diff --git a/src/applications/diffusion/controller/DiffusionBrowseController.php b/src/applications/diffusion/controller/DiffusionBrowseController.php index fcef87b7ef..1493d658e6 100644 --- a/src/applications/diffusion/controller/DiffusionBrowseController.php +++ b/src/applications/diffusion/controller/DiffusionBrowseController.php @@ -1,1120 +1,1129 @@ loadDiffusionContext(); if ($response) { return $response; } $drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest(); // Figure out if we're browsing a directory, a file, or a search result // list. $grep = $request->getStr('grep'); if (strlen($grep)) { return $this->browseSearch(); } $pager = id(new PHUIPagerView()) ->readFromRequest($request); $results = DiffusionBrowseResultSet::newFromConduit( $this->callConduitWithDiffusionRequest( 'diffusion.browsequery', array( 'path' => $drequest->getPath(), 'commit' => $drequest->getStableCommit(), 'offset' => $pager->getOffset(), 'limit' => $pager->getPageSize() + 1, ))); $reason = $results->getReasonForEmptyResultSet(); $is_file = ($reason == DiffusionBrowseResultSet::REASON_IS_FILE); if ($is_file) { return $this->browseFile(); } $paths = $results->getPaths(); $paths = $pager->sliceResults($paths); $results->setPaths($paths); return $this->browseDirectory($results, $pager); } private function browseSearch() { $drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest(); $header = $this->buildHeaderView($drequest); $path = nonempty(basename($drequest->getPath()), '/'); $search_results = $this->renderSearchResults(); $search_form = $this->renderSearchForm($path); $search_form = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'diffusion-mobile-search-form', ), $search_form); $crumbs = $this->buildCrumbs( array( 'branch' => true, 'path' => true, 'view' => 'browse', )); $crumbs->setBorder(true); $tabs = $this->buildTabsView('code'); $view = id(new PHUITwoColumnView()) ->setHeader($header) ->setTabs($tabs) ->setFooter( array( $search_form, $search_results, )); return $this->newPage() ->setTitle( array( nonempty(basename($drequest->getPath()), '/'), $drequest->getRepository()->getDisplayName(), )) ->setCrumbs($crumbs) ->appendChild($view); } private function browseFile() { $viewer = $this->getViewer(); $request = $this->getRequest(); $drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest(); $repository = $drequest->getRepository(); $before = $request->getStr('before'); if ($before) { return $this->buildBeforeResponse($before); } $path = $drequest->getPath(); $params = array( 'commit' => $drequest->getCommit(), 'path' => $drequest->getPath(), ); $view = $request->getStr('view'); $byte_limit = null; if ($view !== 'raw') { $byte_limit = PhabricatorFileStorageEngine::getChunkThreshold(); $time_limit = 10; $params += array( 'timeout' => $time_limit, 'byteLimit' => $byte_limit, ); } $response = $this->callConduitWithDiffusionRequest( 'diffusion.filecontentquery', $params); $hit_byte_limit = $response['tooHuge']; $hit_time_limit = $response['tooSlow']; $file_phid = $response['filePHID']; $show_editor = false; if ($hit_byte_limit) { $corpus = $this->buildErrorCorpus( pht( 'This file is larger than %s byte(s), and too large to display '. 'in the web UI.', phutil_format_bytes($byte_limit))); } else if ($hit_time_limit) { $corpus = $this->buildErrorCorpus( pht( 'This file took too long to load from the repository (more than '. '%s second(s)).', new PhutilNumber($time_limit))); } else { $file = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withPHIDs(array($file_phid)) ->executeOne(); if (!