diff --git a/src/aphront/configuration/AphrontDefaultApplicationConfiguration.php b/src/aphront/configuration/AphrontDefaultApplicationConfiguration.php index 7126f63995..e047e17b3f 100644 --- a/src/aphront/configuration/AphrontDefaultApplicationConfiguration.php +++ b/src/aphront/configuration/AphrontDefaultApplicationConfiguration.php @@ -1,371 +1,385 @@ getResourceURIMapRules() + array( '/(?:(?P(?:jump))/)?' => 'PhabricatorDirectoryMainController', '/typeahead/' => array( 'common/(?P\w+)/' => 'PhabricatorTypeaheadCommonDatasourceController', ), '/oauthserver/' => array( 'auth/' => 'PhabricatorOAuthServerAuthController', 'test/' => 'PhabricatorOAuthServerTestController', 'token/' => 'PhabricatorOAuthServerTokenController', 'clientauthorization/' => array( '' => 'PhabricatorOAuthClientAuthorizationListController', 'delete/(?P[^/]+)/' => 'PhabricatorOAuthClientAuthorizationDeleteController', 'edit/(?P[^/]+)/' => 'PhabricatorOAuthClientAuthorizationEditController', ), 'client/' => array( '' => 'PhabricatorOAuthClientListController', 'create/' => 'PhabricatorOAuthClientEditController', 'delete/(?P[^/]+)/' => 'PhabricatorOAuthClientDeleteController', 'edit/(?P[^/]+)/' => 'PhabricatorOAuthClientEditController', 'view/(?P[^/]+)/' => 'PhabricatorOAuthClientViewController', ), ), '/~/' => array( '' => 'DarkConsoleController', 'data/(?P[^/]+)/' => 'DarkConsoleDataController', ), '/status/' => 'PhabricatorStatusController', '/help/' => array( 'keyboardshortcut/' => 'PhabricatorHelpKeyboardShortcutController', ), '/notification/' => array( '(?:(?Pall|unread)/)?' => 'PhabricatorNotificationListController', 'panel/' => 'PhabricatorNotificationPanelController', 'individual/' => 'PhabricatorNotificationIndividualController', 'status/' => 'PhabricatorNotificationStatusController', 'clear/' => 'PhabricatorNotificationClearController', ), '/debug/' => 'PhabricatorDebugController', ); } protected function getResourceURIMapRules() { return array( '/res/' => array( '(?:(?P[0-9]+)T/)?'. '(?Ppkg/)?'. '(?P[a-f0-9]{8})/'. '(?P.+\.(?:css|js|jpg|png|swf|gif))' => 'CelerityPhabricatorResourceController', ), ); } /** * @phutil-external-symbol class PhabricatorStartup */ public function buildRequest() { $parser = new PhutilQueryStringParser(); $data = array(); // If the request has "multipart/form-data" content, we can't use // PhutilQueryStringParser to parse it, and the raw data supposedly is not // available anyway (according to the PHP documentation, "php://input" is // not available for "multipart/form-data" requests). However, it is // available at least some of the time (see T3673), so double check that // we aren't trying to parse data we won't be able to parse correctly by // examining the Content-Type header. $content_type = idx($_SERVER, 'CONTENT_TYPE'); $is_form_data = preg_match('@^multipart/form-data@i', $content_type); $raw_input = PhabricatorStartup::getRawInput(); if (strlen($raw_input) && !$is_form_data) { $data += $parser->parseQueryString($raw_input); } else if ($_POST) { $data += $_POST; } $data += $parser->parseQueryString(idx($_SERVER, 'QUERY_STRING', '')); $request = new AphrontRequest($this->getHost(), $this->getPath()); $request->setRequestData($data); $request->setApplicationConfiguration($this); return $request; } public function handleException(Exception $ex) { $request = $this->getRequest(); // For Conduit requests, return a Conduit response. if ($request->isConduit()) { $response = new ConduitAPIResponse(); $response->setErrorCode(get_class($ex)); $response->setErrorInfo($ex->getMessage()); return id(new AphrontJSONResponse()) ->setAddJSONShield(false) ->setContent($response->toDictionary()); } // For non-workflow requests, return a Ajax response. if ($request->isAjax() && !$request->isJavelinWorkflow()) { // Log these; they don't get shown on the client and can be difficult // to debug. phlog($ex); $response = new AphrontAjaxResponse(); $response->setError( array( 'code' => get_class($ex), 'info' => $ex->getMessage(), )); return $response; } $is_serious = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('phabricator.serious-business'); $user = $request->getUser(); if (!$user) { // If we hit an exception very early, we won't have a user. $user = new PhabricatorUser(); } if ($ex instanceof PhabricatorPolicyException) { if (!$user->isLoggedIn()) { // If the user isn't logged in, just give them a login form. This is // probably a generally more useful response than a policy dialog that // they have to click through to get a login form. // // Possibly we should add a header here like "you need to login to see // the thing you are trying to look at". $login_controller = new PhabricatorAuthStartController($request); return $login_controller->processRequest(); } - $content = hsprintf( - '
', - $ex->getMessage()); + $list = $ex->getMoreInfo(); + foreach ($list as $key => $item) { + $list[$key] = phutil_tag('li', array(), $item); + } + if ($list) { + $list = phutil_tag('ul', array(), $list); + } + + $content = phutil_tag( + 'div', + array( + 'class' => 'aphront-policy-exception', + ), + array( + $ex->getMessage(), + $list, + )); $dialog = new AphrontDialogView(); $dialog ->setTitle( $is_serious ? 'Access Denied' : "You Shall Not Pass") ->setClass('aphront-access-dialog') ->setUser($user) ->appendChild($content); if ($this->getRequest()->isAjax()) { $dialog->addCancelButton('/', 'Close'); } else { $dialog->addCancelButton('/', $is_serious ? 'OK' : 'Away With Thee'); } $response = new AphrontDialogResponse(); $response->setDialog($dialog); return $response; } if ($ex instanceof AphrontUsageException) { $error = new AphrontErrorView(); $error->setTitle($ex->getTitle()); $error->appendChild($ex->getMessage()); $view = new PhabricatorStandardPageView(); $view->setRequest($this->getRequest()); $view->appendChild($error); $response = new AphrontWebpageResponse(); $response->setContent($view->render()); return $response; } // Always log the unhandled exception. phlog($ex); $class = get_class($ex); $message = $ex->getMessage(); if ($ex instanceof AphrontQuerySchemaException) { $message .= "\n\n". "NOTE: This usually indicates that the MySQL schema has not been ". "properly upgraded. Run 'bin/storage upgrade' to ensure your ". "schema is up to date."; } if (PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('phabricator.developer-mode')) { $trace = $this->renderStackTrace($ex->getTrace(), $user); } else { $trace = null; } $content = hsprintf( '
'. '
'. '%s'. '
', $message, $trace); $dialog = new AphrontDialogView(); $dialog ->setTitle('Unhandled Exception ("'.$class.'")') ->setClass('aphront-exception-dialog') ->setUser($user) ->appendChild($content); if ($this->getRequest()->isAjax()) { $dialog->addCancelButton('/', 'Close'); } $response = new AphrontDialogResponse(); $response->setDialog($dialog); return $response; } public function willSendResponse(AphrontResponse $response) { return $response; } public function build404Controller() { return array(new Phabricator404Controller($this->getRequest()), array()); } public function buildRedirectController($uri) { return array( new PhabricatorRedirectController($this->getRequest()), array( 'uri' => $uri, )); } private function renderStackTrace($trace, PhabricatorUser $user) { $libraries = PhutilBootloader::getInstance()->getAllLibraries(); // TODO: Make this configurable? $path = 'https://secure.phabricator.com/diffusion/%s/browse/master/src/'; $callsigns = array( 'arcanist' => 'ARC', 'phutil' => 'PHU', 'phabricator' => 'P', ); $rows = array(); $depth = count($trace); foreach ($trace as $part) { $lib = null; $file = idx($part, 'file'); $relative = $file; foreach ($libraries as $library) { $root = phutil_get_library_root($library); if (Filesystem::isDescendant($file, $root)) { $lib = $library; $relative = Filesystem::readablePath($file, $root); break; } } $where = ''; if (isset($part['class'])) { $where .= $part['class'].'::'; } if (isset($part['function'])) { $where .= $part['function'].'()'; } if ($file) { if (isset($callsigns[$lib])) { $attrs = array('title' => $file); try { $attrs['href'] = $user->loadEditorLink( '/src/'.$relative, $part['line'], $callsigns[$lib]); } catch (Exception $ex) { // The database can be inaccessible. } if (empty($attrs['href'])) { $attrs['href'] = sprintf($path, $callsigns[$lib]). str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $relative). '$'.$part['line']; $attrs['target'] = '_blank'; } $file_name = phutil_tag( 'a', $attrs, $relative); } else { $file_name = phutil_tag( 'span', array( 'title' => $file, ), $relative); } $file_name = hsprintf('%s : %d', $file_name, $part['line']); } else { $file_name = phutil_tag('em', array(), '(Internal)'); } $rows[] = array( $depth--, $lib, $file_name, $where, ); } $table = new AphrontTableView($rows); $table->setHeaders( array( 'Depth', 'Library', 'File', 'Where', )); $table->setColumnClasses( array( 'n', '', '', 'wide', )); return hsprintf( '
