diff --git a/src/applications/calendar/storage/PhabricatorCalendarEvent.php b/src/applications/calendar/storage/PhabricatorCalendarEvent.php index b2e81b0e8b..e566a77b76 100644 --- a/src/applications/calendar/storage/PhabricatorCalendarEvent.php +++ b/src/applications/calendar/storage/PhabricatorCalendarEvent.php @@ -1,1447 +1,1446 @@ setViewer($actor) ->withClasses(array('PhabricatorCalendarApplication')) ->executeOne(); $view_default = PhabricatorCalendarEventDefaultViewCapability::CAPABILITY; $edit_default = PhabricatorCalendarEventDefaultEditCapability::CAPABILITY; $view_policy = $app->getPolicy($view_default); $edit_policy = $app->getPolicy($edit_default); $now = PhabricatorTime::getNow(); $default_icon = 'fa-calendar'; $datetime_defaults = self::newDefaultEventDateTimes( $actor, $now); list($datetime_start, $datetime_end) = $datetime_defaults; // When importing events from a context like "bin/calendar reload", we may // be acting as the omnipotent user. $host_phid = $actor->getPHID(); if (!$host_phid) { $host_phid = $app->getPHID(); } return id(new PhabricatorCalendarEvent()) ->setDescription('') ->setHostPHID($host_phid) ->setIsCancelled(0) ->setIsAllDay(0) ->setIsStub(0) ->setIsRecurring(0) ->setIcon($default_icon) ->setViewPolicy($view_policy) ->setEditPolicy($edit_policy) ->setSpacePHID($actor->getDefaultSpacePHID()) ->attachInvitees(array()) ->setStartDateTime($datetime_start) ->setEndDateTime($datetime_end) ->attachImportSource(null) ->applyViewerTimezone($actor); } public static function newDefaultEventDateTimes( PhabricatorUser $viewer, $now) { $datetime_start = PhutilCalendarAbsoluteDateTime::newFromEpoch( $now, $viewer->getTimezoneIdentifier()); // Advance the time by an hour, then round downwards to the nearest hour. // For example, if it is currently 3:25 PM, we suggest a default start time // of 4 PM. $datetime_start = $datetime_start ->newRelativeDateTime('PT1H') ->newAbsoluteDateTime(); $datetime_start->setMinute(0); $datetime_start->setSecond(0); // Default the end time to an hour after the start time. $datetime_end = $datetime_start ->newRelativeDateTime('PT1H') ->newAbsoluteDateTime(); return array($datetime_start, $datetime_end); } private function newChild( PhabricatorUser $actor, $sequence, PhutilCalendarDateTime $start = null) { if (!$this->isParentEvent()) { throw new Exception( pht( 'Unable to generate a new child event for an event which is not '. 'a recurring parent event!')); } $series_phid = $this->getSeriesParentPHID(); if (!$series_phid) { $series_phid = $this->getPHID(); } $child = id(new self()) ->setIsCancelled(0) ->setIsStub(0) ->setInstanceOfEventPHID($this->getPHID()) ->setSeriesParentPHID($series_phid) ->setSequenceIndex($sequence) ->setIsRecurring(true) ->attachParentEvent($this) ->attachImportSource(null); return $child->copyFromParent($actor, $start); } protected function readField($field) { static $inherit = array( 'hostPHID' => true, 'isAllDay' => true, 'icon' => true, 'spacePHID' => true, 'viewPolicy' => true, 'editPolicy' => true, 'name' => true, 'description' => true, 'isCancelled' => true, ); // Read these fields from the parent event instead of this event. For // example, we want any changes to the parent event's name to apply to // the child. if (isset($inherit[$field])) { if ($this->getIsStub()) { // TODO: This should be unconditional, but the execution order of // CalendarEventQuery and applyViewerTimezone() are currently odd. if ($this->parentEvent !== self::ATTACHABLE) { return $this->getParentEvent()->readField($field); } } } return parent::readField($field); } public function copyFromParent( PhabricatorUser $actor, PhutilCalendarDateTime $start = null) { if (!$this->isChildEvent()) { throw new Exception( pht( 'Unable to copy from parent event: this is not a child event.')); } $parent = $this->getParentEvent(); $this ->setHostPHID($parent->getHostPHID()) ->setIsAllDay($parent->getIsAllDay()) ->setIcon($parent->getIcon()) ->setSpacePHID($parent->getSpacePHID()) ->setViewPolicy($parent->getViewPolicy()) ->setEditPolicy($parent->getEditPolicy()) ->setName($parent->getName()) ->setDescription($parent->getDescription()) ->setIsCancelled($parent->getIsCancelled()); if ($start) { $start_datetime = $start; } else { $sequence = $this->getSequenceIndex(); $start_datetime = $parent->newSequenceIndexDateTime($sequence); if (!$start_datetime) { throw new Exception( pht( 'Sequence "%s" is not valid for event!', $sequence)); } } $duration = $parent->newDuration(); $end_datetime = $start_datetime->newRelativeDateTime($duration); $this ->setStartDateTime($start_datetime) ->setEndDateTime($end_datetime); if ($parent->isImportedEvent()) { $full_uid = $parent->getImportUID().'/'.$start_datetime->getEpoch(); // NOTE: We don't attach the import source because this gets called // from CalendarEventQuery while building ghosts, before we've loaded // and attached sources. Possibly this sequence should be flipped. $this ->setImportAuthorPHID($parent->getImportAuthorPHID()) ->setImportSourcePHID($parent->getImportSourcePHID()) ->setImportUID($full_uid); } return $this; } public function isValidSequenceIndex(PhabricatorUser $viewer, $sequence) { return (bool)$this->newSequenceIndexDateTime($sequence); } public function newSequenceIndexDateTime($sequence) { $set = $this->newRecurrenceSet(); if (!$set) { return null; } $limit = $sequence + 1; $count = $this->getRecurrenceCount(); if ($count && ($count < $limit)) { return null; } $instances = $set->getEventsBetween( null, $this->newUntilDateTime(), $limit); return idx($instances, $sequence, null); } public function newStub(PhabricatorUser $actor, $sequence) { $stub = $this->newChild($actor, $sequence); $stub->setIsStub(1); $unguarded = AphrontWriteGuard::beginScopedUnguardedWrites(); $stub->save(); unset($unguarded); $stub->applyViewerTimezone($actor); return $stub; } public function newGhost( PhabricatorUser $actor, $sequence, PhutilCalendarDateTime $start = null) { $ghost = $this->newChild($actor, $sequence, $start); $ghost ->setIsGhostEvent(true) ->makeEphemeral(); $ghost->applyViewerTimezone($actor); return $ghost; } public function applyViewerTimezone(PhabricatorUser $viewer) { $this->viewerTimezone = $viewer->getTimezoneIdentifier(); return $this; } public function getDuration() { return ($this->getEndDateTimeEpoch() - $this->getStartDateTimeEpoch()); } public function updateUTCEpochs() { // The "intitial" epoch is the start time of the event, in UTC. $start_date = $this->newStartDateTime() ->setViewerTimezone('UTC'); $start_epoch = $start_date->getEpoch(); $this->setUTCInitialEpoch($start_epoch); // The "until" epoch is the last UTC epoch on which any instance of this // event occurs. For infinitely recurring events, it is `null`. if (!$this->getIsRecurring()) { $end_date = $this->newEndDateTime() ->setViewerTimezone('UTC'); $until_epoch = $end_date->getEpoch(); } else { $until_epoch = null; $until_date = $this->newUntilDateTime(); if ($until_date) { $until_date->setViewerTimezone('UTC'); $duration = $this->newDuration(); $until_epoch = id(new PhutilCalendarRelativeDateTime()) ->setOrigin($until_date) ->setDuration($duration) ->getEpoch(); } } $this->setUTCUntilEpoch($until_epoch); // The "instance" epoch is a property of instances of recurring events. // It's the original UTC epoch on which the instance started. Usually that // is the same as the start date, but they may be different if the instance // has been edited. // The ICS format uses this value (original start time) to identify event // instances, and must do so because it allows additional arbitrary // instances to be added (with "RDATE"). $instance_epoch = null; $instance_date = $this->newInstanceDateTime(); if ($instance_date) { $instance_epoch = $instance_date ->setViewerTimezone('UTC') ->getEpoch(); } $this->setUTCInstanceEpoch($instance_epoch); return $this; } public function save() { if (!$this->mailKey) { $this->mailKey = Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(20); } $import_uid = $this->getImportUID(); if ($import_uid !== null) { $index = PhabricatorHash::digestForIndex($import_uid); } else { $index = null; } $this->setImportUIDIndex($index); $this->updateUTCEpochs(); return parent::save(); } /** * Get the event start epoch for evaluating invitee availability. * * When assessing availability, we pretend events start earlier than they * really do. This allows us to mark users away for the entire duration of a * series of back-to-back meetings, even if they don't strictly overlap. * * @return int Event start date for availability caches. */ public function getStartDateTimeEpochForCache() { $epoch = $this->getStartDateTimeEpoch(); $window = phutil_units('15 minutes in seconds'); return ($epoch - $window); } protected function getConfiguration() { return array( self::CONFIG_AUX_PHID => true, self::CONFIG_COLUMN_SCHEMA => array( 'name' => 'text', 'description' => 'text', 'isCancelled' => 'bool', 'isAllDay' => 'bool', 'icon' => 'text32', 'mailKey' => 'bytes20', 'isRecurring' => 'bool', 'seriesParentPHID' => 'phid?', 'instanceOfEventPHID' => 'phid?', 'sequenceIndex' => 'uint32?', 'isStub' => 'bool', 'utcInitialEpoch' => 'epoch', 'utcUntilEpoch' => 'epoch?', 'utcInstanceEpoch' => 'epoch?', 'importAuthorPHID' => 'phid?', 'importSourcePHID' => 'phid?', 'importUIDIndex' => 'bytes12?', 'importUID' => 'text?', ), self::CONFIG_KEY_SCHEMA => array( 'key_instance' => array( 'columns' => array('instanceOfEventPHID', 'sequenceIndex'), 'unique' => true, ), 'key_epoch' => array( 'columns' => array('utcInitialEpoch', 'utcUntilEpoch'), ), 'key_rdate' => array( 'columns' => array('instanceOfEventPHID', 'utcInstanceEpoch'), 'unique' => true, ), 'key_series' => array( 'columns' => array('seriesParentPHID', 'utcInitialEpoch'), ), ), self::CONFIG_SERIALIZATION => array( 'parameters' => self::SERIALIZATION_JSON, ), ) + parent::getConfiguration(); } public function generatePHID() { return PhabricatorPHID::generateNewPHID( PhabricatorCalendarEventPHIDType::TYPECONST); } public function getMonogram() { return 'E'.$this->getID(); } public function getInvitees() { if ($this->getIsGhostEvent() || $this->getIsStub()) { if ($this->stubInvitees === null) { $this->stubInvitees = $this->newStubInvitees(); } return $this->stubInvitees; } return $this->assertAttached($this->invitees); } public function getInviteeForPHID($phid) { $invitees = $this->getInvitees(); $invitees = mpull($invitees, null, 'getInviteePHID'); return idx($invitees, $phid); } public static function getFrequencyMap() { return array( PhutilCalendarRecurrenceRule::FREQUENCY_DAILY => array( 'label' => pht('Daily'), ), PhutilCalendarRecurrenceRule::FREQUENCY_WEEKLY => array( 'label' => pht('Weekly'), ), PhutilCalendarRecurrenceRule::FREQUENCY_MONTHLY => array( 'label' => pht('Monthly'), ), PhutilCalendarRecurrenceRule::FREQUENCY_YEARLY => array( 'label' => pht('Yearly'), ), ); } private function newStubInvitees() { $parent = $this->getParentEvent(); $parent_invitees = $parent->getInvitees(); $stub_invitees = array(); foreach ($parent_invitees as $invitee) { $stub_invitee = id(new PhabricatorCalendarEventInvitee()) ->setInviteePHID($invitee->getInviteePHID()) ->setInviterPHID($invitee->getInviterPHID()) ->setStatus(PhabricatorCalendarEventInvitee::STATUS_INVITED); $stub_invitees[] = $stub_invitee; } return $stub_invitees; } public function attachInvitees(array $invitees) { $this->invitees = $invitees; return $this; } public function getInviteePHIDsForEdit() { $invitees = array(); foreach ($this->getInvitees() as $invitee) { if ($invitee->isUninvited()) { continue; } $invitees[] = $invitee->getInviteePHID(); } return $invitees; } public function getUserInviteStatus($phid) { $invitees = $this->getInvitees(); $invitees = mpull($invitees, null, 'getInviteePHID'); $invited = idx($invitees, $phid); if (!$invited) { return PhabricatorCalendarEventInvitee::STATUS_UNINVITED; } $invited = $invited->getStatus(); return $invited; } public function getIsUserAttending($phid) { $attending_status = PhabricatorCalendarEventInvitee::STATUS_ATTENDING; $old_status = $this->getUserInviteStatus($phid); $is_attending = ($old_status == $attending_status); return $is_attending; } public function getIsGhostEvent() { return $this->isGhostEvent; } public function setIsGhostEvent($is_ghost_event) { $this->isGhostEvent = $is_ghost_event; return $this; } public function getURI() { if ($this->getIsGhostEvent()) { $base = $this->getParentEvent()->getURI(); $sequence = $this->getSequenceIndex(); return "{$base}/{$sequence}/"; } return '/'.$this->getMonogram(); } public function getParentEvent() { return $this->assertAttached($this->parentEvent); } public function attachParentEvent(PhabricatorCalendarEvent $event = null) { $this->parentEvent = $event; return $this; } public function isParentEvent() { return ($this->getIsRecurring() && !$this->getInstanceOfEventPHID()); } public function isChildEvent() { return ($this->instanceOfEventPHID !== null); } public function renderEventDate( PhabricatorUser $viewer, $show_end) { $start = $this->newStartDateTime(); $end = $this->newEndDateTime(); $min_date = $start->newPHPDateTime(); $max_date = $end->newPHPDateTime(); if ($this->getIsAllDay()) { // Subtract one second since the stored date is exclusive. $max_date = $max_date->modify('-1 second'); } if ($show_end) { $min_day = $min_date->format('Y m d'); $max_day = $max_date->format('Y m d'); $show_end_date = ($min_day != $max_day); } else { $show_end_date = false; } $min_epoch = $min_date->format('U'); $max_epoch = $max_date->format('U'); if ($this->getIsAllDay()) { if ($show_end_date) { return pht( '%s - %s, All Day', phabricator_date($min_epoch, $viewer), phabricator_date($max_epoch, $viewer)); } else { return pht( '%s, All Day', phabricator_date($min_epoch, $viewer)); } } else if ($show_end_date) { return pht( '%s - %s', phabricator_datetime($min_epoch, $viewer), phabricator_datetime($max_epoch, $viewer)); } else if ($show_end) { return pht( '%s - %s', phabricator_datetime($min_epoch, $viewer), phabricator_time($max_epoch, $viewer)); } else { return pht( '%s', phabricator_datetime($min_epoch, $viewer)); } } public function getDisplayIcon(PhabricatorUser $viewer) { if ($this->getIsCancelled()) { return 'fa-times'; } if ($viewer->isLoggedIn()) { $viewer_phid = $viewer->getPHID(); if ($this->isRSVPInvited($viewer_phid)) { return 'fa-users'; } else { $status = $this->getUserInviteStatus($viewer_phid); switch ($status) { case PhabricatorCalendarEventInvitee::STATUS_ATTENDING: return 'fa-check-circle'; case PhabricatorCalendarEventInvitee::STATUS_INVITED: return 'fa-user-plus'; case PhabricatorCalendarEventInvitee::STATUS_DECLINED: return 'fa-times-circle'; } } } if ($this->isImportedEvent()) { return 'fa-download'; } return $this->getIcon(); } public function getDisplayIconColor(PhabricatorUser $viewer) { if ($this->getIsCancelled()) { return 'red'; } if ($this->isImportedEvent()) { return 'orange'; } if ($viewer->isLoggedIn()) { $viewer_phid = $viewer->getPHID(); if ($this->isRSVPInvited($viewer_phid)) { return 'green'; } $status = $this->getUserInviteStatus($viewer_phid); switch ($status) { case PhabricatorCalendarEventInvitee::STATUS_ATTENDING: return 'green'; case PhabricatorCalendarEventInvitee::STATUS_INVITED: return 'green'; case PhabricatorCalendarEventInvitee::STATUS_DECLINED: return 'grey'; } } return 'bluegrey'; } public function getDisplayIconLabel(PhabricatorUser $viewer) { if ($this->getIsCancelled()) { return pht('Cancelled'); } if ($viewer->isLoggedIn()) { $status = $this->getUserInviteStatus($viewer->getPHID()); switch ($status) { case PhabricatorCalendarEventInvitee::STATUS_ATTENDING: return pht('Attending'); case PhabricatorCalendarEventInvitee::STATUS_INVITED: return pht('Invited'); case PhabricatorCalendarEventInvitee::STATUS_DECLINED: return pht('Declined'); } } return null; } public function getICSFilename() { return $this->getMonogram().'