diff --git a/src/applications/repository/storage/PhabricatorRepositoryCommit.php b/src/applications/repository/storage/PhabricatorRepositoryCommit.php index 704686cfb1..fd3e5fe97a 100644 --- a/src/applications/repository/storage/PhabricatorRepositoryCommit.php +++ b/src/applications/repository/storage/PhabricatorRepositoryCommit.php @@ -1,582 +1,583 @@ repository = $repository; return $this; } public function getRepository($assert_attached = true) { if ($assert_attached) { return $this->assertAttached($this->repository); } return $this->repository; } public function isPartiallyImported($mask) { return (($mask & $this->getImportStatus()) == $mask); } public function isImported() { return $this->isPartiallyImported(self::IMPORTED_ALL); } public function isUnreachable() { return $this->isPartiallyImported(self::IMPORTED_UNREACHABLE); } public function writeImportStatusFlag($flag) { return $this->adjustImportStatusFlag($flag, true); } public function clearImportStatusFlag($flag) { return $this->adjustImportStatusFlag($flag, false); } private function adjustImportStatusFlag($flag, $set) { $conn_w = $this->establishConnection('w'); $table_name = $this->getTableName(); $id = $this->getID(); if ($set) { queryfx( $conn_w, 'UPDATE %T SET importStatus = (importStatus | %d) WHERE id = %d', $table_name, $flag, $id); $this->setImportStatus($this->getImportStatus() | $flag); } else { queryfx( $conn_w, 'UPDATE %T SET importStatus = (importStatus & ~%d) WHERE id = %d', $table_name, $flag, $id); $this->setImportStatus($this->getImportStatus() & ~$flag); } return $this; } protected function getConfiguration() { return array( self::CONFIG_AUX_PHID => true, self::CONFIG_TIMESTAMPS => false, self::CONFIG_COLUMN_SCHEMA => array( 'commitIdentifier' => 'text40', 'mailKey' => 'bytes20', 'authorPHID' => 'phid?', 'auditStatus' => 'uint32', 'summary' => 'text255', 'importStatus' => 'uint32', ), self::CONFIG_KEY_SCHEMA => array( 'key_phid' => null, 'phid' => array( 'columns' => array('phid'), 'unique' => true, ), 'repositoryID' => array( 'columns' => array('repositoryID', 'importStatus'), ), 'authorPHID' => array( 'columns' => array('authorPHID', 'auditStatus', 'epoch'), ), 'repositoryID_2' => array( 'columns' => array('repositoryID', 'epoch'), ), 'key_commit_identity' => array( 'columns' => array('commitIdentifier', 'repositoryID'), 'unique' => true, ), 'key_epoch' => array( 'columns' => array('epoch'), ), 'key_author' => array( 'columns' => array('authorPHID', 'epoch'), ), ), self::CONFIG_NO_MUTATE => array( 'importStatus', ), ) + parent::getConfiguration(); } public function generatePHID() { return PhabricatorPHID::generateNewPHID( PhabricatorRepositoryCommitPHIDType::TYPECONST); } public function loadCommitData() { if (!$this->getID()) { return null; } return id(new PhabricatorRepositoryCommitData())->loadOneWhere( 'commitID = %d', $this->getID()); } public function attachCommitData( PhabricatorRepositoryCommitData $data = null) { $this->commitData = $data; return $this; } public function getCommitData() { return $this->assertAttached($this->commitData); } public function attachAudits(array $audits) { assert_instances_of($audits, 'PhabricatorRepositoryAuditRequest'); $this->audits = $audits; return $this; } public function getAudits() { return $this->assertAttached($this->audits); } public function getAuthorityAudits( PhabricatorUser $user, array $authority_phids) { $authority = array_fill_keys($authority_phids, true); $audits = $this->getAudits(); $authority_audits = array(); foreach ($audits as $audit) { $has_authority = !empty($authority[$audit->getAuditorPHID()]); if ($has_authority) { $commit_author = $this->getAuthorPHID(); // You don't have authority over package and project audits on your // own commits. $auditor_is_user = ($audit->getAuditorPHID() == $user->getPHID()); $user_is_author = ($commit_author == $user->getPHID()); if ($auditor_is_user || !$user_is_author) { $authority_audits[$audit->getID()] = $audit; } } } return $authority_audits; } public function getAuditorPHIDsForEdit() { $audits = $this->getAudits(); return mpull($audits, 'getAuditorPHID'); } public function save() { if (!$this->mailKey) { $this->mailKey = Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(20); } return parent::save(); } public function delete() { $data = $this->loadCommitData(); $audits = id(new PhabricatorRepositoryAuditRequest()) ->loadAllWhere('commitPHID = %s', $this->getPHID()); $this->openTransaction(); if ($data) { $data->delete(); } foreach ($audits as $audit) { $audit->delete(); } $result = parent::delete(); $this->saveTransaction(); return $result; } public function getDateCreated() { // This is primarily to make analysis of commits with the Fact engine work. return $this->getEpoch(); } public function getURI() { return '/'.