$file) { throw new Exception(pht('Failed to load content file!')); } if ($view === 'raw') { return $file->getRedirectResponse(); } $data = $file->loadFileData(); $lfs_ref = $this->getGitLFSRef($repository, $data); if ($lfs_ref) { if ($view == 'git-lfs') { $file = $this->loadGitLFSFile($lfs_ref); // Rename the file locally so we generate a better vanity URI for // it. In storage, it just has a name like "lfs-13f9a94c0923...", // since we don't get any hints about possible human-readable names // at upload time. $basename = basename($drequest->getPath()); $file->makeEphemeral(); $file->setName($basename); return $file->getRedirectResponse(); } $corpus = $this->buildGitLFSCorpus($lfs_ref); } else { $show_editor = true; $ref = id(new PhabricatorDocumentRef()) ->setFile($file); $engine = id(new DiffusionDocumentRenderingEngine()) ->setRequest($request) ->setDiffusionRequest($drequest); $corpus = $engine->newDocumentView($ref); $this->corpusButtons[] = $this->renderFileButton(); } } $bar = $this->buildButtonBar($drequest, $show_editor); $header = $this->buildHeaderView($drequest); $header->setHeaderIcon('fa-file-code-o'); $follow = $request->getStr('follow'); $follow_notice = null; if ($follow) { $follow_notice = id(new PHUIInfoView()) ->setSeverity(PHUIInfoView::SEVERITY_WARNING) ->setTitle(pht('Unable to Continue')); switch ($follow) { case 'first': $follow_notice->appendChild( pht( 'Unable to continue tracing the history of this file because '. 'this commit is the first commit in the repository.')); break; case 'created': $follow_notice->appendChild( pht( 'Unable to continue tracing the history of this file because '. 'this commit created the file.')); break; } } $renamed = $request->getStr('renamed'); $renamed_notice = null; if ($renamed) { $renamed_notice = id(new PHUIInfoView()) ->setSeverity(PHUIInfoView::SEVERITY_NOTICE) ->setTitle(pht('File Renamed')) ->appendChild( pht( 'File history passes through a rename from "%s" to "%s".', $drequest->getPath(), $renamed)); } $open_revisions = $this->buildOpenRevisions(); $owners_list = $this->buildOwnersList($drequest); $crumbs = $this->buildCrumbs( array( 'branch' => true, 'path' => true, 'view' => 'browse', )); $crumbs->setBorder(true); $basename = basename($this->getDiffusionRequest()->getPath()); $tabs = $this->buildTabsView('code'); $bar->setRight($this->corpusButtons); $view = id(new PHUITwoColumnView()) ->setHeader($header) ->setTabs($tabs) ->setFooter(array( $bar, $follow_notice, $renamed_notice, $corpus, $open_revisions, $owners_list, )); $title = array($basename, $repository->getDisplayName()); return $this->newPage() ->setTitle($title) ->setCrumbs($crumbs) ->appendChild( array( $view, )); } public function browseDirectory( DiffusionBrowseResultSet $results, PHUIPagerView $pager) { $request = $this->getRequest(); $drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest(); $repository = $drequest->getRepository(); $reason = $results->getReasonForEmptyResultSet(); $this->buildActionButtons($drequest, true); $details = $this->buildPropertyView($drequest); $header = $this->buildHeaderView($drequest); $header->setHeaderIcon('fa-folder-open'); $empty_result = null; $browse_panel = null; $branch_panel = null; if (!$results->isValidResults()) { $empty_result = new DiffusionEmptyResultView(); $empty_result->setDiffusionRequest($drequest); $empty_result->setDiffusionBrowseResultSet($results); $empty_result->setView($request->getStr('view')); } else { $phids = array(); foreach ($results->getPaths() as $result) { $data = $result->getLastCommitData(); if ($data) { if ($data->getCommitDetail('authorPHID')) { $phids[$data->getCommitDetail('authorPHID')] = true; } } } $phids = array_keys($phids); $handles = $this->loadViewerHandles($phids); $browse_table = id(new DiffusionBrowseTableView()) ->setDiffusionRequest($drequest) ->setHandles($handles) ->setPaths($results->getPaths()) ->setUser($request->getUser()); $title = nonempty(basename($drequest->getPath()), '/'); $icon = 'fa-folder-open'; $browse_header = $this->buildPanelHeaderView($title, $icon); $browse_panel = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setHeader($browse_header) ->setBackground(PHUIObjectBoxView::BLUE_PROPERTY) ->setTable($browse_table) ->addClass('diffusion-mobile-view') ->setPager($pager); $path = $drequest->getPath(); $is_branch = (!strlen($path) && $repository->supportsBranchComparison()); if ($is_branch) { $branch_panel = $this->buildBranchTable(); } } $open_revisions = $this->buildOpenRevisions(); $readme = $this->renderDirectoryReadme($results); $crumbs = $this->buildCrumbs( array( 'branch' => true, 'path' => true, 'view' => 'browse', )); $crumbs->setBorder(true); $tabs = $this->buildTabsView('code'); $owners_list = $this->buildOwnersList($drequest); $bar = id(new PHUILeftRightView()) ->setRight($this->corpusButtons) ->addClass('diffusion-action-bar'); $view = id(new PHUITwoColumnView()) ->setHeader($header) ->setTabs($tabs) ->setFooter( array( $bar, $branch_panel, $empty_result, $browse_panel, $open_revisions, $owners_list, $readme, )); if ($details) { $view->addPropertySection(pht('Details'), $details); } return $this->newPage() ->setTitle(array( nonempty(basename($drequest->getPath()), '/'), $repository->getDisplayName(), )) ->setCrumbs($crumbs) ->appendChild( array( $view, )); } private function renderSearchResults() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest(); $repository = $drequest->getRepository(); $results = array(); $pager = id(new PHUIPagerView()) ->readFromRequest($request); $search_mode = null; switch ($repository->getVersionControlSystem()) { case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_SVN: $results = array(); break; default: if (strlen($this->getRequest()->getStr('grep'))) { $search_mode = 'grep'; $query_string = $request->getStr('grep'); $results = $this->callConduitWithDiffusionRequest( 'diffusion.searchquery', array( 'grep' => $query_string, 'commit' => $drequest->getStableCommit(), 'path' => $drequest->getPath(), 'limit' => $pager->getPageSize() + 1, 'offset' => $pager->getOffset(), )); } break; } $results = $pager->sliceResults($results); $table = null; $header = null; if ($search_mode == 'grep') { $table = $this->renderGrepResults($results, $query_string); $title = pht( 'File content matching "%s" under "%s"', $query_string, nonempty($drequest->getPath(), '/')); $header = id(new PHUIHeaderView()) ->setHeader($title) ->addClass('diffusion-search-result-header'); } return array($header, $table, $pager); } private function renderGrepResults(array $results, $pattern) { $drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest(); require_celerity_resource('phabricator-search-results-css'); if (!$results) { return id(new PHUIInfoView()) ->setSeverity(PHUIInfoView::SEVERITY_NODATA) ->appendChild( pht( 'The pattern you searched for was not found in the content of any '. 'files.')); } $grouped = array(); foreach ($results as $file) { list($path, $line, $string) = $file; $grouped[$path][] = array($line, $string); } $view = array(); foreach ($grouped as $path => $matches) { $view[] = id(new DiffusionPatternSearchView()) ->setPath($path) ->setMatches($matches) ->setPattern($pattern) ->setDiffusionRequest($drequest) ->render(); } return $view; } private function buildButtonBar( DiffusionRequest $drequest, $show_editor) { $viewer = $this->getViewer(); $base_uri = $this->getRequest()->getRequestURI(); $user = $this->getRequest()->getUser(); $repository = $drequest->getRepository(); $path = $drequest->getPath(); $line = nonempty((int)$drequest->getLine(), 1); $buttons = array(); $editor_link = $user->loadEditorLink($path, $line, $repository); $template = $user->loadEditorLink($path, '%l', $repository); $buttons[] = id(new PHUIButtonView()) ->setTag('a') ->setText(pht('Last Change')) ->setColor(PHUIButtonView::GREY) ->setHref( $drequest->generateURI( array( 'action' => 'change', ))) ->setIcon('fa-backward'); if ($editor_link) { $buttons[] = id(new PHUIButtonView()) ->setTag('a') ->setText(pht('Open File')) ->setHref($editor_link) ->setIcon('fa-pencil') ->setID('editor_link') ->setMetadata(array('link_template' => $template)) ->setDisabled(!