.ics'; } public function newIntermediateEventNode( PhabricatorUser $viewer, array $children) { $base_uri = new PhutilURI(PhabricatorEnv::getProductionURI('/')); $domain = $base_uri->getDomain(); // NOTE: For recurring events, all of the events in the series have the // same UID (the UID of the parent). The child event instances are // differentiated by the "RECURRENCE-ID" field. if ($this->isChildEvent()) { $parent = $this->getParentEvent(); $instance_datetime = PhutilCalendarAbsoluteDateTime::newFromEpoch( $this->getUTCInstanceEpoch()); $recurrence_id = $instance_datetime->getISO8601(); $rrule = null; } else { $parent = $this; $recurrence_id = null; $rrule = $this->newRecurrenceRule(); } $uid = $parent->getPHID().'@'.$domain; $created = $this->getDateCreated(); $created = PhutilCalendarAbsoluteDateTime::newFromEpoch($created); $modified = $this->getDateModified(); $modified = PhutilCalendarAbsoluteDateTime::newFromEpoch($modified); $date_start = $this->newStartDateTime(); $date_end = $this->newEndDateTime(); if ($this->getIsAllDay()) { $date_start->setIsAllDay(true); $date_end->setIsAllDay(true); } $host_phid = $this->getHostPHID(); $invitees = $this->getInvitees(); foreach ($invitees as $key => $invitee) { if ($invitee->isUninvited()) { unset($invitees[$key]); } } $phids = array(); $phids[] = $host_phid; foreach ($invitees as $invitee) { $phids[] = $invitee->getInviteePHID(); } $handles = $viewer->loadHandles($phids); $host_handle = $handles[$host_phid]; $host_name = $host_handle->getFullName(); // NOTE: Gmail shows "Who: Unknown Organizer*" if the organizer URI does // not look like an email address. Use a synthetic address so it shows // the host name instead. $install_uri = PhabricatorEnv::getProductionURI('/'); $install_uri = new PhutilURI($install_uri); // This should possibly use "metamta.reply-handler-domain" instead, but // we do not currently accept mail for users anyway, and that option may // not be configured. $mail_domain = $install_uri->getDomain(); $host_uri = "mailto:{$host_phid}@{$mail_domain}"; $organizer = id(new PhutilCalendarUserNode()) ->setName($host_name) ->setURI($host_uri); $attendees = array(); foreach ($invitees as $invitee) { $invitee_phid = $invitee->getInviteePHID(); $invitee_handle = $handles[$invitee_phid]; $invitee_name = $invitee_handle->getFullName(); $invitee_uri = $invitee_handle->getURI(); $invitee_uri = PhabricatorEnv::getURI($invitee_uri); switch ($invitee->getStatus()) { case PhabricatorCalendarEventInvitee::STATUS_ATTENDING: $status = PhutilCalendarUserNode::STATUS_ACCEPTED; break; case PhabricatorCalendarEventInvitee::STATUS_DECLINED: $status = PhutilCalendarUserNode::STATUS_DECLINED; break; case PhabricatorCalendarEventInvitee::STATUS_INVITED: default: $status = PhutilCalendarUserNode::STATUS_INVITED; break; } $attendees[] = id(new PhutilCalendarUserNode()) ->setName($invitee_name) ->setURI($invitee_uri) ->setStatus($status); } // TODO: Use $children to generate EXDATE/RDATE information. $node = id(new PhutilCalendarEventNode()) ->setUID($uid) ->setName($this->getName()) ->setDescription($this->getDescription()) ->setCreatedDateTime($created) ->setModifiedDateTime($modified) ->setStartDateTime($date_start) ->setEndDateTime($date_end) ->setOrganizer($organizer) ->setAttendees($attendees); if ($rrule) { $node->setRecurrenceRule($rrule); } if ($recurrence_id) { $node->setRecurrenceID($recurrence_id); } return $node; } public function newStartDateTime() { $datetime = $this->getParameter('startDateTime'); return $this->newDateTimeFromDictionary($datetime); } public function getStartDateTimeEpoch() { return $this->newStartDateTime()->getEpoch(); } public function newEndDateTimeForEdit() { $datetime = $this->getParameter('endDateTime'); return $this->newDateTimeFromDictionary($datetime); } public function newEndDateTime() { $datetime = $this->newEndDateTimeForEdit(); // If this is an all day event, we move the end date time forward to the // first second of the following day. This is consistent with what users // expect: an all day event from "Nov 1" to "Nov 1" lasts the entire day. // For imported events, the end date is already stored with this // adjustment. if ($this->getIsAllDay() && !$this->isImportedEvent()) { $datetime = $datetime ->newAbsoluteDateTime() ->setHour(0) ->setMinute(0) ->setSecond(0) ->newRelativeDateTime('P1D') ->newAbsoluteDateTime(); } return $datetime; } public function getEndDateTimeEpoch() { return $this->newEndDateTime()->getEpoch(); } public function newUntilDateTime() { $datetime = $this->getParameter('untilDateTime'); if ($datetime) { return $this->newDateTimeFromDictionary($datetime); } return null; } public function getUntilDateTimeEpoch() { $datetime = $this->newUntilDateTime(); if (!$datetime) { return null; } return $datetime->getEpoch(); } public function newDuration() { return id(new PhutilCalendarDuration()) ->setSeconds($this->getDuration()); } public function newInstanceDateTime() { if (!$this->getIsRecurring()) { return null; } $index = $this->getSequenceIndex(); if (!$index) { return null; } return $this->newSequenceIndexDateTime($index); } private function newDateTimeFromEpoch($epoch) { $datetime = PhutilCalendarAbsoluteDateTime::newFromEpoch($epoch); if ($this->getIsAllDay()) { $datetime->setIsAllDay(true); } return $this->newDateTimeFromDateTime($datetime); } private function newDateTimeFromDictionary(array $dict) { $datetime = PhutilCalendarAbsoluteDateTime::newFromDictionary($dict); return $this->newDateTimeFromDateTime($datetime); } private function newDateTimeFromDateTime(PhutilCalendarDateTime $datetime) { $viewer_timezone = $this->viewerTimezone; if ($viewer_timezone) { $datetime->setViewerTimezone($viewer_timezone); } return $datetime; } public function getParameter($key, $default = null) { return idx($this->parameters, $key, $default); } public function setParameter($key, $value) { $this->parameters[$key] = $value; return $this; } public function setStartDateTime(PhutilCalendarDateTime $datetime) { return $this->setParameter( 'startDateTime', $datetime->newAbsoluteDateTime()->toDictionary()); } public function setEndDateTime(PhutilCalendarDateTime $datetime) { return $this->setParameter( 'endDateTime', $datetime->newAbsoluteDateTime()->toDictionary()); } public function setUntilDateTime(PhutilCalendarDateTime $datetime = null) { if ($datetime) { $value = $datetime->newAbsoluteDateTime()->toDictionary(); } else { $value = null; } return $this->setParameter('untilDateTime', $value); } public function setRecurrenceRule(PhutilCalendarRecurrenceRule $rrule) { return $this->setParameter( 'recurrenceRule', $rrule->toDictionary()); } public function newRecurrenceRule() { if ($this->isChildEvent()) { return $this->getParentEvent()->newRecurrenceRule(); } if (!$this->getIsRecurring()) { return null; } $dict = $this->getParameter('recurrenceRule'); if (!$dict) { return null; } $rrule = PhutilCalendarRecurrenceRule::newFromDictionary($dict); $start = $this->newStartDateTime(); $rrule->setStartDateTime($start); $until = $this->newUntilDateTime(); if ($until) { $rrule->setUntil($until); } $count = $this->getRecurrenceCount(); if ($count) { $rrule->setCount($count); } return $rrule; } public function getRecurrenceCount() { $count = (int)$this->getParameter('recurrenceCount'); if (!$count) { return null; } return $count; } public function newRecurrenceSet() { if ($this->isChildEvent()) { return $this->getParentEvent()->newRecurrenceSet(); } $set = new PhutilCalendarRecurrenceSet(); if ($this->viewerTimezone) { $set->setViewerTimezone($this->viewerTimezone); } $rrule = $this->newRecurrenceRule(); if (!$rrule) { return null; } $set->addSource($rrule); return $set; } public function isImportedEvent() { return (bool)$this->getImportSourcePHID(); } public function getImportSource() { return $this->assertAttached($this->importSource); } public function attachImportSource( PhabricatorCalendarImport $import = null) { $this->importSource = $import; return $this; } public function loadForkTarget(PhabricatorUser $viewer) { if (!$this->getIsRecurring()) { // Can't fork an event which isn't recurring. return null; } if ($this->isChildEvent()) { // If this is a child event, this is the fork target. return $this; } if (!$this->isValidSequenceIndex($viewer, 1)) { // This appears to be a "recurring" event with no valid instances: for // example, its "until" date is before the second instance would occur. // This can happen if we already forked the event or if users entered // silly stuff. Just edit the event directly without forking anything. return null; } $next_event = id(new PhabricatorCalendarEventQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withInstanceSequencePairs( array( array($this->getPHID(), 1), )) ->requireCapabilities( array( PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT, )) ->executeOne(); if (!$next_event) { $next_event = $this->newStub($viewer, 1); } return $next_event; } public function loadFutureEvents(PhabricatorUser $viewer) { // NOTE: If you can't edit some of the future events, we just // don't try to update them. This seems like it's probably what // users are likely to expect. // NOTE: This only affects events that are currently in the same // series, not all events that were ever in the original series. // We could use series PHIDs instead of parent PHIDs to affect more // events if this turns out to be counterintuitive. Other // applications differ in their behavior. return id(new PhabricatorCalendarEventQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withParentEventPHIDs(array($this->getPHID())) ->withUTCInitialEpochBetween($this->getUTCInitialEpoch(), null) ->requireCapabilities( array( PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT, )) ->execute(); } public function getNotificationPHIDs() { $phids = array(); if ($this->getPHID()) { $phids[] = $this->getPHID(); } if ($this->getSeriesParentPHID()) { $phids[] = $this->getSeriesParentPHID(); } return $phids; } public function getRSVPs($phid) { return $this->assertAttachedKey($this->rsvps, $phid); } public function attachRSVPs(array $rsvps) { $this->rsvps = $rsvps; return $this; } public function isRSVPInvited($phid) { $status_invited = PhabricatorCalendarEventInvitee::STATUS_INVITED; return ($this->getRSVPStatus($phid) == $status_invited); } public function hasRSVPAuthority($phid, $other_phid) { foreach ($this->getRSVPs($phid) as $rsvp) { if ($rsvp->getInviteePHID() == $other_phid) { return true; } } return false; } public function getRSVPStatus($phid) { // Check for an individual invitee record first. $invitees = $this->invitees; $invitees = mpull($invitees, null, 'getInviteePHID'); $invitee = idx($invitees, $phid); if ($invitee) { return $invitee->getStatus(); } // If we don't have one, try to find an invited status for the user's // projects. $status_invited = PhabricatorCalendarEventInvitee::STATUS_INVITED; foreach ($this->getRSVPs($phid) as $rsvp) { if ($rsvp->getStatus() == $status_invited) { return $status_invited; } } return PhabricatorCalendarEventInvitee::STATUS_UNINVITED; } /* -( Markup Interface )--------------------------------------------------- */ /** * @task markup */ public function getMarkupFieldKey($field) { - $hash = PhabricatorHash::digest($this->getMarkupText($field)); - $id = $this->getID(); - return "calendar:T{$id}:{$field}:{$hash}"; + $content = $this->getMarkupText($field); + return PhabricatorMarkupEngine::digestRemarkupContent($this, $content); } /** * @task markup */ public function getMarkupText($field) { return $this->getDescription(); } /** * @task markup */ public function newMarkupEngine($field) { return PhabricatorMarkupEngine::newCalendarMarkupEngine(); } /** * @task markup */ public function didMarkupText( $field, $output, PhutilMarkupEngine $engine) { return $output; } /** * @task markup */ public function shouldUseMarkupCache($field) { return (bool)$this->getID(); } /* -( PhabricatorPolicyInterface )----------------------------------------- */ public function getCapabilities() { return array( PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT, ); } public function getPolicy($capability) { switch ($capability) { case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW: return $this->getViewPolicy(); case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT: if ($this->isImportedEvent()) { return PhabricatorPolicies::POLICY_NOONE; } else { return $this->getEditPolicy(); } } } public function hasAutomaticCapability($capability, PhabricatorUser $viewer) { if ($this->isImportedEvent()) { return false; } // The host of an event can always view and edit it. $user_phid = $this->getHostPHID(); if ($user_phid) { $viewer_phid = $viewer->getPHID(); if ($viewer_phid == $user_phid) { return true; } } if ($capability == PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW) { $status = $this->getUserInviteStatus($viewer->getPHID()); if ($status == PhabricatorCalendarEventInvitee::STATUS_INVITED || $status == PhabricatorCalendarEventInvitee::STATUS_ATTENDING || $status == PhabricatorCalendarEventInvitee::STATUS_DECLINED) { return true; } } return false; } /* -( PhabricatorExtendedPolicyInterface )--------------------------------- */ public function getExtendedPolicy($capability, PhabricatorUser $viewer) { $extended = array(); switch ($capability) { case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW: $import_source = $this->getImportSource(); if ($import_source) { $extended[] = array( $import_source, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW, ); } break; } return $extended; } /* -( PhabricatorPolicyCodexInterface )------------------------------------ */ public function newPolicyCodex() { return new PhabricatorCalendarEventPolicyCodex(); } /* -( PhabricatorApplicationTransactionInterface )------------------------- */ public function getApplicationTransactionEditor() { return new PhabricatorCalendarEventEditor(); } public function getApplicationTransactionObject() { return $this; } public function getApplicationTransactionTemplate() { return new PhabricatorCalendarEventTransaction(); } public function willRenderTimeline( PhabricatorApplicationTransactionView $timeline, AphrontRequest $request) { return $timeline; } /* -( PhabricatorSubscribableInterface )----------------------------------- */ public function isAutomaticallySubscribed($phid) { return ($phid == $this->getHostPHID()); } /* -( PhabricatorTokenReceiverInterface )---------------------------------- */ public function getUsersToNotifyOfTokenGiven() { return array($this->getHostPHID()); } /* -( PhabricatorDestructibleInterface )----------------------------------- */ public function destroyObjectPermanently( PhabricatorDestructionEngine $engine) { $this->openTransaction(); $invitees = id(new PhabricatorCalendarEventInvitee())->loadAllWhere( 'eventPHID = %s', $this->getPHID()); foreach ($invitees as $invitee) { $invitee->delete(); } $notifications = id(new PhabricatorCalendarNotification())->loadAllWhere( 'eventPHID = %s', $this->getPHID()); foreach ($notifications as $notification) { $notification->delete(); } $this->delete(); $this->saveTransaction(); } /* -( PhabricatorSpacesInterface )----------------------------------------- */ public function getSpacePHID() { return $this->spacePHID; } /* -( PhabricatorFulltextInterface )--------------------------------------- */ public function newFulltextEngine() { return new PhabricatorCalendarEventFulltextEngine(); } /* -( PhabricatorConduitResultInterface )---------------------------------- */ public function getFieldSpecificationsForConduit() { return array( id(new PhabricatorConduitSearchFieldSpecification()) ->setKey('name') ->setType('string') ->setDescription(pht('The name of the event.')), id(new PhabricatorConduitSearchFieldSpecification()) ->setKey('description') ->setType('string') ->setDescription(pht('The event description.')), id(new PhabricatorConduitSearchFieldSpecification()) ->setKey('isAllDay') ->setType('bool') ->setDescription(pht('True if the event is an all day event.')), id(new PhabricatorConduitSearchFieldSpecification()) ->setKey('startDateTime') ->setType('datetime') ->setDescription(pht('Start date and time of the event.')), id(new PhabricatorConduitSearchFieldSpecification()) ->setKey('endDateTime') ->setType('datetime') ->setDescription(pht('End date and time of the event.')), ); } public function getFieldValuesForConduit() { $start_datetime = $this->newStartDateTime(); $end_datetime = $this->newEndDateTime(); return array( 'name' => $this->getName(), 'description' => $this->getDescription(), 'isAllDay' => (bool)$this->getIsAllDay(), 'startDateTime' => $this->getConduitDateTime($start_datetime), 'endDateTime' => $this->getConduitDateTime($end_datetime), ); } public function getConduitSearchAttachments() { return array(); } private function getConduitDateTime($datetime) { if (!$datetime) { return null; } $epoch = $datetime->getEpoch(); // TODO: Possibly pass the actual viewer in from the Conduit stuff, or // retain it when setting the viewer timezone? $viewer = id(new PhabricatorUser()) ->overrideTimezoneIdentifier($this->viewerTimezone); return array( 'epoch' => (int)$epoch, 'display' => array( 'default' => phabricator_datetime($epoch, $viewer), ), 'iso8601' => $datetime->getISO8601(), 'timezone' => $this->viewerTimezone, ); } } diff --git a/src/applications/differential/storage/DifferentialInlineComment.php b/src/applications/differential/storage/DifferentialInlineComment.php index c27d59bbe3..bdc231671f 100644 --- a/src/applications/differential/storage/DifferentialInlineComment.php +++ b/src/applications/differential/storage/DifferentialInlineComment.php @@ -1,284 +1,284 @@ proxy = new DifferentialTransactionComment(); } public function __clone() { $this->proxy = clone $this->proxy; } public function getTransactionCommentForSave() { $content_source = PhabricatorContentSource::newForSource( PhabricatorOldWorldContentSource::SOURCECONST); $this->proxy ->setViewPolicy('public') ->setEditPolicy($this->getAuthorPHID()) ->setContentSource($content_source) ->attachIsHidden(false) ->setCommentVersion(1); return $this->proxy; } public function openTransaction() { $this->proxy->openTransaction(); } public function saveTransaction() { $this->proxy->saveTransaction(); } public function save() { $this->getTransactionCommentForSave()->save(); return $this; } public function delete() { $this->proxy->delete(); return $this; } public function supportsHiding() { if ($this->getSyntheticAuthor()) { return false; } return true; } public function isHidden() { if (!$this->supportsHiding()) { return false; } return $this->proxy->getIsHidden(); } public function getID() { return $this->proxy->getID(); } public function getPHID() { return $this->proxy->getPHID(); } public static function newFromModernComment( DifferentialTransactionComment $comment) { $obj = new DifferentialInlineComment(); $obj->proxy = $comment; return $obj; } public function setSyntheticAuthor($synthetic_author) { $this->syntheticAuthor = $synthetic_author; return $this; } public function getSyntheticAuthor() { return $this->syntheticAuthor; } public function isCompatible(PhabricatorInlineCommentInterface $comment) { return ($this->getAuthorPHID() === $comment->getAuthorPHID()) && ($this->getSyntheticAuthor() === $comment->getSyntheticAuthor()) && ($this->getContent() === $comment->getContent()); } public function setContent($content) { $this->proxy->setContent($content); return $this; } public function getContent() { return $this->proxy->getContent(); } public function isDraft() { return !$this->proxy->getTransactionPHID(); } public function setChangesetID($id) { $this->proxy->setChangesetID($id); return $this; } public function getChangesetID() { return $this->proxy->getChangesetID(); } public function setIsNewFile($is_new) { $this->proxy->setIsNewFile($is_new); return $this; } public function getIsNewFile() { return $this->proxy->getIsNewFile(); } public function setLineNumber($number) { $this->proxy->setLineNumber($number); return $this; } public function getLineNumber() { return $this->proxy->getLineNumber(); } public function setLineLength($length) { $this->proxy->setLineLength($length); return $this; } public function getLineLength() { return $this->proxy->getLineLength(); } public function setCache($cache) { return $this; } public function getCache() { return null; } public function setAuthorPHID($phid) { $this->proxy->setAuthorPHID($phid); return $this; } public function getAuthorPHID() { return $this->proxy->getAuthorPHID(); } public function setRevision(DifferentialRevision $revision) { $this->proxy->setRevisionPHID($revision->getPHID()); return $this; } public function getRevisionPHID() { return $this->proxy->getRevisionPHID(); } // Although these are purely transitional, they're also *extra* dumb. public function setRevisionID($revision_id) { $revision = id(new DifferentialRevision())->load($revision_id); return $this->setRevision($revision); } public function getRevisionID() { $phid = $this->proxy->getRevisionPHID(); if (!$phid) { return null; } $revision = id(new DifferentialRevision())->loadOneWhere( 'phid = %s', $phid); if (!$revision) { return null; } return $revision->getID(); } // When setting a comment ID, we also generate a phantom transaction PHID for // the future transaction. public function setCommentID($id) { $this->proxy->setTransactionPHID( PhabricatorPHID::generateNewPHID( PhabricatorApplicationTransactionTransactionPHIDType::TYPECONST, DifferentialRevisionPHIDType::TYPECONST)); return $this; } public function setReplyToCommentPHID($phid) { $this->proxy->setReplyToCommentPHID($phid); return $this; } public function getReplyToCommentPHID() { return $this->proxy->getReplyToCommentPHID(); } public function setHasReplies($has_replies) { $this->proxy->setHasReplies($has_replies); return $this; } public function getHasReplies() { return $this->proxy->getHasReplies(); } public function setIsDeleted($is_deleted) { $this->proxy->setIsDeleted($is_deleted); return $this; } public function getIsDeleted() { return $this->proxy->getIsDeleted(); } public function setFixedState($state) { $this->proxy->setFixedState($state); return $this; } public function getFixedState() { return $this->proxy->getFixedState(); } public function setIsGhost($is_ghost) { $this->isGhost = $is_ghost; return $this; } public function getIsGhost() { return $this->isGhost; } public function makeEphemeral() { $this->proxy->makeEphemeral(); return $this; } /* -( PhabricatorMarkupInterface Implementation )-------------------------- */ public function getMarkupFieldKey($field) { - // We can't use ID because synthetic comments don't have it. - return 'DI:'.PhabricatorHash::digest($this->getContent()); + $content = $this->getMarkupText($field); + return PhabricatorMarkupEngine::digestRemarkupContent($this, $content); } public function newMarkupEngine($field) { return PhabricatorMarkupEngine::newDifferentialMarkupEngine(); } public function getMarkupText($field) { return $this->getContent(); } public function didMarkupText($field, $output, PhutilMarkupEngine $engine) { return $output; } public function shouldUseMarkupCache($field) { // Only cache submitted comments. return ($this->getID() && !$this->isDraft()); } } diff --git a/src/applications/legalpad/storage/LegalpadDocumentBody.php b/src/applications/legalpad/storage/LegalpadDocumentBody.php index a3fdf20f5f..001e38ebf3 100644 --- a/src/applications/legalpad/storage/LegalpadDocumentBody.php +++ b/src/applications/legalpad/storage/LegalpadDocumentBody.php @@ -1,77 +1,77 @@ true, self::CONFIG_COLUMN_SCHEMA => array( 'version' => 'uint32', 'title' => 'text255', 'text' => 'text?', ), self::CONFIG_KEY_SCHEMA => array( 'key_document' => array( 'columns' => array('documentPHID', 'version'), 'unique' => true, ), ), ) + parent::getConfiguration(); } public function generatePHID() { return PhabricatorPHID::generateNewPHID( PhabricatorPHIDConstants::PHID_TYPE_LEGB); } /* -( PhabricatorMarkupInterface )----------------------------------------- */ public function getMarkupFieldKey($field) { - $hash = PhabricatorHash::digest($this->getMarkupText($field)); - return 'LEGB:'.$hash; + $content = $this->getMarkupText($field); + return PhabricatorMarkupEngine::digestRemarkupContent($this, $content); } public function newMarkupEngine($field) { return PhabricatorMarkupEngine::newMarkupEngine(array()); } public function getMarkupText($field) { switch ($field) { case self::MARKUP_FIELD_TEXT: $text = $this->getText(); break; default: throw new Exception(pht('Unknown field: %s', $field)); break; } return $text; } public function didMarkupText($field, $output, PhutilMarkupEngine $engine) { require_celerity_resource('phabricator-remarkup-css'); return phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'phabricator-remarkup', ), $output); } public function shouldUseMarkupCache($field) { return (bool)$this->getID(); } } diff --git a/src/applications/maniphest/storage/ManiphestTask.php b/src/applications/maniphest/storage/ManiphestTask.php index ebcdef691d..16937da2f2 100644 --- a/src/applications/maniphest/storage/ManiphestTask.php +++ b/src/applications/maniphest/storage/ManiphestTask.php @@ -1,591 +1,590 @@ setViewer($actor) ->withClasses(array('PhabricatorManiphestApplication')) ->executeOne(); $view_policy = $app->getPolicy(ManiphestDefaultViewCapability::CAPABILITY); $edit_policy = $app->getPolicy(ManiphestDefaultEditCapability::CAPABILITY); return id(new ManiphestTask()) ->setStatus(ManiphestTaskStatus::getDefaultStatus()) ->setPriority(ManiphestTaskPriority::getDefaultPriority()) ->setAuthorPHID($actor->getPHID()) ->setViewPolicy($view_policy) ->setEditPolicy($edit_policy) ->setSpacePHID($actor->getDefaultSpacePHID()) ->setSubtype(PhabricatorEditEngineSubtype::SUBTYPE_DEFAULT) ->attachProjectPHIDs(array()) ->attachSubscriberPHIDs(array()); } protected function getConfiguration() { return array( self::CONFIG_AUX_PHID => true, self::CONFIG_SERIALIZATION => array( 'properties' => self::SERIALIZATION_JSON, ), self::CONFIG_COLUMN_SCHEMA => array( 'ownerPHID' => 'phid?', 'status' => 'text12', 'priority' => 'uint32', 'title' => 'sort', 'originalTitle' => 'text', 'description' => 'text', 'mailKey' => 'bytes20', 'ownerOrdering' => 'text64?', 'originalEmailSource' => 'text255?', 'subpriority' => 'double', 'points' => 'double?', 'bridgedObjectPHID' => 'phid?', 'subtype' => 'text64', ), self::CONFIG_KEY_SCHEMA => array( 'key_phid' => null, 'phid' => array( 'columns' => array('phid'), 'unique' => true, ), 'priority' => array( 'columns' => array('priority', 'status'), ), 'status' => array( 'columns' => array('status'), ), 'ownerPHID' => array( 'columns' => array('ownerPHID', 'status'), ), 'authorPHID' => array( 'columns' => array('authorPHID', 'status'), ), 'ownerOrdering' => array( 'columns' => array('ownerOrdering'), ), 'priority_2' => array( 'columns' => array('priority', 'subpriority'), ), 'key_dateCreated' => array( 'columns' => array('dateCreated'), ), 'key_dateModified' => array( 'columns' => array('dateModified'), ), 'key_title' => array( 'columns' => array('title(64)'), ), 'key_bridgedobject' => array( 'columns' => array('bridgedObjectPHID'), 'unique' => true, ), 'key_subtype' => array( 'columns' => array('subtype'), ), ), ) + parent::getConfiguration(); } public function loadDependsOnTaskPHIDs() { return PhabricatorEdgeQuery::loadDestinationPHIDs( $this->getPHID(), ManiphestTaskDependsOnTaskEdgeType::EDGECONST); } public function loadDependedOnByTaskPHIDs() { return PhabricatorEdgeQuery::loadDestinationPHIDs( $this->getPHID(), ManiphestTaskDependedOnByTaskEdgeType::EDGECONST); } public function generatePHID() { return PhabricatorPHID::generateNewPHID(ManiphestTaskPHIDType::TYPECONST); } public function getSubscriberPHIDs() { return $this->assertAttached($this->subscriberPHIDs); } public function getProjectPHIDs() { return $this->assertAttached($this->edgeProjectPHIDs); } public function attachProjectPHIDs(array $phids) { $this->edgeProjectPHIDs = $phids; return $this; } public function attachSubscriberPHIDs(array $phids) { $this->subscriberPHIDs = $phids; return $this; } public function setOwnerPHID($phid) { $this->ownerPHID = nonempty($phid, null); return $this; } public function setTitle($title) { $this->title = $title; if (!