects() { return $this->assertAttached($this->objects); } public function attachObjects(array $objects) { $this->objects = $objects; return $this; } public function getObjectPHIDs() { return $this->assertAttached($this->objectPHIDs); } public function attachObjectPHIDs(array $object_phids) { $this->objectPHIDs = $object_phids; return $this; } public function getOriginalFile() { return $this->assertAttached($this->originalFile); } public function attachOriginalFile(PhabricatorFile $file = null) { $this->originalFile = $file; return $this; } public function getImageHeight() { if (!$this->isViewableImage()) { return null; } return idx($this->metadata, self::METADATA_IMAGE_HEIGHT); } public function getImageWidth() { if (!$this->isViewableImage()) { return null; } return idx($this->metadata, self::METADATA_IMAGE_WIDTH); } public function getCanCDN() { if (!$this->isViewableImage()) { return false; } return idx($this->metadata, self::METADATA_CAN_CDN); } public function setCanCDN($can_cdn) { $this->metadata[self::METADATA_CAN_CDN] = $can_cdn ? 1 : 0; return $this; } public function isBuiltin() { return ($this->getBuiltinName() !== null); } public function getBuiltinName() { return idx($this->metadata, self::METADATA_BUILTIN); } public function setBuiltinName($name) { $this->metadata[self::METADATA_BUILTIN] = $name; return $this; } public function getIsProfileImage() { return idx($this->metadata, self::METADATA_PROFILE); } public function setIsProfileImage($value) { $this->metadata[self::METADATA_PROFILE] = $value; return $this; } protected function generateOneTimeToken() { $key = Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(16); // Save the new secret. $unguarded = AphrontWriteGuard::beginScopedUnguardedWrites(); $token = id(new PhabricatorAuthTemporaryToken()) ->setObjectPHID($this->getPHID()) ->setTokenType(self::ONETIME_TEMPORARY_TOKEN_TYPE) ->setTokenExpires(time() + phutil_units('1 hour in seconds')) ->setTokenCode(PhabricatorHash::digest($key)) ->save(); unset($unguarded); return $key; } public function validateOneTimeToken($token_code) { $token = id(new PhabricatorAuthTemporaryTokenQuery()) ->setViewer(PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser()) ->withObjectPHIDs(array($this->getPHID())) ->withTokenTypes(array(self::ONETIME_TEMPORARY_TOKEN_TYPE)) ->withExpired(false) ->withTokenCodes(array(PhabricatorHash::digest($token_code))) ->executeOne(); return $token; } /** * Write the policy edge between this file and some object. * * @param phid Object PHID to attach to. * @return this */ public function attachToObject($phid) { $edge_type = PhabricatorObjectHasFileEdgeType::EDGECONST; id(new PhabricatorEdgeEditor()) ->addEdge($phid, $edge_type, $this->getPHID()) ->save(); return $this; } /** * Remove the policy edge between this file and some object. * * @param phid Object PHID to detach from. * @return this */ public function detachFromObject($phid) { $edge_type = PhabricatorObjectHasFileEdgeType::EDGECONST; id(new PhabricatorEdgeEditor()) ->removeEdge($phid, $edge_type, $this->getPHID()) ->save(); return $this; } /** * Configure a newly created file object according to specified parameters. * * This method is called both when creating a file from fresh data, and * when creating a new file which reuses existing storage. * * @param map Bag of parameters, see @{class:PhabricatorFile} * for documentation. * @return this */ private function readPropertiesFromParameters(array $params) { $file_name = idx($params, 'name'); $this->setName($file_name); $author_phid = idx($params, 'authorPHID'); $this->setAuthorPHID($author_phid); $file_ttl = idx($params, 'ttl'); $this->setTtl($file_ttl); $view_policy = idx($params, 'viewPolicy'); if ($view_policy) { $this->setViewPolicy($params['viewPolicy']); } $is_explicit = (idx($params, 'isExplicitUpload') ? 1 : 0); $this->setIsExplicitUpload($is_explicit); $can_cdn = idx($params, 'canCDN'); if ($can_cdn) { $this->setCanCDN(true); } $builtin = idx($params, 'builtin'); if ($builtin) { $this->setBuiltinName($builtin); } $profile = idx($params, 'profile'); if ($profile) { $this->setIsProfileImage(true); } $mime_type = idx($params, 'mime-type'); if ($mime_type) { $this->setMimeType($mime_type); } return $this; } public function getRedirectResponse() { $uri = $this->getBestURI(); // TODO: This is a bit iffy. Sometimes, getBestURI() returns a CDN URI // (if the file is a viewable image) and sometimes a local URI (if not). // For now, just detect which one we got and configure the response // appropriately. In the long run, if this endpoint is served from a CDN // domain, we can't issue a local redirect to an info URI (which is not // present on the CDN domain). We probably never actually issue local // redirects here anyway, since we only ever transform viewable images // right now. $is_external = strlen(id(new PhutilURI($uri))->getDomain()); return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse()) ->setIsExternal($is_external) ->setURI($uri); } /* -( PhabricatorApplicationTransactionInterface )------------------------- */ public function getApplicationTransactionEditor() { return new PhabricatorFileEditor(); } public function getApplicationTransactionObject() { return $this; } public function getApplicationTransactionTemplate() { return new PhabricatorFileTransaction(); } public function willRenderTimeline( PhabricatorApplicationTransactionView $timeline, AphrontRequest $request) { return $timeline; } /* -( PhabricatorPolicyInterface Implementation )-------------------------- */ public function getCapabilities() { return array( PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT, ); } public function getPolicy($capability) { switch ($capability) { case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW: if ($this->isBuiltin()) { return PhabricatorPolicies::getMostOpenPolicy(); } if ($this->getIsProfileImage()) { return PhabricatorPolicies::getMostOpenPolicy(); } return $this->getViewPolicy(); case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT: return PhabricatorPolicies::POLICY_NOONE; } } public function hasAutomaticCapability($capability, PhabricatorUser $viewer) { $viewer_phid = $viewer->getPHID(); if ($viewer_phid) { if ($this->getAuthorPHID() == $viewer_phid) { return true; } } switch ($capability) { case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW: // If you can see the file this file is a transform of, you can see // this file. if ($this->getOriginalFile()) { return true; } // If you can see any object this file is attached to, you can see // the file. return (count($this->getObjects()) > 0); } return false; } public function describeAutomaticCapability($capability) { $out = array(); $out[] = pht('The user who uploaded a file can always view and edit it.'); switch ($capability) { case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW: $out[] = pht( 'Files attached to objects are visible to users who can view '. 'those objects.'); $out[] = pht( 'Thumbnails are visible only to users who can view the original '. 'file.'); break; } return $out; } /* -( PhabricatorSubscribableInterface Implementation )-------------------- */ public function isAutomaticallySubscribed($phid) { return ($this->authorPHID == $phid); } public function shouldShowSubscribersProperty() { return true; } public function shouldAllowSubscription($phid) { return true; } /* -( PhabricatorTokenReceiverInterface )---------------------------------- */ public function getUsersToNotifyOfTokenGiven() { return array( $this->getAuthorPHID(), ); } /* -( PhabricatorDestructibleInterface )----------------------------------- */ public function destroyObjectPermanently( PhabricatorDestructionEngine $engine) { $this->openTransaction(); $this->delete(); $this->saveTransaction(); } } diff --git a/src/applications/harbormaster/conduit/HarbormasterSendMessageConduitAPIMethod.php b/src/applications/harbormaster/conduit/HarbormasterSendMessageConduitAPIMethod.php index 3a2d808239..6d68b0a8b6 100644 --- a/src/applications/harbormaster/conduit/HarbormasterSendMessageConduitAPIMethod.php +++ b/src/applications/harbormaster/conduit/HarbormasterSendMessageConduitAPIMethod.php @@ -1,268 +1,268 @@ $parameter) { $type = idx($parameter, 'type'); - $type = str_replace('|', pht(' or '), $type); + $type = str_replace('|', ' '.pht('or').' ', $type); $description = idx($parameter, 'description'); $rows[] = "| `{$key}` | //{$type}// | {$description} |"; } $unit_table = implode("\n", $rows); $rows = array(); $rows[] = "| {$head_key} | {$head_name} | {$head_desc} |"; $rows[] = '|-------------|--------------|--------------|'; $results = ArcanistUnitTestResult::getAllResultCodes(); foreach ($results as $result_code) { $name = ArcanistUnitTestResult::getResultCodeName($result_code); $description = ArcanistUnitTestResult::getResultCodeDescription( $result_code); $rows[] = "| `{$result_code}` | **{$name}** | {$description} |"; } $result_table = implode("\n", $rows); $rows = array(); $rows[] = "| {$head_key} | {$head_type} | {$head_desc} |"; $rows[] = '|-------------|--------------|--------------|'; $lint_spec = HarbormasterBuildLintMessage::getParameterSpec(); foreach ($lint_spec as $key => $parameter) { $type = idx($parameter, 'type'); - $type = str_replace('|', pht(' or '), $type); + $type = str_replace('|', ' '.pht('or').' ', $type); $description = idx($parameter, 'description'); $rows[] = "| `{$key}` | //{$type}// | {$description} |"; } $lint_table = implode("\n", $rows); $rows = array(); $rows[] = "| {$head_key} | {$head_name} |"; $rows[] = '|-------------|--------------|'; $severities = ArcanistLintSeverity::getLintSeverities(); foreach ($severities as $key => $name) { $rows[] = "| `{$key}` | **{$name}** |"; } $severity_table = implode("\n", $rows); $valid_unit = array( array( 'name' => 'PassingTest', 'result' => ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_PASS, ), array( 'name' => 'FailingTest', 'result' => ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_FAIL, ), ); $valid_lint = array( array( 'name' => pht('Syntax Error'), 'code' => 'EXAMPLE1', 'severity' => ArcanistLintSeverity::SEVERITY_ERROR, 'path' => 'path/to/example.c', 'line' => 17, 'char' => 3, ), array( 'name' => pht('Not A Haiku'), 'code' => 'EXAMPLE2', 'severity' => ArcanistLintSeverity::SEVERITY_ERROR, 'path' => 'path/to/source.cpp', 'line' => 23, 'char' => 1, 'description' => pht( 'This function definition is not a haiku.'), ), ); $json = new PhutilJSON(); $valid_unit = $json->encodeAsList($valid_unit); $valid_lint = $json->encodeAsList($valid_lint); return pht( "Send a message about the status of a build target to Harbormaster, ". "notifying the application of build results in an external system.". "\n\n". "Sending Messages\n". "================\n". "If you run external builds, you can use this method to publish build ". "results back into Harbormaster after the external system finishes work ". "or as it makes progress.". "\n\n". "The simplest way to use this method is to call it once after the ". "build finishes with a `pass` or `fail` message. This will record the ". "build result, and continue the next step in the build if the build was ". "waiting for a result.". "\n\n". "When you send a status message about a build target, you can ". "optionally include detailed `lint` or `unit` results alongside the ". "message. See below for details.". "\n\n". "If you want to report intermediate results but a build hasn't ". "completed yet, you can use the `work` message. This message doesn't ". "have any direct effects, but allows you to send additional data to ". "update the progress of the build target. The target will continue ". "waiting for a completion message, but the UI will update to show the ". "progress which has been made.". "\n\n". "Message Types\n". "=============\n". "When you send Harbormaster a message, you must include a `type`, ". "which describes the overall state of the build. For example, use ". "`pass` to tell Harbomaster that a build completed successfully.". "\n\n". "Supported message types are:". "\n\n". "%s". "\n\n". "Unit Results\n". "============\n". "You can report test results alongside a message. The simplest way to ". "do this is to report all the results alongside a `pass` or `fail` ". "message, but you can also send a `work` message to report intermediate ". "results.\n\n". "To provide unit test results, pass a list of results in the `unit` ". "parameter. Each result shoud be a dictionary with these keys:". "\n\n". "%s". "\n\n". "The `result` parameter recognizes these test results:". "\n\n". "%s". "\n\n". "This is a simple, valid value for the `unit` parameter. It reports ". "one passing test and one failing test:\n\n". "\n\n". "```lang=json\n". "%s". "```". "\n\n". "Lint Results\n". "============\n". "Like unit test results, you can report lint results alongside a ". "message. The `lint` parameter should contain results as a list of ". "dictionaries with these keys:". "\n\n". "%s". "\n\n". "The `severity` parameter recognizes these severity levels:". "\n\n". "%s". "\n\n". "This is a simple, valid value for the `lint` parameter. It reports one ". "error and one warning:". "\n\n". "```lang=json\n". "%s". "```". "\n\n", $message_table, $unit_table, $result_table, $valid_unit, $lint_table, $severity_table, $valid_lint); } protected function defineParamTypes() { $messages = HarbormasterMessageType::getAllMessages(); $type_const = $this->formatStringConstants($messages); return array( 'buildTargetPHID' => 'required phid', 'type' => 'required '.$type_const, 'unit' => 'optional list', 'lint' => 'optional list', ); } protected function defineReturnType() { return 'void'; } protected function execute(ConduitAPIRequest $request) { $viewer = $request->getUser(); $build_target_phid = $request->getValue('buildTargetPHID'); $message_type = $request->getValue('type'); $build_target = id(new HarbormasterBuildTargetQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withPHIDs(array($build_target_phid)) ->executeOne(); if (!$build_target) { throw new Exception(pht('No such build target!')); } $save = array(); $lint_messages = $request->getValue('lint', array()); foreach ($lint_messages as $lint) { $save[] = HarbormasterBuildLintMessage::newFromDictionary( $build_target, $lint); } $unit_messages = $request->getValue('unit', array()); foreach ($unit_messages as $unit) { $save[] = HarbormasterBuildUnitMessage::newFromDictionary( $build_target, $unit); } $save[] = HarbormasterBuildMessage::initializeNewMessage($viewer) ->setBuildTargetPHID($build_target->getPHID()) ->setType($message_type); $build_target->openTransaction(); foreach ($save as $object) { $object->save(); } $build_target->saveTransaction(); // If the build has completely paused because all steps are blocked on // waiting targets, this will resume it. PhabricatorWorker::scheduleTask( 'HarbormasterBuildWorker', array( 'buildID' => $build_target->getBuild()->getID(), )); return null; } } diff --git a/src/applications/harbormaster/controller/HarbormasterBuildViewController.php b/src/applications/harbormaster/controller/HarbormasterBuildViewController.php index 1d655bb2e0..363a05776e 100644 --- a/src/applications/harbormaster/controller/HarbormasterBuildViewController.php +++ b/src/applications/harbormaster/controller/HarbormasterBuildViewController.php @@ -1,626 +1,626 @@ getRequest(); $viewer = $request->getUser(); $id = $request->getURIData('id'); $generation = $request->getInt('g'); $build = id(new HarbormasterBuildQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withIDs(array($id)) ->executeOne(); if (!$build) { return new Aphront404Response(); } require_celerity_resource('harbormaster-css'); $title = pht('Build %d', $id); $header = id(new PHUIHeaderView()) ->setHeader($title) ->setUser($viewer) ->setPolicyObject($build); if ($build->isRestarting()) { $header->setStatus('fa-exclamation-triangle', 'red', pht('Restarting')); } else if ($build->isPausing()) { $header->setStatus('fa-exclamation-triangle', 'red', pht('Pausing')); } else if ($build->isResuming()) { $header->setStatus('fa-exclamation-triangle', 'red', pht('Resuming')); } else if ($build->isAborting()) { $header->setStatus('fa-exclamation-triangle', 'red', pht('Aborting')); } $box = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setHeader($header); $actions = $this->buildActionList($build); $this->buildPropertyLists($box, $build, $actions); $crumbs = $this->buildApplicationCrumbs(); $this->addBuildableCrumb($crumbs, $build->getBuildable()); $crumbs->addTextCrumb($title); if ($generation === null || $generation > $build->getBuildGeneration() || $generation < 0) { $generation = $build->getBuildGeneration(); } $build_targets = id(new HarbormasterBuildTargetQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->needBuildSteps(true) ->withBuildPHIDs(array($build->getPHID())) ->withBuildGenerations(array($generation)) ->execute(); if ($build_targets) { $messages = id(new HarbormasterBuildMessageQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withBuildTargetPHIDs(mpull($build_targets, 'getPHID')) ->execute(); $messages = mgroup($messages, 'getBuildTargetPHID'); } else { $messages = array(); } if ($build_targets) { $artifacts = id(new HarbormasterBuildArtifactQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withBuildTargetPHIDs(mpull($build_targets, 'getPHID')) ->execute(); $artifacts = msort($artifacts, 'getArtifactKey'); $artifacts = mgroup($artifacts, 'getBuildTargetPHID'); } else { $artifacts = array(); } $targets = array(); foreach ($build_targets as $build_target) { $header = id(new PHUIHeaderView()) ->setHeader($build_target->getName()) ->setUser($viewer); $target_box = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setHeader($header); $properties = new PHUIPropertyListView(); $target_artifacts = idx($artifacts, $build_target->getPHID(), array()); $links = array(); $type_uri = HarbormasterURIArtifact::ARTIFACTCONST; foreach ($target_artifacts as $artifact) { if ($artifact->getArtifactType() == $type_uri) { $impl = $artifact->getArtifactImplementation(); if ($impl->isExternalLink()) { $links[] = $impl->renderLink(); } } } if ($links) { $links = phutil_implode_html(phutil_tag('br'), $links); $properties->addProperty( pht('External Link'), $links); } $status_view = new PHUIStatusListView(); $item = new PHUIStatusItemView(); $status = $build_target->getTargetStatus(); $status_name = HarbormasterBuildTarget::getBuildTargetStatusName($status); $icon = HarbormasterBuildTarget::getBuildTargetStatusIcon($status); $color = HarbormasterBuildTarget::getBuildTargetStatusColor($status); $item->setTarget($status_name); $item->setIcon($icon, $color); $status_view->addItem($item); $when = array(); $started = $build_target->getDateStarted(); $now = PhabricatorTime::getNow(); if ($started) { $ended = $build_target->getDateCompleted(); if ($ended) { $when[] = pht( 'Completed at %s', phabricator_datetime($started, $viewer)); $duration = ($ended - $started); if ($duration) { $when[] = pht( 'Built for %s', phutil_format_relative_time_detailed($duration)); } else { $when[] = pht('Built instantly'); } } else { $when[] = pht( 'Started at %s', phabricator_datetime($started, $viewer)); $duration = ($now - $started); if ($duration) { $when[] = pht( 'Running for %s', phutil_format_relative_time_detailed($duration)); } } } else { $created = $build_target->getDateCreated(); $when[] = pht( 'Queued at %s', phabricator_datetime($started, $viewer)); $duration = ($now - $created); if ($duration) { $when[] = pht( 'Waiting for %s', phutil_format_relative_time_detailed($duration)); } } $properties->addProperty( pht('When'), phutil_implode_html(" \xC2\xB7 ", $when)); $properties->addProperty(pht('Status'), $status_view); $target_box->addPropertyList($properties, pht('Overview')); $step = $build_target->getBuildStep(); if ($step) { $description = $step->getDescription(); if ($description) { $rendered = PhabricatorMarkupEngine::renderOneObject( id(new PhabricatorMarkupOneOff()) ->setContent($description) ->setPreserveLinebreaks(true), 'default', $viewer); $properties->addSectionHeader( pht('Description'), PHUIPropertyListView::ICON_SUMMARY); $properties->addTextContent($rendered); } } else { $target_box->setFormErrors( array( pht( 'This build step has since been deleted on the build plan. '. 'Some information may be omitted.'), )); } $details = $build_target->getDetails(); $properties = new PHUIPropertyListView(); foreach ($details as $key => $value) { $properties->addProperty($key, $value); } $target_box->addPropertyList($properties, pht('Configuration')); $variables = $build_target->getVariables(); $properties = new PHUIPropertyListView(); $properties->addRawContent($this->buildProperties($variables)); $target_box->addPropertyList($properties, pht('Variables')); $artifacts_tab = $this->buildArtifacts($build_target, $target_artifacts); $properties = new PHUIPropertyListView(); $properties->addRawContent($artifacts_tab); $target_box->addPropertyList($properties, pht('Artifacts')); $build_messages = idx($messages, $build_target->getPHID(), array()); $properties = new PHUIPropertyListView(); $properties->addRawContent($this->buildMessages($build_messages)); $target_box->addPropertyList($properties, pht('Messages')); $properties = new PHUIPropertyListView(); $properties->addProperty( pht('Build Target ID'), $build_target->getID()); $properties->addProperty( pht('Build Target PHID'), $build_target->getPHID()); $target_box->addPropertyList($properties, pht('Metadata')); $targets[] = $target_box; $targets[] = $this->buildLog($build, $build_target); } $timeline = $this->buildTransactionTimeline( $build, new HarbormasterBuildTransactionQuery()); $timeline->setShouldTerminate(true); return $this->buildApplicationPage( array( $crumbs, $box, $targets, $timeline, ), array( 'title' => $title, )); } private function buildArtifacts( HarbormasterBuildTarget $build_target, array $artifacts) { $viewer = $this->getViewer(); $rows = array(); foreach ($artifacts as $artifact) { $impl = $artifact->getArtifactImplementation(); if ($impl) { $summary = $impl->renderArtifactSummary($viewer); $type_name = $impl->getArtifactTypeName(); } else { $summary = pht(''); $type_name = $artifact->getType(); } $rows[] = array( $artifact->getArtifactKey(), $type_name, $summary, ); } $table = id(new AphrontTableView($rows)) ->setNoDataString(pht('This target has no associated artifacts.')) ->setHeaders( array( pht('Key'), pht('Type'), pht('Summary'), )) ->setColumnClasses( array( 'pri', '', 'wide', )); return $table; } private function buildLog( HarbormasterBuild $build, HarbormasterBuildTarget $build_target) { $request = $this->getRequest(); $viewer = $request->getUser(); $limit = $request->getInt('l', 25); $logs = id(new HarbormasterBuildLogQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withBuildTargetPHIDs(array($build_target->getPHID())) ->execute(); $empty_logs = array(); $log_boxes = array(); foreach ($logs as $log) { $start = 1; $lines = preg_split("/\r\n|\r|\n/", $log->getLogText()); if ($limit !== 0) { $start = count($lines) - $limit; if ($start >= 1) { $lines = array_slice($lines, -$limit, $limit); } else { $start = 1; } } $id = null; $is_empty = false; if (count($lines) === 1 && trim($lines[0]) === '') { // Prevent Harbormaster from showing empty build logs. $id = celerity_generate_unique_node_id(); $empty_logs[] = $id; $is_empty = true; } $log_view = new ShellLogView(); $log_view->setLines($lines); $log_view->setStart($start); $header = id(new PHUIHeaderView()) ->setHeader(pht( 'Build Log %d (%s - %s)', $log->getID(), $log->getLogSource(), $log->getLogType())) ->setSubheader($this->createLogHeader($build, $log)) ->setUser($viewer); $log_box = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setHeader($header) ->setForm($log_view); if ($is_empty) { $log_box = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'style' => 'display: none', 'id' => $id, ), $log_box); } $log_boxes[] = $log_box; } if ($empty_logs) { $hide_id = celerity_generate_unique_node_id(); Javelin::initBehavior('phabricator-reveal-content'); $expand = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'id' => $hide_id, 'class' => 'harbormaster-empty-logs-are-hidden mlr mlt mll', ), array( pht( '%s empty logs are hidden.', - new PhutilNumber(count($empty_logs))), + phutil_count($empty_logs)), ' ', javelin_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => '#', 'sigil' => 'reveal-content', 'meta' => array( 'showIDs' => $empty_logs, 'hideIDs' => array($hide_id), ), ), pht('Show all logs.')), )); array_unshift($log_boxes, $expand); } return $log_boxes; } private function createLogHeader($build, $log) { $request = $this->getRequest(); $limit = $request->getInt('l', 25); $lines_25 = $this->getApplicationURI('/build/'.$build->getID().'/?l=25'); $lines_50 = $this->getApplicationURI('/build/'.$build->getID().'/?l=50'); $lines_100 = $this->getApplicationURI('/build/'.$build->getID().'/?l=100'); $lines_0 = $this->getApplicationURI('/build/'.$build->getID().'/?l=0'); $link_25 = phutil_tag('a', array('href' => $lines_25), pht('25')); $link_50 = phutil_tag('a', array('href' => $lines_50), pht('50')); $link_100 = phutil_tag('a', array('href' => $lines_100), pht('100')); $link_0 = phutil_tag('a', array('href' => $lines_0), pht('Unlimited')); if ($limit === 25) { $link_25 = phutil_tag('strong', array(), $link_25); } else if ($limit === 50) { $link_50 = phutil_tag('strong', array(), $link_50); } else if ($limit === 100) { $link_100 = phutil_tag('strong', array(), $link_100); } else if ($limit === 0) { $link_0 = phutil_tag('strong', array(), $link_0); } return phutil_tag( 'span', array(), array( $link_25, ' - ', $link_50, ' - ', $link_100, ' - ', $link_0, ' Lines', )); } private function buildActionList(HarbormasterBuild $build) { $request = $this->getRequest(); $viewer = $request->getUser(); $id = $build->getID(); $list = id(new PhabricatorActionListView()) ->setUser($viewer) ->setObject($build) ->setObjectURI("/build/{$id}"); $can_restart = $build->canRestartBuild(); $can_pause = $build->canPauseBuild(); $can_resume = $build->canResumeBuild(); $can_abort = $build->canAbortBuild(); $list->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setName(pht('Restart Build')) ->setIcon('fa-repeat') ->setHref($this->getApplicationURI('/build/restart/'.$id.'/')) ->setDisabled(!$can_restart) ->setWorkflow(true)); if ($build->canResumeBuild()) { $list->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setName(pht('Resume Build')) ->setIcon('fa-play') ->setHref($this->getApplicationURI('/build/resume/'.$id.'/')) ->setDisabled(!$can_resume) ->setWorkflow(true)); } else { $list->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setName(pht('Pause Build')) ->setIcon('fa-pause') ->setHref($this->getApplicationURI('/build/pause/'.$id.'/')) ->setDisabled(!$can_pause) ->setWorkflow(true)); } $list->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setName(pht('Abort Build')) ->setIcon('fa-exclamation-triangle') ->setHref($this->getApplicationURI('/build/abort/'.$id.'/')) ->setDisabled(!$can_abort) ->setWorkflow(true)); return $list; } private function buildPropertyLists( PHUIObjectBoxView $box, HarbormasterBuild $build, PhabricatorActionListView $actions) { $request = $this->getRequest(); $viewer = $request->getUser(); $properties = id(new PHUIPropertyListView()) ->setUser($viewer) ->setObject($build) ->setActionList($actions); $box->addPropertyList($properties); $handles = id(new PhabricatorHandleQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withPHIDs(array( $build->getBuildablePHID(), $build->getBuildPlanPHID(), )) ->execute(); $properties->addProperty( pht('Buildable'), $handles[$build->getBuildablePHID()]->renderLink()); $properties->addProperty( pht('Build Plan'), $handles[$build->getBuildPlanPHID()]->renderLink()); $properties->addProperty( pht('Restarts'), $build->getBuildGeneration()); $properties->addProperty( pht('Status'), $this->getStatus($build)); } private function getStatus(HarbormasterBuild $build) { $status_view = new PHUIStatusListView(); $item = new PHUIStatusItemView(); if ($build->isPausing()) { $status_name = pht('Pausing'); $icon = PHUIStatusItemView::ICON_RIGHT; $color = 'dark'; } else { $status = $build->getBuildStatus(); $status_name = HarbormasterBuild::getBuildStatusName($status); $icon = HarbormasterBuild::getBuildStatusIcon($status); $color = HarbormasterBuild::getBuildStatusColor($status); } $item->setTarget($status_name); $item->setIcon($icon, $color); $status_view->addItem($item); return $status_view; } private function buildMessages(array $messages) { $viewer = $this->getRequest()->getUser(); if ($messages) { $handles = id(new PhabricatorHandleQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withPHIDs(mpull($messages, 'getAuthorPHID')) ->execute(); } else { $handles = array(); } $rows = array(); foreach ($messages as $message) { $rows[] = array( $message->getID(), $handles[$message->getAuthorPHID()]->renderLink(), $message->getType(), $message->getIsConsumed() ? pht('Consumed') : null, phabricator_datetime($message->getDateCreated(), $viewer), ); } $table = new AphrontTableView($rows); $table->setNoDataString(pht('No messages for this build target.')); $table->setHeaders( array( pht('ID'), pht('From'), pht('Type'), pht('Consumed'), pht('Received'), )); $table->setColumnClasses( array( '', '', 'wide', '', 'date', )); return $table; } private function buildProperties(array $properties) { ksort($properties); $rows = array(); foreach ($properties as $key => $value) { $rows[] = array( $key, $value, ); } $table = id(new AphrontTableView($rows)) ->setHeaders( array( pht('Key'), pht('Value'), )) ->setColumnClasses( array( 'pri right', 'wide', )); return $table; } } diff --git a/src/applications/harbormaster/controller/HarbormasterStepEditController.php b/src/applications/harbormaster/controller/HarbormasterStepEditController.php index 37bef5f411..f15a3235b9 100644 --- a/src/applications/harbormaster/controller/HarbormasterStepEditController.php +++ b/src/applications/harbormaster/controller/HarbormasterStepEditController.php @@ -1,250 +1,253 @@ getViewer(); $id = $request->getURIData('id'); if ($id) { $step = id(new HarbormasterBuildStepQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withIDs(array($id)) ->requireCapabilities( array( PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT, )) ->executeOne(); if (!$step) { return new Aphront404Response(); } $plan = $step->getBuildPlan(); $is_new = false; } else { $plan_id = $request->getURIData('plan'); $class = $request->getURIData('class'); $plan = id(new HarbormasterBuildPlanQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withIDs(array($plan_id)) ->requireCapabilities( array( PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT, )) ->executeOne(); if (!$plan) { return new Aphront404Response(); } $impl = HarbormasterBuildStepImplementation::getImplementation($class); if (!$impl) { return new Aphront404Response(); } if ($impl->shouldRequireAutotargeting()) { // No manual creation of autotarget steps. return new Aphront404Response(); } $step = HarbormasterBuildStep::initializeNewStep($viewer) ->setBuildPlanPHID($plan->getPHID()) ->setClassName($class); $is_new = true; } $plan_uri = $this->getApplicationURI('plan/'.$plan->getID().'/'); if ($is_new) { $cancel_uri = $plan_uri; } else { $cancel_uri = $this->getApplicationURI('step/view/'.$step->getID().'/'); } $implementation = $step->getStepImplementation(); $field_list = PhabricatorCustomField::getObjectFields( $step, PhabricatorCustomField::ROLE_EDIT); $field_list ->setViewer($viewer) ->readFieldsFromStorage($step); $e_name = true; $v_name = $step->getName(); $e_description = null; $v_description = $step->getDescription(); $e_depends_on = null; $v_depends_on = $step->getDetail('dependsOn', array()); $errors = array(); $validation_exception = null; if ($request->isFormPost()) { $e_name = null; $v_name = $request->getStr('name'); $v_description = $request->getStr('description'); $v_depends_on = $request->getArr('dependsOn'); $xactions = $field_list->buildFieldTransactionsFromRequest( new HarbormasterBuildStepTransaction(), $request); $editor = id(new HarbormasterBuildStepEditor()) ->setActor($viewer) ->setContinueOnNoEffect(true) ->setContentSourceFromRequest($request); $name_xaction = id(new HarbormasterBuildStepTransaction()) ->setTransactionType(HarbormasterBuildStepTransaction::TYPE_NAME) ->setNewValue($v_name); array_unshift($xactions, $name_xaction); $depends_on_xaction = id(new HarbormasterBuildStepTransaction()) ->setTransactionType( HarbormasterBuildStepTransaction::TYPE_DEPENDS_ON) ->setNewValue($v_depends_on); array_unshift($xactions, $depends_on_xaction); $description_xaction = id(new HarbormasterBuildStepTransaction()) ->setTransactionType( HarbormasterBuildStepTransaction::TYPE_DESCRIPTION) ->setNewValue($v_description); array_unshift($xactions, $description_xaction); if ($is_new) { // When creating a new step, make sure we have a create transaction // so we'll apply the transactions even if the step has no // configurable options. $create_xaction = id(new HarbormasterBuildStepTransaction()) ->setTransactionType(HarbormasterBuildStepTransaction::TYPE_CREATE); array_unshift($xactions, $create_xaction); } try { $editor->applyTransactions($step, $xactions); $step_uri = $this->getApplicationURI('step/view/'.