$this->getMonogram(); } /** * Synchronize a commit's overall audit status with the individual audit * triggers. */ public function updateAuditStatus(array $requests) { assert_instances_of($requests, 'PhabricatorRepositoryAuditRequest'); $any_concern = false; $any_accept = false; $any_need = false; foreach ($requests as $request) { switch ($request->getAuditStatus()) { case PhabricatorAuditStatusConstants::AUDIT_REQUIRED: + case PhabricatorAuditStatusConstants::AUDIT_REQUESTED: $any_need = true; break; case PhabricatorAuditStatusConstants::ACCEPTED: $any_accept = true; break; case PhabricatorAuditStatusConstants::CONCERNED: $any_concern = true; break; } } if ($any_concern) { $status = PhabricatorAuditCommitStatusConstants::CONCERN_RAISED; } else if ($any_accept) { if ($any_need) { $status = PhabricatorAuditCommitStatusConstants::PARTIALLY_AUDITED; } else { $status = PhabricatorAuditCommitStatusConstants::FULLY_AUDITED; } } else if ($any_need) { $status = PhabricatorAuditCommitStatusConstants::NEEDS_AUDIT; } else { $status = PhabricatorAuditCommitStatusConstants::NONE; } return $this->setAuditStatus($status); } public function getMonogram() { $repository = $this->getRepository(); $callsign = $repository->getCallsign(); $identifier = $this->getCommitIdentifier(); if ($callsign !== null) { return "r{$callsign}{$identifier}"; } else { $id = $repository->getID(); return "R{$id}:{$identifier}"; } } public function getDisplayName() { $repository = $this->getRepository(); $identifier = $this->getCommitIdentifier(); return $repository->formatCommitName($identifier); } /** * Return a local display name for use in the context of the containing * repository. * * In Git and Mercurial, this returns only a short hash, like "abcdef012345". * See @{method:getDisplayName} for a short name that always includes * repository context. * * @return string Short human-readable name for use inside a repository. */ public function getLocalName() { $repository = $this->getRepository(); $identifier = $this->getCommitIdentifier(); return $repository->formatCommitName($identifier, $local = true); } public function renderAuthorLink($handles) { $author_phid = $this->getAuthorPHID(); if ($author_phid && isset($handles[$author_phid])) { return $handles[$author_phid]->renderLink(); } return $this->renderAuthorShortName($handles); } public function renderAuthorShortName($handles) { $author_phid = $this->getAuthorPHID(); if ($author_phid && isset($handles[$author_phid])) { return $handles[$author_phid]->getName(); } $data = $this->getCommitData(); $name = $data->getAuthorName(); $parsed = new PhutilEmailAddress($name); return nonempty($parsed->getDisplayName(), $parsed->getAddress()); } /* -( PhabricatorPolicyInterface )----------------------------------------- */ public function getCapabilities() { return array( PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT, ); } public function getPolicy($capability) { switch ($capability) { case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW: return $this->getRepository()->getPolicy($capability); case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT: return PhabricatorPolicies::POLICY_USER; } } public function hasAutomaticCapability($capability, PhabricatorUser $viewer) { return $this->getRepository()->hasAutomaticCapability($capability, $viewer); } public function describeAutomaticCapability($capability) { return pht( 'Commits inherit the policies of the repository they belong to.'); } /* -( PhabricatorTokenReceiverInterface )---------------------------------- */ public function getUsersToNotifyOfTokenGiven() { return array( $this->getAuthorPHID(), ); } /* -( Stuff for serialization )---------------------------------------------- */ /** * NOTE: this is not a complete serialization; only the 'protected' fields are * involved. This is due to ease of (ab)using the Lisk abstraction to get this * done, as well as complexity of the other fields. */ public function toDictionary() { return array( 'repositoryID' => $this->getRepositoryID(), 'phid' => $this->getPHID(), 'commitIdentifier' => $this->getCommitIdentifier(), 'epoch' => $this->getEpoch(), 'mailKey' => $this->getMailKey(), 'authorPHID' => $this->getAuthorPHID(), 