$this->getID()) { $this->originalTitle = $title; } return $this; } public function getMonogram() { return 'T'.$this->getID(); } public function getURI() { return '/'.$this->getMonogram(); } public function attachGroupByProjectPHID($phid) { $this->groupByProjectPHID = $phid; return $this; } public function getGroupByProjectPHID() { return $this->assertAttached($this->groupByProjectPHID); } public function save() { if (!$this->mailKey) { $this->mailKey = Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(20); } $result = parent::save(); return $result; } public function isClosed() { return ManiphestTaskStatus::isClosedStatus($this->getStatus()); } public function isLocked() { return ManiphestTaskStatus::isLockedStatus($this->getStatus()); } public function setProperty($key, $value) { $this->properties[$key] = $value; return $this; } public function getProperty($key, $default = null) { return idx($this->properties, $key, $default); } public function getCoverImageFilePHID() { return idx($this->properties, 'cover.filePHID'); } public function getCoverImageThumbnailPHID() { return idx($this->properties, 'cover.thumbnailPHID'); } public function getWorkboardOrderVectors() { return array( PhabricatorProjectColumn::ORDER_PRIORITY => array( (int)-$this->getPriority(), (double)-$this->getSubpriority(), (int)-$this->getID(), ), ); } private function comparePriorityTo(ManiphestTask $other) { $upri = $this->getPriority(); $vpri = $other->getPriority(); if ($upri != $vpri) { return ($upri - $vpri); } $usub = $this->getSubpriority(); $vsub = $other->getSubpriority(); if ($usub != $vsub) { return ($usub - $vsub); } $uid = $this->getID(); $vid = $other->getID(); if ($uid != $vid) { return ($uid - $vid); } return 0; } public function isLowerPriorityThan(ManiphestTask $other) { return ($this->comparePriorityTo($other) < 0); } public function isHigherPriorityThan(ManiphestTask $other) { return ($this->comparePriorityTo($other) > 0); } public function getWorkboardProperties() { return array( 'status' => $this->getStatus(), 'points' => (double)$this->getPoints(), ); } /* -( PhabricatorSubscribableInterface )----------------------------------- */ public function isAutomaticallySubscribed($phid) { return ($phid == $this->getOwnerPHID()); } /* -( Markup Interface )--------------------------------------------------- */ /** * @task markup */ public function getMarkupFieldKey($field) { - $hash = PhabricatorHash::digest($this->getMarkupText($field)); - $id = $this->getID(); - return "maniphest:T{$id}:{$field}:{$hash}"; + $content = $this->getMarkupText($field); + return PhabricatorMarkupEngine::digestRemarkupContent($this, $content); } /** * @task markup */ public function getMarkupText($field) { return $this->getDescription(); } /** * @task markup */ public function newMarkupEngine($field) { return PhabricatorMarkupEngine::newManiphestMarkupEngine(); } /** * @task markup */ public function didMarkupText( $field, $output, PhutilMarkupEngine $engine) { return $output; } /** * @task markup */ public function shouldUseMarkupCache($field) { return (bool)$this->getID(); } /* -( Policy Interface )--------------------------------------------------- */ public function getCapabilities() { return array( PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_INTERACT, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT, ); } public function getPolicy($capability) { switch ($capability) { case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW: return $this->getViewPolicy(); case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_INTERACT: if ($this->isLocked()) { return PhabricatorPolicies::POLICY_NOONE; } else { return $this->getViewPolicy(); } case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT: return $this->getEditPolicy(); } } public function hasAutomaticCapability($capability, PhabricatorUser $user) { // The owner of a task can always view and edit it. $owner_phid = $this->getOwnerPHID(); if ($owner_phid) { $user_phid = $user->getPHID(); if ($user_phid == $owner_phid) { return true; } } return false; } public function describeAutomaticCapability($capability) { return pht('The owner of a task can always view and edit it.'); } /* -( PhabricatorTokenReceiverInterface )---------------------------------- */ public function getUsersToNotifyOfTokenGiven() { // Sort of ambiguous who this was intended for; just let them both know. return array_filter( array_unique( array( $this->getAuthorPHID(), $this->getOwnerPHID(), ))); } /* -( PhabricatorCustomFieldInterface )------------------------------------ */ public function getCustomFieldSpecificationForRole($role) { return PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('maniphest.fields'); } public function getCustomFieldBaseClass() { return 'ManiphestCustomField'; } public function getCustomFields() { return $this->assertAttached($this->customFields); } public function attachCustomFields(PhabricatorCustomFieldAttachment $fields) { $this->customFields = $fields; return $this; } /* -( PhabricatorDestructibleInterface )----------------------------------- */ public function destroyObjectPermanently( PhabricatorDestructionEngine $engine) { $this->openTransaction(); $this->delete(); $this->saveTransaction(); } /* -( PhabricatorApplicationTransactionInterface )------------------------- */ public function getApplicationTransactionEditor() { return new ManiphestTransactionEditor(); } public function getApplicationTransactionObject() { return $this; } public function getApplicationTransactionTemplate() { return new ManiphestTransaction(); } public function willRenderTimeline( PhabricatorApplicationTransactionView $timeline, AphrontRequest $request) { return $timeline; } /* -( PhabricatorSpacesInterface )----------------------------------------- */ public function getSpacePHID() { return $this->spacePHID; } /* -( PhabricatorConduitResultInterface )---------------------------------- */ public function getFieldSpecificationsForConduit() { return array( id(new PhabricatorConduitSearchFieldSpecification()) ->setKey('title') ->setType('string') ->setDescription(pht('The title of the task.')), id(new PhabricatorConduitSearchFieldSpecification()) ->setKey('description') ->setType('remarkup') ->setDescription(pht('The task description.')), id(new PhabricatorConduitSearchFieldSpecification()) ->setKey('authorPHID') ->setType('phid') ->setDescription(pht('Original task author.')), id(new PhabricatorConduitSearchFieldSpecification()) ->setKey('ownerPHID') ->setType('phid?') ->setDescription(pht('Current task owner, if task is assigned.')), id(new PhabricatorConduitSearchFieldSpecification()) ->setKey('status') ->setType('map') ->setDescription(pht('Information about task status.')), id(new PhabricatorConduitSearchFieldSpecification()) ->setKey('priority') ->setType('map') ->setDescription(pht('Information about task priority.')), id(new PhabricatorConduitSearchFieldSpecification()) ->setKey('points') ->setType('points') ->setDescription(pht('Point value of the task.')), id(new PhabricatorConduitSearchFieldSpecification()) ->setKey('subtype') ->setType('string') ->setDescription(pht('Subtype of the task.')), ); } public function getFieldValuesForConduit() { $status_value = $this->getStatus(); $status_info = array( 'value' => $status_value, 'name' => ManiphestTaskStatus::getTaskStatusName($status_value), 'color' => ManiphestTaskStatus::getStatusColor($status_value), ); $priority_value = (int)$this->getPriority(); $priority_info = array( 'value' => $priority_value, 'subpriority' => (double)$this->getSubpriority(), 'name' => ManiphestTaskPriority::getTaskPriorityName($priority_value), 'color' => ManiphestTaskPriority::getTaskPriorityColor($priority_value), ); return array( 'name' => $this->getTitle(), 'description' => array( 'raw' => $this->getDescription(), ), 'authorPHID' => $this->getAuthorPHID(), 'ownerPHID' => $this->getOwnerPHID(), 'status' => $status_info, 'priority' => $priority_info, 'points' => $this->getPoints(), 'subtype' => $this->getSubtype(), ); } public function getConduitSearchAttachments() { return array( id(new PhabricatorBoardColumnsSearchEngineAttachment()) ->setAttachmentKey('columns'), ); } /* -( PhabricatorFulltextInterface )--------------------------------------- */ public function newFulltextEngine() { return new ManiphestTaskFulltextEngine(); } /* -( DoorkeeperBridgedObjectInterface )----------------------------------- */ public function getBridgedObject() { return $this->assertAttached($this->bridgedObject); } public function attachBridgedObject( DoorkeeperExternalObject $object = null) { $this->bridgedObject = $object; return $this; } /* -( PhabricatorEditEngineSubtypeInterface )------------------------------ */ public function getEditEngineSubtype() { return $this->getSubtype(); } public function setEditEngineSubtype($value) { return $this->setSubtype($value); } public function newEditEngineSubtypeMap() { $config = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('maniphest.subtypes'); return PhabricatorEditEngineSubtype::newSubtypeMap($config); } /* -( PhabricatorEditEngineLockableInterface )----------------------------- */ public function newEditEngineLock() { return new ManiphestTaskEditEngineLock(); } } diff --git a/src/applications/phame/storage/PhameBlog.php b/src/applications/phame/storage/PhameBlog.php index 32cb6db543..bd4954d0ab 100644 --- a/src/applications/phame/storage/PhameBlog.php +++ b/src/applications/phame/storage/PhameBlog.php @@ -1,407 +1,407 @@ true, self::CONFIG_SERIALIZATION => array( 'configData' => self::SERIALIZATION_JSON, ), self::CONFIG_COLUMN_SCHEMA => array( 'name' => 'text64', 'subtitle' => 'text64', 'description' => 'text', 'domain' => 'text128?', 'domainFullURI' => 'text128?', 'parentSite' => 'text128?', 'parentDomain' => 'text128?', 'status' => 'text32', 'mailKey' => 'bytes20', 'profileImagePHID' => 'phid?', 'headerImagePHID' => 'phid?', // T6203/NULLABILITY // These policies should always be non-null. 'editPolicy' => 'policy?', 'viewPolicy' => 'policy?', ), self::CONFIG_KEY_SCHEMA => array( 'key_phid' => null, 'phid' => array( 'columns' => array('phid'), 'unique' => true, ), 'domain' => array( 'columns' => array('domain'), 'unique' => true, ), ), ) + parent::getConfiguration(); } public function save() { if (!$this->getMailKey()) { $this->setMailKey(Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(20)); } return parent::save(); } public function generatePHID() { return PhabricatorPHID::generateNewPHID( PhabricatorPhameBlogPHIDType::TYPECONST); } public static function initializeNewBlog(PhabricatorUser $actor) { $blog = id(new PhameBlog()) ->setCreatorPHID($actor->getPHID()) ->setStatus(self::STATUS_ACTIVE) ->setViewPolicy(PhabricatorPolicies::getMostOpenPolicy()) ->setEditPolicy(PhabricatorPolicies::POLICY_USER); return $blog; } public function isArchived() { return ($this->getStatus() == self::STATUS_ARCHIVED); } public static function getStatusNameMap() { return array( self::STATUS_ACTIVE => pht('Active'), self::STATUS_ARCHIVED => pht('Archived'), ); } /** * Makes sure a given custom blog uri is properly configured in DNS * to point at this Phabricator instance. If there is an error in * the configuration, return a string describing the error and how * to fix it. If there is no error, return an empty string. * * @return string */ public function validateCustomDomain($domain_full_uri) { $example_domain = 'http://blog.example.com/'; $label = pht('Invalid'); // note this "uri" should be pretty busted given the desired input // so just use it to test if there's a protocol specified $uri = new PhutilURI($domain_full_uri); $domain = $uri->getDomain(); $protocol = $uri->getProtocol(); $path = $uri->getPath(); $supported_protocols = array('http', 'https'); if (!in_array($protocol, $supported_protocols)) { return array( $label, pht( 'The custom domain should include a valid protocol in the URI '. '(for example, "%s"). Valid protocols are "http" or "https".', $example_domain), ); } if (strlen($path) && $path != '/') { return array( $label, pht( 'The custom domain should not specify a path (hosting a Phame '. 'blog at a path is currently not supported). Instead, just provide '. 'the bare domain name (for example, "%s").', $example_domain), ); } if (strpos($domain, '.') === false) { return array( $label, pht( 'The custom domain should contain at least one dot (.) because '. 'some browsers fail to set cookies on domains without a dot. '. 'Instead, use a normal looking domain name like "%s".', $example_domain), ); } if (!PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('policy.allow-public')) { $href = PhabricatorEnv::getProductionURI( '/config/edit/policy.allow-public/'); return array( pht('Fix Configuration'), pht( 'For custom domains to work, this Phabricator instance must be '. 'configured to allow the public access policy. Configure this '. 'setting %s, or ask an administrator to configure this setting. '. 'The domain can be specified later once this setting has been '. 'changed.', phutil_tag( 'a', array('href' => $href), pht('here'))), ); } return null; } public function getLiveURI() { if (strlen($this->getDomain())) { return $this->getExternalLiveURI(); } else { return $this->getInternalLiveURI(); } } public function getExternalLiveURI() { $uri = new PhutilURI($this->getDomainFullURI()); PhabricatorEnv::requireValidRemoteURIForLink($uri); return (string)$uri; } public function getExternalParentURI() { $uri = $this->getParentDomain(); PhabricatorEnv::requireValidRemoteURIForLink($uri); return (string)$uri; } public function getInternalLiveURI() { return '/phame/live/'.$this->getID().'/'; } public function getViewURI() { return '/phame/blog/view/'.$this->getID().'/'; } public function getManageURI() { return '/phame/blog/manage/'.$this->getID().'