diff --git a/src/parser/PhutilParserGenerator.php b/src/parser/PhutilParserGenerator.php
index 7c04281..c3a28b7 100644
--- a/src/parser/PhutilParserGenerator.php
+++ b/src/parser/PhutilParserGenerator.php
@@ -1,883 +1,884 @@
  * Simple LR(1) parser generator. Generally, build a parser by setting terminals
  * and rules, then calling @{method:processGrammar}. For example, here is a
  * simple grammar which accepts one or more "a" followed by exactly one "b":
  *    $parser = id(new PhutilParserGenerator())
  *      ->setTerminals(array('a', 'b'))
  *      ->setStartRule('S')
  *      ->setRules(
  *        array(
  *          'S' => 'A b',
  *          'A' => array(
  *            'A a',
  *            'a',
  *          )))
  *      ->processGrammar();
  * To actually parse token streams, use @{method:parseTokens}.
  *    $tokens = get_tokens(); // Usually from PhutilLexer
  *    $callback = 'some_callback';
  *    $tree = $parser->parseTokens($tokens, $callback);
  * The callback is invoked when a grammar rule matches. It should have this
  * signature:
  *    function parser_callback($rule, $production, array $tokens) {
  *      // ...
  *    }
  * The `$rule` is the matching rule; the `$production` is the matching
  * production, and `$tokens` is the matching tokens (for terminal rules) or the
  * return value of previous parse callbacks (for nonterminal rules).
  * You should either return a result of evaluation, or some sort of abstract
  * representation of the parse tree (this is more likely to be useful for more
  * complex grammars).
  * NOTE: This class generates LR(1) parsers, which perform less-than-optimally
  * on large grammars. Worse, it is written in PHP. It is suitable only for
  * very simple grammars with few states.
  * NOTE: These parsers silently resolve reduce/reduce conflicts by choosing the
  * first reduction, and silently resolve shift/reduce conflicts by shifting.
  * These are the same rules used by Yacc, but are implicit.
  * @task rules        Grammar Rules
  * @task rvalidation  Rule Validation
  * @task first        Computing First()
  * @task tables       Computing Action and Goto Tables
  * @task inspect      Inspecting Generator State
 final class PhutilParserGenerator {
   private $terminals;
   private $rules;
   private $startRule = 'start';
   private $sets = array();
   private $successor = array();
   private $setHashes = array();
   private $actionTable;
   private $gotoTable;
   private $rulesValidated = false;
   private $eofSymbol;
   private $initSymbol;
   private $epsilonSymbol;
   private $endSymbol;
   private $firstTable;
   public function processGrammar() {
     $init = $this->getInitSymbol();
     $eof = $this->getEOFSymbol();
     $end = $this->getEndSymbol();
     $this->rules[$init] = array(
       array($this->startRule, $end),
     list($is_new, $state) = $this->addState(
         array($this->getInitSymbol(), 0, 0, $eof),
     return $this;
 /* -(  Grammar Rules  )------------------------------------------------------ */
   public function setTerminals(array $terminals) {
     $this->terminals = array_fill_keys($terminals, true);
     return $this;
   public function setRules(array $rules) {
     $this->rules = $rules;
     return $this;
   public function setStartRule($rule_name) {
     $this->startRule = $rule_name;
     return $this;
   public function getStartRule() {
     return $this->startRule;
   public function getEOFSymbol() {
     if ($this->eofSymbol === null) {
       throw new Exception('Call processGrammar() before getEOFSymbol()!');
     return $this->eofSymbol;
   public function getInitSymbol() {
     if ($this->initSymbol === null) {
       throw new Exception('Call processGrammar() before getInitSymbol()!');
     return $this->initSymbol;
   public function getEpsilonSymbol() {
     if ($this->epsilonSymbol === null) {
       throw new Exception('Call processGrammar() before getEpsilonSymbol()!');
     return $this->epsilonSymbol;
   public function getEndSymbol() {
     if ($this->endSymbol === null) {
       throw new Exception('Call processGrammar() before getEndSymbol()!');
     return $this->endSymbol;
   public function isTerminal($symbol) {
     return isset($this->terminals[$symbol]);
   public function isRule($symbol) {
     return isset($this->rules[$symbol]);
 /* -(  Rule Validation  )---------------------------------------------------- */
    * Perform a battery of tests on the provided rules to detect problems which
    * would prevent us from generating a parser.