$editor_link) ->setColor(PHUIButtonView::GREY); } $bar = id(new PHUILeftRightView()) ->setLeft($buttons) ->addClass('diffusion-action-bar full-mobile-buttons'); return $bar; } private function buildOwnersList(DiffusionRequest $drequest) { $viewer = $this->getViewer(); $have_owners = PhabricatorApplication::isClassInstalledForViewer( 'PhabricatorOwnersApplication', $viewer); if (!$have_owners) { return null; } $repository = $drequest->getRepository(); $package_query = id(new PhabricatorOwnersPackageQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withStatuses(array(PhabricatorOwnersPackage::STATUS_ACTIVE)) ->withControl( $repository->getPHID(), array( $drequest->getPath(), )); $package_query->execute(); $packages = $package_query->getControllingPackagesForPath( $repository->getPHID(), $drequest->getPath()); $ownership = id(new PHUIObjectItemListView()) ->setUser($viewer) ->setNoDataString(pht('No Owners')); if ($packages) { foreach ($packages as $package) { $item = id(new PHUIObjectItemView()) ->setObject($package) ->setObjectName($package->getMonogram()) ->setHeader($package->getName()) ->setHref($package->getURI()); $owners = $package->getOwners(); if ($owners) { $owner_list = $viewer->renderHandleList( mpull($owners, 'getUserPHID')); } else { $owner_list = phutil_tag('em', array(), pht('None')); } $item->addAttribute(pht('Owners: %s', $owner_list)); $auto = $package->getAutoReview(); $autoreview_map = PhabricatorOwnersPackage::getAutoreviewOptionsMap(); $spec = idx($autoreview_map, $auto, array()); $name = idx($spec, 'name', $auto); $item->addIcon('fa-code', $name); $rule = $package->newAuditingRule(); $item->addIcon($rule->getIconIcon(), $rule->getDisplayName()); if ($package->isArchived()) { $item->setDisabled(true); } $ownership->addItem($item); } } $view = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setHeaderText(pht('Owner Packages')) ->setBackground(PHUIObjectBoxView::BLUE_PROPERTY) ->addClass('diffusion-mobile-view') ->setObjectList($ownership); return $view; } private function renderFileButton($file_uri = null, $label = null) { $base_uri = $this->getRequest()->getRequestURI(); if ($file_uri) { $text = pht('Download File'); $href = $file_uri; $icon = 'fa-download'; } else { $text = pht('Raw File'); $href = $base_uri->alter('view', 'raw'); $icon = 'fa-file-text'; } if ($label !== null) { $text = $label; } $button = id(new PHUIButtonView()) ->setTag('a') ->setText($text) ->setHref($href) ->setIcon($icon) ->setColor(PHUIButtonView::GREY); return $button; } private function renderGitLFSButton() { $viewer = $this->getViewer(); $uri = $this->getRequest()->getRequestURI(); $href = $uri->alter('view', 'git-lfs'); $text = pht('Download from Git LFS'); $icon = 'fa-download'; return id(new PHUIButtonView()) ->setTag('a') ->setText($text) ->setHref($href) ->setIcon($icon) ->setColor(PHUIButtonView::GREY); } private function buildErrorCorpus($message) { $text = id(new PHUIBoxView()) ->addPadding(PHUI::PADDING_LARGE) ->appendChild($message); $header = id(new PHUIHeaderView()) ->setHeader(pht('Details')); $box = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setHeader($header) ->appendChild($text); return $box; } private function buildBeforeResponse($before) { $request = $this->getRequest(); $drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest(); // NOTE: We need to get the grandparent so we can capture filename changes // in the