/'; } public function getProfileImageURI() { return $this->getProfileImageFile()->getBestURI(); } public function attachProfileImageFile(PhabricatorFile $file) { $this->profileImageFile = $file; return $this; } public function getProfileImageFile() { return $this->assertAttached($this->profileImageFile); } public function getHeaderImageURI() { return $this->getHeaderImageFile()->getBestURI(); } public function attachHeaderImageFile(PhabricatorFile $file) { $this->headerImageFile = $file; return $this; } public function getHeaderImageFile() { return $this->assertAttached($this->headerImageFile); } /* -( PhabricatorPolicyInterface Implementation )-------------------------- */ public function getCapabilities() { return array( PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT, ); } public function getPolicy($capability) { switch ($capability) { case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW: return $this->getViewPolicy(); case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT: return $this->getEditPolicy(); } } public function hasAutomaticCapability($capability, PhabricatorUser $user) { $can_edit = PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT; switch ($capability) { case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW: // Users who can edit or post to a blog can always view it. if (PhabricatorPolicyFilter::hasCapability($user, $this, $can_edit)) { return true; } break; } return false; } public function describeAutomaticCapability($capability) { switch ($capability) { case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW: return pht( 'Users who can edit a blog can always view it.'); } return null; } /* -( PhabricatorMarkupInterface Implementation )-------------------------- */ public function getMarkupFieldKey($field) { - $hash = PhabricatorHash::digest($this->getMarkupText($field)); - return $this->getPHID().':'.$field.':'.$hash; + $content = $this->getMarkupText($field); + return PhabricatorMarkupEngine::digestRemarkupContent($this, $content); } public function newMarkupEngine($field) { return PhabricatorMarkupEngine::newPhameMarkupEngine(); } public function getMarkupText($field) { return $this->getDescription(); } public function didMarkupText( $field, $output, PhutilMarkupEngine $engine) { return $output; } public function shouldUseMarkupCache($field) { return (bool)$this->getPHID(); } /* -( PhabricatorDestructibleInterface )----------------------------------- */ public function destroyObjectPermanently( PhabricatorDestructionEngine $engine) { $this->openTransaction(); $posts = id(new PhamePostQuery()) ->setViewer($engine->getViewer()) ->withBlogPHIDs(array($this->getPHID())) ->execute(); foreach ($posts as $post) { $engine->destroyObject($post); } $this->delete(); $this->saveTransaction(); } /* -( PhabricatorApplicationTransactionInterface )------------------------- */ public function getApplicationTransactionEditor() { return new PhameBlogEditor(); } public function getApplicationTransactionObject() { return $this; } public function getApplicationTransactionTemplate() { return new PhameBlogTransaction(); } public function willRenderTimeline( PhabricatorApplicationTransactionView $timeline, AphrontRequest $request) { return $timeline; } /* -( PhabricatorSubscribableInterface Implementation )-------------------- */ public function isAutomaticallySubscribed($phid) { return false; } /* -( PhabricatorConduitResultInterface )---------------------------------- */ public function getFieldSpecificationsForConduit() { return array( id(new PhabricatorConduitSearchFieldSpecification()) ->setKey('name') ->setType('string') ->setDescription(pht('The name of the blog.')), id(new PhabricatorConduitSearchFieldSpecification()) ->setKey('description') ->setType('string') ->setDescription(pht('Blog description.')), id(new PhabricatorConduitSearchFieldSpecification()) ->setKey('status') ->setType('string') ->setDescription(pht('Archived or active status.')), ); } public function getFieldValuesForConduit() { return array( 'name' => $this->getName(), 'description' => $this->getDescription(), 'status' => $this->getStatus(), ); } public function getConduitSearchAttachments() { return array(); } /* -( PhabricatorFulltextInterface )--------------------------------------- */ public function newFulltextEngine() { return new PhameBlogFulltextEngine(); } } diff --git a/src/applications/phame/storage/PhamePost.php b/src/applications/phame/storage/PhamePost.php index 6e9e005bfa..f87a37e7a4 100644 --- a/src/applications/phame/storage/PhamePost.php +++ b/src/applications/phame/storage/PhamePost.php @@ -1,389 +1,389 @@ setBloggerPHID($blogger->getPHID()) ->setBlogPHID($blog->getPHID()) ->attachBlog($blog) ->setDatePublished(PhabricatorTime::getNow()) ->setVisibility(PhameConstants::VISIBILITY_PUBLISHED); return $post; } public function attachBlog(PhameBlog $blog) { $this->blog = $blog; return $this; } public function getBlog() { return $this->assertAttached($this->blog); } public function getMonogram() { return 'J'.$this->getID(); } public function getLiveURI() { $blog = $this->getBlog(); $is_draft = $this->isDraft(); $is_archived = $this->isArchived(); if (strlen($blog->getDomain()) && !$is_draft && !$is_archived) { return $this->getExternalLiveURI(); } else { return $this->getInternalLiveURI(); } } public function getExternalLiveURI() { $id = $this->getID(); $slug = $this->getSlug(); $path = "/post/{$id}/{$slug}/"; $domain = $this->getBlog()->getDomain(); return (string)id(new PhutilURI('http://'.$domain)) ->setPath($path); } public function getInternalLiveURI() { $id = $this->getID(); $slug = $this->getSlug(); $blog_id = $this->getBlog()->getID(); return "/phame/live/{$blog_id}/post/{$id}/{$slug}/"; } public function getViewURI() { $id = $this->getID(); $slug = $this->getSlug(); return "/phame/post/view/{$id}/{$slug}/"; } public function getBestURI($is_live, $is_external) { if ($is_live) { if ($is_external) { return $this->getExternalLiveURI(); } else { return $this->getInternalLiveURI(); } } else { return $this->getViewURI(); } } public function getEditURI() { return '/phame/post/edit/'.$this->getID().'/'; } public function isDraft() { return ($this->getVisibility() == PhameConstants::VISIBILITY_DRAFT); } public function isArchived() { return ($this->getVisibility() == PhameConstants::VISIBILITY_ARCHIVED); } protected function getConfiguration() { return array( self::CONFIG_AUX_PHID => true, self::CONFIG_SERIALIZATION => array( 'configData' => self::SERIALIZATION_JSON, ), self::CONFIG_COLUMN_SCHEMA => array( 'title' => 'text255', 'subtitle' => 'text64', 'phameTitle' => 'sort64?', 'visibility' => 'uint32', 'mailKey' => 'bytes20', 'headerImagePHID' => 'phid?', // T6203/NULLABILITY // These seem like they should always be non-null? 'blogPHID' => 'phid?', 'body' => 'text?', 'configData' => 'text?', // T6203/NULLABILITY // This one probably should be nullable? 'datePublished' => 'epoch', ), self::CONFIG_KEY_SCHEMA => array( 'key_phid' => null, 'phid' => array( 'columns' => array('phid'), 'unique' => true, ), 'bloggerPosts' => array( 'columns' => array( 'bloggerPHID', 'visibility', 'datePublished', 'id', ), ), ), ) + parent::getConfiguration(); } public function save() { if (!$this->getMailKey()) { $this->setMailKey(Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(20)); } return parent::save(); } public function generatePHID() { return PhabricatorPHID::generateNewPHID( PhabricatorPhamePostPHIDType::TYPECONST); } public function getSlug() { return PhabricatorSlug::normalizeProjectSlug($this->getTitle()); } public function getHeaderImageURI() { return $this->getHeaderImageFile()->getBestURI(); } public function attachHeaderImageFile(PhabricatorFile $file) { $this->headerImageFile = $file; return $this; } public function getHeaderImageFile() { return $this->assertAttached($this->headerImageFile); } /* -( PhabricatorPolicyInterface Implementation )-------------------------- */ public function getCapabilities() { return array( PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT, ); } public function getPolicy($capability) { // Draft posts are visible only to the author. Published posts are visible // to whoever the blog is visible to. switch ($capability) { case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW: if (!$this->isDraft() && !$this->isArchived() && $this->getBlog()) { return $this->getBlog()->getViewPolicy(); } else if ($this->getBlog()) { return $this->getBlog()->getEditPolicy(); } else { return PhabricatorPolicies::POLICY_NOONE; } break; case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT: if ($this->getBlog()) { return $this->getBlog()->getEditPolicy(); } else { return PhabricatorPolicies::POLICY_NOONE; } } } public function hasAutomaticCapability($capability, PhabricatorUser $user) { // A blog post's author can always view it. switch ($capability) { case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW: case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT: return ($user->getPHID() == $this->getBloggerPHID()); } } public function describeAutomaticCapability($capability) { return pht('The author of a blog post can always view and edit it.'); } /* -( PhabricatorMarkupInterface Implementation )-------------------------- */ public function getMarkupFieldKey($field) { - $hash = PhabricatorHash::digest($this->getMarkupText($field)); - return $this->getPHID().':'.$field.':'.$hash; + $content = $this->getMarkupText($field); + return PhabricatorMarkupEngine::digestRemarkupContent($this, $content); } public function newMarkupEngine($field) { return PhabricatorMarkupEngine::newPhameMarkupEngine(); } public function getMarkupText($field) { switch ($field) { case self::MARKUP_FIELD_BODY: return $this->getBody(); case self::MARKUP_FIELD_SUMMARY: return PhabricatorMarkupEngine::summarize($this->getBody()); } } public function didMarkupText( $field, $output, PhutilMarkupEngine $engine) { return $output; } public function shouldUseMarkupCache($field) { return (bool)$this->getPHID(); } /* -( PhabricatorApplicationTransactionInterface )------------------------- */ public function getApplicationTransactionEditor() { return new PhamePostEditor(); } public function getApplicationTransactionObject() { return $this; } public function getApplicationTransactionTemplate() { return new PhamePostTransaction(); } public function willRenderTimeline( PhabricatorApplicationTransactionView $timeline, AphrontRequest $request) { return $timeline; } /* -( PhabricatorDestructibleInterface )----------------------------------- */ public function destroyObjectPermanently( PhabricatorDestructionEngine $engine) { $this->openTransaction(); $this->delete(); $this->saveTransaction(); } /* -( PhabricatorTokenReceiverInterface )---------------------------------- */ public function getUsersToNotifyOfTokenGiven() { return array( $this->getBloggerPHID(), ); } /* -( PhabricatorSubscribableInterface Implementation )-------------------- */ public function isAutomaticallySubscribed($phid) { return ($this->bloggerPHID == $phid); } /* -( PhabricatorConduitResultInterface )---------------------------------- */ public function getFieldSpecificationsForConduit() { return array( id(new PhabricatorConduitSearchFieldSpecification()) ->setKey('title') ->setType('string') ->setDescription(pht('Title of the post.')), id(new PhabricatorConduitSearchFieldSpecification()) ->setKey('slug') ->setType('string') ->setDescription(pht('Slug for the post.')), id(new PhabricatorConduitSearchFieldSpecification()) ->setKey('blogPHID') ->setType('phid') ->setDescription(pht('PHID of the blog that the post belongs to.')), id(new PhabricatorConduitSearchFieldSpecification()) ->setKey('authorPHID') ->setType('phid') ->setDescription(pht('PHID of the author of the post.')), id(new PhabricatorConduitSearchFieldSpecification()) ->setKey('body') ->setType('string') ->setDescription(pht('Body of the post.')), id(new PhabricatorConduitSearchFieldSpecification()) ->setKey('datePublished') ->setType('epoch?') ->setDescription(pht('Publish date, if the post has been published.')), ); } public function getFieldValuesForConduit() { if ($this->isDraft()) { $date_published = null; } else if ($this->isArchived()) { $date_published = null; } else { $date_published = (int)$this->getDatePublished(); } return array( 'title' => $this->getTitle(), 'slug' => $this->getSlug(), 'blogPHID' => $this->getBlogPHID(), 'authorPHID' => $this->getBloggerPHID(), 'body' => $this->getBody(), 'datePublished' => $date_published, ); } public function getConduitSearchAttachments() { return array(); } /* -( PhabricatorFulltextInterface )--------------------------------------- */ public function newFulltextEngine() { return new PhamePostFulltextEngine(); } } diff --git a/src/applications/pholio/storage/PholioImage.php b/src/applications/pholio/storage/PholioImage.php index e81c71a05a..70f6e8b8c4 100644 --- a/src/applications/pholio/storage/PholioImage.php +++ b/src/applications/pholio/storage/PholioImage.php @@ -1,122 +1,122 @@ true, self::CONFIG_COLUMN_SCHEMA => array( 'mockID' => 'id?', 'name' => 'text128', 'description' => 'text', 'sequence' => 'uint32', 'isObsolete' => 'bool', 'replacesImagePHID' => 'phid?', ), self::CONFIG_KEY_SCHEMA => array( 'key_phid' => null, 'keyPHID' => array( 'columns' => array('phid'), 'unique' => true, ), 'mockID' => array( 'columns' => array('mockID', 'isObsolete', 'sequence'), ), ), ) + parent::getConfiguration(); } public function generatePHID() { return PhabricatorPHID::generateNewPHID(PholioImagePHIDType::TYPECONST); } public function attachFile(PhabricatorFile $file) { $this->file = $file; return $this; } public function getFile() { $this->assertAttached($this->file); return $this->file; } public function attachMock(PholioMock $mock) { $this->mock = $mock; return $this; } public function getMock() { $this->assertAttached($this->mock); return $this->mock; } public function attachInlineComments(array $inline_comments) { assert_instances_of($inline_comments, 'PholioTransactionComment'); $this->inlineComments = $inline_comments; return $this; } public function getInlineComments() { $this->assertAttached($this->inlineComments); return $this->inlineComments; } /* -( PhabricatorMarkupInterface )----------------------------------------- */ public function getMarkupFieldKey($field) { - $hash = PhabricatorHash::digest($this->getMarkupText($field)); - return 'M:'.