    * @return void
    * @task rvalidation
   private function validateRules() {
     // Rules must be specified in the right format.
     // Rules must contain only known symbols.
     // The start rule must exist and be valid.
     // Now, we select printable names for special symbols (EOF, epsilon, etc)
     // that don't conflict with any symbols in the grammar.
     // Make sure every terminal can be reached by some rule.
     // Make sure every rule can be reached.
     // Make sure every rule has some valid reduction.
     $this->rulesValidated = true;
    * @task rvalidation
   private function parseRules() {
     foreach ($this->rules as $rule_name => $rule_variants) {
       if (!is_array($rule_variants)) {
         $rule_variants = array($rule_variants);
         $this->rules[$rule_name] = $rule_variants;
       foreach ($rule_variants as $vkey => $variant) {
         if ($variant === null) {
           $variant = array(null);
         } else if (!is_array($variant)) {
           $variant = preg_split('/\s+/', $variant);
         } else {
           foreach ($variant as $symbol) {
             if (($symbol === null) && count($variant) > 1) {
               throw new PhutilInvalidRuleParserGeneratorException(
                 "Rule '{$rule_name}' contains a production '{$vkey}' which ".
                 "is nonempty but has a null in it. A rule with other symbols ".
                 "may not contain null.");
         $this->rules[$rule_name][$vkey] = array_values($variant);
    * @task rvalidation
   private function validateRuleSymbols() {
     foreach ($this->rules as $rule => $productions) {
       foreach ($productions as $production_name => $production) {
         foreach ($production as $symbol) {
           if ($symbol === null) {
           if ($this->isTerminal($symbol)) {
           if ($this->isRule($symbol)) {
           $production_string = implode(' ', $production);
           throw new PhutilUnknownSymbolParserGeneratorException(
             "Symbol '{$symbol}' in production '{$production_name}' ".
             "('{$production_string}') of rule '{$rule}' does not name a rule ".
             "or terminal. Did you misspell a symbol, fail to specify a ".
             "terminal, or forget a rule?");
    * @task rvalidation
   private function validateStartRule() {
     $start_rule = $this->getStartRule();
     if (!$this->isRule($start_rule)) {
       throw new PhutilUnknownSymbolParserGeneratorException(
         "Start rule '{$start_rule}' does not appear in the rules for the ".
         "grammar. Use setStartRule() to choose a different start rule, or ".
         "add a rule named '{$start_rule}'.");
    * @task rvalidation
   private function chooseSpecialSymbols() {
     $special = array(
       'eofSymbol'       => '(end-of-file)',
       'epsilonSymbol'   => '(epsilon)',
       'initSymbol'      => '(init)',
       'endSymbol'       => '(end)',
     foreach ($special as $key => $value) {
       while ($this->isRule($value) || $this->isTerminal($value)) {
         $value .= "'";
       $special[$key] = $value;
     $this->eofSymbol = $special['eofSymbol'];
     $this->epsilonSymbol = $special['epsilonSymbol'];
     $this->initSymbol = $special['initSymbol'];
     $this->endSymbol = $special['endSymbol'];
     foreach ($this->rules as $rule => $productions) {
       foreach ($productions as $production_name => $production) {
         foreach ($production as $key => $symbol) {
           if ($symbol === null) {
             $this->rules[$rule][$production_name][$key] = $this->epsilonSymbol;
         $this->rules[$rule][$production_name][] = $this->endSymbol;
     $this->terminals[$this->getEOFSymbol()] = true;
    * @task rvalidation
   private function validateAllTerminalsReachable() {
     $seen = array();
     foreach ($this->rules as $rule => $productions) {
       foreach ($productions as $production) {
         foreach ($production as $symbol) {
           $seen[$symbol] = true;
     $missing = array_diff_key($this->terminals, $seen);
     if ($missing) {
       $missing_terminals = array_keys($missing);
       $missing_terminals = implode(', ', $missing_terminals);
       throw new PhutilUnreachableTerminalParserGeneratorException(
         'Some terminals do not appear in any rule: '.