'auditStatus' => $this->getAuditStatus(), 'summary' => $this->getSummary(), 'importStatus' => $this->getImportStatus(), ); } public static function newFromDictionary(array $dict) { return id(new PhabricatorRepositoryCommit()) ->loadFromArray($dict); } /* -( HarbormasterBuildableInterface )------------------------------------- */ public function getHarbormasterBuildableDisplayPHID() { return $this->getHarbormasterBuildablePHID(); } public function getHarbormasterBuildablePHID() { return $this->getPHID(); } public function getHarbormasterContainerPHID() { return $this->getRepository()->getPHID(); } public function getHarbormasterPublishablePHID() { return $this->getPHID(); } public function getBuildVariables() { $results = array(); $results['buildable.commit'] = $this->getCommitIdentifier(); $repo = $this->getRepository(); $results['repository.callsign'] = $repo->getCallsign(); $results['repository.phid'] = $repo->getPHID(); $results['repository.vcs'] = $repo->getVersionControlSystem(); $results['repository.uri'] = $repo->getPublicCloneURI(); return $results; } public function getAvailableBuildVariables() { return array( 'buildable.commit' => pht('The commit identifier, if applicable.'), 'repository.callsign' => pht('The callsign of the repository in Phabricator.'), 'repository.phid' => pht('The PHID of the repository in Phabricator.'), 'repository.vcs' => pht('The version control system, either "svn", "hg" or "git".'), 'repository.uri' => pht('The URI to clone or checkout the repository from.'), ); } /* -( HarbormasterCircleCIBuildableInterface )----------------------------- */ public function getCircleCIGitHubRepositoryURI() { $repository = $this->getRepository(); $commit_phid = $this->getPHID(); $repository_phid = $repository->getPHID(); if ($repository->isHosted()) { throw new Exception( pht( 'This commit ("%s") is associated with a hosted repository '. '("%s"). Repositories must be imported from GitHub to be built '. 'with CircleCI.', $commit_phid, $repository_phid)); } $remote_uri = $repository->getRemoteURI(); $path = HarbormasterCircleCIBuildStepImplementation::getGitHubPath( $remote_uri); if (!$path) { throw new Exception( pht( 'This commit ("%s") is associated with a repository ("%s") that '. 'with a remote URI ("%s") that does not appear to be hosted on '. 'GitHub. Repositories must be hosted on GitHub to be built with '. 'CircleCI.', $commit_phid, $repository_phid, $remote_uri)); } return $remote_uri; } public function getCircleCIBuildIdentifierType() { return 'revision'; } public function getCircleCIBuildIdentifier() { return $this->getCommitIdentifier(); } /* -( PhabricatorCustomFieldInterface )------------------------------------ */ public function getCustomFieldSpecificationForRole($role) { return PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('diffusion.fields'); } public function getCustomFieldBaseClass() { return 'PhabricatorCommitCustomField'; } public function getCustomFields() { return $this->assertAttached($this->customFields); } public function attachCustomFields(PhabricatorCustomFieldAttachment $fields) { $this->customFields = $fields; return $this; } /* -( PhabricatorSubscribableInterface )----------------------------------- */ public function isAutomaticallySubscribed($phid) { // TODO: This should also list auditors, but handling that is a bit messy // right now because we are not guaranteed to have the data. return ($phid == $this->getAuthorPHID()); } /* -( PhabricatorApplicationTransactionInterface )------------------------- */ public function getApplicationTransactionEditor() { return new PhabricatorAuditEditor(); } public function getApplicationTransactionObject() { return $this; } public function getApplicationTransactionTemplate() { return new PhabricatorAuditTransaction(); } public function willRenderTimeline( PhabricatorApplicationTransactionView $timeline, AphrontRequest $request) { $xactions = $timeline->getTransactions(); $path_ids = array(); foreach ($xactions as $xaction) { if ($xaction->hasComment()) { $path_id = $xaction->getComment()->getPathID(); if ($path_id) { $path_ids[] = $path_id; } } } $path_map = array(); if ($path_ids) { $path_map = id(new DiffusionPathQuery()) ->withPathIDs($path_ids) ->execute(); $path_map = ipull($path_map, 'path', 'id'); } return $timeline->setPathMap($path_map); } /* -( PhabricatorFulltextInterface )--------------------------------------- */ public function newFulltextEngine() { return new DiffusionCommitFulltextEngine(); } }