parent. $parent = $this->loadParentCommitOf($before); $old_filename = null; $was_created = false; if ($parent) { $grandparent = $this->loadParentCommitOf($parent); if ($grandparent) { $rename_query = new DiffusionRenameHistoryQuery(); $rename_query->setRequest($drequest); $rename_query->setOldCommit($grandparent); $rename_query->setViewer($request->getUser()); $old_filename = $rename_query->loadOldFilename(); $was_created = $rename_query->getWasCreated(); } } $follow = null; if ($was_created) { // If the file was created in history, that means older commits won't // have it. Since we know it existed at 'before', it must have been // created then; jump there. $target_commit = $before; $follow = 'created'; } else if ($parent) { // If we found a parent, jump to it. This is the normal case. $target_commit = $parent; } else { // If there's no parent, this was probably created in the initial commit? // And the "was_created" check will fail because we can't identify the // grandparent. Keep the user at 'before'. $target_commit = $before; $follow = 'first'; } $path = $drequest->getPath(); $renamed = null; if ($old_filename !== null && $old_filename !== '/'.$path) { $renamed = $path; $path = $old_filename; } $line = null; // If there's a follow error, drop the line so the user sees the message. if (!$follow) { $line = $this->getBeforeLineNumber($target_commit); } $before_uri = $drequest->generateURI( array( 'action' => 'browse', 'commit' => $target_commit, 'line' => $line, 'path' => $path, )); - $before_uri = $before_uri->alter('renamed', $renamed); - $before_uri = $before_uri->alter('follow', $follow); + if ($renamed === null) { + $before_uri->removeQueryParam('renamed'); + } else { + $before_uri->replaceQueryParam('renamed', $renamed); + } + + if ($follow === null) { + $before_uri->removeQueryParam('follow'); + } else { + $before_uri->replaceQueryParam('follow', $follow); + } return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse())->setURI($before_uri); } private function getBeforeLineNumber($target_commit) { $drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest(); $viewer = $this->getViewer(); $line = $drequest->getLine(); if (!$line) { return null; } $diff_info = $this->callConduitWithDiffusionRequest( 'diffusion.rawdiffquery', array( 'commit' => $drequest->getCommit(), 'path' => $drequest->getPath(), 'againstCommit' => $target_commit, )); $file_phid = $diff_info['filePHID']; $file = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withPHIDs(array($file_phid)) ->executeOne(); if (!$file) { throw new Exception( pht( 'Failed to load file ("%s") returned by "%s".', $file_phid, 'diffusion.rawdiffquery.')); } $raw_diff = $file->loadFileData(); $old_line = 0; $new_line = 0; foreach (explode("\n", $raw_diff) as $text) { if ($text[0] == '-' || $text[0] == ' ') { $old_line++; } if ($text[0] == '+' || $text[0] == ' ') { $new_line++; } if ($new_line == $line) { return $old_line; } } // We didn't find the target line. return $line; } private function loadParentCommitOf($commit) { $drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest(); $user = $this->getRequest()->getUser(); $before_req = DiffusionRequest::newFromDictionary( array( 'user' => $user, 'repository' => $drequest->getRepository(), 'commit' => $commit, )); $parents = DiffusionQuery::callConduitWithDiffusionRequest( $user, $before_req, 'diffusion.commitparentsquery', array( 'commit' => $commit, )); return head($parents); } protected function markupText($text) { $engine = PhabricatorMarkupEngine::newDiffusionMarkupEngine(); $engine->setConfig('viewer', $this->getRequest()->getUser()); $text = $engine->markupText($text); $text = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'phabricator-remarkup', ), $text); return $text; } protected function buildHeaderView(DiffusionRequest $drequest) { $viewer = $this->getViewer(); $repository = $drequest->getRepository(); $commit_tag = $this->renderCommitHashTag($drequest); $path = nonempty($drequest->getPath(), '/'); $search = $this->renderSearchForm($path); $header = id(new PHUIHeaderView()) ->setUser($viewer) ->setHeader($this->renderPathLinks($drequest, $mode = 'browse')) ->addActionItem($search) ->addTag($commit_tag) ->addClass('diffusion-browse-header'); if (!