    * @task rvalidation
   private function validateAllRulesReachable() {
     $stack = array();
     $reachable = $this->computeReachableRules($this->getStartRule(), $stack);
     $missing = array_diff_key($this->rules, $reachable);
     if ($missing) {
       $missing_rules = array_keys($missing);
       $missing_rules = implode(', ', $missing_rules);
       throw new PhutilUnreachableRuleParserGeneratorException(
         'Some rules can never be reached from any production: '.
    * @task rvalidation
   private function computeReachableRules($rule, array &$stack) {
     if (isset($stack[$rule])) {
       return $stack[$rule];
     $stack[$rule] = array();
     foreach ($this->rules[$rule] as $production) {
       foreach ($production as $symbol) {
         if ($this->isRule($symbol)) {
           $stack[$rule][$symbol] = true;
           $stack[$rule] += $this->computeReachableRules($symbol, $stack);
     return $stack[$rule];
    * @task rvalidation
   private function validateAllRulesReducible() {
     $reducible = array();
     foreach ($this->rules as $rule => $productions) {
       if (!$this->isRuleReducible($rule, $reducible)) {
         throw new PhutilIrreducibleRuleParserGeneratorException(
           "Rule '{$rule}' can never be reduced: it recurses indefinitely ".
           "and reaches no production of terminals.");
    * @task rvalidation
   private function isRuleReducible($rule, array &$reducible) {
     if (isset($reducible[$rule])) {
       return $reducible[$rule];
     // Set this ahead of time so we don't end up in an infinite loop if
     // rules recurse. We'll overwrite it if we find a reduction.
     $reducible[$rule] = false;
     $reducible[$rule] = $this->computeRuleReducible($rule, $reducible);
     return $reducible[$rule];
    * @task rvalidation
   private function computeRuleReducible($rule, array &$reducible) {
     $epsilon = $this->getEpsilonSymbol();
     $end = $this->getEndSymbol();
     $productions = $this->rules[$rule];
     // In the first pass, try to find a trivially reducible production, e.g. one
     // with epsilon or only terminals. Also, remove recursive productions (those
     // which directly involve the rule itself) because we know we won't be able
     // to reduce them. If we're lucky, this will allow us to determine that the
     // rule is reducible without recursion. For example, we can immediately
     // reduce these productions:
     //    R -> a
     //    R -> b c d
     //    R -> (epsilon)
     // We can never reduce these productions:
     //    R -> R
     //    R -> a R b
     // We might be able to reduce these productions, but they aren't as cheap
     // or easy to figure out, since we need to first determine if other rules
     // can be reduced:
     //    R -> X Y
     //    R -> X a
     // If we find a reduction, we return immediately.
     foreach ($productions as $key => $production) {
       $has_only_terminals = true;
       foreach ($production as $symbol) {
         if ($symbol == $end) {
         } else if ($symbol == $epsilon) {
           // The rule contains an epsilon production, which can always reduce
           // it.
           return true;
         } else if ($symbol == $rule) {
           // The rule contains itself; this production is never reducible. We
           // must find another reducible production.
           continue 2;
         } else if ($this->isTerminal($symbol)) {
           // This is a terminal; keep looking. We'll be able to reduce the
           // production if it contains only terminals.
         } else {
           // This is a rule, so we can't trivially reduce it. We'll keep it
           // for the next round if we can't find any trivial reductions.
           $has_only_terminals = false;
       if ($has_only_terminals) {
         return true;
     // If we have no productions left, this rule can't be reduced.
     if (empty($productions)) {
       return false;
     // We have remaining productions which include other rules. Look for a
     // nontrivial reduction. For example:
     //    R -> X Y
     //    X -> x
     //    Y -> y
     // In this case, X and Y are both reducible, so "X Y" is reducible and thus
     // R is reducible.
     foreach ($productions as $production) {
       $can_reduce = true;
       foreach ($production as $symbol) {
         // NOTE: We don't need to check for epsilon here, because we would
         // already have determined the rule was reducible if we had an epsilon
         // production.
         if ($symbol == $end) {
         } else if ($this->isTerminal($symbol)) {
         } else if (!$this->isRuleReducible($symbol, $reducible)) {
           $can_reduce = false;
       if ($can_reduce) {
         // The production contained only terminals and reducible rules, so it
         // is reducible. We're good and don't need to examine remaining
         // productions.
         return true;
     // We didn't find any reducible productions.