$hash; + $content = $this->getMarkupText($field); + return PhabricatorMarkupEngine::digestRemarkupContent($this, $content); } public function newMarkupEngine($field) { return PhabricatorMarkupEngine::newMarkupEngine(array()); } public function getMarkupText($field) { return $this->getDescription(); } public function didMarkupText($field, $output, PhutilMarkupEngine $engine) { return $output; } public function shouldUseMarkupCache($field) { return (bool)$this->getID(); } /* -( PhabricatorPolicyInterface Implementation )-------------------------- */ public function getCapabilities() { return $this->getMock()->getCapabilities(); } public function getPolicy($capability) { return $this->getMock()->getPolicy($capability); } // really the *mock* controls who can see an image public function hasAutomaticCapability($capability, PhabricatorUser $viewer) { return $this->getMock()->hasAutomaticCapability($capability, $viewer); } } diff --git a/src/applications/pholio/storage/PholioMock.php b/src/applications/pholio/storage/PholioMock.php index 00e8efd981..7f58a95511 100644 --- a/src/applications/pholio/storage/PholioMock.php +++ b/src/applications/pholio/storage/PholioMock.php @@ -1,323 +1,323 @@ setViewer($actor) ->withClasses(array('PhabricatorPholioApplication')) ->executeOne(); $view_policy = $app->getPolicy(PholioDefaultViewCapability::CAPABILITY); $edit_policy = $app->getPolicy(PholioDefaultEditCapability::CAPABILITY); return id(new PholioMock()) ->setAuthorPHID($actor->getPHID()) ->attachImages(array()) ->setStatus(self::STATUS_OPEN) ->setViewPolicy($view_policy) ->setEditPolicy($edit_policy) ->setSpacePHID($actor->getDefaultSpacePHID()); } public function getMonogram() { return 'M'.$this->getID(); } protected function getConfiguration() { return array( self::CONFIG_AUX_PHID => true, self::CONFIG_COLUMN_SCHEMA => array( 'name' => 'text128', 'description' => 'text', 'originalName' => 'text128', 'mailKey' => 'bytes20', 'status' => 'text12', ), self::CONFIG_KEY_SCHEMA => array( 'key_phid' => null, 'phid' => array( 'columns' => array('phid'), 'unique' => true, ), 'authorPHID' => array( 'columns' => array('authorPHID'), ), ), ) + parent::getConfiguration(); } public function generatePHID() { return PhabricatorPHID::generateNewPHID('MOCK'); } public function save() { if (!$this->getMailKey()) { $this->setMailKey(Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(20)); } return parent::save(); } /** * These should be the images currently associated with the Mock. */ public function attachImages(array $images) { assert_instances_of($images, 'PholioImage'); $this->images = $images; return $this; } public function getImages() { $this->assertAttached($this->images); return $this->images; } /** * These should be *all* images associated with the Mock. This includes * images which have been removed and / or replaced from the Mock. */ public function attachAllImages(array $images) { assert_instances_of($images, 'PholioImage'); $this->allImages = $images; return $this; } public function getAllImages() { $this->assertAttached($this->images); return $this->allImages; } public function attachCoverFile(PhabricatorFile $file) { $this->coverFile = $file; return $this; } public function getCoverFile() { $this->assertAttached($this->coverFile); return $this->coverFile; } public function getTokenCount() { $this->assertAttached($this->tokenCount); return $this->tokenCount; } public function attachTokenCount($count) { $this->tokenCount = $count; return $this; } public function getImageHistorySet($image_id) { $images = $this->getAllImages(); $images = mpull($images, null, 'getID'); $selected_image = $images[$image_id]; $replace_map = mpull($images, null, 'getReplacesImagePHID'); $phid_map = mpull($images, null, 'getPHID'); // find the earliest image $image = $selected_image; while (isset($phid_map[$image->getReplacesImagePHID()])) { $image = $phid_map[$image->getReplacesImagePHID()]; } // now build history moving forward $history = array($image->getID() => $image); while (isset($replace_map[$image->getPHID()])) { $image = $replace_map[$image->getPHID()]; $history[$image->getID()] = $image; } return $history; } public function getStatuses() { $options = array(); $options[self::STATUS_OPEN] = pht('Open'); $options[self::STATUS_CLOSED] = pht('Closed'); return $options; } public function isClosed() { return ($this->getStatus() == 'closed'); } /* -( PhabricatorSubscribableInterface Implementation )-------------------- */ public function isAutomaticallySubscribed($phid) { return ($this->authorPHID == $phid); } /* -( PhabricatorPolicyInterface Implementation )-------------------------- */ public function getCapabilities() { return array( PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT, ); } public function getPolicy($capability) { switch ($capability) { case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW: return $this->getViewPolicy(); case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT: return $this->getEditPolicy(); } } public function hasAutomaticCapability($capability, PhabricatorUser $viewer) { return ($viewer->getPHID() == $this->getAuthorPHID()); } public function describeAutomaticCapability($capability) { return pht("A mock's owner can always view and edit it."); } /* -( PhabricatorMarkupInterface )----------------------------------------- */ public function getMarkupFieldKey($field) { - $hash = PhabricatorHash::digest($this->getMarkupText($field)); - return 'M:'.$hash; + $content = $this->getMarkupText($field); + return PhabricatorMarkupEngine::digestRemarkupContent($this, $content); } public function newMarkupEngine($field) { return PhabricatorMarkupEngine::newMarkupEngine(array()); } public function getMarkupText($field) { if ($this->getDescription()) { return $this->getDescription(); } return null; } public function didMarkupText($field, $output, PhutilMarkupEngine $engine) { require_celerity_resource('phabricator-remarkup-css'); return phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'phabricator-remarkup', ), $output); } public function shouldUseMarkupCache($field) { return (bool)$this->getID(); } /* -( PhabricatorApplicationTransactionInterface )------------------------- */ public function getApplicationTransactionEditor() { return new PholioMockEditor(); } public function getApplicationTransactionObject() { return $this; } public function getApplicationTransactionTemplate() { return new PholioTransaction(); } public function willRenderTimeline( PhabricatorApplicationTransactionView $timeline, AphrontRequest $request) { PholioMockQuery::loadImages( $request->getUser(), array($this), $need_inline_comments = true); $timeline->setMock($this); return $timeline; } /* -( PhabricatorTokenReceiverInterface )---------------------------------- */ public function getUsersToNotifyOfTokenGiven() { return array( $this->getAuthorPHID(), ); } /* -( PhabricatorDestructibleInterface )----------------------------------- */ public function destroyObjectPermanently( PhabricatorDestructionEngine $engine) { $this->openTransaction(); $images = id(new PholioImage())->loadAllWhere( 'mockID = %d', $this->getID()); foreach ($images as $image) { $image->delete(); } $this->delete(); $this->saveTransaction(); } /* -( PhabricatorSpacesInterface )----------------------------------------- */ public function getSpacePHID() { return $this->spacePHID; } /* -( PhabricatorFulltextInterface )--------------------------------------- */ public function newFulltextEngine() { return new PholioMockFulltextEngine(); } } diff --git a/src/applications/phriction/storage/PhrictionContent.php b/src/applications/phriction/storage/PhrictionContent.php index 3a2e20aa29..0492534797 100644 --- a/src/applications/phriction/storage/PhrictionContent.php +++ b/src/applications/phriction/storage/PhrictionContent.php @@ -1,131 +1,127 @@ array( 'version' => 'uint32', 'title' => 'sort', 'slug' => 'text128', 'content' => 'text', 'changeType' => 'uint32', 'changeRef' => 'uint32?', // T6203/NULLABILITY // This should just be empty if not provided? 'description' => 'text?', ), self::CONFIG_KEY_SCHEMA => array( 'documentID' => array( 'columns' => array('documentID', 'version'), 'unique' => true, ), 'authorPHID' => array( 'columns' => array('authorPHID'), ), 'slug' => array( 'columns' => array('slug'), ), ), ) + parent::getConfiguration(); } /* -( Markup Interface )--------------------------------------------------- */ /** * @task markup */ public function getMarkupFieldKey($field) { - if ($this->shouldUseMarkupCache($field)) { - $id = $this->getID(); - } else { - $id = PhabricatorHash::digest($this->getMarkupText($field)); - } - return "phriction:{$field}:{$id}"; + $content = $this->getMarkupText($field); + return PhabricatorMarkupEngine::digestRemarkupContent($this, $content); } /** * @task markup */ public function getMarkupText($field) { return $this->getContent(); } /** * @task markup */ public function newMarkupEngine($field) { return PhabricatorMarkupEngine::newPhrictionMarkupEngine(); } /** * @task markup */ public function didMarkupText( $field, $output, PhutilMarkupEngine $engine) { $this->renderedTableOfContents = PhutilRemarkupHeaderBlockRule::renderTableOfContents($engine); return phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'phabricator-remarkup', ), $output); } /** * @task markup */ public function getRenderedTableOfContents() { return $this->renderedTableOfContents; } /** * @task markup */ public function shouldUseMarkupCache($field) { return (bool)$this->getID(); } } diff --git a/src/applications/ponder/storage/PonderAnswer.php b/src/applications/ponder/storage/PonderAnswer.php index 76c9057497..f9e3e8eb8d 100644 --- a/src/applications/ponder/storage/PonderAnswer.php +++ b/src/applications/ponder/storage/PonderAnswer.php @@ -1,234 +1,233 @@ setViewer($actor) ->withClasses(array('PhabricatorPonderApplication')) ->executeOne(); return id(new PonderAnswer()) ->setQuestionID($question->getID()) ->setContent('') ->attachQuestion($question) ->setAuthorPHID($actor->getPHID()) ->setVoteCount(0) ->setStatus(PonderAnswerStatus::ANSWER_STATUS_VISIBLE); } public function attachQuestion(PonderQuestion $question = null) { $this->question = $question; return $this; } public function getQuestion() { return $this->assertAttached($this->question); } public function getURI() { return '/Q'.$this->getQuestionID().'#A'.$this->getID(); } public function setComments($comments) { $this->comments = $comments; return $this; } public function getComments() { return $this->comments; } protected function getConfiguration() { return array( self::CONFIG_AUX_PHID => true, self::CONFIG_COLUMN_SCHEMA => array( 'voteCount' => 'sint32', 'content' => 'text', 'status' => 'text32', 'mailKey' => 'bytes20', ), self::CONFIG_KEY_SCHEMA => array( 'key_phid' => null, 'phid' => array( 'columns' => array('phid'), 'unique' => true, ), 'key_oneanswerperquestion' => array( 'columns' => array('questionID', 'authorPHID'), 'unique' => true, ), 'questionID' => array( 'columns' => array('questionID'), ), 'authorPHID' => array( 'columns' => array('authorPHID'), ), 'status' => array( 'columns' => array('status'), ), ), ) + parent::getConfiguration(); } public function generatePHID() { return PhabricatorPHID::generateNewPHID(PonderAnswerPHIDType::TYPECONST); } public function getMarkupField() { return self::MARKUP_FIELD_CONTENT; } public function save() { if (!$this->getMailKey()) { $this->setMailKey(Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(20)); } return parent::save(); } /* -( PhabricatorApplicationTransactionInterface )------------------------- */ public function getApplicationTransactionEditor() { return new PonderAnswerEditor(); } public function getApplicationTransactionObject() { return $this; } public function getApplicationTransactionTemplate() { return new PonderAnswerTransaction(); } public function willRenderTimeline( PhabricatorApplicationTransactionView $timeline, AphrontRequest $request) { return $timeline; } // Markup interface public function getMarkupFieldKey($field) { - $hash = PhabricatorHash::digest($this->getMarkupText($field)); - $id = $this->getID(); - return "ponder:A{$id}:{$field}:{$hash}"; + $content = $this->getMarkupText($field); + return PhabricatorMarkupEngine::digestRemarkupContent($this, $content); } public function getMarkupText($field) { return $this->getContent(); } public function newMarkupEngine($field) { return PhabricatorMarkupEngine::getEngine(); } public function didMarkupText( $field, $output, PhutilMarkupEngine $engine) { return $output; } public function shouldUseMarkupCache($field) { return (bool)$this->getID(); } /* -( PhabricatorPolicyInterface )----------------------------------------- */ public function getCapabilities() { return array( PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT, ); } public function getPolicy($capability) { switch ($capability) { case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW: return $this->getQuestion()->getPolicy($capability); case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT: $app = PhabricatorApplication::getByClass( 'PhabricatorPonderApplication'); return $app->getPolicy(PonderModerateCapability::CAPABILITY); } } public function hasAutomaticCapability($capability, PhabricatorUser $viewer) { switch ($capability) { case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW: if ($this->getAuthorPHID() == $viewer->getPHID()) { return true; } return $this->getQuestion()->hasAutomaticCapability( $capability, $viewer); case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT: return ($this->getAuthorPHID() == $viewer->getPHID()); } } public function describeAutomaticCapability($capability) { $out = array(); $out[] = pht('The author of an answer can always view and edit it.'); switch ($capability) { case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW: $out[] = pht( 'The user who asks a question can always view the answers.'); $out[] = pht( 'A moderator can always view the answers.'); break; } return $out; } /* -( PhabricatorSubscribableInterface )----------------------------------- */ public function isAutomaticallySubscribed($phid) { return ($phid == $this->getAuthorPHID()); } /* -( PhabricatorDestructibleInterface )----------------------------------- */ public function destroyObjectPermanently( PhabricatorDestructionEngine $engine) { $this->openTransaction(); $this->delete(); $this->saveTransaction(); } } diff --git a/src/applications/ponder/storage/PonderQuestion.php b/src/applications/ponder/storage/PonderQuestion.php index d302bbfc29..6594219f5a 100644 --- a/src/applications/ponder/storage/PonderQuestion.php +++ b/src/applications/ponder/storage/PonderQuestion.php @@ -1,296 +1,295 @@ setViewer($actor) ->withClasses(array('PhabricatorPonderApplication')) ->executeOne(); $view_policy = $app->getPolicy( PonderDefaultViewCapability::CAPABILITY); return id(new PonderQuestion()) ->setAuthorPHID($actor->getPHID()) ->setViewPolicy($view_policy) ->setStatus(PonderQuestionStatus::STATUS_OPEN) ->setAnswerCount(0) ->setAnswerWiki('') ->setSpacePHID($actor->getDefaultSpacePHID()); } protected function getConfiguration() { return array( self::CONFIG_AUX_PHID => true, self::CONFIG_COLUMN_SCHEMA => array( 'title' => 'text255', 'status' => 'text32', 'content' => 'text', 'answerWiki' => 'text', 'answerCount' => 'uint32', 'mailKey' => 'bytes20', // T6203/NULLABILITY // This should always exist. 