'. '
Stack Trace
'. '%s'. '
', $table->render()); } } diff --git a/src/applications/differential/query/DifferentialRevisionQuery.php b/src/applications/differential/query/DifferentialRevisionQuery.php index 6a2a4133c9..fb36174a47 100644 --- a/src/applications/differential/query/DifferentialRevisionQuery.php +++ b/src/applications/differential/query/DifferentialRevisionQuery.php @@ -1,1050 +1,1054 @@ withStatus(DifferentialRevisionQuery::STATUS_OPEN) * ->execute(); * * @task config Query Configuration * @task exec Query Execution * @task internal Internals */ final class DifferentialRevisionQuery extends PhabricatorCursorPagedPolicyAwareQuery { private $pathIDs = array(); private $status = 'status-any'; const STATUS_ANY = 'status-any'; const STATUS_OPEN = 'status-open'; const STATUS_ACCEPTED = 'status-accepted'; const STATUS_NEEDS_REVIEW = 'status-needs-review'; const STATUS_NEEDS_REVISION = 'status-needs-revision'; const STATUS_CLOSED = 'status-closed'; // NOTE: Same as 'committed' const STATUS_COMMITTED = 'status-committed'; // TODO: Remove. const STATUS_ABANDONED = 'status-abandoned'; private $authors = array(); private $draftAuthors = array(); private $ccs = array(); private $reviewers = array(); private $revIDs = array(); private $commitHashes = array(); private $phids = array(); private $subscribers = array(); private $responsibles = array(); private $branches = array(); private $arcanistProjectPHIDs = array(); private $draftRevisions = array(); private $repositoryPHIDs; private $order = 'order-modified'; const ORDER_MODIFIED = 'order-modified'; const ORDER_CREATED = 'order-created'; /** * This is essentially a denormalized copy of the revision modified time that * should perform better for path queries with a LIMIT. Critically, when you * browse "/", every revision in that repository for all time will match so * the query benefits from being able to stop before fully materializing the * result set. */ const ORDER_PATH_MODIFIED = 'order-path-modified'; private $needRelationships = false; private $needActiveDiffs = false; private $needDiffIDs = false; private $needCommitPHIDs = false; private $needHashes = false; private $needReviewerStatus = false; private $buildingGlobalOrder; /* -( Query Configuration )------------------------------------------------ */ /** * Filter results to revisions which affect a Diffusion path ID in a given * repository. You can call this multiple times to select revisions for * several paths. * * @param int Diffusion repository ID. * @param int Diffusion path ID. * @return this * @task config */ public function withPath($repository_id, $path_id) { $this->pathIDs[] = array( 'repositoryID' => $repository_id, 'pathID' => $path_id, ); return $this; } /** * Filter results to revisions authored by one of the given PHIDs. Calling * this function will clear anything set by previous calls to * @{method:withAuthors}. * * @param array List of PHIDs of authors * @return this * @task config */ public function withAuthors(array $author_phids) { $this->authors = $author_phids; return $this; } /** * Filter results to revisions with comments authored bythe given PHIDs * * @param array List of PHIDs of authors * @return this * @task config */ public function withDraftRepliesByAuthors(array $author_phids) { $this->draftAuthors = $author_phids; return $this; } /** * Filter results to revisions which CC one of the listed people. Calling this * function will clear anything set by previous calls to @{method:withCCs}. * * @param array List of PHIDs of subscribers * @return this * @task config */ public function withCCs(array $cc_phids) { $this->ccs = $cc_phids; return $this; } /** * Filter results to revisions that have one of the provided PHIDs as * reviewers. Calling this function will clear anything set by previous calls * to @{method:withReviewers}. * * @param array List of PHIDs of reviewers * @return this * @task config */ public function withReviewers(array $reviewer_phids) { $this->reviewers = $reviewer_phids; return $this; } /** * Filter results to revisions that have one of the provided commit hashes. * Calling this function will clear anything set by previous calls to * @{method:withCommitHashes}. * * @param array List of pairs * @return this * @task config */ public function withCommitHashes(array $commit_hashes) { $this->commitHashes = $commit_hashes; return $this; } /** * Filter results to revisions with a given status. Provide a class constant, * such as ##DifferentialRevisionQuery::STATUS_OPEN##. * * @param const Class STATUS constant, like STATUS_OPEN. * @return this * @task config */ public function withStatus($status_constant) { $this->status = $status_constant; return $this; } /** * Filter results to revisions on given branches. * * @param list List of branch names. * @return this * @task config */ public function withBranches(array $branches) { $this->branches = $branches; return $this; } /** * Filter results to only return revisions whose ids are in the given set. * * @param array List of revision ids * @return this * @task config */ public function withIDs(array $ids) { $this->revIDs = $ids; return $this; } /** * Filter results to only return revisions whose PHIDs are in the given set. * * @param array List of revision PHIDs * @return this * @task config */ public function withPHIDs(array $phids) { $this->phids = $phids; return $this; } /** * Given a set of users, filter results to return only revisions they are * responsible for (i.e., they are either authors or reviewers). * * @param array List of user PHIDs. * @return this * @task config */ public function withResponsibleUsers(array $responsible_phids) { $this->responsibles = $responsible_phids; return $this; } /** * Filter results to only return revisions with a given set of subscribers * (i.e., they are authors, reviewers or CC'd). * * @param array List of user PHIDs. * @return this * @task config */ public function withSubscribers(array $subscriber_phids) { $this->subscribers = $subscriber_phids; return $this; } /** * Filter results to only return revisions with a given set of arcanist * projects. * * @param array List of project PHIDs. * @return this * @task config */ public function withArcanistProjectPHIDs(array $arc_project_phids) { $this->arcanistProjectPHIDs = $arc_project_phids; return $this; } public function withRepositoryPHIDs(array $repository_phids) { $this->repositoryPHIDs = $repository_phids; return $this; } /** * Set result ordering. Provide a class constant, such as * ##DifferentialRevisionQuery::ORDER_CREATED##. * * @task config */ public function setOrder($order_constant) { $this->order = $order_constant; return $this; } /** * Set whether or not the query will load and attach relationships. * * @param bool True to load and attach relationships. * @return this * @task config */ public function needRelationships($need_relationships) { $this->needRelationships = $need_relationships; return $this; } /** * Set whether or not the query should load the active diff for each * revision. * * @param bool True to load and attach diffs. * @return this * @task config */ public function needActiveDiffs($need_active_diffs) { $this->needActiveDiffs = $need_active_diffs; return $this; } /** * Set whether or not the query should load the associated commit PHIDs for * each revision. * * @param bool True to load and attach diffs. * @return this * @task config */ public function needCommitPHIDs($need_commit_phids) { $this->needCommitPHIDs = $need_commit_phids; return $this; } /** * Set whether or not the query should load associated diff IDs for each * revision. * * @param bool True to load and attach diff IDs. * @return this * @task config */ public function needDiffIDs($need_diff_ids) { $this->needDiffIDs = $need_diff_ids; return $this; } /** * Set whether or not the query should load associated commit hashes for each * revision. * * @param bool True to load and attach commit hashes. * @return this * @task config */ public function needHashes($need_hashes) { $this->needHashes = $need_hashes; return $this; } /** * Set whether or not the query should load associated reviewer status. * * @param bool True to load and attach reviewers. * @return this * @task config */ public function needReviewerStatus($need_reviewer_status) { $this->needReviewerStatus = $need_reviewer_status; return $this; } /* -( Query Execution )---------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Execute the query as configured, returning matching * @{class:DifferentialRevision} objects. * * @return list List of matching DifferentialRevision objects. * @task exec */ public function loadPage() { $table = new DifferentialRevision(); $conn_r = $table->establishConnection('r'); $data = $this->loadData(); return $table->loadAllFromArray($data); } public function willFilterPage(array $revisions) { $viewer = $this->getViewer(); $repository_phids = mpull($revisions, 'getRepositoryPHID'); $repository_phids = array_filter($repository_phids); $repositories = array(); if ($repository_phids) { $repositories = id(new PhabricatorRepositoryQuery()) ->setViewer($this->getViewer()) ->withPHIDs($repository_phids) ->execute(); $repositories = mpull($repositories, null, 'getPHID'); } // If a revision is associated with a repository: // // - the viewer must be able to see the repository; or // - the viewer must have an automatic view capability. // // In the latter case, we'll load the revision but not load the repository. $can_view = PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW; foreach ($revisions as $key => $revision) { $repo_phid = $revision->getRepositoryPHID(); if (!$repo_phid) { // The revision has no associated repository. Attach `null` and move on. $revision->attachRepository(null); continue; } $repository = idx($repositories, $repo_phid); if ($repository) { // The revision has an associated repository, and the viewer can see // it. Attach it and move on. $revision->attachRepository($repository); continue; } if ($revision->hasAutomaticCapability($can_view, $viewer)) { // The revision has an associated repository which the viewer can not // see, but the viewer has an automatic capability on this revision. // Load the revision without attaching a repository. $revision->attachRepository(null); continue; } // The revision has an associated repository, and the viewer can't see // it, and the viewer has no special capabilities. Filter out this // revision. + $this->didRejectResult($revision); unset($revisions[$key]); } + if (!$revisions) { + return array(); + } $table = new DifferentialRevision(); $conn_r = $table->establishConnection('r'); if ($this->needRelationships) { $this->loadRelationships($conn_r, $revisions); } if ($this->needCommitPHIDs) { $this->loadCommitPHIDs($conn_r, $revisions); } $need_active = $this->needActiveDiffs; $need_ids = $need_active || $this->needDiffIDs; if ($need_ids) { $this->loadDiffIDs($conn_r, $revisions); } if ($need_active) { $this->loadActiveDiffs($conn_r, $revisions); } if ($this->needHashes) { $this->loadHashes($conn_r, $revisions); } if ($this->needReviewerStatus) { $this->loadReviewers($conn_r, $revisions); } return $revisions; } private function loadData() { $table = new DifferentialRevision(); $conn_r = $table->establishConnection('r'); if ($this->draftAuthors) { $this->draftRevisions = array(); $draft_key = 'differential-comment-'; $drafts = id(new PhabricatorDraft())->loadAllWhere( 'authorPHID IN (%Ls) AND draftKey LIKE %> AND draft != %s', $this->draftAuthors, $draft_key, ''); $len = strlen($draft_key); foreach ($drafts as $draft) { $this->draftRevisions[] = substr($draft->getDraftKey(), $len); } $inlines = id(new DifferentialInlineCommentQuery()) ->withDraftsByAuthors($this->draftAuthors) ->execute(); foreach ($inlines as $inline) { $this->draftRevisions[] = $inline->getRevisionID(); } if (!$this->draftRevisions) { return array(); } } $selects = array(); // NOTE: If the query includes "responsiblePHIDs", we execute it as a // UNION of revisions they own and revisions they're reviewing. This has // much better performance than doing it with JOIN/WHERE. if ($this->responsibles) { $basic_authors = $this->authors; $basic_reviewers = $this->reviewers; try { // Build the query where the responsible users are authors. $this->authors = array_merge($basic_authors, $this->responsibles); $this->reviewers = $basic_reviewers; $selects[] = $this->buildSelectStatement($conn_r); // Build the query where the responsible users are reviewers. $this->authors = $basic_authors; $this->reviewers = array_merge($basic_reviewers, $this->responsibles); $selects[] = $this->buildSelectStatement($conn_r); // Put everything back like it was. $this->authors = $basic_authors; $this->reviewers = $basic_reviewers; } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->authors = $basic_authors; $this->reviewers = $basic_reviewers; throw $ex; } } else { $selects[] = $this->buildSelectStatement($conn_r); } if (count($selects) > 1) { $this->buildingGlobalOrder = true; $query = qsprintf( $conn_r, '%Q %Q %Q', implode(' UNION DISTINCT ', $selects), $this->buildOrderClause($conn_r), $this->buildLimitClause($conn_r)); } else { $query = head($selects); } return queryfx_all($conn_r, '%Q', $query); } private function buildSelectStatement(AphrontDatabaseConnection $conn_r) { $table = new DifferentialRevision(); $select = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'SELECT r.* FROM %T r', $table->getTableName()); $joins = $this->buildJoinsClause($conn_r); $where = $this->buildWhereClause($conn_r); $group_by = $this->buildGroupByClause($conn_r); $this->buildingGlobalOrder = false; $order_by = $this->buildOrderClause($conn_r); $limit = $this->buildLimitClause($conn_r); return qsprintf( $conn_r, '(%Q %Q %Q %Q %Q %Q)', $select, $joins, $where, $group_by, $order_by, $limit); } /* -( Internals )---------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * @task internal */ private function buildJoinsClause($conn_r) { $joins = array(); if ($this->pathIDs) { $path_table = new DifferentialAffectedPath(); $joins[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'JOIN %T p ON p.revisionID = r.id', $path_table->getTableName()); } if ($this->commitHashes) { $joins[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'JOIN %T hash_rel ON hash_rel.revisionID = r.id', ArcanistDifferentialRevisionHash::TABLE_NAME); } if ($this->ccs) { $joins[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'JOIN %T cc_rel ON cc_rel.revisionID = r.id '. 'AND cc_rel.relation = %s '. 'AND cc_rel.objectPHID in (%Ls)', DifferentialRevision::RELATIONSHIP_TABLE, DifferentialRevision::RELATION_SUBSCRIBED, $this->ccs); } if ($this->reviewers) { $joins[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'JOIN %T reviewer_rel ON reviewer_rel.revisionID = r.id '. 'AND reviewer_rel.relation = %s '. 