$step->getID().'/'); return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse())->setURI($step_uri); } catch (PhabricatorApplicationTransactionValidationException $ex) { $validation_exception = $ex; } } $form = id(new AphrontFormView()) ->setUser($viewer) ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormTextControl()) ->setName('name') ->setLabel(pht('Name')) ->setError($e_name) ->setValue($v_name)); $form->appendChild(id(new AphrontFormDividerControl())); $field_list->appendFieldsToForm($form); $form->appendChild(id(new AphrontFormDividerControl())); $form ->appendControl( id(new AphrontFormTokenizerControl()) ->setDatasource(id(new HarbormasterBuildDependencyDatasource()) ->setParameters(array( 'planPHID' => $plan->getPHID(), 'stepPHID' => $is_new ? null : $step->getPHID(), ))) ->setName('dependsOn') ->setLabel(pht('Depends On')) ->setError($e_depends_on) ->setValue($v_depends_on)); $form ->appendChild( id(new PhabricatorRemarkupControl()) ->setUser($viewer) ->setName('description') ->setLabel(pht('Description')) ->setError($e_description) ->setValue($v_description)); $crumbs = $this->buildApplicationCrumbs(); $id = $plan->getID(); $crumbs->addTextCrumb(pht('Plan %d', $id), $plan_uri); if ($is_new) { $submit = pht('Create Build Step'); $header = pht('New Step: %s', $implementation->getName()); $crumbs->addTextCrumb(pht('Add Step')); } else { $submit = pht('Save Build Step'); $header = pht('Edit Step: %s', $implementation->getName()); $crumbs->addTextCrumb(pht('Step %d', $step->getID()), $cancel_uri); $crumbs->addTextCrumb(pht('Edit Step')); } $form->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormSubmitControl()) ->setValue($submit) ->addCancelButton($cancel_uri)); $box = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setHeaderText($header) ->setValidationException($validation_exception) ->setForm($form); $variables = $this->renderBuildVariablesTable(); if ($is_new) { $xaction_view = null; $timeline = null; } else { $timeline = $this->buildTransactionTimeline( $step, new HarbormasterBuildStepTransactionQuery()); $timeline->setShouldTerminate(true); } return $this->buildApplicationPage( array( $crumbs, $box, $variables, $timeline, ), array( 'title' => $implementation->getName(), )); } private function renderBuildVariablesTable() { $viewer = $this->getRequest()->getUser(); $variables = HarbormasterBuild::getAvailableBuildVariables(); ksort($variables); $rows = array(); $rows[] = pht( 'The following variables can be used in most fields. '. 'To reference a variable, use `%s` in a field.', '${name}'); - $rows[] = pht('| Variable | Description |'); + $rows[] = sprintf( + '| %s | %s |', + pht('Variable'), + pht('Description')); $rows[] = '|---|---|'; foreach ($variables as $name => $description) { $rows[] = '| `'.$name.'` | '.$description.' |'; } $rows = implode("\n", $rows); $form = id(new AphrontFormView()) ->setUser($viewer) ->appendRemarkupInstructions($rows); return id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setHeaderText(pht('Build Variables')) ->appendChild($form); } } diff --git a/src/applications/harbormaster/herald/HarbormasterRunBuildPlansHeraldAction.php b/src/applications/harbormaster/herald/HarbormasterRunBuildPlansHeraldAction.php index db75b36d2f..de399e5976 100644 --- a/src/applications/harbormaster/herald/HarbormasterRunBuildPlansHeraldAction.php +++ b/src/applications/harbormaster/herald/HarbormasterRunBuildPlansHeraldAction.php @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@ getAdapter(); return ($adapter instanceof HarbormasterBuildableAdapterInterface); } protected function applyBuilds(array $phids) { $adapter = $this->getAdapter(); $allowed_types = array( HarbormasterBuildPlanPHIDType::TYPECONST, ); $targets = $this->loadStandardTargets($phids, $allowed_types, array()); if (!$targets) { return; } $phids = array_fuse(array_keys($targets)); foreach ($phids as $phid) { $request = id(new HarbormasterBuildRequest()) ->setBuildPlanPHID($phid); $adapter->queueHarbormasterBuildRequest($request); } $this->logEffect(self::DO_BUILD, $phids); } protected function getActionEffectMap() { return array( self::DO_BUILD => array( 'icon' => 'fa-play', 'color' => 'green', 'name' => pht('Building'), ), ); } protected function renderActionEffectDescription($type, $data) { switch ($type) { case self::DO_BUILD: return pht( 'Started %s build(s): %s.', - new PhutilNumber(count($data)), + phutil_count($data), $this->renderHandleList($data)); } } public function getHeraldActionName() { return pht('Run build plans'); } public function supportsRuleType($rule_type) { return ($rule_type != HeraldRuleTypeConfig::RULE_TYPE_PERSONAL); } public function applyEffect($object, HeraldEffect $effect) { return $this->applyBuilds($effect->getTarget()); } public function getHeraldActionStandardType() { return self::STANDARD_PHID_LIST; } protected function getDatasource() { return new HarbormasterBuildPlanDatasource(); } public function renderActionDescription($value) { return pht( 'Run build plans: %s.', $this->renderHandleList($value)); } } diff --git a/src/applications/herald/action/HeraldAction.php b/src/applications/herald/action/HeraldAction.php index f4217cd4db..6b076fbddf 100644 --- a/src/applications/herald/action/HeraldAction.php +++ b/src/applications/herald/action/HeraldAction.php @@ -1,379 +1,379 @@ getActionConstant() => $this); } protected function getDatasource() { throw new PhutilMethodNotImplementedException(); } protected function getDatasourceValueMap() { return null; } public function getHeraldActionStandardType() { throw new PhutilMethodNotImplementedException(); } public function getHeraldActionValueType() { switch ($this->getHeraldActionStandardType()) { case self::STANDARD_NONE: return new HeraldEmptyFieldValue(); case self::STANDARD_TEXT: return new HeraldTextFieldValue(); case self::STANDARD_PHID_LIST: $tokenizer = id(new HeraldTokenizerFieldValue()) ->setKey($this->getHeraldActionName()) ->setDatasource($this->getDatasource()); $value_map = $this->getDatasourceValueMap(); if ($value_map !== null) { $tokenizer->setValueMap($value_map); } return $tokenizer; } throw new PhutilMethodNotImplementedException(); } public function willSaveActionValue($value) { try { $type = $this->getHeraldActionStandardType(); } catch (PhutilMethodNotImplementedException $ex) { return $value; } switch ($type) { case self::STANDARD_PHID_LIST: return array_keys($value); } return $value; } public function getEditorValue(PhabricatorUser $viewer, $target) { try { $type = $this->getHeraldActionStandardType(); } catch (PhutilMethodNotImplementedException $ex) { return $target; } switch ($type) { case self::STANDARD_PHID_LIST: $handles = $viewer->loadHandles($target); $handles = iterator_to_array($handles); return mpull($handles, 'getName', 'getPHID'); } return $target; } final public function setAdapter(HeraldAdapter $adapter) { $this->adapter = $adapter; return $this; } final public function getAdapter() { return $this->adapter; } final public function setViewer(PhabricatorUser $viewer) { $this->viewer = $viewer; return $this; } final public function getViewer() { return $this->viewer; } final public function getActionConstant() { return $this->getPhobjectClassConstant('ACTIONCONST', 64); } final public static function getAllActions() { return id(new PhutilClassMapQuery()) ->setAncestorClass(__CLASS__) ->setUniqueMethod('getActionConstant') ->execute(); } protected function logEffect($type, $data = null) { if (!is_string($type)) { throw new Exception( pht( 'Effect type passed to "%s" must be a scalar string.', 'logEffect()')); } $this->applyLog[] = array( 'type' => $type, 'data' => $data, ); return $this; } final public function getApplyTranscript(HeraldEffect $effect) { $context = $this->applyLog; $this->applyLog = array(); return new HeraldApplyTranscript($effect, true, $context); } protected function getActionEffectMap() { throw new PhutilMethodNotImplementedException(); } private function getActionEffectSpec($type) { $map = $this->getActionEffectMap() + $this->getStandardEffectMap(); return idx($map, $type, array()); } final public function renderActionEffectIcon($type, $data) { $map = $this->getActionEffectSpec($type); return idx($map, 'icon'); } final public function renderActionEffectColor($type, $data) { $map = $this->getActionEffectSpec($type); return idx($map, 'color'); } final public function renderActionEffectName($type, $data) { $map = $this->getActionEffectSpec($type); return idx($map, 'name'); } protected function renderHandleList($phids) { if (!is_array($phids)) { return pht('(Invalid List)'); } return $this->getViewer() ->renderHandleList($phids) ->setAsInline(true) ->render(); } protected function loadStandardTargets( array $phids, array $allowed_types, array $current_value) { $phids = array_fuse($phids); if (!$phids) { $this->logEffect(self::DO_STANDARD_EMPTY); } $current_value = array_fuse($current_value); $no_effect = array(); foreach ($phids as $phid) { if (isset($current_value[$phid])) { $no_effect[] = $phid; unset($phids[$phid]); } } if ($no_effect) { $this->logEffect(self::DO_STANDARD_NO_EFFECT, $no_effect); } if (!$phids) { return; } $allowed_types = array_fuse($allowed_types); $invalid = array(); foreach ($phids as $phid) { $type = phid_get_type($phid); if ($type == PhabricatorPHIDConstants::PHID_TYPE_UNKNOWN) { $invalid[] = $phid; unset($phids[$phid]); continue; } if ($allowed_types && empty($allowed_types[$type])) { $invalid[] = $phid; unset($phids[$phid]); continue; } } if ($invalid) { $this->logEffect(self::DO_STANDARD_INVALID, $invalid); } if (!$phids) { return; } $targets = id(new PhabricatorObjectQuery()) ->setViewer(PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser()) ->withPHIDs($phids) ->execute(); $targets = mpull($targets, null, 'getPHID'); $unloadable = array(); foreach ($phids as $phid) { if (empty($targets[$phid])) { $unloadable[] = $phid; unset($phids[$phid]); } } if ($unloadable) { $this->logEffect(self::DO_STANDARD_UNLOADABLE, $unloadable); } if (!$phids) { return; } $adapter = $this->getAdapter(); $object = $adapter->getObject(); if ($object instanceof PhabricatorPolicyInterface) { $no_permission = array(); foreach ($targets as $phid => $target) { if (!($target instanceof PhabricatorUser)) { continue; } $can_view = PhabricatorPolicyFilter::hasCapability( $target, $object, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW); if ($can_view) { continue; } $no_permission[] = $phid; unset($targets[$phid]); } } if ($no_permission) { $this->logEffect(self::DO_STANDARD_PERMISSION, $no_permission); } return $targets; } protected function getStandardEffectMap() { return array( self::DO_STANDARD_EMPTY => array( 'icon' => 'fa-ban', 'color' => 'grey', 'name' => pht('No Targets'), ), self::DO_STANDARD_NO_EFFECT => array( 'icon' => 'fa-circle-o', 'color' => 'grey', 'name' => pht('No Effect'), ), self::DO_STANDARD_INVALID => array( 'icon' => 'fa-ban', 'color' => 'red', 'name' => pht('Invalid Targets'), ), self::DO_STANDARD_UNLOADABLE => array( 'icon' => 'fa-ban', 'color' => 'red', 'name' => pht('Unloadable Targets'), ), self::DO_STANDARD_PERMISSION => array( 'icon' => 'fa-lock', 'color' => 'red', 'name' => pht('No Permission'), ), self::DO_STANDARD_INVALID_ACTION => array( 'icon' => 'fa-ban', 'color' => 'red', 'name' => pht('Invalid Action'), ), self::DO_STANDARD_WRONG_RULE_TYPE => array( 'icon' => 'fa-ban', 'color' => 'red', 'name' => pht('Wrong Rule Type'), ), ); } final public function renderEffectDescription($type, $data) { $result = $this->renderActionEffectDescription($type, $data); if ($result !== null) { return $result; } switch ($type) { case self::DO_STANDARD_EMPTY: return pht( 'This action specifies no targets.'); case self::DO_STANDARD_NO_EFFECT: return pht( 'This action has no effect on %s target(s): %s.', - new PhutilNumber(count($data)), + phutil_count($data), $this->renderHandleList($data)); case self::DO_STANDARD_INVALID: return pht( '%s target(s) are invalid or of the wrong type: %s.', - new PhutilNumber(count($data)), + phutil_count($data), $this->renderHandleList($data)); case self::DO_STANDARD_UNLOADABLE: return pht( '%s target(s) could not be loaded: %s.', - new PhutilNumber(count($data)), + phutil_count($data), $this->renderHandleList($data)); case self::DO_STANDARD_PERMISSION: return pht( '%s target(s) do not have permission to see this object: %s.', - new PhutilNumber(count($data)), + phutil_count($data), $this->renderHandleList($data)); case self::DO_STANDARD_INVALID_ACTION: return pht( 'No implementation is available for rule "%s".', $data); case self::DO_STANDARD_WRONG_RULE_TYPE: return pht( 'This action does not support rules of type "%s".', $data); } return null; } } diff --git a/src/applications/legalpad/herald/LegalpadRequireSignatureHeraldAction.php b/src/applications/legalpad/herald/LegalpadRequireSignatureHeraldAction.php index 22d41449ad..7ff69d37d5 100644 --- a/src/applications/legalpad/herald/LegalpadRequireSignatureHeraldAction.php +++ b/src/applications/legalpad/herald/LegalpadRequireSignatureHeraldAction.php @@ -1,133 +1,133 @@ getAdapter(); $edgetype_legal = LegalpadObjectNeedsSignatureEdgeType::EDGECONST; $current = $adapter->loadEdgePHIDs($edgetype_legal); $allowed_types = array( PhabricatorLegalpadDocumentPHIDType::TYPECONST, ); $targets = $this->loadStandardTargets($phids, $allowed_types, $current); if (!$targets) { return; } $phids = array_fuse(array_keys($targets)); $object = $adapter->getObject(); $author_phid = $object->getAuthorPHID(); $signatures = id(new LegalpadDocumentSignatureQuery()) ->setViewer(PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser()) ->withDocumentPHIDs($phids) ->withSignerPHIDs(array($author_phid)) ->execute(); $signatures = mpull($signatures, null, 'getDocumentPHID'); $signed = array(); foreach ($phids as $phid) { if (isset($signatures[$phid])) { $signed[] = $phid; unset($phids[$phid]); } } if ($signed) { $this->logEffect(self::DO_SIGNED, $phids); } if (!$phids) { return; } $xaction = $adapter->newTransaction() ->setTransactionType(PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDGE) ->setMetadataValue('edge:type', $edgetype_legal) ->setNewValue( array( '+' => $phids, )); $adapter->queueTransaction($xaction); $this->logEffect(self::DO_REQUIRED, $phids); } protected function getActionEffectMap() { return array( self::DO_SIGNED => array( 'icon' => 'fa-terminal', 'color' => 'green', 'name' => pht('Already Signed'), ), self::DO_REQUIRED => array( 'icon' => 'fa-terminal', 'color' => 'green', 'name' => pht('Required Signature'), ), ); } protected function renderActionEffectDescription($type, $data) { switch ($type) { case self::DO_SIGNED: return pht( '%s document(s) are already signed: %s.', - new PhutilNumber(count($data)), + phutil_count($data), $this->renderHandleList($data)); case self::DO_REQUIRED: return pht( 'Required %s signature(s): %s.', - new PhutilNumber(count($data)), + phutil_count($data), $this->renderHandleList($data)); } } public function getHeraldActionName() { return pht('Require signatures'); } public function supportsRuleType($rule_type) { return ($rule_type != HeraldRuleTypeConfig::RULE_TYPE_PERSONAL); } public function applyEffect($object, HeraldEffect $effect) { return $this->applyRequire($effect->getTarget()); } public function getHeraldActionStandardType() { return self::STANDARD_PHID_LIST; } protected function getDatasource() { return new LegalpadDocumentDatasource(); } public function renderActionDescription($value) { return pht( 'Require document signatures: %s.', $this->renderHandleList($value)); } } diff --git a/src/applications/maniphest/storage/ManiphestTransaction.php b/src/applications/maniphest/storage/ManiphestTransaction.php index a05cf1ab13..0456673a10 100644 --- a/src/applications/maniphest/storage/ManiphestTransaction.php +++ b/src/applications/maniphest/storage/ManiphestTransaction.php @@ -1,924 +1,924 @@ getTransactionType()) { case self::TYPE_PROJECT_COLUMN: case self::TYPE_EDGE: case self::TYPE_UNBLOCK: return false; } return parent::shouldGenerateOldValue(); } public function getRemarkupBlocks() { $blocks = parent::getRemarkupBlocks(); switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case self::TYPE_DESCRIPTION: $blocks[] = $this->getNewValue(); break; } return $blocks; } public function getRequiredHandlePHIDs() { $phids = parent::getRequiredHandlePHIDs(); $new = $this->getNewValue(); $old = $this->getOldValue(); switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case self::TYPE_OWNER: if ($new) { $phids[] = $new; } if ($old) { $phids[] = $old; } break; case self::TYPE_PROJECT_COLUMN: $phids[] = $new['projectPHID']; $phids[] = head($new['columnPHIDs']); break; case self::TYPE_MERGED_INTO: $phids[] = $new; break; case self::TYPE_MERGED_FROM: $phids = array_merge($phids, $new); break; case self::TYPE_EDGE: $phids = array_mergev( array( $phids, array_keys(nonempty($old, array())), array_keys(nonempty($new, array())), )); break; case self::TYPE_ATTACH: $old = nonempty($old, array()); $new = nonempty($new, array()); $phids = array_mergev( array( $phids, array_keys(idx($new, 'FILE', array())), array_keys(idx($old, 'FILE', array())), )); break; case self::TYPE_UNBLOCK: foreach (array_keys($new) as $phid) { $phids[] = $phid; } break; case self::TYPE_STATUS: $commit_phid = $this->getMetadataValue('commitPHID'); if ($commit_phid) { $phids[] = $commit_phid; } break; } return $phids; } public function shouldHide() { switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDGE: $commit_phid = $this->getMetadataValue('commitPHID'); $edge_type = $this->getMetadataValue('edge:type'); if ($edge_type == ManiphestTaskHasCommitEdgeType::EDGECONST) { if ($commit_phid) { return true; } } break; case self::TYPE_DESCRIPTION: case self::TYPE_PRIORITY: case self::TYPE_STATUS: if ($this->getOldValue() === null) { return true; } else { return false; } break; case self::TYPE_SUBPRIORITY: return true; case self::TYPE_PROJECT_COLUMN: $old_cols = idx($this->getOldValue(), 'columnPHIDs'); $new_cols = idx($this->getNewValue(), 'columnPHIDs'); $old_cols = array_values($old_cols); $new_cols = array_values($new_cols); sort($old_cols); sort($new_cols); return ($old_cols === $new_cols); } return parent::shouldHide(); } public function getActionStrength() { switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case self::TYPE_TITLE: return 1.4; case self::TYPE_STATUS: return 1.3; case self::TYPE_OWNER: return 1.2; case self::TYPE_PRIORITY: return 1.1; } return parent::getActionStrength(); } public function getColor() { $old = $this->getOldValue(); $new = $this->getNewValue(); switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case self::TYPE_OWNER: if ($this->getAuthorPHID() == $new) { return 'green'; } else if (!$new) { return 'black'; } else if (!$old) { return 'green'; } else { return 'green'; } case self::TYPE_STATUS: $color = ManiphestTaskStatus::getStatusColor($new); if ($color !== null) { return $color; } if (ManiphestTaskStatus::isOpenStatus($new)) { return 'green'; } else { return 'indigo'; } case self::TYPE_PRIORITY: if ($old == ManiphestTaskPriority::getDefaultPriority()) { return 'green'; } else if ($old > $new) { return 'grey'; } else { return 'yellow'; } case self::TYPE_MERGED_FROM: return 'orange'; case self::TYPE_MERGED_INTO: return 'indigo'; } return parent::getColor(); } public function getActionName() { $old = $this->getOldValue(); $new = $this->getNewValue(); switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case self::TYPE_TITLE: if ($old === null) { return pht('Created'); } return pht('Retitled'); case self::TYPE_STATUS: $action = ManiphestTaskStatus::getStatusActionName($new); if ($action) { return $action; } $old_closed = ManiphestTaskStatus::isClosedStatus($old); $new_closed = ManiphestTaskStatus::isClosedStatus($new); if ($new_closed && !$old_closed) { return pht('Closed'); } else if (!$new_closed && $old_closed) { return pht('Reopened'); } else { return pht('Changed Status'); } case self::TYPE_DESCRIPTION: return pht('Edited'); case self::TYPE_OWNER: if ($this->getAuthorPHID() == $new) { return pht('Claimed'); } else if (!$new) { return pht('Up For Grabs'); } else if (!$old) { return pht('Assigned'); } else { return pht('Reassigned'); } case self::TYPE_PROJECT_COLUMN: return pht('Changed Project Column'); case self::TYPE_PRIORITY: if ($old == ManiphestTaskPriority::getDefaultPriority()) { return pht('Triaged'); } else if ($old > $new) { return pht('Lowered Priority'); } else { return pht('Raised Priority'); } case self::TYPE_EDGE: case self::TYPE_ATTACH: return pht('Attached'); case self::TYPE_UNBLOCK: $old_status = head($old); $new_status = head($new); $old_closed = ManiphestTaskStatus::isClosedStatus($old_status); $new_closed = ManiphestTaskStatus::isClosedStatus($new_status); if ($old_closed && !$new_closed) { return pht('Block'); } else if (!$old_closed && $new_closed) { return pht('Unblock'); } else { return pht('Blocker'); } case self::TYPE_MERGED_INTO: case self::TYPE_MERGED_FROM: return pht('Merged'); } return parent::getActionName(); } public function getIcon() { $old = $this->getOldValue(); $new = $this->getNewValue(); switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case self::TYPE_OWNER: return 'fa-user'; case self::TYPE_TITLE: if ($old === null) { return 'fa-pencil'; } return 'fa-pencil'; case self::TYPE_STATUS: $action = ManiphestTaskStatus::getStatusIcon($new); if ($action !== null) { return $action; } if (ManiphestTaskStatus::isClosedStatus($new)) { return 'fa-check'; } else { return 'fa-pencil'; } case self::TYPE_DESCRIPTION: return 'fa-pencil'; case self::TYPE_PROJECT_COLUMN: return 'fa-columns'; case self::TYPE_MERGED_INTO: return 'fa-check'; case self::TYPE_MERGED_FROM: return 'fa-compress'; case self::TYPE_PRIORITY: if ($old == ManiphestTaskPriority::getDefaultPriority()) { return 'fa-arrow-right'; } else if ($old > $new) { return 'fa-arrow-down'; } else { return 'fa-arrow-up'; } case self::TYPE_EDGE: case self::TYPE_ATTACH: return 'fa-thumb-tack'; case self::TYPE_UNBLOCK: return 'fa-shield'; } return parent::getIcon(); } public function getTitle() { $author_phid = $this->getAuthorPHID(); $old = $this->getOldValue(); $new = $this->getNewValue(); switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case self::TYPE_TITLE: if ($old === null) { return pht( '%s created this task.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid)); } return pht( '%s changed the title from "%s" to "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $old, $new); case self::TYPE_DESCRIPTION: return pht( '%s edited the task description.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid)); case self::TYPE_STATUS: $old_closed = ManiphestTaskStatus::isClosedStatus($old); $new_closed = ManiphestTaskStatus::isClosedStatus($new); $old_name = ManiphestTaskStatus::getTaskStatusName($old); $new_name = ManiphestTaskStatus::getTaskStatusName($new); $commit_phid = $this->getMetadataValue('commitPHID'); if ($new_closed && !$old_closed) { if ($new == ManiphestTaskStatus::getDuplicateStatus()) { if ($commit_phid) { return pht( '%s closed this task as a duplicate by committing %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($commit_phid)); } else { return pht( '%s closed this task as a duplicate.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid)); } } else { if ($commit_phid) { return pht( '%s closed this task as "%s" by committing %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $new_name, $this->renderHandleLink($commit_phid)); } else { return pht( '%s closed this task as "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $new_name); } } } else if (!$new_closed && $old_closed) { if ($commit_phid) { return pht( '%s reopened this task as "%s" by committing %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $new_name, $this->renderHandleLink($commit_phid)); } else { return pht( '%s reopened this task as "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $new_name); } } else { if ($commit_phid) { return pht( '%s changed the task status from "%s" to "%s" by committing %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $old_name, $new_name, $this->renderHandleLink($commit_phid)); } else { return pht( '%s changed the task status from "%s" to "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $old_name, $new_name); } } case self::TYPE_UNBLOCK: $blocker_phid = key($new); $old_status = head($old); $new_status = head($new); $old_closed = ManiphestTaskStatus::isClosedStatus($old_status); $new_closed = ManiphestTaskStatus::isClosedStatus($new_status); $old_name = ManiphestTaskStatus::getTaskStatusName($old_status); $new_name = ManiphestTaskStatus::getTaskStatusName($new_status); if ($old_closed && !$new_closed) { return pht( '%s reopened blocking task %s as "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($blocker_phid), $new_name); } else if (!$old_closed && $new_closed) { return pht( '%s closed blocking task %s as "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($blocker_phid), $new_name); } else { return pht( '%s changed the status of blocking task %s from "%s" to "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($blocker_phid), $old_name, $new_name); } case self::TYPE_OWNER: if ($author_phid == $new) { return pht( '%s claimed this task.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid)); } else if (!$new) { return pht( '%s placed this task up for grabs.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid)); } else if (!$old) { return pht( '%s assigned this task to %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($new)); } else { return pht( '%s reassigned this task from %s to %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($old), $this->renderHandleLink($new)); } case self::TYPE_PRIORITY: $old_name = ManiphestTaskPriority::getTaskPriorityName($old); $new_name = ManiphestTaskPriority::getTaskPriorityName($new); if ($old == ManiphestTaskPriority::getDefaultPriority()) { return pht( '%s triaged this task as "%s" priority.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $new_name); } else if ($old > $new) { return pht( '%s lowered the priority of this task from "%s" to "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $old_name, $new_name); } else { return pht( '%s raised the priority of this task from "%s" to "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $old_name, $new_name); } case self::TYPE_ATTACH: $old = nonempty($old, array()); $new = nonempty($new, array()); $new = array_keys(idx($new, 'FILE', array())); $old = array_keys(idx($old, 'FILE', array())); $added = array_diff($new, $old); $removed = array_diff($old, $new); if ($added && !$removed) { return pht( - '%s attached %d file(s): %s.', + '%s attached %s file(s): %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), - count($added), + phutil_count($added), $this->renderHandleList($added)); } else if ($removed && !$added) { return pht( - '%s detached %d file(s): %s.', + '%s detached %s file(s): %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), - count($removed), + phutil_count($removed), $this->renderHandleList($removed)); } else { return pht( - '%s changed file(s), attached %d: %s; detached %d: %s.', + '%s changed file(s), attached %s: %s; detached %s: %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), - count($added), + phutil_count($added), $this->renderHandleList($added), - count($removed), + phutil_count($removed), $this->renderHandleList($removed)); } case self::TYPE_PROJECT_COLUMN: $project_phid = $new['projectPHID']; $column_phid = head($new['columnPHIDs']); return pht( '%s moved this task to %s on the %s workboard.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($column_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($project_phid)); break; case self::TYPE_MERGED_INTO: return pht( '%s closed this task as a duplicate of %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($new)); break; case self::TYPE_MERGED_FROM: return pht( - '%s merged %d task(s): %s.', + '%s merged %s task(s): %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), - count($new), + phutil_count($new), $this->renderHandleList($new)); break; } return parent::getTitle(); } public function getTitleForFeed() { $author_phid = $this->getAuthorPHID(); $object_phid = $this->getObjectPHID(); $old = $this->getOldValue(); $new = $this->getNewValue(); switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case self::TYPE_TITLE: if ($old === null) { return pht( '%s created %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid)); } return pht( '%s renamed %s from "%s" to "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), $old, $new); case self::TYPE_DESCRIPTION: return pht( '%s edited the description of %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid)); case self::TYPE_STATUS: $old_closed = ManiphestTaskStatus::isClosedStatus($old); $new_closed = ManiphestTaskStatus::isClosedStatus($new); $old_name = ManiphestTaskStatus::getTaskStatusName($old); $new_name = ManiphestTaskStatus::getTaskStatusName($new); $commit_phid = $this->getMetadataValue('commitPHID'); if ($new_closed && !$old_closed) { if ($new == ManiphestTaskStatus::getDuplicateStatus()) { if ($commit_phid) { return pht( '%s closed %s as a duplicate by committing %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($commit_phid)); } else { return pht( '%s closed %s as a duplicate.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid)); } } else { if ($commit_phid) { return pht( '%s closed %s as "%s" by committing %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), $new_name, $this->renderHandleLink($commit_phid)); } else { return pht( '%s closed %s as "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), $new_name); } } } else if (!$new_closed && $old_closed) { if ($commit_phid) { return pht( '%s reopened %s as "%s" by committing %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), $new_name, $this->renderHandleLink($commit_phid)); } else { return pht( '%s reopened %s as "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), $new_name); } } else { if ($commit_phid) { return pht( '%s changed the status of %s from "%s" to "%s" by committing %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), $old_name, $new_name, $this->renderHandleLink($commit_phid)); } else { return pht( '%s changed the status of %s from "%s" to "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), $old_name, $new_name); } } case self::TYPE_UNBLOCK: $blocker_phid = key($new); $old_status = head($old); $new_status = head($new); $old_closed = ManiphestTaskStatus::isClosedStatus($old_status); $new_closed = ManiphestTaskStatus::isClosedStatus($new_status); $old_name = ManiphestTaskStatus::getTaskStatusName($old_status); $new_name = ManiphestTaskStatus::getTaskStatusName($new_status); if ($old_closed && !$new_closed) { return pht( '%s reopened %s, a task blocking %s, as "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($blocker_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), $new_name); } else if (!$old_closed && $new_closed) { return pht( '%s closed %s, a task blocking %s, as "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($blocker_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), $new_name); } else { return pht( '%s changed the status of %s, a task blocking %s, '. 'from "%s" to "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($blocker_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), $old_name, $new_name); } case self::TYPE_OWNER: if ($author_phid == $new) { return pht( '%s claimed %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid)); } else if (!$new) { return pht( '%s placed %s up for grabs.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid)); } else if (!$old) { return pht( '%s assigned %s to %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($new)); } else { return pht( '%s reassigned %s from %s to %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($old), $this->renderHandleLink($new)); } case self::TYPE_PRIORITY: $old_name = ManiphestTaskPriority::getTaskPriorityName($old); $new_name = ManiphestTaskPriority::getTaskPriorityName($new); if ($old == ManiphestTaskPriority::getDefaultPriority()) { return pht( '%s triaged %s as "%s" priority.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), $new_name); } else if ($old > $new) { return pht( '%s lowered the priority of %s from "%s" to "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), $old_name, $new_name); } else { return pht( '%s raised the priority of %s from "%s" to "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), $old_name, $new_name); } case self::TYPE_ATTACH: $old = nonempty($old, array()); $new = nonempty($new, array()); $new = array_keys(idx($new, 'FILE', array())); $old = array_keys(idx($old, 'FILE', array())); $added = array_diff($new, $old); $removed = array_diff($old, $new); if ($added && !$removed) { return pht( '%s attached %d file(s) of %s: %s', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), count($added), $this->renderHandleList($added)); } else if ($removed && !