'contentSource' => 'text?', ), self::CONFIG_KEY_SCHEMA => array( 'key_phid' => null, 'phid' => array( 'columns' => array('phid'), 'unique' => true, ), 'authorPHID' => array( 'columns' => array('authorPHID'), ), 'status' => array( 'columns' => array('status'), ), ), ) + parent::getConfiguration(); } public function generatePHID() { return PhabricatorPHID::generateNewPHID(PonderQuestionPHIDType::TYPECONST); } public function setContentSource(PhabricatorContentSource $content_source) { $this->contentSource = $content_source->serialize(); return $this; } public function getContentSource() { return PhabricatorContentSource::newFromSerialized($this->contentSource); } public function setComments($comments) { $this->comments = $comments; return $this; } public function getComments() { return $this->comments; } public function attachAnswers(array $answers) { assert_instances_of($answers, 'PonderAnswer'); $this->answers = $answers; return $this; } public function getAnswers() { return $this->answers; } public function getProjectPHIDs() { return $this->assertAttached($this->projectPHIDs); } public function attachProjectPHIDs(array $phids) { $this->projectPHIDs = $phids; return $this; } public function getMarkupField() { return self::MARKUP_FIELD_CONTENT; } /* -( PhabricatorApplicationTransactionInterface )------------------------- */ public function getApplicationTransactionEditor() { return new PonderQuestionEditor(); } public function getApplicationTransactionObject() { return $this; } public function getApplicationTransactionTemplate() { return new PonderQuestionTransaction(); } public function willRenderTimeline( PhabricatorApplicationTransactionView $timeline, AphrontRequest $request) { return $timeline; } // Markup interface public function getMarkupFieldKey($field) { - $hash = PhabricatorHash::digest($this->getMarkupText($field)); - $id = $this->getID(); - return "ponder:Q{$id}:{$field}:{$hash}"; + $content = $this->getMarkupText($field); + return PhabricatorMarkupEngine::digestRemarkupContent($this, $content); } public function getMarkupText($field) { return $this->getContent(); } public function newMarkupEngine($field) { return PhabricatorMarkupEngine::getEngine(); } public function didMarkupText( $field, $output, PhutilMarkupEngine $engine) { return $output; } public function shouldUseMarkupCache($field) { return (bool)$this->getID(); } public function save() { if (!$this->getMailKey()) { $this->setMailKey(Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(20)); } return parent::save(); } public function getOriginalTitle() { // TODO: Make this actually save/return the original title. return $this->getTitle(); } public function getFullTitle() { $id = $this->getID(); $title = $this->getTitle(); return "Q{$id}: {$title}"; } /* -( PhabricatorPolicyInterface )----------------------------------------- */ public function getCapabilities() { return array( PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT, ); } public function getPolicy($capability) { switch ($capability) { case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW: return $this->getViewPolicy(); case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT: $app = PhabricatorApplication::getByClass( 'PhabricatorPonderApplication'); return $app->getPolicy(PonderModerateCapability::CAPABILITY); } } public function hasAutomaticCapability($capability, PhabricatorUser $viewer) { if ($capability == PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW) { if (PhabricatorPolicyFilter::hasCapability( $viewer, $this, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT)) { return true; } } return ($viewer->getPHID() == $this->getAuthorPHID()); } public function describeAutomaticCapability($capability) { $out = array(); $out[] = pht('The user who asked a question can always view and edit it.'); switch ($capability) { case PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_VIEW: $out[] = pht( 'A moderator can always view the question.'); break; } return $out; } /* -( PhabricatorSubscribableInterface )----------------------------------- */ public function isAutomaticallySubscribed($phid) { return ($phid == $this->getAuthorPHID()); } /* -( PhabricatorTokenReceiverInterface )---------------------------------- */ public function getUsersToNotifyOfTokenGiven() { return array( $this->getAuthorPHID(), ); } /* -( PhabricatorDestructibleInterface )----------------------------------- */ public function destroyObjectPermanently( PhabricatorDestructionEngine $engine) { $this->openTransaction(); $answers = id(new PonderAnswer())->loadAllWhere( 'questionID = %d', $this->getID()); foreach ($answers as $answer) { $engine->destroyObject($answer); } $this->delete(); $this->saveTransaction(); } /* -( PhabricatorSpacesInterface )----------------------------------------- */ public function getSpacePHID() { return $this->spacePHID; } /* -( PhabricatorFulltextInterface )--------------------------------------- */ public function newFulltextEngine() { return new PonderQuestionFulltextEngine(); } } diff --git a/src/applications/releeph/field/specification/ReleephFieldSpecification.php b/src/applications/releeph/field/specification/ReleephFieldSpecification.php index df458ced56..ff95ed6514 100644 --- a/src/applications/releeph/field/specification/ReleephFieldSpecification.php +++ b/src/applications/releeph/field/specification/ReleephFieldSpecification.php @@ -1,263 +1,265 @@ requestValue = $request->getStr($this->getRequiredStorageKey()); return $this; } public function shouldAppearInPropertyView() { return true; } public function renderPropertyViewLabel() { return $this->getName(); } public function renderPropertyViewValue(array $handles) { $key = $this->getRequiredStorageKey(); $value = $this->getReleephRequest()->getDetail($key); if ($value === '') { return null; } return $value; } abstract public function getName(); /* -( Storage )------------------------------------------------------------ */ public function getStorageKey() { return null; } public function getRequiredStorageKey() { $key = $this->getStorageKey(); if ($key === null) { throw new PhabricatorCustomFieldImplementationIncompleteException($this); } if (strpos($key, '.') !== false) { /** * Storage keys are reused for form controls, and periods in form control * names break HTML forms. */ throw new Exception(pht("You can't use '%s' in storage keys!", '.')); } return $key; } public function shouldAppearInEditView() { return $this->isEditable(); } final public function isEditable() { return $this->getStorageKey() !== null; } final public function getValue() { if ($this->requestValue !== null) { return $this->requestValue; } $key = $this->getRequiredStorageKey(); return $this->getReleephRequest()->getDetail($key); } final public function setValue($value) { $key = $this->getRequiredStorageKey(); return $this->getReleephRequest()->setDetail($key, $value); } /** * @throws ReleephFieldParseException, to show an error. */ public function validate($value) { return; } /** * Turn values as they are stored in a ReleephRequest into a text that can be * rendered as a transactions old/new values. */ public function normalizeForTransactionView( PhabricatorApplicationTransaction $xaction, $value) { return $value; } /* -( Conduit )------------------------------------------------------------ */ public function getKeyForConduit() { return $this->getRequiredStorageKey(); } public function getValueForConduit() { return $this->getValue(); } public function setValueFromConduitAPIRequest(ConduitAPIRequest $request) { $value = idx( $request->getValue('fields', array()), $this->getRequiredStorageKey()); $this->validate($value); $this->setValue($value); return $this; } /* -( Arcanist )----------------------------------------------------------- */ public function renderHelpForArcanist() { return ''; } /* -( Context )------------------------------------------------------------ */ private $releephProject; private $releephBranch; private $releephRequest; private $user; final public function setReleephProject(ReleephProject $rp) { $this->releephProject = $rp; return $this; } final public function setReleephBranch(ReleephBranch $rb) { $this->releephRequest = $rb; return $this; } final public function setReleephRequest(ReleephRequest $rr) { $this->releephRequest = $rr; return $this; } final public function setUser(PhabricatorUser $user) { $this->user = $user; return $this; } final public function getReleephProject() { if (!$this->releephProject) { return $this->getReleephBranch()->getProduct(); } return $this->releephProject; } final public function getReleephBranch() { if (!$this->releephBranch) { return $this->getReleephRequest()->getBranch(); } return $this->releephBranch; } final public function getReleephRequest() { if (!$this->releephRequest) { return $this->getObject(); } return $this->releephRequest; } final public function getUser() { if (!$this->user) { return $this->getViewer(); } return $this->user; } /* -( Commit Messages )---------------------------------------------------- */ public function shouldAppearOnCommitMessage() { return false; } public function renderLabelForCommitMessage() { throw new PhabricatorCustomFieldImplementationIncompleteException($this); } public function renderValueForCommitMessage() { throw new PhabricatorCustomFieldImplementationIncompleteException($this); } public function shouldAppearOnRevertMessage() { return false; } public function renderLabelForRevertMessage() { return $this->renderLabelForCommitMessage(); } public function renderValueForRevertMessage() { return $this->renderValueForCommitMessage(); } /* -( Markup Interface )--------------------------------------------------- */ const MARKUP_FIELD_GENERIC = 'releeph:generic-markup-field'; private $engine; /** * @{class:ReleephFieldSpecification} implements much of * @{interface:PhabricatorMarkupInterface} for you. If you return true from * `shouldMarkup()`, and implement `getMarkupText()` then your text will be * rendered through the Phabricator markup pipeline. * * Output is retrievable with `getMarkupEngineOutput()`. */ public function shouldMarkup() { return false; } public function getMarkupText($field) { throw new PhabricatorCustomFieldImplementationIncompleteException($this); } final public function getMarkupEngineOutput() { return $this->engine->getOutput($this, self::MARKUP_FIELD_GENERIC); } final public function setMarkupEngine(PhabricatorMarkupEngine $engine) { $this->engine = $engine; $engine->addObject($this, self::MARKUP_FIELD_GENERIC); return $this; } final public function getMarkupFieldKey($field) { - return sprintf( + $content = sprintf( '%s:%s:%s:%s', $this->getReleephRequest()->getPHID(), $this->getStorageKey(), $field, - PhabricatorHash::digest($this->getMarkupText($field))); + $this->getMarkupText($field)); + + return PhabricatorMarkupEngine::digestRemarkupContent($this, $content); } final public function newMarkupEngine($field) { return PhabricatorMarkupEngine::newDifferentialMarkupEngine(); } final public function didMarkupText( $field, $output, PhutilMarkupEngine $engine) { return $output; } final public function shouldUseMarkupCache($field) { return true; } } diff --git a/src/infrastructure/markup/PhabricatorMarkupEngine.php b/src/infrastructure/markup/PhabricatorMarkupEngine.php index 3fbf29c294..ad380414f6 100644 --- a/src/infrastructure/markup/PhabricatorMarkupEngine.php +++ b/src/infrastructure/markup/PhabricatorMarkupEngine.php @@ -1,697 +1,712 @@ addObject($comment, $field); * } * * Now, call @{method:process} to perform the actual cache/rendering * step. This is a heavyweight call which does batched data access and * transforms the markup into output. * * $engine->process(); * * Finally, do something with the results: * * $results = array(); * foreach ($comments as $comment) { * $results[] = $engine->getOutput($comment, $field); * } * * If you have a single object to render, you can use the convenience method * @{method:renderOneObject}. * * @task markup Markup Pipeline * @task engine Engine Construction */ final class PhabricatorMarkupEngine extends Phobject { private $objects = array(); private $viewer; private $contextObject; private $version = 16; private $engineCaches = array(); private $auxiliaryConfig = array(); /* -( Markup Pipeline )---------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Convenience method for pushing a single object through the markup * pipeline. * * @param PhabricatorMarkupInterface The object to render. * @param string The field to render. * @param PhabricatorUser User viewing the markup. * @param object A context object for policy checks * @return string Marked up output. * @task markup */ public static function renderOneObject( PhabricatorMarkupInterface $object, $field, PhabricatorUser $viewer, $context_object = null) { return id(new PhabricatorMarkupEngine()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->setContextObject($context_object) ->addObject($object, $field) ->process() ->getOutput($object, $field); } /** * Queue an object for markup generation when @{method:process} is * called. You can retrieve the output later with @{method:getOutput}. * * @param PhabricatorMarkupInterface The object to render. * @param string The field to render. * @return this * @task markup */ public function addObject(PhabricatorMarkupInterface $object, $field) { $key = $this->getMarkupFieldKey($object, $field); $this->objects[$key] = array( 'object' => $object, 'field' => $field, ); return $this; } /** * Process objects queued with @{method:addObject}. You can then retrieve * the output with @{method:getOutput}. * * @return this * @task markup */ public function process() { $keys = array(); foreach ($this->objects as $key => $info) { if (!isset($info['markup'])) { $keys[] = $key; } } if (!