     return false;
 /* -(  Computing First()  )-------------------------------------------------- */
   private function buildFirstTable() {
     $this->firstTable = array();
     foreach ($this->rules as $rule => $productions) {
   private function buildRuleFirst($rule) {
     if (isset($this->firstTable[$rule])) {
       return $this->firstTable[$rule];
     $this->firstTable[$rule] = array();
     $productions = $this->rules[$rule];
     foreach ($productions as $key => $production) {
       $this->firstTable[$rule] += $this->getFirstForProduction($production);
     return $this->firstTable[$rule];
   private function getFirstForProduction(array $production) {
     $set = array();
     $end = $this->getEndSymbol();
     $epsilon = $this->getEpsilonSymbol();
     $eof = $this->getEOFSymbol();
     $accept_epsilon = true;
     foreach ($production as $symbol) {
       if ($symbol === $end) {
       } else if ($symbol === $epsilon) {
       } else if ($this->isTerminal($symbol)) {
         $set[$symbol] = true;
         $accept_epsilon = false;
       } else {
         $symbol_set = $this->buildRuleFirst($symbol);
         $has_epsilon = isset($symbol_set[$epsilon]);
         $set += $symbol_set;
         if (!$has_epsilon) {
           $accept_epsilon = false;
     if ($accept_epsilon) {
       $set[$epsilon] = true;
     return $set;
 /* -(  Computing States  )--------------------------------------------------- */
   private function addState(array $set) {
     $seen = array();
     foreach ($set as $item) {
       $seen[$item[0]][$item[1]][$item[2]][$item[3]] = true;
     $end = $this->getEndSymbol();
     $epsilon = $this->getEpsilonSymbol();
     for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($set); $ii++) {
       $item = $set[$ii];
       $production = $this->rules[$item[0]][$item[1]];
       $next = $production[$item[2]];
       if ($this->isTerminal($next)) {
       } else if ($next === $epsilon) {
       } else if ($next === $end) {
       $v = array_slice($production, $item[2] + 1, -1);
       $v[] = $item[3];
       $v[] = $end;
       $firsts = $this->getFirstForProduction($v);
       foreach ($firsts as $nfirst => $ignored) {
         if (!$this->isTerminal($nfirst)) {
       foreach ($this->rules[$next] as $pkey => $nproduction) {
         foreach ($firsts as $nfirst => $ignored) {
           if (isset($seen[$next][$pkey][0][$nfirst])) {
           $set[] = array($next, $pkey, 0, $nfirst);
           $seen[$next][$pkey][0][$nfirst] = true;
     $hash = $this->hashSet($set);
     if (isset($this->setHashes[$hash])) {
       return array(false, $this->setHashes[$hash]);
     $this->states[] = $set;
     $state = last_key($this->states);
     $this->setHashes[$hash] = $state;
     return array(true, $state);
   private function buildSuccessors($start_state) {
     $end = $this->getEndSymbol();
     $nexts = array();
     foreach ($this->states[$start_state] as $item) {
       $next = $this->rules[$item[0]][$item[1]][$item[2]];
       if ($next === $end) {
       $nexts[$next][] = array(
         $item[2] + 1,
     foreach ($nexts as $next => $items) {
       list($is_new, $state) = $this->addState($items);
       $this->successor[$start_state][$next] = $state;
       if ($is_new) {
   private function hashSet(array $set) {
     foreach ($set as $k => $item) {
       $set[$k] = implode("\0", $item);
     $set = implode("\1", $set);
     return md5($set);
   private function buildTables() {
     $action = array();
     $goto = array();
     $end = $this->getEndSymbol();
     $eof = $this->getEOFSymbol();
     $init = $this->getInitSymbol();
     foreach ($this->states as $state => $items) {
       $shift = array();
       $reduce = array();
       $accept = false;
       foreach ($items as $item) {
         $next = $this->rules[$item[0]][$item[1]][$item[2]];
         if ($next == $end) {
           if ($item[0] !== $init) {
             $reduce[$item[3]][] = $item;
           } else if ($item[0] === $init && $item[3] === $eof) {
             $accept = $item;
         } else if ($this->isTerminal($next)) {
           $shift[$next] = $item;
         } else {
           $goto[$state][$next] = $this->successor[$state][$next];
       foreach ($reduce as $next => $reductions) {
         if (count($reductions) > 1) {
           $ways = array();
           foreach ($reductions as $reduction) {
             $ways[] = "{$reduction[0]}/{$reduction[1]}";
           $ways = implode('; ', $ways);
           // TODO: As below, we should have more explicit handling of
           // reduce/reduce conflicts. For now, just pick the first one.
           if (false) {
             throw new Exception(
               "Reduce/reduce conflict: from state '{$state}', when a ".