$added) { return pht( '%s detached %d file(s) of %s: %s', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), count($removed), $this->renderHandleList($removed)); } else { return pht( '%s changed file(s) for %s, attached %d: %s; detached %d: %s', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), count($added), $this->renderHandleList($added), count($removed), $this->renderHandleList($removed)); } case self::TYPE_PROJECT_COLUMN: $project_phid = $new['projectPHID']; $column_phid = head($new['columnPHIDs']); return pht( '%s moved %s to %s on the %s workboard.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($column_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($project_phid)); case self::TYPE_MERGED_INTO: return pht( '%s merged task %s into %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($new)); case self::TYPE_MERGED_FROM: return pht( '%s merged %d task(s) %s into %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), count($new), $this->renderHandleList($new), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid)); } return parent::getTitleForFeed(); } public function hasChangeDetails() { switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case self::TYPE_DESCRIPTION: return true; } return parent::hasChangeDetails(); } public function renderChangeDetails(PhabricatorUser $viewer) { return $this->renderTextCorpusChangeDetails( $viewer, $this->getOldValue(), $this->getNewValue()); } public function getMailTags() { $tags = array(); switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case self::TYPE_MERGED_INTO: case self::TYPE_STATUS: $tags[] = self::MAILTAG_STATUS; break; case self::TYPE_OWNER: $tags[] = self::MAILTAG_OWNER; break; case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_SUBSCRIBERS: $tags[] = self::MAILTAG_CC; break; case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDGE: switch ($this->getMetadataValue('edge:type')) { case PhabricatorProjectObjectHasProjectEdgeType::EDGECONST: $tags[] = self::MAILTAG_PROJECTS; break; default: $tags[] = self::MAILTAG_OTHER; break; } break; case self::TYPE_PRIORITY: $tags[] = self::MAILTAG_PRIORITY; break; case self::TYPE_UNBLOCK: $tags[] = self::MAILTAG_UNBLOCK; break; case self::TYPE_PROJECT_COLUMN: $tags[] = self::MAILTAG_COLUMN; break; case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_COMMENT: $tags[] = self::MAILTAG_COMMENT; break; default: $tags[] = self::MAILTAG_OTHER; break; } return $tags; } public function getNoEffectDescription() { switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case self::TYPE_STATUS: return pht('The task already has the selected status.'); case self::TYPE_OWNER: return pht('The task already has the selected owner.'); case self::TYPE_PRIORITY: return pht('The task already has the selected priority.'); } return parent::getNoEffectDescription(); } } diff --git a/src/applications/maniphest/view/ManiphestTaskResultListView.php b/src/applications/maniphest/view/ManiphestTaskResultListView.php index cd05d7f7f7..52f4a3b2d6 100644 --- a/src/applications/maniphest/view/ManiphestTaskResultListView.php +++ b/src/applications/maniphest/view/ManiphestTaskResultListView.php @@ -1,270 +1,270 @@ savedQuery = $query; return $this; } public function setTasks(array $tasks) { $this->tasks = $tasks; return $this; } public function setCanEditPriority($can_edit_priority) { $this->canEditPriority = $can_edit_priority; return $this; } public function setCanBatchEdit($can_batch_edit) { $this->canBatchEdit = $can_batch_edit; return $this; } public function setShowBatchControls($show_batch_controls) { $this->showBatchControls = $show_batch_controls; return $this; } public function render() { $viewer = $this->getUser(); $tasks = $this->tasks; $query = $this->savedQuery; // If we didn't match anything, just pick up the default empty state. if (!$tasks) { return id(new PHUIObjectItemListView()) ->setUser($viewer); } $group_parameter = nonempty($query->getParameter('group'), 'priority'); $order_parameter = nonempty($query->getParameter('order'), 'priority'); $handles = ManiphestTaskListView::loadTaskHandles($viewer, $tasks); $groups = $this->groupTasks( $tasks, $group_parameter, $handles); $can_edit_priority = $this->canEditPriority; $can_drag = ($order_parameter == 'priority') && ($can_edit_priority) && ($group_parameter == 'none' || $group_parameter == 'priority'); if (!$viewer->isLoggedIn()) { // TODO: (T7131) Eventually, we conceivably need to make each task // draggable individually, since the user may be able to edit some but // not others. $can_drag = false; } $result = array(); $lists = array(); foreach ($groups as $group => $list) { $task_list = new ManiphestTaskListView(); $task_list->setShowBatchControls($this->showBatchControls); if ($can_drag) { $task_list->setShowSubpriorityControls(true); } $task_list->setUser($viewer); $task_list->setTasks($list); $task_list->setHandles($handles); $header = id(new PHUIHeaderView()) ->addSigil('task-group') ->setMetadata(array('priority' => head($list)->getPriority())) - ->setHeader(pht('%s (%s)', $group, new PhutilNumber(count($list)))); + ->setHeader(pht('%s (%s)', $group, phutil_count($list))); $lists[] = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setHeader($header) ->setObjectList($task_list); } if ($can_drag) { Javelin::initBehavior( 'maniphest-subpriority-editor', array( 'uri' => '/maniphest/subpriority/', )); } return array( $lists, $this->showBatchControls ? $this->renderBatchEditor($query) : null, ); } private function groupTasks(array $tasks, $group, array $handles) { assert_instances_of($tasks, 'ManiphestTask'); assert_instances_of($handles, 'PhabricatorObjectHandle'); $groups = $this->getTaskGrouping($tasks, $group); $results = array(); foreach ($groups as $label_key => $tasks) { $label = $this->getTaskLabelName($group, $label_key, $handles); $results[$label][] = $tasks; } foreach ($results as $label => $task_groups) { $results[$label] = array_mergev($task_groups); } return $results; } private function getTaskGrouping(array $tasks, $group) { switch ($group) { case 'priority': return mgroup($tasks, 'getPriority'); case 'status': return mgroup($tasks, 'getStatus'); case 'assigned': return mgroup($tasks, 'getOwnerPHID'); case 'project': return mgroup($tasks, 'getGroupByProjectPHID'); default: return array(pht('Tasks') => $tasks); } } private function getTaskLabelName($group, $label_key, array $handles) { switch ($group) { case 'priority': return ManiphestTaskPriority::getTaskPriorityName($label_key); case 'status': return ManiphestTaskStatus::getTaskStatusFullName($label_key); case 'assigned': if ($label_key) { return $handles[$label_key]->getFullName(); } else { return pht('(Not Assigned)'); } case 'project': if ($label_key) { return $handles[$label_key]->getFullName(); } else { // This may mean "No Projects", or it may mean the query has project // constraints but the task is only in constrained projects (in this // case, we don't show the group because it would always have all // of the tasks). Since distinguishing between these two cases is // messy and the UI is reasonably clear, label generically. return pht('(Ungrouped)'); } default: return pht('Tasks'); } } private function renderBatchEditor(PhabricatorSavedQuery $saved_query) { $user = $this->getUser(); if (!$this->canBatchEdit) { return null; } if (!$user->isLoggedIn()) { // Don't show the batch editor or excel export for logged-out users. // Technically we //could// let them export, but ehh. return null; } Javelin::initBehavior( 'maniphest-batch-selector', array( 'selectAll' => 'batch-select-all', 'selectNone' => 'batch-select-none', 'submit' => 'batch-select-submit', 'status' => 'batch-select-status-cell', 'idContainer' => 'batch-select-id-container', 'formID' => 'batch-select-form', )); $select_all = javelin_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => '#', 'mustcapture' => true, 'class' => 'grey button', 'id' => 'batch-select-all', ), pht('Select All')); $select_none = javelin_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => '#', 'mustcapture' => true, 'class' => 'grey button', 'id' => 'batch-select-none', ), pht('Clear Selection')); $submit = phutil_tag( 'button', array( 'id' => 'batch-select-submit', 'disabled' => 'disabled', 'class' => 'disabled', ), pht("Batch Edit Selected \xC2\xBB")); $export = javelin_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => '/maniphest/export/'.$saved_query->getQueryKey().'/', 'class' => 'grey button', ), pht('Export to Excel')); $hidden = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'id' => 'batch-select-id-container', ), ''); $editor = hsprintf( ''. ''. ''. ''. ''. ''. ''. '
', $select_all, $select_none, $export, '', $submit, $hidden); $editor = phabricator_form( $user, array( 'method' => 'POST', 'action' => '/maniphest/batch/', 'id' => 'batch-select-form', ), $editor); $box = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setHeaderText(pht('Batch Task Editor')) ->appendChild($editor); $content = phutil_tag_div('maniphest-batch-editor', $box); return $content; } } diff --git a/src/applications/metamta/herald/PhabricatorMetaMTAEmailHeraldAction.php b/src/applications/metamta/herald/PhabricatorMetaMTAEmailHeraldAction.php index ec7036ebe0..2b29fe2443 100644 --- a/src/applications/metamta/herald/PhabricatorMetaMTAEmailHeraldAction.php +++ b/src/applications/metamta/herald/PhabricatorMetaMTAEmailHeraldAction.php @@ -1,89 +1,89 @@ getAdapter(); $allowed_types = array( PhabricatorPeopleUserPHIDType::TYPECONST, PhabricatorProjectProjectPHIDType::TYPECONST, ); // There's no stateful behavior for this action: we always just send an // email. $current = array(); $targets = $this->loadStandardTargets($phids, $allowed_types, $current); if (!$targets) { return; } $phids = array_fuse(array_keys($targets)); foreach ($phids as $phid) { $adapter->addEmailPHID($phid, $force); } if ($force) { $this->logEffect(self::DO_FORCE, $phids); } else { $this->logEffect(self::DO_SEND, $phids); } } protected function getActionEffectMap() { return array( self::DO_SEND => array( 'icon' => 'fa-envelope', 'color' => 'green', 'name' => pht('Sent Mail'), ), self::DO_FORCE => array( 'icon' => 'fa-envelope', 'color' => 'blue', 'name' => pht('Forced Mail'), ), ); } protected function renderActionEffectDescription($type, $data) { switch ($type) { case self::DO_SEND: return pht( 'Queued email to be delivered to %s target(s): %s.', - new PhutilNumber(count($data)), + phutil_count($data), $this->renderHandleList($data)); case self::DO_FORCE: return pht( 'Queued email to be delivered to %s target(s), ignoring their '. 'notification preferences: %s.', - new PhutilNumber(count($data)), + phutil_count($data), $this->renderHandleList($data)); } } } diff --git a/src/applications/multimeter/controller/MultimeterSampleController.php b/src/applications/multimeter/controller/MultimeterSampleController.php index a62d10ef30..f9a36b37d1 100644 --- a/src/applications/multimeter/controller/MultimeterSampleController.php +++ b/src/applications/multimeter/controller/MultimeterSampleController.php @@ -1,344 +1,344 @@ getViewer(); $group_map = $this->getColumnMap(); $group = explode('.', $request->getStr('group')); $group = array_intersect($group, array_keys($group_map)); $group = array_fuse($group); if (empty($group['type'])) { $group['type'] = 'type'; } $now = PhabricatorTime::getNow(); $ago = ($now - phutil_units('24 hours in seconds')); $table = new MultimeterEvent(); $conn = $table->establishConnection('r'); $where = array(); $where[] = qsprintf( $conn, 'epoch >= %d AND epoch <= %d', $ago, $now); $with = array(); foreach ($group_map as $key => $column) { // Don't let non-admins filter by viewers, this feels a little too // invasive of privacy. if ($key == 'viewer') { if (!$viewer->getIsAdmin()) { continue; } } $with[$key] = $request->getStrList($key); if ($with[$key]) { $where[] = qsprintf( $conn, '%T IN (%Ls)', $column, $with[$key]); } } $where = '('.implode(') AND (', $where).')'; $data = queryfx_all( $conn, 'SELECT *, count(*) AS N, SUM(sampleRate * resourceCost) AS totalCost, SUM(sampleRate * resourceCost) / SUM(sampleRate) AS averageCost FROM %T WHERE %Q GROUP BY %Q ORDER BY totalCost DESC, MAX(id) DESC LIMIT 100', $table->getTableName(), $where, implode(', ', array_select_keys($group_map, $group))); $this->loadDimensions($data); $phids = array(); foreach ($data as $row) { $viewer_name = $this->getViewerDimension($row['eventViewerID']) ->getName(); $viewer_phid = $this->getEventViewerPHID($viewer_name); if ($viewer_phid) { $phids[] = $viewer_phid; } } $handles = $viewer->loadHandles($phids); $rows = array(); foreach ($data as $row) { if ($row['N'] == 1) { $events_col = $row['id']; } else { $events_col = $this->renderGroupingLink( $group, 'id', - pht('%s Events', new PhutilNumber($row['N']))); + pht('%s Event(s)', new PhutilNumber($row['N']))); } if (isset($group['request'])) { $request_col = $row['requestKey']; if (!$with['request']) { $request_col = $this->renderSelectionLink( 'request', $row['requestKey'], $request_col); } } else { $request_col = $this->renderGroupingLink($group, 'request'); } if (isset($group['viewer'])) { if ($viewer->getIsAdmin()) { $viewer_col = $this->getViewerDimension($row['eventViewerID']) ->getName(); $viewer_phid = $this->getEventViewerPHID($viewer_col); if ($viewer_phid) { $viewer_col = $handles[$viewer_phid]->getName(); } if (!$with['viewer']) { $viewer_col = $this->renderSelectionLink( 'viewer', $row['eventViewerID'], $viewer_col); } } else { $viewer_col = phutil_tag('em', array(), pht('(Masked)')); } } else { $viewer_col = $this->renderGroupingLink($group, 'viewer'); } if (isset($group['context'])) { $context_col = $this->getContextDimension($row['eventContextID']) ->getName(); if (!$with['context']) { $context_col = $this->renderSelectionLink( 'context', $row['eventContextID'], $context_col); } } else { $context_col = $this->renderGroupingLink($group, 'context'); } if (isset($group['host'])) { $host_col = $this->getHostDimension($row['eventHostID']) ->getName(); if (!$with['host']) { $host_col = $this->renderSelectionLink( 'host', $row['eventHostID'], $host_col); } } else { $host_col = $this->renderGroupingLink($group, 'host'); } if (isset($group['label'])) { $label_col = $this->getLabelDimension($row['eventLabelID']) ->getName(); if (!$with['label']) { $label_col = $this->renderSelectionLink( 'label', $row['eventLabelID'], $label_col); } } else { $label_col = $this->renderGroupingLink($group, 'label'); } if ($with['type']) { $type_col = MultimeterEvent::getEventTypeName($row['eventType']); } else { $type_col = $this->renderSelectionLink( 'type', $row['eventType'], MultimeterEvent::getEventTypeName($row['eventType'])); } $rows[] = array( $events_col, $request_col, $viewer_col, $context_col, $host_col, $type_col, $label_col, MultimeterEvent::formatResourceCost( $viewer, $row['eventType'], $row['averageCost']), MultimeterEvent::formatResourceCost( $viewer, $row['eventType'], $row['totalCost']), ($row['N'] == 1) ? $row['sampleRate'] : '-', phabricator_datetime($row['epoch'], $viewer), ); } $table = id(new AphrontTableView($rows)) ->setHeaders( array( pht('ID'), pht('Request'), pht('Viewer'), pht('Context'), pht('Host'), pht('Type'), pht('Label'), pht('Avg'), pht('Cost'), pht('Rate'), pht('Epoch'), )) ->setColumnClasses( array( null, null, null, null, null, null, 'wide', 'n', 'n', 'n', null, )); $box = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setHeaderText( pht( 'Samples (%s - %s)', phabricator_datetime($ago, $viewer), phabricator_datetime($now, $viewer))) ->setTable($table); $crumbs = $this->buildApplicationCrumbs(); $crumbs->addTextCrumb( pht('Samples'), $this->getGroupURI(array(), true)); $crumb_map = array( 'host' => pht('By Host'), 'context' => pht('By Context'), 'viewer' => pht('By Viewer'), 'request' => pht('By Request'), 'label' => pht('By Label'), 'id' => pht('By ID'), ); $parts = array(); foreach ($group as $item) { if ($item == 'type') { continue; } $parts[$item] = $item; $crumbs->addTextCrumb( idx($crumb_map, $item, $item), $this->getGroupURI($parts, true)); } return $this->buildApplicationPage( array( $crumbs, $box, ), array( 'title' => pht('Samples'), )); } private function renderGroupingLink(array $group, $key, $name = null) { $group[] = $key; $uri = $this->getGroupURI($group); if ($name === null) { $name = pht('(All)'); } return phutil_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => $uri, 'style' => 'font-weight: bold', ), $name); } private function getGroupURI(array $group, $wipe = false) { unset($group['type']); $uri = clone $this->getRequest()->getRequestURI(); $group = implode('.', $group); if (!strlen($group)) { $group = null; } $uri->setQueryParam('group', $group); if ($wipe) { foreach ($this->getColumnMap() as $key => $column) { $uri->setQueryParam($key, null); } } return $uri; } private function renderSelectionLink($key, $value, $link_text) { $value = (array)$value; $uri = clone $this->getRequest()->getRequestURI(); $uri->setQueryParam($key, implode(',', $value)); return phutil_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => $uri, ), $link_text); } private function getColumnMap() { return array( 'type' => 'eventType', 'host' => 'eventHostID', 'context' => 'eventContextID', 'viewer' => 'eventViewerID', 'request' => 'requestKey', 'label' => 'eventLabelID', 'id' => 'id', ); } private function getEventViewerPHID($viewer_name) { if (!strncmp($viewer_name, 'user.', 5)) { return substr($viewer_name, 5); } return null; } } diff --git a/src/applications/people/controller/PhabricatorPeopleDeleteController.php b/src/applications/people/controller/PhabricatorPeopleDeleteController.php index e95dd4c646..01b37b37fe 100644 --- a/src/applications/people/controller/PhabricatorPeopleDeleteController.php +++ b/src/applications/people/controller/PhabricatorPeopleDeleteController.php @@ -1,80 +1,80 @@ id = $data['id']; } public function processRequest() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $admin = $request->getUser(); $user = id(new PhabricatorPeopleQuery()) ->setViewer($admin) ->withIDs(array($this->id)) ->executeOne(); if (!$user) { return new Aphront404Response(); } $profile_uri = '/p/'.$user->getUsername().'/'; if ($user->getPHID() == $admin->getPHID()) { return $this->buildDeleteSelfResponse($profile_uri); } $str1 = pht( 'Be careful when deleting users! This will permanently and '. 'irreversibly destroy this user account.'); $str2 = pht( 'If this user interacted with anything, it is generally better to '. 'disable them, not delete them. If you delete them, it will no longer '. 'be possible to (for example) search for objects they created, and you '. 'will lose other information about their history. Disabling them '. 'instead will prevent them from logging in, but will not destroy any of '. 'their data.'); $str3 = pht( 'It is generally safe to delete newly created users (and test users and '. 'so on), but less safe to delete established users. If possible, '. 'disable them instead.'); $str4 = pht('To permanently destroy this user, run this command:'); $form = id(new AphrontFormView()) ->setUser($admin) ->appendRemarkupInstructions( - pht( - " phabricator/ $ ./bin/remove destroy %s\n", - csprintf('%R', '@'.$user->getUsername()))); + csprintf( + " phabricator/ $ ./bin/remove destroy %R\n", + '@'.$user->getUsername())); return $this->newDialog() ->setWidth(AphrontDialogView::WIDTH_FORM) ->setTitle(pht('Permanently Delete User')) ->setShortTitle(pht('Delete User')) ->appendParagraph($str1) ->appendParagraph($str2) ->appendParagraph($str3) ->appendParagraph($str4) ->appendChild($form->buildLayoutView()) ->addCancelButton($profile_uri, pht('Close')); } private function buildDeleteSelfResponse($profile_uri) { return $this->newDialog() ->setTitle(pht('You Shall Journey No Farther')) ->appendParagraph( pht( 'As you stare into the gaping maw of the abyss, something '. 'holds you back.')) ->appendParagraph(pht('You can not delete your own account.')) ->addCancelButton($profile_uri, pht('Turn Back')); } } diff --git a/src/applications/pholio/view/PholioMockThumbGridView.php b/src/applications/pholio/view/PholioMockThumbGridView.php index d7d174d928..6467106c14 100644 --- a/src/applications/pholio/view/PholioMockThumbGridView.php +++ b/src/applications/pholio/view/PholioMockThumbGridView.php @@ -1,180 +1,180 @@ mock = $mock; return $this; } public function render() { $mock = $this->mock; $all_images = $mock->getAllImages(); $all_images = mpull($all_images, null, 'getPHID'); $history = mpull($all_images, 'getReplacesImagePHID', 'getPHID'); $replaced = array(); foreach ($history as $phid => $replaces_phid) { if ($replaces_phid) { $replaced[$replaces_phid] = true; } } // Figure out the columns. Start with all the active images. $images = mpull($mock->getImages(), null, 'getPHID'); // Now, find deleted images: obsolete images which were not replaced. foreach ($mock->getAllImages() as $image) { if (!$image->getIsObsolete()) { // Image is current. continue; } if (isset($replaced[$image->getPHID()])) { // Image was replaced. continue; } // This is an obsolete image which was not replaced, so it must be // a deleted image. $images[$image->getPHID()] = $image; } $cols = array(); $depth = 0; foreach ($images as $image) { $phid = $image->getPHID(); $col = array(); // If this is a deleted image, null out the final column. if ($image->getIsObsolete()) { $col[] = null; } $col[] = $phid; while ($phid && isset($history[$phid])) { $col[] = $history[$phid]; $phid = $history[$phid]; } $cols[] = $col; $depth = max($depth, count($col)); } $grid = array(); $jj = $depth; for ($ii = 0; $ii < $depth; $ii++) { $row = array(); if ($depth == $jj) { $row[] = phutil_tag( 'th', array( 'valign' => 'middle', 'class' => 'pholio-history-header', ), pht('Current Revision')); } else { $row[] = phutil_tag('th', array(), null); } foreach ($cols as $col) { if (empty($col[$ii])) { $row[] = phutil_tag('td', array(), null); } else { $thumb = $this->renderThumbnail($all_images[$col[$ii]]); $row[] = phutil_tag('td', array(), $thumb); } } $grid[] = phutil_tag('tr', array(), $row); $jj--; } $grid = phutil_tag( 'table', array( 'id' => 'pholio-mock-thumb-grid', 'class' => 'pholio-mock-thumb-grid', ), $grid); $grid = id(new PHUIBoxView()) ->addClass('pholio-mock-thumb-grid-container') ->appendChild($grid); return id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setHeaderText(pht('Mock History')) ->appendChild($grid); } private function renderThumbnail(PholioImage $image) { $thumbfile = $image->getFile(); $preview_key = PhabricatorFileThumbnailTransform::TRANSFORM_THUMBGRID; $xform = PhabricatorFileTransform::getTransformByKey($preview_key); Javelin::initBehavior('phabricator-tooltips'); $attributes = array( 'class' => 'pholio-mock-thumb-grid-image', 'src' => $thumbfile->getURIForTransform($xform), ); if ($image->getFile()->isViewableImage()) { $dimensions = $xform->getTransformedDimensions($thumbfile); if ($dimensions) { list($x, $y) = $dimensions; $attributes += array( 'width' => $x, 'height' => $y, 'style' => 'top: '.floor((100 - $y) / 2).'px', ); } } else { // If this is a PDF or a text file or something, we'll end up using a // generic thumbnail which is always sized correctly. $attributes += array( 'width' => 100, 'height' => 100, ); } $tag = phutil_tag('img', $attributes); $classes = array('pholio-mock-thumb-grid-item'); if ($image->getIsObsolete()) { $classes[] = 'pholio-mock-thumb-grid-item-obsolete'; } $inline_count = null; if ($image->getInlineComments()) { $inline_count[] = phutil_tag( 'span', array( 'class' => 'pholio-mock-thumb-grid-comment-count', ), - pht('%s', new PhutilNumber(count($image->getInlineComments())))); + pht('%s', phutil_count($image->getInlineComments()))); } return javelin_tag( 'a', array( 'sigil' => 'mock-thumbnail has-tooltip', 'class' => implode(' ', $classes), 'href' => '#', 'meta' => array( 'imageID' => $image->getID(), 'tip' => $image->getName(), 'align' => 'N', ), ), array( $tag, $inline_count, )); } } diff --git a/src/applications/phragment/controller/PhragmentController.php b/src/applications/phragment/controller/PhragmentController.php index a96c25878e..c08adcecc6 100644 --- a/src/applications/phragment/controller/PhragmentController.php +++ b/src/applications/phragment/controller/PhragmentController.php @@ -1,231 +1,233 @@ setViewer($this->getRequest()->getUser()) ->needLatestVersion(true) ->withPaths($combinations) ->execute(); foreach ($combinations as $combination) { $found = false; foreach ($results as $fragment) { if ($fragment->getPath() === $combination) { $fragments[] = $fragment; $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) { return null; } } return $fragments; } protected function buildApplicationCrumbsWithPath(array $fragments) { $crumbs = $this->buildApplicationCrumbs(); $crumbs->addTextCrumb('/', '/phragment/'); foreach ($fragments as $parent) { $crumbs->addTextCrumb( $parent->getName(), '/phragment/browse/'.$parent->getPath()); } return $crumbs; } protected function createCurrentFragmentView($fragment, $is_history_view) { if ($fragment === null) { return null; } $viewer = $this->getRequest()->getUser(); $snapshot_phids = array(); $snapshots = id(new PhragmentSnapshotQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withPrimaryFragmentPHIDs(array($fragment->getPHID())) ->execute(); foreach ($snapshots as $snapshot) { $snapshot_phids[] = $snapshot->getPHID(); } $file = null; $file_uri = null; if (!$fragment->isDirectory()) { $file = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withPHIDs(array($fragment->getLatestVersion()->getFilePHID())) ->executeOne(); if ($file !== null) { $file_uri = $file->getDownloadURI(); } } $header = id(new PHUIHeaderView()) ->setHeader($fragment->getName()) ->setPolicyObject($fragment) ->setUser($viewer); $can_edit = PhabricatorPolicyFilter::hasCapability( $viewer, $fragment, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT); $zip_uri = $this->getApplicationURI('zip/'.$fragment->getPath()); $actions = id(new PhabricatorActionListView()) ->setUser($viewer) ->setObject($fragment) ->setObjectURI($fragment->getURI()); $actions->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setName(pht('Download Fragment')) ->setHref($this->isCorrectlyConfigured() ? $file_uri : null) ->setDisabled($file === null || !$this->isCorrectlyConfigured()) ->setIcon('fa-download')); $actions->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setName(pht('Download Contents as ZIP')) ->setHref($this->isCorrectlyConfigured() ? $zip_uri : null) ->setDisabled(!$this->isCorrectlyConfigured()) ->setIcon('fa-floppy-o')); if (!$fragment->isDirectory()) { $actions->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setName(pht('Update Fragment')) ->setHref($this->getApplicationURI('update/'.$fragment->getPath())) ->setDisabled(!$can_edit) ->setWorkflow(!$can_edit) ->setIcon('fa-refresh')); } else { $actions->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setName(pht('Convert to File')) ->setHref($this->getApplicationURI('update/'.$fragment->getPath())) ->setDisabled(!$can_edit) ->setWorkflow(!$can_edit) ->setIcon('fa-file-o')); } $actions->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setName(pht('Set Fragment Policies')) ->setHref($this->getApplicationURI('policy/'.$fragment->getPath())) ->setDisabled(!$can_edit) ->setWorkflow(!$can_edit) ->setIcon('fa-asterisk')); if ($is_history_view) { $actions->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setName(pht('View Child Fragments')) ->setHref($this->getApplicationURI('browse/'.$fragment->getPath())) ->setIcon('fa-search-plus')); } else { $actions->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setName(pht('View History')) ->setHref($this->getApplicationURI('history/'.$fragment->getPath())) ->setIcon('fa-list')); } $actions->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setName(pht('Create Snapshot')) ->setHref($this->getApplicationURI( 'snapshot/create/'.$fragment->getPath())) ->setDisabled(!$can_edit) ->setWorkflow(!$can_edit) ->setIcon('fa-files-o')); $actions->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setName(pht('Promote Snapshot to Here')) ->setHref($this->getApplicationURI( 'snapshot/promote/latest/'.$fragment->getPath())) ->setWorkflow(true) ->setDisabled(!$can_edit) ->setIcon('fa-arrow-circle-up')); $properties = id(new PHUIPropertyListView()) ->setUser($viewer) ->setObject($fragment) ->setActionList($actions); if (!$fragment->isDirectory()) { if ($fragment->isDeleted()) { $properties->addProperty( pht('Type'), pht('File (Deleted)')); } else { $properties->addProperty( pht('Type'), pht('File')); } $properties->addProperty( pht('Latest Version'), $viewer->renderHandle($fragment->getLatestVersionPHID())); } else { $properties->addProperty( pht('Type'), pht('Directory')); } if (count($snapshot_phids) > 0) { $properties->addProperty( pht('Snapshots'), $viewer->renderHandleList($snapshot_phids)); } return id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setHeader($header) ->addPropertyList($properties); } public function renderConfigurationWarningIfRequired() { $alt = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('security.alternate-file-domain'); if ($alt === null) { return id(new PHUIInfoView()) - ->setTitle(pht('security.alternate-file-domain must be configured!')) + ->setTitle(pht( + '%s must be configured!', + 'security.alternate-file-domain')) ->setSeverity(PHUIInfoView::SEVERITY_ERROR) ->appendChild( phutil_tag( 'p', array(), pht( "Because Phragment generates files (such as ZIP archives and ". "patches) as they are requested, it requires that you configure ". "the `%s` option. This option on it's own will also provide ". "additional security when serving files across Phabricator.", 'security.alternate-file-domain'))); } return null; } /** * We use this to disable the download links if the alternate domain is * not configured correctly. Although the download links will mostly work * for logged in users without an alternate domain, the behaviour is * reasonably non-consistent and will deny public users, even if policies * are configured otherwise (because the Files app does not support showing * the info page to viewers who are not logged in). */ public function isCorrectlyConfigured() { $alt = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('security.alternate-file-domain'); return $alt !== null; } } diff --git a/src/applications/ponder/controller/PonderQuestionViewController.php b/src/applications/ponder/controller/PonderQuestionViewController.php index f7e70caab0..0e92f8e90c 100644 --- a/src/applications/ponder/controller/PonderQuestionViewController.php +++ b/src/applications/ponder/controller/PonderQuestionViewController.php @@ -1,307 +1,309 @@ getViewer(); $id = $request->getURIData('id'); $question = id(new PonderQuestionQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withIDs(array($id)) ->needAnswers(true) ->needProjectPHIDs(true) ->executeOne(); if (!$question) { return new Aphront404Response(); } $answers = $this->buildAnswers($question); $answer_add_panel = id(new PonderAddAnswerView()) ->setQuestion($question) ->setUser($viewer) ->setActionURI('/ponder/answer/add/'); $header = new PHUIHeaderView(); $header->setHeader($question->getTitle()); $header->setUser($viewer); $header->setPolicyObject($question); if ($question->getStatus() == PonderQuestionStatus::STATUS_OPEN) { $header->setStatus('fa-square-o', 'bluegrey', pht('Open')); } else { $text = PonderQuestionStatus::getQuestionStatusFullName( $question->getStatus()); $icon = PonderQuestionStatus::getQuestionStatusIcon( $question->getStatus()); $header->setStatus($icon, 'dark', $text); } $actions = $this->buildActionListView($question); $properties = $this->buildPropertyListView($question, $actions); $sidebar = $this->buildSidebar($question); $content_id = celerity_generate_unique_node_id(); $timeline = $this->buildTransactionTimeline( $question, id(new PonderQuestionTransactionQuery()) ->withTransactionTypes(array(PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_COMMENT))); $xactions = $timeline->getTransactions(); $add_comment = id(new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionCommentView()) ->setUser($viewer) ->setObjectPHID($question->getPHID()) ->setShowPreview(false) ->setHeaderText(pht('Question Comment')) ->setAction($this->getApplicationURI("/question/comment/{$id}/")) ->setSubmitButtonName(pht('Comment')); $comment_view = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'id' => $content_id, 'style' => 'display: none;', ), array( $timeline, $add_comment, )); $footer = id(new PonderFooterView()) ->setContentID($content_id) ->setCount(count($xactions)); $object_box = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setHeader($header) ->addPropertyList($properties) ->appendChild($footer); if ($viewer->getPHID() == $question->getAuthorPHID()) { $status = $question->getStatus(); $answers_list = $question->getAnswers(); if ($answers_list && ($status == PonderQuestionStatus::STATUS_OPEN)) { $info_view = id(new PHUIInfoView()) ->setSeverity(PHUIInfoView::SEVERITY_WARNING) ->appendChild( pht( 'If this question has been resolved, please consider closing the question and marking the answer as helpful.')); $object_box->setInfoView($info_view); } } $crumbs = $this->buildApplicationCrumbs($this->buildSideNavView()); $crumbs->addTextCrumb('Q'.$id, '/Q'.