$keys) { return $this; } $objects = array_select_keys($this->objects, $keys); // Build all the markup engines. We need an engine for each field whether // we have a cache or not, since we still need to postprocess the cache. $engines = array(); foreach ($objects as $key => $info) { $engines[$key] = $info['object']->newMarkupEngine($info['field']); $engines[$key]->setConfig('viewer', $this->viewer); $engines[$key]->setConfig('contextObject', $this->contextObject); foreach ($this->auxiliaryConfig as $aux_key => $aux_value) { $engines[$key]->setConfig($aux_key, $aux_value); } } // Load or build the preprocessor caches. $blocks = $this->loadPreprocessorCaches($engines, $objects); $blocks = mpull($blocks, 'getCacheData'); $this->engineCaches = $blocks; // Finalize the output. foreach ($objects as $key => $info) { $engine = $engines[$key]; $field = $info['field']; $object = $info['object']; $output = $engine->postprocessText($blocks[$key]); $output = $object->didMarkupText($field, $output, $engine); $this->objects[$key]['output'] = $output; } return $this; } /** * Get the output of markup processing for a field queued with * @{method:addObject}. Before you can call this method, you must call * @{method:process}. * * @param PhabricatorMarkupInterface The object to retrieve. * @param string The field to retrieve. * @return string Processed output. * @task markup */ public function getOutput(PhabricatorMarkupInterface $object, $field) { $key = $this->getMarkupFieldKey($object, $field); $this->requireKeyProcessed($key); return $this->objects[$key]['output']; } /** * Retrieve engine metadata for a given field. * * @param PhabricatorMarkupInterface The object to retrieve. * @param string The field to retrieve. * @param string The engine metadata field to retrieve. * @param wild Optional default value. * @task markup */ public function getEngineMetadata( PhabricatorMarkupInterface $object, $field, $metadata_key, $default = null) { $key = $this->getMarkupFieldKey($object, $field); $this->requireKeyProcessed($key); return idx($this->engineCaches[$key]['metadata'], $metadata_key, $default); } /** * @task markup */ private function requireKeyProcessed($key) { if (empty($this->objects[$key])) { throw new Exception( pht( "Call %s before using results (key = '%s').", 'addObject()', $key)); } if (!isset($this->objects[$key]['output'])) { throw new PhutilInvalidStateException('process'); } } /** * @task markup */ private function getMarkupFieldKey( PhabricatorMarkupInterface $object, $field) { static $custom; if ($custom === null) { $custom = array_merge( self::loadCustomInlineRules(), self::loadCustomBlockRules()); $custom = mpull($custom, 'getRuleVersion', null); ksort($custom); $custom = PhabricatorHash::digestForIndex(serialize($custom)); } return $object->getMarkupFieldKey($field).'@'.$this->version.'@'.$custom; } /** * @task markup */ private function loadPreprocessorCaches(array $engines, array $objects) { $blocks = array(); $use_cache = array(); foreach ($objects as $key => $info) { if ($info['object']->shouldUseMarkupCache($info['field'])) { $use_cache[$key] = true; } } if ($use_cache) { try { $blocks = id(new PhabricatorMarkupCache())->loadAllWhere( 'cacheKey IN (%Ls)', array_keys($use_cache)); $blocks = mpull($blocks, null, 'getCacheKey'); } catch (Exception $ex) { phlog($ex); } } $is_readonly = PhabricatorEnv::isReadOnly(); foreach ($objects as $key => $info) { // False check in case MySQL doesn't support unicode characters // in the string (T1191), resulting in unserialize returning false. if (isset($blocks[$key]) && $blocks[$key]->getCacheData() !== false) { // If we already have a preprocessing cache, we don't need to rebuild // it. continue; } $text = $info['object']->getMarkupText($info['field']); $data = $engines[$key]->preprocessText($text); // NOTE: This is just debugging information to help sort out cache issues. // If one machine is misconfigured and poisoning caches you can use this // field to hunt it down. $metadata = array( 'host' => php_uname('n'), ); $blocks[$key] = id(new PhabricatorMarkupCache()) ->setCacheKey($key) ->setCacheData($data) ->setMetadata($metadata); if (isset($use_cache[$key]) && !$is_readonly) { // This is just filling a cache and always safe, even on a read pathway. $unguarded = AphrontWriteGuard::beginScopedUnguardedWrites(); $blocks[$key]->replace(); unset($unguarded); } } return $blocks; } /** * Set the viewing user. Used to implement object permissions. * * @param PhabricatorUser The viewing user. * @return this * @task markup */ public function setViewer(PhabricatorUser $viewer) { $this->viewer = $viewer; return $this; } /** * Set the context object. Used to implement object permissions. * * @param The object in which context this remarkup is used. * @return this * @task markup */ public function setContextObject($object) { $this->contextObject = $object; return $this; } public function setAuxiliaryConfig($key, $value) { // TODO: This is gross and should be removed. Avoid use. $this->auxiliaryConfig[$key] = $value; return $this; } /* -( Engine Construction )------------------------------------------------ */ /** * @task engine */ public static function newManiphestMarkupEngine() { return self::newMarkupEngine(array( )); } /** * @task engine */ public static function newPhrictionMarkupEngine() { return self::newMarkupEngine(array( 'header.generate-toc' => true, )); } /** * @task engine */ public static function newPhameMarkupEngine() { return self::newMarkupEngine( array( 'macros' => false, 'uri.full' => true, 'uri.same-window' => true, 'uri.base' => PhabricatorEnv::getURI('/'), )); } /** * @task engine */ public static function newFeedMarkupEngine() { return self::newMarkupEngine( array( 'macros' => false, 'youtube' => false, )); } /** * @task engine */ public static function newCalendarMarkupEngine() { return self::newMarkupEngine(array( )); } /** * @task engine */ public static function newDifferentialMarkupEngine(array $options = array()) { return self::newMarkupEngine(array( 'differential.diff' => idx($options, 'differential.diff'), )); } /** * @task engine */ public static function newDiffusionMarkupEngine(array $options = array()) { return self::newMarkupEngine(array( 'header.generate-toc' => true, )); } /** * @task engine */ public static function getEngine($ruleset = 'default') { static $engines = array(); if (isset($engines[$ruleset])) { return $engines[$ruleset]; } $engine = null; switch ($ruleset) { case 'default': $engine = self::newMarkupEngine(array()); break; case 'feed': $engine = self::newMarkupEngine(array()); $engine->setConfig('autoplay.disable', true); break; case 'nolinebreaks': $engine = self::newMarkupEngine(array()); $engine->setConfig('preserve-linebreaks', false); break; case 'diffusion-readme': $engine = self::newMarkupEngine(array()); $engine->setConfig('preserve-linebreaks', false); $engine->setConfig('header.generate-toc', true); break; case 'diviner': $engine = self::newMarkupEngine(array()); $engine->setConfig('preserve-linebreaks', false); // $engine->setConfig('diviner.renderer', new DivinerDefaultRenderer()); $engine->setConfig('header.generate-toc', true); break; case 'extract': // Engine used for reference/edge extraction. Turn off anything which // is slow and doesn't change reference extraction. $engine = self::newMarkupEngine(array()); $engine->setConfig('pygments.enabled', false); break; default: throw new Exception(pht('Unknown engine ruleset: %s!', $ruleset)); } $engines[$ruleset] = $engine; return $engine; } /** * @task engine */ private static function getMarkupEngineDefaultConfiguration() { return array( 'pygments' => PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('pygments.enabled'), 'youtube' => PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig( 'remarkup.enable-embedded-youtube'), 'differential.diff' => null, 'header.generate-toc' => false, 'macros' => true, 'uri.allowed-protocols' => PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig( 'uri.allowed-protocols'), 'uri.full' => false, 'syntax-highlighter.engine' => PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig( 'syntax-highlighter.engine'), 'preserve-linebreaks' => true, ); } /** * @task engine */ public static function newMarkupEngine(array $options) { $options += self::getMarkupEngineDefaultConfiguration(); $engine = new PhutilRemarkupEngine(); $engine->setConfig('preserve-linebreaks', $options['preserve-linebreaks']); $engine->setConfig('pygments.enabled', $options['pygments']); $engine->setConfig( 'uri.allowed-protocols', $options['uri.allowed-protocols']); $engine->setConfig('differential.diff', $options['differential.diff']); $engine->setConfig('header.generate-toc', $options['header.generate-toc']); $engine->setConfig( 'syntax-highlighter.engine', $options['syntax-highlighter.engine']); $style_map = id(new PhabricatorDefaultSyntaxStyle()) ->getRemarkupStyleMap(); $engine->setConfig('phutil.codeblock.style-map', $style_map); $engine->setConfig('uri.full', $options['uri.full']); if (isset($options['uri.base'])) { $engine->setConfig('uri.base', $options['uri.base']); } if (isset($options['uri.same-window'])) { $engine->setConfig('uri.same-window', $options['uri.same-window']); } $rules = array(); $rules[] = new PhutilRemarkupEscapeRemarkupRule(); $rules[] = new PhutilRemarkupMonospaceRule(); $rules[] = new PhutilRemarkupDocumentLinkRule(); $rules[] = new PhabricatorNavigationRemarkupRule(); $rules[] = new PhabricatorKeyboardRemarkupRule(); if ($options['youtube']) { $rules[] = new PhabricatorYoutubeRemarkupRule(); } $rules[] = new PhabricatorIconRemarkupRule(); $rules[] = new PhabricatorEmojiRemarkupRule(); $rules[] = new PhabricatorHandleRemarkupRule(); $applications = PhabricatorApplication::getAllInstalledApplications(); foreach ($applications as $application) { foreach ($application->getRemarkupRules() as $rule) { $rules[] = $rule; } } $rules[] = new PhutilRemarkupHyperlinkRule(); if ($options['macros']) { $rules[] = new PhabricatorImageMacroRemarkupRule(); $rules[] = new PhabricatorMemeRemarkupRule(); } $rules[] = new PhutilRemarkupBoldRule(); $rules[] = new PhutilRemarkupItalicRule(); $rules[] = new PhutilRemarkupDelRule(); $rules[] = new PhutilRemarkupUnderlineRule(); $rules[] = new PhutilRemarkupHighlightRule(); foreach (self::loadCustomInlineRules() as $rule) { $rules[] = clone $rule; } $blocks = array(); $blocks[] = new PhutilRemarkupQuotesBlockRule(); $blocks[] = new PhutilRemarkupReplyBlockRule(); $blocks[] = new PhutilRemarkupLiteralBlockRule(); $blocks[] = new PhutilRemarkupHeaderBlockRule(); $blocks[] = new PhutilRemarkupHorizontalRuleBlockRule(); $blocks[] = new PhutilRemarkupListBlockRule(); $blocks[] = new PhutilRemarkupCodeBlockRule(); $blocks[] = new PhutilRemarkupNoteBlockRule(); $blocks[] = new PhutilRemarkupTableBlockRule(); $blocks[] = new PhutilRemarkupSimpleTableBlockRule(); $blocks[] = new PhutilRemarkupInterpreterBlockRule(); $blocks[] = new PhutilRemarkupDefaultBlockRule(); foreach (self::loadCustomBlockRules() as $rule) { $blocks[] = $rule; } foreach ($blocks as $block) { $block->setMarkupRules($rules); } $engine->setBlockRules($blocks); return $engine; } public static function extractPHIDsFromMentions( PhabricatorUser $viewer, array $content_blocks) { $mentions = array(); $engine = self::newDifferentialMarkupEngine(); $engine->setConfig('viewer', $viewer); foreach ($content_blocks as $content_block) { $engine->markupText($content_block); $phids = $engine->getTextMetadata( PhabricatorMentionRemarkupRule::KEY_MENTIONED, array()); $mentions += $phids; } return $mentions; } public static function extractFilePHIDsFromEmbeddedFiles( PhabricatorUser $viewer, array $content_blocks) { $files = array(); $engine = self::newDifferentialMarkupEngine(); $engine->setConfig('viewer', $viewer); foreach ($content_blocks as $content_block) { $engine->markupText($content_block); $phids = $engine->getTextMetadata( PhabricatorEmbedFileRemarkupRule::KEY_EMBED_FILE_PHIDS, array()); foreach ($phids as $phid) { $files[$phid] = $phid; } } return array_values($files); } public static function summarizeSentence($corpus) { $corpus = trim($corpus); $blocks = preg_split('/\n+/', $corpus, 2); $block = head($blocks); $sentences = preg_split( '/\b([.?!]+)\B/u', $block, 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); if (count($sentences) > 1) { $result = $sentences[0].$sentences[1]; } else { $result = head($sentences); } return id(new PhutilUTF8StringTruncator()) ->setMaximumGlyphs(128) ->truncateString($result); } /** * Produce a corpus summary, in a way that shortens the underlying text * without truncating it somewhere awkward. * * TODO: We could do a better job of this. * * @param string Remarkup corpus to summarize. * @return string Summarized corpus. */ public static function summarize($corpus) { // Major goals here are: // - Don't split in the middle of a character (utf-8). // - Don't split in the middle of, e.g., **bold** text, since // we end up with hanging '**' in the summary. // - Try not to pick an image macro, header, embedded file, etc. // - Hopefully don't return too much text. We don't explicitly limit // this right now. $blocks = preg_split("/\n *\n\s*/", $corpus); $best = null; foreach ($blocks as $block) { // This is a test for normal spaces in the block, i.e. a heuristic to // distinguish standard paragraphs from things like image macros. It may // not work well for non-latin text. We prefer to summarize with a // paragraph of normal words over an image macro, if possible. $has_space = preg_match('/\w\s\w/', $block); // This is a test to find embedded images and headers. We prefer to // summarize with a normal paragraph over a header or an embedded object, // if possible. $has_embed = preg_match('/^[{=]/', $block); if ($has_space && !$has_embed) { // This seems like a good summary, so return it. return $block; } if (!$best) { // This is the first block we found; if everything is garbage just // use the first block. $best = $block; } } return $best; } private static function loadCustomInlineRules() { return id(new PhutilClassMapQuery()) ->setAncestorClass('PhabricatorRemarkupCustomInlineRule') ->execute(); } private static function loadCustomBlockRules() { return id(new PhutilClassMapQuery()) ->setAncestorClass('PhabricatorRemarkupCustomBlockRule') ->execute(); } + public static function digestRemarkupContent($object, $content) { + $parts = array(); + $parts[] = get_class($object); + + if ($object instanceof PhabricatorLiskDAO) { + $parts[] = $object->getID(); + } + + $parts[] = $content; + + $message = implode("\n", $parts); + + return PhabricatorHash::digestWithNamedKey($message, 'remarkup'); + } + }