               "'{$next}' is encountered, it may be reduced in multiple ".
               "ways: {$ways}");
         $reduce[$next] = head($reductions);
       $srconflicts = array_intersect_key($shift, $reduce);
       foreach ($srconflicts as $next => $ignored) {
         // TODO: We should probably have better or more explicit handling of
         // shift/reduce conflicts. For now, we just shift.
         if (false) {
           $what = $reduce[$next][0];
           throw new Exception(
             "Shift/reduce conflict: from state '{$state}', when a '{$next}' ".
             "is encountered, shifting conflicts with reducing '{$what}'.");
         } else {
           // Resolve the shift/reduce by shifting.
           $reduce = array();
       if ($accept && isset($shift[$eof])) {
         throw new Exception('Accept/shift conflict!');
       if ($accept && isset($reduce[$eof])) {
         throw new Exception('Accept/reduce conflict!');
       foreach ($reduce as $next => $item) {
         $action[$state][$next] = array(
-            count($this->rules[$item[0]][$item[1]]) - 1),
-          );
+            count($this->rules[$item[0]][$item[1]]) - 1,
+          ),
+        );
       foreach ($shift as $next => $item) {
         $action[$state][$next] = array(
       if ($accept) {
         $action[$state][$eof] = array('A');
     $this->actionTable = $action;
     $this->gotoTable = $goto;
   public function generateParserFunction($name) {
     $out = array();
     $out[] = 'function '.$name.'(array $tokens, $callback) {';
     $out[] = '  return PhutilParserGenerator::parseTokensWithTables(';
     $out[] = '    '.$this->formatAndIndent($this->actionTable, 4).',';
     $out[] = '    '.$this->formatAndIndent($this->gotoTable, 4).',';
     $out[] = '    '.$this->formatAndIndent($this->getEOFSymbol(), 4).',';
     $out[] = '    $tokens,';
     $out[] = '    $callback);';
     $out[] = '}';
     return implode("\n", $out);
   private function formatAndIndent($var, $depth) {
     $var = phutil_var_export($var);
     $var = str_replace("\n", "\n".str_repeat(' ', $depth), $var);
     return $var;
   public function parseTokens(array $tokens, $callback) {
     return self::parseTokensWithTables(
   public static function parseTokensWithTables(
     array $tokens,
     $callback) {
     $state_stack = array(0);
     $token_stack = array();
     $tokens = array_reverse($tokens);
     while (true) {
       $state = end($state_stack);
       if (empty($tokens)) {
         $next = $eof_symbol;
       } else {
         $next_token = end($tokens);
         $next = $next_token[0];
       if (!isset($action_table[$state][$next])) {
         $expected = implode(', ', array_keys($action_table[$state]));
         throw new Exception(
           "Unexpected '{$next}' in state {$state}! Expected: ".
       $action = $action_table[$state][$next];
       switch ($action[0]) {
         case 'S':
           $state_stack[] = $action[1];
           $token_stack[] = array_pop($tokens);
         case 'R':
           $r_rule = $action[1][0];
           $r_prod = $action[1][1];
           $r_size = $action[1][2];
           $token_v = array();
           while ($r_size--) {
             $token_v[] = array_pop($token_stack);
           $token_v = array_reverse($token_v);
           $token_stack[] = call_user_func_array(
             array($r_rule, $r_prod, $token_v));
           $goto = $goto_table[end($state_stack)][$r_rule];
           $state_stack[] = $goto;
         case 'A':
           break 2;
     return head($token_stack);
 /* -(  Inspecting Generator State  )----------------------------------------- */
    * @task inspect
   public function inspectRules() {
     if (!$this->rulesValidated) {
       throw new Exception('Call processGrammar() before inspectRules()!');
     return $this->rules;
    * @task inspect
   public function inspectFirstTable() {
     if ($this->firstTable === null) {
       throw new Exception('Call processGrammar() before inspectFirstTable()!');
     return $this->firstTable;