diff --git a/src/applications/conduit/controller/PhabricatorConduitController.php b/src/applications/conduit/controller/PhabricatorConduitController.php index 97e1ad0294..0f7b2ef54b 100644 --- a/src/applications/conduit/controller/PhabricatorConduitController.php +++ b/src/applications/conduit/controller/PhabricatorConduitController.php @@ -1,302 +1,304 @@ getRequest()->getUser(); $nav = new AphrontSideNavFilterView(); $nav->setBaseURI(new PhutilURI($this->getApplicationURI())); id(new PhabricatorConduitSearchEngine()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->addNavigationItems($nav->getMenu()); $nav->addLabel('Logs'); $nav->addFilter('log', pht('Call Logs')); $nav->selectFilter(null); return $nav; } public function buildApplicationMenu() { return $this->buildSideNavView()->getMenu(); } protected function renderExampleBox(ConduitAPIMethod $method, $params) { $viewer = $this->getViewer(); $arc_example = id(new PHUIPropertyListView()) ->addRawContent($this->renderExample($method, 'arc', $params)); $curl_example = id(new PHUIPropertyListView()) ->addRawContent($this->renderExample($method, 'curl', $params)); $php_example = id(new PHUIPropertyListView()) ->addRawContent($this->renderExample($method, 'php', $params)); $panel_uri = id(new PhabricatorConduitTokensSettingsPanel()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->setUser($viewer) ->getPanelURI(); $panel_link = phutil_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => $panel_uri, ), pht('Conduit API Tokens')); $panel_link = phutil_tag('strong', array(), $panel_link); $messages = array( pht( 'Use the %s panel in Settings to generate or manage API tokens.', $panel_link), ); if ($params === null) { $messages[] = pht( 'If you submit parameters, these examples will update to show '. 'exactly how to encode the parameters you submit.'); } $info_view = id(new PHUIInfoView()) ->setErrors($messages) ->setSeverity(PHUIInfoView::SEVERITY_NOTICE); $tab_group = id(new PHUITabGroupView()) ->addTab( id(new PHUITabView()) ->setName(pht('arc call-conduit')) ->setKey('arc') ->appendChild($arc_example)) ->addTab( id(new PHUITabView()) ->setName(pht('cURL')) ->setKey('curl') ->appendChild($curl_example)) ->addTab( id(new PHUITabView()) ->setName(pht('PHP')) ->setKey('php') ->appendChild($php_example)); return id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setHeaderText(pht('Examples')) ->setInfoView($info_view) ->setBackground(PHUIObjectBoxView::BLUE_PROPERTY) ->addTabGroup($tab_group); } private function renderExample( ConduitAPIMethod $method, $kind, $params) { switch ($kind) { case 'arc': $example = $this->buildArcanistExample($method, $params); break; case 'php': $example = $this->buildPHPExample($method, $params); break; case 'curl': $example = $this->buildCURLExample($method, $params); break; default: throw new Exception(pht('Conduit client "%s" is not known.', $kind)); } return $example; } private function buildArcanistExample( ConduitAPIMethod $method, $params) { $parts = array(); $parts[] = '$ echo '; if ($params === null) { $parts[] = phutil_tag('strong', array(), ''); } else { $params = $this->simplifyParams($params); $params = id(new PhutilJSON())->encodeFormatted($params); $params = trim($params); $params = csprintf('%s', $params); $parts[] = phutil_tag('strong', array('class' => 'real'), $params); } $parts[] = ' | '; $parts[] = 'arc call-conduit '; $parts[] = '--conduit-uri '; $parts[] = phutil_tag( 'strong', array('class' => 'real'), PhabricatorEnv::getURI('/')); $parts[] = ' '; $parts[] = '--conduit-token '; $parts[] = phutil_tag('strong', array(), ''); $parts[] = ' '; + $parts[] = '--'; + $parts[] = ' '; $parts[] = $method->getAPIMethodName(); return $this->renderExampleCode($parts); } private function buildPHPExample( ConduitAPIMethod $method, $params) { $parts = array(); $libphutil_path = 'path/to/libphutil/src/__phutil_library_init__.php'; $parts[] = '')); $parts[] = "\";\n"; $parts[] = '$api_parameters = '; if ($params === null) { $parts[] = 'array('; $parts[] = phutil_tag('strong', array(), pht('')); $parts[] = ');'; } else { $params = $this->simplifyParams($params); $params = phutil_var_export($params); $parts[] = phutil_tag('strong', array('class' => 'real'), $params); $parts[] = ';'; } $parts[] = "\n\n"; $parts[] = '$client = new ConduitClient('; $parts[] = phutil_tag( 'strong', array('class' => 'real'), phutil_var_export(PhabricatorEnv::getURI('/'))); $parts[] = ");\n"; $parts[] = '$client->setConduitToken($api_token);'; $parts[] = "\n\n"; $parts[] = '$result = $client->callMethodSynchronous('; $parts[] = phutil_tag( 'strong', array('class' => 'real'), phutil_var_export($method->getAPIMethodName())); $parts[] = ', '; $parts[] = '$api_parameters'; $parts[] = ");\n"; $parts[] = 'print_r($result);'; return $this->renderExampleCode($parts); } private function buildCURLExample( ConduitAPIMethod $method, $params) { $call_uri = '/api/'.$method->getAPIMethodName(); $parts = array(); $linebreak = array('\\', phutil_tag('br'), ' '); $parts[] = '$ curl '; $parts[] = phutil_tag( 'strong', array('class' => 'real'), csprintf('%R', PhabricatorEnv::getURI($call_uri))); $parts[] = ' '; $parts[] = $linebreak; $parts[] = '-d api.token='; $parts[] = phutil_tag('strong', array(), 'api-token'); $parts[] = ' '; $parts[] = $linebreak; if ($params === null) { $parts[] = '-d '; $parts[] = phutil_tag('strong', array(), 'param'); $parts[] = '='; $parts[] = phutil_tag('strong', array(), 'value'); $parts[] = ' '; $parts[] = $linebreak; $parts[] = phutil_tag('strong', array(), '...'); } else { $lines = array(); $params = $this->simplifyParams($params); foreach ($params as $key => $value) { $pieces = $this->getQueryStringParts(null, $key, $value); foreach ($pieces as $piece) { $lines[] = array( '-d ', phutil_tag('strong', array('class' => 'real'), $piece), ); } } $parts[] = phutil_implode_html(array(' ', $linebreak), $lines); } return $this->renderExampleCode($parts); } private function renderExampleCode($example) { require_celerity_resource('conduit-api-css'); return phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'PhabricatorMonospaced conduit-api-example-code', ), $example); } private function simplifyParams(array $params) { foreach ($params as $key => $value) { if ($value === null) { unset($params[$key]); } } return $params; } private function getQueryStringParts($prefix, $key, $value) { if ($prefix === null) { $head = phutil_escape_uri($key); } else { $head = $prefix.'['.phutil_escape_uri($key).']'; } if (!is_array($value)) { return array( $head.'='.phutil_escape_uri($value), ); } $results = array(); foreach ($value as $subkey => $subvalue) { $subparts = $this->getQueryStringParts($head, $subkey, $subvalue); foreach ($subparts as $subpart) { $results[] = $subpart; } } return $results; } }