$repository->isSVN()) { $branch_tag = $this->renderBranchTag($drequest); $header->addTag($branch_tag); } return $header; } protected function buildPanelHeaderView($title, $icon) { $header = id(new PHUIHeaderView()) ->setHeader($title) ->setHeaderIcon($icon) ->addClass('diffusion-panel-header-view'); return $header; } protected function buildActionButtons( DiffusionRequest $drequest, $is_directory = false) { $viewer = $this->getViewer(); $repository = $drequest->getRepository(); $history_uri = $drequest->generateURI(array('action' => 'history')); $behind_head = $drequest->getSymbolicCommit(); $compare = null; $head_uri = $drequest->generateURI( array( 'commit' => '', 'action' => 'browse', )); if ($repository->supportsBranchComparison() && $is_directory) { $compare_uri = $drequest->generateURI(array('action' => 'compare')); $compare = id(new PHUIButtonView()) ->setText(pht('Compare')) ->setIcon('fa-code-fork') ->setWorkflow(true) ->setTag('a') ->setHref($compare_uri) ->setColor(PHUIButtonView::GREY); $this->corpusButtons[] = $compare; } $head = null; if ($behind_head) { $head = id(new PHUIButtonView()) ->setTag('a') ->setText(pht('Back to HEAD')) ->setHref($head_uri) ->setIcon('fa-home') ->setColor(PHUIButtonView::GREY); $this->corpusButtons[] = $head; } $history = id(new PHUIButtonView()) ->setText(pht('History')) ->setHref($history_uri) ->setTag('a') ->setIcon('fa-history') ->setColor(PHUIButtonView::GREY); $this->corpusButtons[] = $history; } protected function buildPropertyView( DiffusionRequest $drequest) { $viewer = $this->getViewer(); $view = id(new PHUIPropertyListView()) ->setUser($viewer); if ($drequest->getSymbolicType() == 'tag') { $symbolic = $drequest->getSymbolicCommit(); $view->addProperty(pht('Tag'), $symbolic); $tags = $this->callConduitWithDiffusionRequest( 'diffusion.tagsquery', array( 'names' => array($symbolic), 'needMessages' => true, )); $tags = DiffusionRepositoryTag::newFromConduit($tags); $tags = mpull($tags, null, 'getName'); $tag = idx($tags, $symbolic); if ($tag && strlen($tag->getMessage())) { $view->addSectionHeader( pht('Tag Content'), 'fa-tag'); $view->addTextContent($this->markupText($tag->getMessage())); } } if ($view->hasAnyProperties()) { return $view; } return null; } private function buildOpenRevisions() { $viewer = $this->getViewer(); $drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest(); $repository = $drequest->getRepository(); $path = $drequest->getPath(); $path_map = id(new DiffusionPathIDQuery(array($path)))->loadPathIDs(); $path_id = idx($path_map, $path); if (!$path_id) { return null; } $recent = (PhabricatorTime::getNow() - phutil_units('30 days in seconds')); $revisions = id(new DifferentialRevisionQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withPath($repository->getID(), $path_id) ->withIsOpen(true) ->withUpdatedEpochBetween($recent, null) ->setOrder(DifferentialRevisionQuery::ORDER_MODIFIED) ->setLimit(10) ->needReviewers(true) ->needFlags(true) ->needDrafts(true) ->execute(); if (!$revisions) { return null; } $header = id(new PHUIHeaderView()) ->setHeader(pht('Recently Open Revisions')); $list = id(new DifferentialRevisionListView()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->setRevisions($revisions) ->setNoBox(true); $view = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setHeader($header) ->setBackground(PHUIObjectBoxView::BLUE_PROPERTY) ->addClass('diffusion-mobile-view') ->appendChild($list); return $view; } private function getGitLFSRef(PhabricatorRepository $repository, $data) { if (!