$id); $answer_wiki = null; if ($question->getAnswerWiki()) { $answer = phutil_tag_div('mlt mlb msr msl', $question->getAnswerWiki()); $answer_wiki = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setHeaderText(pht('Answer Summary')) ->setColor(PHUIObjectBoxView::COLOR_BLUE) ->appendChild($answer); } $ponder_view = id(new PHUITwoColumnView()) ->setMainColumn(array( $object_box, $comment_view, $answer_wiki, $answers, $answer_add_panel, )) ->setSideColumn($sidebar) ->addClass('ponder-question-view'); return $this->buildApplicationPage( array( $crumbs, $ponder_view, ), array( 'title' => 'Q'.$question->getID().' '.$question->getTitle(), 'pageObjects' => array_merge( array($question->getPHID()), mpull($question->getAnswers(), 'getPHID')), )); } private function buildActionListView(PonderQuestion $question) { $viewer = $this->getViewer(); $request = $this->getRequest(); $id = $question->getID(); $can_edit = PhabricatorPolicyFilter::hasCapability( $viewer, $question, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT); $view = id(new PhabricatorActionListView()) ->setUser($viewer) ->setObject($question) ->setObjectURI($request->getRequestURI()); $view->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setIcon('fa-pencil') ->setName(pht('Edit Question')) ->setHref($this->getApplicationURI("/question/edit/{$id}/")) ->setDisabled(!$can_edit) ->setWorkflow(!$can_edit)); if ($question->getStatus() == PonderQuestionStatus::STATUS_OPEN) { $name = pht('Close Question'); $icon = 'fa-check-square-o'; } else { $name = pht('Reopen Question'); $icon = 'fa-square-o'; } $view->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setName($name) ->setIcon($icon) ->setWorkflow(true) ->setDisabled(!$can_edit) ->setHref($this->getApplicationURI("/question/status/{$id}/"))); $view->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setIcon('fa-list') ->setName(pht('View History')) ->setHref($this->getApplicationURI("/question/history/{$id}/"))); return $view; } private function buildPropertyListView( PonderQuestion $question, PhabricatorActionListView $actions) { $viewer = $this->getViewer(); $view = id(new PHUIPropertyListView()) ->setUser($viewer) ->setObject($question) ->setActionList($actions); $view->addProperty( pht('Author'), $viewer->renderHandle($question->getAuthorPHID())); $view->addProperty( pht('Created'), phabricator_datetime($question->getDateCreated(), $viewer)); $view->invokeWillRenderEvent(); $details = PhabricatorMarkupEngine::renderOneObject( $question, $question->getMarkupField(), $viewer); if ($details) { $view->addSectionHeader( pht('Details'), PHUIPropertyListView::ICON_SUMMARY); $view->addTextContent( array( phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'phabricator-remarkup', ), $details), )); } return $view; } /** * This is fairly non-standard; building N timelines at once (N = number of * answers) is tricky business. * * TODO - re-factor this to ajax in one answer panel at a time in a more * standard fashion. This is necessary to scale this application. */ private function buildAnswers(PonderQuestion $question) { $viewer = $this->getViewer(); $answers = $question->getAnswers(); $author_phids = mpull($answers, 'getAuthorPHID'); $handles = $this->loadViewerHandles($author_phids); $answers_sort = array_reverse(msort($answers, 'getVoteCount')); $view = array(); foreach ($answers_sort as $answer) { $id = $answer->getID(); $handle = $handles[$answer->getAuthorPHID()]; $timeline = $this->buildTransactionTimeline( $answer, id(new PonderAnswerTransactionQuery()) ->withTransactionTypes(array(PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_COMMENT))); $xactions = $timeline->getTransactions(); $view[] = id(new PonderAnswerView()) ->setUser($viewer) ->setAnswer($answer) ->setTransactions($xactions) ->setTimeline($timeline) ->setHandle($handle); } return $view; } private function buildSidebar(PonderQuestion $question) { $viewer = $this->getViewer(); $status = $question->getStatus(); $id = $question->getID(); $questions = id(new PonderQuestionQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withStatuses(array($status)) ->withEdgeLogicPHIDs( PhabricatorProjectObjectHasProjectEdgeType::EDGECONST, PhabricatorQueryConstraint::OPERATOR_OR, $question->getProjectPHIDs()) ->setLimit(10) ->execute(); $list = id(new PHUIObjectItemListView()) ->setUser($viewer) ->setNoDataString(pht('No similar questions found.')); foreach ($questions as $question) { if ($id == $question->getID()) { continue; } $item = new PHUIObjectItemView(); $item->setObjectName('Q'.$question->getID()); $item->setHeader($question->getTitle()); $item->setHref('/Q'.$question->getID()); $item->setObject($question); $item->addAttribute( - pht('%d Answer(s)', $question->getAnswerCount())); + pht( + '%s Answer(s)', + new PhutilNumber($question->getAnswerCount()))); $list->addItem($item); } $box = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setHeaderText(pht('Similar Questions')) ->setObjectList($list); return $box; } } diff --git a/src/applications/ponder/query/PonderQuestionSearchEngine.php b/src/applications/ponder/query/PonderQuestionSearchEngine.php index 6692d8282a..c16c5442db 100644 --- a/src/applications/ponder/query/PonderQuestionSearchEngine.php +++ b/src/applications/ponder/query/PonderQuestionSearchEngine.php @@ -1,181 +1,183 @@ needProjectPHIDs(true); } protected function buildQueryFromParameters(array $map) { $query = $this->newQuery(); if ($map['authorPHIDs']) { $query->withAuthorPHIDs($map['authorPHIDs']); } if ($map['answerers']) { $query->withAnswererPHIDs($map['answerers']); } if ($map['statuses']) { $query->withStatuses($map['statuses']); } return $query; } protected function buildCustomSearchFields() { return array( id(new PhabricatorUsersSearchField()) ->setKey('authorPHIDs') ->setAliases(array('authors')) ->setLabel(pht('Authors')), id(new PhabricatorUsersSearchField()) ->setKey('answerers') ->setAliases(array('answerers')) ->setLabel(pht('Answered By')), id(new PhabricatorSearchCheckboxesField()) ->setLabel(pht('Status')) ->setKey('statuses') ->setOptions(PonderQuestionStatus::getQuestionStatusMap()), ); } protected function getURI($path) { return '/ponder/'.$path; } protected function getBuiltinQueryNames() { $names = array( 'recent' => pht('Recent Questions'), 'open' => pht('Open Questions'), 'resolved' => pht('Resolved Questions'), 'all' => pht('All Questions'), ); if ($this->requireViewer()->isLoggedIn()) { $names['authored'] = pht('Authored'); $names['answered'] = pht('Answered'); } return $names; } public function buildSavedQueryFromBuiltin($query_key) { $query = $this->newSavedQuery(); $query->setQueryKey($query_key); switch ($query_key) { case 'all': return $query; case 'open': return $query->setParameter( 'statuses', array(PonderQuestionStatus::STATUS_OPEN)); case 'recent': return $query->setParameter( 'statuses', array( PonderQuestionStatus::STATUS_OPEN, PonderQuestionStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_RESOLVED, )); case 'resolved': return $query->setParameter( 'statuses', array(PonderQuestionStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_RESOLVED)); case 'authored': return $query->setParameter( 'authorPHIDs', array($this->requireViewer()->getPHID())); case 'answered': return $query->setParameter( 'answerers', array($this->requireViewer()->getPHID())); } return parent::buildSavedQueryFromBuiltin($query_key); } protected function getRequiredHandlePHIDsForResultList( array $questions, PhabricatorSavedQuery $query) { return mpull($questions, 'getAuthorPHID'); } protected function renderResultList( array $questions, PhabricatorSavedQuery $query, array $handles) { assert_instances_of($questions, 'PonderQuestion'); $viewer = $this->requireViewer(); $proj_phids = array(); foreach ($questions as $question) { foreach ($question->getProjectPHIDs() as $project_phid) { $proj_phids[] = $project_phid; } } $proj_handles = id(new PhabricatorHandleQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withPHIDs($proj_phids) ->execute(); $view = id(new PHUIObjectItemListView()) ->setUser($viewer); foreach ($questions as $question) { $color = PonderQuestionStatus::getQuestionStatusTagColor( - $question->getStatus()); + $question->getStatus()); $icon = PonderQuestionStatus::getQuestionStatusIcon( - $question->getStatus()); + $question->getStatus()); $full_status = PonderQuestionStatus::getQuestionStatusFullName( - $question->getStatus()); + $question->getStatus()); $item = new PHUIObjectItemView(); $item->setObjectName('Q'.$question->getID()); $item->setHeader($question->getTitle()); $item->setHref('/Q'.$question->getID()); $item->setObject($question); $item->setStatusIcon($icon.' '.$color, $full_status); $project_handles = array_select_keys( $proj_handles, $question->getProjectPHIDs()); $created_date = phabricator_date($question->getDateCreated(), $viewer); $item->addIcon('none', $created_date); $item->addByline( pht( 'Asked by %s', $handles[$question->getAuthorPHID()]->renderLink())); $item->addAttribute( - pht('%d Answer(s)', $question->getAnswerCount())); + pht( + '%s Answer(s)', + new PhutilNumber($question->getAnswerCount()))); if ($project_handles) { $item->addAttribute( id(new PHUIHandleTagListView()) ->setLimit(4) ->setSlim(true) ->setHandles($project_handles)); } $view->addItem($item); } $result = new PhabricatorApplicationSearchResultView(); $result->setObjectList($view); $result->setNoDataString(pht('No questions found.')); return $result; } } diff --git a/src/applications/project/herald/PhabricatorProjectHeraldAction.php b/src/applications/project/herald/PhabricatorProjectHeraldAction.php index a720ebe5b0..3459da92cc 100644 --- a/src/applications/project/herald/PhabricatorProjectHeraldAction.php +++ b/src/applications/project/herald/PhabricatorProjectHeraldAction.php @@ -1,125 +1,125 @@ getAdapter(); $allowed_types = array( PhabricatorProjectProjectPHIDType::TYPECONST, ); // Detection of "No Effect" is a bit tricky for this action, so just do it // manually a little later on. $current = array(); $targets = $this->loadStandardTargets($phids, $allowed_types, $current); if (!$targets) { return; } $phids = array_fuse(array_keys($targets)); $project_type = PhabricatorProjectObjectHasProjectEdgeType::EDGECONST; $current = $adapter->loadEdgePHIDs($project_type); if ($is_add) { $already = array(); foreach ($phids as $phid) { if (isset($current[$phid])) { $already[$phid] = $phid; unset($phids[$phid]); } } if ($already) { $this->logEffect(self::DO_STANDARD_NO_EFFECT, $already); } } else { $already = array(); foreach ($phids as $phid) { if (empty($current[$phid])) { $already[$phid] = $phid; unset($phids[$phid]); } } if ($already) { $this->logEffect(self::DO_STANDARD_NO_EFFECT, $already); } } if (!$phids) { return; } if ($is_add) { $kind = '+'; } else { $kind = '-'; } $xaction = $adapter->newTransaction() ->setTransactionType(PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDGE) ->setMetadataValue('edge:type', $project_type) ->setNewValue( array( $kind => $phids, )); $adapter->queueTransaction($xaction); if ($is_add) { $this->logEffect(self::DO_ADD_PROJECTS, $phids); } else { $this->logEffect(self::DO_REMOVE_PROJECTS, $phids); } } protected function getActionEffectMap() { return array( self::DO_ADD_PROJECTS => array( 'icon' => 'fa-briefcase', 'color' => 'green', 'name' => pht('Added Projects'), ), self::DO_REMOVE_PROJECTS => array( 'icon' => 'fa-minus-circle', 'color' => 'green', 'name' => pht('Removed Projects'), ), ); } protected function renderActionEffectDescription($type, $data) { switch ($type) { case self::DO_ADD_PROJECTS: return pht( 'Added %s project(s): %s.', - new PhutilNumber(count($data)), + phutil_count($data), $this->renderHandleList($data)); case self::DO_REMOVE_PROJECTS: return pht( 'Removed %s project(s): %s.', - new PhutilNumber(count($data)), + phutil_count($data), $this->renderHandleList($data)); } } } diff --git a/src/applications/releeph/controller/product/ReleephProductEditController.php b/src/applications/releeph/controller/product/ReleephProductEditController.php index 7fd8e81563..6a58a39bd9 100644 --- a/src/applications/releeph/controller/product/ReleephProductEditController.php +++ b/src/applications/releeph/controller/product/ReleephProductEditController.php @@ -1,267 +1,267 @@ getViewer(); $id = $request->getURIData('projectID'); $product = id(new ReleephProductQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withIDs(array($id)) ->requireCapabilities( array( PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT, )) ->executeOne(); if (!$product) { return new Aphront404Response(); } $this->setProduct($product); $e_name = true; $e_trunk_branch = true; $e_branch_template = false; $errors = array(); $product_name = $request->getStr('name', $product->getName()); $trunk_branch = $request->getStr('trunkBranch', $product->getTrunkBranch()); $branch_template = $request->getStr('branchTemplate'); if ($branch_template === null) { $branch_template = $product->getDetail('branchTemplate'); } $pick_failure_instructions = $request->getStr('pickFailureInstructions', $product->getDetail('pick_failure_instructions')); $test_paths = $request->getStr('testPaths'); if ($test_paths !== null) { $test_paths = array_filter(explode("\n", $test_paths)); } else { $test_paths = $product->getDetail('testPaths', array()); } $repository_phid = $product->getRepositoryPHID(); if ($request->isFormPost()) { $pusher_phids = $request->getArr('pushers'); if (!$product_name) { $e_name = pht('Required'); $errors[] = - pht('Your releeph product should have a simple descriptive name.'); + pht('Your Releeph product should have a simple descriptive name.'); } if (!$trunk_branch) { $e_trunk_branch = pht('Required'); $errors[] = pht('You must specify which branch you will be picking from.'); } $other_releeph_products = id(new ReleephProject()) ->loadAllWhere('id != %d', $product->getID()); $other_releeph_product_names = mpull($other_releeph_products, 'getName', 'getID'); if (in_array($product_name, $other_releeph_product_names)) { $errors[] = pht('Releeph product name %s is already taken', $product_name); } foreach ($test_paths as $test_path) { $result = @preg_match($test_path, ''); $is_a_valid_regexp = $result !== false; if (!$is_a_valid_regexp) { $errors[] = pht('Please provide a valid regular expression: '. '%s is not valid', $test_path); } } $product ->setName($product_name) ->setTrunkBranch($trunk_branch) ->setDetail('pushers', $pusher_phids) ->setDetail('pick_failure_instructions', $pick_failure_instructions) ->setDetail('branchTemplate', $branch_template) ->setDetail('testPaths', $test_paths); $fake_commit_handle = ReleephBranchTemplate::getFakeCommitHandleFor( $repository_phid, $viewer); if ($branch_template) { list($branch_name, $template_errors) = id(new ReleephBranchTemplate()) ->setCommitHandle($fake_commit_handle) ->setReleephProjectName($product_name) ->interpolate($branch_template); if ($template_errors) { $e_branch_template = pht('Whoopsies!'); foreach ($template_errors as $template_error) { $errors[] = pht('Template error: %s', $template_error); } } } if (!$errors) { $product->save(); return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse())->setURI($product->getURI()); } } $pusher_phids = $request->getArr( 'pushers', $product->getDetail('pushers', array())); $form = id(new AphrontFormView()) ->setUser($request->getUser()) ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormTextControl()) ->setLabel(pht('Name')) ->setName('name') ->setValue($product_name) ->setError($e_name) ->setCaption(pht('A name like "Thrift" but not "Thrift releases".'))) ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormStaticControl()) ->setLabel(pht('Repository')) ->setValue( $product->getRepository()->getName())) ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormStaticControl()) ->setLabel(pht('Repository')) ->setValue( $product->getRepository()->getName())) ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormStaticControl()) ->setLabel(pht('Releeph Project PHID')) ->setValue( $product->getPHID())) ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormTextControl()) ->setLabel(pht('Trunk')) ->setValue($trunk_branch) ->setName('trunkBranch') ->setError($e_trunk_branch)) ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormTextAreaControl()) ->setLabel(pht('Pick Instructions')) ->setValue($pick_failure_instructions) ->setName('pickFailureInstructions') ->setCaption( pht('Instructions for pick failures, which will be used '. 'in emails generated by failed picks'))) ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormTextAreaControl()) ->setLabel(pht('Tests paths')) ->setValue(implode("\n", $test_paths)) ->setName('testPaths') ->setCaption( pht('List of strings that all test files contain in their path '. 'in this project. One string per line. '. 'Examples: \'__tests__\', \'/javatests/\'...'))); $branch_template_input = id(new AphrontFormTextControl()) ->setName('branchTemplate') ->setValue($branch_template) ->setLabel(pht('Branch Template')) ->setError($e_branch_template) ->setCaption( pht("Leave this blank to use your installation's default.")); $branch_template_preview = id(new ReleephBranchPreviewView()) ->setLabel(pht('Preview')) ->addControl('template', $branch_template_input) ->addStatic('repositoryPHID', $repository_phid) ->addStatic('isSymbolic', false) ->addStatic('projectName', $product->getName()); $form ->appendControl( id(new AphrontFormTokenizerControl()) ->setLabel(pht('Pushers')) ->setName('pushers') ->setDatasource(new PhabricatorPeopleDatasource()) ->setValue($pusher_phids)) ->appendChild($branch_template_input) ->appendChild($branch_template_preview) ->appendRemarkupInstructions($this->getBranchHelpText()); $form ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormSubmitControl()) ->addCancelButton('/releeph/product/') ->setValue(pht('Save'))); $box = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setHeaderText(pht('Edit Releeph Product')) ->setFormErrors($errors) ->appendChild($form); $crumbs = $this->buildApplicationCrumbs(); $crumbs->addTextCrumb(pht('Edit Product')); return $this->buildStandardPageResponse( array( $crumbs, $box, ), array( 'title' => pht('Edit Releeph Product'), 'device' => true, )); } private function getBranchHelpText() { return << releases/2012-30-16-rHERGE32cd512a52b7 Include a second hierarchy if you share your repository with other products: lang=none releases/%P/%p-release-%Y%m%d-%V => releases/Tintin/tintin-release-20121116-32cd512a52b7 Keep your branch names simple, avoiding strange punctuation, most of which is forbidden or escaped anyway: lang=none, counterexample releases//..clown-releases..//`date --iso=seconds`-$(sudo halt) Include the date early in your template, in an order which sorts properly: lang=none releases/%Y%m%d-%v => releases/20121116-rHERGE32cd512a52b7 (good!) releases/%V-%m.%d.%Y => releases/32cd512a52b7-11.16.2012 (awful!) EOTEXT; } } diff --git a/src/applications/releeph/field/specification/ReleephDiffChurnFieldSpecification.php b/src/applications/releeph/field/specification/ReleephDiffChurnFieldSpecification.php index 18c3c78c87..112ef09885 100644 --- a/src/applications/releeph/field/specification/ReleephDiffChurnFieldSpecification.php +++ b/src/applications/releeph/field/specification/ReleephDiffChurnFieldSpecification.php @@ -1,89 +1,90 @@ getObject()->getRequestedObject(); if (!($requested_object instanceof DifferentialRevision)) { return null; } $diff_rev = $requested_object; $xactions = id(new DifferentialTransactionQuery()) ->setViewer($this->getViewer()) ->withObjectPHIDs(array($diff_rev->getPHID())) ->execute(); $rejections = 0; $comments = 0; $updates = 0; + foreach ($xactions as $xaction) { switch ($xaction->getTransactionType()) { case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_COMMENT: $comments++; break; case DifferentialTransaction::TYPE_UPDATE: $updates++; break; case DifferentialTransaction::TYPE_ACTION: switch ($xaction->getNewValue()) { case DifferentialAction::ACTION_REJECT: $rejections++; break; } break; } } $points = self::REJECTIONS_WEIGHT * $rejections + self::COMMENTS_WEIGHT * $comments + self::UPDATES_WEIGHT * $updates; if ($points === 0) { $points = 0.15 * self::MAX_POINTS; $blurb = pht('Silent diff'); } else { $parts = array(); if ($rejections) { - $parts[] = pht('%d rejection(s)', $rejections); + $parts[] = pht('%s rejection(s)', new PhutilNumber($rejections)); } if ($comments) { - $parts[] = pht('%d comment(s)', $comments); + $parts[] = pht('%s comment(s)', new PhutilNumber($comments)); } if ($updates) { - $parts[] = pht('%d update(s)', $updates); + $parts[] = pht('%s update(s)', new PhutilNumber($updates)); } if (count($parts) === 0) { $blurb = ''; } else if (count($parts) === 1) { $blurb = head($parts); } else { $last = array_pop($parts); $blurb = pht('%s and %s', implode(', ', $parts), $last); } } return id(new AphrontProgressBarView()) ->setValue($points) ->setMax(self::MAX_POINTS) ->setCaption($blurb) ->render(); } } diff --git a/src/applications/releeph/field/specification/ReleephDiffSizeFieldSpecification.php b/src/applications/releeph/field/specification/ReleephDiffSizeFieldSpecification.php index fe1a39277c..5975f208e6 100644 --- a/src/applications/releeph/field/specification/ReleephDiffSizeFieldSpecification.php +++ b/src/applications/releeph/field/specification/ReleephDiffSizeFieldSpecification.php @@ -1,117 +1,117 @@ getObject()->getRequestedObject(); if (!($requested_object instanceof DifferentialRevision)) { return null; } $diff_rev = $requested_object; $diffs = $diff_rev->loadRelatives( new DifferentialDiff(), 'revisionID', 'getID', 'creationMethod <> "commit"'); $all_changesets = array(); $most_recent_changesets = null; foreach ($diffs as $diff) { $changesets = $diff->loadRelatives(new DifferentialChangeset(), 'diffID'); $all_changesets += $changesets; $most_recent_changesets = $changesets; } // The score is based on all changesets for all versions of this diff $all_changes = $this->countLinesAndPaths($all_changesets); $points = self::LINES_WEIGHT * $all_changes['code']['lines'] + self::PATHS_WEIGHT * count($all_changes['code']['paths']); // The blurb is just based on the most recent version of the diff $mr_changes = $this->countLinesAndPaths($most_recent_changesets); $test_tag = ''; if ($mr_changes['tests']['paths']) { Javelin::initBehavior('phabricator-tooltips'); require_celerity_resource('aphront-tooltip-css'); $test_blurb = pht( "%d line(s) and %d path(s) contain changes to test code:\n", $mr_changes['tests']['lines'], count($mr_changes['tests']['paths'])); foreach ($mr_changes['tests']['paths'] as $mr_test_path) { - $test_blurb .= pht("%s\n", $mr_test_path); + $test_blurb .= sprintf("%s\n", $mr_test_path); } $test_tag = javelin_tag( 'span', array( 'sigil' => 'has-tooltip', 'meta' => array( 'tip' => $test_blurb, 'align' => 'E', 'size' => 'auto', ), 'style' => '', ), ' + tests'); } $blurb = hsprintf('%s%s.', pht( '%d line(s) and %d path(s) over %d diff(s)', $mr_changes['code']['lines'], $mr_changes['code']['paths'], count($diffs)), $test_tag); return id(new AphrontProgressBarView()) ->setValue($points) ->setMax(self::MAX_POINTS) ->setCaption($blurb) ->render(); } private function countLinesAndPaths(array $changesets) { assert_instances_of($changesets, 'DifferentialChangeset'); $lines = 0; $paths_touched = array(); $test_lines = 0; $test_paths_touched = array(); foreach ($changesets as $ch) { if ($this->getReleephProject()->isTestFile($ch->getFilename())) { $test_lines += $ch->getAddLines() + $ch->getDelLines(); $test_paths_touched[] = $ch->getFilename(); } else { $lines += $ch->getAddLines() + $ch->getDelLines(); $paths_touched[] = $ch->getFilename(); } } return array( 'code' => array( 'lines' => $lines, 'paths' => array_unique($paths_touched), ), 'tests' => array( 'lines' => $test_lines, 'paths' => array_unique($test_paths_touched), ), ); } } diff --git a/src/applications/releeph/query/ReleephBranchSearchEngine.php b/src/applications/releeph/query/ReleephBranchSearchEngine.php index cbe5da5339..68ec126eb5 100644 --- a/src/applications/releeph/query/ReleephBranchSearchEngine.php +++ b/src/applications/releeph/query/ReleephBranchSearchEngine.php @@ -1,194 +1,196 @@ product = $product; return $this; } public function getProduct() { return $this->product; } public function buildSavedQueryFromRequest(AphrontRequest $request) { $saved = new PhabricatorSavedQuery(); $saved->setParameter('active', $request->getStr('active')); return $saved; } public function buildQueryFromSavedQuery(PhabricatorSavedQuery $saved) { $query = id(new ReleephBranchQuery()) ->needCutPointCommits(true) ->withProductPHIDs(array($this->getProduct()->getPHID())); $active = $saved->getParameter('active'); $value = idx($this->getActiveValues(), $active); if ($value !== null) { $query->withStatus($value); } return $query; } public function buildSearchForm( AphrontFormView $form, PhabricatorSavedQuery $saved_query) { $form->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormSelectControl()) ->setName('active') ->setLabel(pht('Show Branches')) ->setValue($saved_query->getParameter('active')) ->setOptions($this->getActiveOptions())); } protected function getURI($path) { return '/releeph/product/'.$this->getProduct()->getID().'/'.$path; } protected function getBuiltinQueryNames() { $names = array( 'open' => pht('Open'), 'all' => pht('All'), ); return $names; } public function buildSavedQueryFromBuiltin($query_key) { $query = $this->newSavedQuery(); $query->setQueryKey($query_key); switch ($query_key) { case 'open': return $query ->setParameter('active', 'open'); case 'all': return $query; } return parent::buildSavedQueryFromBuiltin($query_key); } private function getActiveOptions() { return array( 'open' => pht('Open Branches'), 'all' => pht('Open and Closed Branches'), ); } private function getActiveValues() { return array( 'open' => ReleephBranchQuery::STATUS_OPEN, 'all' => ReleephBranchQuery::STATUS_ALL, ); } protected function renderResultList( array $branches, PhabricatorSavedQuery $query, array $handles) { assert_instances_of($branches, 'ReleephBranch'); $viewer = $this->getRequest()->getUser(); $products = mpull($branches, 'getProduct'); $repo_phids = mpull($products, 'getRepositoryPHID'); if ($repo_phids) { $repos = id(new PhabricatorRepositoryQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withPHIDs($repo_phids) ->execute(); $repos = mpull($repos, null, 'getPHID'); } else { $repos = array(); } $requests = array(); if ($branches) { $requests = id(new ReleephRequestQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withBranchIDs(mpull($branches, 'getID')) ->withStatus(ReleephRequestQuery::STATUS_OPEN) ->execute(); $requests = mgroup($requests, 'getBranchID'); } $list = id(new PHUIObjectItemListView()) ->setUser($viewer); foreach ($branches as $branch) { $diffusion_href = null; $repo = idx($repos, $branch->getProduct()->getRepositoryPHID()); if ($repo) { $drequest = DiffusionRequest::newFromDictionary( array( 'user' => $viewer, 'repository' => $repo, )); $diffusion_href = $drequest->generateURI( array( 'action' => 'branch', 'branch' => $branch->getName(), )); } $branch_link = $branch->getName(); if ($diffusion_href) { $branch_link = phutil_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => $diffusion_href, ), $branch_link); } $item = id(new PHUIObjectItemView()) ->setHeader($branch->getDisplayName()) ->setHref($this->getApplicationURI('branch/'.$branch->getID().'/')) ->addAttribute($branch_link); if (!$branch->getIsActive()) { $item->setDisabled(true); } $commit = $branch->getCutPointCommit(); if ($commit) { $item->addIcon( 'none', phabricator_datetime($commit->getEpoch(), $viewer)); } $open_count = count(idx($requests, $branch->getID(), array())); if ($open_count) { $item->setStatusIcon('fa-code-fork orange'); $item->addIcon( 'fa-code-fork', - pht('%d Open Pull Request(s)', new PhutilNumber($open_count))); + pht( + '%s Open Pull Request(s)', + new PhutilNumber($open_count))); } $list->addItem($item); } return id(new PhabricatorApplicationSearchResultView()) ->setObjectList($list); } } diff --git a/src/applications/repository/daemon/PhabricatorRepositoryPullLocalDaemon.php b/src/applications/repository/daemon/PhabricatorRepositoryPullLocalDaemon.php index 3ed78f5161..bccb58e35a 100644 --- a/src/applications/repository/daemon/PhabricatorRepositoryPullLocalDaemon.php +++ b/src/applications/repository/daemon/PhabricatorRepositoryPullLocalDaemon.php @@ -1,432 +1,432 @@ getArgv(); array_unshift($argv, __CLASS__); $args = new PhutilArgumentParser($argv); $args->parse( array( array( 'name' => 'no-discovery', 'help' => pht('Pull only, without discovering commits.'), ), array( 'name' => 'not', 'param' => 'repository', 'repeat' => true, 'help' => pht('Do not pull __repository__.'), ), array( 'name' => 'repositories', 'wildcard' => true, 'help' => pht('Pull specific __repositories__ instead of all.'), ), )); $no_discovery = $args->getArg('no-discovery'); $include = $args->getArg('repositories'); $exclude = $args->getArg('not'); // Each repository has an individual pull frequency; after we pull it, // wait that long to pull it again. When we start up, try to pull everything // serially. $retry_after = array(); $min_sleep = 15; $max_futures = 4; $futures = array(); $queue = array(); while (!$this->shouldExit()) { PhabricatorCaches::destroyRequestCache(); $pullable = $this->loadPullableRepositories($include, $exclude); // If any repositories have the NEEDS_UPDATE flag set, pull them // as soon as possible. $need_update_messages = $this->loadRepositoryUpdateMessages(true); foreach ($need_update_messages as $message) { $repo = idx($pullable, $message->getRepositoryID()); if (!$repo) { continue; } $this->log( pht( 'Got an update message for repository "%s"!', $repo->getMonogram())); $retry_after[$message->getRepositoryID()] = time(); } // If any repositories were deleted, remove them from the retry timer map // so we don't end up with a retry timer that never gets updated and // causes us to sleep for the minimum amount of time. $retry_after = array_select_keys( $retry_after, array_keys($pullable)); // Figure out which repositories we need to queue for an update. foreach ($pullable as $id => $repository) { $monogram = $repository->getMonogram(); if (isset($futures[$id])) { $this->log(pht('Repository "%s" is currently updating.', $monogram)); continue; } if (isset($queue[$id])) { $this->log(pht('Repository "%s" is already queued.', $monogram)); continue; } $after = idx($retry_after, $id, 0); if ($after > time()) { $this->log( pht( 'Repository "%s" is not due for an update for %s second(s).', $monogram, new PhutilNumber($after - time()))); continue; } if (!$after) { $this->log( pht( 'Scheduling repository "%s" for an initial update.', $monogram)); } else { $this->log( pht( 'Scheduling repository "%s" for an update (%s seconds overdue).', $monogram, new PhutilNumber(time() - $after))); } $queue[$id] = $after; } // Process repositories in the order they became candidates for updates. asort($queue); // Dequeue repositories until we hit maximum parallelism. while ($queue && (count($futures) < $max_futures)) { foreach ($queue as $id => $time) { $repository = idx($pullable, $id); if (!$repository) { $this->log( pht('Repository %s is no longer pullable; skipping.', $id)); unset($queue[$id]); continue; } $monogram = $repository->getMonogram(); $this->log(pht('Starting update for repository "%s".', $monogram)); unset($queue[$id]); $futures[$id] = $this->buildUpdateFuture( $repository, $no_discovery); break; } } if ($queue) { $this->log( pht( 'Not enough process slots to schedule the other %s '. 'repository(s) for updates yet.', - new PhutilNumber(count($queue)))); + phutil_count($queue))); } if ($futures) { $iterator = id(new FutureIterator($futures)) ->setUpdateInterval($min_sleep); foreach ($iterator as $id => $future) { $this->stillWorking(); if ($future === null) { $this->log(pht('Waiting for updates to complete...')); $this->stillWorking(); if ($this->loadRepositoryUpdateMessages()) { $this->log(pht('Interrupted by pending updates!')); break; } continue; } unset($futures[$id]); $retry_after[$id] = $this->resolveUpdateFuture( $pullable[$id], $future, $min_sleep); // We have a free slot now, so go try to fill it. break; } // Jump back into prioritization if we had any futures to deal with. continue; } $this->waitForUpdates($min_sleep, $retry_after); } } /** * @task pull */ private function buildUpdateFuture( PhabricatorRepository $repository, $no_discovery) { $bin = dirname(phutil_get_library_root('phabricator')).'