'AND reviewer_rel.objectPHID in (%Ls)', DifferentialRevision::RELATIONSHIP_TABLE, DifferentialRevision::RELATION_REVIEWER, $this->reviewers); } if ($this->subscribers) { $joins[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'JOIN %T sub_rel ON sub_rel.revisionID = r.id '. 'AND sub_rel.relation IN (%Ls) '. 'AND sub_rel.objectPHID in (%Ls)', DifferentialRevision::RELATIONSHIP_TABLE, array( DifferentialRevision::RELATION_SUBSCRIBED, DifferentialRevision::RELATION_REVIEWER, ), $this->subscribers); } $joins = implode(' ', $joins); return $joins; } /** * @task internal */ private function buildWhereClause($conn_r) { $where = array(); if ($this->pathIDs) { $path_clauses = array(); $repo_info = igroup($this->pathIDs, 'repositoryID'); foreach ($repo_info as $repository_id => $paths) { $path_clauses[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, '(p.repositoryID = %d AND p.pathID IN (%Ld))', $repository_id, ipull($paths, 'pathID')); } $path_clauses = '('.implode(' OR ', $path_clauses).')'; $where[] = $path_clauses; } if ($this->authors) { $where[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'r.authorPHID IN (%Ls)', $this->authors); } if ($this->draftRevisions) { $where[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'r.id IN (%Ld)', $this->draftRevisions); } if ($this->revIDs) { $where[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'r.id IN (%Ld)', $this->revIDs); } if ($this->repositoryPHIDs) { $where[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'r.repositoryPHID IN (%Ls)', $this->repositoryPHIDs); } if ($this->commitHashes) { $hash_clauses = array(); foreach ($this->commitHashes as $info) { list($type, $hash) = $info; $hash_clauses[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, '(hash_rel.type = %s AND hash_rel.hash = %s)', $type, $hash); } $hash_clauses = '('.implode(' OR ', $hash_clauses).')'; $where[] = $hash_clauses; } if ($this->phids) { $where[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'r.phid IN (%Ls)', $this->phids); } if ($this->branches) { $where[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'r.branchName in (%Ls)', $this->branches); } if ($this->arcanistProjectPHIDs) { $where[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'r.arcanistProjectPHID in (%Ls)', $this->arcanistProjectPHIDs); } switch ($this->status) { case self::STATUS_ANY: break; case self::STATUS_OPEN: $where[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'r.status IN (%Ld)', array( ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::NEEDS_REVIEW, ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::NEEDS_REVISION, ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::ACCEPTED, )); break; case self::STATUS_NEEDS_REVIEW: $where[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'r.status IN (%Ld)', array( ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::NEEDS_REVIEW, )); break; case self::STATUS_NEEDS_REVISION: $where[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'r.status IN (%Ld)', array( ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::NEEDS_REVISION, )); break; case self::STATUS_ACCEPTED: $where[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'r.status IN (%Ld)', array( ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::ACCEPTED, )); break; case self::STATUS_COMMITTED: phlog( "WARNING: DifferentialRevisionQuery using deprecated ". "STATUS_COMMITTED constant. This will be removed soon. ". "Use STATUS_CLOSED."); // fallthrough case self::STATUS_CLOSED: $where[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'r.status IN (%Ld)', array( ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::CLOSED, )); break; case self::STATUS_ABANDONED: $where[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'r.status IN (%Ld)', array( ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::ABANDONED, )); break; default: throw new Exception( "Unknown revision status filter constant '{$this->status}'!"); } $where[] = $this->buildPagingClause($conn_r); return $this->formatWhereClause($where); } /** * @task internal */ private function buildGroupByClause($conn_r) { $join_triggers = array_merge( $this->pathIDs, $this->ccs, $this->reviewers, $this->subscribers); $needs_distinct = (count($join_triggers) > 1); if ($needs_distinct) { return 'GROUP BY r.id'; } else { return ''; } } private function loadCursorObject($id) { $results = id(new DifferentialRevisionQuery()) ->setViewer($this->getPagingViewer()) ->withIDs(array((int)$id)) ->execute(); return head($results); } protected function buildPagingClause(AphrontDatabaseConnection $conn_r) { $default = parent::buildPagingClause($conn_r); $before_id = $this->getBeforeID(); $after_id = $this->getAfterID(); if (!$before_id && !$after_id) { return $default; } if ($before_id) { $cursor = $this->loadCursorObject($before_id); } else { $cursor = $this->loadCursorObject($after_id); } if (!$cursor) { return null; } $columns = array(); switch ($this->order) { case self::ORDER_CREATED: return $default; case self::ORDER_MODIFIED: $columns[] = array( 'name' => 'r.dateModified', 'value' => $cursor->getDateModified(), 'type' => 'int', ); break; case self::ORDER_PATH_MODIFIED: $columns[] = array( 'name' => 'p.epoch', 'value' => $cursor->getDateCreated(), 'type' => 'int', ); break; } $columns[] = array( 'name' => 'r.id', 'value' => $cursor->getID(), 'type' => 'int', ); return $this->buildPagingClauseFromMultipleColumns( $conn_r, $columns, array( 'reversed' => (bool)($before_id xor $this->getReversePaging()), )); } protected function getPagingColumn() { $is_global = $this->buildingGlobalOrder; switch ($this->order) { case self::ORDER_MODIFIED: if ($is_global) { return 'dateModified'; } return 'r.dateModified'; case self::ORDER_CREATED: if ($is_global) { return 'id'; } return 'r.id'; case self::ORDER_PATH_MODIFIED: if (!$this->pathIDs) { throw new Exception( "To use ORDER_PATH_MODIFIED, you must specify withPath()."); } return 'p.epoch'; default: throw new Exception("Unknown query order constant '{$this->order}'."); } } private function loadRelationships($conn_r, array $revisions) { assert_instances_of($revisions, 'DifferentialRevision'); $relationships = queryfx_all( $conn_r, 'SELECT * FROM %T WHERE revisionID in (%Ld) ORDER BY sequence', DifferentialRevision::RELATIONSHIP_TABLE, mpull($revisions, 'getID')); $relationships = igroup($relationships, 'revisionID'); foreach ($revisions as $revision) { $revision->attachRelationships( idx( $relationships, $revision->getID(), array())); } } private function loadCommitPHIDs($conn_r, array $revisions) { assert_instances_of($revisions, 'DifferentialRevision'); $commit_phids = queryfx_all( $conn_r, 'SELECT * FROM %T WHERE revisionID IN (%Ld)', DifferentialRevision::TABLE_COMMIT, mpull($revisions, 'getID')); $commit_phids = igroup($commit_phids, 'revisionID'); foreach ($revisions as $revision) { $phids = idx($commit_phids, $revision->getID(), array()); $phids = ipull($phids, 'commitPHID'); $revision->attachCommitPHIDs($phids); } } private function loadDiffIDs($conn_r, array $revisions) { assert_instances_of($revisions, 'DifferentialRevision'); $diff_table = new DifferentialDiff(); $diff_ids = queryfx_all( $conn_r, 'SELECT revisionID, id FROM %T WHERE revisionID IN (%Ld) ORDER BY id DESC', $diff_table->getTableName(), mpull($revisions, 'getID')); $diff_ids = igroup($diff_ids, 'revisionID'); foreach ($revisions as $revision) { $ids = idx($diff_ids, $revision->getID(), array()); $ids = ipull($ids, 'id'); $revision->attachDiffIDs($ids); } } private function loadActiveDiffs($conn_r, array $revisions) { assert_instances_of($revisions, 'DifferentialRevision'); $diff_table = new DifferentialDiff(); $load_ids = array(); foreach ($revisions as $revision) { $diffs = $revision->getDiffIDs(); if ($diffs) { $load_ids[] = max($diffs); } } $active_diffs = array(); if ($load_ids) { $active_diffs = $diff_table->loadAllWhere( 'id IN (%Ld)', $load_ids); } $active_diffs = mpull($active_diffs, null, 'getRevisionID'); foreach ($revisions as $revision) { $revision->attachActiveDiff(idx($active_diffs, $revision->getID())); } } private function loadHashes( AphrontDatabaseConnection $conn_r, array $revisions) { assert_instances_of($revisions, 'DifferentialRevision'); $data = queryfx_all( $conn_r, 'SELECT * FROM %T WHERE revisionID IN (%Ld)', 'differential_revisionhash', mpull($revisions, 'getID')); $data = igroup($data, 'revisionID'); foreach ($revisions as $revision) { $hashes = idx($data, $revision->getID(), array()); $list = array(); foreach ($hashes as $hash) { $list[] = array($hash['type'], $hash['hash']); } $revision->attachHashes($list); } } private function loadReviewers( AphrontDatabaseConnection $conn_r, array $revisions) { assert_instances_of($revisions, 'DifferentialRevision'); $edge_type = PhabricatorEdgeConfig::TYPE_DREV_HAS_REVIEWER; $edges = id(new PhabricatorEdgeQuery()) ->withSourcePHIDs(mpull($revisions, 'getPHID')) ->withEdgeTypes(array($edge_type)) ->needEdgeData(true) ->execute(); foreach ($revisions as $revision) { $revision_edges = $edges[$revision->getPHID()][$edge_type]; $reviewers = array(); foreach ($revision_edges as $user_phid => $edge) { $data = $edge['data']; $reviewers[] = new DifferentialReviewer( $user_phid, idx($data, 'status'), idx($data, 'diff')); } $revision->attachReviewerStatus($reviewers); } } public static function splitResponsible(array $revisions, array $user_phids) { $blocking = array(); $active = array(); $waiting = array(); $status_review = ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::NEEDS_REVIEW; // Bucket revisions into $blocking (revisions where you are blocking // others), $active (revisions you need to do something about) and $waiting // (revisions you're waiting on someone else to do something about). foreach ($revisions as $revision) { $needs_review = ($revision->getStatus() == $status_review); $filter_is_author = in_array($revision->getAuthorPHID(), $user_phids); if (!$revision->getReviewers()) { $needs_review = false; } // If exactly one of "needs review" and "the user is the author" is // true, the user needs to act on it. Otherwise, they're waiting on // it. if ($needs_review ^ $filter_is_author) { if ($needs_review) { array_unshift($blocking, $revision); } else { $active[] = $revision; } } else { $waiting[] = $revision; } } return array($blocking, $active, $waiting); } } diff --git a/src/applications/differential/storage/DifferentialRevision.php b/src/applications/differential/storage/DifferentialRevision.php index ba9e7a0383..2533a3789c 100644 --- a/src/applications/differential/storage/DifferentialRevision.php +++ b/src/applications/differential/storage/DifferentialRevision.php @@ -1,377 +1,377 @@ true, self::CONFIG_SERIALIZATION => array( 'attached' => self::SERIALIZATION_JSON, 'unsubscribed' => self::SERIALIZATION_JSON, ), ) + parent::getConfiguration(); } public function setTitle($title) { $this->title = $title; if (!$this->getID()) { $this->originalTitle = $title; } return $this; } public function loadIDsByCommitPHIDs($phids) { if (!$phids) { return array(); } $revision_ids = queryfx_all( $this->establishConnection('r'), 'SELECT * FROM %T WHERE commitPHID IN (%Ls)', self::TABLE_COMMIT, $phids); return ipull($revision_ids, 'revisionID', 'commitPHID'); } public function loadCommitPHIDs() { if (!$this->getID()) { return ($this->commits = array()); } $commits = queryfx_all( $this->establishConnection('r'), 'SELECT commitPHID FROM %T WHERE revisionID = %d', self::TABLE_COMMIT, $this->getID()); $commits = ipull($commits, 'commitPHID'); return ($this->commits = $commits); } public function getCommitPHIDs() { return $this->assertAttached($this->commits); } public function getActiveDiff() { // TODO: Because it's currently technically possible to create a revision // without an associated diff, we allow an attached-but-null active diff. // It would be good to get rid of this once we make diff-attaching // transactional. return $this->assertAttached($this->activeDiff); } public function attachActiveDiff($diff) { $this->activeDiff = $diff; return $this; } public function getDiffIDs() { return $this->assertAttached($this->diffIDs); } public function attachDiffIDs(array $ids) { rsort($ids); $this->diffIDs = array_values($ids); return $this; } public function attachCommitPHIDs(array $phids) { $this->commits = array_values($phids); return $this; } public function getAttachedPHIDs($type) { return array_keys(idx($this->attached, $type, array())); } public function setAttachedPHIDs($type, array $phids) { $this->attached[$type] = array_fill_keys($phids, array()); return $this; } public function generatePHID() { return PhabricatorPHID::generateNewPHID( DifferentialPHIDTypeRevision::TYPECONST); } public function loadComments() { if (!$this->getID()) { return array(); } return id(new DifferentialCommentQuery()) ->withRevisionIDs(array($this->getID())) ->execute(); } public function loadActiveDiff() { return id(new DifferentialDiff())->loadOneWhere( 'revisionID = %d ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1', $this->getID()); } public function save() { if (!$this->getMailKey()) { $this->mailKey = Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(40); } return parent::save(); } public function delete() { $this->openTransaction(); $diffs = id(new DifferentialDiffQuery()) ->setViewer(PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser()) ->withRevisionIDs(array($this->getID())) ->execute(); foreach ($diffs as $diff) { $diff->delete(); } $conn_w = $this->establishConnection('w'); queryfx( $conn_w, 'DELETE FROM %T WHERE revisionID = %d', self::RELATIONSHIP_TABLE, $this->getID()); queryfx( $conn_w, 'DELETE FROM %T WHERE revisionID = %d', self::TABLE_COMMIT, $this->getID()); $comments = id(new DifferentialCommentQuery()) ->withRevisionIDs(array($this->getID())) ->execute(); foreach ($comments as $comment) { $comment->delete(); } $inlines = id(new DifferentialInlineCommentQuery()) ->withRevisionIDs(array($this->getID())) ->execute(); foreach ($inlines as $inline) { $inline->delete(); } $fields = id(new DifferentialAuxiliaryField())->loadAllWhere( 'revisionPHID = %s', $this->getPHID()); foreach ($fields as $field) { $field->delete(); } // we have to do paths a little differentally as they do not have // an id or phid column for delete() to act on $dummy_path = new DifferentialAffectedPath(); queryfx( $conn_w, 'DELETE FROM %T WHERE revisionID = %d', $dummy_path->getTableName(), $this->getID()); $result = parent::delete(); $this->saveTransaction(); return $result; } public function loadRelationships() { if (!$this->getID()) { $this->relationships = array(); return; } $data = queryfx_all( $this->establishConnection('r'), 'SELECT * FROM %T WHERE revisionID = %d ORDER BY sequence', self::RELATIONSHIP_TABLE, $this->getID()); return $this->attachRelationships($data); } public function attachRelationships(array $relationships) { $this->relationships = igroup($relationships, 'relation'); return $this; } public function getReviewers() { return $this->getRelatedPHIDs(self::RELATION_REVIEWER); } public function getCCPHIDs() { return $this->getRelatedPHIDs(self::RELATION_SUBSCRIBED); } private function getRelatedPHIDs($relation) { $this->assertAttached($this->relationships); return ipull($this->getRawRelations($relation), 'objectPHID'); } public function getRawRelations($relation) { return idx($this->relationships, $relation, array()); } public function loadUnsubscribedPHIDs() { return PhabricatorEdgeQuery::loadDestinationPHIDs( $this->phid, PhabricatorEdgeConfig::TYPE_OBJECT_HAS_UNSUBSCRIBER); } public function getPrimaryReviewer() { $reviewers = $this->getReviewers(); $last = $this->lastReviewerPHID; if (!