$repository->canUseGitLFS()) { return null; } $lfs_pattern = '(^version https://git-lfs\\.github\\.com/spec/v1[\r\n])'; if (!preg_match($lfs_pattern, $data)) { return null; } $matches = null; if (!preg_match('(^oid sha256:(.*)$)m', $data, $matches)) { return null; } $hash = $matches[1]; $hash = trim($hash); return id(new PhabricatorRepositoryGitLFSRefQuery()) ->setViewer($this->getViewer()) ->withRepositoryPHIDs(array($repository->getPHID())) ->withObjectHashes(array($hash)) ->executeOne(); } private function buildGitLFSCorpus(PhabricatorRepositoryGitLFSRef $ref) { // TODO: We should probably test if we can load the file PHID here and // show the user an error if we can't, rather than making them click // through to hit an error. $title = basename($this->getDiffusionRequest()->getPath()); $icon = 'fa-archive'; $drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest(); $this->buildActionButtons($drequest); $header = $this->buildPanelHeaderView($title, $icon); $severity = PHUIInfoView::SEVERITY_NOTICE; $messages = array(); $messages[] = pht( 'This %s file is stored in Git Large File Storage.', phutil_format_bytes($ref->getByteSize())); try { $file = $this->loadGitLFSFile($ref); $this->corpusButtons[] = $this->renderGitLFSButton(); } catch (Exception $ex) { $severity = PHUIInfoView::SEVERITY_ERROR; $messages[] = pht('The data for this file could not be loaded.'); } $this->corpusButtons[] = $this->renderFileButton( null, pht('View Raw LFS Pointer')); $corpus = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setHeader($header) ->setBackground(PHUIObjectBoxView::BLUE_PROPERTY) ->addClass('diffusion-mobile-view') ->setCollapsed(true); if ($messages) { $corpus->setInfoView( id(new PHUIInfoView()) ->setSeverity($severity) ->setErrors($messages)); } return $corpus; } private function loadGitLFSFile(PhabricatorRepositoryGitLFSRef $ref) { $viewer = $this->getViewer(); $file = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withPHIDs(array($ref->getFilePHID())) ->executeOne(); if (!$file) { throw new Exception( pht( 'Failed to load file object for Git LFS ref "%s"!', $ref->getObjectHash())); } return $file; } private function buildBranchTable() { $viewer = $this->getViewer(); $drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest(); $repository = $drequest->getRepository(); $branch = $drequest->getBranch(); $default_branch = $repository->getDefaultBranch(); if ($branch === $default_branch) { return null; } $pager = id(new PHUIPagerView()) ->setPageSize(10); try { $results = $this->callConduitWithDiffusionRequest( 'diffusion.historyquery', array( 'commit' => $branch, 'against' => $default_branch, 'path' => $drequest->getPath(), 'offset' => $pager->getOffset(), 'limit' => $pager->getPageSize() + 1, )); } catch (Exception $ex) { return null; } $history = DiffusionPathChange::newFromConduit($results['pathChanges']); $history = $pager->sliceResults($history); if (!$history) { return null; } $history_table = id(new DiffusionHistoryTableView()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->setDiffusionRequest($drequest) ->setHistory($history); $history_table->loadRevisions(); $history_table ->setParents($results['parents']) ->setFilterParents(true) ->setIsHead(true) ->setIsTail(!$pager->getHasMorePages()); $header = id(new PHUIHeaderView()) ->setHeader(pht('%s vs %s', $branch, $default_branch)); return id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setHeader($header) ->setBackground(PHUIObjectBoxView::BLUE_PROPERTY) ->addClass('diffusion-mobile-view') ->setTable($history_table); } }