/bin/repository'; $flags = array(); if ($no_discovery) { $flags[] = '--no-discovery'; } $callsign = $repository->getCallsign(); $future = new ExecFuture('%s update %Ls -- %s', $bin, $flags, $callsign); // Sometimes, the underlying VCS commands will hang indefinitely. We've // observed this occasionally with GitHub, and other users have observed // it with other VCS servers. // To limit the damage this can cause, kill the update out after a // reasonable amount of time, under the assumption that it has hung. // Since it's hard to know what a "reasonable" amount of time is given that // users may be downloading a repository full of pirated movies over a // potato, these limits are fairly generous. Repositories exceeding these // limits can be manually pulled with `bin/repository update X`, which can // just run for as long as it wants. if ($repository->isImporting()) { $timeout = phutil_units('4 hours in seconds'); } else { $timeout = phutil_units('15 minutes in seconds'); } $future->setTimeout($timeout); return $future; } /** * Check for repositories that should be updated immediately. * * With the `$consume` flag, an internal cursor will also be incremented so * that these messages are not returned by subsequent calls. * * @param bool Pass `true` to consume these messages, so the process will * not see them again. * @return list Pending update messages. * * @task pull */ private function loadRepositoryUpdateMessages($consume = false) { $type_need_update = PhabricatorRepositoryStatusMessage::TYPE_NEEDS_UPDATE; $messages = id(new PhabricatorRepositoryStatusMessage())->loadAllWhere( 'statusType = %s AND id > %d', $type_need_update, $this->statusMessageCursor); // Keep track of messages we've seen so that we don't load them again. // If we reload messages, we can get stuck a loop if we have a failing // repository: we update immediately in response to the message, but do // not clear the message because the update does not succeed. We then // immediately retry. Instead, messages are only permitted to trigger // an immediate update once. if ($consume) { foreach ($messages as $message) { $this->statusMessageCursor = max( $this->statusMessageCursor, $message->getID()); } } return $messages; } /** * @task pull */ private function loadPullableRepositories(array $include, array $exclude) { $query = id(new PhabricatorRepositoryQuery()) ->setViewer($this->getViewer()); if ($include) { $query->withCallsigns($include); } $repositories = $query->execute(); if ($include) { $by_callsign = mpull($repositories, null, 'getCallsign'); foreach ($include as $name) { if (empty($by_callsign[$name])) { throw new Exception( pht( "No repository exists with callsign '%s'!", $name)); } } } if ($exclude) { $exclude = array_fuse($exclude); foreach ($repositories as $key => $repository) { if (isset($exclude[$repository->getCallsign()])) { unset($repositories[$key]); } } } foreach ($repositories as $key => $repository) { if (!$repository->isTracked()) { unset($repositories[$key]); } } // Shuffle the repositories, then re-key the array since shuffle() // discards keys. This is mostly for startup, we'll use soft priorities // later. shuffle($repositories); $repositories = mpull($repositories, null, 'getID'); return $repositories; } /** * @task pull */ private function resolveUpdateFuture( PhabricatorRepository $repository, ExecFuture $future, $min_sleep) { $monogram = $repository->getMonogram(); $this->log(pht('Resolving update for "%s".', $monogram)); try { list($stdout, $stderr) = $future->resolvex(); } catch (Exception $ex) { $proxy = new PhutilProxyException( pht( 'Error while updating the "%s" repository.', $repository->getMonogram()), $ex); phlog($proxy); return time() + $min_sleep; } if (strlen($stderr)) { $stderr_msg = pht( 'Unexpected output while updating repository "%s": %s', $monogram, $stderr); phlog($stderr_msg); } $smart_wait = $repository->loadUpdateInterval($min_sleep); $this->log( pht( 'Based on activity in repository "%s", considering a wait of %s '. 'seconds before update.', $repository->getMonogram(), new PhutilNumber($smart_wait))); return time() + $smart_wait; } /** * Sleep for a short period of time, waiting for update messages from the * * * @task pull */ private function waitForUpdates($min_sleep, array $retry_after) { $this->log( pht('No repositories need updates right now, sleeping...')); $sleep_until = time() + $min_sleep; if ($retry_after) { $sleep_until = min($sleep_until, min($retry_after)); } while (($sleep_until - time()) > 0) { $sleep_duration = ($sleep_until - time()); $this->log( pht( 'Sleeping for %s more second(s)...', new PhutilNumber($sleep_duration))); $this->sleep(1); if ($this->shouldExit()) { $this->log(pht('Awakened from sleep by graceful shutdown!')); return; } if ($this->loadRepositoryUpdateMessages()) { $this->log(pht('Awakened from sleep by pending updates!')); break; } } } } diff --git a/src/applications/repository/management/PhabricatorRepositoryManagementParentsWorkflow.php b/src/applications/repository/management/PhabricatorRepositoryManagementParentsWorkflow.php index 3cbbf5b5bf..61c5fedf96 100644 --- a/src/applications/repository/management/PhabricatorRepositoryManagementParentsWorkflow.php +++ b/src/applications/repository/management/PhabricatorRepositoryManagementParentsWorkflow.php @@ -1,180 +1,180 @@ setName('parents') ->setExamples('**parents** [options] [__repository__] ...') ->setSynopsis( pht( 'Build parent caches in repositories that are missing the data, '. 'or rebuild them in a specific __repository__.')) ->setArguments( array( array( 'name' => 'repos', 'wildcard' => true, ), )); } public function execute(PhutilArgumentParser $args) { $repos = $this->loadRepositories($args, 'repos'); if (!$repos) { $repos = id(new PhabricatorRepositoryQuery()) ->setViewer($this->getViewer()) ->execute(); } $console = PhutilConsole::getConsole(); foreach ($repos as $repo) { $monogram = $repo->getMonogram(); if ($repo->isSVN()) { $console->writeOut( "%s\n", pht( 'Skipping "%s": Subversion repositories do not require this '. 'cache to be built.', $monogram)); continue; } $this->rebuildRepository($repo); } return 0; } private function rebuildRepository(PhabricatorRepository $repo) { $console = PhutilConsole::getConsole(); $console->writeOut("%s\n", pht('Rebuilding "%s"...', $repo->getMonogram())); $refs = id(new PhabricatorRepositoryRefCursorQuery()) ->setViewer($this->getViewer()) ->withRefTypes(array(PhabricatorRepositoryRefCursor::TYPE_BRANCH)) ->withRepositoryPHIDs(array($repo->getPHID())) ->execute(); $graph = array(); foreach ($refs as $ref) { if (!$repo->shouldTrackBranch($ref->getRefName())) { continue; } $console->writeOut( "%s\n", pht('Rebuilding branch "%s"...', $ref->getRefName())); $commit = $ref->getCommitIdentifier(); if ($repo->isGit()) { $stream = new PhabricatorGitGraphStream($repo, $commit); } else { $stream = new PhabricatorMercurialGraphStream($repo, $commit); } $discover = array($commit); while ($discover) { $target = array_pop($discover); if (isset($graph[$target])) { continue; } $graph[$target] = $stream->getParents($target); foreach ($graph[$target] as $parent) { $discover[] = $parent; } } } $console->writeOut( "%s\n", pht( 'Found %s total commit(s); updating...', - new PhutilNumber(count($graph)))); + phutil_count($graph))); $commit_table = id(new PhabricatorRepositoryCommit()); $commit_table_name = $commit_table->getTableName(); $conn_w = $commit_table->establishConnection('w'); $bar = id(new PhutilConsoleProgressBar()) ->setTotal(count($graph)); $need = array(); foreach ($graph as $child => $parents) { foreach ($parents as $parent) { $need[$parent] = $parent; } $need[$child] = $child; } $map = array(); foreach (array_chunk($need, 2048) as $chunk) { $rows = queryfx_all( $conn_w, 'SELECT id, commitIdentifier FROM %T WHERE commitIdentifier IN (%Ls) AND repositoryID = %d', $commit_table_name, $chunk, $repo->getID()); foreach ($rows as $row) { $map[$row['commitIdentifier']] = $row['id']; } } $insert_sql = array(); $delete_sql = array(); foreach ($graph as $child => $parents) { $names = $parents; $names[] = $child; foreach ($names as $name) { if (empty($map[$name])) { throw new Exception(pht('Unknown commit "%s"!', $name)); } } if (!$parents) { // Write an explicit 0 to indicate "no parents" instead of "no data". $insert_sql[] = qsprintf( $conn_w, '(%d, 0)', $map[$child]); } else { foreach ($parents as $parent) { $insert_sql[] = qsprintf( $conn_w, '(%d, %d)', $map[$child], $map[$parent]); } } $delete_sql[] = $map[$child]; $bar->update(1); } $commit_table->openTransaction(); foreach (PhabricatorLiskDAO::chunkSQL($delete_sql) as $chunk) { queryfx( $conn_w, 'DELETE FROM %T WHERE childCommitID IN (%Q)', PhabricatorRepository::TABLE_PARENTS, $chunk); } foreach (PhabricatorLiskDAO::chunkSQL($insert_sql) as $chunk) { queryfx( $conn_w, 'INSERT INTO %T (childCommitID, parentCommitID) VALUES %Q', PhabricatorRepository::TABLE_PARENTS, $chunk); } $commit_table->saveTransaction(); $bar->done(); } } diff --git a/src/applications/repository/management/PhabricatorRepositoryManagementReparseWorkflow.php b/src/applications/repository/management/PhabricatorRepositoryManagementReparseWorkflow.php index d36fb3f4ee..524cc606aa 100644 --- a/src/applications/repository/management/PhabricatorRepositoryManagementReparseWorkflow.php +++ b/src/applications/repository/management/PhabricatorRepositoryManagementReparseWorkflow.php @@ -1,366 +1,367 @@ setName('reparse') ->setExamples('**reparse** [options] __repository__') ->setSynopsis( pht( '**reparse** __what__ __which_parts__ [--trace] [--force]'."\n\n". 'Rerun the Diffusion parser on specific commits and repositories. '. 'Mostly useful for debugging changes to Diffusion.'."\n\n". 'e.g. enqueue reparse owners in the TEST repo for all commits:'."\n". 'repository reparse --all TEST --owners'."\n\n". 'e.g. do same but exclude before yesterday (local time):'."\n". 'repository reparse --all TEST --owners --min-date yesterday'."\n". 'repository reparse --all TEST --owners --min-date "today -1 day".'. "\n\n". 'e.g. do same but exclude before 03/31/2013 (local time):'."\n". 'repository reparse --all TEST --owners --min-date "03/31/2013"')) ->setArguments( array( array( 'name' => 'revision', 'wildcard' => true, ), array( 'name' => 'all', 'param' => 'callsign or phid', 'help' => pht( 'Reparse all commits in the specified repository. This mode '. 'queues parsers into the task queue; you must run taskmasters '. 'to actually do the parses. Use with __%s__ to run '. 'the tasks locally instead of with taskmasters.', '--force-local'), ), array( 'name' => 'min-date', 'param' => 'date', 'help' => pht( "Must be used with __%s__, this will exclude commits which ". "are earlier than __date__.\n". "Valid examples:\n". " 'today', 'today 2pm', '-1 hour', '-2 hours', '-24 hours',\n". " 'yesterday', 'today -1 day', 'yesterday 2pm', '2pm -1 day',\n". " 'last Monday', 'last Monday 14:00', 'last Monday 2pm',\n". " '31 March 2013', '31 Mar', '03/31', '03/31/2013',\n". "See __%s__ for more.", '--all', 'http://www.php.net/manual/en/datetime.formats.php'), ), array( 'name' => 'message', 'help' => pht('Reparse commit messages.'), ), array( 'name' => 'change', 'help' => pht('Reparse changes.'), ), array( 'name' => 'herald', 'help' => pht( 'Reevaluate Herald rules (may send huge amounts of email!)'), ), array( 'name' => 'owners', 'help' => pht( 'Reevaluate related commits for owners packages (may delete '. 'existing relationship entries between your package and some '. 'old commits!)'), ), array( 'name' => 'force', 'short' => 'f', 'help' => pht('Act noninteractively, without prompting.'), ), array( 'name' => 'force-local', 'help' => pht( 'Only used with __%s__, use this to run the tasks locally '. 'instead of deferring them to taskmaster daemons.', '--all'), ), array( 'name' => 'importing', 'help' => pht( 'Reparse all steps which have not yet completed.'), ), array( 'name' => 'force-autoclose', 'help' => pht( 'Only used with __%s__, use this to make sure any '. 'pertinent diffs are closed regardless of configuration.', '--message'), ), )); } public function execute(PhutilArgumentParser $args) { $console = PhutilConsole::getConsole(); $all_from_repo = $args->getArg('all'); $reparse_message = $args->getArg('message'); $reparse_change = $args->getArg('change'); $reparse_herald = $args->getArg('herald'); $reparse_owners = $args->getArg('owners'); $reparse_what = $args->getArg('revision'); $force = $args->getArg('force'); $force_local = $args->getArg('force-local'); $min_date = $args->getArg('min-date'); $importing = $args->getArg('importing'); if (!$all_from_repo && !$reparse_what) { throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException( pht('Specify a commit or repository to reparse.')); } if ($all_from_repo && $reparse_what) { $commits = implode(', ', $reparse_what); throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException( pht( "Specify a commit or repository to reparse, not both:\n". "All from repo: %s\n". "Commit(s) to reparse: %s", $all_from_repo, $commits)); } $any_step = ($reparse_message || $reparse_change || $reparse_herald || $reparse_owners); if ($any_step && $importing) { throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException( pht( 'Choosing steps with %s conflicts with flags which select '. 'specific steps.', '--importing')); } else if ($any_step) { // OK. } else if ($importing) { // OK. } else if (!$any_step && !$importing) { throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException( pht( 'Specify which steps to reparse with %s, or %s, %s, %s, or %s.', '--importing', '--message', '--change', '--herald', '--owners')); } $min_timestamp = false; if ($min_date) { $min_timestamp = strtotime($min_date); if (!$all_from_repo) { throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException( pht( "You must use --all if you specify --min-date\n". "e.g.\n". " repository reparse --all TEST --owners --min-date yesterday")); } // previous to PHP 5.1.0 you would compare with -1, instead of false if (false === $min_timestamp) { throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException( pht( "Supplied --min-date is not valid. See help for valid examples.\n". "Supplied value: '%s'\n", $min_date)); } } if ($reparse_owners && !$force) { $console->writeOut( "%s\n", pht( 'You are about to recreate the relationship entries between the '. 'commits and the packages they touch. This might delete some '. 'existing relationship entries for some old commits.')); if (!phutil_console_confirm(pht('Are you ready to continue?'))) { throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException(pht('Cancelled.')); } } $commits = array(); if ($all_from_repo) { $repository = id(new PhabricatorRepository())->loadOneWhere( 'callsign = %s OR phid = %s', $all_from_repo, $all_from_repo); if (!$repository) { throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException( pht('Unknown repository %s!', $all_from_repo)); } $query = id(new DiffusionCommitQuery()) ->setViewer(PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser()) ->withRepository($repository); if ($min_timestamp) { $query->withEpochRange($min_timestamp, null); } if ($importing) { $query->withImporting(true); } $commits = $query->execute(); $callsign = $repository->getCallsign(); if (!$commits) { throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException( pht( 'No commits have been discovered in %s repository!', $callsign)); } } else { $commits = array(); foreach ($reparse_what as $identifier) { $matches = null; if (!preg_match('/r([A-Z]+)([a-z0-9]+)/', $identifier, $matches)) { throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException(pht( "Can't parse commit identifier: %s", $identifier)); } $callsign = $matches[1]; $commit_identifier = $matches[2]; $repository = id(new PhabricatorRepository())->loadOneWhere( 'callsign = %s', $callsign); if (!$repository) { throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException(pht( "No repository with callsign '%s'!", $callsign)); } $commit = id(new PhabricatorRepositoryCommit())->loadOneWhere( 'repositoryID = %d AND commitIdentifier = %s', $repository->getID(), $commit_identifier); if (!$commit) { throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException(pht( "No matching commit '%s' in repository '%s'. ". "(For git and mercurial repositories, you must specify the entire ". "commit hash.)", $commit_identifier, $callsign)); } $commits[] = $commit; } } if ($all_from_repo && !$force_local) { $console->writeOut("%s\n", pht( - '**NOTE**: This script will queue tasks to reparse the data. Once the '. - 'tasks have been queued, you need to run Taskmaster daemons to '. - 'execute them.'."\n\n". - "QUEUEING TASKS (%s Commits):", - new PhutilNumber(count($commits)))); + "**NOTE**: This script will queue tasks to reparse the data. Once the ". + "tasks have been queued, you need to run Taskmaster daemons to ". + "execute them.\n\n%s", + pht( + 'QUEUEING TASKS (%s Commit(s)):', + phutil_count($commits)))); } $progress = new PhutilConsoleProgressBar(); $progress->setTotal(count($commits)); $tasks = array(); foreach ($commits as $commit) { if ($importing) { $status = $commit->getImportStatus(); // Find the first missing import step and queue that up. $reparse_message = false; $reparse_change = false; $reparse_owners = false; $reparse_herald = false; if (!($status & PhabricatorRepositoryCommit::IMPORTED_MESSAGE)) { $reparse_message = true; } else if (!($status & PhabricatorRepositoryCommit::IMPORTED_CHANGE)) { $reparse_change = true; } else if (!($status & PhabricatorRepositoryCommit::IMPORTED_OWNERS)) { $reparse_owners = true; } else if (!($status & PhabricatorRepositoryCommit::IMPORTED_HERALD)) { $reparse_herald = true; } else { continue; } } $classes = array(); switch ($repository->getVersionControlSystem()) { case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_GIT: if ($reparse_message) { $classes[] = 'PhabricatorRepositoryGitCommitMessageParserWorker'; } if ($reparse_change) { $classes[] = 'PhabricatorRepositoryGitCommitChangeParserWorker'; } break; case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_MERCURIAL: if ($reparse_message) { $classes[] = 'PhabricatorRepositoryMercurialCommitMessageParserWorker'; } if ($reparse_change) { $classes[] = 'PhabricatorRepositoryMercurialCommitChangeParserWorker'; } break; case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_SVN: if ($reparse_message) { $classes[] = 'PhabricatorRepositorySvnCommitMessageParserWorker'; } if ($reparse_change) { $classes[] = 'PhabricatorRepositorySvnCommitChangeParserWorker'; } break; } if ($reparse_herald) { $classes[] = 'PhabricatorRepositoryCommitHeraldWorker'; } if ($reparse_owners) { $classes[] = 'PhabricatorRepositoryCommitOwnersWorker'; } // NOTE: With "--importing", we queue the first unparsed step and let // it queue the other ones normally. Without "--importing", we queue // all the requested steps explicitly. $spec = array( 'commitID' => $commit->getID(), 'only' => !$importing, 'forceAutoclose' => $args->getArg('force-autoclose'), ); if ($all_from_repo && !$force_local) { foreach ($classes as $class) { PhabricatorWorker::scheduleTask( $class, $spec, array( 'priority' => PhabricatorWorker::PRIORITY_IMPORT, )); } } else { foreach ($classes as $class) { $worker = newv($class, array($spec)); $worker->executeTask(); } } $progress->update(1); } $progress->done(); return 0; } } diff --git a/src/applications/subscriptions/herald/PhabricatorSubscriptionsHeraldAction.php b/src/applications/subscriptions/herald/PhabricatorSubscriptionsHeraldAction.php index 6ec7b6f776..bf0df4fd97 100644 --- a/src/applications/subscriptions/herald/PhabricatorSubscriptionsHeraldAction.php +++ b/src/applications/subscriptions/herald/PhabricatorSubscriptionsHeraldAction.php @@ -1,187 +1,187 @@ getAdapter(); $allowed_types = array( PhabricatorPeopleUserPHIDType::TYPECONST, PhabricatorProjectProjectPHIDType::TYPECONST, ); // Evaluating "No Effect" is a bit tricky for this rule type, so just // do it manually below. $current = array(); $targets = $this->loadStandardTargets($phids, $allowed_types, $current); if (!$targets) { return; } $phids = array_fuse(array_keys($targets)); // The "Add Subscribers" rule only adds subscribers who haven't previously // unsubscribed from the object explicitly. Filter these subscribers out // before continuing. if ($is_add) { $unsubscribed = $adapter->loadEdgePHIDs( PhabricatorObjectHasUnsubscriberEdgeType::EDGECONST); foreach ($unsubscribed as $phid) { if (isset($phids[$phid])) { $unsubscribed[$phid] = $phid; unset($phids[$phid]); } } if ($unsubscribed) { $this->logEffect( self::DO_PREVIOUSLY_UNSUBSCRIBED, array_values($unsubscribed)); } } if (!$phids) { return; } $auto = array(); $object = $adapter->getObject(); foreach ($phids as $phid) { if ($object->isAutomaticallySubscribed($phid)) { $auto[$phid] = $phid; unset($phids[$phid]); } } if ($auto) { $this->logEffect(self::DO_AUTOSUBSCRIBED, array_values($auto)); } if (!$phids) { return; } $current = $adapter->loadEdgePHIDs( PhabricatorObjectHasSubscriberEdgeType::EDGECONST); if ($is_add) { $already = array(); foreach ($phids as $phid) { if (isset($current[$phid])) { $already[$phid] = $phid; unset($phids[$phid]); } } if ($already) { $this->logEffect(self::DO_STANDARD_NO_EFFECT, $already); } } else { $already = array(); foreach ($phids as $phid) { if (empty($current[$phid])) { $already[$phid] = $phid; unset($phids[$phid]); } } if ($already) { $this->logEffect(self::DO_STANDARD_NO_EFFECT, $already); } } if (!$phids) { return; } if ($is_add) { $kind = '+'; } else { $kind = '-'; } $xaction = $adapter->newTransaction() ->setTransactionType(PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_SUBSCRIBERS) ->setNewValue( array( $kind => $phids, )); $adapter->queueTransaction($xaction); if ($is_add) { $this->logEffect(self::DO_SUBSCRIBED, $phids); } else { $this->logEffect(self::DO_UNSUBSCRIBED, $phids); } } protected function getActionEffectMap() { return array( self::DO_PREVIOUSLY_UNSUBSCRIBED => array( 'icon' => 'fa-minus-circle', 'color' => 'grey', 'name' => pht('Previously Unsubscribed'), ), self::DO_AUTOSUBSCRIBED => array( 'icon' => 'fa-envelope', 'color' => 'grey', 'name' => pht('Automatically Subscribed'), ), self::DO_SUBSCRIBED => array( 'icon' => 'fa-envelope', 'color' => 'green', 'name' => pht('Added Subscribers'), ), self::DO_UNSUBSCRIBED => array( 'icon' => 'fa-minus-circle', 'color' => 'green', 'name' => pht('Removed Subscribers'), ), ); } protected function renderActionEffectDescription($type, $data) { switch ($type) { case self::DO_PREVIOUSLY_UNSUBSCRIBED: return pht( 'Declined to resubscribe %s target(s) because they previously '. 'unsubscribed: %s.', - new PhutilNumber(count($data)), + phutil_count($data), $this->renderHandleList($data)); case self::DO_AUTOSUBSCRIBED: return pht( '%s automatically subscribed target(s) were not affected: %s.', - new PhutilNumber(count($data)), + phutil_count($data), $this->renderHandleList($data)); case self::DO_SUBSCRIBED: return pht( 'Added %s subscriber(s): %s.', - new PhutilNumber(count($data)), + phutil_count($data), $this->renderHandleList($data)); case self::DO_UNSUBSCRIBED: return pht( 'Removed %s subscriber(s): %s.', - new PhutilNumber(count($data)), + phutil_count($data), $this->renderHandleList($data)); } } } diff --git a/src/applications/system/management/PhabricatorSystemRemoveDestroyWorkflow.php b/src/applications/system/management/PhabricatorSystemRemoveDestroyWorkflow.php index 2abbc52691..baaf4f7af9 100644 --- a/src/applications/system/management/PhabricatorSystemRemoveDestroyWorkflow.php +++ b/src/applications/system/management/PhabricatorSystemRemoveDestroyWorkflow.php @@ -1,168 +1,168 @@ setName('destroy') ->setSynopsis(pht('Permanently destroy objects.')) ->setExamples('**destroy** [__options__] __object__ ...') ->setArguments( array( array( 'name' => 'force', 'help' => pht('Destroy objects without prompting.'), ), array( 'name' => 'objects', 'wildcard' => true, ), )); } public function execute(PhutilArgumentParser $args) { $console = PhutilConsole::getConsole(); $object_names = $args->getArg('objects'); if (!$object_names) { throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException( pht('Specify one or more objects to destroy.')); } $object_query = id(new PhabricatorObjectQuery()) ->setViewer($this->getViewer()) ->withNames($object_names); $object_query->execute(); $named_objects = $object_query->getNamedResults(); foreach ($object_names as $object_name) { if (empty($named_objects[$object_name])) { throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException( pht('No such object "%s" exists!', $object_name)); } } foreach ($named_objects as $object_name => $object) { if (!($object instanceof PhabricatorDestructibleInterface)) { throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException( pht( 'Object "%s" can not be destroyed (it does not implement %s).', $object_name, 'PhabricatorDestructibleInterface')); } } $banner = <<writeOut("\n\n%s\n\n", $banner); $console->writeOut( "** %s ** %s\n\n%s\n\n". "** %s ** %s\n\n%s\n\n", pht('IMPORTANT'), pht('DATA WILL BE PERMANENTLY DESTROYED'), phutil_console_wrap( pht( 'Objects will be permanently destroyed. There is no way to '. 'undo this operation or ever retrieve this data unless you '. 'maintain external backups.')), pht('IMPORTANT'), pht('DELETING OBJECTS OFTEN BREAKS THINGS'), phutil_console_wrap( pht( 'Destroying objects may cause related objects to stop working, '. 'and may leave scattered references to objects which no longer '. 'exist. In most cases, it is much better to disable or archive '. 'objects instead of destroying them. This risk is greatest when '. 'deleting complex or highly connected objects like repositories, '. 'projects and users.'. "\n\n". 'These tattered edges are an expected consquence of destroying '. 'objects, and the Phabricator upstream will not help you fix '. 'them. We strongly recomend disabling or archiving objects '. 'instead.'))); $phids = mpull($named_objects, 'getPHID'); $handles = PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser()->loadHandles($phids); $console->writeOut( pht( 'These %s object(s) will be destroyed forever:', - new PhutilNumber(count($named_objects)))."\n\n"); + phutil_count($named_objects))."\n\n"); foreach ($named_objects as $object_name => $object) { $phid = $object->getPHID(); $console->writeOut( " - %s (%s) %s\n", $object_name, get_class($object), $handles[$phid]->getFullName()); } $force = $args->getArg('force'); if (!$force) { $ok = $console->confirm( pht( 'Are you absolutely certain you want to destroy these %s object(s)?', - new PhutilNumber(count($named_objects)))); + phutil_count($named_objects))); if (!$ok) { throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException( pht('Aborted, your objects are safe.')); } } $console->writeOut("%s\n", pht('Destroying objects...')); foreach ($named_objects as $object_name => $object) { $console->writeOut( pht( "Destroying %s **%s**...\n", get_class($object), $object_name)); id(new PhabricatorDestructionEngine()) ->destroyObject($object); } $console->writeOut( "%s\n", pht( 'Permanently destroyed %s object(s).', - new PhutilNumber(count($named_objects)))); + phutil_count($named_objects))); return 0; } } diff --git a/src/applications/transactions/response/PhabricatorApplicationTransactionNoEffectResponse.php b/src/applications/transactions/response/PhabricatorApplicationTransactionNoEffectResponse.php index c5af940f41..c4f6defc21 100644 --- a/src/applications/transactions/response/PhabricatorApplicationTransactionNoEffectResponse.php +++ b/src/applications/transactions/response/PhabricatorApplicationTransactionNoEffectResponse.php @@ -1,91 +1,91 @@ cancelURI = $cancel_uri; return $this; } public function setException( PhabricatorApplicationTransactionNoEffectException $exception) { $this->exception = $exception; return $this; } protected function buildProxy() { return new AphrontDialogResponse(); } public function reduceProxyResponse() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $ex = $this->exception; $xactions = $ex->getTransactions(); $type_comment = PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_COMMENT; $only_empty_comment = (count($xactions) == 1) && (head($xactions)->getTransactionType() == $type_comment); - $count = new PhutilNumber(count($xactions)); + $count = phutil_count($xactions); if ($ex->hasAnyEffect()) { - $title = pht('%d Action(s) With No Effect', $count); - $head = pht('Some of your %d action(s) have no effect:', $count); + $title = pht('%s Action(s) With No Effect', $count); + $head = pht('Some of your %s action(s) have no effect:', $count); $tail = pht('Apply remaining actions?'); $continue = pht('Apply Remaining Actions'); } else if ($ex->hasComment()) { $title = pht('Post as Comment'); - $head = pht('The %d action(s) you are taking have no effect:', $count); + $head = pht('The %s action(s) you are taking have no effect:', $count); $tail = pht('Do you want to post your comment anyway?'); $continue = pht('Post Comment'); } else if ($only_empty_comment) { // Special case this since it's common and we can give the user a nicer // dialog than "Action Has No Effect". $title = pht('Empty Comment'); $head = null; $tail = null; $continue = null; } else { - $title = pht('%d Action(s) Have No Effect', $count); - $head = pht('The %d action(s) you are taking have no effect:', $count); + $title = pht('%s Action(s) Have No Effect', $count); + $head = pht('The %s action(s) you are taking have no effect:', $count); $tail = null; $continue = null; } $dialog = id(new AphrontDialogView()) ->setUser($request->getUser()) ->setTitle($title); $dialog->appendChild($head); $list = array(); foreach ($xactions as $xaction) { $list[] = $xaction->getNoEffectDescription(); } if ($list) { $dialog->appendList($list); } $dialog->appendChild($tail); if ($continue) { $passthrough = $request->getPassthroughRequestParameters(); foreach ($passthrough as $key => $value) { $dialog->addHiddenInput($key, $value); } $dialog->addHiddenInput('__continue__', 1); $dialog->addSubmitButton($continue); } $dialog->addCancelButton($this->cancelURI); return $this->getProxy()->setDialog($dialog); } } diff --git a/src/applications/transactions/storage/PhabricatorApplicationTransaction.php b/src/applications/transactions/storage/PhabricatorApplicationTransaction.php index e33049dcc7..a61de01978 100644 --- a/src/applications/transactions/storage/PhabricatorApplicationTransaction.php +++ b/src/applications/transactions/storage/PhabricatorApplicationTransaction.php @@ -1,1281 +1,1281 @@ ignoreOnNoEffect = $ignore; return $this; } public function getIgnoreOnNoEffect() { return $this->ignoreOnNoEffect; } public function shouldGenerateOldValue() { switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_BUILDABLE: case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_TOKEN: case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_CUSTOMFIELD: case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_INLINESTATE: return false; } return true; } abstract public function getApplicationTransactionType(); private function getApplicationObjectTypeName() { $types = PhabricatorPHIDType::getAllTypes(); $type = idx($types, $this->getApplicationTransactionType()); if ($type) { return $type->getTypeName(); } return pht('Object'); } public function getApplicationTransactionCommentObject() { throw new PhutilMethodNotImplementedException(); } public function getApplicationTransactionViewObject() { return new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionView(); } public function getMetadataValue($key, $default = null) { return idx($this->metadata, $key, $default); } public function setMetadataValue($key, $value) { $this->metadata[$key] = $value; return $this; } public function generatePHID() { $type = PhabricatorApplicationTransactionTransactionPHIDType::TYPECONST; $subtype = $this->getApplicationTransactionType(); return PhabricatorPHID::generateNewPHID($type, $subtype); } protected function getConfiguration() { return array( self::CONFIG_AUX_PHID => true, self::CONFIG_SERIALIZATION => array( 'oldValue' => self::SERIALIZATION_JSON, 'newValue' => self::SERIALIZATION_JSON, 'metadata' => self::SERIALIZATION_JSON, ), self::CONFIG_COLUMN_SCHEMA => array( 'commentPHID' => 'phid?', 'commentVersion' => 'uint32', 'contentSource' => 'text', 'transactionType' => 'text32', ), self::CONFIG_KEY_SCHEMA => array( 'key_object' => array( 'columns' => array('objectPHID'), ), ), ) + parent::getConfiguration(); } public function setContentSource(PhabricatorContentSource $content_source) { $this->contentSource = $content_source->serialize(); return $this; } public function getContentSource() { return PhabricatorContentSource::newFromSerialized($this->contentSource); } public function hasComment() { return $this->getComment() && strlen($this->getComment()->getContent()); } public function getComment() { if ($this->commentNotLoaded) { throw new Exception(pht('Comment for this transaction was not loaded.')); } return $this->comment; } public function attachComment( PhabricatorApplicationTransactionComment $comment) { $this->comment = $comment; $this->commentNotLoaded = false; return $this; } public function setCommentNotLoaded($not_loaded) { $this->commentNotLoaded = $not_loaded; return $this; } public function attachObject($object) { $this->object = $object; return $this; } public function getObject() { return $this->assertAttached($this->object); } public function getRemarkupBlocks() { $blocks = array(); switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_CUSTOMFIELD: $field = $this->getTransactionCustomField(); if ($field) { $custom_blocks = $field->getApplicationTransactionRemarkupBlocks( $this); foreach ($custom_blocks as $custom_block) { $blocks[] = $custom_block; } } break; } if ($this->getComment()) { $blocks[] = $this->getComment()->getContent(); } return $blocks; } public function setOldValue($value) { $this->oldValueHasBeenSet = true; $this->writeField('oldValue', $value); return $this; } public function hasOldValue() { return $this->oldValueHasBeenSet; } /* -( Rendering )---------------------------------------------------------- */ public function setRenderingTarget($rendering_target) { $this->renderingTarget = $rendering_target; return $this; } public function getRenderingTarget() { return $this->renderingTarget; } public function attachViewer(PhabricatorUser $viewer) { $this->viewer = $viewer; return $this; } public function getViewer() { return $this->assertAttached($this->viewer); } public function getRequiredHandlePHIDs() { $phids = array(); $old = $this->getOldValue(); $new = $this->getNewValue(); $phids[] = array($this->getAuthorPHID()); switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_CUSTOMFIELD: $field = $this->getTransactionCustomField(); if ($field) { $phids[] = $field->getApplicationTransactionRequiredHandlePHIDs( $this); } break; case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_SUBSCRIBERS: $phids[] = $old; $phids[] = $new; break; case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDGE: $phids[] = ipull($old, 'dst'); $phids[] = ipull($new, 'dst'); break; case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDIT_POLICY: case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_VIEW_POLICY: case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_JOIN_POLICY: if (!PhabricatorPolicyQuery::isSpecialPolicy($old)) { $phids[] = array($old); } if (!PhabricatorPolicyQuery::isSpecialPolicy($new)) { $phids[] = array($new); } break; case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_SPACE: if ($old) { $phids[] = array($old); } if ($new) { $phids[] = array($new); } break; case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_TOKEN: break; case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_BUILDABLE: $phid = $this->getMetadataValue('harbormaster:buildablePHID'); if ($phid) { $phids[] = array($phid); } break; } if ($this->getComment()) { $phids[] = array($this->getComment()->getAuthorPHID()); } return array_mergev($phids); } public function setHandles(array $handles) { $this->handles = $handles; return $this; } public function getHandle($phid) { if (empty($this->handles[$phid])) { throw new Exception( pht( 'Transaction ("%s", of type "%s") requires a handle ("%s") that it '. 