$last || !in_array($last, $reviewers)) { return head($this->getReviewers()); } return $last; } public function loadReviewedBy() { $reviewer = null; if ($this->status == ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::ACCEPTED || $this->status == ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::CLOSED) { $comments = $this->loadComments(); foreach ($comments as $comment) { $action = $comment->getAction(); if ($action == DifferentialAction::ACTION_ACCEPT) { $reviewer = $comment->getAuthorPHID(); } else if ($action == DifferentialAction::ACTION_REJECT || $action == DifferentialAction::ACTION_ABANDON || $action == DifferentialAction::ACTION_RETHINK) { $reviewer = null; } } } return $reviewer; } public function getHashes() { return $this->assertAttached($this->hashes); } public function attachHashes(array $hashes) { $this->hashes = $hashes; return $this; } public function getCapabilities() { return array( PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT, ); } public function getPolicy($capability) { switch ($capability) { case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW: return $this->getViewPolicy(); case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT: return $this->getEditPolicy(); } } public function hasAutomaticCapability($capability, PhabricatorUser $user) { // A revision's author (which effectively means "owner" after we added // commandeering) can always view and edit it. $author_phid = $this->getAuthorPHID(); if ($author_phid) { if ($user->getPHID() == $author_phid) { return true; } } return false; } public function describeAutomaticCapability($capability) { $description = array( pht('The owner of a revision can always view and edit it.'), ); switch ($capability) { case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW: $description[] = pht( "A revision's reviewers can always view it."); - if ($this->getRepository()) { + if ($this->getRepositoryPHID()) { $description[] = pht( 'This revision belongs to a repository. Other users must be able '. 'to view the repository in order to view this revision.'); } break; } return $description; } public function getUsersToNotifyOfTokenGiven() { return array( $this->getAuthorPHID(), ); } public function getReviewerStatus() { return $this->assertAttached($this->reviewerStatus); } public function attachReviewerStatus(array $reviewers) { assert_instances_of($reviewers, 'DifferentialReviewer'); $this->reviewerStatus = $reviewers; return $this; } public function getRepository() { return $this->assertAttached($this->repository); } public function attachRepository(PhabricatorRepository $repository = null) { $this->repository = $repository; return $this; } } diff --git a/src/applications/policy/exception/PhabricatorPolicyException.php b/src/applications/policy/exception/PhabricatorPolicyException.php index 2e43cc0ed3..89649a3b8c 100644 --- a/src/applications/policy/exception/PhabricatorPolicyException.php +++ b/src/applications/policy/exception/PhabricatorPolicyException.php @@ -1,5 +1,16 @@ moreInfo = $more_info; + return $this; + } + + public function getMoreInfo() { + return $this->moreInfo; + } + } diff --git a/src/applications/policy/filter/PhabricatorPolicyFilter.php b/src/applications/policy/filter/PhabricatorPolicyFilter.php index ec8b7af87a..b5907e6a7a 100644 --- a/src/applications/policy/filter/PhabricatorPolicyFilter.php +++ b/src/applications/policy/filter/PhabricatorPolicyFilter.php @@ -1,294 +1,369 @@ setViewer($user); $filter->requireCapabilities(array($capability)); $filter->raisePolicyExceptions(true); $filter->apply(array($object)); } public static function hasCapability( PhabricatorUser $user, PhabricatorPolicyInterface $object, $capability) { $filter = new PhabricatorPolicyFilter(); $filter->setViewer($user); $filter->requireCapabilities(array($capability)); $result = $filter->apply(array($object)); return (count($result) == 1); } public function setViewer(PhabricatorUser $user) { $this->viewer = $user; return $this; } public function requireCapabilities(array $capabilities) { $this->capabilities = $capabilities; return $this; } public function raisePolicyExceptions($raise) { $this->raisePolicyExceptions = $raise; return $this; } public function apply(array $objects) { assert_instances_of($objects, 'PhabricatorPolicyInterface'); $viewer = $this->viewer; $capabilities = $this->capabilities; if (!$viewer || !$capabilities) { throw new Exception( 'Call setViewer() and requireCapabilities() before apply()!'); } // If the viewer is omnipotent, short circuit all the checks and just // return the input unmodified. This is an optimization; we know the // result already. if ($viewer->isOmnipotent()) { return $objects; } $filtered = array(); $viewer_phid = $viewer->getPHID(); if (empty($this->userProjects[$viewer_phid])) { $this->userProjects[$viewer_phid] = array(); } $need_projects = array(); foreach ($objects as $key => $object) { $object_capabilities = $object->getCapabilities(); foreach ($capabilities as $capability) { if (!in_array($capability, $object_capabilities)) { throw new Exception( "Testing for capability '{$capability}' on an object which does ". "not have that capability!"); } $policy = $object->getPolicy($capability); $type = phid_get_type($policy); if ($type == PhabricatorProjectPHIDTypeProject::TYPECONST) { $need_projects[$policy] = $policy; } } } // If we need projects, check if any of the projects we need are also the // objects we're filtering. Because of how project rules work, this is a // common case. if ($need_projects) { foreach ($objects as $object) { if ($object instanceof PhabricatorProject) { $project_phid = $object->getPHID(); if (isset($need_projects[$project_phid])) { $is_member = $object->isUserMember($viewer_phid); $this->userProjects[$viewer_phid][$project_phid] = $is_member; unset($need_projects[$project_phid]); } } } } if ($need_projects) { $need_projects = array_unique($need_projects); // NOTE: We're using the omnipotent user here to avoid a recursive // descent into madness. We don't actually need to know if the user can // see these projects or not, since: the check is "user is member of // project", not "user can see project"; and membership implies // visibility anyway. Without this, we may load other projects and // re-enter the policy filter and generally create a huge mess. $projects = id(new PhabricatorProjectQuery()) ->setViewer(PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser()) ->withMemberPHIDs(array($viewer->getPHID())) ->withPHIDs($need_projects) ->execute(); foreach ($projects as $project) { $this->userProjects[$viewer_phid][$project->getPHID()] = true; } } foreach ($objects as $key => $object) { $object_capabilities = $object->getCapabilities(); foreach ($capabilities as $capability) { if (!$this->checkCapability($object, $capability)) { // If we're missing any capability, move on to the next object. continue 2; } // If we make it here, we have all of the required capabilities. $filtered[$key] = $object; } } return $filtered; } private function checkCapability( PhabricatorPolicyInterface $object, $capability) { $policy = $object->getPolicy($capability); if (!$policy) { // TODO: Formalize this somehow? $policy = PhabricatorPolicies::POLICY_USER; } if ($policy == PhabricatorPolicies::POLICY_PUBLIC) { // If the object is set to "public" but that policy is disabled for this // install, restrict the policy to "user". if (!PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('policy.allow-public')) { $policy = PhabricatorPolicies::POLICY_USER; } // If the object is set to "public" but the capability is anything other // than "view", restrict the policy to "user". if ($capability != PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW) { $policy = PhabricatorPolicies::POLICY_USER; } } $viewer = $this->viewer; if ($viewer->isOmnipotent()) { return true; } if ($object->hasAutomaticCapability($capability, $viewer)) { return true; } switch ($policy) { case PhabricatorPolicies::POLICY_PUBLIC: return true; case PhabricatorPolicies::POLICY_USER: if ($viewer->getPHID()) { return true; } else { $this->rejectObject($object, $policy, $capability); } break; case PhabricatorPolicies::POLICY_ADMIN: if ($viewer->getIsAdmin()) { return true; } else { $this->rejectObject($object, $policy, $capability); } break; case PhabricatorPolicies::POLICY_NOONE: $this->rejectObject($object, $policy, $capability); break; default: $type = phid_get_type($policy); if ($type == PhabricatorProjectPHIDTypeProject::TYPECONST) { if (!empty($this->userProjects[$viewer->getPHID()][$policy])) { return true; } else { $this->rejectObject($object, $policy, $capability); } } else if ($type == PhabricatorPeoplePHIDTypeUser::TYPECONST) { if ($viewer->getPHID() == $policy) { return true; } else { $this->rejectObject($object, $policy, $capability); } } else { throw new Exception("Object has unknown policy '{$policy}'!"); } } return false; } private function rejectImpossiblePolicy( PhabricatorPolicyInterface $object, $policy, $capability) { if (!