diff --git a/src/applications/maniphest/storage/ManiphestTask.php b/src/applications/maniphest/storage/ManiphestTask.php index 93a5f5562c..e90f0e806c 100644 --- a/src/applications/maniphest/storage/ManiphestTask.php +++ b/src/applications/maniphest/storage/ManiphestTask.php @@ -1,473 +1,506 @@ setViewer($actor) ->withClasses(array('PhabricatorManiphestApplication')) ->executeOne(); $view_policy = $app->getPolicy(ManiphestDefaultViewCapability::CAPABILITY); $edit_policy = $app->getPolicy(ManiphestDefaultEditCapability::CAPABILITY); return id(new ManiphestTask()) ->setStatus(ManiphestTaskStatus::getDefaultStatus()) ->setPriority(ManiphestTaskPriority::getDefaultPriority()) ->setAuthorPHID($actor->getPHID()) ->setViewPolicy($view_policy) ->setEditPolicy($edit_policy) ->setSpacePHID($actor->getDefaultSpacePHID()) ->attachProjectPHIDs(array()) ->attachSubscriberPHIDs(array()); } protected function getConfiguration() { return array( self::CONFIG_AUX_PHID => true, self::CONFIG_SERIALIZATION => array( 'properties' => self::SERIALIZATION_JSON, ), self::CONFIG_COLUMN_SCHEMA => array( 'ownerPHID' => 'phid?', 'status' => 'text12', 'priority' => 'uint32', 'title' => 'sort', 'originalTitle' => 'text', 'description' => 'text', 'mailKey' => 'bytes20', 'ownerOrdering' => 'text64?', 'originalEmailSource' => 'text255?', 'subpriority' => 'double', 'points' => 'double?', ), self::CONFIG_KEY_SCHEMA => array( 'key_phid' => null, 'phid' => array( 'columns' => array('phid'), 'unique' => true, ), 'priority' => array( 'columns' => array('priority', 'status'), ), 'status' => array( 'columns' => array('status'), ), 'ownerPHID' => array( 'columns' => array('ownerPHID', 'status'), ), 'authorPHID' => array( 'columns' => array('authorPHID', 'status'), ), 'ownerOrdering' => array( 'columns' => array('ownerOrdering'), ), 'priority_2' => array( 'columns' => array('priority', 'subpriority'), ), 'key_dateCreated' => array( 'columns' => array('dateCreated'), ), 'key_dateModified' => array( 'columns' => array('dateModified'), ), 'key_title' => array( 'columns' => array('title(64)'), ), ), ) + parent::getConfiguration(); } public function loadDependsOnTaskPHIDs() { return PhabricatorEdgeQuery::loadDestinationPHIDs( $this->getPHID(), ManiphestTaskDependsOnTaskEdgeType::EDGECONST); } public function loadDependedOnByTaskPHIDs() { return PhabricatorEdgeQuery::loadDestinationPHIDs( $this->getPHID(), ManiphestTaskDependedOnByTaskEdgeType::EDGECONST); } public function generatePHID() { return PhabricatorPHID::generateNewPHID(ManiphestTaskPHIDType::TYPECONST); } public function getSubscriberPHIDs() { return $this->assertAttached($this->subscriberPHIDs); } public function getProjectPHIDs() { return $this->assertAttached($this->edgeProjectPHIDs); } public function attachProjectPHIDs(array $phids) { $this->edgeProjectPHIDs = $phids; return $this; } public function attachSubscriberPHIDs(array $phids) { $this->subscriberPHIDs = $phids; return $this; } public function setOwnerPHID($phid) { $this->ownerPHID = nonempty($phid, null); return $this; } public function setTitle($title) { $this->title = $title; if (!$this->getID()) { $this->originalTitle = $title; } return $this; } public function getMonogram() { return 'T'.$this->getID(); } public function attachGroupByProjectPHID($phid) { $this->groupByProjectPHID = $phid; return $this; } public function getGroupByProjectPHID() { return $this->assertAttached($this->groupByProjectPHID); } public function save() { if (!$this->mailKey) { $this->mailKey = Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(20); } $result = parent::save(); return $result; } public function isClosed() { return ManiphestTaskStatus::isClosedStatus($this->getStatus()); } public function setProperty($key, $value) { $this->properties[$key] = $value; return $this; } public function getProperty($key, $default = null) { return idx($this->properties, $key, $default); } public function getCoverImageFilePHID() { return idx($this->properties, 'cover.filePHID'); } public function getCoverImageThumbnailPHID() { return idx($this->properties, 'cover.thumbnailPHID'); } public function getWorkboardOrderVectors() { return array( PhabricatorProjectColumn::ORDER_PRIORITY => array( (int)-$this->getPriority(), (double)-$this->getSubpriority(), (int)-$this->getID(), ), ); } + private function comparePriorityTo(ManiphestTask $other) { + $upri = $this->getPriority(); + $vpri = $other->getPriority(); + + if ($upri != $vpri) { + return ($upri - $vpri); + } + + $usub = $this->getSubpriority(); + $vsub = $other->getSubpriority(); + + if ($usub != $vsub) { + return ($usub - $vsub); + } + + $uid = $this->getID(); + $vid = $other->getID(); + + if ($uid != $vid) { + return ($uid - $vid); + } + + return 0; + } + + public function isLowerPriorityThan(ManiphestTask $other) { + return ($this->comparePriorityTo($other) < 0); + } + + public function isHigherPriorityThan(ManiphestTask $other) { + return ($this->comparePriorityTo($other) > 0); + } + public function getWorkboardProperties() { return array( 'status' => $this->getStatus(), 'points' => (double)$this->getPoints(), ); } /* -( PhabricatorSubscribableInterface )----------------------------------- */ public function isAutomaticallySubscribed($phid) { return ($phid == $this->getOwnerPHID()); } public function shouldShowSubscribersProperty() { return true; } /* -( Markup Interface )--------------------------------------------------- */ /** * @task markup */ public function getMarkupFieldKey($field) { $hash = PhabricatorHash::digest($this->getMarkupText($field)); $id = $this->getID(); return "maniphest:T{$id}:{$field}:{$hash}"; } /** * @task markup */ public function getMarkupText($field) { return $this->getDescription(); } /** * @task markup */ public function newMarkupEngine($field) { return PhabricatorMarkupEngine::newManiphestMarkupEngine(); } /** * @task markup */ public function didMarkupText( $field, $output, PhutilMarkupEngine $engine) { return $output; } /** * @task markup */ public function shouldUseMarkupCache($field) { return (bool)$this->getID(); } /* -( Policy Interface )--------------------------------------------------- */ public function getCapabilities() { return array( PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT, ); } public function getPolicy($capability) { switch ($capability) { case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW: return $this->getViewPolicy(); case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT: return $this->getEditPolicy(); } } public function hasAutomaticCapability($capability, PhabricatorUser $user) { // The owner of a task can always view and edit it. $owner_phid = $this->getOwnerPHID(); if ($owner_phid) { $user_phid = $user->getPHID(); if ($user_phid == $owner_phid) { return true; } } return false; } public function describeAutomaticCapability($capability) { return pht('The owner of a task can always view and edit it.'); } /* -( PhabricatorTokenReceiverInterface )---------------------------------- */ public function getUsersToNotifyOfTokenGiven() { // Sort of ambiguous who this was intended for; just let them both know. return array_filter( array_unique( array( $this->getAuthorPHID(), $this->getOwnerPHID(), ))); } /* -( PhabricatorCustomFieldInterface )------------------------------------ */ public function getCustomFieldSpecificationForRole($role) { return PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('maniphest.fields'); } public function getCustomFieldBaseClass() { return 'ManiphestCustomField'; } public function getCustomFields() { return $this->assertAttached($this->customFields); } public function attachCustomFields(PhabricatorCustomFieldAttachment $fields) { $this->customFields = $fields; return $this; } /* -( PhabricatorDestructibleInterface )----------------------------------- */ public function destroyObjectPermanently( PhabricatorDestructionEngine $engine) { $this->openTransaction(); $this->delete(); $this->saveTransaction(); } /* -( PhabricatorApplicationTransactionInterface )------------------------- */ public function getApplicationTransactionEditor() { return new ManiphestTransactionEditor(); } public function getApplicationTransactionObject() { return $this; } public function getApplicationTransactionTemplate() { return new ManiphestTransaction(); } public function willRenderTimeline( PhabricatorApplicationTransactionView $timeline, AphrontRequest $request) { return $timeline; } /* -( PhabricatorSpacesInterface )----------------------------------------- */ public function getSpacePHID() { return $this->spacePHID; } /* -( PhabricatorConduitResultInterface )---------------------------------- */ public function getFieldSpecificationsForConduit() { return array( id(new PhabricatorConduitSearchFieldSpecification()) ->setKey('title') ->setType('string') ->setDescription(pht('The