'did not load.', $this->getPHID(), $this->getTransactionType(), $phid)); } return $this->handles[$phid]; } public function getHandleIfExists($phid) { return idx($this->handles, $phid); } public function getHandles() { if ($this->handles === null) { throw new Exception( pht('Transaction requires handles and it did not load them.')); } return $this->handles; } public function renderHandleLink($phid) { if ($this->renderingTarget == self::TARGET_HTML) { return $this->getHandle($phid)->renderLink(); } else { return $this->getHandle($phid)->getLinkName(); } } public function renderHandleList(array $phids) { $links = array(); foreach ($phids as $phid) { $links[] = $this->renderHandleLink($phid); } if ($this->renderingTarget == self::TARGET_HTML) { return phutil_implode_html(', ', $links); } else { return implode(', ', $links); } } private function renderSubscriberList(array $phids, $change_type) { if ($this->getRenderingTarget() == self::TARGET_TEXT) { return $this->renderHandleList($phids); } else { $handles = array_select_keys($this->getHandles(), $phids); return id(new SubscriptionListStringBuilder()) ->setHandles($handles) ->setObjectPHID($this->getPHID()) ->buildTransactionString($change_type); } } protected function renderPolicyName($phid, $state = 'old') { $policy = PhabricatorPolicy::newFromPolicyAndHandle( $phid, $this->getHandleIfExists($phid)); if ($this->renderingTarget == self::TARGET_HTML) { switch ($policy->getType()) { case PhabricatorPolicyType::TYPE_CUSTOM: $policy->setHref('/transactions/'.$state.'/'.$this->getPHID().'/'); $policy->setWorkflow(true); break; default: break; } $output = $policy->renderDescription(); } else { $output = hsprintf('%s', $policy->getFullName()); } return $output; } public function getIcon() { switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_COMMENT: $comment = $this->getComment(); if ($comment && $comment->getIsRemoved()) { return 'fa-trash'; } return 'fa-comment'; case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_SUBSCRIBERS: $old = $this->getOldValue(); $new = $this->getNewValue(); $add = array_diff($new, $old); $rem = array_diff($old, $new); if ($add && $rem) { return 'fa-user'; } else if ($add) { return 'fa-user-plus'; } else if ($rem) { return 'fa-user-times'; } else { return 'fa-user'; } case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_VIEW_POLICY: case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDIT_POLICY: case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_JOIN_POLICY: return 'fa-lock'; case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDGE: return 'fa-link'; case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_BUILDABLE: return 'fa-wrench'; case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_TOKEN: return 'fa-trophy'; case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_SPACE: return 'fa-th-large'; } return 'fa-pencil'; } public function getToken() { switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_TOKEN: $old = $this->getOldValue(); $new = $this->getNewValue(); if ($new) { $icon = substr($new, 10); } else { $icon = substr($old, 10); } return array($icon, !$this->getNewValue()); } return array(null, null); } public function getColor() { switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_COMMENT; $comment = $this->getComment(); if ($comment && $comment->getIsRemoved()) { return 'black'; } break; case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_BUILDABLE: switch ($this->getNewValue()) { case HarbormasterBuildable::STATUS_PASSED: return 'green'; case HarbormasterBuildable::STATUS_FAILED: return 'red'; } break; } return null; } protected function getTransactionCustomField() { switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_CUSTOMFIELD: $key = $this->getMetadataValue('customfield:key'); if (!$key) { return null; } $field = PhabricatorCustomField::getObjectField( $this->getObject(), PhabricatorCustomField::ROLE_APPLICATIONTRANSACTIONS, $key); if (!$field) { return null; } $field->setViewer($this->getViewer()); return $field; } return null; } public function shouldHide() { switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_VIEW_POLICY: case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDIT_POLICY: case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_JOIN_POLICY: case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_SPACE: if ($this->getOldValue() === null) { return true; } else { return false; } break; case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_CUSTOMFIELD: $field = $this->getTransactionCustomField(); if ($field) { return $field->shouldHideInApplicationTransactions($this); } case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDGE: $edge_type = $this->getMetadataValue('edge:type'); switch ($edge_type) { case PhabricatorObjectMentionsObjectEdgeType::EDGECONST: return true; break; case PhabricatorObjectMentionedByObjectEdgeType::EDGECONST: $new = ipull($this->getNewValue(), 'dst'); $old = ipull($this->getOldValue(), 'dst'); $add = array_diff($new, $old); $add_value = reset($add); $add_handle = $this->getHandle($add_value); if ($add_handle->getPolicyFiltered()) { return true; } return false; break; default: break; } break; } return false; } public function shouldHideForMail(array $xactions) { switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_TOKEN: return true; case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_BUILDABLE: switch ($this->getNewValue()) { case HarbormasterBuildable::STATUS_FAILED: // For now, only ever send mail when builds fail. We might let // you customize this later, but in most cases this is probably // completely uninteresting. return false; } return true; case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDGE: $edge_type = $this->getMetadataValue('edge:type'); switch ($edge_type) { case PhabricatorObjectMentionsObjectEdgeType::EDGECONST: case PhabricatorObjectMentionedByObjectEdgeType::EDGECONST: return true; break; default: break; } break; } // If a transaction publishes an inline comment: // // - Don't show it if there are other kinds of transactions. The // rationale here is that application mail will make the presence // of inline comments obvious enough by including them prominently // in the body. We could change this in the future if the obviousness // needs to be increased. // - If there are only inline transactions, only show the first // transaction. The rationale is that seeing multiple "added an inline // comment" transactions is not useful. if ($this->isInlineCommentTransaction()) { foreach ($xactions as $xaction) { if (!$xaction->isInlineCommentTransaction()) { return true; } } return ($this !== head($xactions)); } return $this->shouldHide(); } public function shouldHideForFeed() { switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_TOKEN: return true; case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_BUILDABLE: switch ($this->getNewValue()) { case HarbormasterBuildable::STATUS_FAILED: // For now, don't notify on build passes either. These are pretty // high volume and annoying, with very little present value. We // might want to turn them back on in the specific case of // build successes on the current document? return false; } return true; case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDGE: $edge_type = $this->getMetadataValue('edge:type'); switch ($edge_type) { case PhabricatorObjectMentionsObjectEdgeType::EDGECONST: case PhabricatorObjectMentionedByObjectEdgeType::EDGECONST: return true; break; default: break; } break; case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_INLINESTATE: return true; } return $this->shouldHide(); } public function getTitleForMail() { return id(clone $this)->setRenderingTarget('text')->getTitle(); } public function getBodyForMail() { if ($this->isInlineCommentTransaction()) { // We don't return inline comment content as mail body content, because // applications need to contextualize it (by adding line numbers, for // example) in order for it to make sense. return null; } $comment = $this->getComment(); if ($comment && strlen($comment->getContent())) { return $comment->getContent(); } return null; } public function getNoEffectDescription() { switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_COMMENT: return pht('You can not post an empty comment.'); case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_VIEW_POLICY: return pht( 'This %s already has that view policy.', $this->getApplicationObjectTypeName()); case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDIT_POLICY: return pht( 'This %s already has that edit policy.', $this->getApplicationObjectTypeName()); case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_JOIN_POLICY: return pht( 'This %s already has that join policy.', $this->getApplicationObjectTypeName()); case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_SUBSCRIBERS: return pht( 'All users are already subscribed to this %s.', $this->getApplicationObjectTypeName()); case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_SPACE: return pht('This object is already in that space.'); case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDGE: return pht('Edges already exist; transaction has no effect.'); } return pht('Transaction has no effect.'); } public function getTitle() { $author_phid = $this->getAuthorPHID(); $old = $this->getOldValue(); $new = $this->getNewValue(); switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_COMMENT: return pht( '%s added a comment.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid)); case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_VIEW_POLICY: return pht( '%s changed the visibility from "%s" to "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderPolicyName($old, 'old'), $this->renderPolicyName($new, 'new')); case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDIT_POLICY: return pht( '%s changed the edit policy from "%s" to "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderPolicyName($old, 'old'), $this->renderPolicyName($new, 'new')); case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_JOIN_POLICY: return pht( '%s changed the join policy from "%s" to "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderPolicyName($old, 'old'), $this->renderPolicyName($new, 'new')); case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_SPACE: return pht( '%s shifted this object from the %s space to the %s space.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($old), $this->renderHandleLink($new)); case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_SUBSCRIBERS: $add = array_diff($new, $old); $rem = array_diff($old, $new); if ($add && $rem) { return pht( '%s edited subscriber(s), added %d: %s; removed %d: %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), count($add), $this->renderSubscriberList($add, 'add'), count($rem), $this->renderSubscriberList($rem, 'rem')); } else if ($add) { return pht( '%s added %d subscriber(s): %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), count($add), $this->renderSubscriberList($add, 'add')); } else if ($rem) { return pht( '%s removed %d subscriber(s): %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), count($rem), $this->renderSubscriberList($rem, 'rem')); } else { // This is used when rendering previews, before the user actually // selects any CCs. return pht( '%s updated subscribers...', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid)); } break; case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDGE: $new = ipull($new, 'dst'); $old = ipull($old, 'dst'); $add = array_diff($new, $old); $rem = array_diff($old, $new); $type = $this->getMetadata('edge:type'); $type = head($type); $type_obj = PhabricatorEdgeType::getByConstant($type); if ($add && $rem) { return $type_obj->getTransactionEditString( $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), new PhutilNumber(count($add) + count($rem)), - new PhutilNumber(count($add)), + phutil_count($add), $this->renderHandleList($add), - new PhutilNumber(count($rem)), + phutil_count($rem), $this->renderHandleList($rem)); } else if ($add) { return $type_obj->getTransactionAddString( $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), - new PhutilNumber(count($add)), + phutil_count($add), $this->renderHandleList($add)); } else if ($rem) { return $type_obj->getTransactionRemoveString( $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), - new PhutilNumber(count($rem)), + phutil_count($rem), $this->renderHandleList($rem)); } else { return $type_obj->getTransactionPreviewString( $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid)); } case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_CUSTOMFIELD: $field = $this->getTransactionCustomField(); if ($field) { return $field->getApplicationTransactionTitle($this); } else { return pht( '%s edited a custom field.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid)); } case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_TOKEN: if ($old && $new) { return pht( '%s updated a token.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid)); } else if ($old) { return pht( '%s rescinded a token.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid)); } else { return pht( '%s awarded a token.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid)); } case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_BUILDABLE: switch ($this->getNewValue()) { case HarbormasterBuildable::STATUS_BUILDING: return pht( '%s started building %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink( $this->getMetadataValue('harbormaster:buildablePHID'))); case HarbormasterBuildable::STATUS_PASSED: return pht( '%s completed building %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink( $this->getMetadataValue('harbormaster:buildablePHID'))); case HarbormasterBuildable::STATUS_FAILED: return pht( '%s failed to build %s!', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink( $this->getMetadataValue('harbormaster:buildablePHID'))); default: return null; } case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_INLINESTATE: $done = 0; $undone = 0; foreach ($new as $phid => $state) { if ($state == PhabricatorInlineCommentInterface::STATE_DONE) { $done++; } else { $undone++; } } if ($done && $undone) { return pht( '%s marked %s inline comment(s) as done and %s inline comment(s) '. 'as not done.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), new PhutilNumber($done), new PhutilNumber($undone)); } else if ($done) { return pht( '%s marked %s inline comment(s) as done.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), new PhutilNumber($done)); } else { return pht( '%s marked %s inline comment(s) as not done.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), new PhutilNumber($undone)); } break; default: return pht( '%s edited this %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->getApplicationObjectTypeName()); } } public function getTitleForFeed() { $author_phid = $this->getAuthorPHID(); $object_phid = $this->getObjectPHID(); $old = $this->getOldValue(); $new = $this->getNewValue(); switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_COMMENT: return pht( '%s added a comment to %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid)); case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_VIEW_POLICY: return pht( '%s changed the visibility for %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid)); case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDIT_POLICY: return pht( '%s changed the edit policy for %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid)); case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_JOIN_POLICY: return pht( '%s changed the join policy for %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid)); case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_SUBSCRIBERS: return pht( '%s updated subscribers of %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid)); case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_SPACE: return pht( '%s shifted %s from the %s space to the %s space.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($old), $this->renderHandleLink($new)); case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDGE: $new = ipull($new, 'dst'); $old = ipull($old, 'dst'); $add = array_diff($new, $old); $rem = array_diff($old, $new); $type = $this->getMetadata('edge:type'); $type = head($type); $type_obj = PhabricatorEdgeType::getByConstant($type); if ($add && $rem) { return $type_obj->getFeedEditString( $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), new PhutilNumber(count($add) + count($rem)), - new PhutilNumber(count($add)), + phutil_count($add), $this->renderHandleList($add), - new PhutilNumber(count($rem)), + phutil_count($rem), $this->renderHandleList($rem)); } else if ($add) { return $type_obj->getFeedAddString( $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), - new PhutilNumber(count($add)), + phutil_count($add), $this->renderHandleList($add)); } else if ($rem) { return $type_obj->getFeedRemoveString( $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), - new PhutilNumber(count($rem)), + phutil_count($rem), $this->renderHandleList($rem)); } else { return pht( '%s edited edge metadata for %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid)); } case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_CUSTOMFIELD: $field = $this->getTransactionCustomField(); if ($field) { return $field->getApplicationTransactionTitleForFeed($this); } else { return pht( '%s edited a custom field on %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid)); } case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_BUILDABLE: switch ($this->getNewValue()) { case HarbormasterBuildable::STATUS_BUILDING: return pht( '%s started building %s for %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink( $this->getMetadataValue('harbormaster:buildablePHID')), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid)); case HarbormasterBuildable::STATUS_PASSED: return pht( '%s completed building %s for %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink( $this->getMetadataValue('harbormaster:buildablePHID')), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid)); case HarbormasterBuildable::STATUS_FAILED: return pht( '%s failed to build %s for %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink( $this->getMetadataValue('harbormaster:buildablePHID')), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid)); default: return null; } } return $this->getTitle(); } public function getMarkupFieldsForFeed(PhabricatorFeedStory $story) { $fields = array(); switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_COMMENT: $text = $this->getComment()->getContent(); if (strlen($text)) { $fields[] = 'comment/'.$this->getID(); } break; } return $fields; } public function getMarkupTextForFeed(PhabricatorFeedStory $story, $field) { switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_COMMENT: $text = $this->getComment()->getContent(); return PhabricatorMarkupEngine::summarize($text); } return null; } public function getBodyForFeed(PhabricatorFeedStory $story) { $old = $this->getOldValue(); $new = $this->getNewValue(); $body = null; switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_COMMENT: $text = $this->getComment()->getContent(); if (strlen($text)) { $body = $story->getMarkupFieldOutput('comment/'.$this->getID()); } break; } return $body; } public function getActionStrength() { if ($this->isInlineCommentTransaction()) { return 0.25; } switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_COMMENT: return 0.5; case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_SUBSCRIBERS: $old = $this->getOldValue(); $new = $this->getNewValue(); $add = array_diff($old, $new); $rem = array_diff($new, $old); // If this action is the actor subscribing or unsubscribing themselves, // it is less interesting. In particular, if someone makes a comment and // also implicitly subscribes themselves, we should treat the // transaction group as "comment", not "subscribe". In this specific // case (one affected user, and that affected user it the actor), // decrease the action strength. if ((count($add) + count($rem)) != 1) { // Not exactly one CC change. break; } $affected_phid = head(array_merge($add, $rem)); if ($affected_phid != $this->getAuthorPHID()) { // Affected user is someone else. break; } // Make this weaker than TYPE_COMMENT. return 0.25; } return 1.0; } public function isCommentTransaction() { if ($this->hasComment()) { return true; } switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_COMMENT: return true; } return false; } public function isInlineCommentTransaction() { return false; } public function getActionName() { switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_COMMENT: return pht('Commented On'); case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_VIEW_POLICY: case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDIT_POLICY: case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_JOIN_POLICY: return pht('Changed Policy'); case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_SUBSCRIBERS: return pht('Changed Subscribers'); case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_BUILDABLE: switch ($this->getNewValue()) { case HarbormasterBuildable::STATUS_PASSED: return pht('Build Passed'); case HarbormasterBuildable::STATUS_FAILED: return pht('Build Failed'); default: return pht('Build Status'); } default: return pht('Updated'); } } public function getMailTags() { return array(); } public function hasChangeDetails() { switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_CUSTOMFIELD: $field = $this->getTransactionCustomField(); if ($field) { return $field->getApplicationTransactionHasChangeDetails($this); } break; } return false; } public function renderChangeDetails(PhabricatorUser $viewer) { switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_CUSTOMFIELD: $field = $this->getTransactionCustomField(); if ($field) { return $field->getApplicationTransactionChangeDetails($this, $viewer); } break; } return $this->renderTextCorpusChangeDetails( $viewer, $this->getOldValue(), $this->getNewValue()); } public function renderTextCorpusChangeDetails( PhabricatorUser $viewer, $old, $new) { require_celerity_resource('differential-changeset-view-css'); $view = id(new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionTextDiffDetailView()) ->setUser($viewer) ->setOldText($old) ->setNewText($new); return $view->render(); } public function attachTransactionGroup(array $group) { assert_instances_of($group, __CLASS__); $this->transactionGroup = $group; return $this; } public function getTransactionGroup() { return $this->transactionGroup; } /** * Should this transaction be visually grouped with an existing transaction * group? * * @param list List of transactions. * @return bool True to display in a group with the other transactions. */ public function shouldDisplayGroupWith(array $group) { $this_source = null; if ($this->getContentSource()) { $this_source = $this->getContentSource()->getSource(); } foreach ($group as $xaction) { // Don't group transactions by different authors. if ($xaction->getAuthorPHID() != $this->getAuthorPHID()) { return false; } // Don't group transactions for different objects. if ($xaction->getObjectPHID() != $this->getObjectPHID()) { return false; } // Don't group anything into a group which already has a comment. if ($xaction->isCommentTransaction()) { return false; } // Don't group transactions from different content sources. $other_source = null; if ($xaction->getContentSource()) { $other_source = $xaction->getContentSource()->getSource(); } if ($other_source != $this_source) { return false; } // Don't group transactions which happened more than 2 minutes apart. $apart = abs($xaction->getDateCreated() - $this->getDateCreated()); if ($apart > (60 * 2)) { return false; } } return true; } public function renderExtraInformationLink() { $herald_xscript_id = $this->getMetadataValue('herald:transcriptID'); if ($herald_xscript_id) { return phutil_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => '/herald/transcript/'.$herald_xscript_id.'/', ), pht('View Herald Transcript')); } return null; } public function renderAsTextForDoorkeeper( DoorkeeperFeedStoryPublisher $publisher, PhabricatorFeedStory $story, array $xactions) { $text = array(); $body = array(); foreach ($xactions as $xaction) { $xaction_body = $xaction->getBodyForMail(); if ($xaction_body !== null) { $body[] = $xaction_body; } if ($xaction->shouldHideForMail($xactions)) { continue; } $old_target = $xaction->getRenderingTarget(); $new_target = self::TARGET_TEXT; $xaction->setRenderingTarget($new_target); if ($publisher->getRenderWithImpliedContext()) { $text[] = $xaction->getTitle(); } else { $text[] = $xaction->getTitleForFeed(); } $xaction->setRenderingTarget($old_target); } $text = implode("\n", $text); $body = implode("\n\n", $body); return rtrim($text."\n\n".$body); } /* -( PhabricatorPolicyInterface Implementation )-------------------------- */ public function getCapabilities() { return array( PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT, ); } public function getPolicy($capability) { switch ($capability) { case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW: return $this->getViewPolicy(); case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT: return $this->getEditPolicy(); } } public function hasAutomaticCapability($capability, PhabricatorUser $viewer) { return ($viewer->getPHID() == $this->getAuthorPHID()); } public function describeAutomaticCapability($capability) { return pht( 'Transactions are visible to users that can see the object which was '. 'acted upon. Some transactions - in particular, comments - are '. 'editable by the transaction author.'); } /* -( PhabricatorDestructibleInterface )----------------------------------- */ public function destroyObjectPermanently( PhabricatorDestructionEngine $engine) { $this->openTransaction(); $comment_template = null; try { $comment_template = $this->getApplicationTransactionCommentObject(); } catch (Exception $ex) { // Continue; no comments for these transactions. } if ($comment_template) { $comments = $comment_template->loadAllWhere( 'transactionPHID = %s', $this->getPHID()); foreach ($comments as $comment) { $engine->destroyObject($comment); } } $this->delete(); $this->saveTransaction(); } } diff --git a/src/infrastructure/customfield/standard/PhabricatorStandardCustomFieldPHIDs.php b/src/infrastructure/customfield/standard/PhabricatorStandardCustomFieldPHIDs.php index 81b94aff31..4c3159a621 100644 --- a/src/infrastructure/customfield/standard/PhabricatorStandardCustomFieldPHIDs.php +++ b/src/infrastructure/customfield/standard/PhabricatorStandardCustomFieldPHIDs.php @@ -1,216 +1,216 @@ getFieldValue(); if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $phid) { $indexes[] = $this->newStringIndex($phid); } } return $indexes; } public function readValueFromRequest(AphrontRequest $request) { $value = $request->getArr($this->getFieldKey()); $this->setFieldValue($value); } public function getValueForStorage() { $value = $this->getFieldValue(); if (!$value) { return null; } return json_encode(array_values($value)); } public function setValueFromStorage($value) { $result = array(); if ($value) { $value = json_decode($value, true); if (is_array($value)) { $result = array_values($value); } } $this->setFieldValue($value); return $this; } public function readApplicationSearchValueFromRequest( PhabricatorApplicationSearchEngine $engine, AphrontRequest $request) { return $request->getArr($this->getFieldKey()); } public function applyApplicationSearchConstraintToQuery( PhabricatorApplicationSearchEngine $engine, PhabricatorCursorPagedPolicyAwareQuery $query, $value) { if ($value) { $query->withApplicationSearchContainsConstraint( $this->newStringIndex(null), $value); } } public function getRequiredHandlePHIDsForPropertyView() { $value = $this->getFieldValue(); if ($value) { return $value; } return array(); } public function renderPropertyViewValue(array $handles) { $value = $this->getFieldValue(); if (!$value) { return null; } $handles = mpull($handles, 'renderLink'); $handles = phutil_implode_html(', ', $handles); return $handles; } public function getRequiredHandlePHIDsForEdit() { $value = $this->getFieldValue(); if ($value) { return $value; } else { return array(); } } public function getApplicationTransactionRequiredHandlePHIDs( PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $xaction) { $old = $this->decodeValue($xaction->getOldValue()); $new = $this->decodeValue($xaction->getNewValue()); $add = array_diff($new, $old); $rem = array_diff($old, $new); return array_merge($add, $rem); } public function getApplicationTransactionTitle( PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $xaction) { $author_phid = $xaction->getAuthorPHID(); $old = $this->decodeValue($xaction->getOldValue()); $new = $this->decodeValue($xaction->getNewValue()); $add = array_diff($new, $old); $rem = array_diff($old, $new); if ($add && !$rem) { return pht( '%s updated %s, added %d: %s.', $xaction->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->getFieldName(), - new PhutilNumber(count($add)), + phutil_count($add), $xaction->renderHandleList($add)); } else if ($rem && !$add) { return pht( - '%s updated %s, removed %d: %s.', + '%s updated %s, removed %s: %s.', $xaction->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->getFieldName(), - new PhutilNumber(count($rem)), + phutil_count($rem), $xaction->renderHandleList($rem)); } else { return pht( - '%s updated %s, added %d: %s; removed %d: %s.', + '%s updated %s, added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.', $xaction->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->getFieldName(), - new PhutilNumber(count($add)), + phutil_count($add), $xaction->renderHandleList($add), - new PhutilNumber(count($rem)), + phutil_count($rem), $xaction->renderHandleList($rem)); } } public function validateApplicationTransactions( PhabricatorApplicationTransactionEditor $editor, $type, array $xactions) { $errors = parent::validateApplicationTransactions( $editor, $type, $xactions); // If the user is adding PHIDs, make sure the new PHIDs are valid and // visible to the actor. It's OK for a user to edit a field which includes // some invalid or restricted values, but they can't add new ones. foreach ($xactions as $xaction) { $old = $this->decodeValue($xaction->getOldValue()); $new = $this->decodeValue($xaction->getNewValue()); $add = array_diff($new, $old); $invalid = PhabricatorObjectQuery::loadInvalidPHIDsForViewer( $editor->getActor(), $add); if ($invalid) { $error = new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionValidationError( $type, pht('Invalid'), pht( 'Some of the selected PHIDs in field "%s" are invalid or '. 