$this->raisePolicyExceptions) { return; } // TODO: clean this up $verb = $capability; throw new PhabricatorPolicyException( "This object has an impossible {$verb} policy."); } - private function rejectObject($object, $policy, $capability) { + public function rejectObject( + PhabricatorPolicyInterface $object, + $policy, + $capability) { + if (!$this->raisePolicyExceptions) { return; } - // TODO: clean this up - $verb = $capability; - - $message = "You do not have permission to {$verb} this object."; + $more = array(); + switch ($capability) { + case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW: + $message = pht( + 'This object exists, but you do not have permission to view it.'); + break; + case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT: + $message = pht('You do not have permission to edit this object.'); + break; + case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_JOIN: + $message = pht('You do not have permission to join this object.'); + break; + } switch ($policy) { case PhabricatorPolicies::POLICY_PUBLIC: - $who = "This is curious, since anyone can {$verb} the object."; + // Presumably, this is a bug, so we don't bother specializing the + // strings. + $more = pht('This object is public.'); break; case PhabricatorPolicies::POLICY_USER: - $who = "To {$verb} this object, you must be logged in."; + // We always raise this as "log in", so we don't need to specialize. + $more = pht('This object is available to logged in users.'); break; case PhabricatorPolicies::POLICY_ADMIN: - $who = "To {$verb} this object, you must be an administrator."; + switch ($capability) { + case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW: + $more = pht('Administrators can view this object.'); + break; + case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT: + $more = pht('Administrators can edit this object.'); + break; + case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_JOIN: + $more = pht('Administrators can join this object.'); + break; + } break; case PhabricatorPolicies::POLICY_NOONE: - $who = "No one can {$verb} this object."; + switch ($capability) { + case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW: + $more = pht('By default, no one can view this object.'); + break; + case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT: + $more = pht('By default, no one can edit this object.'); + break; + case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_JOIN: + $more = pht('By default, no one can join this object.'); + break; + } break; default: $handle = id(new PhabricatorHandleQuery()) ->setViewer($this->viewer) ->withPHIDs(array($policy)) ->executeOne(); $type = phid_get_type($policy); if ($type == PhabricatorProjectPHIDTypeProject::TYPECONST) { - $who = "To {$verb} this object, you must be a member of project ". - "'".$handle->getFullName()."'."; + switch ($capability) { + case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW: + $more = pht( + 'This object is visible to members of the project "%s".', + $handle->getFullName()); + break; + case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT: + $more = pht( + 'This object can be edited by members of the project "%s".', + $handle->getFullName()); + break; + case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_JOIN: + $more = pht( + 'This object can be joined by members of the project "%s".', + $handle->getFullName()); + break; + } } else if ($type == PhabricatorPeoplePHIDTypeUser::TYPECONST) { - $who = "Only '".$handle->getFullName()."' can {$verb} this object."; + switch ($capability) { + case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW: + $more = pht( + '%s can view this object.', + $handle->getFullName()); + break; + case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT: + $more = pht( + '%s can edit this object.', + $handle->getFullName()); + break; + case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_JOIN: + $more = pht( + '%s can join this object.', + $handle->getFullName()); + break; + } + } else { - $who = "It is unclear who can {$verb} this object."; + $who = pht("This object has an unknown policy setting."); } break; } - throw new PhabricatorPolicyException("{$message} {$who}"); + $more = array_merge( + array($more), + array_filter((array)$object->describeAutomaticCapability($capability))); + + $exception = new PhabricatorPolicyException($message); + $exception->setMoreInfo($more); + + throw $exception; } } diff --git a/src/infrastructure/query/policy/PhabricatorPolicyAwareQuery.php b/src/infrastructure/query/policy/PhabricatorPolicyAwareQuery.php index a5e74c6a2b..f985d43e67 100644 --- a/src/infrastructure/query/policy/PhabricatorPolicyAwareQuery.php +++ b/src/infrastructure/query/policy/PhabricatorPolicyAwareQuery.php @@ -1,401 +1,413 @@ setViewer($user) * ->withConstraint($example) * ->execute(); * * Normally, you should extend @{class:PhabricatorCursorPagedPolicyAwareQuery}, * not this class. @{class:PhabricatorCursorPagedPolicyAwareQuery} provides a * more practical interface for building usable queries against most object * types. * * NOTE: Although this class extends @{class:PhabricatorOffsetPagedQuery}, * offset paging with policy filtering is not efficient. All results must be * loaded into the application and filtered here: skipping `N` rows via offset * is an `O(N)` operation with a large constant. Prefer cursor-based paging * with @{class:PhabricatorCursorPagedPolicyAwareQuery}, which can filter far * more efficiently in MySQL. * * @task config Query Configuration * @task exec Executing Queries * @task policyimpl Policy Query Implementation */ abstract class PhabricatorPolicyAwareQuery extends PhabricatorOffsetPagedQuery { private $viewer; private $raisePolicyExceptions; private $parentQuery; private $rawResultLimit; private $capabilities; /* -( Query Configuration )------------------------------------------------ */ /** * Set the viewer who is executing the query. Results will be filtered * according to the viewer's capabilities. You must set a viewer to execute * a policy query. * * @param PhabricatorUser The viewing user. * @return this * @task config */ final public function setViewer(PhabricatorUser $viewer) { $this->viewer = $viewer; return $this; } /** * Get the query's viewer. * * @return PhabricatorUser The viewing user. * @task config */ final public function getViewer() { return $this->viewer; } /** * Set the parent query of this query. This is useful for nested queries so * that configuration like whether or not to raise policy exceptions is * seamlessly passed along to child queries. * * @return this * @task config */ final public function setParentQuery(PhabricatorPolicyAwareQuery $query) { $this->parentQuery = $query; return $this; } /** * Get the parent query. See @{method:setParentQuery} for discussion. * * @return PhabricatorPolicyAwareQuery The parent query. * @task config */ final public function getParentQuery() { return $this->parentQuery; } /** * Hook to configure whether this query should raise policy exceptions. * * @return this * @task config */ final public function setRaisePolicyExceptions($bool) { $this->raisePolicyExceptions = $bool; return $this; } /** * @return bool * @task config */ final public function shouldRaisePolicyExceptions() { return (bool) $this->raisePolicyExceptions; } /** * @task config */ final public function requireCapabilities(array $capabilities) { $this->capabilities = $capabilities; return $this; } /* -( Query Execution )---------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Execute the query, expecting a single result. This method simplifies * loading objects for detail pages or edit views. * * // Load one result by ID. * $obj = id(new ExampleQuery()) * ->setViewer($user) * ->withIDs(array($id)) * ->executeOne(); * if (!