title of the task.')), id(new PhabricatorConduitSearchFieldSpecification()) ->setKey('authorPHID') ->setType('phid') ->setDescription(pht('Original task author.')), id(new PhabricatorConduitSearchFieldSpecification()) ->setKey('ownerPHID') ->setType('phid?') ->setDescription(pht('Current task owner, if task is assigned.')), id(new PhabricatorConduitSearchFieldSpecification()) ->setKey('status') ->setType('map') ->setDescription(pht('Information about task status.')), id(new PhabricatorConduitSearchFieldSpecification()) ->setKey('priority') ->setType('map') ->setDescription(pht('Information about task priority.')), ); } public function getFieldValuesForConduit() { $status_value = $this->getStatus(); $status_info = array( 'value' => $status_value, 'name' => ManiphestTaskStatus::getTaskStatusName($status_value), 'color' => ManiphestTaskStatus::getStatusColor($status_value), ); $priority_value = (int)$this->getPriority(); $priority_info = array( 'value' => $priority_value, 'subpriority' => (double)$this->getSubpriority(), 'name' => ManiphestTaskPriority::getTaskPriorityName($priority_value), 'color' => ManiphestTaskPriority::getTaskPriorityColor($priority_value), ); return array( 'name' => $this->getTitle(), 'authorPHID' => $this->getAuthorPHID(), 'ownerPHID' => $this->getOwnerPHID(), 'status' => $status_info, 'priority' => $priority_info, ); } public function getConduitSearchAttachments() { return array(); } /* -( PhabricatorFulltextInterface )--------------------------------------- */ public function newFulltextEngine() { return new ManiphestTaskFulltextEngine(); } } diff --git a/src/applications/project/controller/PhabricatorProjectMoveController.php b/src/applications/project/controller/PhabricatorProjectMoveController.php index 4aa9e0eec2..d3540a1781 100644 --- a/src/applications/project/controller/PhabricatorProjectMoveController.php +++ b/src/applications/project/controller/PhabricatorProjectMoveController.php @@ -1,182 +1,233 @@ getViewer(); $id = $request->getURIData('id'); $request->validateCSRF(); $column_phid = $request->getStr('columnPHID'); $object_phid = $request->getStr('objectPHID'); $after_phid = $request->getStr('afterPHID'); $before_phid = $request->getStr('beforePHID'); $order = $request->getStr('order', PhabricatorProjectColumn::DEFAULT_ORDER); $project = id(new PhabricatorProjectQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->requireCapabilities( array( PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW, )) ->withIDs(array($id)) ->executeOne(); if (!$project) { return new Aphront404Response(); } $board_phid = $project->getPHID(); $object = id(new ManiphestTaskQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withPHIDs(array($object_phid)) ->needProjectPHIDs(true) ->requireCapabilities( array( PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT, )) ->executeOne(); if (!$object) { return new Aphront404Response(); } $columns = id(new PhabricatorProjectColumnQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withProjectPHIDs(array($project->getPHID())) ->execute(); $columns = mpull($columns, null, 'getPHID'); $column = idx($columns, $column_phid); if (!$column) { // User is trying to drop this object into a nonexistent column, just kick // them out. return new Aphront404Response(); } $engine = id(new PhabricatorBoardLayoutEngine()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->setBoardPHIDs(array($board_phid)) ->setObjectPHIDs(array($object_phid)) ->executeLayout(); $columns = $engine->getObjectColumns($board_phid, $object_phid); $old_column_phids = mpull($columns, 'getPHID'); $xactions = array(); if ($order == PhabricatorProjectColumn::ORDER_NATURAL) { $order_params = array( 'afterPHID' => $after_phid, 'beforePHID' => $before_phid, ); } else { $order_params = array(); } $xactions[] = id(new ManiphestTransaction()) ->setTransactionType(ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_PROJECT_COLUMN) ->setNewValue( array( 'columnPHIDs' => array($column->getPHID()), 'projectPHID' => $column->getProjectPHID(), ) + $order_params) ->setOldValue( array( 'columnPHIDs' => $old_column_phids, 'projectPHID' => $column->getProjectPHID(), )); - $task_phids = array(); - if ($after_phid) { - $task_phids[] = $after_phid; - } - if ($before_phid) { - $task_phids[] = $before_phid; - } - - if ($task_phids && ($order == PhabricatorProjectColumn::ORDER_PRIORITY)) { - $tasks = id(new ManiphestTaskQuery()) - ->setViewer($viewer) - ->withPHIDs($task_phids) - ->needProjectPHIDs(true) - ->requireCapabilities( - array( - PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW, - PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT, - )) - ->execute(); - if (count($tasks) != count($task_phids)) { - return new Aphront404Response(); - } - $tasks = mpull($tasks, null, 'getPHID'); - - $try = array( - array($after_phid, true), - array($before_phid, false), - ); - - $pri = null; - $sub = null; - foreach ($try as $spec) { - list($task_phid, $is_after) = $spec; - $task = idx($tasks, $task_phid); - if ($task) { - list($pri, $sub) = ManiphestTransactionEditor::getAdjacentSubpriority( - $task, - $is_after); - break; - } - } - - if ($pri !== null) { - $xactions[] = id(new ManiphestTransaction()) - ->setTransactionType(ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_PRIORITY) - ->setNewValue($pri); - $xactions[] = id(new ManiphestTransaction()) - ->setTransactionType(ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_SUBPRIORITY) - ->setNewValue($sub); + if ($order == PhabricatorProjectColumn::ORDER_PRIORITY) { + $priority_xactions = $this->getPriorityTransactions( + $object, + $after_phid, + $before_phid); + foreach ($priority_xactions as $xaction) { + $xactions[] = $xaction; } } $proxy = $column->getProxy(); if ($proxy) { // We're moving the task into a subproject or milestone column, so add // the subproject or milestone. $add_projects = array($proxy->getPHID()); } else if ($project->getHasSubprojects() || $project->getHasMilestones()) { // We're moving the task into the "Backlog" column on the parent project, // so add the parent explicitly. This gets rid of any subproject or // milestone tags. $add_projects = array($project->getPHID()); } else { $add_projects = array(); } if ($add_projects) { $project_type = PhabricatorProjectObjectHasProjectEdgeType::EDGECONST; $xactions[] = id(new ManiphestTransaction()) ->setTransactionType(PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDGE) ->setMetadataValue('edge:type', $project_type) ->setNewValue( array( '+' => array_fuse($add_projects), )); } $editor = id(new ManiphestTransactionEditor()) ->setActor($viewer) ->setContinueOnMissingFields(true) ->setContinueOnNoEffect(true) ->setContentSourceFromRequest($request); $editor->applyTransactions($object, $xactions); return $this->newCardResponse($board_phid, $object_phid); } + private function getPriorityTransactions( + ManiphestTask $task, + $after_phid, + $before_phid) { + + list($after_task, $before_task) = $this->loadPriorityTasks( + $after_phid, + $before_phid); + + $must_move = false; + if ($after_task && !$task->isLowerPriorityThan($after_task)) { + $must_move = true; + } + + if ($before_task && !$task->isHigherPriorityThan($before_task)) { + $must_move = true; + } + + // The move doesn't require a priority change to be valid, so don't + // change the priority since we are not being forced to. + if (!$must_move) { + return array(); + } + + $try = array( + array($after_task, true), + array($before_task, false), + ); + + $pri = null; + $sub = null; + foreach ($try as $spec) { + list($task, $is_after) = $spec; + + if (!$task) { + continue; + } + + list($pri, $sub) = ManiphestTransactionEditor::getAdjacentSubpriority( + $task, + $is_after); + } + + $xactions = array(); + if ($pri !== null) { + $xactions[] = id(new ManiphestTransaction()) + ->setTransactionType(ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_PRIORITY) + ->setNewValue($pri); + $xactions[] = id(new ManiphestTransaction()) + ->setTransactionType(ManiphestTransaction::TYPE_SUBPRIORITY) + ->setNewValue($sub); + } + + return $xactions; + } + + private function loadPriorityTasks($after_phid, $before_phid) { + $viewer = $this->getViewer(); + + $task_phids = array(); + + if ($after_phid) { + $task_phids[] = $after_phid; + } + if ($before_phid) { + $task_phids[] = $before_phid; + } + + if (!$task_phids) { + return array(null, null); + } + + $tasks = id(new ManiphestTaskQuery()) + ->setViewer($viewer) + ->withPHIDs($task_phids) + ->execute(); + $tasks = mpull($tasks, null, 'getPHID'); + + if ($after_phid) { + $after_task = idx($tasks, $after_phid); + } else { + $after_task = null; + } + + if ($before_phid) { + $before_task = idx($tasks, $before_phid); + } else { + $before_task = null; + } + + return array($after_task, $before_task); + } + }