'restricted: %s.', $this->getFieldName(), implode(', ', $invalid)), $xaction); $errors[] = $error; $this->setFieldError(pht('Invalid')); } } return $errors; } public function shouldAppearInHerald() { return true; } public function getHeraldFieldConditions() { return array( HeraldAdapter::CONDITION_INCLUDE_ALL, HeraldAdapter::CONDITION_INCLUDE_ANY, HeraldAdapter::CONDITION_INCLUDE_NONE, HeraldAdapter::CONDITION_EXISTS, HeraldAdapter::CONDITION_NOT_EXISTS, ); } public function getHeraldFieldValue() { // If the field has a `null` value, make sure we hand an `array()` to // Herald. $value = parent::getHeraldFieldValue(); if ($value) { return $value; } return array(); } protected function decodeValue($value) { $value = json_decode($value); if (!is_array($value)) { $value = array(); } return $value; } } diff --git a/src/infrastructure/internationalization/management/PhabricatorInternationalizationManagementExtractWorkflow.php b/src/infrastructure/internationalization/management/PhabricatorInternationalizationManagementExtractWorkflow.php index 3554a113ed..b22040de1a 100644 --- a/src/infrastructure/internationalization/management/PhabricatorInternationalizationManagementExtractWorkflow.php +++ b/src/infrastructure/internationalization/management/PhabricatorInternationalizationManagementExtractWorkflow.php @@ -1,102 +1,102 @@ setName('extract') ->setSynopsis(pht('Extract translatable strings.')) ->setArguments( array( array( 'name' => 'paths', 'wildcard' => true, ), )); } public function execute(PhutilArgumentParser $args) { $console = PhutilConsole::getConsole(); $paths = $args->getArg('paths'); $futures = array(); foreach ($paths as $path) { $root = Filesystem::resolvePath($path); $path_files = id(new FileFinder($root)) ->withType('f') ->withSuffix('php') ->find(); foreach ($path_files as $file) { $full_path = $root.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file; $data = Filesystem::readFile($full_path); $futures[$full_path] = PhutilXHPASTBinary::getParserFuture($data); } } $console->writeOut( "%s\n", - pht('Found %s file(s)...', new PhutilNumber(count($futures)))); + pht('Found %s file(s)...', phutil_count($futures))); $results = array(); $bar = id(new PhutilConsoleProgressBar()) ->setTotal(count($futures)); $futures = id(new FutureIterator($futures)) ->limit(8); foreach ($futures as $full_path => $future) { $bar->update(1); $tree = XHPASTTree::newFromDataAndResolvedExecFuture( Filesystem::readFile($full_path), $future->resolve()); $root = $tree->getRootNode(); $calls = $root->selectDescendantsOfType('n_FUNCTION_CALL'); foreach ($calls as $call) { $name = $call->getChildByIndex(0)->getConcreteString(); if ($name == 'pht') { $params = $call->getChildByIndex(1, 'n_CALL_PARAMETER_LIST'); $string_node = $params->getChildByIndex(0); $string_line = $string_node->getLineNumber(); try { $string_value = $string_node->evalStatic(); $results[$string_value][] = array( 'file' => Filesystem::readablePath($full_path), 'line' => $string_line, ); } catch (Exception $ex) { // TODO: Deal with this junks. } } } $tree->dispose(); } $bar->done(); ksort($results); $out = array(); $out[] = ' $locations) { foreach ($locations as $location) { $out[] = ' // '.$location['file'].':'.$location['line']; } $out[] = " '".addcslashes($string, "\0..\37\\'\177..\377")."' => null,"; $out[] = null; } $out[] = ');'; $out[] = null; echo implode("\n", $out); return 0; } } diff --git a/src/infrastructure/internationalization/translation/PhabricatorUSEnglishTranslation.php b/src/infrastructure/internationalization/translation/PhabricatorUSEnglishTranslation.php index 5d3dc359d0..2fe8dd26c0 100644 --- a/src/infrastructure/internationalization/translation/PhabricatorUSEnglishTranslation.php +++ b/src/infrastructure/internationalization/translation/PhabricatorUSEnglishTranslation.php @@ -1,1431 +1,1492 @@ array( 'No daemon with id %s exists!', 'No daemons with ids %s exist!', ), 'These %d configuration value(s) are related:' => array( 'This configuration value is related:', 'These configuration values are related:', ), '%s Task(s)' => array('Task', 'Tasks'), '%s ERROR(S)' => array('ERROR', 'ERRORS'), '%d Error(s)' => array('%d Error', '%d Errors'), '%d Warning(s)' => array('%d Warning', '%d Warnings'), '%d Auto-Fix(es)' => array('%d Auto-Fix', '%d Auto-Fixes'), '%d Advice(s)' => array('%d Advice', '%d Pieces of Advice'), '%d Detail(s)' => array('%d Detail', '%d Details'), '(%d line(s))' => array('(%d line)', '(%d lines)'), '%d line(s)' => array('%d line', '%d lines'), '%d path(s)' => array('%d path', '%d paths'), '%d diff(s)' => array('%d diff', '%d diffs'), - '%d Answer(s)' => array('%d Answer', '%d Answers'), + '%s Answer(s)' => array('%s Answer', '%s Answers'), 'Show %d Comment(s)' => array('Show %d Comment', 'Show %d Comments'), '%s DIFF LINK(S)' => array('DIFF LINK', 'DIFF LINKS'), 'You successfully created %d diff(s).' => array( 'You successfully created %d diff.', 'You successfully created %d diffs.', ), 'Diff creation failed; see body for %s error(s).' => array( 'Diff creation failed; see body for error.', 'Diff creation failed; see body for errors.', ), 'There are %d raw fact(s) in storage.' => array( 'There is %d raw fact in storage.', 'There are %d raw facts in storage.', ), 'There are %d aggregate fact(s) in storage.' => array( 'There is %d aggregate fact in storage.', 'There are %d aggregate facts in storage.', ), '%d Commit(s) Awaiting Audit' => array( '%d Commit Awaiting Audit', '%d Commits Awaiting Audit', ), '%d Problem Commit(s)' => array( '%d Problem Commit', '%d Problem Commits', ), '%d Review(s) Blocking Others' => array( '%d Review Blocking Others', '%d Reviews Blocking Others', ), '%d Review(s) Need Attention' => array( '%d Review Needs Attention', '%d Reviews Need Attention', ), '%d Review(s) Waiting on Others' => array( '%d Review Waiting on Others', '%d Reviews Waiting on Others', ), '%d Active Review(s)' => array( '%d Active Review', '%d Active Reviews', ), '%d Flagged Object(s)' => array( '%d Flagged Object', '%d Flagged Objects', ), '%d Object(s) Tracked' => array( '%d Object Tracked', '%d Objects Tracked', ), '%d Assigned Task(s)' => array( '%d Assigned Task', '%d Assigned Tasks', ), 'Show %d Lint Message(s)' => array( 'Show %d Lint Message', 'Show %d Lint Messages', ), 'Hide %d Lint Message(s)' => array( 'Hide %d Lint Message', 'Hide %d Lint Messages', ), 'This is a binary file. It is %s byte(s) in length.' => array( 'This is a binary file. It is %s byte in length.', 'This is a binary file. It is %s bytes in length.', ), - '%d Action(s) Have No Effect' => array( + '%s Action(s) Have No Effect' => array( 'Action Has No Effect', 'Actions Have No Effect', ), - '%d Action(s) With No Effect' => array( + '%s Action(s) With No Effect' => array( 'Action With No Effect', 'Actions With No Effect', ), - 'Some of your %d action(s) have no effect:' => array( + 'Some of your %s action(s) have no effect:' => array( 'One of your actions has no effect:', 'Some of your actions have no effect:', ), 'Apply remaining %d action(s)?' => array( 'Apply remaining action?', 'Apply remaining actions?', ), 'Apply %d Other Action(s)' => array( 'Apply Remaining Action', 'Apply Remaining Actions', ), - 'The %d action(s) you are taking have no effect:' => array( + 'The %s action(s) you are taking have no effect:' => array( 'The action you are taking has no effect:', 'The actions you are taking have no effect:', ), '%s edited member(s), added %d: %s; removed %d: %s.' => '%s edited members, added: %3$s; removed: %5$s.', '%s added %s member(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s added a member: %3$s.', '%s added members: %3$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s member(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a member: %3$s.', '%s removed members: %3$s.', ), ), '%s edited project(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => '%s edited projects, added: %3$s; removed: %5$s.', '%s added %s project(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s added a project: %3$s.', '%s added projects: %3$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s project(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a project: %3$s.', '%s removed projects: %3$s.', ), ), '%s merged %d task(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s merged a task: %3$s.', '%s merged tasks: %3$s.', ), ), '%s merged %d task(s) %s into %s.' => array( array( '%s merged %3$s into %4$s.', '%s merged tasks %3$s into %4$s.', ), ), '%s added %s voting user(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s added a voting user: %3$s.', '%s added voting users: %3$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s voting user(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a voting user: %3$s.', '%s removed voting users: %3$s.', ), ), '%s added %s blocking task(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s added a blocking task: %3$s.', '%s added blocking tasks: %3$s.', ), ), '%s added %s blocked task(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s added a blocked task: %3$s.', '%s added blocked tasks: %3$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s blocking task(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a blocking task: %3$s.', '%s removed blocking tasks: %3$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s blocked task(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a blocked task: %3$s.', '%s removed blocked tasks: %3$s.', ), ), '%s added %s blocking task(s) for %s: %s.' => array( array( '%s added a blocking task for %3$s: %4$s.', '%s added blocking tasks for %3$s: %4$s.', ), ), '%s added %s blocked task(s) for %s: %s.' => array( array( '%s added a blocked task for %3$s: %4$s.', '%s added blocked tasks for %3$s: %4$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s blocking task(s) for %s: %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a blocking task for %3$s: %4$s.', '%s removed blocking tasks for %3$s: %4$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s blocked task(s) for %s: %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a blocked task for %3$s: %4$s.', '%s removed blocked tasks for %3$s: %4$s.', ), ), '%s edited blocking task(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => '%s edited blocking tasks, added: %3$s; removed: %5$s.', '%s edited blocking task(s) for %s, added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => '%s edited blocking tasks for %s, added: %4$s; removed: %6$s.', '%s edited blocked task(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => '%s edited blocked tasks, added: %3$s; removed: %5$s.', '%s edited blocked task(s) for %s, added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => '%s edited blocked tasks for %s, added: %4$s; removed: %6$s.', '%s edited answer(s), added %s: %s; removed %d: %s.' => '%s edited answers, added: %3$s; removed: %5$s.', '%s added %s answer(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s added an answer: %3$s.', '%s added answers: %3$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s answer(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a answer: %3$s.', '%s removed answers: %3$s.', ), ), '%s edited question(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => '%s edited questions, added: %3$s; removed: %5$s.', '%s added %s question(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s added a question: %3$s.', '%s added questions: %3$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s question(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a question: %3$s.', '%s removed questions: %3$s.', ), ), '%s edited mock(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => '%s edited mocks, added: %3$s; removed: %5$s.', '%s added %s mock(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s added a mock: %3$s.', '%s added mocks: %3$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s mock(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a mock: %3$s.', '%s removed mocks: %3$s.', ), ), '%s added %s task(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s added a task: %3$s.', '%s added tasks: %3$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s task(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a task: %3$s.', '%s removed tasks: %3$s.', ), ), '%s edited file(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => '%s edited files, added: %3$s; removed: %5$s.', '%s added %s file(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s added a file: %3$s.', '%s added files: %3$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s file(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a file: %3$s.', '%s removed files: %3$s.', ), ), '%s edited contributor(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => '%s edited contributors, added: %3$s; removed: %5$s.', '%s added %s contributor(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s added a contributor: %3$s.', '%s added contributors: %3$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s contributor(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a contributor: %3$s.', '%s removed contributors: %3$s.', ), ), '%s edited %s reviewer(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => '%s edited reviewers, added: %4$s; removed: %6$s.', '%s edited %s reviewer(s) for %s, added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => '%s edited reviewers for %3$s, added: %5$s; removed: %7$s.', '%s added %s reviewer(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s added a reviewer: %3$s.', '%s added reviewers: %3$s.', ), ), '%s added %s reviewer(s) for %s: %s.' => array( array( '%s added a reviewer for %3$s: %4$s.', '%s added reviewers for %3$s: %4$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s reviewer(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a reviewer: %3$s.', '%s removed reviewers: %3$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s reviewer(s) for %s: %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a reviewer for %3$s: %4$s.', '%s removed reviewers for %3$s: %4$s.', ), ), '%d other(s)' => array( '1 other', '%d others', ), '%s edited subscriber(s), added %d: %s; removed %d: %s.' => '%s edited subscribers, added: %3$s; removed: %5$s.', '%s added %d subscriber(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s added a subscriber: %3$s.', '%s added subscribers: %3$s.', ), ), '%s removed %d subscriber(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a subscriber: %3$s.', '%s removed subscribers: %3$s.', ), ), '%s edited watcher(s), added %s: %s; removed %d: %s.' => '%s edited watchers, added: %3$s; removed: %5$s.', '%s added %s watcher(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s added a watcher: %3$s.', '%s added watchers: %3$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s watcher(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a watcher: %3$s.', '%s removed watchers: %3$s.', ), ), '%s edited participant(s), added %d: %s; removed %d: %s.' => '%s edited participants, added: %3$s; removed: %5$s.', '%s added %d participant(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s added a participant: %3$s.', '%s added participants: %3$s.', ), ), '%s removed %d participant(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a participant: %3$s.', '%s removed participants: %3$s.', ), ), '%s edited image(s), added %d: %s; removed %d: %s.' => '%s edited images, added: %3$s; removed: %5$s', '%s added %d image(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s added an image: %3$s.', '%s added images: %3$s.', ), ), '%s removed %d image(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s removed an image: %3$s.', '%s removed images: %3$s.', ), ), '%s Line(s)' => array( '%s Line', '%s Lines', ), 'Indexing %d object(s) of type %s.' => array( 'Indexing %d object of type %s.', 'Indexing %d object of type %s.', ), 'Run these %d command(s):' => array( 'Run this command:', 'Run these commands:', ), 'Install these %d PHP extension(s):' => array( 'Install this PHP extension:', 'Install these PHP extensions:', ), 'The current Phabricator configuration has these %d value(s):' => array( 'The current Phabricator configuration has this value:', 'The current Phabricator configuration has these values:', ), 'The current MySQL configuration has these %d value(s):' => array( 'The current MySQL configuration has this value:', 'The current MySQL configuration has these values:', ), 'You can update these %d value(s) here:' => array( 'You can update this value here:', 'You can update these values here:', ), 'The current PHP configuration has these %d value(s):' => array( 'The current PHP configuration has this value:', 'The current PHP configuration has these values:', ), 'To update these %d value(s), edit your PHP configuration file.' => array( 'To update this %d value, edit your PHP configuration file.', 'To update these %d values, edit your PHP configuration file.', ), 'To update these %d value(s), edit your PHP configuration file, located '. 'here:' => array( 'To update this value, edit your PHP configuration file, located '. 'here:', 'To update these values, edit your PHP configuration file, located '. 'here:', ), 'PHP also loaded these %s configuration file(s):' => array( 'PHP also loaded this configuration file:', 'PHP also loaded these configuration files:', ), 'You have %d unresolved setup issue(s)...' => array( 'You have an unresolved setup issue...', 'You have %d unresolved setup issues...', ), '%s added %d inline comment(s).' => array( array( '%s added an inline comment.', '%s added inline comments.', ), ), - '%d comment(s)' => array('%d comment', '%d comments'), - '%d rejection(s)' => array('%d rejection', '%d rejections'), - '%d update(s)' => array('%d update', '%d updates'), + '%s comment(s)' => array('%s comment', '%s comments'), + '%s rejection(s)' => array('%s rejection', '%s rejections'), + '%s update(s)' => array('%s update', '%s updates'), 'This configuration value is defined in these %d '. 'configuration source(s): %s.' => array( 'This configuration value is defined in this '. 'configuration source: %2$s.', 'This configuration value is defined in these %d '. 'configuration sources: %s.', ), - '%d Open Pull Request(s)' => array( - '%d Open Pull Request', - '%d Open Pull Requests', + '%s Open Pull Request(s)' => array( + '%s Open Pull Request', + '%s Open Pull Requests', ), 'Stale (%s day(s))' => array( 'Stale (%s day)', 'Stale (%s days)', ), 'Old (%s day(s))' => array( 'Old (%s day)', 'Old (%s days)', ), '%s Commit(s)' => array( '%s Commit', '%s Commits', ), '%s attached %d file(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s attached a file: %3$s.', '%s attached files: %3$s.', ), ), '%s detached %d file(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s detached a file: %3$s.', '%s detached files: %3$s.', ), ), '%s changed file(s), attached %d: %s; detached %d: %s.' => '%s changed files, attached: %3$s; detached: %5$s.', '%s added %s dependencie(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s added a dependency: %3$s.', '%s added dependencies: %3$s.', ), ), '%s added %s dependencie(s) for %s: %s.' => array( array( '%s added a dependency for %3$s: %4$s.', '%s added dependencies for %3$s: %4$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s dependencie(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a dependency: %3$s.', '%s removed dependencies: %3$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s dependencie(s) for %s: %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a dependency for %3$s: %4$s.', '%s removed dependencies for %3$s: %4$s.', ), ), '%s edited dependencie(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => array( '%s edited dependencies, added: %3$s; removed: %5$s.', ), '%s edited dependencie(s) for %s, added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => array( '%s edited dependencies for %s, added: %3$s; removed: %5$s.', ), '%s added %s dependent revision(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s added a dependent revision: %3$s.', '%s added dependent revisions: %3$s.', ), ), '%s added %s dependent revision(s) for %s: %s.' => array( array( '%s added a dependent revision for %3$s: %4$s.', '%s added dependent revisions for %3$s: %4$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s dependent revision(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a dependent revision: %3$s.', '%s removed dependent revisions: %3$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s dependent revision(s) for %s: %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a dependent revision for %3$s: %4$s.', '%s removed dependent revisions for %3$s: %4$s.', ), ), '%s added %s commit(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s added a commit: %3$s.', '%s added commits: %3$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s commit(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a commit: %3$s.', '%s removed commits: %3$s.', ), ), '%s edited commit(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => '%s edited commits, added %3$s; removed %5$s.', '%s added %s reverted commit(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s added a reverted commit: %3$s.', '%s added reverted commits: %3$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s reverted commit(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a reverted commit: %3$s.', '%s removed reverted commits: %3$s.', ), ), '%s edited reverted commit(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => '%s edited reverted commits, added %3$s; removed %5$s.', '%s added %s reverted commit(s) for %s: %s.' => array( array( '%s added a reverted commit for %3$s: %4$s.', '%s added reverted commits for %3$s: %4$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s reverted commit(s) for %s: %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a reverted commit for %3$s: %4$s.', '%s removed reverted commits for %3$s: %4$s.', ), ), '%s edited reverted commit(s) for %s, added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => '%s edited reverted commits for %2$s, added %4$s; removed %6$s.', '%s added %s reverting commit(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s added a reverting commit: %3$s.', '%s added reverting commits: %3$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s reverting commit(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a reverting commit: %3$s.', '%s removed reverting commits: %3$s.', ), ), '%s edited reverting commit(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => '%s edited reverting commits, added %3$s; removed %5$s.', '%s added %s reverting commit(s) for %s: %s.' => array( array( '%s added a reverting commit for %3$s: %4$s.', '%s added reverting commitsi for %3$s: %4$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s reverting commit(s) for %s: %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a reverting commit for %3$s: %4$s.', '%s removed reverting commits for %3$s: %4$s.', ), ), '%s edited reverting commit(s) for %s, added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => '%s edited reverting commits for %s, added %4$s; removed %6$s.', '%s changed project member(s), added %d: %s; removed %d: %s.' => '%s changed project members, added %3$s; removed %5$s.', '%s added %d project member(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s added a member: %3$s.', '%s added members: %3$s.', ), ), '%s removed %d project member(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a member: %3$s.', '%s removed members: %3$s.', ), ), '%d project hashtag(s) are already used: %s.' => array( 'Project hashtag %2$s is already used.', '%d project hashtags are already used: %2$s.', ), '%s changed project hashtag(s), added %d: %s; removed %d: %s.' => '%s changed project hashtags, added %3$s; removed %5$s.', '%s added %d project hashtag(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s added a hashtag: %3$s.', '%s added hashtags: %3$s.', ), ), '%s removed %d project hashtag(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a hashtag: %3$s.', '%s removed hashtags: %3$s.', ), ), '%s changed %s hashtag(s), added %d: %s; removed %d: %s.' => '%s changed hashtags for %s, added %4$s; removed %6$s.', '%s added %d %s hashtag(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s added a hashtag to %3$s: %4$s.', '%s added hashtags to %3$s: %4$s.', ), ), '%s removed %d %s hashtag(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a hashtag from %3$s: %4$s.', '%s removed hashtags from %3$s: %4$s.', ), ), '%d User(s) Need Approval' => array( '%d User Needs Approval', '%d Users Need Approval', ), '%s older changes(s) are hidden.' => array( '%d older change is hidden.', '%d older changes are hidden.', ), '%s, %s line(s)' => array( '%s, %s line', '%s, %s lines', ), '%s pushed %d commit(s) to %s.' => array( array( '%s pushed a commit to %3$s.', '%s pushed %d commits to %s.', ), ), '%s commit(s)' => array( '1 commit', '%s commits', ), '%s removed %s JIRA issue(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a JIRA issue: %3$s.', '%s removed JIRA issues: %3$s.', ), ), '%s added %s JIRA issue(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s added a JIRA issue: %3$s.', '%s added JIRA issues: %3$s.', ), ), '%s added %s required legal document(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s added a required legal document: %3$s.', '%s added required legal documents: %3$s.', ), ), '%s updated JIRA issue(s): added %s %s; removed %d %s.' => '%s updated JIRA issues: added %3$s; removed %5$s.', '%s edited %s task(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => '%s edited tasks, added %4$s; removed %6$s.', '%s added %s task(s) to %s: %s.' => array( array( '%s added a task to %3$s: %4$s.', '%s added tasks to %3$s: %4$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s task(s) from %s: %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a task from %3$s: %4$s.', '%s removed tasks from %3$s: %4$s.', ), ), '%s edited %s task(s) for %s, added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => '%s edited tasks for %3$s, added: %5$s; removed %7$s.', '%s edited %s commit(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => '%s edited commits, added %4$s; removed %6$s.', '%s added %s commit(s) to %s: %s.' => array( array( '%s added a commit to %3$s: %4$s.', '%s added commits to %3$s: %4$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s commit(s) from %s: %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a commit from %3$s: %4$s.', '%s removed commits from %3$s: %4$s.', ), ), '%s edited %s commit(s) for %s, added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => '%s edited commits for %3$s, added: %5$s; removed %7$s.', '%s added %s revision(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s added a revision: %3$s.', '%s added revisions: %3$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s revision(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a revision: %3$s.', '%s removed revisions: %3$s.', ), ), '%s edited %s revision(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => '%s edited revisions, added %4$s; removed %6$s.', '%s added %s revision(s) to %s: %s.' => array( array( '%s added a revision to %3$s: %4$s.', '%s added revisions to %3$s: %4$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s revision(s) from %s: %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a revision from %3$s: %4$s.', '%s removed revisions from %3$s: %4$s.', ), ), '%s edited %s revision(s) for %s, added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => '%s edited revisions for %3$s, added: %5$s; removed %7$s.', '%s edited %s project(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => '%s edited projects, added %4$s; removed %6$s.', '%s added %s project(s) to %s: %s.' => array( array( '%s added a project to %3$s: %4$s.', '%s added projects to %3$s: %4$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s project(s) from %s: %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a project from %3$s: %4$s.', '%s removed projects from %3$s: %4$s.', ), ), '%s edited %s project(s) for %s, added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => '%s edited projects for %3$s, added: %5$s; removed %7$s.', '%s added %s panel(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s added a panel: %3$s.', '%s added panels: %3$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s panel(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a panel: %3$s.', '%s removed panels: %3$s.', ), ), '%s edited %s panel(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => '%s edited panels, added %4$s; removed %6$s.', '%s added %s dashboard(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s added a dashboard: %3$s.', '%s added dashboards: %3$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s dashboard(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a dashboard: %3$s.', '%s removed dashboards: %3$s.', ), ), '%s edited %s dashboard(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => '%s edited dashboards, added %4$s; removed %6$s.', '%s added %s edge(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s added an edge: %3$s.', '%s added edges: %3$s.', ), ), '%s added %s edge(s) to %s: %s.' => array( array( '%s added an edge to %3$s: %4$s.', '%s added edges to %3$s: %4$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s edge(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s removed an edge: %3$s.', '%s removed edges: %3$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s edge(s) from %s: %s.' => array( array( '%s removed an edge from %3$s: %4$s.', '%s removed edges from %3$s: %4$s.', ), ), '%s edited edge(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => '%s edited edges, added: %3$s; removed: %5$s.', '%s edited %s edge(s) for %s, added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => '%s edited edges for %3$s, added: %5$s; removed %7$s.', '%s added %s member(s) for %s: %s.' => array( array( '%s added a member for %3$s: %4$s.', '%s added members for %3$s: %4$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s member(s) for %s: %s.' => array( array( '%s removed a member for %3$s: %4$s.', '%s removed members for %3$s: %4$s.', ), ), '%s edited %s member(s) for %s, added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => '%s edited members for %3$s, added: %5$s; removed %7$s.', '%d related link(s):' => array( 'Related link:', 'Related links:', ), 'You have %d unpaid invoice(s).' => array( 'You have an unpaid invoice.', 'You have unpaid invoices.', ), 'The configurations differ in the following %s way(s):' => array( 'The configurations differ:', 'The configurations differ in these ways:', ), 'Phabricator is configured with an email domain whitelist (in %s), so '. 'only users with a verified email address at one of these %s '. 'allowed domain(s) will be able to register an account: %s' => array( array( 'Phabricator is configured with an email domain whitelist (in %s), '. 'so only users with a verified email address at %3$s will be '. 'allowed to register an account.', 'Phabricator is configured with an email domain whitelist (in %s), '. 'so only users with a verified email address at one of these '. 'allowed domains will be able to register an account: %3$s', ), ), 'Show First %d Line(s)' => array( 'Show First Line', 'Show First %d Lines', ), "\xE2\x96\xB2 Show %d Line(s)" => array( "\xE2\x96\xB2 Show Line", "\xE2\x96\xB2 Show %d Lines", ), 'Show All %d Line(s)' => array( 'Show Line', 'Show All %d Lines', ), "\xE2\x96\xBC Show %d Line(s)" => array( "\xE2\x96\xBC Show Line", "\xE2\x96\xBC Show %d Lines", ), 'Show Last %d Line(s)' => array( 'Show Last Line', 'Show Last %d Lines', ), '%s marked %s inline comment(s) as done and %s inline comment(s) as '. 'not done.' => array( array( array( '%s marked an inline comment as done and an inline comment '. 'as not done.', '%s marked an inline comment as done and %3$s inline comments '. 'as not done.', ), array( '%s marked %s inline comments as done and an inline comment '. 'as not done.', '%s marked %s inline comments as done and %s inline comments '. 'as done.', ), ), ), '%s marked %s inline comment(s) as done.' => array( array( '%s marked an inline comment as done.', '%s marked %s inline comments as done.', ), ), '%s marked %s inline comment(s) as not done.' => array( array( '%s marked an inline comment as not done.', '%s marked %s inline comments as not done.', ), ), 'These %s object(s) will be destroyed forever:' => array( 'This object will be destroyed forever:', 'These objects will be destroyed forever:', ), 'Are you absolutely certain you want to destroy these %s '. 