$obj) { * return new Aphront404Response(); * } * * If zero results match the query, this method returns `null`. * If one result matches the query, this method returns that result. * * If two or more results match the query, this method throws an exception. * You should use this method only when the query constraints guarantee at * most one match (e.g., selecting a specific ID or PHID). * * If one result matches the query but it is caught by the policy filter (for * example, the user is trying to view or edit an object which exists but * which they do not have permission to see) a policy exception is thrown. * * @return mixed Single result, or null. * @task exec */ final public function executeOne() { $this->setRaisePolicyExceptions(true); try { $results = $this->execute(); } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->setRaisePolicyExceptions(false); throw $ex; } if (count($results) > 1) { throw new Exception("Expected a single result!"); } if (!$results) { return null; } return head($results); } /** * Execute the query, loading all visible results. * * @return list Result objects. * @task exec */ final public function execute() { if (!$this->viewer) { throw new Exception("Call setViewer() before execute()!"); } $parent_query = $this->getParentQuery(); if ($parent_query) { $this->setRaisePolicyExceptions( $parent_query->shouldRaisePolicyExceptions()); } $results = array(); - $filter = new PhabricatorPolicyFilter(); - $filter->setViewer($this->viewer); - - if (!$this->capabilities) { - $capabilities = array( - PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW, - ); - } else { - $capabilities = $this->capabilities; - } - $filter->requireCapabilities($capabilities); - $filter->raisePolicyExceptions($this->shouldRaisePolicyExceptions()); + $filter = $this->getPolicyFilter(); $offset = (int)$this->getOffset(); $limit = (int)$this->getLimit(); $count = 0; if ($limit) { $need = $offset + $limit; } else { $need = 0; } $this->willExecute(); do { if ($need) { $this->rawResultLimit = min($need - $count, 1024); } else { $this->rawResultLimit = 0; } try { $page = $this->loadPage(); } catch (PhabricatorEmptyQueryException $ex) { $page = array(); } if ($page) { $maybe_visible = $this->willFilterPage($page); } else { $maybe_visible = array(); } if ($this->shouldDisablePolicyFiltering()) { $visible = $maybe_visible; } else { $visible = $filter->apply($maybe_visible); } $removed = array(); foreach ($maybe_visible as $key => $object) { if (empty($visible[$key])) { $removed[$key] = $object; } } $this->didFilterResults($removed); foreach ($visible as $key => $result) { ++$count; // If we have an offset, we just ignore that many results and start // storing them only once we've hit the offset. This reduces memory // requirements for large offsets, compared to storing them all and // slicing them away later. if ($count > $offset) { $results[$key] = $result; } if ($need && ($count >= $need)) { // If we have all the rows we need, break out of the paging query. break 2; } } if (!$this->rawResultLimit) { // If we don't have a load count, we loaded all the results. We do // not need to load another page. break; } if (count($page) < $this->rawResultLimit) { // If we have a load count but the unfiltered results contained fewer // objects, we know this was the last page of objects; we do not need // to load another page because we can deduce it would be empty. break; } $this->nextPage($page); } while (true); $results = $this->didLoadResults($results); return $results; } + private function getPolicyFilter() { + $filter = new PhabricatorPolicyFilter(); + $filter->setViewer($this->viewer); + if (!$this->capabilities) { + $capabilities = array( + PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW, + ); + } else { + $capabilities = $this->capabilities; + } + $filter->requireCapabilities($capabilities); + $filter->raisePolicyExceptions($this->shouldRaisePolicyExceptions()); + + return $filter; + } + + protected function didRejectResult(PhabricatorPolicyInterface $object) { + $this->getPolicyFilter()->rejectObject( + $object, + $object->getPolicy(PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW), + PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW); + } + /* -( Policy Query Implementation )---------------------------------------- */ /** * Get the number of results @{method:loadPage} should load. If the value is * 0, @{method:loadPage} should load all available results. * * @return int The number of results to load, or 0 for all results. * @task policyimpl */ final protected function getRawResultLimit() { return $this->rawResultLimit; } /** * Hook invoked before query execution. Generally, implementations should * reset any internal cursors. * * @return void * @task policyimpl */ protected function willExecute() { return; } /** * Load a raw page of results. Generally, implementations should load objects * from the database. They should attempt to return the number of results * hinted by @{method:getRawResultLimit}. * * @return list List of filterable policy objects. * @task policyimpl */ abstract protected function loadPage(); /** * Update internal state so that the next call to @{method:loadPage} will * return new results. Generally, you should adjust a cursor position based * on the provided result page. * * @param list The current page of results. * @return void * @task policyimpl */ abstract protected function nextPage(array $page); /** * Hook for applying a page filter prior to the privacy filter. This allows * you to drop some items from the result set without creating problems with * pagination or cursor updates. * * This method will only be called if data is available. Implementations * do not need to handle the case of no results specially. * * @param list Results from `loadPage()`. * @return list Objects for policy filtering. * @task policyimpl */ protected function willFilterPage(array $page) { return $page; } /** * Hook for removing filtered results from alternate result sets. This * hook will be called with any objects which were returned by the query but * filtered for policy reasons. The query should remove them from any cached * or partial result sets. * * @param list List of objects that should not be returned by alternate * result mechanisms. * @return void * @task policyimpl */ protected function didFilterResults(array $results) { return; } /** * Hook for applying final adjustments before results are returned. This is * used by @{class:PhabricatorCursorPagedPolicyAwareQuery} to reverse results * that are queried during reverse paging. * * @param list Query results. * @return list Final results. * @task policyimpl */ protected function didLoadResults(array $results) { return $results; } /** * Allows a subclass to disable policy filtering. This method is dangerous. * It should be used only if the query loads data which has already been * filtered (for example, because it wraps some other query which uses * normal policy filtering). * * @return bool True to disable all policy filtering. * @task policyimpl */ protected function shouldDisablePolicyFiltering() { return false; } }