'object(s)?' => array( 'Are you absolutely certain you want to destroy this object?', 'Are you absolutely certain you want to destroy these objects?', ), '%s added %s owner(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s added an owner: %3$s.', '%s added owners: %3$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s owner(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s removed an owner: %3$s.', '%s removed owners: %3$s.', ), ), '%s changed %s package owner(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => array( '%s changed package owners, added: %4$s; removed: %6$s.', ), 'Found %s book(s).' => array( 'Found %s book.', 'Found %s books.', ), + 'Found %s file(s)...' => array( + 'Found %s file...', + 'Found %s files...', + ), 'Found %s file(s) in project.' => array( 'Found %s file in project.', 'Found %s files in project.', ), 'Found %s unatomized, uncached file(s).' => array( 'Found %s unatomized, uncached file.', 'Found %s unatomized, uncached files.', ), 'Found %s file(s) to atomize.' => array( 'Found %s file to atomize.', 'Found %s files to atomize.', ), 'Atomizing %s file(s).' => array( 'Atomizing %s file.', 'Atomizing %s files.', ), 'Creating %s document(s).' => array( 'Creating %s document.', 'Creating %s documents.', ), 'Deleting %s document(s).' => array( 'Deleting %s document.', 'Deleting %s documents.', ), 'Found %s obsolete atom(s) in graph.' => array( 'Found %s obsolete atom in graph.', 'Found %s obsolete atoms in graph.', ), 'Found %s new atom(s) in graph.' => array( 'Found %s new atom in graph.', 'Found %s new atoms in graph.', ), 'This call takes %s parameter(s), but only %s are documented.' => array( array( 'This call takes %s parameter, but only %s is documented.', 'This call takes %s parameter, but only %s are documented.', ), array( 'This call takes %s parameters, but only %s is documented.', 'This call takes %s parameters, but only %s are documented.', ), ), '%s Passed Test(s)' => '%s Passed', '%s Failed Test(s)' => '%s Failed', '%s Skipped Test(s)' => '%s Skipped', '%s Broken Test(s)' => '%s Broken', '%s Unsound Test(s)' => '%s Unsound', '%s Other Test(s)' => '%s Other', '%s Bulk Task(s)' => array( '%s Task', '%s Tasks', ), '%s added %s badge(s) for %s: %s.' => array( array( '%s added a badge for %s: %3$s.', '%s added badges for %s: %3$s.', ), ), '%s added %s badge(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s added a badge: %3$s.', '%s added badges: %3$s.', ), ), '%s awarded %s recipient(s) for %s: %s.' => array( array( '%s awarded %3$s to %4$s.', '%s awarded %3$s to multiple recipients: %4$s.', ), ), '%s awarded %s recipients(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s awarded a recipient: %3$s.', '%s awarded multiple recipients: %3$s.', ), ), '%s edited badge(s) for %s, added %s: %s; revoked %s: %s.' => array( array( '%s edited badges for %s, added %s: %s; revoked %s: %s.', '%s edited badges for %s, added %s: %s; revoked %s: %s.', ), ), '%s edited badge(s), added %s: %s; revoked %s: %s.' => array( array( '%s edited badges, added %s: %s; revoked %s: %s.', '%s edited badges, added %s: %s; revoked %s: %s.', ), ), '%s edited recipient(s) for %s, awarded %s: %s; revoked %s: %s.' => array( array( '%s edited recipients for %s, awarded %s: %s; revoked %s: %s.', '%s edited recipients for %s, awarded %s: %s; revoked %s: %s.', ), ), '%s edited recipient(s), awarded %s: %s; revoked %s: %s.' => array( array( '%s edited recipients, awarded %s: %s; revoked %s: %s.', '%s edited recipients, awarded %s: %s; revoked %s: %s.', ), ), '%s revoked %s badge(s) for %s: %s.' => array( array( '%s revoked a badge for %3$s: %4$s.', '%s revoked multiple badges for %3$s: %4$s.', ), ), '%s revoked %s badge(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s revoked a badge: %3$s.', '%s revoked multiple badges: %3$s.', ), ), '%s revoked %s recipient(s) for %s: %s.' => array( array( '%s revoked %3$s from %4$s.', '%s revoked multiple recipients for %3$s: %4$s.', ), ), '%s revoked %s recipients(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s revoked a recipient: %3$s.', '%s revoked multiple recipients: %3$s.', ), ), '%s automatically subscribed target(s) were not affected: %s.' => array( 'An automatically subscribed target was not affected: %2$s.', 'Automatically subscribed targets were not affected: %2$s.', ), 'Declined to resubscribe %s target(s) because they previously '. 'unsubscribed: %s.' => array( 'Delined to resubscribe a target because they previously '. 'unsubscribed: %2$s.', 'Declined to resubscribe targets because they previously '. 'unsubscribed: %2$s.', ), '%s target(s) are not subscribed: %s.' => array( 'A target is not subscribed: %2$s.', 'Targets are not subscribed: %2$s.', ), '%s target(s) are already subscribed: %s.' => array( 'A target is already subscribed: %2$s.', 'Targets are already subscribed: %2$s.', ), 'Added %s subscriber(s): %s.' => array( 'Added a subscriber: %2$s.', 'Added subscribers: %2$s.', ), 'Removed %s subscriber(s): %s.' => array( 'Removed a subscriber: %2$s.', 'Removed subscribers: %2$s.', ), 'Queued email to be delivered to %s target(s): %s.' => array( 'Queued email to be delivered to target: %2$s.', 'Queued email to be delivered to targets: %2$s.', ), 'Queued email to be delivered to %s target(s), ignoring their '. 'notification preferences: %s.' => array( 'Queued email to be delivered to target, ignoring notification '. 'preferences: %2$s.', 'Queued email to be delivered to targets, ignoring notification '. 'preferences: %2$s.', ), '%s project(s) are not associated: %s.' => array( 'A project is not associated: %2$s.', 'Projects are not associated: %2$s.', ), '%s project(s) are already associated: %s.' => array( 'A project is already associated: %2$s.', 'Projects are already associated: %2$s.', ), 'Added %s project(s): %s.' => array( 'Added a project: %2$s.', 'Added projects: %2$s.', ), 'Removed %s project(s): %s.' => array( 'Removed a project: %2$s.', 'Removed projects: %2$s.', ), 'Added %s reviewer(s): %s.' => array( 'Added a reviewer: %2$s.', 'Added reviewers: %2$s.', ), 'Added %s blocking reviewer(s): %s.' => array( 'Added a blocking reviewer: %2$s.', 'Added blocking reviewers: %2$s.', ), 'Required %s signature(s): %s.' => array( 'Required a signature: %2$s.', 'Required signatures: %2$s.', ), 'Started %s build(s): %s.' => array( 'Started a build: %2$s.', 'Started builds: %2$s.', ), 'Added %s auditor(s): %s.' => array( 'Added an auditor: %2$s.', 'Added auditors: %2$s.', ), '%s target(s) do not have permission to see this object: %s.' => array( 'A target does not have permission to see this object: %2$s.', 'Targets do not have permission to see this object: %2$s.', ), 'This action has no effect on %s target(s): %s.' => array( 'This action has no effect on a target: %2$s.', 'This action has no effect on targets: %2$s.', ), 'Mail sent in the last %s day(s).' => array( 'Mail sent in the last day.', 'Mail sent in the last %s days.', ), '%s Day(s)' => array( '%s Day', '%s Days', ), + '%s Day(s) Ago' => array( + '%s Day Ago', + '%s Days Ago', + ), 'Setting retention policy for "%s" to %s day(s).' => array( 'Setting retention policy for "%s" to one day.', 'Setting retention policy for "%s" to %s days.', ), 'Waiting %s second(s) for lease to activate.' => array( 'Waiting a second for lease to activate.', 'Waiting %s seconds for lease to activate.', ), '%s changed %s automation blueprint(s), added %s: %s; removed %s: %s.' => '%s changed automation blueprints, added: %4$s; removed: %6$s.', '%s added %s automation blueprint(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s added an automation blueprint: %3$s.', '%s added automation blueprints: %3$s.', ), ), '%s removed %s automation blueprint(s): %s.' => array( array( '%s removed an automation blueprint: %3$s.', '%s removed automation blueprints: %3$s.', ), ), 'WARNING: There are %s unapproved authorization(s)!' => array( 'WARNING: There is an unapproved authorization!', 'WARNING: There are unapproved authorizations!', ), + 'Found %s Open Resource(s)' => array( + 'Found %s Open Resource', + 'Found %s Open Resources', + ), + + '%s Open Resource(s) Remain' => array( + '%s Open Resource Remain', + '%s Open Resources Remain', + ), + + 'Found %s Blueprint(s)' => array( + 'Found %s Blueprint', + 'Found %s Blueprints', + ), + + '%s Blueprint(s) Can Allocate' => array( + '%s Blueprint Can Allocate', + '%s Blueprints Can Allocate', + ), + + '%s Blueprint(s) Enabled' => array( + '%s Blueprint Enabled', + '%s Blueprints Enabled', + ), + + '%s Event(s)' => array( + '%s Event', + '%s Events', + ), + + '%s Unit(s)' => array( + '%s Unit', + '%s Units', + ), + + 'QUEUEING TASKS (%s Commit(s)):' => array( + 'QUEUEING TASKS (%s Commit):', + 'QUEUEING TASKS (%s Commits):', + ), + + 'Found %s total commit(s); updating...' => array( + 'Found %s total commit; updating...', + 'Found %s total commits; updating...', + ), + + 'Not enough process slots to schedule the other %s '. + 'repository(s) for updates yet.' => array( + 'Not enough process slots to schedule the other '.' + repository for update yet.', + 'Not enough process slots to schedule the other %s '. + 'repositories for updates yet.', + ), + ); } } diff --git a/src/infrastructure/storage/management/workflow/PhabricatorStorageManagementWorkflow.php b/src/infrastructure/storage/management/workflow/PhabricatorStorageManagementWorkflow.php index e31e484c53..62b2651f70 100644 --- a/src/infrastructure/storage/management/workflow/PhabricatorStorageManagementWorkflow.php +++ b/src/infrastructure/storage/management/workflow/PhabricatorStorageManagementWorkflow.php @@ -1,683 +1,683 @@ patches = $patches; return $this; } public function getPatches() { return $this->patches; } final public function setAPI(PhabricatorStorageManagementAPI $api) { $this->api = $api; return $this; } final public function getAPI() { return $this->api; } private function loadSchemata() { $query = id(new PhabricatorConfigSchemaQuery()) ->setAPI($this->getAPI()); $actual = $query->loadActualSchema(); $expect = $query->loadExpectedSchema(); $comp = $query->buildComparisonSchema($expect, $actual); return array($comp, $expect, $actual); } protected function adjustSchemata($force, $unsafe, $dry_run) { $console = PhutilConsole::getConsole(); $console->writeOut( "%s\n", pht('Verifying database schemata...')); list($adjustments, $errors) = $this->findAdjustments(); $api = $this->getAPI(); if (!$adjustments) { $console->writeOut( "%s\n", pht('Found no adjustments for schemata.')); return $this->printErrors($errors, 0); } if (!$force && !$api->isCharacterSetAvailable('utf8mb4')) { $message = pht( "You have an old version of MySQL (older than 5.5) which does not ". "support the utf8mb4 character set. We strongly recomend upgrading to ". "5.5 or newer.\n\n". "If you apply adjustments now and later update MySQL to 5.5 or newer, ". "you'll need to apply adjustments again (and they will take a long ". "time).\n\n". "You can exit this workflow, update MySQL now, and then run this ". "workflow again. This is recommended, but may cause a lot of downtime ". "right now.\n\n". "You can exit this workflow, continue using Phabricator without ". "applying adjustments, update MySQL at a later date, and then run ". "this workflow again. This is also a good approach, and will let you ". "delay downtime until later.\n\n". "You can proceed with this workflow, and then optionally update ". "MySQL at a later date. After you do, you'll need to apply ". "adjustments again.\n\n". "For more information, see \"Managing Storage Adjustments\" in ". "the documentation."); $console->writeOut( "\n** %s **\n\n%s\n", pht('OLD MySQL VERSION'), phutil_console_wrap($message)); $prompt = pht('Continue with old MySQL version?'); if (!phutil_console_confirm($prompt, $default_no = true)) { return; } } $table = id(new PhutilConsoleTable()) ->addColumn('database', array('title' => pht('Database'))) ->addColumn('table', array('title' => pht('Table'))) ->addColumn('name', array('title' => pht('Name'))) ->addColumn('info', array('title' => pht('Issues'))); foreach ($adjustments as $adjust) { $info = array(); foreach ($adjust['issues'] as $issue) { $info[] = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::getIssueName($issue); } $table->addRow(array( 'database' => $adjust['database'], 'table' => idx($adjust, 'table'), 'name' => idx($adjust, 'name'), 'info' => implode(', ', $info), )); } $console->writeOut("\n\n"); $table->draw(); if ($dry_run) { $console->writeOut( "%s\n", pht('DRYRUN: Would apply adjustments.')); return 0; } else if (!$force) { $console->writeOut( "\n%s\n", pht( "Found %s issues(s) with schemata, detailed above.\n\n". "You can review issues in more detail from the web interface, ". "in Config > Database Status. To better understand the adjustment ". "workflow, see \"Managing Storage Adjustments\" in the ". "documentation.\n\n". "MySQL needs to copy table data to make some adjustments, so these ". "migrations may take some time.", - new PhutilNumber(count($adjustments)))); + phutil_count($adjustments))); $prompt = pht('Fix these schema issues?'); if (!phutil_console_confirm($prompt, $default_no = true)) { return 1; } } $console->writeOut( "%s\n", pht('Fixing schema issues...')); $conn = $api->getConn(null); if ($unsafe) { queryfx($conn, 'SET SESSION sql_mode = %s', ''); } else { queryfx($conn, 'SET SESSION sql_mode = %s', 'STRICT_ALL_TABLES'); } $failed = array(); // We make changes in several phases. $phases = array( // Drop surplus autoincrements. This allows us to drop primary keys on // autoincrement columns. 'drop_auto', // Drop all keys we're going to adjust. This prevents them from // interfering with column changes. 'drop_keys', // Apply all database, table, and column changes. 'main', // Restore adjusted keys. 'add_keys', // Add missing autoincrements. 'add_auto', ); $bar = id(new PhutilConsoleProgressBar()) ->setTotal(count($adjustments) * count($phases)); foreach ($phases as $phase) { foreach ($adjustments as $adjust) { try { switch ($adjust['kind']) { case 'database': if ($phase == 'main') { queryfx( $conn, 'ALTER DATABASE %T CHARACTER SET = %s COLLATE = %s', $adjust['database'], $adjust['charset'], $adjust['collation']); } break; case 'table': if ($phase == 'main') { queryfx( $conn, 'ALTER TABLE %T.%T COLLATE = %s', $adjust['database'], $adjust['table'], $adjust['collation']); } break; case 'column': $apply = false; $auto = false; $new_auto = idx($adjust, 'auto'); if ($phase == 'drop_auto') { if ($new_auto === false) { $apply = true; $auto = false; } } else if ($phase == 'main') { $apply = true; if ($new_auto === false) { $auto = false; } else { $auto = $adjust['is_auto']; } } else if ($phase == 'add_auto') { if ($new_auto === true) { $apply = true; $auto = true; } } if ($apply) { $parts = array(); if ($auto) { $parts[] = qsprintf( $conn, 'AUTO_INCREMENT'); } if ($adjust['charset']) { $parts[] = qsprintf( $conn, 'CHARACTER SET %Q COLLATE %Q', $adjust['charset'], $adjust['collation']); } queryfx( $conn, 'ALTER TABLE %T.%T MODIFY %T %Q %Q %Q', $adjust['database'], $adjust['table'], $adjust['name'], $adjust['type'], implode(' ', $parts), $adjust['nullable'] ? 'NULL' : 'NOT NULL'); } break; case 'key': if (($phase == 'drop_keys') && $adjust['exists']) { if ($adjust['name'] == 'PRIMARY') { $key_name = 'PRIMARY KEY'; } else { $key_name = qsprintf($conn, 'KEY %T', $adjust['name']); } queryfx( $conn, 'ALTER TABLE %T.%T DROP %Q', $adjust['database'], $adjust['table'], $key_name); } if (($phase == 'add_keys') && $adjust['keep']) { // Different keys need different creation syntax. Notable // special cases are primary keys and fulltext keys. if ($adjust['name'] == 'PRIMARY') { $key_name = 'PRIMARY KEY'; } else if ($adjust['indexType'] == 'FULLTEXT') { $key_name = qsprintf($conn, 'FULLTEXT %T', $adjust['name']); } else { if ($adjust['unique']) { $key_name = qsprintf( $conn, 'UNIQUE KEY %T', $adjust['name']); } else { $key_name = qsprintf( $conn, '/* NONUNIQUE */ KEY %T', $adjust['name']); } } queryfx( $conn, 'ALTER TABLE %T.%T ADD %Q (%Q)', $adjust['database'], $adjust['table'], $key_name, implode(', ', $adjust['columns'])); } break; default: throw new Exception( pht('Unknown schema adjustment kind "%s"!', $adjust['kind'])); } } catch (AphrontQueryException $ex) { $failed[] = array($adjust, $ex); } $bar->update(1); } } $bar->done(); if (!$failed) { $console->writeOut( "%s\n", pht('Completed fixing all schema issues.')); $err = 0; } else { $table = id(new PhutilConsoleTable()) ->addColumn('target', array('title' => pht('Target'))) ->addColumn('error', array('title' => pht('Error'))); foreach ($failed as $failure) { list($adjust, $ex) = $failure; $pieces = array_select_keys( $adjust, array('database', 'table', 'name')); $pieces = array_filter($pieces); $target = implode('.', $pieces); $table->addRow( array( 'target' => $target, 'error' => $ex->getMessage(), )); } $console->writeOut("\n"); $table->draw(); $console->writeOut( "\n%s\n", pht('Failed to make some schema adjustments, detailed above.')); $console->writeOut( "%s\n", pht( 'For help troubleshooting adjustments, see "Managing Storage '. 'Adjustments" in the documentation.')); $err = 1; } return $this->printErrors($errors, $err); } private function findAdjustments() { list($comp, $expect, $actual) = $this->loadSchemata(); $issue_charset = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::ISSUE_CHARSET; $issue_collation = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::ISSUE_COLLATION; $issue_columntype = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::ISSUE_COLUMNTYPE; $issue_surpluskey = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::ISSUE_SURPLUSKEY; $issue_missingkey = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::ISSUE_MISSINGKEY; $issue_columns = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::ISSUE_KEYCOLUMNS; $issue_unique = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::ISSUE_UNIQUE; $issue_longkey = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::ISSUE_LONGKEY; $issue_auto = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::ISSUE_AUTOINCREMENT; $adjustments = array(); $errors = array(); foreach ($comp->getDatabases() as $database_name => $database) { foreach ($this->findErrors($database) as $issue) { $errors[] = array( 'database' => $database_name, 'issue' => $issue, ); } $expect_database = $expect->getDatabase($database_name); $actual_database = $actual->getDatabase($database_name); if (!$expect_database || !$actual_database) { // If there's a real issue here, skip this stuff. continue; } $issues = array(); if ($database->hasIssue($issue_charset)) { $issues[] = $issue_charset; } if ($database->hasIssue($issue_collation)) { $issues[] = $issue_collation; } if ($issues) { $adjustments[] = array( 'kind' => 'database', 'database' => $database_name, 'issues' => $issues, 'charset' => $expect_database->getCharacterSet(), 'collation' => $expect_database->getCollation(), ); } foreach ($database->getTables() as $table_name => $table) { foreach ($this->findErrors($table) as $issue) { $errors[] = array( 'database' => $database_name, 'table' => $table_name, 'issue' => $issue, ); } $expect_table = $expect_database->getTable($table_name); $actual_table = $actual_database->getTable($table_name); if (!$expect_table || !$actual_table) { continue; } $issues = array(); if ($table->hasIssue($issue_collation)) { $issues[] = $issue_collation; } if ($issues) { $adjustments[] = array( 'kind' => 'table', 'database' => $database_name, 'table' => $table_name, 'issues' => $issues, 'collation' => $expect_table->getCollation(), ); } foreach ($table->getColumns() as $column_name => $column) { foreach ($this->findErrors($column) as $issue) { $errors[] = array( 'database' => $database_name, 'table' => $table_name, 'name' => $column_name, 'issue' => $issue, ); } $expect_column = $expect_table->getColumn($column_name); $actual_column = $actual_table->getColumn($column_name); if (!$expect_column || !$actual_column) { continue; } $issues = array(); if ($column->hasIssue($issue_collation)) { $issues[] = $issue_collation; } if ($column->hasIssue($issue_charset)) { $issues[] = $issue_charset; } if ($column->hasIssue($issue_columntype)) { $issues[] = $issue_columntype; } if ($column->hasIssue($issue_auto)) { $issues[] = $issue_auto; } if ($issues) { if ($expect_column->getCharacterSet() === null) { // For non-text columns, we won't be specifying a collation or // character set. $charset = null; $collation = null; } else { $charset = $expect_column->getCharacterSet(); $collation = $expect_column->getCollation(); } $adjustment = array( 'kind' => 'column', 'database' => $database_name, 'table' => $table_name, 'name' => $column_name, 'issues' => $issues, 'collation' => $collation, 'charset' => $charset, 'type' => $expect_column->getColumnType(), // NOTE: We don't adjust column nullability because it is // dangerous, so always use the current nullability. 'nullable' => $actual_column->getNullable(), // NOTE: This always stores the current value, because we have // to make these updates separately. 'is_auto' => $actual_column->getAutoIncrement(), ); if ($column->hasIssue($issue_auto)) { $adjustment['auto'] = $expect_column->getAutoIncrement(); } $adjustments[] = $adjustment; } } foreach ($table->getKeys() as $key_name => $key) { foreach ($this->findErrors($key) as $issue) { $errors[] = array( 'database' => $database_name, 'table' => $table_name, 'name' => $key_name, 'issue' => $issue, ); } $expect_key = $expect_table->getKey($key_name); $actual_key = $actual_table->getKey($key_name); $issues = array(); $keep_key = true; if ($key->hasIssue($issue_surpluskey)) { $issues[] = $issue_surpluskey; $keep_key = false; } if ($key->hasIssue($issue_missingkey)) { $issues[] = $issue_missingkey; } if ($key->hasIssue($issue_columns)) { $issues[] = $issue_columns; } if ($key->hasIssue($issue_unique)) { $issues[] = $issue_unique; } // NOTE: We can't really fix this, per se, but we may need to remove // the key to change the column type. In the best case, the new // column type won't be overlong and recreating the key really will // fix the issue. In the worst case, we get the right column type and // lose the key, which is still better than retaining the key having // the wrong column type. if ($key->hasIssue($issue_longkey)) { $issues[] = $issue_longkey; } if ($issues) { $adjustment = array( 'kind' => 'key', 'database' => $database_name, 'table' => $table_name, 'name' => $key_name, 'issues' => $issues, 'exists' => (bool)$actual_key, 'keep' => $keep_key, ); if ($keep_key) { $adjustment += array( 'columns' => $expect_key->getColumnNames(), 'unique' => $expect_key->getUnique(), 'indexType' => $expect_key->getIndexType(), ); } $adjustments[] = $adjustment; } } } } return array($adjustments, $errors); } private function findErrors(PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema $schema) { $result = array(); foreach ($schema->getLocalIssues() as $issue) { $status = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::getIssueStatus($issue); if ($status == PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::STATUS_FAIL) { $result[] = $issue; } } return $result; } private function printErrors(array $errors, $default_return) { if (!$errors) { return $default_return; } $console = PhutilConsole::getConsole(); $table = id(new PhutilConsoleTable()) ->addColumn('target', array('title' => pht('Target'))) ->addColumn('error', array('title' => pht('Error'))); $any_surplus = false; $all_surplus = true; foreach ($errors as $error) { $pieces = array_select_keys( $error, array('database', 'table', 'name')); $pieces = array_filter($pieces); $target = implode('.', $pieces); $name = PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::getIssueName($error['issue']); if ($error['issue'] === PhabricatorConfigStorageSchema::ISSUE_SURPLUS) { $any_surplus = true; } else { $all_surplus = false; } $table->addRow( array( 'target' => $target, 'error' => $name, )); } $console->writeOut("\n"); $table->draw(); $console->writeOut("\n"); $message = array(); if ($all_surplus) { $message[] = pht( 'You have surplus schemata (extra tables or columns which Phabricator '. 'does not expect). For information on resolving these '. 'issues, see the "Surplus Schemata" section in the "Managing Storage '. 'Adjustments" article in the documentation.'); } else { $message[] = pht( 'The schemata have errors (detailed above) which the adjustment '. 'workflow can not fix.'); if ($any_surplus) { $message[] = pht( 'Some of these errors are caused by surplus schemata (extra '. 'tables or columsn which Phabricator does not expect). These are '. 'not serious. For information on resolving these issues, see the '. '"Surplus Schemata" section in the "Managing Storage Adjustments" '. 'article in the documentation.'); } $message[] = pht( 'If you are not developing Phabricator itself, report this issue to '. 'the upstream.'); $message[] = pht( 'If you are developing Phabricator, these errors usually indicate '. 'that your schema specifications do not agree with the schemata your '. 'code actually builds.'); } $message = implode("\n\n", $message); if ($all_surplus) { $console->writeOut( "** %s **\n\n%s\n", pht('SURPLUS SCHEMATA'), phutil_console_wrap($message)); } else { $console->writeOut( "** %s **\n\n%s\n", pht('SCHEMATA ERRORS'), phutil_console_wrap($message)); } return 2; } final protected function getBareHostAndPort($host) { // Split out port information, since the command-line client requires a // separate flag for the port. $uri = new PhutilURI('mysql://'.$host); if ($uri->getPort()) { $port = $uri->getPort(); $bare_hostname = $uri->getDomain(); } else { $port = null; $bare_hostname = $host; } return array($bare_hostname, $port); } } diff --git a/src/view/phui/PHUIHeaderView.php b/src/view/phui/PHUIHeaderView.php index 3370519ebf..45b176f9a4 100644 --- a/src/view/phui/PHUIHeaderView.php +++ b/src/view/phui/PHUIHeaderView.php @@ -1,438 +1,438 @@ header = $header; return $this; } public function setNoBackground($nada) { $this->noBackground = $nada; return $this; } public function setTall($tall) { $this->tall = $tall; return $this; } public function addTag(PHUITagView $tag) { $this->tags[] = $tag; return $this; } public function addBadge(PHUIBadgeMiniView $badge) { $this->badges[] = $badge; return $this; } public function setImage($uri) { $this->image = $uri; return $this; } public function setImageURL($url) { $this->imageURL = $url; return $this; } public function setSubheader($subheader) { $this->subheader = $subheader; return $this; } public function setBleedHeader($bleed) { $this->bleedHeader = $bleed; return $this; } public function setHeaderIcon($icon) { $this->headerIcon = $icon; return $this; } public function setPolicyObject(PhabricatorPolicyInterface $object) { $this->policyObject = $object; return $this; } public function addProperty($property, $value) { $this->properties[$property] = $value; return $this; } public function addActionLink(PHUIButtonView $button) { $this->actionLinks[] = $button; return $this; } public function addActionIcon(PHUIIconView $action) { $this->actionIcons[] = $action; return $this; } public function setButtonBar(PHUIButtonBarView $bb) { $this->buttonBar = $bb; return $this; } public function setStatus($icon, $color, $name) { $header_class = 'phui-header-status'; if ($color) { $icon = $icon.' '.$color; $header_class = $header_class.'-'.$color; } $img = id(new PHUIIconView()) ->setIconFont($icon); $tag = phutil_tag( 'span', array( 'class' => "phui-header-status {$header_class}", ), array( $img, $name, )); return $this->addProperty(self::PROPERTY_STATUS, $tag); } public function setEpoch($epoch) { $age = time() - $epoch; $age = floor($age / (60 * 60 * 24)); if ($age < 1) { $when = pht('Today'); } else if ($age == 1) { $when = pht('Yesterday'); } else { - $when = pht('%d Days Ago', $age); + $when = pht('%s Day(s) Ago', new PhutilNumber($age)); } $this->setStatus('fa-clock-o bluegrey', null, pht('Updated %s', $when)); return $this; } protected function getTagName() { return 'div'; } protected function getTagAttributes() { require_celerity_resource('phui-header-view-css'); $classes = array(); $classes[] = 'phui-header-shell'; if ($this->noBackground) { $classes[] = 'phui-header-no-backgound'; } if ($this->bleedHeader) { $classes[] = 'phui-bleed-header'; } if ($this->properties || $this->policyObject || $this->subheader || $this->tall) { $classes[] = 'phui-header-tall'; } return array( 'class' => $classes, ); } protected function getTagContent() { $image = null; if ($this->image) { $image = phutil_tag( ($this->imageURL ? 'a' : 'span'), array( 'href' => $this->imageURL, 'class' => 'phui-header-image', 'style' => 'background-image: url('.$this->image.')', ), ' '); } $viewer = $this->getUser(); $left = array(); $right = array(); if ($viewer) { $left[] = id(new PHUISpacesNamespaceContextView()) ->setUser($viewer) ->setObject($this->policyObject); } if ($this->actionLinks) { $actions = array(); foreach ($this->actionLinks as $button) { $button->setColor(PHUIButtonView::SIMPLE); $button->addClass(PHUI::MARGIN_SMALL_LEFT); $button->addClass('phui-header-action-link'); $actions[] = $button; } $right[] = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'phui-header-action-links', ), $actions); } if ($this->buttonBar) { $right[] = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'phui-header-action-links', ), $this->buttonBar); } if ($this->actionIcons || $this->tags) { $action_list = array(); if ($this->actionIcons) { foreach ($this->actionIcons as $icon) { $action_list[] = phutil_tag( 'li', array( 'class' => 'phui-header-action-icon', ), $icon); } } if ($this->tags) { $action_list[] = phutil_tag( 'li', array( 'class' => 'phui-header-action-tag', ), array_interleave(' ', $this->tags)); } $right[] = phutil_tag( 'ul', array( 'class' => 'phui-header-action-list', ), $action_list); } if ($this->headerIcon) { $icon = id(new PHUIIconView()) ->setIconFont($this->headerIcon); $left[] = $icon; } $left[] = phutil_tag( 'span', array( 'class' => 'phui-header-header', ), $this->header); if ($this->subheader || $this->badges) { $badges = null; if ($this->badges) { $badges = new PHUIBadgeBoxView(); $badges->addItems($this->badges); $badges->setCollapsed(true); } $left[] = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'phui-header-subheader', ), array( $badges, $this->subheader, )); } if ($this->properties || $this->policyObject) { $property_list = array(); foreach ($this->properties as $type => $property) { switch ($type) { case self::PROPERTY_STATUS: $property_list[] = $property; break; default: throw new Exception(pht('Incorrect Property Passed')); break; } } if ($this->policyObject) { $property_list[] = $this->renderPolicyProperty($this->policyObject); } $left[] = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'phui-header-subheader', ), $property_list); } // We here at @phabricator $header_image = null; if ($image) { $header_image = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'phui-header-col1', ), $image); } // All really love $header_left = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'phui-header-col2', ), $left); // Tables and Pokemon. $header_right = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'phui-header-col3', ), $right); $header_row = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'phui-header-row', ), array( $header_image, $header_left, $header_right, )); return phutil_tag( 'h1', array( 'class' => 'phui-header-view', ), $header_row); } private function renderPolicyProperty(PhabricatorPolicyInterface $object) { $viewer = $this->getUser(); $policies = PhabricatorPolicyQuery::loadPolicies($viewer, $object); $view_capability = PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW; $policy = idx($policies, $view_capability); if (!$policy) { return null; } // If an object is in a Space with a strictly stronger (more restrictive) // policy, we show the more restrictive policy. This better aligns the // UI hint with the actual behavior. // NOTE: We'll do this even if the viewer has access to only one space, and // show them information about the existence of spaces if they click // through. $use_space_policy = false; if ($object instanceof PhabricatorSpacesInterface) { $space_phid = PhabricatorSpacesNamespaceQuery::getObjectSpacePHID( $object); $spaces = PhabricatorSpacesNamespaceQuery::getViewerSpaces($viewer); $space = idx($spaces, $space_phid); if ($space) { $space_policies = PhabricatorPolicyQuery::loadPolicies( $viewer, $space); $space_policy = idx($space_policies, $view_capability); if ($space_policy) { if ($space_policy->isStrongerThan($policy)) { $policy = $space_policy; $use_space_policy = true; } } } } $container_classes = array(); $container_classes[] = 'policy-header-callout'; $phid = $object->getPHID(); // If we're going to show the object policy, try to determine if the object // policy differs from the default policy. If it does, we'll call it out // as changed. if (!$use_space_policy) { $default_policy = PhabricatorPolicyQuery::getDefaultPolicyForObject( $viewer, $object, $view_capability); if ($default_policy) { if ($default_policy->getPHID() != $policy->getPHID()) { $container_classes[] = 'policy-adjusted'; if ($default_policy->isStrongerThan($policy)) { // The policy has strictly been weakened. For example, the // default might be "All Users" and the current policy is "Public". $container_classes[] = 'policy-adjusted-weaker'; } else if ($policy->isStrongerThan($default_policy)) { // The policy has strictly been strengthened, and is now more // restrictive than the default. For example, "All Users" has // been replaced with "No One". $container_classes[] = 'policy-adjusted-stronger'; } else { // The policy has been adjusted but not strictly strengthened // or weakened. For example, "Members of X" has been replaced with // "Members of Y". $container_classes[] = 'policy-adjusted-different'; } } } } $icon = id(new PHUIIconView()) ->setIconFont($policy->getIcon().' bluegrey'); $link = javelin_tag( 'a', array( 'class' => 'policy-link', 'href' => '/policy/explain/'.$phid.'/'.$view_capability.'/', 'sigil' => 'workflow', ), $policy->getShortName()); return phutil_tag( 'span', array( 'class' => implode(' ', $container_classes), ), array($icon, $link)); } }